Like Father Like Sons   

Written by:  Stephen

Joe Cartwright pulled off his shirt; this was the warmest and sweatiest he had been since he helped Hoss back to the ranch after a night in the saloon.  The sun was blazing down on him:  he had forgot how hard it was to put up a fence.  Joe sat down on a rock and wiped away the sweat from his forehead.

He thought to himself. ‘I wonder why Hoss and Adam went into town? Especially when they knew the fence was being put up today.’

 He stood back up and proceeded with the exhausting work.  Lifting the sledgehammer above his shoulder, he swung it down, only to miss the fence post.
“ARRGH” Joe yelled, dropping the hammer and falling to the ground.  He had hit his leg with the hammer. Joe rolled about the ground in an immense amount of pain and finally managed to prop himself up against the post.  He limped into the ranch house and struggled across to a chair, just letting himself collapse onto it.  He couldn’t help but smile, after all this was one of the rare occasions when he had been hurt through his own fault.  


Adam and Hoss tied their horses to the rail.  This was the first time they had managed to travel to Virginia City for a long time, as they had been really busy on the Ponderosa. They decided to treat themselves to a drink in the Saloon.  As they walked up to the Saloon, the doors suddenly flew open, and then a man flew threw the air and landed at the brothers’ feet.  Adam and Hoss looked at each other bewildered, as the man was out cold.
Hoss suddenly started to grin, “Sure looks like a fight,” he started. “Let’s go.”  They rushed into the Saloon and there were tables and chairs getting thrown all over the room.  Immediately Hoss and Adam rushed in to stop the fight.  

“HEY, HEY, HEY!” Adam shouted., “What is the problem?”

He then suddenly had to duck as a glass was thrown at his head.  That was the spark that lit Adam’s fuse; he jumped into the middle of the fight and joined in.  Hoss didn’t want to be left standing there, so he also joined in.  Suddenly there was a loud gunshot.  Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked around to the doors, including Adam and Hoss.  Ben Cartwright stood there with a stern look upon his face.  He had shot up in the air to get everyone’s attention.  Behind him stood an elderly man and a beautiful lady, who also seemed quite angry.

“What is going on here?” Ben bellowed, “You all know there is a new family moving into Virginia City and this is how you welcome them…” He stopped shouting when he recognised two of the fighters.  

“Adam, Hoss get over here now” Ben yelled.  The two brothers looked at each other feeling very sheepish and staggered across to their Pa.  
“Take these cases to the Ponderosa. We are having guests until their house is ready for them to live in.” Adam and Hoss picked up the cases, put them onto the wagon and headed off to the Ponderosa.  

“Sorry about that, Mr Stranton,” Ben began. “I assure you that you will enjoy living here.”  He smiled sweetly at the girl sitting next to Mr Stranton. “You will also enjoy staying here, I will properly introduce you to my family when we get back to the Ponderosa.”  They sat upon their horses and also started on their way to the ranch.  

Adam and Hoss arrived back at the ranch, and jumped from their horses. They looked across to where their younger brother should have erected the fence.  All that was there was a hammer and pieces of wood.  They ran into the ranch and found Little Joe sitting on the chair smiling sweetly.

”Hello,” Joe said quietly. “Whose cases are you carrying?”

“Never mind.” Adam said. “ I thought you said you would have the fence finished by the time we got back from Virginia City!”

Joe pointed towards his leg, which was bandaged.  “Sorry, elder brother, I kinda’ got into an accident.” Joe replied, feeling very cocky.  

Hop-Sing wandered through from the kitchen. “Joe eat now, Joe not eat anything all day,” he said in the best English he could manage.  

“No Hop-Sing, I am not hungry” Joe replied. Then the doors flew open and Ben walked in with the Stranton family.  
“Everyone, I would like you to meet the Strantons. They will be staying with us for a few days so I want you all to make them feel very welcome,” Ben announced.  

“Hello Ma’am.” Joe got up from his chair and hobbled over to the girl. “My name is Joe Cartwright.”

“Well, nice to meet you Joe,” the girl replied. “My name is Claire Stranton and this is my father, Jacob Stranton.”

Ben noticed his son’s bandaged leg. “What happened to you son?” he asked.

“Just a small accident with the sledge hammer” Joe replied.

Claire was a tall lady, with shoulder length blonde hair.  She had a dazzling smile, which made her Joe’s perfect woman.  

“Let me show you up to your room” Joe started.

