part two


" Tom, Scotty said he was eighteen years old.  That boy isn't eighteen.  He looks and sounds more like a fifteen year old to me," Tess explained.  " That's what I was thinking to Ma," Dan replied.  " You can just tell by looking at him, and I have to agree with both of you about the boy's age.  That boy is sure a talented rider for being so young and so small," Tom responded.


Little Joe loved his job at the Double T ranch.  He had only taken a couple of falls, but he wasn't hurt.  Tess would go out to watch Little Joe on the broncs, and she too was very impressed at the way the youngster handled the broncs


During lunch one day Tess looked at Tom and Dan and announced, " I want Scotty to move in with us.  I'd feel better having him with us." 
 What if he doesn't want to, honey?" Tom asked.  " I don't know.  I'll have a talk with him," Tess replied.  " Ma, the men all like him and they look out for him too," Dan said.  " I know honey, but that boy is so young, and he needs a mothers love plus he needs to eat more.  If he is here with us, then I can make sure he eats enough," Tess suggested.  " I think that is a wonderful idea Tess," Tom said.  " Me too.  I want Scotty here with us too.  Heck, that kid is like a little brother to me," Dan said as he smiled at his parents.


After lunch Tess went looking for Little Joe.  " Scotty, could I please talk to you for a couple minutes?" Tess asked.  " Yes ma'am," Little Joe replied.  " Honey, how would you like living in the bunkhouse ?" Tess asked.  " Oh, I like it fine ma'am.  Why do ya wanna know that ?" Little Joe questioned.  " Son, Tom, Dan and myself  would love to have you come and live with us in our house.  We really enjoy having you around us, and we would feel better having you with us.  Please say 'yes'." Tess explained.  " I dunno ma'am. I like the guys, and all.  They ain't mean to me, but if'n ya really want me too, I guess I could live with you, Tom, and Dan," Little Joe said.  " That's great honey, and please call me Tess.  Let's go get your things and I'll show you to your room," Tess suggested feeling very relieved that the boy agreed to move in with them.  " Thank you Tess," the boy said.


" How do you like this room Scotty?" Tess asked.  " It's really nice ma'am, I mean Tess," Little Joe said as he looked around the large room.  " That's great.  Honey, come here and sit down for a couple of  minutes so we can talk," Tess suggested.  Little Joe sat down next to Tess and he looked up at her.  " You said that you didn't have a family, and I was wondering what happened to them.  I hope you don't mind me asking?" Tess stated. 


" No, I dunt mind.  My mama died when I was five years old, but I dunt remember her much, but only what my Pa, and brothers told me about her," Little Joe explained softly.  " Where are your Pa and brothers honey?" Tess asked as she had seen the very sad look on the boy's face.  " Um, they're a long way from here.  My Pa kicked me out, so I dunt have a family anymore," the boy quietly said.  Tess took hold of Little Joe's chin so she could look at his face.  She saw a lot of hurt in the young face.  " Honey, why did your Pa kick you out?" Tess asked, as she saw tears filling up his eyes.  " Tess, please, I dunt wanna talk about it," the boy softly said.  " Ok, I won't press you on that, but please tell me how old you really are." Tess questioned.  " I'm barely fifteen ma'am," Little Joe told her.  " See, we knew you weren't eighteen," Tess she as she again smiled at him.  " You could really tell I wasn't eighteen ? a surprised Little Joe questioned.  " Yes we could Scotty," Tess declared.  " Well, I better get back ta work now," Little Joe said as he got off the blanket chest at the end of the bed.  Tess felt so bad for the boy.


Little Joe had now been at the Double T ranch for three months and he loved living with Tess, Tom and Dan.  He and Dan he become as close as brothers, even though Dan was twenty two years old.  To the Simon's, Little Joe was a member of their family.  Little Joe continued to amaze everyone with his natural ridding ability.


