Note: This story is based on an episode of Little House On The Prairie. When I rewatched the show “My Ellen,” I couldn’t help but to wonder what it would be like for Little Joe to be in this kind of trouble. So I started writing and came up with this story. Enjoy


My Son


By: Karen Faye Rodgers


The funeral of Jerry Singleton had just started and Joe stood next to his father, Ben Cartwright as the reverend started the service. Joe’s mind wandered back two days before…


Jerry rode his horse around Joe’s pinto, “come on Joe.”


“I can’t my pa will have my hide if I’m late home today,” he said as he watched his new friend.


“Oh just for a little while?”


“No, I’ve got to get straight home,” Joe told him as he started down the road.


“Are ya chicken Cartwright?” Singleton teased.


“Come on Jerry give it a break,” Joe said as he stopped.


Riding up to Joe’s side Jerry winked, “how about a race then? Just to the crossroads.


Joe started laughing; “now you’re talking.”


The two boys took off at breakneck speed as they headed down the road. Neither boy watching the road closely enough to see a gardener snake in their path. Jerry’s horse spooked and reared back knocking the boy to the ground taking off at a full gallop its rear leg striking the boy in the head.


“Jerry!!!” Joe called to his friend as he jumped down from Cochise. As he got to his friends side he knelt down beside him, “Jerry?”


His friend didn’t movie and Joe feared the worse as he looked at the odd angle his neck was in. Reaching to check for a pulse he couldn’t fine one.


A hand on his shoulder brought Joe back to the present as he looked up to meet his father’s gaze, “come on son. The service is over.”


Joe nodded as he his father walker over to where Adam and Hoss stood waiting for them. Joe let his eyes wonder to where Elaine Singleton stood, “Pa…can I go see Jerry’s mother?”


Ben took his twelve year old son’s hand and walked with him over to where the grieving mother stood, “Excuse me Mrs. Singleton,” Ben spoke up.


Elaine turned to look at the man, “Mr. Cartwright…Joseph,” she greeted.


Joe could hear the sadness in the woman’s voice as a single tear rolled down his face, “I’m sorry about Jerry, Ma’am.”


Elaine reached out to wipe the tear from Joe’s face, “Jerry cherished your friendship Joseph.”


Ben and Elaine both watched as Joe looked away from them. Ben placed a reassuring hand on his son’s shoulder.


“Joe I would like it if you come by the house when you get a chance,” Elaine said trying to make the young man feel better.


“Yes Ma’am,” Joe said looking up to her.


Taking her eyes away from Joe, Elaine looked over to Ben, “Thank you for being here Mr. Cartwright.”


Ben nodded, “if there is anything that my sons or I can do for you, please fill free to ask.”


Elaine gave him a faint smile, “I’ll do that,” she said as she headed to her wagon. She felt as if she could collapse at any time and needed to sit down. Once she was away from everyone she looked back to her son’s grave one last time before she climbed into the driver’s seat. She couldn’t stay there any longer.




As soon as the Cartwrights arrived back to the ranch house, Joe jumped to the ground and headed straight for his room. He couldn’t face his family at the moment. His mind racing as he thought about his part in his friend’s death. ‘If only he hadn’t agreed to race him, then just maybe Jerry would still be alive.’


He laid down on his bed and started to cry. His mind was racing as he turned to pick up his mother’s picture. Bringing it to his heart, he started to cry harder.


This is how Ben found him minutes later, asleep. Be walked over to his son’s bedside and placed a blanket over him. Then looking at his wife’s picture, Ben said a silent prayer that his son would be alright.




‘Come on Joe…race me,” Jerry smiled at his friend.


“I’ve got to get home,” Joe tried to explain, but was quickly getting irritated at his friend for not listening to him. That was his third time asking for a race.


“Come on, just to the crossroads,” the boy asked again.


Shaking his head in frustration Joe agreed, “Alright.”


The two boys took off, racing as fast as their horses would carry them. Joe watched in horror as his friends horse reared back knocking the rider to the ground, “no…” Joe slid down off his pinto and ran to Jerry’s side…but when he knelt down and turned his friend over Jerry wasn’t there. Joe gasped as he looked down at the body of his mother. Her neck broken and her dead eyes staring back at him.


Tears rolled down the boy’s face as he just stared at his mother, “Momma…oh Momma…”


Nooo…” Joe cried out as he tossed and turned.


Downstairs Adam sat at his father’s desk, when he heard his brother’s cry. He jumped to his feet and raced for Joe’s room. Opening the door he headed to where his brother was calling for his mother.


“Come on Buddy wake up.” Joe rubbed his brother’s back and waited for his eyes to open. The look Joe gave him sent chills down his spin. It was a pleading look that was mixed with a deep fear, “Momma…she…”


“It’s alright it was only a dream,” Adam pulled his brother into his arms and rocked him back and forth.


“She was like Jerry…her neck was in the same angle that his was and her eyes, oh Adam,” he sobbed in his brother’s arms.


The sound of his brother’s weeping was breaking Adam’s heart along with the words coming from his little brother. It was still so clear in his mind the day of Marie’s death, and the grief that they were all feeling. Joe was too young to really remember, what it was like, but Adam knew studying his brother now he knew what it must have been like seven years ago.


