The Kidnapping of Little Joe


By:  Lynne G.


For the last three months, boys have been disappearing from Carson City, Reno, and Virginia City.  The boys ranged an age from seven to ten.  All of the missing boys had been found beaten to death, except for three boys, who were found badly beaten, but alive.  The boys taken from the Reno area had been found near Virginia City.   The boys taken fron the Carson City area had been found near Reno, and the boys from the Virginia City area had been found near Carson City


The two brothers rode into Virginia City and headed straight for the Bucket of Blood saloon.  They had ordered beers, and then they found a table to sit down at.


" I think we need to get us another boy". Dave Wilson told his brother Hal. " I think you are so right". agreed Hal.


Later in the day, they headed over to the school yard to watch the children play.  They watched the boys to see if they could find their next victim.   They watched the boys for the next two or three days.  Once they had made up their minds who the boy would be, they watched the boy to see which way he came and went home from school, and they had also hoped that the boy lived far from the school, that way he would be easier to kidnap.   The boy they had decided on was a small curly haired youngster, but the only problem seemed to be is that he was always in the company of an older and much larger boy.  They had a plan that would take care of the older boy as well.


School had gone very well for six year old Little Joe Cartwright.  He had got an " A " on his spelling test that day.  He had also recieved an " A " on his math test as well, and he was so happy and excited, that he could hardly wait to show his Papa his " A's " when he got home from school that afternoon.  His older brother Hoss was very proud of his little brother for getting " A's " on his two tests.   Hoss was 13 years old and very large for his age, while his baby brother was very small for his age.


As the boys headed home from school, the weather had turned rather cool, but the boys were so busy talking that they didn't seem to notice. 


About half way home, they noticed two men standing in the road looking at the leg of one of their horses.  Hoss and Little Joe stopped to find out what the problem was.  Dave said that his horse seemed to be limping, so Hoss and Little Joe got off their horses so Hoss could have a look at the leg of the horse in question.   Before he knew what happened next, Hoss was hit very hard on his head with the gun Hal was holding.  Hoss lay unmoving on the road.   Little Joe screamed and he tried to run away, but Dave grabbed him.   He fought as hard as he could, but he was no match for the large man.  Hal hit the child on the head with his gun, the same gun he had hit Hoss with, and Little Joe went limp in Dave's arms.  " That was sure easy.  Lets get out of here." yelled Hal.   Hal got on his horse,and Dave handed the unconscious child up to him, and they rode off towards Carson City.


Ben paced around the livingroom and he was getting more upset by the minute.  " WHERE ARE THOSE TWO BROTHERS OF YOURS ?" yelled Ben to his oldest son Adam.  " Pa, settle down.  You know Little Joe probably had to stay after school and Hoss had to wait ." Adam said to his father.  " Let's go into town and get those two before they can get into anymore touble." Ben said. 


As they headed off to Virginia City, they saw Hoss sitting in the road with his hands on his head.  They rode over to Hoss as fast as they could, jumped off their horses, and kneeled down beside Hoss.  " Hoss, are you alright?  What happened, and where is Little Joe?" asked Ben.  " Pa, my head is a little sore.  It was two men.  They hit me, and I think they took Little Joe with em." Hoss softly said.   " Pa, it's Little Joe's hat." said Adam as he handed his father the hat.   Ben held onto his youngest son's hat, and he told Adam to get into Viginia City fast to get Dr. Paul Martin, and Roy also.   " Pa, we gotta find Little Joe." cried Hoss.  " we'll find him Hoss." said Adam as he jumped on Sport and rode off to town.   Ben helped Hoss stand, and helped him on to Buck, Ben's horse.  Ben then got the reins for Hoss and Little Joe's horses and he tied them to his saddle horn.  He then got on Buck, behind Hoss and they rode for home. 


" Ben, Hoss will be just fine.  He has a slight concussion.  Keep him in bed for a few days, and make sure that he gets a lot of rest.  I will leave these powders for his headaches.  Give them to him if he needs them." Paul told Ben.   " Thank you Paul." Ben said to Paul. 


" Pa, Roy is getting a posse together to look for Little Joe, and I'm going with them." Adam said to Ben.   " Adam, please bring my baby back home." said Ben.   " Don't worry Pa, we'll find him." Adam assured Ben.  " Ben, we will find Little Joe, and the men responsible for this.  Don't you worry now." Roy told Ben. 


Later in the day towards evening, the Wilson brothers and their little victim made camp in the forest.  They had tied up and gagged the child.   The little boy watched in fear at the men as they ate their dinner next to the fire.  Several times since they had made camp, they had beaten the child.   He was very sore, cold ,and very scared. 


" Hey Hal, that little boy is sure a little cutie, isn't he?' said Dave.  " He is, but it won't do him any good." laughed Hal.


The next morning, Little Joe was beaten up again, and was unconscious.  Soon they were on their way to Carson City


The posse and Adam were trying to follow the trail of the Wilson brothers towards Carson City, but they had lost it.  They didn't give up and they continued on. 


Dave and Hal made camp for the night.  They tied up the child.   Hal left camp and headed off to Carson City to buy some whiskey to take back to camp. 


While Hal was in Carson, he bought the whiskey and some more food.  He put the items in his saddle bags and headed back to camp.  On his way to camp, he saw a boy walking down the road, so he stopped to ask the boy where he was going.  The nine year old boy told Hal that he was running way from home.  Hal took out his gun and he hit the boy on the head.  Hal got off his horse, and he pulled the unconscious boy up and he put him on his horse.  Then he got back on the horse behind the boy and rode back to camp.


When Hal got back to camp, Dave walked over to him and asked about the boy.   Hal told Dave that the kid was a runaway.  They both laughed as Hal dumped the boy off his horse and onto the ground.  Dave pulled the boy over towards Little Joe and tied him up.  Little Joe was tied up and he watched as the new boy was thrown next to him.  Dave then started to kick both boys, and Little Joe passed out. 


After Dave and Hal had their dinner, they started to drink the first bottle of whiskey.   A few minutes later, they noticed that both boys were looking at them.   This made them mad.  Hal got up and he walked over to the boys, and grabbed the nine year old, who was still tied up, and he pulled him over towards Dave, and they both started to beat up the boy.  After he was beaten, they strangled him and left him laying on the ground.  Dave walked over to Little Joe who was trying to scream, even though he was gagged.  Dave slapped the child's face hard and said to him " you be still boy.  You saw what happened to that boy-pointing to the dead boy-Thats whats gonna happen to you too"  He turned away from the child and started to laugh.  He got back to the fire and started to drink again.  Soon, both Hal and Dave were drunk and they fell asleep. 


Little Joe who was barely conscious, was watching the men getting very drunk, and fall asleep.  He was in a lot of pain, but he some how he managed to get his wrists untied.  He then untied his ankles, and he crawled out of camp.  He didn't know which way to go, so he just walked away the best he could.  It was dark and he was so scared.  He was also very weak from all the beatings he had received, plus he wasn't given any food or water either. 


The child walked all night.  At daylight he was so tired, he crawled under some bushes and he fell asleep. 