The Cartwrights had continued to send out telegrams concerning the where abouts of Little Joe.  They had received a couple of replies that he had been seen in a couple of small towns in California three months earlier, but not since then.


" Adam, I want you and Hoss to go to California to some of the horse ranches to check out some horses.  We need to add some new bloodlines to our breeding stock.  We need a couple of stallions and a couple of mares.  There are several horse ranches in the Sacramento area that I have heard good things about.  You can get even more information on other horse ranches in the towns around there too, Ben told his sons.  " Sure Pa.  When would you like us to leave?" Adam asked.  " How about in a couple of days.  That will give you two time to get some supplies together that you will need.  I will also give you the extra check book, and boys, get us the best looking horses that you can find," Ben suggested.


" Tom, how long have you owned your horse ranch?" Little Joe asked.  " Let me think.  It's been twenty five years now.  It certainly doesn't seem like twenty five years though," Tom said as he thought back in time.  " What did you do before that?" the boy asked.  " Well son, I worked at Wood's Horse Ranch near Valley Springs.  I use to break horses, like you do.  Tess and I had been married for five years by then.  We had Chuck, Tim and Tom Jr, by then.  My dream was to own my own horse ranch.  I had been saving money towards that for years, even before I had met Tess.  I started out bustin' broncs when I was fourteen years old.  I know that is fairly young for bustin' broncs, but I was large for my age and very strong, so it was never a problem for me," Tom explained. 


" I'd love to have a horse ranch some day too.  I love horses very much.  They are very smart, but I have never seen one as smart as Cochise.  He's the smartest horse in the world," Little Joe proudly said.  " You are right about that Scotty.  You two have a special kind of bond, that's for sure," Tom said as he ruffled Little Joe's hair.


Adam and Hoss had been on the trail for several days now, and they had stopped at a couple of horse ranches to have a look at their horses.  They had seen a couple of mares that they might buy, but they wanted to check a few more ranches first before they made up their minds. 


One of the ranches they went to was the Woods Horse Ranch in Valley Springs.  The owner of the ranch was in the process of selling all of his horses since he was getting ready to retire and move back east.  Adam and Hoss got a good look at what horses were left, but they didn't see any that interested them.


" Adam, how many more ranches are still left to see?" Hoss asked.  " Only two more.  One in Stockton, and one near here," Adam replied.  " I was hopin' that we would already have found the horses and were on our way back home," Hoss softly said.  " I know.  I have that same feeling too Hoss," Adam agreed.  " Let's continue on then," Hoss suggested.


" Dan, Scotty, I would like you both to go into Stockton tomorrow and get the supplies," Tom mentioned.  " Sure Pa," Dan responded.  " Scotty, you deserve a day off from breaking horses," Tom suggested.  " Thank you Tom.  I'd be happy to help Dan get supplies," Little Joe said as he smiled.


" Well, I didn't care for any of those horses Adam," Hoss told Adam as they left that ranch.  " I sure hope the Double T has the horses we want," Adam said.  " Me too," Hoss replied. 


That next morning while Dan and Little Joe had gone off to Stockton, a tired Adam and Hoss rode into the yard of the Double T.  Tom had just come out of the barn, when he saw Adam and Hoss. 


" Hi, may I help you?" Tom asked. " Yes, my name is Adam Cartwright and this is my younger brother, Hoss, and we are looking for some horses to buy to use for breeding.  We need two stallions and a couple of mares," Adam explained.  " My name is Tom Simon, and I own this ranch.  We have a lot of horses here, so let me get my horse saddled and I'll take you to the pastures so you can have a look," Tom suggested.  " Thank you Tom," Adam replied.


Adam and Hoss were very impressed at all the horses they looked at, and they knew that it would be a hard choice on the the four horses they wanted.  " The horses in these pasture have all been recently broken.  I have wonderful bronc riders, and they have all worked very hard getting all the horses trained," Tom proudly said.  " We can sure tell.  They are all wonderful looking horses Tom.  It's going to be a hard choice to pick out the four that we want," Adam said as he looked at Hoss and then back at the horses.  " Why don't you and Hoss stay on for a few days, that way you can take your time and get a better look at the horses.  We have plenty of room, so you are more than welcome to stay," Tom suggested.  " Thank you Tom.  We would really appreciate it," Adam replied.


