WHN - Treasure




Bev and Katja


As I walked toward the house shaking my head the words of my oldest son Adam echoed in my head. "It's a long story pa". How many times over the years have I heard that very phrase come from one of my sons and each time I dreaded the story that was to come. Oh there were times after hearing the long story I would have a good laugh about something that had happened, but more times then not it was that there had been some sort of trouble or mischief afoot. Somehow from the looks that were exchanged between Adam and his brother Hoss and the looks I got when I arrived home, I knew that I was not going to like the story I was to hear. And from the look of it Carlos, the very young man that I had entrusted to keep an eye on my sons in my absence and to keep them safe, was right in the thick of it.

As I approached the door to the house trying to make sense of the little I had been told, I looked back and watched as the three culprits dragged themselves to the barn to put up their horses. They looked tired, dirty and what else I could not really put my finger on just yet, but I could see that I was not going to like this tale. This tale of....of what? Indians, murder, treasure maps and corn maidens?

"Mr. Cartwright, you come. Hot coffee ready. Boys be in soon enough to tell all."

“Yes Hop Sing, I’m coming”

I could not believe that something could have happened in the three short days I was gone. I had left enough chores for them all for just that reason: to keep them busy enough to stay out of trouble. In looking around I could see so much left undone. I took one last look as Carlos entered the barn behind the others and that is when I realized what the other look they had was....guilt. Of course the looks between them, to me, the way they spoke of what happened, or better yet the way they skirted around the long story all spoke volumes. Somehow I had the feeling that I would be wishing for something stronger then coffee before this tale ended.


After entering the barn Carlos, Hoss and Adam started on taking care of the horses. Big Dan had stayed just long enough to water and rest his horse, make arrangements for the delivery of the corn and then left. The three left worked in silence each lost in his own deep thoughts trying to gage Ben’s reactions to the account they had given so far of the events over the last few days. For Carlos he had not known Ben and his family that long making it hard to read his friend completely yet. When Little Joe first said, “Here comes Pa now,” the looks that passed between Hoss and Adam told him they didn’t think this was going to be a good thing. In the space of a few short minutes they all saw a mixed bag of emotions cross Ben’s face. A hint of anger, concern when he saw the state Hoss was in, annoyance when Adam told him it was a long story and puzzled confusion and amusement at the short version. Since entering the barn each one had been wondering to themselves just which one of these emotions would prevail when he heard the long story. Each was praying for the sake of themselves and each other that it would be the amusement. Of the three of them Carlos felt that he was the safest from any repercussions as he thought of himself at this moment as a mere employee, well a good friend and employee but somehow he felt lucky not to be a son of Ben Cartwright right now. Just how were they going to explain all of this without making themselves out to be complete fools?


Ben stepped inside the house glad to be back after three days of riding on the trail. He took his hat and coat off and hung them in their place beside the door and then walked toward the stove to get that cup of coffee. As he did he was thinking of his own last three days, which reminded him about the papers for the purchase of the stallion.

"Oh Little Joe I forgot my saddle bags on Buck and there are some papers for the stallion that I need in them. Would you please go back out and get them."

"Sure Pa!" Joe hoped his reply wasn't too quick as he ran out to the barn. He didn't mind going back out there at all. It wasn't often, after all, that he had the chance to gloat and he was sure there was going to be trouble. Even if gloating isn't very nice, when you're the youngest of the family with two brothers who are a lot older than you are, it's usually them gloating when you are in trouble. At least that's how Joe felt about it, so he was eager to go out to the barn where his brothers were.

When Joe got to the barn the door was open. He leaned against the doorpost with a big grin on his face, trying to copy his oldest brother's famous lean. He stood there for a moment in silence and watched as the others went about their tasks, each lost in his own thoughts and the picture of misery.

"So...." he started, "How do you think you're going to explain this to Pa?” With a tsk tsk tsk he continued. “I just hope Pa'll let me stay to watch."

Carlos was quick to turn and look at Adam when he saw Joe in the doorway. Knowing Adam as he did he pretty much knew the reaction Joe's words would have on his older brother. To Joe’s relief Carlos put out an arm to stop Adam as the young man swung around and took a step toward Little Joe with that big brother look of shut up or else.