“Joe” Adam interrupted “Let her settle in first, obviously she will be very hungry after the long journey and Hop-Sing has prepared roast pork.
Hoss immediately turned his head, and a huge grin appeared showing his gap in his teeth,
“Someone say roast pork?” he drooled  


They all sat down at the dinner table and, of course, Hoss was the first one there.  Hop Sing started to serve the meal and the guests couldn’t believe the amount of food that was there. Ben began to say grace, but Joe couldn’t keep his eyes on his food; he had to keep glancing over at the beauty that sat opposite him.   
“Wow!” he thought to himself. “She is amazing, I wonder….” Ben stood up and tapped his glass with his fork, which interrupted his thoughts.

“I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the new family to Virginia City.” He looked across to where the Strantons were sitting and continued. “It may take a while for you to settle in, and if there is anything at all you need, my boys and I will be glad to help.”  

Claire and her father looked at each other and smiled cautiously.  

“Thank you Mr. Cartwright,” Jacob said. “We will remember that if we need any assistance.”

That night Claire knocked on her fathers’ bedroom door.  
”Come on in,” a voice called.  Claire walked into the room and closed the door gently behind her.  She walked over to her father and sat down beside him on his bed.
“Father,” she began nervously, “Are we doing the right thing?”
“I hope so Claire, I really hope so.”

The next morning, a small breeze blew over the Ponderosa.

“Looks like it’s gonna be great weather today, eh Joe?” Hoss asked.

Joe had a glum look on his face, even though his leg had healed, he still felt miserable.  After all it was very early in the morning.  

They left the ranch and mounted their horses and headed off to Virginia City.
“Why do we have to take the Stranton’s cases down to their house?” Joe asked in a grumpy tone.  Hoss decided to take that as a rhetorical question, and he kept on riding.  Joe had done nothing but complain since they had left the ranch.  

In the distance, Hoss managed to make out two men approaching them.  

“Look!” Hoss said quickly “Who are they?”

Joe looked up, still frowning.  The frown disappeared quickly when he saw the two men draw their guns.  He and Hoss jumped off their horses and pulled out their guns, as the two strangers jumped off their horses and walked up to them.

“Who are you?” Hoss demanded “And what are you doin’ on the Ponderosa?”
One man stepped forward, he was about 6ft 4, with a dark scowl which made Little Joe feel very cautious. The man started to speak. “I am Stephen Williamson and this is my brother Anthony. We are looking for Claire and Jacob Stranton; do you have any idea of their whereabouts? We are going to take care of some business!”

Joe stepped up to the man and looked him in his friend, “I am Joe Cartwright and this is my brother Hoss. Our father owns this land and I advise you to leave immediately.”

The man grabbed Joe, lifting him off his feet. “No, you listen! If we find out you are hiding the Strantons, we will make sure you will regret it!” He dropped Joe back onto his feet. And the Williamson brothers jumped back on to their horses, turned and rode off back the way they came.

“Nice fella’s,” Hoss laughed.


“I reckon Stranton is hiding in the Ponderosa with his daughter!” Anthony Williamson grumbled.” We are going to show them what it is like to lose someone close to you.” he threatened.

“Stop talking!” his brother shouted,  “We will find the Strantons, and avenge our father’s death!”


Joe expertly jumped off his horse with the cases in his hands.  He turned around just in time to see his big brother Hoss stumble and fall off his horse with the cases he had.   

Joe hooted with laughter. Hoss quickly jumped to his feet and looked around to see if anyone else had noticed.  

“Listen here, young un’” Hoss said. “I don’t want anyone to here about that little stumble there, do you hear?”
“Sure!” Joe laughed and walked into the Strantons house, which looked derelict and rundown.  There was nothing in it except a few old chairs scattered over the floor.  

“Looks like they will need to do some redecorating,” Hoss said quietly to Joe.

”Well Hoss,” Joe replied. “No doubt Pa will make us help them, eh?” They put the cases down in the corner of the room.  Just then the door opened and Ben, Adam and the Strantons walked in.  “Welcome to your new home” Pa started. He soon stopped speaking when he saw what a mess the house was in. “Don’t worry about this mess” he told Jacob “I will get my boys to help you clear it up.”  
Joe snapped his head around and grinned at Hoss and whispered, “What did I tell you?”


