By:  Lynne G.


Ben Cartwright needed to send his oldest son, eighteen year old Adam to Sacramento to do some quick business for him.  Since Adam would be leaving in a few months to go back East to college, he decided to ask Ben if he could take his youngest brother, six year old Little Joe with him, because he wanted to spend as much time with the little boy as possible.


" I don't know Adam.  Are you sure you can take care of him and do the business that needs doing?" asked Ben.  " Yes I can Pa.  That meeting won't take very long and I want to spend as much time with him before I have to leave for college.  It will be fun to show him new sites and things he's never seen before.  I know he's so young, but to see his excitement through his eyes will be special for both of us.  Please Pa?" Adam begged.  " Alright Adam.  I can see your reason for wanting to do this, but please keep him safe for me," Ben asked.  " I will Pa, and thank you," Adam said as he was smiling.


The Cartwright brothers were having a good time.  Little Joe was in awe of the size of Sacramento.  It was like nothing he had ever seen before.  Adam was very proud of his little brother, as the child was behaving perfectly which was very unusual for this little mischief maker.


The man Adam was to have a meeting with was named Norm Watson, who was in charge of the Restaurant Association in Sacramento, and Norm wanted a contract for Ponderosa beef for the restaurants.


Norm Watson's parents had been visiting with him for the last several months.  They lived in New York, and they were enjoying their visit with Norm and his family, and seeing the West coast.


Norm had introduced his parents to Adam and Little Joe.  The elder Watson's fell in love with the little boy and they had offered to watch the boy while Adam and Norm had their meeting.  Adam was very grateful for that, since he wouldn't have to worry about Little Joe for that afternoon.


The elder Watson's would be leaving that next week to return to New York.  They were really looking forward to spending the afternoon with Little Joe.  They had made plans to take the little boy to a circus that was in town and the afternoon show was the last show before the circus left town.



Little Joe loved the circus, especially the horses.  He couldn't wait to tell Adam all about his afternoon at the circus.  That evening the Watson's, Norm and his wife Sally, Adam and Little Joe all went out to dinner, and everyone was getting a kick out of Little Joe as the little boy told about his afternoon at the circus.


That next day, Norm asked Adam if he could stay for another week.  Adam knew he needed to stay to complete the contract, but he knew that his little brother was getting homesick, and that the child was really missing his Papa very much.  Adam didn't know what to do.


Norm said that his parents were taking the stage to Virginia City in two more days and they had offered to take Little Joe with them and deliver him safely to Ben.  The Watson's would then catch the stage to Carson City and continue on East till they reached New York.  Adam agreed to that.  Little Joe liked the Watson's, so he was happy that he would soon see his Papa.  Adam had sent Ben a telegram about having to stay for an extra week, and that Little Joe would be with the Watson's.  He told Ben when the stage would arrive in Virginia City.  Ben was very happy to have his little boy coming back home, as he too was really missing his little boy.


Around nine in the morning Adam and Little Joe walked over to the stage depot.  Adam was sad that he had to send his little brother home, but the child was so homesick now, and being that Adam had several more meetings coming up, it was better for Little Joe to go home.  " Adam, sure ya can't come home too?" asked Little Joe.  " No little buddy.  I wish I could, but I have several more meetings that I need to attend to for Pa,"  Adam told the child.


About ten minutes later, Norm and his parents arrived and Little Joe was happy to see them.  All too soon it was time for the stage to leave.  " Adam, I'm really sorry about you having to stay an extra week, but it is necessary," Norm said.  " Yes, I know, but I'm very thankful that your parents have offered to take care of Little Joe on the trip to Virginia City.


" Bye, bye Adam.  Fanks fer bringin' me ta Sacramento with ya.  I had lots of fun, but I really miss Papa now.  I will be a good boy for Mr & Mrs. Watson.  I wuv you Adam," said Little Joe as he hugged his big brother.  " I love you too little buddy.  I had fun with you this week.  See you in a week," Adam told his little brother as he held the child tightly and kissed the top of his curly head.  While Adam and Little Joe were saying their 'good bye's', the Watson's were also saying 'good bye' to their son, Norm.  Adam again thanked the Watson's.  Then the stage left. 