On the way back to the main house, they rode past another pasture, and when Hoss spotted a black and white pinto grazing, he stopped his horse and shouted, " Adam, look at that pinto !" Hoss was pointing towards Cochise.  " Oh my gosh !" was all Adam said as he too was looking at the pinto.  " Is there something wrong?" Tom nervously asked.

" That pinto over there, who does he belong too? Hoss asked.  " He belongs to one of my hands, why?" Tom asked.  " What's his name," Adam asked.  " Scotty Ryan.  Why?" Tom questioned.  " Our little brother left home and he has a pinto who looks just like that one.  What does Scotty look like, if you don't mind me asking?" Adam said.


" Well, he's very young, small, medium brown curly hair and big green eyes.  He's an excellent rider for a boy so young," Tom told them.  " Oh my God Adam, it sounds like Little Joe !" Hoss shouted.  " It sure does.  I want to try something.  Cooch, Cooch !" Adam shouted.  Cochise lifted up his head and he started to whinny, and he ran over to the fence where Tom, Adam and Hoss were standing.  Sport and Chubb answered back.   Cochise rubbed his head against both Adam and Hoss.  With tears in their eyes, Adam said, " Tom, Scotty is our little brother, and his name is really Little Joe."  " What, your kidding?" Tom surprising said.  " Where is Little Joe now ?" Hoss asked.  " He's with my youngest son Dan, in Stcokton getting supplies," Tom told them. 


" I wonder why he told us his name was Scotty Ryan?" Tom questioned, as he looked at Adam and Hoss.  " He probably didn't want anyone to knopw who he really was," Adam said.  " I don't understand.  He's a good boy and he's an excellent worker.  Why did he leave home in the first place, if you don't mind me asking?" Tom said.  " No, we don't mind you asking, in fact, you have the right to know why, but can I ask you a question first?" Adam asked.  "  Sure," Tom replied.  " How is our little brother doing?" Adam wanted to know.  " He seems fine.  He's a quiet boy, and very pleasant to be around.  Everyone loves him very much, and he is like family to us.  He's a wonderful boy," Tom told them.  " Thank God.  We have been so worried about him," Adam softly said.


" The reason he left home is that we thought, well mostly our Pa thought that Little Joe had lost the payroll.  You see, our little brother seems to find himself into a lot of mischief, and not always doing what he is told, which makes Pa very upset," Adam said.


" Well, Pa decided to give him one more chance to prove that he could be trusted to do a job that he was given.  Pa sent him into Virginia City to get the payroll money, and to come straight back home with the money.  As usual, he was late getting back home, which made Pa very angry.  When he finally showed up two hours late, he didn't have the money with him.  Pa asked him what happened to the money, and little brother told Pa that he had lost it.  Pa was so angry because everytime he tried to get an answer out of the boy, all he would say was that he had lost it.  Pa was yelling at him and he finally told him to leave, but only for a few hours.  Little Joe thought that Pa meant forever," Adam explained.


" That poor kid was so upset and hurt, that he ran out to his horse and raced out of the yard, and that the last time we have seen him, and that was three months ago.  Hoss and I

tried to get Pa to let us go after him, but he said no, and that he was much too angry with him at the moment.  So we didn't go after him, because we didn't want Pa even more upset.  We all just figured that Little Joe would come back in a few hours.  We kept trying to get Pa to change his mind and let us go after the boy, but he wouldn't," Adam sadly explained.  " Oh that poor boy." Tom sadly said.


