After the Dance

By: Kara

September 2002


"Hoss?'' Ben Cartwright glanced up at the lone figure that had entered the house.

"Hey Pa." Hoss answered warily. He didn't like what was to happen next.

"How was the dance?" Ben asked and then added, "Where are you brothers?"

Hoss looked down at his white hat that he was crumpling. "In jail."

"What?" Ben thundered like he hadn't heard Hoss. "In jail?" His voiced softened. It wasn't the answer he was expecting.

Hoss nodded. "Yes sir. Sheriff Coffee said he's keeping them there for their protection."

"Protection from what?"

"I don't rightly know Pa."

"Did he say what they were charged with?"

Once again Hoss studied his hat and then looked back at his father. "No Roy hasn't made any charges yet.

"There is more?"

"Yeah, Pa, before I left there was a group wanting Roy to charge Adam and Little Joe with arson."


"I don't know."

Ben was silent for a moment. "Saddle my horse for me."

"Yes. Sir." Donning his abused hat, Hoss exited the house.


"Ben. Hoss." Sheriff Coffee nodded.

"Roy." Ben returned the greeting. "Hoss tells me that you are charging Adam and Little Joe with arson."

"Ben its more than that, Percy Williams died in the fire."

"What are you saying Roy?"

"I'm saying if I charge the boys with arson I have to add the charge murder. But I haven't completed the investigation."

"May we see them?"

"Certainly." Roy answered.

What a sight the two brothers made. Both of their faces were smeared with soot and their white shirts now sported a gray hue. Joe lay on one bunk with one arm across
his chest in a sling and the other over his eyes. Adam sat on the bunk that was perpendicular to Joe's studying the floor. And, in his mind he went over the events that
happened now almost four hours ago.

"Adam? Joe?" Ben called as he neared their cell.

Hearing his father call his name Adam got up and met them at the bars. "Did Hoss tell you what happened?"

"Are you all right?" Ben asked.

"I'm fine."

"Then why are you limping?" Hoss added.

"Limping? Has Paul been in to see you?" Ben eyed Adam again looking for any obvious injury. "What about Joe?"

"Hey Pa, what about me?" Joe had awakened from his short nap when he heard voices other than Adam's. "Oh you mean the doc seeing us. He's been and gone. "

"What did he say or you going to make me guess." Ben said before Joe could add his 'I'm fine.' He saw them glance at each other before answering. The foolishness that
his sons were subjecting him to was beginning to perturb Ben.

There was a moment of silence. Neither son wanted to explain exactly how they received their injuries. If the situation weren't so serious it would have be humorous.

"Well?" Ben said his patience wearing thin.

Joe glanced at Adam. "I tripped over Adam after he fell down the stairs. I dislocated my shoulder when I landed."

"Fell?" Ben asked.

"Well I didn't have much of a choice. " Adam added. He didn't want to tell his father that the stairs had collapsed beneath him.

"Pa did Roy saying how long he's going to keep us here?" Joe questioned changing the subject.

"No." Ben shook his head. "He's says he's not finished his investigation."

"What investigation?" Adam said.

"Investigation of the fire. He says that Percy Williams had died in it. There is a good chance when Roy is finished that he will be changing you two with arson and murder."

"Us? " Joe squeaked. "You don't believe him do you?"

"Joe what kind've question is that." Hoss said. He, like his father, knew his two brothers to be innocent of the pending charges.

"Joe?" Adam also couldn't believe that Joe had to ask that question of their father that question.

Ben glanced from Adam to Joe, who now sat on the bunk. The consequences of the charges raced through his mind. The only outcome he feared was losing both of them.
No, Ben wasn't about to let that happen. "We'll get through this." He said gruffly.

"Ben, I'm sorry but you have to leave now. I'm a friend but…" Roy had left them alone for a few moments.

"Thank you, Roy." Ben interrupted knowing Roy had given him a little extra time with his boys.

"Adam, Joe." With shoulders slumped Ben slowly walked away from the bars wishing there was some way that Roy would release them in his custody.