It was lucky for Joe that Carlos stopped Adam because with all that was going through his head the last thing Adam wanted was his little brother gloating as he was. That was the last thing any of them wanted or needed….well not really the last. The last would be going in to face Pa IF they had thought he would be upset by the events of the last few days. But that look of smugness and the tone in his youngest brothers voice had riled Adam and all he wanted to do was shake it from him. There he was leaning against the doorway looking all innocent and smug-like. He looked like, well he looked like Adam when he knew one or both of his brothers were in trouble and was waiting to hear how they would explain their way out of it.

At about this point all three of the adventurers had the same thoughts going through their heads. After all, what had they really done wrong? Thinking about Pa’s first reaction to the little he knew, none of them really thought it all that bad. Once they told him the whole story they were sure he would see the humor in it and they would all have a good laugh.

Adam closed his eyes, mentally counted to ten, and took a step backwards before he addressed his kid brother in the sarcastic tone that could only belong to him. “And just what makes you think that we have anything to explain to Pa, or that he is going to be upset when he hears about our hunting trip?”

Joe couldn't stop a roll of the eyes thinking older brothers could be really dense sometimes. He could pretty much tell them why Pa would be upset, but he figured it would be better to let Pa surprise them. Not that surprise was a really good word for it, he grinned to himself because a surprise would implicate it was something they liked and he was sure they wouldn't.

"If you don't know, you'd better go in and find out, Adam." Was all Joe said, still with a hint of smugness on his face. He quickly walked over to Buck to get Pa's saddlebags, while adding: "I wouldn't keep Pa waiting long though." Teasing was a lot of fun, about as much as watching the puzzled look on Adam's face.

"See ya inside, boys." With that Joe walked out of the barn, trying to be as tall and grown up as he could. He was convinced Carlos wouldn’t let Adam hurt him and wasn’t one to think about the future much and big brothers retaliating.

"Dontcha mind him, big brother." Hoss turned to Adam the minute Joe left. "He just needs a dunk in the horse trough and I reckon I'm just the right guy to give it to him. He's gotten way too big for his britches lately with snoopin around, tellin on us, eavesdroppin …yeah…" he nodded grimly. “. a dunk in the horse trough…"

Silence followed as all three young men finished taking care of the horses thinking about what happened, each wondering if Pa was mad and listening to the rumbling of their stomachs. Finally Hoss brushed his hands on his pants. "Pa ain't gonna be mad for a huntin trip and findin corn. And Joe was safely with Hop Sing, so we didn't leave him. As far as I'm concerned that was it. Let's go inside, I'm mighty hungry."

“You are right brother; we have nothing to be worried about. We had ourselves a little adventure and with selling the corn to Mr. Lawson, we make a bit of money to boot. Pa will be happy about that as it makes up for a bit of the money we lost not selling the horses to Otto." Adam put away the brush he had been using on Beauty and turned to Hoss and Carlos with a grin of confidence on his face. “Lets go eat”


I settled in the house with a nice hot cup of coffee and a couple of Hop Sing's biscuit while I waited for the boys to come back in. All kinds of things went through my head as I tried to sort out the bits of information I had been given in those brief few minutes. At this point the least of my concerns was the failed sale of the horses to Otto Holstrum.

I know my sons and somehow I just knew the long story that would be told would not be to my liking. The prickle I get at the back of my neck when there is something amidst was nagging me already. I do know that I started with that prickle even before I faced my family for as I rode up to the ranch I noticed a few chores that should have been done were not, like the corral gate that Adam and Hoss had been told to fix, and the pile of logs to be cut for use as heating wood was no smaller now then when I left. But these things were left unsaid when I saw the state that Hoss was in, not that Adam and Carlos looked much better but Hoss looked like he had been though a war, and lost.. They all looked like they had not slept in days, or washed for that matter. No, something had gone wrong and somehow I had the feeling that I was not going to like that something.

“Hop Sing can you shed any light on what has been going on?” What is this about corn maidens and treasure maps?”

This was the one question that Hop Sing had been dreading since they had entered the house.

As he mashed the corn to make the fritters he did so working out some frustration at the situation himself now that he had heard the little he had. Stopping what he was doing for only a brief second he looked over at Mr. Cartwright and with a sigh and shake of his head he spoke softly.