Pa felt so bad by now that he made the boy leave and that he wouldn't let us go after him.  Then a month later, one of our hands got drunk in town and he admitted that he had taken the payroll from Little Joe, and that he told the boy that if he told anyone that he was robbed, then he would kill our Pa.  Well, Little Joe was really scared and he didn't want anything to happen to Pa, so that's why he told us the he had lost the payroll.  Rex, our hand who took the payroll said that he had hidden the money in the bunkhouse, in his saddle bags.  Sheriff Roy Coffee and everyone in the saloon heard everything that Rex had, so as Roy was getting ready to arrest Rex, Rex stood up, grabbed his gun and shot at Roy.  Luckily he missed and Roy shot back in self defense and killed Rex.  Roy and the hands came out to the Ponderosa and went straight to the bunkhouse and found the money.  Then they came in the house and told us," Adam explained.  " How sad.  I bet your father really felt bad then?" Tom stated.


" Yes he did.  He blames himself for chasing our little brother away.  Adam and me were still upset at Pa for making Little Joe leave.  Anyway, Pa sent out telegrams to see if anyone had seen the boy, since Cochise is easy to remember once you've seem him.  Only a couple of replies came back saying that Little Joe and Cochise had been seen, but that they hadn't been seen since.  Now we can't believe that we have found our baby brother," Hoss told Tom.  " Dan and Scotty, I mean, Little Joe should be back within the next two hours.  We need to get back to get back to the house and explain all of this to my wife, Tess," Tom suggested.


Once they had returned to the house, they took their horses to the barn and took care of them, then they went into the house to explain the story to TessTess couldn't believe what she was hearing.  " Oh my goodness !  It's all so hard to believe how one man could have hurt your family and that sweet boy so much.  Do you think Little Joe will want to go back home with after so much has happened to him ?" Tess asked.  " I hope so.  We need that boy back home with us.  Ever since he has been gone, it's like our Pa has aged twenty years.  He's very depressed by the whole thing.  We all are.  If Little Joe decides to come back with us, and we hope to God he does, we aren't going to telegram Pa saying that we have the boy, because we want to surprise him," Adam explained.


" We hope he will return home with you.  We have all seen the hurt in that boy.  As much as we love having him here with us, he really needs to be home with you and your Pa," Tess told them.  " Thank you for taking him in.  We are very proud of him, but it has to be his choice as what he wants to do, even though he is only fifteen years old," Adam said.


After Dan and Little Joe returned, they put all the supplies away.  Hoss and Adam were having a very hard time at not running straight out to their little brother as soon as he and Dan drove up.  They weren't sure what the boy would do when he saw them.  " Why don't you and Hoss wait here and I'll go and get Little Joe for you," Tom happily suggested.  Adam and Hoss agreed to what Tom had just told them.  Tess hoped that Little Joe would be happy to see his brothers.  She really liked Adam and Hoss and was very happy that the boy had a family who loved him so much.


" Scotty, could you please come here for a minute?" Tom asked.  " Yes sir," he replied.  " Dan, can you take care of the horses please?" Tom asked his son.  " Sure Pa," Dan replied.   " How did it go in town Scotty?" Tom asked as he smiled at the boy.  " It went well.  We got everything on the list and we also put everything away too," Little Joe said.  " That's wonderful son.  Now, I want to show you something in the house," Tom told the boy as he put his arm around Little Joe's shoulder.


Adam and Hoss could hear Tom and Little Joe heading towards the livingroom and hearing them talk.  They anxiously stood up as Tom and Little Joe walked into the room.  As soon as Little Joe saw his two big brothers standing there smiling at him, he gasped and he took off running straight for them with tears running down his face.


Hoss immediately picked up his little brother and held him tightly.  " Oh God Little Joe, thank God we found you boy," Hoss cried.  Adam who also was crying said, " Hey little buddy, I can't tell you how happy I am to see you."  Tom and Tess were also crying at the scene in front of them.  They left the room so Adam, Hoss and Little Joe could be along.  They went out to the barn to tell Dan what was going on.