Hal and Dave woke up and they noticed that Little Joe was gone.  They both got mad and started to yell at each other.  They got their stuff together and rode out of camp, leaving the body of the nine year boy behind. 


About noon the posse and Adam had found the camp site of the Wilson brothers.  " OH MY GOD-ROY-LOOK." yelled Adam as he ran over to the body of the dead boy.  He kneeled down to see if the boy was still alive, but he wasn't.  Roy kneeled next to Adam and he looked at the body, and he shook his head.  " We had better take this boy into Carson City." Roy told Adam.   " Roy, Adam, yelled Pete Devlin, look at this.  He was pointing to some rope by a tree as Adam and Roy ran over to see what Pete wanted.  " Looks like someone was tied up here." said Pete.   "Maybe it was Little Joe." Adam said.  " I don't think they are too far in front of us.' said Roy.   " Smitty, why don't you take the body into Carson City while the rest of us continue on." Roy also said. 


Towards evening Dave and Hal made camp after spending most of the day looking for Little Joe.  They started to drink the rest of their whiskey and had soon passed out.


At about the same time, Little Joe woke up, and he laid there listening to see if he could hear the Wilson brothers.  It was very quiet, so he slowly crawled out from under the bushes and he looked around.  He stood up, but he was so weak and dizzy.  He slowly started to walking again.  He walked most of the night.  He fell down several times.  He was hurting, coughing, and his chest hurt too. 


As it started to get daylight, and he was finally out of the forest, and he could just make out a road down the step hill.  So with what strength he had left, he slowly started down the hill towards the road. 


The posse had finally found the Wilson brothers as they were ready to get on their horses.  " STOP RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE-DROP YOUR GUNS NOW." yelled Roy.   Both Dave and Hal turned around and they started shooting their guns in the direction of the voices they heard.  Both were shot.  Hal died instantly, but Dave was still alive-barely.   Adam ran over to Dave and screamed " WHERE IS MY LITTLE BROTHER ?"  Dave looked up at Adam and smiled and said " he is dead just all the other boys we killed."  That was the last thing Dave ever said.  Both the Wilson brothers were dead. 


Adam just stood there in total shock.  Roy and Pete walked over to him and they both put their arms around him and they said how sorry they were about Little Joe.  " He just can't be dead.  He can't.  Oh my God."  cried Adam.  " Adam, we will find Little Joe's body, and bring him home.' Pete told Adam.  " How am I going to tell Pa that his baby boy is dead.  It will kill him."  Adam softly said. 


His strength finally gave out and Little Joe collasped and he rolled down the hill just as the rain started to fall.   As he came to a stop at the bottom of the hill, his head struck a large rock.  He laid unconscious with blood running down his head and face.  The rain didn't last very long, maybe about 20 minutes or so. 


The Larson family were sitting down to breakfast.  They lived on a small ranch about 5 miles out of Carson City.  The family consisted of Bob and Mary Larson, their 18 year old twin boys-Tom and Mel, and their 16 year old daughter Sra.  Their oldest son, Bob Jr, was 20 years old and he had moved back east two years ago. 


" Bob are you and the boys still going to go into Carson today?" asked Mary.  " Yes, right after breakfast." said Bob.   " Great, would you mind mailing this letter to Bob Jr for me then?"  asked Mary.  " Be glad to honey.   Is there anything you and Sara need from town?" Bob asked.  " No, Pa ." said Sara.  " Nothing for me either." Mary said. 


Tom went out to get the wagon ready,while Mel got his horse saddled.  Bob walked outside to see if the boys were ready, and they headed off to Carson City


About a mile from home, the Larson were talking when Mel yelled to his father that there was something laying in the road up ahead, so they raced over to see what it was.  "OH MY GOD yelled Bob, IT'S A CHILD.  They ran over to Little Joe, and Tom asked Bob if the child was still alive.  Bob kneeled next to the unconscious child and felt his neck for a pulse.  " He's alive, but just barely.   Mel, ride into Carson and get Dr. Anderson out the ranch fast.   Mel headed off to get Dr. Anderson.   Bob picked up the child and got back in the wagon.  He held Little Joe while Tom drove the wagon home. 


They were home in no time.  Bob was yelling for Mary.  Mary and Sara ran out of the house, and they just stopped at the sight of Bob carrying the unconscious child.  " Bob, what happened?  Where did you find the child?' cried Mary.   " We found him next to the road about a mile from here.  He's in bad shape.   Mel has gone for the doctor." Bob told Mary.  Bob carried the child into Bob Jr's room and he laid him on the bed.  " Sara, please get some towels, hot water, and the first aid kit." yelled Mary.  "  Right away, mama." said Sara as she ran to the things Mary asked for. 


Bob and Mary got Little Joe undressed, and into a small nightshirt, as Sara entered thr room.  They were all shocked at the sight of the child's badly beaten body.  " OH MY GOD MAMA WHO COULD HAVE DONE SUCH A HORRIBLE THING TO THIS LITTLE BOY ?" yelled Sara.  "I don't know honey.  I just don't know?" questioned Mary.  Tom  was very upset at who ever had beaten the child.  Sara and Mary were crying.  " He's so cute.  What a beautiful sweet face he has, even with the bruising on his face." said Mary.  " I have never seen this child around here anywhere.  I wonder where he came from, and what is his name?" asked Bob.  " I don't know, but I bet his family is worried sick about him." Mary said.   " Mama, he has a fever.' said a very concerned Sara.  Mary felt Little Joe's forehead and agreed with Sara. 


Dr. Sam Anderson and Mel walked into the room.   " He's in a bad way Sam." Bob softly said.   " I know, Mel told me all about finding the boy and that he is badly beaten.  Did the child have anything on him that says who he is?" asked Sam.  " No-nothing at all Sam." said Mary.  As Sam looked Little Joe, he said, " He's not from around here or I would have reconized him.   MY GOD, someone has beat this child bad.  He is sick too.  He is on the verge of pneumonia too." Sam said as he continued to check over Little Joe. 


After examining the child, Sam walked out to the livingroom and sat down, and he told the Larson's that the child has cracked ribs, nasty bruising all over his body, a severe concussion with a possible cracked skull, and bad chest infection.  " This little boy is very bad shape.  He is also starving.  We need to get his fever down as fast as possible.  He needs broth and water, but don't give it to him too much at a time.  We want him to choke.  I have taped his chest up for his ribs.  Keep him warm, talk to him, and hopefuuly he will wake up soon.  I just don't know how long he will unconscious, though. Poor little boy.  It just makes me so upset that someone could do this to a small child." Sam told the Larson's.  They all agreed.  " Do you think the child could be one of the victims of those killers?" asked Mary.  " He might be Mary." Sam told Mary.  