“Boys and Carlos say little after coming back from Mr. Holstrum’s with horses, talk in hush whispers. Next morning they tell me go hunting, then they come home just minutes before you with corn. Best get whole story from sons. Hop Sing knows little more then you Mr. Cartwright and would not like to say things out of turn.”

As he went back to work he noticed the raised eyebrow of his employer and friend. This was never a good sign, but Hop Sing knew that Mr. Ben would accept his reluctance to say more. Going back to preparing supper the thought crossed Hop Sing's mind that he wished he had errands in town today. He just knew that Mr. Cartwright was not going to like what the boys would have to say.

The silence in the room was rudely disrupted with the entrance of the youngest Cartwright. He managed to hand his father the requested saddlebags without laughing, but it took him quite a lot of strength to maintain a straight face.

"Here Pa. They're coming in shortly." His voice was maybe a little too cheerful, but that was it and it wasn't uncommon for him.

"Boy help set table." Hop Sing's voice made Joe turn.

"Sure, Hop Sing." As he walked over to the table he wondered why Hop Sing looked a bit worried, it wasn't like he had gone along on the hunt, but Joe didn't complain when he was put to work helping with supper. It meant that he was there for the festivities. Pa wouldn't send him away when he was helping. Of course, he realized, Pa would probably just wait until after supper. He made a mental note to volunteer to help with the dishes. He suppressed a groan at the thought of that horrible woman's chore, telling himself it would be worth it.


As the three of them headed to the house Adam’s head was racing trying to sort out all that had happened in the last 3 days and as they approached the door he felt confident that they were in the clear. Yes sir, the more he thought about it the more he knew all was well.

Carlos had stood in silence and listened to the brothers' exchange and as he walked with them to the house he could not help but wonder what Ben’s likely reaction would be. He could not help but think just how his own dear Papa would have looked at these last three days. Looking from one brother to the other some of the realization hit him and he made the sign of the cross knowing now that this day was not going to end any better then it started.

Just as he reached for the doorknob Adam saw the gesture Carlos made and some of his bravo and confidence left him and he stepped aside just as Hoss got to the door “After you, younger brother”.

"No…after you, brother." The last thing Hoss wanted was to go in first. Even if he didn't think they were in trouble, he still knew Pa was going to ask for the full story about the treasure hunt and if there's one thing Hoss knew about himself it was that he always got tongue tied when he tried to explain things. And when he got tongue tied, Pa got frustrated. And a frustrated Pa was something he didn't want to deal with. Of course he knew Adam got Pa frustrated too, because the oldest Cartwright son had the tendency only to answer the exact question, never giving more information than he felt necessary. On more than one occasion Ben had lamented that getting information from his oldest son was like pulling teeth, a slow and painful process. The way Hoss saw it he'd rather have Pa frustrated with Adam than with him and so he took a good sized step aside and nodded at his brother. "You're the oldest…after you."

Adam opened his mouth to say something but all that came out was a huge sigh, as he knew Hoss was right. His mind told him they were not in any kind of trouble and they shouldn’t be, but they would have Pa more frustrated with them after he got the story from Hoss.

Hoss knew from the look on Adam’s face that he had won and his grin showed that he knew it. Once they were inside Adam carefully hung up his hat and coat on his hook and headed into the sitting area as if nothing was any different in this day from any other. He had decided in that split second before entering the house the best way to handle this situation was to avoid it, let Pa start things off if there was going to be anything to start. Why ask for trouble? One never knows, Pa may have just decided to enjoy the supper of corncakes and what ever else Hop Sing was cooking up and let it go.

The first to speak though was Hoss. "Dang, I'm hungry! I could eat all that corn right now." He hung up his coat too and rubbed his hands together as he walked to the table. The thought of washing up seldom entered his brain until he was reminded to do so. The only thing he saw was the table and he carefully avoided looking at his father, hoping that that way he wouldn't ask him to tell the story.

Adam was about to bet Hoss that he could just this once out eat him after they had just gone the last 24 hours without food when he looked up and saw the stare Pa was giving them all as they entered the house and he knew all hopes of not explaining the last three days were dashed

The way my boys entered the house I knew at once that the prickle on my neck was there for a good reason. This was going to be one long story that I wasn’t going to like. I automatically set my stern voice that told them I was not about to put up with any nonsense and tried to give them my best blank stare. I still wanted to hear what they had to say before I judged the whole situation but I felt to have the upper hand I needed to set the tone. And right now my tone was going to be that of an upset parent. Chores not done and off hunting without permission, what were they thinking? But I was also going to let them stew awhile. I was hungry and didn’t want to spoil my supper if things were going to be as my gut feeling told me they were going to be.