“It’s going to be alright,” he cooed to his brother. “You want to tell me about the dream?”


Joe pulled away from h is brother and his tear filled eyes met with Adam’s brown ones, “it was so real Adam.”


“Sometimes dreams cam feel that way, but it was only a dream,” he reminded his brother.


“But Momma really died like that,” Joe cried.


“I know she did, come on if you tell me the whole dream maybe it will make you feel better,” Adam tried again.


Joe settled back down propped up against his brother, as he felt Adam’s arms go around him holding his youngest brother.


“I was racing Jerry; just like that day…and he fell from his horse. When I got to his side it wasn’t Jerry there it was Momma,” Joe said his eyes filled with new tears.


“That was all, I kept looking into my Ma’s eyes staring back at me…”


Adam pulled his brother even closer, “Joe this is going to get easier. It may take a little time, but given time the pain will ease some.”


“Thanks Adam.”


Adam ruffled his hair, “anytime Little Buddy…anytime.”


Joe looked up at his older brother, “where’s Pa?”


“One of the hands wanted to show him something at the North pasture. He will be back a little later.” Adam smiled down at his brother, “want anything to eat? You slept through lunch.”


Joe shook his head as both brothers headed downstairs.




Two days Later, Elaine pulled the wagon to a stop in front of the Ponderosa Ranch house. She was pleased to see the door open and Ben coming out, “Mr. Cartwright.”


“Elaine, what brings you out to the Ponderosa?” Ben asked. “Will you come in and have some coffee?”


“I’d love to, but I need to get back to my place. I come to ask a favor of you,” he started. “You see with Jerry gone and well, and me being alone…I’ve found it impossible trying to get everything done. I’ve still have to work so time is not on my side to get all the chores done.”


“I would love to help you out,” Ben smiled.


“I was hoping that you can send Joe over to help…that is if he would. My brother is on his way out here, but he lives out east in South Carolina and it will be some time before he gets here.”


“I’m sure he would love too,” Ben looked toward the house, “you know he’s finished his chores for today and it being Saturday I will see if he can go out and help you this afternoon.”


“Oh that would be just wonderful,” she sighed with relief.


Just then Joe came out of the house and looked surprised to see Jerry’s mother there, “Good afternoon, Mrs. Singleton.”


She smiled at his and nodded, “hi Joseph.” 


“Joe, Elaine is wondering if you would mind helping her some until her brother gets here.”


“Sure,” he looked up at her still filling so guilty for Jerry’s death. “Pa, can I go help her this afternoon…I’ve done all my chores?”


“Yes you may,” Ben agreed, “Now did you finish your lunch?”


“I ate a little of it,” he said looking away from his father’s gaze.


“Then go finish up,” Ben told him shaking his head.


Elaine smiled, “thank you so much and I’ll see you later Joe.”


“Yes Ma’am,” Joe said before heading slowly toward the house.


“It was good seeing you again Elaine, if there is anything else that I can do for you just let me know,” Ben offered.


“I am just grateful for you letting Joe help me out. I’ll you later, I’ve got to get back to the house and start getting some things done.”


“See you later.”




Joe got down from Cochise and wrapped the reins around the hitching post, headed to the door and knocked. The door opened and Elaine forced a smile, “Joseph.”


“What do you need for me to do first Ma’am?” he asked shyly.


“Well, there is a lot to be done, but first why don’t you come in and have something to drink?” She asked holding the door open for him to enter.


“Sounds good, it sure is a hot one today,” he said coming in.


“Yes it is,” she headed over to the kitchen and poured the young man a glass of milk.


“Thanks,” Joe said taking the milk and took a small sip. He didn’t really like Milk that much, but he wasn’t going to complain.


“You’re welcome dear.”


Joe looked at the glass and knew that he had to get to work he also knew that he had to drink the milk. Taking a deep breath he drank it all in a few swallows.


“Want anymore?” Elaine asked.


Joe shook his head, “no Ma’am, I’ll just get to work. What would you like me to do first?”


“We’ll there is a lot to be done in the barn. You can go in there and start,” she explained.


“Alright,” he smiled and headed out of the house.


Entering the barn he looked around, ‘a lot to be done,’ he thought. “Oh she really narrowed that down for me.” Going over to get the pitchfork he thought he would clean out the stalls first.




Next day at the Church Picnic Mitch joined the Cartwrights at their blanket for lunch, “Mr. Cartwright, can Joe go fishing with me this afternoon?”


Ben looked up, “Mitch I think that is a wonderful idea.”


Mitch and Joe exchanged glances, “how about I help you out with the chores at Mrs. Singleton’s and then we can go.”


“Sounds good to me, all we have to do is make sure the animals are fed and the odd jobs are done. I did most of the work yesterday.”


The older three Cartwrights looked at Joe. As the youngest of the family felt their stares he asked, “What?”


Adam started laughing, “nothing.”


“Oh come on you three are looking at me as if you never heard me talking about work before,” Joe sighed.


“Oh, we’ve heard you talk about it before, but nine times out of ten you are trying to get out of it,” Adam explained.


“Very funny,” Joe snapped as Mitch started laughing.


