
By Nanuk

They stared at the table, loaded with dishes, and sighed. Then they looked at each other. They sighed again.

“Uhm…do ya…do ya think the pile will vanish if we don´t look?” Joe carefully ventured.

Four grown men gazed pensively at the displayed china.

“Nuh”, they all answered at the same time. Shoulders were lifted and fell with silent graze of cut trees.

Hoss shoved his hands in his pockets. Ben strangled a towel in anguish. Joe crossed his arms over his chest. Adam just stared.

They sighed again.

“But…we…we could try.” Adam stifled a yawn.

“Mmmmm”, three answering grunts acknowledged the suggestion, while four heads thought about the possibilities that had presented themselves.

There was a short rumbling, and when the cloud of dust had settled over the empty room, the kitchen went back to its peaceful existence and lived happily ever after just outside the memory of men.


The End