There had been as small band of five rengade Apaches that had been raiding some of the local ranches between Sacramento and Spring Valley.  The indians had killed the ranchers, burned down their houses and barns before running the farm animals off.


About a day later as the stage was nearing the half way point to Virginia City, the indians began to attack the stage.  As soon as the attacked started, Mr. Watson made Little Joe lay on the floor of the stage.  He decided it would be safer for the little boy.  The stage driver tried to outrun the indians, but he was shot and fell from the stage.  Soon the stage slowly began to tip over.  As it was falling, the stage door flew open and Little Joe fell out of the stage.  Mr. Watson tried to grab the little boy, but everything was happening just too fast.


Little Joe landed in a ditch, but as he hit the ground, his head struck a large rock and he was knocked unconscious.  The stage landed over the ditch, which saved the child's life.


The indians pulled everyone out of the stage and killed them.  The indians had no idea that Little Joe was laying in the ditch, with the stage on top of the ditch, and they soon left.


Several hours later, Little Joe slowly opened his eyes, and he looked around.  All he saw was the stage on top of him.  His head was throbbing badly and his vision was blurred.  It was deathly quiet all around him.  He called for help, but there was nothing but silence.  He was scared and he started to cry..


After about an hour, he was finally able to crawl out from under the stage, but as he stood up he became very dizzy, so he had to lean up against the stage for a few minutes.  He never did see the the bodies of his fellow passengers, as they were on the other side of the stage.


He wasn't sure which direction to start walking, so he just headed off in the direction the stage had been going.    He walked for several hours until well after dark, and when he couldn't walk any farther, he laid down under some scrub brush and he fell into a very restless sleep.


It was just barely dawn when he woke up.  He looked around trying to figure out where he was.  His head was still just as sore as it was the day before, and he was still very dizzy.  He was also hungry, thristy, lonely and very scared.  He got up and continued walking, until it was dark again.  He laid down and cried himself into another restless sleep.


By now the stage had been reported as missing. Ben was beside himself with worry about his little boy.  Ben wanted to go with the search party, but his old friend, Sheriff Roy Coffee told Ben to stay behind in case Little Joe some how showed up. 


After several hours the search party had found the stage, and the bodies.  The bodies and the luggage were all put into the back of a buckboard, and the grim trip back to Virginia City had begun.


Several members of the search party started looking for Little Joe since the child's body wasn't with the other passengers bodies.  Once back in Virginia City, Ben was given Little Joe's carpet bag.  Ben took the bag, sat down and cried for his missing little boy.  He had sent a telegram to Adam about what had happened.  A telegram had also been sent to Norm Watson to inform him about the death of his parents.  Adam had replied to Ben's telegram saying that he and Norm would be back in Virginia City in a couple of days.  Norm was also very upset about Little Joe, and his heart went out to Adam and the rest of the Cartwright family.  Norm was very fond of the little boy, as he remembered all the fun he had had with the cute little boy..


The indians continued to raid small farms, but one day as they were heading off towards another farm, they ran into a troop of soldiers, and all the indians were killed in the battle with the soldiers. 


Little Joe had walked for about four days and he was so weak from hunger, and not drinking any water, that he could no longer walk, so he crawled.  That night as he laid there exhausted, it started to pour down rain.  He cupped his little hands together so he could catch the rain in his hands, so he could at least get a drink.  The rain continued to come down through part of the next day.  It stayed cloudy, windy and cold. 


As Little Joe crawled to a road that led off from the main road, he figured that this smaller road might led to a ranch, so he started to crawl down the road, until he couldn't crawl anymore, and his world turned black.


Brad and Bonnie Breadson and their two sons, sixteen year old Lance, and fifteen year old Randy lived on a small ranch just outside of Spring Valley.  Their eighteen year old daughter, Beth had also lived there until her marriage three months ago. 


After breakfast, Lance and Randy left home and rode off to school.  As they rode towards the main road, they stopped when they saw the still form of a small child laying in the mud.  " OH MY GOD, RANDY !" shouted Lance as they raced over to the child.  They jumped off their horses and kneeled down next to Little Joe.  Lance felt for a pulse on the child's neck.  " He's barely alive Randy," Lance said as he and Randy slowly turned Little Joe onto his back.  They checked him over for injuries, but they couldn't find any, except for a very large lump on the child's head.