“Well the picnic is almost over, maybe we can get a head start on the chores,” Mitch said getting to his feet.


Joe looked at his father, “can we go now?”


“Yes you may,” Ben watched as both boys bolted to their horses.


As Joe rode toward Elaine’s house he was thankful he thought of bringing his horse to church. It had been some time since Joe had been fishing with Mitch and he was looking forward to it.


The two boys went straight to work, when they finally reached the house. Within two hours everything was done and they were headed to their homes to get their fishing poles.


As they rode out of the yard Elaine watched out of the window. She was go glad that she has help again. She watched as they rode out of site and smiled. ‘Yes it wouldn’t be long now,’ she thought




Joe was tossing in his bed as he slept. His mind going back to the accident. He could see his mother lying in the road…her eyes open and staring at him. He looked up to see someone knelling beside him and Marie.


“It’s your fault you know,” Jerry cried out angrily.


“No, I…I was with you and she was here…” he stuttered.


“You killed her, just like you killed me,” the boy yelled at Joe. “Why did you have to race me? I would still be alive if you had said no.”


“But, I didn’t think that anything would happen,” Joe said shaking his head. He closed his eyes willing himself to turn from Jerry.


“Yeah, that is always your excuse Cartwright…now look here you are looking at the two people you killed.”


Joe looked down at his mother, “no…Momma, I didn’t kill her or you.”


“Oh yes you did, you killed me the same as if you would have pulled a trigger,” Jerry shouted.


“No you’re wrong…You’re wrong.”


“No…” Joe cried out. The door opened as he shot up in his bed still half asleep.


Ben pulled his son to him, “shh, everything’s alright. It was only a dream.”


“When is it going to stop,” Joe cried.


“Was it the same dream?” Ben asked.


Joe shook his head, “yeah.” He closed his eyes wishing that for one night be could go without that dream. Not a day had gone by since the accident that hadn’t seen his mother and Jerry in his dreams. “I’m sorry that I woke ya.”


“Would you like to talk about it?”


“There’s no use too. I told you, Adam and Hoss the dream and it doesn’t seem to help.”


Ben’s heart was breaking at his young son’s words, “well I am here if you do want to talk.”


Joe looked up at his father and smiled, “I know, but I need to get back to sleep. I’ll be alright, you can go on back to your room.”


“Are you sure son?” Ben asked not wanting to leave his son just yet.


“Yeah go on to bed Pa.




Three days later, Elaine pulled up in the yard of the ranch house and smiled as she saw Hoss in the yard, “good afternoon.”


“Mrs. Singleton, it sure is nice to see ya. How things going?” Hoss asked as he went to her wagon.


“Alright, I just wanted to come by and let your father know that I won’t be needing Joe’s help anymore. My brother sent word that he wants me to meet him in Alabama and well I’ll be leaving tomorrow afternoon.”


“I’ll sure tell my Pa,” Hoss smiled.


“Thanks. I’m going to meet Joe after school if that is alright and let him know that he doesn’t have to come by when school is out and that he can come straight home,” she explained.


“Thank ya ma’am, is there anything that you need help with before you leave tomorrow?”


“No, there is nothing. I’m going to just put what I need in my wagon and head on towards Alabama,” her eyes filled with tears as she talked.


“You alright ma’am?” Hoss moved a little closer to the wagon.


“Yes fine, I’m not looking forward to leaving here. Oh I’m not going for good, my brother knows I need to live here. I can’t leave my son and his father here and me not come back,” she wiped the tears from her eyes as she looked back to the man before her.


“You going to Alabama all by yourself?” Hoss asked.


“I’ll be alright, I know that it’s going to be a long hard ride, but well, William will meet me there,” she tried to sound convincing, but she also knew that she had big plans for when she left Virginia City.


“If you need anything while you are getting ready to leave you just let us know,” he offered.


“I will, but I am leaving a lot of stuff here. I am just taking what I’ll be needing,” she assured him.




Mitch looked over at his friends as he sat reading what Miss. Jones had assigned. Joe was half asleep with his head on the desk, “Joe, you had better wake up,” he whispered.


Joe opened his eyes and sat up, “thanks. I sure am glad that Miss. Jones didn’t catch me,” he said looking at the front of the room where his teacher was engrossed in a new book.


Hearing the whispering Abigail Jones looked up, “Mitch… Joseph, would you like to share what is so interesting back there?”


Joe shook his head, “nothing Ma’am.”


She raised her eyebrow, “did I not ask you too read?”


Mitch cleared his throat, “yes and we were, but see Joe had a question about something in the story and he thought it best to ask it to me.”


“I see,” she said not believing the boy. “Well them Joseph maybe you can ask me the question.”


Joe glanced over at Mitch whispering, “thanks a lot.” He then turned his attention to Miss. Jones, “Mitch answered it alright for me.”


“I would still like to know what the question was…maybe I can answerer it better,” she said as she headed over to where they boys sat.


“Um, you see I don’t think that this is a very good story,” he said holding up his book to her.  “I was just wondering if he understood it any better than I do.”


Abigail looked at her copy of the book and sighed, “You don’t like Macbeth?”