"Bye Pa, Hoss." Both Adam and Joe called to them as they left.
"It'll it be alright?" Hoss said and placed an arm across Ben's shoulders.

"Adam what are we going to do?" Joe watched as Adam limped to the bunk and sat next to him.

"Joe, remember Pa said Roy hadn't finished his investigation. We haven't been charged yet." Adam sighed. There was very little any of them could do short of breaking out
of jail.

"You know I can't do that Ben." Roy shook his head.

"Why can't you release Adam and Joe into my custody." Ben thought he at least he should ask.

"I just can't do it. "

"Why? Just until the town cools down. I can keep them on the Ponderosa."

"Ben, some would see that as you taking advantage of our friendship."

"But you haven't charged them so…"

"No, Ben." Roy got up from his desk and headed for the door. "I have an investigation to finish."

"Come on Pa we'll do some our own investagin'." Hoss put his hand on Ben's shoulder.

Ben glanced back at the closed double doors. "Yes…Yes." He followed Hoss shaking his head. Ben wasn't going to lose his eldest and youngest sons to something they hadn't
done and at least not without a fight.

"It's Ben Cartwright. I bet he doesn’t feel so high and mighty with two of his sons locked up in Sheriff Coffee's jail." A member of the small crowd outside of the jailhouse

"Yeah that older one is supposed to be so smart." Another one added.

"It is probably the younger one start that fire." A third taunted.

"Pa, Pa." Hoss grabbed his father by the shoulders just as he lunched himself at the owner of the nearest voice.

"Hoss let me go." Ben struggled against his son.

"No, we can't help Adam and Joe this way." Hoss led his father away from the tormentors.

Nearly two hours later Ben found himself facing Roy summoned by his deputy. "Roy what is it?" Ben said.

"Ben I hate to do this to you. You know what I think of your boys. But I haven't found any evidence to the contrary so I have to charge Adam and Little Joe with both arson
and murder." Roy watched as friend slumped in the chair. He hated what he had to do.

"Do they know?" Ben was reeling from the news.

"No I thought you might what to be here when I tell them."

"Adam, Joe." Roy called.

By the look on the faces of their father and Sheriff the two young men knew the news wasn't good. Hoss stood behind Ben his face also grim.

Roy cleared his throat. "Boys, " Roy had no desire to inflict this on his friend's sons. He knew how much this would hurt not only himself but also Ben. He said a silent I'm
sorry as spoke the words. "I have completed my investigation and charge both of you with arson and murder."

No body spoke for a few moments. Although, the news wasn't totally unexpected it still hurt. But what hurt more was that bars separated Ben from his sons.

Ben looked from Joe to Adam his hurt changing to anger. Who could have done this to him to his sons? They have done nothing to deserve this.

"We're innocent." Joe blurted out. "You believe us?"

"Joe." Adam gently squeezed Joe uninjured shoulder.

"Son. I believe you."

"Joe there is difference between believing and proving it."

"How can we prove it? We're in here." Joe snapped.

"Roy, I'm not telling you how to do your job. But are you sure you…?"

Roy tried not to show his annoyance. He went over every detail that he could but the fire didn't leave much undamaged. "Ben, now you listen…"

"Pa, Roy." Hoss couldn't be silent any longer. "Can we take a look ourselves?"

"Well, all right but if you interfere with my job I will put you in jail also." Roy warned.

Ben walked away from the burnt out building his shoulder slumped after an hour of sifting neither Hoss nor he had found nothing to prove Adam and Joe's innocence. There
had to be evidence somewhere or someone besides his sons knew the truth about the fire.

"Pa we can't give up." Hoss said.

"I'm not giving up. It's just too dark now. I don't want to miss anything. We'll try again in the morning." Given the choice Ben would have stayed all night, but it was right to
stop. Ben didn't want to step on or over look anything that could provide some clues to what exactly happened tonight. "I won't give up." He repeated.

"I'll take the horses to the livery and meet you at the hotel." Hoss reached to take the Buck's reigns from Ben.