The Williamson brothers walked out of the Virginia City Hotel.  They walked around the back of it and into the stables.  They noticed two extra horses that were not there before.
“Hey Stephen” Anthony said curiously “Ain’t that the two Cartwright brothers horses?”
“Sure looks like it” Stephen replied, he suddenly noticed two empty suitcase carriers.  
“What is that?” He asked.
“They seem to have been carrying suitcases” his brother replied.
“I KNOW THAT” Stephen snapped “But why were they bringing suitcases to Virginia City?”
Anthony the not-so-bright one of the brothers scratched his head in confusion,
“Maybe they have moved out of their fathers ranch, after all they are adults and they are still living with their Pa!”
Stephen smacked his brother over his head. “Don’t be stupid!” he snorted. “They wouldn’t move out of that ranch even if it was burning to the ground, they are devoted to the Ponderosa.”
Anthony rubbed his head, “Here brother that was sore!”
“We will take a walk, find these Cartwrights, and with any luck they will lead us to the Strantons!”


“Pull you big tub of lard!” Joe yelled.  They were trying to pull a bed into the bedroom.
“I’m trying Little Joe, but your constant complaining ain’t gonna help us is it?” Hoss retorted.  After many grunts and groans they finally moved the bed into the room.  
Both Hoss and Joe slumped onto the bed gasping for breath.   They exchanged glances; Joe couldn’t stop himself from grinning when he saw the look on his big brother’s face.   He had sweat running from his hairline to his chin.  
“Well Hoss,” Joe began. “There are only two more pieces of furniture to move!”
Hoss swung around and stared at Joe. “Listen Little Joe, I really need to take a break.  This is killing me!”  
Joe stood up and started towards the door. “Are you coming?” he asked
“Where?” Hoss asked
“To take a well deserved break at the saloon!” Joe replied.
At that point Hoss jumped up “Wow Hoss” Joe laughed. “There was no telling you twice!”
Hoss glared at Joe. “Dadburnit, Little Joe. I wish you would stop laughing at me!”  
Joe bellowed with laughter and walked out of the door, soon followed by Hoss.  

They walked across the road to the saloon.  Hoss nudged Joe, “Ain’t that the two Williamson brothers that tried to cross the Ponderosa?”   
The Williamson brothers were walking in the opposite direction, “I reckon they are still looking for the Strantons, something ain’t right” Joe said, he had a sneaking suspicion that they were not looking for the Strantons to wish them luck in their new home.  


Stephen and his brother Anthony opened the creaky door of the Strantons.   
“This must be the place!” Anthony mumbled “What you goin’ to do brother?”
“Search the place, don’t let the smallest rat escape, we need to find the Strantons!” Stephen ordered.
”But brother how am I supposed to catch the rats?” Anthony queried.
Stephen spun around and he looked really annoyed. “Just shut up!” he stormed.  
They started to tear the place apart, throwing items of clothing and many other things all over the house.  They were not going to leave a single inch unchecked.  

A smoky haze hung over the saloon.  Joe and Hoss squinted through it to try and reach the bar.  “Two of your strongest beers please” Hoss ordered
”Comin’ up” the bar man replied.

Sheriff Roy Coffee walked in, Joe smiled.  As usual Sheriff Coffee had his lower lip over his moustache.  This puzzled Joe, because at that point he was still to witness Sheriff Coffee coughing up a hairball.
‘Also he always licked his lips afterwards.  Maybe it is a substitute to food, what a handy thing to have a moustache,’ Joe thought.  
A silence blew over the saloon as everyone turned their heads to see who walked in.  As soon as they realised it was Sheriff Coffee they started to move very uncomfortably.  
He walked over to Hoss and Joe, “Hello Hoss, Joe” he said as he tipped his hat.  
“Hi, sheriff” Hoss began “Anything wrong?”
“Just a couple of out of towners wandering around,” Coffee replied.
Hoss and Joe both looked at each other and knew at once whom he was on about.  
“Excuse us, Sheriff but we must be going, we need to finish moving around the furniture” Joe stated.  
Joe and Hoss walked out of the doors and broke into a run across to the Strantons house.  They charged through the doors and stopped in their tracks.  
”Hoss, go and get Pa!” Joe bellowed. Hoss mumbled something that Joe could just make out as “Dadburnit!”  
Hoss walked out of the house and jumped onto his horse and rode off heading for the Ponderosa.
Joe started to walk around the trashed house.  He started to pick up furniture that had been thrown to the ground.  
“Who did this” Joe thought to himself.  
He heard a sudden noise from behind him and the Williamson Brothers were standing there.  
”You” Joe shouted “I shoulda’ known”  
“Get him” Stephen ordered his brother.  Anthony lunged for Joe.  Joe sidestepped and drew out his gun expertly with his left hand.  
”Stop right there!” Joe yelled. “There is no way you can get out of this!”
Joe looked around to see where Stephen had disappeared.  Suddenly he felt a crack across the jaw, he slumped to the ground in pain.  
“Ok, last time. Where are the Strantons?” Stephen roared.  He kicked Joe in the ribs, Joe moaned in pain.  He tried to shout out but he realised his jaw was broken.  He felt helpless. What was going to happen to him?