“Well, no ma’am I don’t. My brother is always reading this stuff and I never could understand why,” he said honestly making the whole class laugh as he did so.


“I agree that it is an acquired taste, but still we all need to read finer books than those nickel and dime stories that I have caught you boys reading before,’ she explained.


“But they are interesting,” Joe spoke up.


“I am sure that they are to you, but given time you will learn to enjoy Shakespeare.”


Joe thought it was best to not keep this conversation going, “I guess I could give it a better chance.”


Miss. Jones smiled, “that’s the spirit.” She looked down at her watch and then back at the class, “class is almost to an end. I want you all to read the next twenty pages of Macbeth. You all know your other assignment. Class is dismissed.”


Joe sighed with relief and walked to the door with Mitch. “Thanks a lot buddy.”


“I thought you would come up with something better than not liking the story,” Mitch laughed.


Joe shook his head, “what was I supposed to say that I was so bored I was falling asleep,” Joe giggled. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Elaine Singleton in her wagon. “I’ll catch you tomorrow Mitch.”


Mitch shook his head, “sure thing.” He watched as Joe headed over to where Elaine sat, before heading to his horse to saddle him up.


Joe smiled at the woman as he headed to the wagon, “hey ma’am did you need me?”


Elaine smiled at Joe, “yes. I know that you were to come by my place after finishing your chores at home, but I have talked you father and he said it was alright it you come on by my house first. I am packing to leave for a while and am needing your help.”


Joe gave a half smile. He liked Elaine enough, but there was something about her that made him nervous. “Well, if it’s alright with Pa then I’ll just go get my horse and follow you out.”


She nodded, “that will be fine.” She reached over to her side and picked up some cookies, “here I made these for your journey to my house.”


He took the cookies, “thank you ma’am.”


“I’m going to head on towards home and you can catch up with me,” she smiled.


He nodded and took off to where is horse was stabled eating the cookies as he went.


It didn’t take long for Joe to catch up with Elaine. After all she was waiting for him just out of town. He looked sleepily at the wagon in front of him and headed his horse toward it.


Elaine smiled as she noticed Joe sitting a hunched over in the saddle, “Joe dear or you alright?”


He blinked his eyes a few times trying to wake some, “not sure.”


She got down from the wagon and headed over to where the pinto had stopped, “you don’t look to well…maybe I should get you on home.”


Joe nodded as his eyes closed Elaine had to move fast to get to the young man before he fell out if the saddle. She smiled as she pulled him into her arms and headed over to the wagon, “I’ll bring you home.”


She put him into the wagon and watched him sleeping for a moment before heading back over to the pinto slapping him on the rump sending him on his way.




Hoss came out of the barn after hearing a horse come into the yard. He knew that his help had arrived.  He was taken back when he go into the yard to see his brother’s horse in the yard without being stabled and his brother no where to be seen, dadburnit Joe.”  He walked to the front door and entered the house, “Joe!”


Hop Sing came out of the kitchen shouting in his native tongue, “What shout bout?”


“Sorry about that Hop Sing. Did you see where Joe went?”


“Little Joe no come in,” Hop Sing told him before he went back to the kitchen.


Hoss sighed, “Now where had that boy gone.”


Hoss shook his head as he headed out of the house to locate that brother of his.


Half an hour later his search came up empty handed and he came out of the barn from stabling his brother’s horse. A few minutes later his father and Adam came into the yard as he was bring Chubb from the barn.


“Where are you off to brother?” Adam asked.


“I found Joe’s horse in the yard and when I went looking for him he wasn’t no where to be found so I’m going to go take a ride and see if I can find him,” Hoss told his brother and father as they mounted.


Ben looked at Hoss warily, “we’ve just come from a meeting in town and haven’t seen him anywhere.”


We should go looking for him, “Adam go tell Hop Sing if he comes here to stay put.”


“Yes Sir,” Adam dismounted and headed inside. It had only taken him a moment before he was back on his beloved horse Sport and the three men took off on there search.




Elaine had the wagon in front if her house as she brought what she needed to take with her out. She had already bought enough supplies to do her for a few months while in town and what she didn’t have she would get later.


She watched as three riders came into her yard and smiled at the Cartwrights as they came to a stop, “Afternoon.”


“Afternoon, Elaine have you seen Joseph?” Ben asked.


“I saw him after school to tell him I wouldn’t be needing his help. When I left he was heading to saddle up his horse,” she explained. “Is there anything wrong Ben?”


Cochise came back without him,” Hoss told her.


“Oh dear, want me to help search for the boy?” Her eyes widened as they filled with tears.


“You go ahead with your work and we’ll search. I know that you are trying to get ready to meet your brother,” Ben tried to make the woman fill better.


“If you’re sure, but if you need me at all before I leave in the morning just let me know.”


Ben nodded, “we will.” He turned to Adam and Hoss, “let’s ride.”


Elaine waited until the Cartwrights were gone before she headed back into the house. She had to go check on Jerry. He had been sleeping for sometime and she wanted nothing more that to spend time with her son.


Entering her son’s bedroom she noticed that Jerry was starting to stir and she was glad that she boarded up the windows and had the door locked. For some reason her son wanted her to believe that he was that Joe Cartwright kid.


