Part one


By: Lynne G.


Adam had been home from college for a month and a half.  By now he was back into his old life at the Ponderosa.  It had taken him almost that long for his body to get back into the swing of ranch work again.


His father, Ben Cartwright was very happy to have him back at home again.  He was now his father's right hand man. 


Adam's younger brother, Hoss was six years younger than Adam, and he was now bigger than Adam.  They always had a close relationship, and Hoss was very greatful to have his big brother back after four years of college.


The baby of the family, Little Joe who was now ten years old, was 12 1/2 years younger than Adam, and he wasn't  to sure about the return of his oldest brother.  The boy hardly remembered Adam, since he was only six years old when Adam left for college.  Hoss and Little Joe had a very close relationship, and they were also best friends too.


Hoss no longer went to school, and he was now working full time on the Ponderosa.  Little Joe was still in school and he hated every minute of it.  He also wanted to work full time  on the ranch, like his older brothers, but Ben insisted that he get a good education for a few more years. 


During Adam's second month at home, Ben had several business meeting, some in Sacramento, and San Francisco.  He would be gone about one month, and Adam would be in charge of running the Ponderosa.  There were plenty of ranch hands, plus Hoss to take care of running the ranch the size of the Ponderosa. 


Little Joe hated it when Ben was gone, and now that Adam was back home, the boy really hated the idea that Adam would be the boss and his second father.  He didn't want to take orders from his oldest brother, and he could make life miserable for his two brothers. 


" Hoss, would you please go and get that baby brother of ours up before he is late for school AGAIN ." asked Adam.  " Sure thing Adam.  That boy is so stubborn.  Why does he have to be like this?"asked Hoss.  " I don't know Hoss.  I just don't know" Adam said softly.


Hoss opened the door to his little brothers room, walked over to the sleeping boy, and he looked down at the boy, and he thought to himself, " he looks so sweet when he's sleeping."  " Hey there punkin-it's time to wake up now"  Hoss said as he slowly rubbed the boys back.  The boy mumbled something that Hoss couldn't understand.  " Come on now little brother before I pull you out of this bed."  Hoss said again.  Still no response.  So Hoss pulled the sleeping boy out of bed and onto the floor.  " Hoss, what did ya do that for?'" asked a very sleepy Little Joe.  " Listen, you have five minutes to get dressed and down stairs for breakfast.  Now git goin' before yer late for school AGAIN!" yelled Hoss.  " Geez Hoss, can't I stay home and help you and Adam here ?" asked the boy.  " NO YOU CAN"T !" Hoss told him.  Little Joe got off the floor and started to get dressed.


" Morning little brother," Adam said to Little Joe as he sat down at the table.  " Morning Adam" the boy softly said.  He put some food on his plate, but he just pushed it around with his fork.  "Come on Joe, you have to eat your breakfast.  Look, I want you to come home right after school today and get your chores done.  Do you hear me?"  asked Adam.  " Yeah I hear ya, and I ain't hungry either." grumped the boy.  " Listen little buddy, we all need to do our share around here, especially since Pa isn't here.  I know you miss him, but----" before Adam could finish his sentence, Little Joe said, "Please, let me stay home and so I can help you.  I don't need to go to school.  You need me here."  " No you don't little brother.  I know you want to help out, but you need to go to school.  Now EAT !", said Adam.  With that said, Little Joe jumped up grabbed his lunch and saddle bag, and rushed out the door, slamming the door loudly.  Adam sat there slowly shaking his head, and pinching the bridge of his nose, as he heard the boy gallop out of the yard. 


" Little Joe, are you paying attention to what I have been saying?"  asked Miss Jones.  " Yes ma'am," said the boy.  " Alright then, what have I been talking about?" she asked the boy.  " You were talking about George Washington and the crossing of the Delaware River." said Little Joe.    " Thank you Little Joe.  You are right" said Miss Jones as she smiled at the boy. 


As the day went on, she told the class to write an essay about George Washington, and that it would be due in three days.  Then she told them it was time for their spelling test. 

Miss Jones wasn't feeling very well.  She was coming down with a nasty cold.  " OK, I want you to turn in your spelling tests now, and then you can all go home early."  She told the class. 