Back in the house the very emotional reunion was continuing.  No one said anything.  All they did was cry and both Adam and Hoss continued to hold Little Joe.  After over thirty minutes later, Little Joe looked at his big brothers and he asked, " How did ya know I was here?"  " We didn't.  We came to California to look at some horses to add to our breeding stock.  We have been to every horse ranch between here and Sacramento.  This was our last stop.  We really liked what we saw here.  Tom took us out to look at all the horses and we saw several that we liked and then Tom invited us to stay on for a few days so we could take our time looking at the horses some more," Adam said.


" Then when we were on our way back to the house, Hoss noticed a pinto grazing in the pasture so we questioned Tom about the horse, and as soon as I called out to Cochise, he ran right over to us.  Then we knew that we had found you," Adam explained.


" Are ya happy to see us Short Shanks?" Hoss asked.  " Oh yes.  At first when I saw ya standin' there, I wasn't sure if'n I was dreamin' or not.  I have missed you both so very much.  I am really sorry about what happened to the payroll," Little Joe told his brothers, as he still had tears running down his face.  " We know what really happened little brother," Adam said as he couldn't stop smiling.  " You do?  How'd ya find out?" Little Joe asked. 


" Well, a month after you left, Rex and several of the hands went into Virginia City to the Bucket of Blood, Rex drank too much and he told everyone how he had taken the payroll from you, and about threatening to kill Pa if you told anyone that you were robbed.  Luckily Roy heard the confussion.  Charlie and Hank were also there and heard it too.  Roy asked Rex where the missing payroll was and he said it was in the bunkhouse in his saddle bags.  Well, Roy told Rex that he going to arrest him and Rex pulled his gun and tried to shoot RoyRoy fired back and killed Rex," Adam explained.


" Then Roy, Charlie and Hank rode out to the Ponderosa, and found the payroll right where Rex said it was.  Then they came in the house and told us everything," Adam told his little brother.


Little Joe just sat there listening at what Adam was telling him.  " Little brother, Adam and I have been upset with Pa ever since you left.  We knew that you would never take the payroll money and lose it.  In fact, later that day, the day you left, Pa felt so bad he made you leave.  Ya know how he gets when he is really angry, and he says things that he really doesn't mean.  He didn't mean for ya to leave the Ponderosa forever, but just for a few hours is all.  Ya should see him Little Joe, he looks like he has aged twenty years.  He's really depressed too," Hoss told his little brother.  " I'm sorry to hear that, but there ain't nuffin' I can do bout that," Little Joe said.


" Little Joe, you have to come back home with us," Adam declared.  " No, I live here now.  I dunt wanna see Pa.  I'm sorry, but he hurt me too bad.  Please I dunt wanna talk bout it anymore," Little Joe explained.  " Oh Punkin, please will ya just think about everything we had just told ya?  We love so much little brother.  It just isn't the same at home without you.  You are the one who makes the Ponderosa a home," Hoss said.


" I love you both very much.  I want ya ta know that.  Tell ya what, I'll help ya pick out some horses since I helped break em, and I know which ones will be a great addition to our, I mean your breeding stock," Little Joe suggested.  " We really appreciate that little brother.  At least we can be with you while we're still here.  Did you know that Hop Sing is thinking about quiting?  He is very serious about that too.  You wouldn't believe how much he misses you little brother," Adam stated.  " I miss him too,' Little Joe sadly replied.


Over the next few days the Cartwrights continued to to look at the horses carefully.  " Ya see that big chestnut and that big bay?  Them two stallions will be perfect for breeding stock.  They are really strong, healthy and very smart too.  The two mares I would choose are them two big chestnuts.  They are always together.  Like the stallions, they are both very healthy, strong and very smart," Little Joe told his brothers.  " I like those four also little brother," Adam said as he smiled at the boy.  " Yup, and you and Hoss taught me well, and sides, I broke them horses too, so I know them really well," Little Joe proudly said.