"No, I'll go with you." Ben didn't want to let Hoss out of his sight.

Father and son walked in silence to the livery. In the stables it pained Ben to see Joe's pinto Cochise and Adam's chestnut, Sport blissfully munching on feed.

"Mr. Cartwright?" Sam Winters, the owner of livery rushed over.

"Sam," Ben nodded in greeting. "Sam take care of my horse for me." Ben handed Buck's reins to Sam and started to walk way. "Oh and make sure these two are well cared
for." Ben pointed to Cochise and Sport.

"Always do Mr. Cartwright, always do." Sam led Buck into a stall.

Hoss kept an eye on his father as he bedded down Chubb. Ben went to Joe's beloved pinto first. He whispered something in the horse's ears and then scratched behind
them. Ben repeated the motions and words towards Adam's horse.

"Come on, Pa things may look a might better in the mornin'." Hoss gently led Ben from the livery.

Ben nodded but said nothing. There was only one thing that would make tomorrow better the charges against his sons being dropped or at the very least the two of them
released into his custody.


"Adam, are you awake?" Joe called into the darkness.

"Yeah, Joe what is it? Are you all right?" Adam pushed himself up on his elbows.

"I'm all right. Do you think Pa can find any evidence?"

"I don't know. The fire pretty much wiped out the building."

"Adam what if he can't?"

"Joe." It was the question that Adam dreaded. What was he to say to his younger brother, he didn't like the answer that had crossed his mind. "Joe, I think that you know
that answer as well as I do. Its late why don't you try to get some sleep."


"Joe, please."


"It's just. I don't want to talk about now. " Adam sighed and lay back in the cot. He hadn't meant to snap at Joe. Joe hadn't done anything wrong but than again neither had

"Night, Adam." Joe flung his uninjured arm over his eyes.

"Night, Joe." The evening's events lay heavy on Adam's mind as he tried to heed the same advice he had given Joe. He knew that sleep wouldn't come easy for himself or

Ben heavily sat on the bed; he too would have trouble sleeping this night. He was still shaken from today's events including what he had come close to doing. Without Hoss's
intervention Ben would have beaten the man to a pulp and that would have only complicated matters. More than likely Ben would have been put in jail along side his boys.
And what good would that have done beside make him unable to prove his sons' innocence.

"Pa?" Hoss knocked on Ben's door.

"Yes, what is it, Hoss?" Ben replied and went to the door.

"I just wanted to ask if ya need anything before I turn in."

"No, thank you son, good night Hoss."

"'Night, Pa."

Ben closed the door as Hoss crossed the hallway. What Ben wanted he couldn't have or, at least not tonight.


"'Morning Ben." Roy nodded in greeting as Ben entered his office the next morning.

"'Morning, Roy." Ben returned.

Ben had sent a reluctant Hoss back to the ranch. After spending the night in clothes that were soot covered and smelling of smoke Ben thought that Adam and Joe would like
something clean to wear.

"Ben I just got a wire from the circuit judge he should be here on tomorrow's stage." Roy announced.

"So soon?" Ben had wanted more time to complete his own investigation.

"He was scheduled to make a stop here sometime this week."

"I wouldn't be interfering with your job if I took another look at the building?"

"No, I supposed not, whatever good that will do."

"What good," Ben thundered, incredulous at Roy's comment. "What good? The good is to prove my sons' innocence. It seems…"

"Now look Ben." Roy interrupted incensed at what Ben was implying. "I've been over that building twice now and I couldn't find anything." He very much wished that he could
have found any evidence.

Hoss walked in the office before Ben could reply to Roy. "Pa, Roy." He was carrying a basket. "Hop Sing sent food for Adam and Joe. " Roy flipped over the neatly folded
clothes that were on top and inspected the contents. "Don't worry Roy there is no file or gun if you are looking for that." Hoss added jokingly.

"I'm just doing my job." Roy replied heatedly.

"Just." Ben rolled his eyes.

