Looking for A FRIEND


Bernadette crespin





At the Ponderosa Ranch, the biggest ranch in all the


 Nevada region,everybody was slaving away. It was at the height of the summer.  


While some cowboys were taking  a herd of head of cattle to pasture, others were


repairing   the wire fence or keeping  an eye on the water troughs  As the cattle


was enduring a long period of  drought , the cowboys  had to  get water from the


river  and carry it to fill the water troughs. More  cowboys were needed, so the


Cartwrights had to hire  temporary workers at this time of the year.


                        Ben Cartwright , the owner and his two oldest sons: the handsome


Adam and the  kind Hoss  were working as much as their workers, slogging their


guts out. Little Joe, the most temperamental as well as the dearest member of the


family  had gone to the city to hire some cowboys. His two  brothers were




" Little Joe is the luckiest" Said Hoss angrily. "Heīll listen to me when he comes




" Youīre saying that because he made fun of us when Pa sent him to Virginia City."


Answered Adam calmly.


" Of course!!!. Didnīt you listen to him ... how he was  laughing  at us. Daddyīs boy


got on his fast horse and headed towards the town to hire some cowboys. I bet you


heīll go straight to the canteen to get some beer."


" Youīre absolutely right, But  a big surprise will be awaiting for him." Added Hoss,


who was willing to play a joke on his youngest brother.





Ben listened to his two sons and smiled. He knew that Hoss would mock


Little Joe.  Ben had never interfered in his sons ī jokes or discussions unless


some events could have posed a grave threat to his sonsī friendship.He had


always taught them to love, respect, and defend  each other.


Suddenly Adam  heard that a horse was getting closer and he raised his


head. His  smile vanished the moment he took a glimpse at Little Joeīs


green jacket.. The young man had not been away for more than half an hour. And


now he was back home,  and yelling.


" Pa! Pa! Hoss! Adam!"


" Whatīs up? Iīm sure that something terrible  had happened. If not, Little Joe


would not have come back so quickly" Said Adam getting closer to the wire fence


which separated the road from the prairie.


" I bet you...." Added Hoss.


" Whatīs going on ,son"  Ben asked Little Joe who bridled his beautiful pinto horse




" I met Roy and his men on my way to  town. They were going to the Olsenīs




" What happened?" Asked Ben worried.


I donīt know.... but according to Roy the house was burning."


" Hurry up, boys. " Ordered Ben to his sons.


The three of them got on their horses  and rode  with Little Joe towards the Olsenīs








Only smoke and desolation could be seen when they


got to the Olsenīs  house. Roy the kind and fair sheriff, who had fulfilled his duty


with utmost honesty  for so many years in Virginia City and  had been a good friend


to Ben and his boys, was standing beside his men, who were taking the remains of


two burned bodies covered by a canvas. When Roy saw Ben, he walked towards


Benīs horse . The Ponderosaīs owner got off his horse quickly and tried to draw


near the bodies.But Roy stopped him abruptly. Adam and Hoss who had got off


their horses as well, Sport and Chubb, didnīt allow their father to see those mortal




" No, please,  Ben... Itīs not worth it. " said Roy. Unfortunately, nobody can do


anything for the Olsens, but something can be done for their granddaughter.


" What happened to Julie" Asked Ben heart-broken.


" We donīt know yet. Until now... thanks God, we havenīt found her body yet."


Answered Roy.


" Any clues?" Asked Ben.


" It seems that  Mr. and Mrs. Olsen were attacked by a gang of outlaws. I think that 


the Olsens made an attempt to resist the attackers so,  they were killed. The


horses’s tracks canīt be any other explanation. ... and they kidnapped Julie. They


are going to Carson or Reno. We should find out where they are heading to.


" Iīll take a look " said Hoss who was a horsesī tracks specialist.


His two brothers accompanied him. Roy talked to his men for a while , then he


turned round , looked at Ben and muttered:


" This is dreadful. I know what they meant to you....Ben. We have to pray God to


find Julie safe and sound."          


" Youīre right... How did you find out?" Asked Ben.


"John Matthews was coming back from his prairies when he saw the fire.... so, he


sent one of his men to let me know, I gathered some men and we came as soon


as we could.  Thatīs when I met Joe. Matthews and his sons put out the fire.


Fortunately  their cowboys helped them as well. If not, it could have been


Impossible. They had to do it quickly before it got to the prairies.


" There come the boys" Said Ben and looked at his three handsome sons.


Ben and Roy walked towards the boys.


" What did you  find. " Asked Ben with anguish, looking at Hoss  who was the one


who . could understand horsesī tracks  and who had never got mistaken.