Adam rode slowly into the yard of the Ponderosa.  He was worn out.  He got his horse tied up and he went into the house.   As soon as he walked into the livingroom, Ben jumped out of his chair.  Adam looked at Ben and Hoss and he walked over to his chair and he sat down.  " Well Adam, where is Little Joe?" asked Ben.  Adam looked up at his father with tears rolling down his face and he said, " he's dead, Pa.".  Ben stood there staring at Adam and he screamed " NO, NOT MY BABY- NOT MY BABY!!!!!" as his knees gave out.  Adam and Hoss helped Ben to his chair.   All three of them were cry hard.  " What wrong with family? Why family cry?" asked Hop Sing who had heard the crying.  " Hop Sing, Little Joe is dead." cried Adam.  " NO, NO, NO." yelled Hop Sing as he too began to cry.  Adam slowly told them what had happened with the posse, and that they were still looking for Little Joe's body.  " MY GOD--WHY WHY?  He was just a baby." cried Ben.


Five days later, Little Joe slowly woke up.  " Mama, the little boy is waking up." yelled Sara.  The family ran into the room where Little Joe and Sara were.  They talked to the child, but the child didn't say anything.  He just stared.  Little Joe was hurting, and he felt awful.  His mind seemed so foggy, and he didn't notice anything around him.  


Mary gently lifted Little Joe's head up to give him some water, which he did very slowly.  " Hi darling, can you tell us your name please?" asked Mary.  The child just stared and didn't say anything. 


About that time Dr. Anderson walked into the room.  " Sam, we are so glad you are here.  The boy just woke up, but he won't talk.  He just stares." Bob told Sam.  " Let me have a look at him.   Hello sweetheart, how are you feeling?   Can you talk to me?   What happened to you son? Sam asked the child.   Little Joe just stared. 


Over the next several weeks, Little Joe was still very weak, and still coughing.  His chest infection and his cracked ribs were almost healed up.  He still wouldn't talk though.  Just continued to stare.


"Sam, the boy has nightmares-bad ones.  He wakes up screaming, and he asks for his papa, but when he is awake, he still won't talk." Bob sadly told Sam.  Sam told Mary that the child seemed to be in some kind of shock., and what ever happened to him must have  horrible for him.  " Sam if we can't find his family, we want to keep him as our own." Mary said to Sam.  " He is so sweet, too." Mary said.  " It is possible Mary, but we really need to find this boys' family.  The men who had been kidnapping boys have been killed, but one of them before he died confussed to the killings.  This child could have possibly been one of their victims, who was enough to get away.  There were three boys who did get away, and from their discription, it was those men-the Wilson brothers.  I'm going to send telegrams to my doctor friends to see if any boys in their area are missing.  I hope we will soon find out who this little one here is." Sam said.


Life around the Ponderosa had to go on, even though the family didn't feel like it.  Hoss was now better.  The search for Little Joe's body had been called off.  It had been eight weeks since the little boy had disappeared.   The Cartwright family finally went back to work, but life around the ranch seemed to have gone away.  No one talked much.   They just did their work.


George ran into Dr.Paul Martin's office with a telegram for Paul.   " Thank you George." said Paul as he took the telegram from George.  Paul sat down and read the telegram, and he said out loud, " Please dear God, let that little boy be Little Joe." Paul sent a reply back to Dr. Sam Anderson right away. 


As soon as Sam heard from Dr. Paul Martin, he rode out to the Larson ranch.   " Bob, Mary, I got a telegram from Dr. Paul Martin from Virginia City, and he says that a small child from that area has been missing for  eight weeks now.   He says the discription of the child fits this child.  He will be here tomorrow, and as soon as he gets to Carson City, we will head right out here." Sam told the Larsons.   "Oh Sam, I sure hope this is the child Paul talked about." Mary said with a big smile on her face.  " As long as I'm here, let me have  look at the boy.  " Sam, he still won't talk, and he hardly eats anything either.  He doesn't sleep much . He will hold your hands when we let him see the horses.  he seems to really love horses.  He is still weak and pale." Bob told Sam.  " He still has a slight fever, but he lump on his head is getting smaller too.  His lungs and heart sound good.  His ribs are healed up now, and all the bruising is just about gone too.He really need s to eat more and get more sleep.  Hopefully if he is the child Paul knows, maybe he will reconize Paul." Sam said.  "I sure hope so Sam.  It's just so heartbreaking to see this beautiful child in this condition." Mary said softly.  " OK, Paul and I will out here tomorrow." Sam said as he walked to the door to leave.  


At first light the next morning, Dr.Paul Martin rode out of town and headed off to Carson City.  He arrived at Dr. Sam Anderson's office at 8:30am.  " Sam, it is so nice to see you again." Paul said as he shook hands with Sam.   " Same here, Paul." said Sam'   "Sam, please tell me all about the little boy you mentioned in your telegram." asked Paul.  Sam told Paul the whole story how the child was found, the condition he was in when he was found ,and how he was doing now.  " I pray to God that the child is Little Joe." Paul told Sam.  " I'm very close to his family.  I brought that little boy into the world six years ago.  I love that little imp.  His family is so depressed at his disappearance.  It is so heartbreaking to see what they are going through.  When can we go and see him?" asked Paul.  " Right now Paul." Sam told Paul.  


It didn' take Sam and Paul very long to get to the Larson ranch.  Bob and Mary, and their kids met Sam and Paul in the yard.  " Bob, Mary, Sara, Tom and Mel, this is Dr. Paul Martin from Virginia City.  " It is so nice to meet you Dr. Martin." said Bob.  " Nice to meet all of you too.  Please call me Paul." Paul told the Larsons.  " I sure hope that this little boy is Little Joe." Paul said.  " Little Joe, is that the child's name Paul?" asked Bob.  " Yes, Little Joe Cartwright." said Paul.  " Did you say Cartwright?  Any relation to Ben Cartwright of the Ponderosa?" Bob asked with a surprised look on his face.  " Yes, Little Joe is Ben's youngest child." said Paul totally amazed.  " I have met Mr. Cartwright before.  I have bought some cattle and some horses from him.  He seems like a very nice man, and a very caring man too.  I've also met his oldest son, Adam, isn't it.' Bob asked.  "Yes, it is Adam, and yes, the whole Cartwright family is wonderful.  " Well, let's go and see the child, OK?" Mary said.


Little Joe was sitting in a chair in his room with his eyes closed, when everyone walked into the room, Paul gasped, " OH MY GOD.  IT'S LITTLE JOE. he said with tears rolling down his face.  He walked over to the sleeping child, kneeled down in front of the boy, and softly said, " Little Joe, Little Joe, wake up son."   Little Joe slowly opened his eyes, and stared at Paul for a few seconds-not saying anything.  Then he flung himself into Paul's arms and he started to cry.  Paul held him tightly, and he was crying too, as was everyone in the room.  Paul rubbed the child's back, and just continued to hold him tightly, and kissing his head of soft curls.  Paul stood up while still holding Little Joe, and he sat down on the bed while still holding the crying child, not wanting to let go of this precious bundle in his arms, that he thought he would never see again.  


After about 30 minutes later, Little Joe lifted his head off of Pauls' shoulder, look at Paul, and asked him softly " I wanna go home to Papa, please."   " Sweetheart, I will very happy to take you home to your Papa." Paul told the child.  They got off the bed and they walked hand in hand out to the livingroom.  