" All we have to do is settle on a price with Tom, and then we need to head for home.  Have you thought anymore about coming back with us Little Joe?" Adam asked as he hoped his baby brother would agree to leave with them.


" I've given it lots of thought Adam, I really have, but I think I will stay here.  At least here, I know I'm wanted and loved, the boy softly replied.  Both Adam and Hoss were disappointed what their little brother had just told them. Adam took hold of the boy's chin, looked him in the eyes, and said, " Little Joe, you are wanted and need at home more than you know.  We love you so much.  Please little buddy, come back with us," Adam begged.  " Sorry, I can't," the boy quietly said as he walked off.  " Adam, we just gotta take him home with us.  He can't stay here.  I need my baby brother back home !" Hoss said as tears filled up his eyes.  " I know Hoss.  I want him home with us too.  We can't force him though, even as much as I would like too," Adam sadly said as he watched his baby brother walk away from him and Hoss.


Tom came up with a price for the four horses, which Adam and Hoss agreed to.  Adam wrote out a check for the horses.  Then he, Hoss and Little Joe rode out to the pastures to get the four horses, so they could take them back to the barn, and Adam and Hoss could leave in the morning with the new horses.


During dinner that night, Little Joe wasn't hungry, so he went out to the barn to groom Cochise.  Back at the dinner table, Adam, Hoss, Tom, Tess and Dan talked about Little Joe and how they could get the boy to change his mind and return home with his brothers.  They had all talked with the boy on the subject, but it seemed to do no good.


" I bet yer gonna miss bein' with Sport and Chubb ain't ya Cooch.  I'm really gonna miss em when they leave in the mornin'.  I know I should be able ta forgive Pa for what he said to me Cooch, but I just can't boy.  Those things he said to me hurt so bad.  I know I've done and said things that weren't good and Pa always foregave me.  Oh Cooch, I'm so confused.  I know ya love it on the Ponderosa, and I miss goin' to visit mama, but I don't think I can go back there again.  It just doesn't seem right anymore," Little Joe told Cochise.  The horse rubbed his head against his young owner.


The next morning during breakfast, Little Joe still wasn't  hungry, so he went back out to the barn to get Chubb, Sport, the packhorse and the the four new horses ready for their trip to the Ponderosa.  He knew the new horses would love their new home on the Ponderosa.


After Adam and Hoss had thanked Tom, Tess and Dan for their hospitality, and for caring for their little brother, they went out to get on their horses.  As they reached the horses, their little brother stood there holding the horses' reins.  " Well, look like this is ' good bye ' little brother.  We had hoped and prayed that you would come with us, but it looks like you would rather have a new family rather than your own real family who needs you so badly.  You take care of yourself, and will you please write to us to let us know how you are," Adam told the youngest Cartwright.  Little Joe stood there with tears running down his face as he looked at his two very sad looking big brothers.  The three brothers hugged each other while they all had tears running down their faces.


" I love you little brother.  Please Punkin, come home with us.  I need you so much little brother.  It's just too hard without you," Hoss told the boy as he held him tight as he cried.  Adam looked down at his little brother through the tears in his eyes, and he said, " Remember this please, you have a family who loves you more then anything else in this world, and whether you belive it or not, we need you home with us.  Pa needs you more than anything else.  I don't know how much longer he will want to go on living without you back in his life.  Don't forget us, you hear ?"  Adam got on his horse and he and Hoss left the Double T ranch.  Little Joe ran into the barn and up to the hayloft and he broke down in tears.


Tom, Tess and Dan were getting worried about Little Joe, since they hadn't seen him since he ran into the barn after his brothers had left.  They went into the barn and they could hear him crying.  " Tom, this is breaking my heart," Tess whispered.  "That boy needs to be with his brother and on his way home," Dan said as they left the barn.  Tess decided that she would have a talk with the boy, so she told Tom and Dan to go up to Little Joe's room and pack his things into his saddle bags, plus get his wages together, as they were going to send the boy home.


The End of part two.