" YIPPY !!!!!" yelled Little Joe as he ran out the door.  " Hey Little Joe, do ya wanna go fishin', since we got out early?" asked Mitch.  " Ya, let's go." said a very happy Little Joe.


Soon they both had several good sized trout.  " I had better get home before Adam gets mad and tans me." said Little Joe.  "  See ya tomorrow Little Joe." said Mitch.  " Bye Mitch." yelled Little Joe.


Little Joe rode home, and put his horse in the barn. Before he unsaddled Bear, he took the fish into the kitchen for Hop Sing to cook for dinner.  " Hop Sing, Hop Sing," yelled the boy as he walked into the kitchen.  " Why you yell?" asked Hop Sing as he came into the kitchen from the diningroom.  "Hi Hop Sing, I caught some fish for dinner." said a very proud boy as he held up the fish for Hop Sing to see.   "Nice fish-big fish too.  Why you out of school early?"asked Hop Sing.  " Miss Jones is sick so she let go early, and me and Mitch went fishin', and see, I'm not late either." said the boy.  " You good boy.  Here are milk and cookies. Then you go do chores."  said Hop Sing.  " Thanks Hop Sing." Little Joe said to Hop Sing.  As soon as he finished his snack, he headed for the barn to take care of Bear and to do his chores.


He was just finishing up chopping the wood whenAdam and Hoss rode up.  " Hi short shanks," yelled Hoss.  " Hi Hoss, Adam." he said.  " Hi little buddy.  Thanks for getting home on time."  said Adam as he smiled at the boy.  Little Joe nodded at him.


No sooner had Adam and Hoss been home, when Mr. George Johnson, the head of the school board rode up.  Little Joe came out of the barn to see who was there.  " Hi Mr. Johnson." he said.  " Hi Little Joe, is your Pa home?" George asked.  " No sir.  He's away on business, but Adam is home.  Would ya like to talk to him?" asked the boy.  " Yes, I would." said George.  Little Joe was trying to think if he was in trouble, and he started to tremble.  He took George into the house.  " Adam, Mr. Johnson would like to see ya." Little Joe said.  " Hi Mr. Johnson, what can I do for you?" asked Adam, hoping his little brother wasn't in some kind of trouble.  Little Joe left the room and went back out to the barn. 


" Hi Adam, Little Joe tells me your Pa is away on business." said George.  " Yes he is, but he will be back in a couple of weeks.  Is there anything I can help you with?   Please sit down.   Would you like some coffee?" asked Adam.  " No thank you Adam.  I don't know if you heard, but Miss Jones is ill, and we need to have a meeting of the school board tonight in town, and since your Pa isn't here, could you come and take his place tonight?"George said to Adam.   " No I didn't know she was ill.  I hope it's nothing serious, and yes I will be glad to come to the meeting.  Thank you for asking me.  What time?" asked Adam.  " It's at 7pm, and Miss Jones has a nasty cold.  Well, I had better get back to town.  See you later Adam." said George as he got up to leave. 
 Yes.  I'll see you later." said Adam


Hoss walked into the house.  " What did Mr. Johnson want?  Don't tell me little brother is in trouble again? said Hoss.  " No, little brother isn't in trouble.  Miss Jones is ill, so there is a school board meeting tonight in town, and Mr. Johnson asked me to come to it."  Adam told Hoss.  " Oh, fer a minute, I thought short shanks was in trouble.  You should see him Adam, he's as white as a ghost.  I think, he thinks he's in trouble or somethin'.  Poor kid." Hoss said.  " Where is he Hoss?" asked Adam.  " He's in the barn."said Hoss.  " I'll go and talk to him." said Adam.


When Adam got to the barn, he saw his little brother sitting on a bale of hay, looking so sad and scared.  He also had tears in his eyes.  Adam felt sorry for him.  " Hey Little Joe, why are you looking so sad?" asked Adam.  " I didn't do anything-honest Adam.  I didn't." the boy said very softly.  "Oh, Joe, you aren't in any trouble.  Mr. Johnson wants me to come to the school board meeting tonight.  That's all." Adam told the boy.  Adam sat down next to the boy and he put his arms around him.  Adam could feel the boy trembling.  " Really little buddy, it's about Miss Jones being ill.  That's all the meeting is about," said Adam softly.  Little Joe looked up at Adam with tears in his eyes, and he said," are you sure Adam."  " I'm sure little buddy,"  said Adam with a big smile on his face.