Little Joe was introduced to the Larson's and Sam.  " Fank you for taking care of me." the child said softly.  " Oh honey, we were very happy to take care of you." Mary said with tears in her eyes.  


Paul asked Little Joe what happened to him after he was kidnapped.  The little boy sat on Paul's lap and he told about everything that happened.  Everyone was shocked at what this little boy had gone through.  Little Joe started to cry.  Paul held him tightly and told him that the bad men were dead and that they couldn't hurt him anymore. Little Joe asked Paul how Hoss was, and Paul told him that Hoss was just fine.  The child was very tired, but what Paul had told him about Hoss made him smile.  


Mary kneeled him front of Little Joe and gave him kiss, and she told him that they were all really going to miss him when he went back home.  She also told him that he could call them uncle Bob, aunt Mary, and Sara, Tom and Mel could be his cousins.  That made Little Joe happy, and told them that he would like that.  Bob told him that he and his family could come and visit anytime they wanted, and Little Joe told the Larsons and Sam they could come to see him at the Ponderosa anytime too.  They talked for a few more.  Mary and Sra made some sandwiches for Paul and Little Joe to eat on the way home.  


Soon, it was time to leave.  Little Joe gave the Larsons all hugs and kisses, and he said, " fank you again for taking care of me, and for the toys, and clothes you bought for me.  Paul put the toys, sandwiches and clothes into his saddl bags.  Paul and Little Joe also thanked Sam for all his help at saving Little Joe's life.  Paul put Little Joe on his horse, and he climbed on behind the child, and they headed off to the Ponderosa.  


A couple of hours later, Paul woke up Little Joe and helped him down from the horse so they could eat their sandwiches. The child was very tired, and Paul thought it would be a good idea to rest for a while.  After they ate, they were again off to the Ponderosa.


About 3pm, they rode into the yard of the Ponderosa.  Paul gently woke up the little boy, and they walked to the front door, and Paul knocked on the door.  Little Joe stood behind Paul, not being fully awake yet.  Hop Sing answered the door, and he was surprised to see Paul standing at the door. " Hello Hop Sing, is Ben home?" asked Paul.  " No,Mr Cartlight not home yet.  Be home around 4pm.  You come in and have coffee." Hop Sing said to Paul. " Hop Sing, I have a big surprise, but don't say anything to them when they get home.  With that said, Little Joe stood next to Paul.  " OH, my widdle Joe, widdle Joe," yelled Hop Sing, with tears rolling down his face.  Paul aslo had tears in his eyes.  " Where you find widdle boy?' Hop Sing cried as he held Little Joe in his arms.  " Hop Sing, you sit down and I will tell you the whole story.  "Hop Sing go get coffee and cookies.  You sit down. Be light back." Hop Sing said as he hurried out to the kitchen.  Little Joe fell asleep, so Paul carried him over to the sattee and laid him down.  Hop Sing covered the child with a blanket, and he kisses his curly head.  Paul told Hop Sing the story.  " Cartlights be so happy to have number three son home again.  Please Dr. Martin you stay for dinner." said Hop Sing.  " I'd be happy to stay for dinner Hop Sing.  Thank you very much." Paul said.  " You lest now.  Family be home soon." said Hop Sing as he headed back to the kitchen. He did make several trips out to the sattee to see the sleeping child.  Paul dozed off in the chair. 


About 4:15pm, the Cartwright rode into the yard.  " Isn't that Paul's horse, Pa, asked Hoss.   " Yes it is.  I wonder what he is doing here?"Ben said.  


They walked into the livingroom, and Paul got up as the door opened.  "Paul, what are you doing here?" asked Ben.  " Just thought I'd stop by to see how all of you are doing." Paul said.  Hop Sing was standing by the diningroom table listening.  " Oh, we are doing OK, Paul." Ben said softly.  

"Ben, Adam. Hoss, I have a big surprise for you," Paul told them.   " Thanks Paul, but we're just not ready for any surprises right now," Ben told paul.  " Wait Ben, you just might like this surprise," Paul said with a smile on his face.  " OK, Paul, what is it?"  "Over there," Paul said as he pointed towards the sattee.  Ben, Adam and Hoss walked over to the sattee, and they all gasped at the sight of the sleeping child.  Ben yelled," MY BABY.  MY BABY. OH LITTLE JOE-BABY!!!!"  He kneeled down in front of the sleeping child and gently woke him up.  Adam and Hoss were standing there with tears pouring down their faces.  Ben looked up at Paul and said " Paul, where did you find him?"  I will tell you all about it in a few minutes," Paul proudly said.  


Little Joe finally opened his eyes, and when he saw his papa he softly said " Papa, Oh Papa", and he started to cry.  Ben held him, kissed him and said, " Oh precious, Papa's here, baby.  Adam and Hoss kneeled down and touched their baby brother and they too, kissed him.  They told their little brother how much they had missed and they were so happy to have hime back home again. 


Ben sat in his chair holding his baby son in his arms not wanting to let go for dear life, as Paul told them the whole story about what happened to Little Joe.  The child was sucking his thumb while trying so hard to keep his eyes open.  


" How can I ever thank the Larsons and Dr. Anderson for all they did for Little Joe?" asked Ben.  " As soon as this little  one here is better, we will all ride to the Larsons to thank them.  I will send them a telegram tomorrow.  I still can't believe I have my baby home again," Ben said with tears in his eyes.  "Papa, they were really nice to me.  They bought me some toys and some clothes too." said a sleepy Little Joe.  " They did, did they sweetheart?" said Ben.  


Hop Sing appeared and announced dinner was ready.  Dinner was a real fest that night.  Hop Sing made all of Little Joe's favorite foods.   The child ate some, but he was so tired, all he wanted to do was to go to sleep in his bed with his bear, BO.  " Hop Sing, you really out did yerself with dinner tonight" said Hoss with a big smile on his face.  " Hop Sing so happy to have number three son back home where he belong," said Hop Sing.  " We all are Hop Sing," Adam said.


"Well, I hate to leave this happy family, but I have to get back to town now," said Paul as he got up and walked towards the door.  "Thank you again for dinner." Paul said.  " Paul, thank you again for everything, and epecially for this little one back home to us." said Ben.  " Ben, this has been the best day of my life.  Good night everyone." Paul said as he left.  " Good night Paul, they all said.  


Little Joe was sound to sleep in Ben's arms.  " We had better get this little one up to bed.  Ben carried his sleeping son up to his rrom, where they all undressed the child and got him into his nightshirt.  Ben carefully laid his little son in his bed, tuck BO under his arm and covered him up.  They all gave the little boy kisses.  No one wanted to leave the room.  They just stood there with tears in their eyes,and thanked God for bring their precious little boy home.    They all told the sleeping child how much they loved him.  " Boys, I think you had better get some sleep now.  It's been a long, and very happy day." Ben told his son's.  "Pa, aren't you going to bed too?" asked Adam.  " In a little while.  I just want to stay here for a bit yet.  Good night boys." Ben said .  " Good night Pa, and Little Joe." both Adam and Hoss said.


The Cartwright family and Hop Sing all slept great that night.