"Hey Pa, Hoss, Roy." Both Joe and Adam called as they passed through the double doors.

"Hop Sing sent along some breakfast. He didn't want you going hungry." Hoss held up the basket.

"Good Morning Adam, Joe." Ben said.

"Morning boys." Roy added, and unlocked the door and Hoss passed the basket through. Then as he relocked the door said, "They do get fed in here."

"What, no file?" Joe joked as he rummaged through the basket.

"Joe." Ben's tone made clear that he was not in joking mood.

"Sorry, Pa."

"Pa did you find anything?" Adam asked, taking his clothes from the basket before they were completely wrinkled.

"No," Ben replied dejectedly. "But Roy's given me permission to look again. Roy tells me the circuit judge will be here tomorrow."

"That doesn't give us much time does it?" Adam asked.

"No Adam it doesn't."

"Pa are you mad at us?" Joe questioned.

"At you, no. What made you say that?" Ben answered.

"It's just that you sound like it."

"No Joseph I'm not made at you." Ben was angry but he was taking the anger out on the wrong people.

"Pa are you all right?" Adam asked when Ben started to move away.

"I'm fine. I should be asking you that." Ben stopped. He had noticed that Adam was still limping and tried not to put weight on his injured ankle as he stood. "What did the
doc say about your ankle?"

"I twisted it when the stairs collapsed." Adam answered.

"I thought you fell."

"I fell when the stairs collapsed."

"Adam why didn't you tell me last night?"

"What, the stairs collapsing beneath me?"


"I didn't think it was important."

"Not important?" Ben was incredulous. "Were you going up or coming down?"

"What difference does it make?" Ben shot Adam an annoyed glance. "All right, All right, going up."

"Yeah, Pa what difference does that make?" Hoss questioned.

"I don't yet." Ben answered. "I'll be back later. I want to poke around that building one more time."

"Ya want me to come with ya?"

"No, Hoss you stay here." Ben practically ran from the sheriff's office. He had theory he wanted to check out.

"Well after you two eat and wash up I'll see if Roy has a deck of cards or something." Hoss stepped through the double doors.


From the shadows a woman watched Ben as he walked towards the burnt out building. Anger clearly etched into the lines of her once handsome face. The thoughts of
vengeance consumed every waking hour of her life. What life, she had no life. The last piece of her life was taken when her plans of retribution backfired last night.

"You will pay Ben Cartwright." Anna Williams clenched her hands into fists her nails digging in her palms. "I will take away the same that I lost." She vowed silently.

Ducking back into the shadows of the ally way she thought about that day nearly six months ago. She didn't know what happen nor did she care. All she knew was that her
youngest son Paul was dead and it was Little Joe who had brought him home.

After nearly an hour of sifting through the burnt out building Ben returned to the sheriff's office defeated.

"Hey Pa." Joe was first to see him walk past the now open double doors.

"Did you find anything?" Adam asked.

"No," Ben shook his head and pulled up a chair.

"What is going to happen now?" Hoss questioned.

"I don't know. I am going to talk to Hiram this afternoon see what he has to say." Ben answered. He knew that along with time, their options were running out. Ben sighed
and leaned back in the chair and eyed his two sons through the bars. He noticed that Adam had only one boot on and his injured ankle propped up on a rolled blanket.
"Adam you want me to get Paul to take a look at your ankle?"

"No it's fine." Adam returned.

"It looks a little swollen."

"Pa please. I said it was fine."

"I'll get'm for you." Hoss placed a hand on Ben's shoulder signaling that he should stay.

"Thank you, Hoss."

Adam rolled his eyes in frustration. Paul had said it was just bruised and probably not sprained.

Hoss returned five minutes later with Doctor Paul Martin in tow. Paul went to Adam first.

Adam's wince had not gone unnoticed by Ben. "Paul?"

"It's just a mild sprain." Paul answered. "Best if you keep off of it for a while."

"You said it was just bruised." Ben admonished.

"Pa." Adam pinched the bridge of his nose.

Joe snorted in a vain attempt not laugh.