Lance picked up Little Joe and carried him over towards Randy's horse.  Randy got on his horse, then Lance handed Little Joe up to him.  " Get him home Randy while I go and get the doctor," Lance told his brother as he jumped onto his horse and rode off fast to Spring Valley to get Dr. Pete Williams.


In less than four minutes, Randy rode towards the house, screaming for his parents.  Brad and Bonnie ran out the door to see what Randy was screaming about.  When they saw the unconscious child in front of Randy, their hearts skipped a beat.


" Momma, Pa, we found this little boy laying in the road.  Lance went to get the doctor," said a very scared Randy.  Brad reached up and took Little Joe in his arms and carried him into the house, followed by Bonnie and Randy. 
 Take him to Beth's room and lay him on the floor.  Randy, bring the tub in there.  There's plenty of hot water on the stove for the tub," Bonnie said.


Randy ran off to get the tub, and the hot water.  Bonnie gathered some towels, a wash cloth, soap and a nightshirt.  Then she and Brad got Little Joe out of his wet and muddy clothes.  Then they very gently bathed the little boy.  Once he was washed, dried and into a nightshirt, they put him in bed.  They were very upset at how skinny the little boy was.  No sooner then they had Little Joe in bed, Lance and Dr. Pete Williams walked into the room. 


" Brad, Bonnie, Randy, Lance told me how he and Randy had found the little boy," said Pete as he started to exam Little Joe.  " This little one is in bad shape.  He has a severe concussion where he has hit his head hard on something.  He is starving, he has some dehydration, and he is toally exhausted.  His is also suffering from exposure, and shock.

That is a very large lump on his head as well," Pete told the Breadsons.


" Pa, I wonder where he came from?" asked Lance.  " I don't know son," said a very concerned Brad.  " This little one isn't from around here.  He is so little, and so cute," Bonnie said as she looked down at Little Joe laying so still in the bed.  " I'm sure his family must be worried sick about him.  It is hard to say what color his eyes are, since his pupils are so dialated," Pete said.


They kept trying to wake up Little Joe, but he wouldn't respond.  Bonnie spoon fed the little boy the best she could, since he was still unconscious.  " Oh Brad, I feel so sorry for him.  He looks so sweet and innocent, just like a little angel," Bonnie said with tears in her eyes.  " He sure does honey," Brad said as he put his arms around Bonnie.


Two days later while Lance was sitting next to the bed that Little Joe was in, the child moved his head a little and he moaned.  " Ma, Ma, the little boy just moved his head and he moaned !" shouted Lance.  Bonnie ran into the room, closely followed by Brad and Randy. 


" Wake up sweetheart," Bonnie said over and over.  " Papa," Little Joe whispered weakly, as he slowly opened his eyes, trying to focus on the unfamiliar faces that were looking at him. 


" Hi honey.  How do you feel?" asked Bonnie who had a big smile on her face.  Little Joe didn't say anything, but he started to cry.  Bonnie sat down on the side of the bed and she picked up Little Joe and held him while trying to comfort him.  She could feel his little body trembling as he cried.  " Shh, it's alright honey.   Shh," Bonnie softly said as she gently rubbed his back.  She held him for a long time.  When he stopped crying, she laid him back down on the bed.  " Honey, can you tell us your name please?" asked Bonnie.  As Little Joe was starting to fall asleep, he mumbled "J--O--E---E " and he closed his eyes and he fell into a deep sleep. " What did he say?" asked Brad.  " I think he said Joey, but I couldn't quite make it out," said Lance.  Randy agreed.  " It sounded like Joey to me," said Bonnie.  They all felt so sorry for the little boy.


The Cartwrights were having a very hard time dealing with the loss of Little Joe.  It just didn't seem right to them.  It was very difficult to get on with their lives again.  No trace of the little boy had been found.  Ben would spend hours in his little boy's room crying.  He wanted to hold his baby son so much and to hear that special giggling of his again.


It had been about three weeks since the loss of Little Joe, when Ben decided that he would go into Virginia City to get supplies.  It was the first time that he had left the ranch in three weeks.  While he waited for the supplies to be ready, he had business at the bank, then he would go and visit his dear friend, Sheriff Roy Coffee.