" They are going to  Washoe Lake station. Through Carson"


" So, why havenīt you gone after them? Asked Roy with amazement.


" We just wanted to tell you first. Besides, we need two or three men....we might


come across the outlaws.."


"It could be easier to get Julie." Added Adam.


Roy called three men who galloped with the Cartwrights  at full speed. to the


stagecoach station.


Ben went to Virginia City to get the funeral proceedings ready and to talk to the












                                               Ben Cartwright was in grief. His friendsī death as well as


Julieīs disappearance. had broken his heart. He couldnīt believe that man could


be so evil. He loved Julie  like a daughter and his three sons loved her like a




Julie was a very kind, sweet  beautiful young woman. She loved to visit the


Cartwrights because she had always felt  at ease there. She loved to laugh


or to play checkers with Hoss and Little Joe and to talk about Art and Music


with Adam. Adam and Little Joe had escorted her when she went to her first


party. Hop-Sin, the faithful  Chinese  cook, had taught her some of his peculiar


culinary secrets. Julie promised him that she would never reveal those secrets


to  a soul. Hoss had taught her how to ride on a horse. As a matter of fact, she


was an excellent horsewoman. She was the pride of her grandparents. Although


she loved the rural life she was a perfect housekeeper. Anyhow she preferred


to go out with her grandfather than to stay at home and embroider or sew with


her grandmother. She had lived with her grandparents since her parents accident.


The Olsens  couldnīt stand when their only son left them and went to the city.


Then the young man married to a beautiful girl. When Julie was born, her parents


took her to the   ranch. Shortly after, the young couple died at a stage


coach accident leaving the baby with their grandparents. So, this young woman


grew up surrounded by love and friendship.


Ben was thinking about Julieīs life when Hop-Sin offered him a cup of coffee.


Ben had just come back from Virginia City.  He was waiting for some news eagerly.




" Mr. Cartright, please, donīt you worry... Julie is coming back."


" I hope so... Hop Sin... I hope so... Iīm so worried about her whereabouts and


about those outlaws. How can they treat her?.. you know, she is a very attractive


young woman....  besides, she is so naive.... I donīt know .... those outlaws can


do her harm... you see what I mean... "


Of course. Mr. Cartwright. ... But please, donīt you think about bad things."


Somebody knocked on the door. Ben left his cup of coffee , and stood up. Hop-


Sin  wiped up  his tears and opened the door.Roy Coffee was standing still


" Hi, Ben... Havenīt the boys come back yet?"


" Not yet... It worries me... itīs growing dark. Did you find anything else about the


 murder? Do you have any clues?"


" No, nothing at all."


" Well, we must wait for the boys. Do you want to drink something? A bit of




"  Of course!"


" Hop- Sin!"


"Yes, Mr. Cartwright. Here I am with a glass of sherry."


" Oh! Thank you so much, Hop-Sin "Added the sheriff from Virginia City. You


are extremely fast."


" Iīm always alert on Mr. Cartwrightīs requests." Answered Hop-Sin smiling and


bringing a tray with the sherry.






                        The boys and the Coffee men returned almost for supper. Hoss told


Ben what he had found out. The horsesī tracks were clearly seen up to a certain


point one mile before the stagecoach station, then they disappeared and were


seen  again on  the road to Virgina  City. Besides, Hoss had inquired the station 


watchman for several minutes but unfortunately, the man hadnīt seen anything




" So, what do you think about this?" Asked Ben to his son.


" Look, Dad... I think that a cowboy went close to Washoe Lake and then  came




" Just only one cowboy?" Asked Ben with surprise.


" We only saw one horseīs tracks  and they are new."


" This canīt be true" Added Ben. " An outlaw always tries to escape.... he doesnīT


want to be caught."


" Well. An outlaw always goes back to the place where he committed a crime."


" Yes, youīre right. But... this is very weird. " Said Ben. " and you? Adam


What do you think?"


" I think that somebody knew or guessed that the sheriff was going to go after him,


so this person gave the sheriff the slip by changing his way."


" Where do you think that they are now?" Asked Roy who had been listening to


the conversation.


" I canīt tell  you that" Replied Hoss. " But I think that the outlaws are in this




" Thatīs too weird, Hoss!. They must have gone somewhere else, I donīt know...


they might be close to Virginia City or heading towards California." Exclaimed




" We were talking about that ." Said Adam. " According to the horsesī tracks


they are not going to the places you mentioned. I agree with Hoss. ... They are in


the surrounding area."


" But... where then!" Exclaimed Ben very upset.


" Thatīs what I īll find out. Before going back to Virginia City Iīll  stop at the


Matthewsī  and Iīll ask them if they have seen something peculiar.."


" Iīll go with you." Said Ben in anguish.