Joe opened his eyes and was surprised to see Elaine standing beside him. He felt so groggy, but for some reason he knew that he had to get home to his Pa. “where am I?”


Elaine smiled, “your home, Jerry. Don’t you recognize your room?”


Joe shook his head to clear it, “WH…what?”


She smiled at him as she shook her head, “now it’s time for you to stop this nonsense. You know good and well that you are not going to fool your Momma,”


Joe stared at her as if it was the first time he laid eyes on her, “but you’re not my Ma.”


Her calm face went to one of anger, “you will never speak to me like that again…you know that you are my son, Jerry so just stop that.”


For the life of him Joe couldn’t understand why she was doing this, “no…Jerry is dead.”


“Now that is Enough!!!” she shouted. “Now, I’m going to go make supper and then we can just eat together in your room.”


Joe watched as she left the room and he could hear the key in the lock, “no…” he ran to the door and tried with all that was in him to open it. Turning and leaning heavily on the door Joe started to weep. ‘This can’t be happening.’


Looking to the window he looked at it and went to it in hopes that he could get out. Pulling back the curtains he sighed in frustration when he noticed that they were boarded shut. “You can’t keep me in here,” he shouted. He ran to the bed and lay across it and started sobbing thinking of his father and brother. He knew that they would come for him.




Adam looked up at the storm clouds above them, “maybe he’s back at home.”


Ben took in a deep breath and rubbed his hand over his face, “I hope so it’s getting late and with those clouds overhead…”


Adam pulled Sport beside Buck and placed a hand on his father’s shoulder, “we’ll find him.”


“I know, but we’ve already been home once and he wasn’t there. I am just worried that something is very wrong here.”


Hoss exchanged glances with Adam; his father had just said what both boys had been feeling. Before anyone could say another word the sky opened up and it started raining heavily.




The door opened and Joe watched as Elaine brought a tray into the room with two plates and two glasses of milk, “hungry?” she asked.


“I just want to go back home, why are you doing this?” He asked in a low voice.


Elaine saw the tears coming to the boy’s eyes and laid the tray down, “Jerry, Honey you are home.”


Joe just closed his eyes and turned away from her. There was no need to talk to this woman, she wasn’t listening. ‘Why does she think that I’m her son? She has to remember everything that has happened since Jerry died.’


Placing her hand on Joe’s shoulder Elaine went around the bed so that she could face her son, “look son you just need to have something to eat.”


“I’m not hungry.”


“You need to eat,” she told him in no certain terms, “now be a good boy and eat for Momma.”


That was it the last straw as far as Joe was concerned. “You are not MY MOTHER!” he started. “Marie Cartwright was my mother,” he yelled at her. He had to make her see that she was wrong and he wanted to go home.


She was quick to slap him hard across the face, “you will not call another person your mother dead or not… Marie Cartwright is NOT your mother.”


“I will not eat what you cook and I am leaving this room right now,” he said going to where the door stood half open.


Elaine grabbed his arm and pulled him back into the room, “you are not to leave this room until morning. You are going to stay here until I am ready for us to leave.” With that said she pushed the boy back against the bed.


“I won’t leave here with you…you can’t make me,” Joe angrily snapped at her. “My father will come looking for me and when he does…”


“Your father’s dead.”


Joe’s face went pale, “what?”


“You heard me he’s dead and won’t be coming for you,” she shouted at him.


She went to where the tray sat and took one of the plates and glasses, “you can eat by yourself.” She went out of the room leaving a shocked Joe watching her as she went.


Joe looked over at the food then laid on the bed and wept.




Ben paced back and forth in the living room. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something was extremely wrong.


Adam and Hoss both watched as his father walked back and forth. The rain outside was relentless as they sit waiting and hoping that Joe would come in.


Ben looked at the clock as it struck midnight, “you two need to head on up to bed.”


Hoss shook his head, “shucks ain’t no use to…not going to get any sleep tonight.”


Adam watched as Ben became even more worried, “Pa’s right let’s head on to bed. We’ll start back looking come sun up.”


“Are you heading to bed?” Hoss asked his father.


“In a little while son,” be gave his son’s a forced smile. “Goodnight.”


“Night Pa,” Both Adam and Hoss said in unison.




Looking around his room the boy closed his eyes and he looked at the boy sitting on his bed. “First you take my life and now you want to take my mother,” Jerry said with tears filling his eyes. “I thought you were my friend, Little Joe.”


“It’s not like that,” Joe tried to reason with the boy.


“Oh, it’s not. Then why are you at my home and in my room,” Jerry shot back.


“Your Ma is the one that has me here. She locked the door so that I can’t get out.”


Walking away from Joe Jerry kept his back to his friend, “you had such a great family…why did you have to have mine too?”


“All I want to do is go home to my Pa and brothers. Please don’t think that I want to take what you had, cause I don’t.” Joe tried to explain.


“Don’t you get it…your pa is dead you heard my Ma, she wouldn’t lie about something like that.”


“No, he can’t be…” Joe told himself.


“Joe…he’s right,” a voice said behind the boy. Joe froze not wanting to see who it was. Not wanting to believe that the voice he heard was really his father. Slowly he turned to see that his worse fear was coming true. “Pa?”