“Before you three even entertain the idea of sitting around this table and eating I suggest you get cleaned up. You look like you have been dragged, beaten, and slept in your clothes for days. Get clean up. Now.”

“No time for baths before supper, but Hop Sing have lots good hot water ready to get good wash. Clean clothes in washhouse for each. Time for good bath all round after supper.”

Without letting go of my glare or stern voice I looked them over, gosh but they looked done in. “Fine but make sure to strip down as far as you can and wash, you stink”.

The boys were cold, tried, wet and hungry and all they wanted was a hot cup of coffee, something to eat and their beds but one look at Pa’s face and the tone in which he spoke told them to hop to it and get cleaned up. “Yes Sir.” Adam replied. With Pa it never hurt to put in a few well-placed Sirs.

"Yes sir, Pa." Hoss copied his big brother, thinking maybe Adam had a point, and he gulped a little as he followed Adam and Carlos to the washhouse. Pa sure didn't sound happy and Adam saying sir usually meant he felt trouble was ahead.

Silently the three young men entered the washhouse finding hot water as Hop Sing had promised. All once again lost in their thoughts. Adam just knew it was going to be hard to explain all this in a way that would keep Pa happy. Not for the first time in his life he wondered why he had to have been born the oldest. Hoss kept glancing at Adam trying to see exactly how worried he was, as all three washed up as well as they could. There was no sense in disobeying Pa when in that kind of mood. Neither of them had a death wish.


Tonight’s supper was one of the quietest we have had in some time. Oh we talked about the new stallion, the failure of the sale for the other horses and how we were going to have to tighten our belts until things got better, but with little enthusiasm and the fewest words necessary. The subject of Indians, treasure maps, hunting and corn maidens being avoided. My sons’ avoiding the topic told me more then words could. I was not going to like what I heard. On one hand I was hoping that one of them would start telling this long story, on the other I really wanted to enjoy a good meal and I just had the feeling that bringing up these topics during our dinner would have taken my appetite away. After wiping my mouth and placing my napkin on my plate I rose and looked around the table…

“Joseph help Hop Sing clear and with the dishes please.” I looked from Carlos, to Hoss to Adam, then in as a flat a tone as I could muster I summoned them to join me. “You three young men may join me over there”. With that I headed to the fireplace where I retrieved my pipe and pointed at the settee for them to sit.

“Sure, Pa!” the youngest one replied a little too eagerly and he was the first to get up, quickly joining Hop Sing. “I’ll wash, Hop Sing!”

Hop Sing glanced at him as if reading his mind, but said nothing to that. He wasn’t about to question the boy’s eagerness to help and have Mr. Cartwright mad at the fourth one too, causing him to have to do the dishes alone. The man was not a fool. He simply picked up the dishtowel.

The other three chairs were pushed back and the young men slowly started to walk over to the sitting area. Hoss, not one to lose his appetite easily, didn't even give his unfinished plate one more look, but stood and followed the other two to the sitting area as reluctantly as his oldest brother. He thought Adam looked a little too nervous. Watching the three of them go to the settee one would think they were going to their hanging.
Oh how Adam had been dreading this moment. As they had washed up he had been thinking things over and the more he thought the more he figured Pa was not going to be too happy. Then during supper the way no one brought up the subject, not even Little Joe, but each skirted around the topic Adam just knew things were getting worse by the minute and Hoss was feeling the same. They both realized Pa was going to want the whole story, not a detail left out.

Hoss was the only one who didn't try to look casual as he sat down. His hands were in his lap and his focus was on them. There was a stain on his pants that seemed more interesting than anything else about him. He still had no idea what they had done wrong, but he knew he didn't like the situation. One sure got the feeling one was in trouble. He hoped Pa would just ask Adam to explain things and then they could finally get some sleep in a real bed, but Pa wasn't speaking and neither was Adam and the silence was almost as loud as yelling.