" Youīd better stay here" Said Adam addressing his father." Iīll go with you, Roy."


" Iīll go too." Said Little  Joe rashly.


Roy and the Cartwright boys headed towards the Matthewsī ranch.


Hoss and his father stayed at the Ponderosa waiting for Adam and Little Joeīs


return. Ben had a mixture of anxiety and grief. He couldnīt believe what had


happened to that family and what could happen to that poor young woman. He


started thinking about the horsesī tracks, something was missing. Hoss knew that


an outlaw never stayed close to the scene of the crime. He drank a soft drink and


interrupted this fatherīs thoughts.


" Pa, ... I think that they are still in the surrounding area. I canīt figure out why we


have seen only one horse..."


" That only one man attacked the Olsens... that īs ridiculous! Exclaimed Ben,











" Of course, not!" Answered Hoss calmly. " One man went  near Washoe Lake


because he wanted to give us the slip."


" So... Hoss... where can they be?


" Near the Ponderosa or the Olsenīs ranch... or the Matthewsī"


"They are our closest neighbors .... and the Olsens... because the Wilsonīs  ranch


is far away from here. ... close to Virginia City..."


" Youīre right."


They were in silence for a while. The two men shared the same thoughts. They


were sure that the outlaws were hidden in any of these ranches.




Roy asked his men and the two Cartwright boys not


to get too close to the Matthewsī house because he didnīt want to scare the


Matthewsī family. John Matthews had  two sons., Troy and Sam. Everybody


knew that the two boys  loved alcohol, fights and women. Roy had to arrest them


several times because they had destroyed the canteen, hit  their opponents with


extreme brutality and  harassed prostitutes or ordinary women in Virginia


City.  When the two boys were sober they loved to work in the ranch and run


their fatherīs lands with utmost care. They lost their mother when they were just


babies. Their mother was a very beautiful lady who died when her daughter was


born. John Matthews had put the blame on the poor child who was given to an aunt


in Boston to be brought up. So,  Matthews always had a sour look, he was all the


time, rightly or wrongly, nagging and cursing his two sons. As a matter of fact,


Matthews wanted nothing to do with them.


Unfortunately these two boys hadnīt had a father. Almost every night , Matthews


locked himself in his room and started drinking. But this night, Matthews and his


two sons were sober. They were having a talk when Roy and the Cartwrights


knocked on the door.


John Matthews opened the door and looked at them with astonishment.


" What are you doing here? At this time?"


" We just want to talk to you for a while." Said Adam. "Can we come in?"


" Well... the boys and I are going to bed..... weīll have a hard day tomorrow."


" Itīs just a minute. " Insisted Adam.


" What do you want to talk about?" Asked Matthews nervously.


" We want to talk about what happened today at the Olsenīs ranch." Answered


Roy smiling.


" Itīs OK... come on in."


Troy and Sam stopped playing checkers and stood up when they saw that Roy,


Adam and Little Joe stepped into the room. The three men took their hats off


and walked towards Troy and Sam.


" Whatīs going on?" Asked Troy, Johnīs  oldest son.


" We came here... because we want to ask you a few questions" answered Roy.


" Itīs about what you saw... We are looking for the  murderers .... and


Julie... John, you were the first who saw the fire, werenīt you?"


" Thatīs right. But it was too late. I couldnīt do anything at all.


" So, what did you do when you saw the fire?"Asked Little Joe.





" I looked for the boys and my men." Answered Matthews.


" Didnīt you see anything strange....  nothing suspicious....  " Asked Little Joe




" Absolutely not. The house was burning. We just put out the fire as fast as we


could.... With that heat even the Ponderosa could have been burned..."


" None of you saw something weird. " Asked Adam to the Matthews.


" No... Adam.... nothing at all." Answered Troy the oldest brother.


" How can you dare to ask us so many questions?" Asked Sam, the youngest




" The thing is... we haventīt found Julie. " Answered  Little Joe." Besides, we


want to catch the outlaws."


" Can we talk to your men, please? Asked Roy.


" Of course. Follow me, sheriff."


Roy and the Cartwrights walked behind Matthews towards the house where


the foreman and the cowboys were sleeping. Roy asked them some questions


but nothing new was found. They said goodbye to the Matthews and got on their


horses. Roy and his men went back to Virginia City and Adam and Little Joe


returned to the Ponderosa.





Once at home, they sat at the dinner table and told Ben


and Hoss what had happened at the Matthewsī ranch.






Adam and Little Joe had noticed that John Matthews and his two sons looked 


nervous and  upset because they had to answer so many questions. Suddenly,


Little Joe remembered an event which happened to Julie


" A few months ago.... at the Wilsonīs party. It was for Margaretīs birthday, Sam


  was drunk .... and wanted to dance with Julie..... I think that he wanted


something else... and then..."