                          THE END.   



The Kidnapping of Little Joe


For the last three months, boys have been disappearing from Carson City, Reno, and Virginia City.  The boys ranged an age from seven to ten.  All of the missing boys had been found beaten to death, except for three boys, who were found badly beaten, but alive.  The boys taken from the Reno area had been found near Virginia City.   The boys taken fron the Carson City area had been found near Reno, and the boys from the Virginia City area had been found near Carson City


The two brothers rode into Virginia City and headed straight for the Bucket of Blood saloon.  They had ordered beers, and then they found a table to sit down at.


" I think we need to get us another boy". Dave Wilson told his brother Hal. " I think you are so right". agreed Hal.


Later in the day, they headed over to the school yard to watch the children play.  They watched the boys to see if they could find their next victim.   They watched the boys for the next two or three days.  Once they had made up their minds who the boy would be, they watched the boy to see which way he came and went home from school, and they had also hoped that the boy lived far from the school, that way he would be easier to kidnap.   The boy they had decided on was a small curly haired youngster, but the only problem seemed to be is that he was always in the company of an older and much larger boy.  They had a plan that would take care of the older boy as well.


School had gone very well for six year old Little Joe Cartwright.  He had got an " A " on his spelling test that day.  He had also recieved an " A " on his math test as well, and he was so happy and excited, that he could hardly wait to show his Papa his " A's " when he got home from school that afternoon.  His older brother Hoss was very proud of his little brother for getting " A's " on his two tests.   Hoss was 13 years old and very large for his age, while his baby brother was very small for his age.


As the boys headed home from school, the weather had turned rather cool, but the boys were so busy talking that they didn't seem to notice. 


About half way home, they noticed two men standing in the road looking at the leg of one of their horses.  Hoss and Little Joe stopped to find out what the problem was.  Dave said that his horse seemed to be limping, so Hoss and Little Joe got off their horses so Hoss could have a look at the leg of the horse in question.   Before he knew what happened next, Hoss was hit very hard on his head with the gun Hal was holding.  Hoss lay unmoving on the road.   Little Joe screamed and he tried to run away, but Dave grabbed him.   He fought as hard as he could, but he was no match for the large man.  Hal hit the child on the head with his gun, the same gun he had hit Hoss with, and Little Joe went limp in Dave's arms.  " That was sure easy.  Lets get out of here." yelled Hal.   Hal got on his horse,and Dave handed the unconscious child up to him, and they rode off towards Carson City.


Ben paced around the livingroom and he was getting more upset by the minute.  " WHERE ARE THOSE TWO BROTHERS OF YOURS ?" yelled Ben to his oldest son Adam.  " Pa, settle down.  You know Little Joe probably had to stay after school and Hoss had to wait ." Adam said to his father.  " Let's go into town and get those two before they can get into anymore touble." Ben said. 


As they headed off to Virginia City, they saw Hoss sitting in the road with his hands on his head.  They rode over to Hoss as fast as they could, jumped off their horses, and kneeled down beside Hoss.  " Hoss, are you alright?  What happened, and where is Little Joe?" asked Ben.  " Pa, my head is a little sore.  It was two men.  They hit me, and I think they took Little Joe with em." Hoss softly said.   " Pa, it's Little Joe's hat." said Adam as he handed his father the hat.   Ben held onto his youngest son's hat, and he told Adam to get into Viginia City fast to get Dr. Paul Martin, and Roy also.   " Pa, we gotta find Little Joe." cried Hoss.  " we'll find him Hoss." said Adam as he jumped on Sport and rode off to town.   Ben helped Hoss stand, and helped him on to Buck, Ben's horse.  Ben then got the reins for Hoss and Little Joe's horses and he tied them to his saddle horn.  He then got on Buck, behind Hoss and they rode for home. 


" Ben, Hoss will be just fine.  He has a slight concussion.  Keep him in bed for a few days, and make sure that he gets a lot of rest.  I will leave these powders for his headaches.  Give them to him if he needs them." Paul told Ben.   " Thank you Paul." Ben said to Paul. 


" Pa, Roy is getting a posse together to look for Little Joe, and I'm going with them." Adam said to Ben.   " Adam, please bring my baby back home." said Ben.   " Don't worry Pa, we'll find him." Adam assured Ben.  " Ben, we will find Little Joe, and the men responsible for this.  Don't you worry now." Roy told Ben. 


Later in the day towards evening, the Wilson brothers and their little victim made camp in the forest.  They had tied up and gagged the child.   The little boy watched in fear at the men as they ate their dinner next to the fire.  Several times since they had made camp, they had beaten the child.   He was very sore, cold ,and very scared. 


" Hey Hal, that little boy is sure a little cutie, isn't he?' said Dave.  " He is, but it won't do him any good." laughed Hal.


The next morning, Little Joe was beaten up again, and was unconscious.  Soon they were on their way to Carson City


The posse and Adam were trying to follow the trail of the Wilson brothers towards Carson City, but they had lost it.  They didn't give up and they continued on. 


Dave and Hal made camp for the night.  They tied up the child.   Hal left camp and headed off to Carson City to buy some whiskey to take back to camp. 


While Hal was in Carson, he bought the whiskey and some more food.  He put the items in his saddle bags and headed back to camp.  On his way to camp, he saw a boy walking down the road, so he stopped to ask the boy where he was going.  The nine year old boy told Hal that he was running way from home.  Hal took out his gun and he hit the boy on the head.  Hal got off his horse, and he pulled the unconscious boy up and he put him on his horse.  Then he got back on the horse behind the boy and rode back to camp.


When Hal got back to camp, Dave walked over to him and asked about the boy.   Hal told Dave that the kid was a runaway.  They both laughed as Hal dumped the boy off his horse and onto the ground.  Dave pulled the boy over towards Little Joe and tied him up.  Little Joe was tied up and he watched as the new boy was thrown next to him.  Dave then started to kick both boys, and Little Joe passed out. 


After Dave and Hal had their dinner, they started to drink the first bottle of whiskey.   A few minutes later, they noticed that both boys were looking at them.   This made them mad.  Hal got up and he walked over to the boys, and grabbed the nine year old, who was still tied up, and he pulled him over towards Dave, and they both started to beat up the boy.  After he was beaten, they strangled him and left him laying on the ground.  Dave walked over to Little Joe who was trying to scream, even though he was gagged.  Dave slapped the child's face hard and said to him " you be still boy.  You saw what happened to that boy-pointing to the dead boy-Thats whats gonna happen to you too"  He turned away from the child and started to laugh.  He got back to the fire and started to drink again.  Soon, both Hal and Dave were drunk and they fell asleep. 


Little Joe who was barely conscious, was watching the men getting very drunk, and fall asleep.  He was in a lot of pain, but he some how he managed to get his wrists untied.  He then untied his ankles, and he crawled out of camp.  He didn't know which way to go, so he just walked away the best he could.  It was dark and he was so scared.  He was also very weak from all the beatings he had received, plus he wasn't given any food or water either. 


The child walked all night.  At daylight he was so tired, he crawled under some bushes and he fell asleep. 