“Joseph you have to be with Elaine now,” Ben told his youngest son.


“No, this is a dream that’s all just a dream.”


“Oh Joseph, you are so right my dear,” another voice said from in front of the door.


Joe turned to see Marie smiling at him, “Momma!”


“You are only having a dream and when you wake I want you to be patient until you father and brothers come to get you,” she told him.


“But I thought,” he said turning where his father had stood and found that he was gone, “where’d he go?”


“Joe you have to have faith that everything is going to be alright son,” Marie told her beloved son.


“You can’t believe her,” Jerry shouted causing Joe to look his way.


Joe turned his eyes back to where his mother had stood to find that she was gone, “Momma come back please….Momma!!!”


“Momma…Momma!!!” was all that Elaine had to hear for her to race to her son’s room. She found Joe tossing calling out to ‘her.’


“Jerry please wake up son,” she soothed rubbing his bad in a circler fashion.


Joe opened his eyes and closed them again when he saw Elaine sitting over him. He had hoped that maybe when he opened them again she would be gone and his father or brothers would be sitting over him instead.


As his eyes shot back open he was heartbroken to see that Elaine was still there, “go away.”


“But son you were calling for your Momma, please let’s table about your bad dream,” she tried.


Joe shot angry eyes at her, “you don’t get it…you are the bad dream. You are not my mother and will never be. I was dreaming about MY MOTHER, MARIE CARTWRIGHT!”


“I’ve told you that you were not to say that again. Now you need to calm down,” she smiled.


Joe let his eyes shoot past her, “you’re right sorry Momma.”


Elaine was overcome with joy, “Oh Jerry, it is good her hear you calling me that again.”


“Momma, I’m hungry can I go to the kitchen and get something to eat?” He asked.


“You sure can, Sweetie.”


Joe smiled up at her, he knew that if he was going to get away he had to just take his chances and play this woman’s game, “thanks Momma.”


She helped her son to his feet and the two headed into the kitchen, “what do you want son?”


“What ever you have ready,” he smiled as he surveyed the room.


“How about a sandwich?” She asked.


“Sounds good, I really need to go to the outhouse do you mind if I go?” he looked pleadingly at the woman.


“You go on ahead,” she followed him out of the house to make sure that he was alright.


Joe felt her gaze as he went to the outhouse and hoped that she would stay close to the house so that he could make a break for it. He noticed the sun was starting to come up. As he entered the small building he was glad to see nice gaps between the wood.


He looked around the three of the four side and smiled he didn’t see Elaine outside at all. ‘Boy, was he happy that the outhouse had some many wide gapes.’ Opening the door he let out a sigh of relief. Still there was no sign of the woman. He took a deep breath and headed toward the woods behind the small building.


“Where do you think your going?” he heard Elaine say from the other side of the small building. ‘How did she get there?’ he asked himself. He didn’t pay her any attention, he kept going to the woods determined to get away from her.


His speeding getting faster as he heard Elaine coming his way. He looked over his shoulder to see that she was quicker than he had expected and was almost on him. He looked back the way he was going and thought of something. He was not far from the Devlin’s. All he had to do is make it there.


He looked ahead of him and knew he was heading in the right direction. He glanced over his shoulder to see that she was slowing considerably. He was almost home…


He felt something hard hit him as he fell to the ground unconscious.


Elaine walked over to the boy and looked down at him. She looked in her hand at the rocks that she had picked up. She was always telling Jerry that when she taught him to throw rocks that is was only for fun never at anyone. Now she was saddened to see her son lying on the ground because of it.


Bending down she picked the boy up and held him close to her. “You shouldn’t have run off like that. Now I’ve got to keep a closer watch on you until we get to that old cabin in the mountains.”


She thought about the story that she had told Hoss the day before and smiled. They will think that she is out east in Alabama, when she is not really that far from Virginia City. Oh she didn’t mind telling that small lie after all she had her son back and that is all that mattered to her.


As she got nearer to her house she smiled as she headed to the barn where she had but the wagon, “we’ll be leaving in just a few minutes Jerry.”




Later at the Devlin’s, Ben and the boys pulled their horses to a stop as Mitch was walking his out of the barn to head to school, “Morning Mr. Cartwright.”


“Mitch, do you mind waiting a few minutes before you head on to school?” Ben asked.


“You kidding me…the more time you keep me here less time I’d have to see Miss Jones.” The boy was beaming at the thought of not having to ride off so quick.


“After school yesterday did you know where Joe was heading?” Adam asked.


“We’ll when we came out of the school house he went over to see Mrs. Singleton and then headed to the stables. I was waiting for him was wanting him to go play marbles or something, but he said that he had to get to Mrs. Singleton’s to help her get ready to move.”


Hoss scratched his head, “are ya sure about that?”


“Sure am, he wasn’t too happy that Mr. Cartwright said he could do that without asking him first because Mrs. Singleton made him nervous,” Mitch explained.


“Do you know why he felt nervous?” Ben asked.


“Same as I did when I helped him over there Sunday, she kept watching us. It was like she was always keeping an eye on Joe.” Mitch patted his horse. “He told me that he was hoping that he could get back to just working on the ranch.”