" You intervened when he tried to kiss her, you pushed him ...and there was a


fight." Added Adam as calm as usual.


" Yeah, we started fighting...."


" And... it wasnīt the first time" said Hoss. Sam has always  wanted to court Lucy


but you have always been in the middle. By the way.. Do you like Lucy? "Asked


Hoss smiling.


" Of course not!" exclaimed Little Joe. " Sheīs  a friend.... a sister. "


answered Ben īs youngest son. " Sheīs a sister for you too.


" Do you think that Sam Matthews has something to do in this matter? Asked


Ben to his sons.


" After our visit to the Matthews and ... taking into account  what Little Joe had said


I am convinced that he knows something. I think that they are hiding something,


... they saw something and ... they donīt want to say a word about it."


" They might be threatened by those outlaws." Said Hoss.


" I donīt think so." Said Adam. They are hiding something, they have to do with


the Olsens ... and Julieīs desappearance."


" Adam! I īve known John for ages. I canīt deny you that they arenīt  my cup


of tea. ... but I canīt believe that they can be so wicked." Exclaimed Ben to


his oldest son.


" To be honest.... I donīt know what to tell you Pa. Anyway, I īll go to the


Matthewsī ranch tomorrow morning just to see if everything is going well."


" Iīll go with you" Said Joe enthusiastically.


" No, son." Said Ben. Adam must go alone. Hoss and you will come with me


Weīll go to the Olsenīs ranch. I want to take a look, I might find some clues."


" But Pa." Insisted Hoss.  I think  that  that wonīt be necessary. Everything


was burned away to nothing. Besides.... it ī ll hurt you.


" It doesnīt matter. We must find Julie alive as soon as we can. Itīs essential.


And tomorrow... I want to see you all at church for the funeral."


When dinner was over, they stayed at the table and talked about Julie Olsen


and her two ill-fated grandparents. Then, they went to the living -room and


had some liquor. Ben and Adam werenīt in the mood for playing chess or


checkers. They were too worried to read a good book. They were all in


anguish over their missing friend.




The following day Roy was reading some telegrams from


the neighboring sheriffs when Ben and Adam stepped into his office. They


just wanted to see Roy before the funeral. Although they were properly


dressed, they looked  extremely worn out. When Roy saw them, he greeted


them with a smile. Then he lowered his voice and said to them.


" These telegrams show that neither a robbery nor a crime was committed in


Reno or Carson City. To make matters worse... no person was seen with


a young woman similar to Julie Olsen."


" So,...What conclusions did you come to?" Asked Ben .


" The people who killed the Olsens and kidnapped Julie are not far away from here.


Itīs so strange... Not a soul saw an outsider before or after the crime."


" What do you mean by that, Roy?" Asked Ben taken by surprise.


" I donīt want to be mistaken but I think that the people who committed this


and kidnapped Julie live in this area."


" Unless some outsiders  had passed by ... and werenīt seen ...."Said Ben.


" I canīt assure you that. But I donīt think so." Added Roy very worried.


" I have been  prowling around the Matthews ī ranch but I  havenīt noticed anything


weird.  At least up to now... anyway I īll be keep an eye on that matter. Pa, Hoss


and Little Joe havenīt noticed anything strange at the Olsenīs ranch either,Said




" Why do you distrust the Matthews? " Asked the sheriff to Ben


Cartwrightīs oldest son.


" I donīt have the faintest idea.... yet. All of us think that they are hiding something.


Only the Matthews put out the fire. Besides.... didnīt you see their reaction last


night? The Matthews didn’t  like when we asked them some  many questions."


" Youīre right. I remember that they looked pretty upset. Anyway.... Adam  nobody


is guilty for putting out a fire. On the contrary... once a criminal commits a crime,


leaves the scene of the crime as quickly as he can."


" Of course, Roy." Said Ben. We  suspect.... because many strange events


have happened between Sam and Julie Olsen lately. Last night, Little Joe


reminded us of a fight he had with Sam  at a party because Sam was harassing




" Yeah, Iīve heard something about that fight. I donīt believe that that event


could have led to such a nightmare!."


" Iīll think about this fact afterwards" Said Roy. "Why donīt we go to  church?"


What about your two sons? " Asked Roy to Ben  while he was putting his hat on.


" They are waiting for us, there." Answered Ben heading towards the


sheriffīs office door. He was followed by Adam and Coffee.