Hal and Dave woke up and they noticed that Little Joe was gone.  They both got mad and started to yell at each other.  They got their stuff together and rode out of camp, leaving the body of the nine year boy behind. 


About noon the posse and Adam had found the camp site of the Wilson brothers.  " OH MY GOD-ROY-LOOK." yelled Adam as he ran over to the body of the dead boy.  He kneeled down to see if the boy was still alive, but he wasn't.  Roy kneeled next to Adam and he looked at the body, and he shook his head.  " We had better take this boy into Carson City." Roy told Adam.   " Roy, Adam, yelled Pete Devlin, look at this.  He was pointing to some rope by a tree as Adam and Roy ran over to see what Pete wanted.  " Looks like someone was tied up here." said Pete.   "Maybe it was Little Joe." Adam said.  " I don't think they are too far in front of us.' said Roy.   " Smitty, why don't you take the body into Carson City while the rest of us continue on." Roy also said. 


Towards evening Dave and Hal made camp after spending most of the day looking for Little Joe.  They started to drink the rest of their whiskey and had soon passed out.


At about the same time, Little Joe woke up, and he laid there listening to see if he could hear the Wilson brothers.  It was very quiet, so he slowly crawled out from under the bushes and he looked around.  He stood up, but he was so weak and dizzy.  He slowly started to walking again.  He walked most of the night.  He fell down several times.  He was hurting, coughing, and his chest hurt too. 


As it started to get daylight, and he was finally out of the forest, and he could just make out a road down the step hill.  So with what strength he had left, he slowly started down the hill towards the road. 


The posse had finally found the Wilson brothers as they were ready to get on their horses.  " STOP RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE-DROP YOUR GUNS NOW." yelled Roy.   Both Dave and Hal turned around and they started shooting their guns in the direction of the voices they heard.  Both were shot.  Hal died instantly, but Dave was still alive-barely.   Adam ran over to Dave and screamed " WHERE IS MY LITTLE BROTHER ?"  Dave looked up at Adam and smiled and said " he is dead just all the other boys we killed."  That was the last thing Dave ever said.  Both the Wilson brothers were dead. 


Adam just stood there in total shock.  Roy and Pete walked over to him and they both put their arms around him and they said how sorry they were about Little Joe.  " He just can't be dead.  He can't.  Oh my God."  cried Adam.  " Adam, we will find Little Joe's body, and bring him home.' Pete told Adam.  " How am I going to tell Pa that his baby boy is dead.  It will kill him."  Adam softly said. 


His strength finally gave out and Little Joe collasped and he rolled down the hill just as the rain started to fall.   As he came to a stop at the bottom of the hill, his head struck a large rock.  He laid unconscious with blood running down his head and face.  The rain didn't last very long, maybe about 20 minutes or so. 


The Larson family were sitting down to breakfast.  They lived on a small ranch about 5 miles out of Carson City.  The family consisted of Bob and Mary Larson, their 18 year old twin boys-Tom and Mel, and their 16 year old daughter Sra.  Their oldest son, Bob Jr, was 20 years old and he had moved back east two years ago. 


" Bob are you and the boys still going to go into Carson today?" asked Mary.  " Yes, right after breakfast." said Bob.   " Great, would you mind mailing this letter to Bob Jr for me then?"  asked Mary.  " Be glad to honey.   Is there anything you and Sara need from town?" Bob asked.  " No, Pa ." said Sara.  " Nothing for me either." Mary said. 


Tom went out to get the wagon ready,while Mel got his horse saddled.  Bob walked outside to see if the boys were ready, and they headed off to Carson City


About a mile from home, the Larson were talking when Mel yelled to his father that there was something laying in the road up ahead, so they raced over to see what it was.  "OH MY GOD yelled Bob, IT'S A CHILD.  They ran over to Little Joe, and Tom asked Bob if the child was still alive.  Bob kneeled next to the unconscious child and felt his neck for a pulse.  " He's alive, but just barely.   Mel, ride into Carson and get Dr. Anderson out the ranch fast.   Mel headed off to get Dr. Anderson.   Bob picked up the child and got back in the wagon.  He held Little Joe while Tom drove the wagon home. 


They were home in no time.  Bob was yelling for Mary.  Mary and Sara ran out of the house, and they just stopped at the sight of Bob carrying the unconscious child.  " Bob, what happened?  Where did you find the child?' cried Mary.   " We found him next to the road about a mile from here.  He's in bad shape.   Mel has gone for the doctor." Bob told Mary.  Bob carried the child into Bob Jr's room and he laid him on the bed.  " Sara, please get some towels, hot water, and the first aid kit." yelled Mary.  "  Right away, mama." said Sara as she ran to the things Mary asked for. 


Bob and Mary got Little Joe undressed, and into a small nightshirt, as Sara entered thr room.  They were all shocked at the sight of the child's badly beaten body.  " OH MY GOD MAMA WHO COULD HAVE DONE SUCH A HORRIBLE THING TO THIS LITTLE BOY ?" yelled Sara.  "I don't know honey.  I just don't know?" questioned Mary.  Tom  was very upset at who ever had beaten the child.  Sara and Mary were crying.  " He's so cute.  What a beautiful sweet face he has, even with the bruising on his face." said Mary.  " I have never seen this child around here anywhere.  I wonder where he came from, and what is his name?" asked Bob.  " I don't know, but I bet his family is worried sick about him." Mary said.   " Mama, he has a fever.' said a very concerned Sara.  Mary felt Little Joe's forehead and agreed with Sara. 


Dr. Sam Anderson and Mel walked into the room.   " He's in a bad way Sam." Bob softly said.   " I know, Mel told me all about finding the boy and that he is badly beaten.  Did the child have anything on him that says who he is?" asked Sam.  " No-nothing at all Sam." said Mary.  As Sam looked Little Joe, he said, " He's not from around here or I would have reconized him.   MY GOD, someone has beat this child bad.  He is sick too.  He is on the verge of pneumonia too." Sam said as he continued to check over Little Joe. 


After examining the child, Sam walked out to the livingroom and sat down, and he told the Larson's that the child has cracked ribs, nasty bruising all over his body, a severe concussion with a possible cracked skull, and bad chest infection.  " This little boy is very bad shape.  He is also starving.  We need to get his fever down as fast as possible.  He needs broth and water, but don't give it to him too much at a time.  We want him to choke.  I have taped his chest up for his ribs.  Keep him warm, talk to him, and hopefuuly he will wake up soon.  I just don't know how long he will unconscious, though. Poor little boy.  It just makes me so upset that someone could do this to a small child." Sam told the Larson's.  They all agreed.  " Do you think the child could be one of the victims of those killers?" asked Mary.  " He might be Mary." Sam told Mary.  