Roy was reading the latest edition of THE TERRITORIAL TIMES when he noticed a story from Spring Valley about a little boy being found there three weeks ago.  Roy read the story about the little boy and from the description of the little boy, and it said that the child was around five or six years old, with brown curly hair, big green eyes, and very skinny. 


As Roy finished reading the story, Ben walked in.  " Hi Roy," he sadly said.  " Hi Ben.  How ya doin' old friend?" asked Roy as he looked at his very sad looking friend.  " Ok, Roy," Ben softly said.  " Sit down Ben.  Would you like some coffee?" asked Roy.  " Thank you Roy.  That sounds good," Ben said.  Roy poured two cups of coffee, and he then handed Ben one of the cups.  Ben nodded his thanks for the coffee.


" Ben, have you seen the latest edition of THE TERRITORIAL TIMES yet?" asked Roy.  " No, not yet.  I'll get a copy when I go back to get the supplies," Ben told Roy.  Roy handed Ben the paper and told him to read the story from Spring Valley.  As Ben read the story, he excitedly said, " Little Joe !  It could be Little Joe, Roy."  Ben got his hopes up that it was Little Joe in the story.


After they finished their coffee, Ben and Roy headed over to the telegraph office, and Roy sent off a telegram to the sheriff of Spring Valley, Bart Dawson.  Then they went back to Roy's office.  Ben kept praying that is was Little Joe, as did Roy too.


About five minutes later they received a reply from Bart Dawson.  The reply confirmed what Little Joe was wearing when Adam had put him on the stage.  Ben sent back a reply saying that he, Adam and Hoss would leave that same day and be in Spring Valley the next day.


Ben was so excited that he almost forgot to pick up the supplies.  After he had loaded up the buckboard, he headed straight over to the school to get Hoss out of school.  Soon both Ben and Hoss were on their way.  Hoss was so excited, that he just cried. 


When they got home, they quickly unloaded the buckboard, as Adam rode into the yard.  He was told the wonderful new and he too started to cry.  Hop Sing was giddy with excitement over the great news about Little Joe.  After lunch, the Cartwright packed some clothes, and supplies and headed off to get Little Joe.


The Breadsons were thankful at the news that the little boys family had been found.  Little Joe didn't talk much, and he had come down with a bad cold.  The Breadsons tried to get Little Joe to talk, but he stayed fairly quiet.  He seemed to be very sad and he also cried alot.  They really enjoyed having Little Joe around, especially Randy and Lance.


" Joey, would you like to ride my horse?" asked Randy, hoping to get Little Joe to talk.  " Yes please," the child answered quietly.  Randy saddled his horse for Little Joe, while Lance saddled his horse and one for Randy too.  The horses were led out of the barn and the three boys mounted up.  Lance and Randy decided to to Little Joe around the area.  Little Joe seemed to be enjoying himself, even though he didn't feel good.  As they rode, Little Joe told Lance and Randy about his pony, his family, Hop Sing, and the Ponderosa.  Both Lance and Randy were very impressed at how well Little Joe could handle a horse.  They asked more questions about the Ponderosa and about fishing.  The two older boys were happy that they were able to get Little Joe to finally open up about everything.  They now called him Little Joe.


After their nice long ride, the boys returned home for lunch.  Little Joe told Brad and Bonnie about his family and Hop Sing.  " I wanna go home," said Little Joe as he started to cry.  Bonnie held him and told him that the next day his family would be there to take him home  That made Little Joe feel much better, and he smiled at them.  Their hearts had been breaking for this sweet little boy, and now to see him finally smile, it had made their day, and it had made them feel wonderful to be able to share this good news with Little Joe.


About mid-afternoon the next day, Bart Dawson and three very happy and excited Cartwrights rode into the yard of the Breadsons ranch.  Brad, Bonnie, Lance and Randy came out to greet the men.  After all the introductions were made, Bonnie told Ben that Little Joe was having a nap, and that he was getting over a bad cold.  " I can't thank you enough for taking care of my baby.  You can't imagine how much we have missed him.  We thought we had lost him for good, and when I read that story in THE TERRITORIAL TIMES, I thought I was dreaming.  We love that little boy more than live it's self," Ben told them with tears in his eyes.