Not only the Cartwrights and Roy went to  the Olsenīs


service but also many people from Virginia City who loved and respected


Julie and her grandparents. The reverend appraised their charitable deeds and


Christian ideals . John Matthews went to the service alone, his two sons


werenīt there. This fact surprised Ben and his sons. Everybody was in


distressed.  So, the revered asked  everybody to pray for Julieīs return. After


the service many people went to the Virginia City Cemetery to say goodbye


to their dear friends.


 When leaving the cemetery, Ben approached Matthews and asked him about his


two sons.


" Itīs so strange that your two sons arenīt here..... under the circumstances..."


Said Ben.


" They have too much work at the ranch." Answered Matthews a little nervous.


" But you have many cowboys at the ranch.... besides I know that Sam is fond


of Julie."


" Matthews hesitated for a few seconds as he didnīt  know what to say. While


getting on his horse he told the owner of the Ponderosa that he was not a


meddlesome old man. Without awaiting for an answer he galloped to his




" Iīll follow him." Said Adam who was  very determined to find out Julieīs


whereabouts. " If Iīm not back for supper, go to the Matthewsī."


" Weīll go with you right now." Answered Little Joe sharply.


" No, Joe!" Shouted Ben to his youngest son. We canīt go with him It īll


be stupid. Matthews will realize and we wonīt find anything. Weīll do what


Adam wants.... so... Weīll go back home."


" But.... Pa... Adam canīt beat all of them. Heīll come out into the open."


" Wait a minute... young man." Said Hoss. " Adam is big enough not to be


caught...weīll be a nuisance."


" But ... we have solved  so many problems together! Exclaimed Little Joe.


" Not this time. So, letīs go home and no more discussions about this


subject." Ordered Ben to this sons.



                                   When getting closer to his ranch, Matthews made a detour,


took a path to the hill and headed towards the woods. Adam got off


his horse and had to duck  to get into the woods. Matthews got off his horse and


opened the door of a shack. Adam didnīt dare to move because he didnīt


want to be seen, so , he stood still waiting to see what was going to happen.


After an hour, Matthews left the shack, got on his horse and headed towards


his house through the prairies. So, Adam could get closer to the shack and


see from one of the windows two young men talking. They were John Matthewsī


sons: Troy and Sam. He could notice that nobody else was in the room . Therefore


he tried to go to the back  of the shack to see if he could see Julie or something


strange but, he couldnīt do so because one of the Matthews ī boys stepped out of


the shack. Therefore Adam had to find a  safe place.  Troy Matthews got on his


horse and galloped home without realizing that Adam was behind him. Ben


Cartwrightīs son  knew that Sam was alone in the shack so he sneaked around to


the front door, waited for a minute,  opened the door slowly and aimed his gun


carefully. A deep sound was heard and Adam fell down.


                                   It was after seven and Adam hadnīt got home. Hop


Sin was getting nervous because supper was ready and nobody was still


sitting at the table. He was, as usual, cursing in Chinese . Ben was walking


around the dinner table with his hands in his pockets. He was getting on his


nerves because his first -born son wasnīt at home for the family supper.


Hop-Sin was a bit upset because he had reheated the meal. Besides,


Little Joe and Hoss were losing their patience. All of a sudden, Little Joe


stood up and said to his father.


" Pa!  Donīt you think that we should go now  and rescue Adam. Iīm sure that


something happened to him!"


" Little Joe is right... Pa." Added Hoss.


" Ok boys."


" Hop-Sin!"


" Yes, Mr. Cartwright."


" Iīm sorry but  we wonīt have supper... weīll bring Adam back."


" Yes. Mr. Cartwright. ... Good Luck."


 " Weīll need it."


While they were leaving the house, with their guns and rifles, Hop-Sin stood


still thinking about Adamīs fate. At that moment he didnīt care that nobody was


sitting at the dinner table.




Ben Cartwright and his two sons galloped towards the


Matthews ī ranch. When they approached the house they could see  that


all the lights were on so, they supposed that somebody was in the house.


Ben knocked on the door with extreme harshness but nobody answered it


so, he tried once more. Hoss and Little Joe were standing behind Ben, they  were


ready to pull out their guns. Suddenly they heard a blind drunk voice which


complained for the noise. The door was opened and the three Cartwrights


found  a drunk Matthews who was looking at them with amazement. He


staggered and asked them what they were doing there. Ben got into


the room , followed by his two sons without  being invited in.


" I know that Adam followed you this afternoon. And.. He hasnīt arrived yet.


What have you done with him? Besides... we think that you know where Julie



"Youīre still with that! Yelled Matthews. Donīt you have another thing to do but to


look for that girl...!"


" Ben seized him by his collar neck and told him sharply.


" The Olsens were my friends. ... we just want to find Julie and Adam safe and




" But.. do you think I know something about that?"