Adam looked over at his father, “why would Elaine lie to us about Joe heading out after she did?”


“That’s cause he did,” Mitch spoke up. “She told Joe to get his horse and to catch up with her.”


Hoss shook his head, “we need to go see her before she leaves.”


Ben nodded, “let’s ride.” He looked over at Mitch, “thanks for the help.”


“No problem.”




As they rode their horses into the Singleton yard, Adam jumped down from Sport and headed for the house. As he knocked the door opened slightly and he entered. After a few minutes he came outside, “there’s no one here.”


“Wagon is gone,” Hoss called out. He looked around the yard and smiled, “but she is leaving a good trail.”


“Let’s follow then and see where it leads,” Ben said as they set out on their search.




Elaine pulled the wagon to the side of the road when she heard her son waking. She smiled as she got down from her seat she was starting to get worried for her child because he had been in and out of consciousness since he was hit by the rock.


“Jerry can you hear me?” she asked.


Mmm,” he moaned.


“Son you need to wake up so Momma can check where you were hit by that rock,” she soothed him.


Joe opened his eyes and closed them quick the sun shining relentlessly in his eyes. “Wh…what happened?”


“You were hit by a rock,” she explained.


Joe’s eyes widened as he noticed who was talking to him, “get …get away.”


“Now that isn’t the way you should talk to your Momma. Now how are you feeling?” She asked as she started probing the bump that was now forming on the back of his head.


Bring his hand up he tried to push her hand away, “no…hurts.”


“I’m sorry about that Honey, but if you weren’t trying to get away this would have never happened,” told him as she put some water in a cup with some medicine. “You drink this now.”


Joe tried to pull away from the tin cup, but as the water started to pour in his mouth he drank the bitter liquid. As the cup was taken away he looked up at her, “I need to go…home.”


“We will be at out new home soon,” she smiled down at him.


She watched as his eyes started to close before she headed back to her seat and started the wagon back down the road.




Hoss stopped Chubb and dismounting and looked at the trail again, “she is defiantly heading for the mountains.”


Adam nodded, “she can’t be too far ahead of us this tracks are pretty fresh.”


“Yeah, about an hour old. We should catch up with her in no time,” Hoss agreed.


“Not a minute too soon for me,” Ben spoke up. “I can’t wait to see how that brother of yours is.”


Mounting Hoss asked, “Why do you think she lied about all this?”


“Who knows,” Ben said as they started back down the road, “she has been through a lot lately losing her son. That kind of pressure can make people do strange things.”


Ya don’t think that she’d hurt Short Shanks do ya?” Hoss exchanged worried looks with his father and brother.


“I hope not,” Ben said as he urged his horse to a faster speed.




Hearing the sound of horses, Elaine pulled the wagon to the side of the road near a couple of hills. She looked at the three riders and knew that they were the three Cartwrights, “your not taking my boy.”


She reached behind the seat and pulled out her riffle and two boxes of bullets. As they neared she took aim and fired their way, hitting Hoss in this left leg.


“Find cover,” Ben told his sons as they headed for the rocks beside them.


Adam nodded as he and Hoss followed him to a safe place and dismounted, “you think that’s her?”


“I’d bet my life on it,” Hoss said taking out his handkerchief and pressing it to his wound.


Adam looked over at him, “that is the understatement of the year.” He looked at his brother’s leg, “how bad is it?”


“Aw, nothing ta worry about.”


Adam nodded, “I think that I can get behind her.”


“Be careful son,” Ben said as he turned his attention to Hoss’ wound.


Elaine watched the area where the men headed when she fired at them, “Leave us alone Cartwright.”


Ben paused when he heard the words “Let Joe go… He hasn’t done anything.”


“You’re not taking Jerry away from me,” she shouted back. “He’s coming with me and your going to just leave us be.”


“Elaine I know that you don’t want to hurt anyone so please put the gun down and let Joe go,” Ben tried again.


Adam hearing everything moved as quietly as he could around the rocks.


“No…ya can’t have him.”


Ben looked over at Hoss with worried eyes, “Elaine, can I talk to Joseph…Joe can you hear me?”


“He’s sleeping,” she yelled back at Ben.


Ben closed his eyes.  He knew that his son was a heavy sleeper, but with the shooting and yelling, he knew Joe would have woken. “Is he alright?”


“Just needed some sleep is all,” she told the man as she pointed her riffle from where Ben’s voice was coming from and fired.


Adam finally got to a place where she could see the woman, “Elaine…put your gun down.”


She turned pointing her riffle at him and fired. Adam pulled the trigger on his pistol at the same time and watched as she fell to the rocks.


Rushing to her side he knelt beside her, “Pa…you can come on in.”


Elaine looked up at Adam with blood coming from her mouth, “you shot me.”


Adam swallowed hard, ‘sorry ma’am, but you didn’t give me much of a choice.”


“You are going to take my Jerry away from me aren’t you,” she asked as she took tried to take a deep breath. “Please bring my son to me…”


“Jerry’s dead.”


“No, he’s in the wagon…” she lifted her hand and grabbed Adam’s arm. “I can see him now. He is waiting for me.”