" Them fish were sure good little brother," both Hoss and Adam said to Little Joe.  " Thanks.  Well, can I go up to my room now and get started with my home work?" asked Little Joe.  " Sure little buddy.  Is there anything I can help you with ?"asked Adam.  " Nope-just gotta write an essay on George Washington, that's all." said the boy.  " I have a book on him in my room.  Why don't you go and get it.   You might find something in it to help you out," smiled Adam.  " OK.  Thanks Adam," said the boy as he headed for the stairs. 


Adam left for Virginia City and the meeting.  " Gentlemen, as you know, Miss Jones is ill and won't be able to teach for a couple of weeks.  We need to find a substitue for those two weeks or else close the school.  There isn't time to advertise for a teacher, so if you can think of anyone who you think could teach for two weeks, I need their names now." said Mr. Goerge Johnson.  " George the only person who would be perfect for this job is Adam," said Bob Carlson.  "  WHAT?" said a very surprised Adam.  Everyone agreed to that idea.  " What do you say Adam?" asked George.  " I don't know.  With Pa away, I have to run the ranch," said Adam.  " Adam, you are the only who could take over for Miss Jones.  Can't you have Hoss and your hired hands take over for those two weeks?  You know the kids need to be in school,"  said George.  " I even have a list of what Miss Jones is teaching now .  Please Adam," begged George.  " OK, I'll do it.  When do I start?" asked Adam.  " In the morning," said George.


" They want you to do WHAT?" asked a very surprised Hoss.  " I tell you Hoss, I'm not looking forward to this.  What will Little Joe think about this?" asked a concerned Adam.  " That poor kid Adam," said Hoss as he looked towards the stairs. 


Adam went out to talk to Charlie, who had worked for the Cartwrights since Ben had started the ranch.  Adam knew Charlie could take over for him, and he also knew Hoss was a big help too.  The biggest problem now was Little Joe, and  what would the boy think about Adam being his teacher for two weeks.


At breakfast that next morning when Little Joe finally made it to the table, he looked at Adam and said " Hey Adam, why are you dressed like that for ?"  " Well little brother, something has come up in town that I need to take care of for a couple of weeks.  Now eat your breakfast, and I'll ride into town with you."  Adam said to his little brother.  The boy slowly ate some breakfast, and he kept looking at Adam, thinking something was not quite right.  " Well, you two have a good day.  I've got work to do," said Hoss as he got up to leave.  " Bye Hoss," they both said.


On the way to town, Adam finally told Little Joe that he was going to be the substitute teacher for the next two weeks.  The boy pulled Bear up and yelled " WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY ADAM?"  Adam stopped Sport, and he noticed his little brother wasn't beside him anymore, and he was just sitting on his horse with his mouth open. " Look Little Joe, the school board wants me to take over teaching while Miss Jones is ill.  It will be only for two weeks." Adam said.  " WELL, I AIN'T GONNA GO TO SCHOOL THEN !" yelled a very upset Little Joe.   "Little Joe, I don't want to argue with you.  Now lets get going so I can get some things finished before school starts," said Adam.  " NO, I AIN'T GOIN' AND YOU CAN'T MAKE EITHER !" yelled the boy as he rode away from Adam.   "Little Joe get back here NOW !  Damn that kid," Adam said to himself. as he continued on to school. 


Adam got into the classroom about 45 minutes before class was to start and he hurried to get ready for the students.  He looked out the window several times to see if his little brother had returned, but the boy was nowhere in sight.  Adam just sighed.  Adam sat down and said to himself, " I should have told him last night."



At 9am, Adam rang the bell for the start of class.  He stood  there smiling at the kids as they came into the room.  They were really surprised to see him there. 


" Good morning everyone.  My name is Adam Cartwight, and I will be taking over for Miss Jones until she is able to come back to school in a couple of weeks.  She will be just fine, and as you already know, she does have a bad cold.  .  OK, I'm now going to call your names, and when I call your name, I want you to please say " here."  Thank you," said Adam. 