  Hoss burst through the door of the Cartwright ranch “Pa” he shouted “Pa.”
Ben raced through the door followed by Adam and The Strantons.  Hoss started to explain everything. After he was finished Ben turned around to the Strantons.
“Do you know the Williamson Brothers?” Ben asked.  At that point the father and daughter looked at each other.
Claire started to speak “Back where we came from my father was the sheriff.  There was a murderer about and his name was Daniel Williamson. When my father finally caught him he sentenced him to hang.  The sentence was carried out and now his sons are after us.  They are also murderers.  We came here for refuge, but somehow they managed to find us.”
Hoss moaned; Ben turned quickly around.  “What is it Hoss?” he asked
“Its Joe I left him at the house!” Hoss replied.
Ben grabbed his jacket and ran outside. “Come with us,” he shouted at the Strantons.  
Everyone mounted their horses and started back towards Virginia City.
Joe woke up and struggled against the ropes holding him down on a chair.  He scanned the room to see if there was anyone about.  The door opened and Stephen walked in.  
“Well Mr Cartwright” he began “I see you have woken up, feeling any better”
”MMMM MMM MM” Joe tried to speak but forgot his jaw had been broken. He also knew he had damaged his ribs after all the kicks he received when he was lying on the floor.
Stephen laughed evilly and said “Well I really hope your father sees some sense and hands over the Strantons if he doesn’t he will lose a son!”
Joe wanted to say something but he felt really helpless.  He knew he was still in the Strantons house but he also knew if his Pa or anyone came near here they would be shot.  
Joe saw a table next to him. Without thinking twice he rocked the chair so far that it fell towards the table.  Joes jaw was aimed right at the edge of the table.  There was a loud crack
“AARGH” Joe screamed.  He was in so much pain.  That was the first time he had put any of his own bones back into place.   
The brothers ran across the room and started to laugh “Ah Mr Cartwright you are pretty brave for a young kid.”
Joe stared up at Stephen, “My Pa will come for me and he will bring a posse too, mark my words!”

Suddenly Jacob Stranton exploded through the door.  
“Let him go” He stormed “Its me you want”
”Yeh you’re right there” Anthony sniggered, and pulled out his gun and shot Jacob in the arm. “NOOOO” Claire ran through the door and fell down at her father’s side. She looked up at Anthony, “What have you done?” Anthony aimed the gun at Claire,
“He’s not dead!” Anthony said in a sinister tone “But he will die soon slowly and painfully”
Then Ben and Adam ran in with their guns drawn, “Drop the guns” Adam called.  
Joe stood up with the chair still attached to him and he ran at Anthony. They both fell to the ground.  Joe expected a struggle but there was nothing.  He realised they had fallen onto a broken pipe. Joe followed the pipe that was now protruding from Anthony’s body and he saw it had gone into his own shoulder.  He yelped in pain, he felt himself getting lifted into the air and then thrown across the room.  Ben fired his gun at Stephen; he staggered and then with his final breath pulled the trigger on his own gun and shot the unconscious Joe in the leg.  


 Ben rushed over to his unconscious son and knelt down.  He cradled his son’s head in his arms. Joe opened his eyes slightly “Pa,” he whispered.
“Sshhh son,” Ben said softly. “You will be alright!”


That night back at the Ponderosa, Joe sat up in bed.  He saw Claire sitting there.  
”Hello Ma’am” Joe said shyly. “How is your father?”
“He’s fine, thanks to you,” she replied.
Joe smirked; he leaned forward and kissed her passionately,
“I will always be here for you” Joe started. They were about to share another kiss when Jacob walked in.  
”Here is the boy who saved my life!” Jacob said appreciatively,
“Oh Sir, I only was doing what a normal citizen would do!” Joe replied.  Jacob smiled.
“We need to go” Jacob said to Claire.
”Will I ever see you again?” Joe asked quietly
“You can count on it,” Claire answered back.   
Joe stroked her hair, she laid her head on his lap, and ten minutes later she was fast asleep.

The End