Finally Carlos couldn't take it any longer. Someone had to speak up; he felt this to be most ridiculous. They weren't little boys after all. He decided to take the bull by the horns and explain everything to Ben. After looking at Adam who looked to be in deep thought as if forming a speech in his head and then to Hoss who looked like he was about to face the gallows, Carlos got to his feet. Despite having been told to sit down he thought it was much easier to talk to Ben when he could look him in the eye…not up at him. That was making him feel like a child that had misbehaved. Hoss glanced sideways as Carlos stood. Adam breathed a sigh of relief that did not go unnoticed by this father. For once in his life while under the glare of their father he really was not the oldest and someone other then he could face Pa first.

Carlos cleared his throat as he tugged down on his jacket then looked Ben in the eye, which well could have been a mistake as suddenly he noticed just how dark those eyes got…. and how hard. But he resolved to push forward not letting those eyes intimidate him.

“Ben this is most ridiculous!" he started and then watched as the man before him crossed his arms across a massive chest, and boy how that chest and arms looked so very massive up this close.

Hoss wanted to watch the bravery, but looking at Carlos meant looking at Pa too and so he looked back down at his hands again as Carlos told the story in a nutshell.

"On our way back from Otto’s we saw two Indians fighting, one stabbed the other and he went falling off the rocks. The second one took off after seeing us. We went to see if the downed Indian was ok. He was dead, but had something in his hand, which we took and examined. After looking it over we decided it was a treasure map and what better way to make up for not selling the horses then finding a treasure. Adam, Hoss and I decided to go and look. What we found instead of a treasure was a bunch of dried corn. Daniel said he will buy it from us and that will help."

I had to almost laugh out loud; if Carlos thought I was going to be happy with that explanation he had another thing coming. I looked around him and gauged my sons' reactions. As I thought neither could look at me. There was more to this.

"Erik, you care to give me your version?" I am sure the boy needed no more prodding then that to know I wanted to know the full story in detail as to what happened and I wanted to know now.

The mention of his given name made Hoss snap up his head in shock. Pa calling him Erik could only mean one thing: they really were in trouble! He looked from Pa to Adam as if hoping Adam would take over as he had so many times, but Pa wouldn't let him of course.

In the kitchen Joe had to stifle a giggle and quickly washed a plate. This was just too good to be true for the young boy. He still couldn't understand how his brothers could be so stupid that they didn't even see what they had done wrong. Even he had and he was only 11. Older brothers weren't always as smart as they thought they were, he figured and concentrated on the dishes, being as quiet as he could. There was no way he was going to be sent outside and miss all this. Those three were in trouble and he had nothing to do with it. That was a first.

"M...my v-v-version..." Hoss wondered what more Pa could want to know. What was it they did that had gotten him so mad? "I - I ain't sure whatcha wanna hear Pa..." That wasn't making Pa pleased, he could tell, but where to start? "It's like Carlos says, them...them two was fightin over a treasure map and then one got killed. But we got the map and we thought we could find the treasure to make up fer the loss of sellin the horses ya see. We was thinkin bout the ranch. And then Joe told Isabella and Tess about it after that little varmi...I mean..after he eavesdropped and then the gals well kinda talked and...I ain't xactly sure what they said, gals talk funny sometimes, but we couldn't say no to them comin too after they did.."

It was hard for Adam to sit and listen to Hoss’s explanation as he was getting about as confused listening as Pa looked to be and he had been there. The more Hoss said the deeper the hole they were in was getting, that explanation did nothing but fire up Pa’s temper more. It was easy t see the vein that their father had right by his left temple start to throb some at the mention on Tess and Isabella. As the older brother Adam felt he should interject here and there when Hoss glanced his way but one look at Pa told his son to sit and be quiet until spoken too and from the looks of it that would be only too soon.

Hoss struggled on. "...so we all got us some rifles and told Hop Sing we was gonna go huntin." Thinking Pa might see that as a lie he quickly added. "That weren't really a lie Pa, cause we were, ya see. We were gonna go treasure huntin." A gloating look at Adam followed, but he didn't see the approving look he'd hoped for. Adam almost looked sick to the 17 year old and he quickly continued.