" Adam followed you and he hasnīt come back home." Added Hoss seriously.


" Besides you are aware of your sonīs fondness... " said Little Joe.


" Julie has always looked down on him. She doesnīt know what she misses."


Said Matthews. īA handsome young man .. very well-off. I donīt know where Adam


is. I havenīt seen him since I left Virginia City."


" Are you sure?" For your own sake.... I hope that Adam is fine."


" Of course..."


All of a sudden Little Joeīs eyes saw something which reassured his doubts. The


Matthews knew something about Julieīs whereabouts. The young man walked


towards the dining table and grabbed a music box. Ben and Hoss looked at him


curiously. John Matthews couldnīt understand Little Joeīs behavior.


" This is Julieīs music box! Exclaimed Little Joe.


" Are you sure, son?" asked Ben to his son.


" Of course! I bought it myself in Virginia City. This was my birthday present!"


" So, speak  up...once and for all." Said Ben with a threatening voice. Where is


my son and Julie?"


" I donīt know ." answered Matthews shaking.


" And so.... how did this music box appear in your house?" Asked Hoss.


" Come on, Matthews... Weīre wasting  time .and weīre getting to the end


of our patience. "


" Iīve just told you..... I know nothing."


But Little Joe had lost his patience so, he approached Matthews, grabbed him


by the neck .


" What happened to my brother. ?" Shouted Little Joe shaking his fist angrily.


Hoss ran towards his brother and stopped him.


" It happens that... we..."


" Speak once and for all if not.... I īll give you what you deserve." Said Hoss.


" Come on, John... speak up." Added Ben in an uncontrolled way. " Donīt lie.


" Heīs wounded. I think that Sam made a mistake ... he thought that Adam was


an outlaw."


" How come? He īs wounded and you havenīt said a word about it ! answered


Ben infuriated.


" Hold on. Adam has got a few scratches.. besides Julie has cured him!ī


Shouted Matthews.


" How could that happen! Exclaimed the three Cartwrights.


" So... you found Julie" Asked Ben looking relaxed but guessing that the


girl had been kidnapped by the Matthews.


" Well... yes and no.... let me tell you what happened.."


" Why arenīt Adam and Julie with you." Asked Little Joe nervously.


" Iīll tell you."


                                   The conversation lasted for more than half an hour. John


Matthews told them what had really happened that terrible afternoon when the


Olsens had died and their granddaughter had disappeared. A few days before,


at a party which the Cartwrights didnīt attend, Sam molested  Julie all the time.


Therefore, she  refused to dance with Sam and despised him dancing with all


the other young men . Sam Matthews felt humiliated.  Besides, his childhood


friends  laughed at   him. To  make matters worse he was blind drunk.


The following day , Sam was still drunk as a lord. Anyhow he got on his horse


and headed to  the Olsenīs ranch. When his brother Troy saw Sam galloping


towards the Olsenīs ranch. He decided to follow him. Sam, completely out of his


mind, stepped into the Olsenīs house and looked for Julie.


When he saw her he tried to kiss her savagely. She slapped him on the face and


he tried to rape her. At that very moment Olsen went into the house. When he


saw what was going on he attacked Sam fiercely to defend his grand


daughter. But Sam pushed him so hard that the old man hit his head on


a table and died . Julie screamed for help but nothing could be done as Sam


was holding her tightly. Then, when Julieīs grandmother heard her grand


daughterīs shouts rushed into the room. The first thing she saw was her dear


dead husband. So, she took  with trembling hands her husbandīs pistol and


aimed it at Sam. Unfortunately Sam was much faster than the old lady and


shot her dead. Troy went into the house aiming his gun carefully. Completely


overwhelmed he understood what had happened. Troy knew that his brother


could do anything when he was drunk.


Troy wanted to save his brother so he advised him to leave the place and take


Julie with him because  the girl was going to denounce him. Sam got on


his horse, holding Julie who was crying and fearing for her life. When they moved


away Troy burned the house mercilessly.  He knew some outsiders were going to


be blamed.   On his way home , he met his father and told him the truth. John


Matthews hit Sam but his love was much stronger than his conscience so he


decided to help him by locking the young woman in an  abandoned shack  not far


away from their house. He knew that nobody was going to suspect anything, not


even the foreman or the other cowboys who were working for him..


Without uttering a word Little Joe stood up and gave Matthews a punch in the


nose. Matthews fell down to the floor without being hurt. When Matthews stood


up Little Joe wanted to go on fighting but Ben and Hoss  grabbed him.


" Itīs enough, Little Joe! " shouted Ben. "John has got what he deserves..."


" But Pa!


" I know but you arenīt going to solve things in such a way . We have to


be civil.. we have to save them. " said Ben to his son rising his voice.