Adam rode slowly into the yard of the Ponderosa.  He was worn out.  He got his horse tied up and he went into the house.   As soon as he walked into the livingroom, Ben jumped out of his chair.  Adam looked at Ben and Hoss and he walked over to his chair and he sat down.  " Well Adam, where is Little Joe?" asked Ben.  Adam looked up at his father with tears rolling down his face and he said, " he's dead, Pa.".  Ben stood there staring at Adam and he screamed " NO, NOT MY BABY- NOT MY BABY!!!!!" as his knees gave out.  Adam and Hoss helped Ben to his chair.   All three of them were cry hard.  " What wrong with family? Why family cry?" asked Hop Sing who had heard the crying.  " Hop Sing, Little Joe is dead." cried Adam.  " NO, NO, NO." yelled Hop Sing as he too began to cry.  Adam slowly told them what had happened with the posse, and that they were still looking for Little Joe's body.  " MY GOD--WHY WHY?  He was just a baby." cried Ben.


Five days later, Little Joe slowly woke up.  " Mama, the little boy is waking up." yelled Sara.  The family ran into the room where Little Joe and Sara were.  They talked to the child, but the child didn't say anything.  He just stared.  Little Joe was hurting, and he felt awful.  His mind seemed so foggy, and he didn't notice anything around him.  


Mary gently lifted Little Joe's head up to give him some water, which he did very slowly.  " Hi darling, can you tell us your name please?" asked Mary.  The child just stared and didn't say anything. 


About that time Dr. Anderson walked into the room.  " Sam, we are so glad you are here.  The boy just woke up, but he won't talk.  He just stares." Bob told Sam.  " Let me have a look at him.   Hello sweetheart, how are you feeling?   Can you talk to me?   What happened to you son? Sam asked the child.   Little Joe just stared. 


Over the next several weeks, Little Joe was still very weak, and still coughing.  His chest infection and his cracked ribs were almost healed up.  He still wouldn't talk though.  Just continued to stare.


"Sam, the boy has nightmares-bad ones.  He wakes up screaming, and he asks for his papa, but when he is awake, he still won't talk." Bob sadly told Sam.  Sam told Mary that the child seemed to be in some kind of shock., and what ever happened to him must have  horrible for him.  " Sam if we can't find his family, we want to keep him as our own." Mary said to Sam.  " He is so sweet, too." Mary said.  " It is possible Mary, but we really need to find this boys' family.  The men who had been kidnapping boys have been killed, but one of them before he died confussed to the killings.  This child could have possibly been one of their victims, who was enough to get away.  There were three boys who did get away, and from their discription, it was those men-the Wilson brothers.  I'm going to send telegrams to my doctor friends to see if any boys in their area are missing.  I hope we will soon find out who this little one here is." Sam said.


Life around the Ponderosa had to go on, even though the family didn't feel like it.  Hoss was now better.  The search for Little Joe's body had been called off.  It had been eight weeks since the little boy had disappeared.   The Cartwright family finally went back to work, but life around the ranch seemed to have gone away.  No one talked much.   They just did their work.


George ran into Dr.Paul Martin's office with a telegram for Paul.   " Thank you George." said Paul as he took the telegram from George.  Paul sat down and read the telegram, and he said out loud, " Please dear God, let that little boy be Little Joe." Paul sent a reply back to Dr. Sam Anderson right away. 


As soon as Sam heard from Dr. Paul Martin, he rode out to the Larson ranch.   " Bob, Mary, I got a telegram from Dr. Paul Martin from Virginia City, and he says that a small child from that area has been missing for  eight weeks now.   He says the discription of the child fits this child.  He will be here tomorrow, and as soon as he gets to Carson City, we will head right out here." Sam told the Larsons.   "Oh Sam, I sure hope this is the child Paul talked about." Mary said with a big smile on her face.  " As long as I'm here, let me have  look at the boy.  " Sam, he still won't talk, and he hardly eats anything either.  He doesn't sleep much . He will hold your hands when we let him see the horses.  he seems to really love horses.  He is still weak and pale." Bob told Sam.  " He still has a slight fever, but he lump on his head is getting smaller too.  His lungs and heart sound good.  His ribs are healed up now, and all the bruising is just about gone too.He really need s to eat more and get more sleep.  Hopefully if he is the child Paul knows, maybe he will reconize Paul." Sam said.  "I sure hope so Sam.  It's just so heartbreaking to see this beautiful child in this condition." Mary said softly.  " OK, Paul and I will out here tomorrow." Sam said as he walked to the door to leave.  


At first light the next morning, Dr.Paul Martin rode out of town and headed off to Carson City.  He arrived at Dr. Sam Anderson's office at 8:30am.  " Sam, it is so nice to see you again." Paul said as he shook hands with Sam.   " Same here, Paul." said Sam'   "Sam, please tell me all about the little boy you mentioned in your telegram." asked Paul.  Sam told Paul the whole story how the child was found, the condition he was in when he was found ,and how he was doing now.  " I pray to God that the child is Little Joe." Paul told Sam.  " I'm very close to his family.  I brought that little boy into the world six years ago.  I love that little imp.  His family is so depressed at his disappearance.  It is so heartbreaking to see what they are going through.  When can we go and see him?" asked Paul.  " Right now Paul." Sam told Paul.  


It didn' take Sam and Paul very long to get to the Larson ranch.  Bob and Mary, and their kids met Sam and Paul in the yard.  " Bob, Mary, Sara, Tom and Mel, this is Dr. Paul Martin from Virginia City.  " It is so nice to meet you Dr. Martin." said Bob.  " Nice to meet all of you too.  Please call me Paul." Paul told the Larsons.  " I sure hope that this little boy is Little Joe." Paul said.  " Little Joe, is that the child's name Paul?" asked Bob.  " Yes, Little Joe Cartwright." said Paul.  " Did you say Cartwright?  Any relation to Ben Cartwright of the Ponderosa?" Bob asked with a surprised look on his face.  " Yes, Little Joe is Ben's youngest child." said Paul totally amazed.  " I have met Mr. Cartwright before.  I have bought some cattle and some horses from him.  He seems like a very nice man, and a very caring man too.  I've also met his oldest son, Adam, isn't it.' Bob asked.  "Yes, it is Adam, and yes, the whole Cartwright family is wonderful.  " Well, let's go and see the child, OK?" Mary said.


Little Joe was sitting in a chair in his room with his eyes closed, when everyone walked into the room, Paul gasped, " OH MY GOD.  IT'S LITTLE JOE. he said with tears rolling down his face.  He walked over to the sleeping child, kneeled down in front of the boy, and softly said, " Little Joe, Little Joe, wake up son."   Little Joe slowly opened his eyes, and stared at Paul for a few seconds-not saying anything.  Then he flung himself into Paul's arms and he started to cry.  Paul held him tightly, and he was crying too, as was everyone in the room.  Paul rubbed the child's back, and just continued to hold him tightly, and kissing his head of soft curls.  Paul stood up while still holding Little Joe, and he sat down on the bed while still holding the crying child, not wanting to let go of this precious bundle in his arms, that he thought he would never see again.  


After about 30 minutes later, Little Joe lifted his head off of Pauls' shoulder, look at Paul, and asked him softly " I wanna go home to Papa, please."   " Sweetheart, I will very happy to take you home to your Papa." Paul told the child.  They got off the bed and they walked hand in hand out to the livingroom.  