"I...well...it weren't xactly as fun as we thought it'd be....the girls didn't wanna give their half of the map and then there was bees too, Pa...musta been thousands of them...and we had ta jump in the water....and then all our clothes got wet...and then...I dunno, Pa...we put the maps together and we found the cave...and then the gold wasn't gold. And the rope was gone and we couldn't get out. So Adam thought we could stack the corn...I think it was Adam...but we hadta be careful cause that Indian could still be around to kill us. Dunno why anyone'd wanta kill for corn, Pa. That don't make no sense. But it was Daniel...and he's buyin the corn and so we're gonna make a profit after all....and so ya don't hafta be sad cause the sale fell through...and I guess that's it..Pa..." he glanced up and quickly added "sir..." And looked down at his hands. Why was Pa looking at him like that? He had told him what he wanted, didn't he? Longest speech he'd ever given as far as he could remember. He figured Pa should be proud of him, but that didn't seem to be the case.

I tried very hard to be as patient as I could in listening to my middle son give his account of the events that have led us here. I can tell you by Hoss’s standards of speaking it most certainly was a long story. I can’t remember the last time he said so much in one long sentence. I don’t think he took more then one breath. And I was not much further ahead then than I was before, except now I know that somehow Tess and Isabella are involved. I cannot tell you how much resolve it took for me not to shout at the top of my lungs when Hoss said so matter of factly that the girls were with them. Overnight. At least I had more of a base now to fire off some questions and get to the bottom of all this. As I have a habit of doing I paced back and forth in front of the fireplace for a few minutes rubbing the back of my neck trying to get that prickly feeling to go away as I sorted out what I just heard, but there was no sorting this out with that jumbled up mess I just heard. I turned and looked at the three before me and spoke aloud to see if I had at least some of it straight.

“So what you are saying is at some point since I left here THREE days ago, you witnessed a KILLING, you found HALF a treasure map as the result of that KILLING decided to HUNT for the treasure. You LIED to Hop Sing about where you were going and what you were doing. You took TWO YOUNG LADIES with you that SOMEHOW had the other HALF of the map and went for a couple days outing HUNTING for some buried treasure with a KILLER on the loose. In looking for that pot of gold you were all ATTACKED BY BEES, got all WET, and from the look of YOU ERIK, I would say got into some poison ivy. INSTEAD of a treasure you found CORN, lost your rope and DANIEL is not a KILLER but helped you by buying the corn. Am I right here?”

Hoss tried to glance at Pa again, but didn't like the sight of that vein popping out of his head and looked back down again. "Yessum..." he was going to remind Pa they hadn't lied, but somehow that didn't seem like a wise move and so he simply nodded. "That's about it...that poison ivy is really bad, Pa..." he scratched his neck again for good measure. If his words couldn't convince Pa, maybe some sympathy would make that vein stop throbbing. Truth being told listening to the way Pa was recounting what he was understanding the boys slowly started to see where they had gone wrong and for the first time Hoss started to think that maybe not telling the complete truth to Hop Sing was a lie after all. That thought alone made him feel sick to his stomach. He also started to think that maybe bringing the girls along hadn't been such a good idea after all, especially after that murder. Dang girls, he thought. "We didn't much think about that killer, Pa....I think..." but he quickly ducked his head again after seeing the glare his father was giving them and said the only thing he could think of. "Maybe Adam can explain better.."

During the entire exchange Adam had been staring at one particular stone in the fireplace just over his Pa’s right shoulder. This way it looked like he was facing his father but yet he never really made eye contact. It was a trick that he had learned years ago…..Make Pa think you were looking at him and listening to every word he said like your life depended on it. Most times it was not your life but your hide that depended on it. You had to learn to take just enough in to know when to add a yes sir or no sir and still not have to get the full blunt of his temper. In this instance it took all of the young man's concentration to follow what Hoss was telling Pa. The minute Hoss mentioned the girls coming along that vein at Pa’s temple and the set of his jaw told the oldest Cartwright son all he needed to know. They were dead. Adam knew there was no way he would have let that one slip out. Even if Pa could get over the rest of it, having Tess and Isabella along was not a good idea. That little voice in the back of his head that he so seldom listened to had nagged at him from the moment that the three of them let the girls' blackmail tactic with the torn treasure map win and they took them along. And Pa had not even heard the worst of it yet. They had not gone to the Green ranch to let anyone know the girls were with them and they camped out overnight with them.