Adam watched her eyes close and her lifeless body crumpled into his arms. Laying her down gently he looked over at the wagon to where Ben knelt beside his brother, “how is he?”


“Not sure,” Ben called back as he gently patted Joe’s face, “Joe can you hear me son?”


Joe moved his head a bit, but never opened his eyes, “let’s get him to town and to the doctor.”




Paul came into the waiting room, where he had sent the Adam and Ben, “I’ve removed the bullet from Hoss’ leg. He’s resting with his leg propped up in the room with Little Joe. Hoss should stay off the leg for a few days, but it’s should heal just fine.”


“How’s Joseph?” Ben asked.


“He had a nasty blow to the head and has a concussion. He’s awake now, the reason he was so deeply unconscious when you found him is Elaine gave him a sleeping powder and as you know that is one of the worse things that can be done. He’s a little shaken up.  You can go see them now.”


“Thank you,” Ben said as Adam headed into the room his youngest two sons were in, “how are you feeling boys?”


Joe opened his eyes and looked up at his father and just stared at him, saying a quick prayer that he was alright.


“Joseph, you alright?” Ben asked as he sat on the edge of the boy’s bed.


Joe nodded as tears filled the boy’s eyes, “she said that you were dead.”


“I’m so sorry that she did this to you,” Ben soothed his son as he pulled in into his arms.


Adam came closer to the bed and watched as Joe cried as their father held him tight…giving the boy the reassurance that he needed. After a few minutes Joe pulled away and wiped his eyes with his shirtsleeve. “She kept saying that I was Jerry…no matter how many times I told her that I wasn’t she wouldn’t listen.”


Ben placed his hand under Joe’s chin and gently maneuvered his face so they were looking eye to eye, “she was very sick son.”


“I don’t remember getting to her house just waking up in Jerry’s room,” he started. “I tried to get away then, but she pushed me back into the room and when she left she locked the door behind her.”


He looked over at his brothers, “I did get away later, and was trying to get to Mitch’s, but something must have happened. I woke up with her looking down at me and then she gave me that bitter medicine.”


Adam placed a hand on his brother’s shoulder, “you’re with us now and she can’t hurt you anymore.”


“What going to happen to her?” Joe asked looking around the room as he looking each member of his family in the eyes.


“She’s dead,” Ben spoke up. “She turned her riffle on your brother and he fired at the same time.”


“What made her do what she did…I know you say that she was sick, but why would she do it?” Joe asked.


“I don’t know,” Ben told his son. “I’m just glad that you’re going to be alright.”


“When can I go home?” Joe asked. “I want to be in my own bed.”


“What is this, tired of my company already?” Paul teased as he entered the room.


Joe shot him one of his prize winning smiles, “I just want to go home.”


“How are you feeling?”


“I’m fine,” he assured the doctor.


“No headache?” Paul asked knowing that no matter what the question was his patient would be ‘fine.’


“Just a little one.”


“I thought that you might so I brought you something for the pain,” Paul handed a glass over to Joe, “drink up.”


“It won’t make me sleepy will it?” Joe asked as he looked into the glass.


“No, just ease the pain a bit and as soon as you drink up you can go home,” Paul told the boy and watched Joe quickly drink that nasty medicine.


Ben watched as his son tried to get out of bed, “let me get dressed then we can go.”


Adam and Hoss started to chuckle commented Hoss, “he must be feeling better.”


“I am, so stop that laughing and let’s go I want to see Hop Sing and then I want to see Cochise.


“You are going straight to bed young man,” Ben told him as he watched the boy continue to head to the door.


Hoss started to laugh, but Ben turned his attention to his middle son, “and that goes for you too.”


“Aw Pa, I’m fine,” Hoss started to protest.


“And you are going to stay that way, so to bed both of you are going,” Ben told them in no certain terms.


“Pa, do I have to?” Joe whined.


“Yes you do.” Ben said before Joe went out the door.


Hoss got to his feet with the help of Adam, “this sure is a hassle.”


“Your riding in the wagon that I rented out,” Adam assured him.


“I can ride Chubb,” Hoss protested.


“Not this time,” Adam told him as they headed out the door.


“I tell you Ben sometimes I don’t think that youngest boy of yours likes me,” the doctor chuckled.


“It’s not that, he just hates sitting still,” Ben patted his friends back. “I’d better get going. Thank you for everything.”




As Joe mounted the front of Chubb as Adam noticed that the movement cause his brother a little discomfort, “ok?”


“Yeah, guess my head still hurts is all,” Joe said waiting for Adam to mount Sport.


“Maybe you should ride in the wagon,” Adam said as he shot a worried glance to his youngest brother.


“Nah, no need in that,” Joe said with a grin.


“Joseph Francis Cartwright, get down from that horse and get into this wagon,” Ben said shaking his head in frustration.


“Yes Sir,” the youngster got down from the horse and climbed in the back of the wagon. Adam followed tying Chubb’s reins to the wagon.


Ben also tied Bucks reins to the back of the wagon and took a seat next to Hoss, “lets go home boys.” On the ride home he listened to his son’s teasing and smiled to himself as he heard his youngest son giggle he thought, ‘it’s good to have my son back.’


The End

May 2003