Little Joe was introduced to the Larson's and Sam.  " Fank you for taking care of me." the child said softly.  " Oh honey, we were very happy to take care of you." Mary said with tears in her eyes.  


Paul asked Little Joe what happened to him after he was kidnapped.  The little boy sat on Paul's lap and he told about everything that happened.  Everyone was shocked at what this little boy had gone through.  Little Joe started to cry.  Paul held him tightly and told him that the bad men were dead and that they couldn't hurt him anymore. Little Joe asked Paul how Hoss was, and Paul told him that Hoss was just fine.  The child was very tired, but what Paul had told him about Hoss made him smile.  


Mary kneeled him front of Little Joe and gave him kiss, and she told him that they were all really going to miss him when he went back home.  She also told him that he could call them uncle Bob, aunt Mary, and Sara, Tom and Mel could be his cousins.  That made Little Joe happy, and told them that he would like that.  Bob told him that he and his family could come and visit anytime they wanted, and Little Joe told the Larsons and Sam they could come to see him at the Ponderosa anytime too.  They talked for a few more.  Mary and Sra made some sandwiches for Paul and Little Joe to eat on the way home.  


Soon, it was time to leave.  Little Joe gave the Larsons all hugs and kisses, and he said, " fank you again for taking care of me, and for the toys, and clothes you bought for me.  Paul put the toys, sandwiches and clothes into his saddl bags.  Paul and Little Joe also thanked Sam for all his help at saving Little Joe's life.  Paul put Little Joe on his horse, and he climbed on behind the child, and they headed off to the Ponderosa.  


A couple of hours later, Paul woke up Little Joe and helped him down from the horse so they could eat their sandwiches. The child was very tired, and Paul thought it would be a good idea to rest for a while.  After they ate, they were again off to the Ponderosa.


About 3pm, they rode into the yard of the Ponderosa.  Paul gently woke up the little boy, and they walked to the front door, and Paul knocked on the door.  Little Joe stood behind Paul, not being fully awake yet.  Hop Sing answered the door, and he was surprised to see Paul standing at the door. " Hello Hop Sing, is Ben home?" asked Paul.  " No,Mr Cartlight not home yet.  Be home around 4pm.  You come in and have coffee." Hop Sing said to Paul. " Hop Sing, I have a big surprise, but don't say anything to them when they get home.  With that said, Little Joe stood next to Paul.  " OH, my widdle Joe, widdle Joe," yelled Hop Sing, with tears rolling down his face.  Paul aslo had tears in his eyes.  " Where you find widdle boy?' Hop Sing cried as he held Little Joe in his arms.  " Hop Sing, you sit down and I will tell you the whole story.  "Hop Sing go get coffee and cookies.  You sit down. Be light back." Hop Sing said as he hurried out to the kitchen.  Little Joe fell asleep, so Paul carried him over to the sattee and laid him down.  Hop Sing covered the child with a blanket, and he kisses his curly head.  Paul told Hop Sing the story.  " Cartlights be so happy to have number three son home again.  Please Dr. Martin you stay for dinner." said Hop Sing.  " I'd be happy to stay for dinner Hop Sing.  Thank you very much." Paul said.  " You lest now.  Family be home soon." said Hop Sing as he headed back to the kitchen. He did make several trips out to the sattee to see the sleeping child.  Paul dozed off in the chair. 


About 4:15pm, the Cartwright rode into the yard.  " Isn't that Paul's horse, Pa, asked Hoss.   " Yes it is.  I wonder what he is doing here?"Ben said.  


They walked into the livingroom, and Paul got up as the door opened.  "Paul, what are you doing here?" asked Ben.  " Just thought I'd stop by to see how all of you are doing." Paul said.  Hop Sing was standing by the diningroom table listening.  " Oh, we are doing OK, Paul." Ben said softly.  

"Ben, Adam. Hoss, I have a big surprise for you," Paul told them.   " Thanks Paul, but we're just not ready for any surprises right now," Ben told paul.  " Wait Ben, you just might like this surprise," Paul said with a smile on his face.  " OK, Paul, what is it?"  "Over there," Paul said as he pointed towards the sattee.  Ben, Adam and Hoss walked over to the sattee, and they all gasped at the sight of the sleeping child.  Ben yelled," MY BABY.  MY BABY. OH LITTLE JOE-BABY!!!!"  He kneeled down in front of the sleeping child and gently woke him up.  Adam and Hoss were standing there with tears pouring down their faces.  Ben looked up at Paul and said " Paul, where did you find him?"  I will tell you all about it in a few minutes," Paul proudly said.  


Little Joe finally opened his eyes, and when he saw his papa he softly said " Papa, Oh Papa", and he started to cry.  Ben held him, kissed him and said, " Oh precious, Papa's here, baby.  Adam and Hoss kneeled down and touched their baby brother and they too, kissed him.  They told their little brother how much they had missed and they were so happy to have hime back home again. 


Ben sat in his chair holding his baby son in his arms not wanting to let go for dear life, as Paul told them the whole story about what happened to Little Joe.  The child was sucking his thumb while trying so hard to keep his eyes open.  


" How can I ever thank the Larsons and Dr. Anderson for all they did for Little Joe?" asked Ben.  " As soon as this little  one here is better, we will all ride to the Larsons to thank them.  I will send them a telegram tomorrow.  I still can't believe I have my baby home again," Ben said with tears in his eyes.  "Papa, they were really nice to me.  They bought me some toys and some clothes too." said a sleepy Little Joe.  " They did, did they sweetheart?" said Ben.  


Hop Sing appeared and announced dinner was ready.  Dinner was a real fest that night.  Hop Sing made all of Little Joe's favorite foods.   The child ate some, but he was so tired, all he wanted to do was to go to sleep in his bed with his bear, BO.  " Hop Sing, you really out did yerself with dinner tonight" said Hoss with a big smile on his face.  " Hop Sing so happy to have number three son back home where he belong," said Hop Sing.  " We all are Hop Sing," Adam said.


"Well, I hate to leave this happy family, but I have to get back to town now," said Paul as he got up and walked towards the door.  "Thank you again for dinner." Paul said.  " Paul, thank you again for everything, and epecially for this little one back home to us." said Ben.  " Ben, this has been the best day of my life.  Good night everyone." Paul said as he left.  " Good night Paul, they all said.  


Little Joe was sound to sleep in Ben's arms.  " We had better get this little one up to bed.  Ben carried his sleeping son up to his rrom, where they all undressed the child and got him into his nightshirt.  Ben carefully laid his little son in his bed, tuck BO under his arm and covered him up.  They all gave the little boy kisses.  No one wanted to leave the room.  They just stood there with tears in their eyes,and thanked God for bring their precious little boy home.    They all told the sleeping child how much they loved him.  " Boys, I think you had better get some sleep now.  It's been a long, and very happy day." Ben told his son's.  "Pa, aren't you going to bed too?" asked Adam.  " In a little while.  I just want to stay here for a bit yet.  Good night boys." Ben said .  " Good night Pa, and Little Joe." both Adam and Hoss said.


The Cartwright family and Hop Sing all slept great that night.