“Yes Erik, since I have heard from Carlos and you I think having Adam’s version of things would be a good idea.”

I turned to my oldest and looked him in the eye, I could tell by his posture that he too wanted to stand as Carlos had, but one look from me told him that was not a good idea. I had them where I wanted them and I was not giving up the advantage at this point. I had my two sons squirming under my gaze and I knew this was the only way I would get to the bottom of this whole affair with the full story. I looked over at Carlos and with what I have heard my sons refer to as my death glare and a curt nod of my head I indicated that he should take a seat with his partners again. I almost had to chuckle when he went to protest and I made a move that always gets to my sons. I moved my arms from across my chest and slowly placed my hands so that they were on either side of my belt buckle. He took the hint and sat in the empty space between Adam and Hoss. I was not in the mood to be defied by anyone.

Adam watched as Carlos opened his mouth to protest but as with Carlos as Pa’s hands made their way to his belt he knew now was the time to tell all. Every last detail, leave nothing out because if he did and their father found out later what ever consequences they faced now would be nothing compared to what would happen when he found out the whole sordid story.

“Adam, I’m waiting son. And if you know what is good for you don’t make me pull the story from you one question at a time. I am tired and fast losing the little patience I have left.”

I watched as Adam closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, a habit he has long had when frustrated or trying to think something through. I have no doubt that I was finally going to get the whole story but my oldest was trying to gage the best way to tell the long story with minimal damage to them

By then even Hoss was looking at Adam as if trying to say 'just tell him, bro, you're only making him madder.' Pa seemed to get madder by the second and if Pa repeating Hoss' words hadn't done it, the not so subtle move of his hands towards that belt buckle had: Hoss finally realized exactly how deep the hole they were digging themselves was and suddenly he had to scratch his neck again. Not wanting to attract attention to himself he tried to ignore it, only resulting in growing redder and redder in the face. He just wished Adam would get on and explain everything the way only his older brother could and all would be okay again. But he feared he was hoping against hope.

Once he was sure he had his thoughts together Adam started to tell the tale from the failed sale to Mr. Holstrum, Hoss noticing the two Indians fighting, finding the map in the dead Pauite’s hand, deciding to go after the treasure. He told about the evening meeting going over plans and trying to decipher the map. He even tried to make it sound so much in their favor when they told Joe he could not go when he found out about their plan. He tried hard to make it sound like they were the victims when the girls torn the map in half and insisted on going or they would not give it back. What choice did they have after all? He continued for a good 10 minutes telling all he could, Hoss’s encounter with poison Ivy, the bees, how they got trapped in the cave, all of it. It was hard to get through it all as the more he said the more Pa’s face color began to match Hoss’s and that vein. As nonchalant and easygoing as he tried to make it all sound it did no good. His hope of Pa seeing the funny side of all this was dashed: as by the end of his explanation Pa looked ready to explode

“So there you have it Pa. No treasure after all, just a bunch of corn. But we should make out pretty good on the sale of that to Daniel.”

“Dishes not get clean from self.” Hop Sing hissed softly at Joe.

The more they heard the more Joe forgot about his chore, engrossed in the story. Boy, he sure had missed an adventure. He was determined not to let that happen ever again. Next time they wouldn’t be able to get him to stay behind and if they tried, he’d just follow them. Hop Sing repeated his words a little louder adding a nudge to it and Joe almost dropped the plate in the water again.

“Sorry, Hop Sing.” He whispered and washed as if his life depended on it. It was one thing for his brothers to be in trouble instead of him for a change, but now he had found out they had a real adventure without him too. He wouldn’t have minded some trouble for an adventure like that. But as he dared another side wards glance just before handing the bowl to Hop Sing and saw the faces, especially Pa’s face, he wasn’t so sure he wanted a part of that.

Hoss was very sure he didn’t want a part of this, but he had no choice left. All he and the other two young men on the settee could do was wait for the explosion that was bound to come. Hoss was wincing in anticipation of Pa’s booming voice after having watched him pacing back and forth for some time already. Suddenly the thought crossed his mind: what if that vein could actually pop for real? He winced even more.