" Please, can I see my baby now?" asked Ben.  " Sure, follow me," Brad told the Cartwrights.  When Brad opened the door to the room where Little Joe was sleeping, Ben, Adam and Hoss finally saw their precious little boy sound to sleep with his thumb in his mouth.  Ben, Adam and Hoss started to cry at the sight before them on the bed.  The Breadsons stayed in the livingroom to let the Cartwright family have their privacy.  They also had tears in their eyes too.


" My baby," Ben softly said as he walked over to the bed and sat down.  He picked up his sleeping baby and held him for dear life.  " Little Joe, sweetheart, Papa's here baby, and so are your brothers," Ben said as he cried, and still held onto his little boy while kissing his son.  " Hey Punkin," cried Hoss.  " Wake up little buddy," Adam softly said as tears ran down his face too.


Little Joe slowly opened his eyes, yawned as he could feel someone holding him.  He could now smell Ben's Bay Run after shave.  He opened his eyes all the way, and he saw Adam and Hoss standing there in tears.  " Papa?" cried Little Joe.  " Yes sweetheart, I'm here," Ben softly told his little son.  Little Joe started to cry hard now, and by now all the Cartwrights were nonstop crying. 


Adam and Hoss kept touching their baby brother to make sure he was real and not a dream.  Ben was kissing his son's head, checks, and thanking God for the life of this precious child, whom they all loved more than anything in the world. 


The Breadsons invited the Cartwrights to spend the night, which they gladly accepted.  That evening Ben asked Little Joe if he remembered what happened.  The child told them that he had been sitting with the Watsons on the stage.  The next day they could hear the indians, so Mr. Watson made him lay on the floor of the stage where he would be safe.  " Suddenly the stage started ta tip ober, and the door flewed open and I falled out of the stage.  I landed in a ditch, and saw the stage comin' at me, then everyfing wented black," Little Joe said.


" I woked up a long time later, and I called fer help, but no one was there.  I crawled out from under the stage.  My hurted so bad, and I was really dizzy, and everyfing looked fuzzy.  I neber sawed no one from the stage.  I guess they must have wented away and fergotted me," Little Joe continue ta say.


" I walked fer a really long time, but I was so tried, so I laid down ta sleep under a bush.  I dunt fink I slepted so good, cuz I woked up again and started ta walk again and it was still dark," Little Joe said.  " Sweetheart, how did you know which way to walk?" asked Ben.  " I just wented the way the stage was headin'.  I just kepted walkin' and walkin'.  I was so hungry and fristy.  I walked till I couldn't walk no more, so I just crawled"


" Then it started ta rain hard, so I cupped my hands tagether so I could get enough water ta drink.  I dided that a lot.  I kepted crawlin' again in the mud till I sawed a road that wented off the main road, so I crawled as far as I could.  My head was still hurtin' so bad, and I was still dizzy.  I couldn't crawl no more Papa.  Then the next fing I member was bein' here," Little Joe said as he started to cry.  Ben held him tightly and told the child that he was fine.


" Mr. Cartwright, Little Joe came down with a very bad cold, and cough.  He still has the,cough, and he still tires rather fast.  He doesn't eat much either," said Bonnie.  " He's never been a big eater," Ben told her.  Little Joe started to yawn and he stuck his thumb in his mouth.  Bonnie showed the Cartwrights where they could sleep.  Ben would sleep with Little Joe while Hoss and Adam would sleep in Randy's bed.  Randy would sleep with Lance.  The Cartwrights turned in for night, because they wanted to get an early start the next morning.  Ben slept with his arm around Little Joe, as he didn't want to let go of his baby.


The next morning after breakfast the Cartwrights headed for home.  They were so grateful to the Breadsons for finding and taking care of Little Joe.  The Breadsons promised that they would come to the Ponderosa for a visit very soon.  Little Joe rode with Ben on Buck on the way home.


Hop Sing had made a feast for the Cartwrights that night.  He was so excited to have number three son back home, that as soon as the family rode into the yard, he ran out to greet them.  As soon as Little Joe stood on the ground, Hop Sing picked him up and hugged him and kissed his face.  " Hop Sing so happy to see little boy again !" Hop Sing shouted.  They were all very happy to be home again, especially Little Joe.