As he was talking to the student about their lessons, his little brother walked into the room, and he sat down at his desk, not even looking at Adam.  Adam smiled at his little brother and said, " you are late Little Joe.  I expect you to be on time for class."  Little Joe just glared at him, and he could almost feel the eyes of his classmates on him.  Through out the morning Adam looked over at his little brother, who didn't look very happy at all. 


While Adam was at the blackboard, one of the older boys in class tossed a spitwad at Little Joe, which hit him on his shoulder.  Little Joe turned around and looked behind him and yelled " STOP IT !"  Adam turned around and looked at Little Joe, who was still turned around.  " Little Joe please be quiet and pay attention.  Now, turn around," said Adam loudly.  The boy turned around and he stuck his tongue out at Adam's back.  He could hear snickering from behind him. 


" Ok class, you may go out for recess now.  Little Joe, you stay here,"  Adam said to the boy.  Everyone got up and left.  Little Joe sat there and stared at Adam and said, " That ain't fair Adam.  I didn't do anything.  Someone--- he was starting to say, before Adam stopped him.  " YOU ARE HEADING FOR TROUBLE IF YOU DON'T STOP INTERRUPTING CLASS, !" Adam yelled.  " But Adam----he started to say.  " JUST BE QUIET WILL YOU!!  I know you are upset with me being here, but please try to behave.  It will make it easier for everyone,"  Adam told him.  By now Little Joe was in tears.  He didn't say anything, but he nodded at Adam.  " If you want you can go outside with your friends now," Adam said.  The boy got up and slowly walked out the door. 


" Hey look everyone.  It's the TEACHERS PET !" said Wayne Strand, and everyone was laughing.  Little Joe didn't say anything, as he sat down and looked at the ground, and he felt sick.   A few minutes later Adam rang the bell to end recess. 


As Little Joe walked to his desk, Wayne pushed him and he fell forward and fell down.  Adam looked up and he saw his little brother getting back up.  " Little Joe, what are you doing?" he asked.  " Nothing," said the boy softly. 


During lunch, Wayne, Tom Wilder, and Geoff Thompson walked over to where Little Joe was sitting, and they started to call him " TEACHERS PET " over and over.  " You guys SHUT UP !!!! " yelled the much small and younger boy.  " Oh-poor little boy-can't you take teasing?" said Tom, and the three older boys started to laugh at Little Joe.


Tom pulled Little Joe up to a standing position- and they stared down at him and said, " Oh look, the "TEACHERS PET" is scared.  Poor baby," they said while laughing at the smaller boy.  Geoff pushed Little Joe to the ground, and he said, " Oh, poor little boy can't even stand up on his own without falling down."  They left Little Joe sitting on the ground.  This treatment to Little Joe kept up everyday while Adam was teaching.


One day after the three older boys had knocked Little Joe to the ground again, he lost his temper and he started to fight with Wayne, Tom and Geoff.  The older boys were having a very easy time beating up the smaller boy. 


As Adam sat at his desk, he could hear yelling coming from the school yard, so he got up and headed out the door.  He saw the fight going on and he yelled, " STOP THAT FIGHTING RIGHT NOW !!!"  The older boys stopped beating up Little Joe, but the younger boy kept on fight.  " JOSEPH, STOP FIGHTING RIGHT NOW !!!" yelled Adam as he grabbed his little brother.  By now, Little Joe was in a lot of pain from the nasty hits he took in his stomach, chest and ribs. 


"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?"  yelled Adam as he was trying to hold onto his little brother who was trying to get away from Adam.  " Mr. Cartwright, your little brother started the fight," said Wayne" ALL OF YOU GO INTO CLASS NOW !" yelled Adam as he was still holding onto Little Joe.  " WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?  CAN'T YOU STAY OUT OF TROUBLE FOR ONE DAY?" yelled Adam.  " LEAVE ME ALONE ADAM!!" yelled Little Joe.  Adam was really anrgy now, and he slapped the boy very hard across the face, and he let him go.  Little Joe just stood there for a couple of seconds after Adam had slapped his face.  He had tears running down his face.  " LITTLE JOE-YOU JUST WAIT TILL WE GET HOME !!" yelled Adam.


Little Joe took off running as fast as he could towards the stable and he saddled Bear.  " YOU GET BACK HERE LITTLE JOE !!" yelled Adam as he now ran after his little brother.  As Adam got to the stable, the boy rode past him, and was racing away from the school.