" I agree with Dad." Added Hoss realizing that Little Joe was nervous and wanted


to hit Matthews." Can you calm down? Or Iīll calm you down"


" Why did you wait so much to tell us the truth?" Asked Ben to Matthews.


" I never agreed with them from the very beginning. But Iīm their father, I love


them and I had to help them."


" Youīre completely wrong. If you had really loved them... you would have given


them up to the sheriff . You are as guilty as they are... because you are an


accomplice. Nobody has the right to kill .... not even to kidnap....   Exclaimed Ben


with rage.


" I know that, Ben!"


" Youīll have to face Coffee and start looking for a good lawyer when we get them


back. By the way... where are they now?" Asked Ben anxiously


frowning his eyebrows to show his anger before so much injustice and 




" Itīs an abandoned shack... on the top of a hill... itīs..."


" Donīt tell me. I know where it is. Joe and Hoss come on, we are running out of




" Yeah, Pa." Answered the two young men. None of them objected their


fatherīs decision.




When Adam came round, he saw that Julie was taking


care of him and that Sam Matthews was aiming at him and drinking liqueur. Adam


was glad to see Julie safe and sound. He could see that the young woman was 


devastated . Adam sat down on a chair :


" Itīs so nice to see you, Julie.... we īve been so worried about you.... weīve looked


for you everywhere. Ouch!" Said Adam.


" Sorry " answered the young woman who was dressing his wound. It was only a


scratch.. you were lucky. Adam,? Are you Ok .. now?" Asked Julie softly.


" Everything is fine. My left shoulder... aches a little... But  what happened and




" Itīs a long story. Sam killed my grandparents..." Said Julie sobbing. She lowered


her voice because she didnīt want to be listened by Sam. " What on earth are


we going to do? You have no guns..."


" Iīll have to think about something."


Troy appeared and brought them some food and water. He got flabbergasted


when he saw that Adam was there. He had known Adam since childhood.


" What the hell is he doing here?" How did he come?" Asked Troy to his




" His plan to be a hero backfired on him. I almost killed him."


" Why donīt you give up? Suggested Adam" Donīt you know that my family


will find me? They know that I followed John and they will get worried because


I havenīt return home."


" Shut up! Shouted Adam slapping Adam on the face.


" Calm down, Sam! Shouted Troy.


" I canīt calm down. Donīt you know that heīll reveal our place if we let him go!


Shouted Sam to his brother.


" Weīll find a way..."


" Thereīs nothing to think about. We īll set him free. .. or weīll kill him."


" Sam! Donīt you even think  about that."


" Do you want to end in jail?"


" You can do it. Didnīt you kill the old folks?" shouted Troy to his brother.


" But you burned the house and got the idea to bring the girl here. So,


you are as guilty as me!"


Troy left the house, tired of listening to his brotherīs remarks. He just wanted to


find his father and  tell him about Adam : He just wanted to find a solution to their


problems. Sam didnīt  really care about killing Adam. Troy, on the other hand,


knew that their situation would get worse. He had  got the idea to kidnap


Julie because he wanted to save his brother from jail. But Troy was aware that


they would be found and that they wouldnīt be able to escape from the law so




                                               Adam and Julie were whispering because they


didnīt want to disturb their warden. They were thinking about a possible getaway.


Sam Matthews got nervous when he heard them whispering. He approached


Adam and hit him to keep him still. Then, Sam wanted to kiss the girl , who started


screaming asking for help. Unfortunately, Adam could hardly move . So,


Matthews cornered the girl against the wall and, as she was still shouting he


blocked her mouth up with his hands. Adam couldnīt stand what he was looking


at so he jumped on Sam . Suddenly he felt a bit stronger to bear Samīs fists


and to elude the blows directed to his wounded shoulder. They fight for a few


seconds dragging along the little furniture that was on their way. Sam tried to


pull out his gun but it was impossible because Adam knocked him out.


Adam got advantage of that fact. As quickly as he could , he got Samīs gun ,


grabbed Julie by the arm and ordered her to leave the room.


" Come on, Julie before he regains consciousness!" ordered Adam to Julie.


But when Adam was opening the front door, he listened to the trigger of a gun.


Sam Matthews hadnīt been able to stand up but he could reach a gun he


had hidden in a drawer which had fallen to the ground during the fight.


Julie glanced that Sam was going to pull the trigger and shouted.:


" Watch out, Adam!"


Adam turned round so quickly that he could shoot first and kill Sam.  Adam


approached the lying body and saw that Sam was dead.


" My Goodness!" exclaimed the young woman.


" Come on, Julie. Letīs get out of here before Troy and his father appear."