"Joseph!" Ben snapped.

"Don't laugh Joe because you're next." Paul stated.

"Why? What did I do?"

"Dislocated your shoulder."


Anna Williams wondered the streets of Virginia City listening only to the voices in her head encouraging her to complete her mission of revenge. And every so often
muttering aloud to herself causing heads to turn as she passed by.

"You failed. One voice said.

"No I didn't his brother helped him." Anna muttered.

No matter you can try again and you will not fail me.

"I won't. I won't I…" Anna began to chant as she raced to her home. She covered her ears as she ran trying to make the voice disappeared.


Good, bad or otherwise Ben wanted this day to be over. He wanted to know the fate of his children. Ben watched worriedly from his seat as Roy and a deputy escorted
Adam and Joe into the courtroom and up the aisle to their seats next to Hiram.

Leaning forward Ben put a hand on each of his son's shoulders. "No matter what happens here today you are my sons and I will always love the both of you." Gently he
squeezed both of their shoulders and sat back waiting for the judge to appear.

"You alright, Pa?" Hoss seated to Ben's left asked.

"Yes." Ben nodded. But it wasn't the complete truth.

Roy stood near the back and scanned the room. There was a sizable crowd in the courtroom. He wanted to avoid any problems.

Judge Ray Bramwell shuffled the papers on the desk cleared his throat and looked over the crowd that had gather in the room. He glared momentarily at the woman near
the back who was muttering under her breath to herself. She didn't notice the glare as she continued.

Finally the judge's stare settled on Adam and Joe. "Adam Cartwright, Joe Cartwright, please stand."

Joe glanced at Adam as they did as the judge requested. The room was suddenly silent waiting for what the judge had to say.

Ben stiffened when the judge called out his sons' names and prayed silently for the words he wanted to hear. Hoss nervously crumpled his hat like he had the day he told
his father that his brothers were in jail.

Clearing his throat for the second time he glanced at the papers before him. "Adam and Joe Cartwright you both have been charged with arson and murder." He stated.
"But after reading this report." Ray pointed to the papers littering the desk. "And talking to Sheriff Roy Coffee I have come to a decision. I believe that since no evidence or
eyewitnesses were produced I have no recourse other than to drop the charges and dismiss this case. You two young men are free to go."

"We're free!" Joe exclaimed reaching over and pulled just as stunned Adam towards him.

Ben let out the breath he hadn't realized that he had been holding. "Adam, Joe."

"No." A woman's voice cried out softly from the back of the room. "No that's not right."

A voice in the woman's head egged her on told her to move forward and be heard. "That’s not right." Her words silence the crowd momentarily. "No, not right, not go free.
He pays. He pays now."

The words and the moment of the woman's concealed hand in her skirts connected in Adam's brain and he reacted. "Joe look out!" Adam ignoring the pain in his ankle
launched himself at Joe. And in less than a heartbeat a gun shot reverberated in the room.

"Adam! Adam?" Joe cried and vainly tried to keep both of them upright.

"NO!" Anna watched as Adam and Joe sank to the floor. She had missed her target.

"Adam! Joe!" Ben vaulted over the railing and knelt next to his sons.

"Joe are you all right?" Adam looked up at his younger brother his voice losing strength.

"I'm, I'm…fine." Joe answered.

Satisfied with his answer Adam nodded, closed his eyes, and slid further to the floor. Joe didn't have the strength to stop the motion. "Pa?"

"It's all right. I got him." Ben caught Adam and gently lowered him to floor before he hit his head. "Adam, son, you're going to be all right." Ben quickly undid his neck scarf
and gently pressed into the wound in Adam's lower back. Adam moaned and weakly tried to move from Ben's ministrations. "Shhh, Adam. Its okay."

"Hoss, " Ben looked up into Hoss's as he knelt opposite of him. "Hoss go get the Doc."

"No, need Ben." Doc Martin took his place next to Ben.

"Oh Paul thank God."

"Ben, go see to Joe."

Ben looked over at Joe who was still on his knees where he had fallen. Shock still registered on his face. "Joe?" He moved closer to Joe put an arm around his shoulders and
pulled closer.

"No! I failed." Anna cried as the gun slipped from her fingers. "I failed. I failed" Anna continued to shriek loudly as the sheriff and deputies converged on her. "No, not right,
not go free. I failed." She repeated her mantra as she was escorted from the courtroom.

"Paul?" Ben caught the look of uncertainty on Paul's face.

"I just don't know, Ben." Paul replied to Ben unspoken question. "We need to get him to my office. Hoss I will need your help."

"Yes sir." Hoss said.

"Adam can you hear me?" The doctor leaned forward. "Adam?"

Adam slowly opened his eyes and lifted his head at his name being called. Sliding his hands backward Adam pushed himself up.

"Adam, Adam don't get up." The doc warned.

Ignoring the doctor's warning Adam got to his feet. Adam swayed slightly as tried to gain his balance. "I'm fine." He declared.

"No you are not are not fine." Paul admonished. The doctor noticed that although Adam was standing unassisted he lean heavily to the right.

"Sit." Ben commanded Joe to take the nearest chair. Turning around Ben realized that he had heard correctly. "Adam?" It bewildered Ben as it did the doctor that a moment
ago Adam had lain face down on the floor barely able to move. Adam was acting, as if he was unaware that had been shot and in the back no less.

"Pa, please I…" Adam hands tightened into fists as he tried to control the pain that assaulted him.

Hoss caught Adam's shoulders as he started to collapse. Sliding his free arm underneath Adam's knees he pulled him up into a cradle hold. "Yeah, older brother ya are real

"Hoss before he pulls another stunt like that let's get him to the doc's." Ben said, unsure his heart could take much more of this.


Ben glanced over at Joe leaning against Hoss both asleep. Shaking his head Ben thought about the events in the last few hours. He thought about what Anna's words meant.
Ben looked over at the door that separated him from Adam. He was still perplexed about his son's odd behaviour. Finally, Ben prayed now that his sons had regained their
freedom that he wouldn't lose one of them.

"Ben." Paul entered.

"Paul, how is Adam?" Ben asked fearing the answer.

"Hey Doc?" Hoss stretched as he awoke from hearing their voices.

"Doc how's Adam?" Joe awoke as he felt Hoss move.

"Ben please sit." Paul instructed. He waited a moment before continuing. "I'm sorry it took so long. It was a more delicate operation than I had anticipated."

"He's going to be okay isn't he?" Joe asked.

"He was 'bout ready walk out of there himself." Hoss added.

"May we see him?" Ben was the last to speak.

"Adam?" Ben gently called out and pulling a chair closer to the bed.

"Hi …Pa. Hoss." Hoss entered behind his father. "Joe?"

"I'm here." Hearing Adam call his name Joe stepped around Hoss.

"You all right?" Adam asked.

"I'm fine." Joe answered. "You gave us quiet the scare, older brother."

"That’s right." Hoss added

Adam looked questioningly first at his father than he's brother. He could vaguely remember the events of the last few hours.

"We'll talk about it later." Ben said, hoping that Adam's younger brothers would get the hint.

"Come Joe." Hoss put a hand on Joe's shoulder.

"Yeah okay." Joe smiled glad that Adam would be all right. "See ya later."

Adam smile again and settle back into the bed, thankful that Joe had not been injured.


Several days later Ben gently held Adam's elbow and helped him climb into the back of the wagon.

The four of them were on their way home after the Doctor declared Adam fit to travel the distance to the Ponderosa.

"I said to take it easy for the next week. And I will be out in a few days to check on you and Joe."

"I guess that means I can't go to the dance on Friday?" Adam quipped and gave his father the most innocent smile.


Joe giggled and climbed onto the wagon seat next to Hoss. It wouldn't to long before things would be back to normal.

Down the street Anna was escorted into the back of a paddy wagon. The once charming and beautiful Anna Williams would spend the rest of her days in a sanatorium.