Suggested Adam to his young friend.


                                   At that very moment, Troy went into the room. He had gone


to the ranch to tell his father about Adamīs presence. Just at the moment that he


was leaving his house the Cartwrights appeared. By chance Troy heard that his


father was talking to the Cartwrights about the Olsens . So, he made a rush for


the door, got on his horse and went to the shack to warn his brother. He knew that


Julie had to be taken to another place. When he was opening the shackīs door he


bumped into Adam and Julie who were trying to leave the house


He obliged them to stepped into the shack and saw that Sam was lying on the


floor dead. Troy approached his dead brother , and asked Adam what had


happened.  As  Adam was explaining the past event, Troy flew into a rage and tried


to shoot him. Fortunately Adam foresaw what would happen. All of a sudden, he


ducked down, pulled out his gun and killed John Matthewsī oldest son in the


presence of a Julie . Adam hugged her to calm her down and told her:


" Everything is over, Julie....Calm down..."


Adam and Julie were taken by surprise when they saw that Ben, Hoss and Little


Joe went into the room  Adam and Julie were  waiting ,in fact,  for John Matthews.


" You are here, at last!" Exclaimed Adam to his family.


Julie ran and hugged them tenderly. Adam realized that nobody was paying


attention to him so he said:


" Well...Well... I can see that you donīt care about me." Said Adam smiling.


" Adam! Son... how are you? Asked Ben to his oldest son, while he was


walking towards him.


" A little better...."


Hoss, without knowing, touched Adamīs left shoulder. Adam  cursed..


So Julie told them :


" Heīs in pain because a bullet  brushed his shoulder.... besides Sam


Matthews hit him savagely. Adam is a hero, he saved my life." Added Julie


Softly and smiling. In spite of what had happened.


Ben smiled and asked everybody to leave. He had to tell John Matthews


the terrible news. While his sons and Julie went back to the ranch, he


went to see John Matthews. When John saw  Ben īs face he understood that


something bad had happened to his two boys. At first , he cursed Adam and


Julie. Then, he blamed them for his sonsī death. At last, he cried his heart out


and asked Ben to leave him alone.   






A few days after, Ben came back from Virginia City.


It was just before supper. He found that his sons were having a friendly chat


with Julie , who was living with them.


" What īs up , Pa?" asked Adam when he saw  his father . " Which was the judgeīs




" He wonīt go to jail. The judge considers that God punished him enough by taking


his two sons. Anyway, heīll have to compensate her ... and work for her for a


long, long time."


" The judge was too good to Matthews." Said Little Joe. He should have been sent


to prison. Wasnīt he an accomplice?"


" Of course, he was.... " agreed Ben. We donīt have the right to judge him. I only


hope that he will see his daughter again... the one who lives in  Boston. Sheīll


inherit the ranch ... one day."


" And... Iīll be grateful to you  for the rest of my life.... you saved me from the


Matthewsī claws.... Especially... you, Adam." Tears came to her eyes.


" Thank you , Julie.... But I did what anybody could have done for a friend."


  They were in silence for a few seconds. Suddenly Ben handed her a letter. She


read it and her eyes started sparkling.


" Whatīs going on Julie?" Asked Little Joe curiously.


" Itīs from David Leigh... He asked me if he could bring me back some books I


lent him a month ago.... Besides... he wants to talk to you... Ben."


" He wants to talk to me? What for?"


" Well.. well.. " Added Adam smiling. " I think that that boy…


" Adam! " Exclaimed Ben." What are you talking about?"


" Come on, Pa." Said Hoss." Donīt you know? David has shown a special interest


in Julie... and I think that she likes him." Said Hoss smiling. "Get  ready to be the


best man."


" Is it serious, Julie?" asked Ben.


"Well... we have never talked about that subject, but if you arenīt against...and he


proposes... well...I think Iīll accept. As my grandparents arenīt here .. you īll


have to act...ī


" Hold on... and.. what about us?" Asked Adam. We have the right to give our




" You bet! Exclaimed Hoss and Little Joe together.


" So, then... what do you say?" Asked Julie smiling. I suppose that you wonīt say..


no...Hoss and you , Adam, and you, Little Joe? she asked to Ben Crtwrightīs sons.


" Of course not.! answered Adam on behalf of the Cartwrights. " Weīre only


interested in your happiness." The three guys hugged her .



Hop Sin appeared in  the living -room, cursing as usual


because not a soul was sitting at the table. Ben smiled and explained to Hop-Sin


that they could have a wedding in the near future. A beautiful smile covered


Hop-Sinīs face. Ben stood up and started walking to the table followed by Hoss


and Little Joe. Adam and Julie walked  after them very happy and smiling.