I stood listening to every detail of what happened since I had left, and the more I heard the angrier I got. Even before Adam was finished I knew I was pacing in front of them again. I could not believe the gull of this young man in front of me either, the way he was telling this sordid tale was as if it was just another day in the life of the Cartwright’s. As if they had done nothing wrong. Did they not see how many rules they broke in this little adventure let alone lying to Hop Sing and disobeying me? I hazard a look at Carlos and Hoss and the look on my middle boys face at least told me he realized some…or was he just realizing that I was angry about it all and wondered what was next from me even if like his brother he thought nothing of it all. Well all three of them had something else coming to them if they thought I was going to laugh this all off.

Adam watched as his father paced back and forth in silence for those few seconds after he finished telling him what had happened in the last 24 hours. Somehow reading his fathers body language now told him that it had not been a good idea to try and laugh off the events. It only seemed to have fueled Pa’s temper. In those few seconds Adam tried as he very often did to analyze the situation by putting himself in Pa’s shoes and seeing it all as he was. Just as Pa’s voice shock the rafters in the house, almost causing Joe to drop another plate and Hoss to try and shrink away in the settee, Adam came to the realization that they had done so much wrong that they would be lucky to ever be allowed off the ranch again.


Carlos looked to the ceiling as if looking for help, never had he seen Ben so angry. Never had he heard a voice so loud and resounding as this when Ben shouted. Even his dear departed Papa never shook the glass as Ben could. Oh the boys had told him that their Pa had a temper and could out yell a tribe of attacking Indians, but he had not believe them not until now. He felt he had to say something on behalf of these poor boys. “Senior Ben, please calm down. It was not all that bad. I was with them the whole time”.

The words had barely left his lips when Ben turned to Carlos. “YOU my friend I entrusted my sons with. YOU said, “Have no fear, I will watch over them. This is how you watch over my BOYS,” Ben’s voice had not lowered at all, if anything it was raising more if that was possible.

How Adam hated it when Pa referred to him as a boy with the emphasis on the word as he just had. It made him feel as if he were Joe’s age an in danger of a tanning. “Pa, Hoss and I aren’t some little kids that needed …………”

“I beg to differ on that young man. And until I address you, you will sit quietly and not interrupt”! Do I make myself clear, Adam?”

Those few words were spoken in a manner that Adam knew all to well and as in the past encounters he knew of only one answer to give his father “Yes sir, loud and clear.”


Hoss’ head snapped up. “S-sir?” He could barely look at his father, his face all scrunched up. He didn’t have the bravado Adam had in trying to contradict Pa, especially not after the yelling and Pa’s last words. For the first time since they’d gotten home he felt something he hadn’t felt in a long time. Maybe it was the way Pa had said ‘boys’ or the way he had talked to Adam, as if he was talking to Little Joe, but he found himself shifting uncomfortably on the settee.

“Do you understand that you will not speak until spoken to?”

Hoss managed a nod. “Yes, sir.”

“Can you tell me some of the last words I spoke to you three boys before I left?”

“Ben, please understand…………" but the glare Ben gave Carlos stopped him in mid sentence and he gave a nod that he too understood: he was not to speak at the moment.

Hoss frantically tried to remember the exact words. If he had been able to look sideways he could have seen Joe move his lips, mouthing Pa’s words. Not that Joe was trying to help his brothers, they wouldn’t be able to see him anyway, but he’d heard those words so often that it wasn’t difficult to repeat them. Hoss on the other hand looked sick trying to come up with them.

“ummm...not to get in trouble?” He was convinced it wasn’t the right answer, but it was all he had, then he suddenly looked up, his face lighting up as he remembered. “Ta stay clear of trouble, Pa...yeah, that’s what ya said.” And then the light disappeared from his face again as he realized that they had done pretty much the opposite.

“Exactly. I told you to stay clear of trouble while I was gone and did you. NO! You did not. You went head long right into it. Oh you may thought your intentions were good, going after a treasure to help us out of a bad situation but you didn’t think of the danger you would be in. That other renegade was still out there and did you not think that he would be back for what he had just killed for? NO!

Adam sat looking up at Pa knowing that he was not really looking for answers to his questions. There are some questions that Pa asks that you just don’t answer, you know he is not looking for an answer he is just pointing out what was wrong with what you did. Over the years he had become very good at knowing when to answer and when to sit quiet and listen.

“Carlos you told me not to worry. YOU my friend should have stopped these two in their tracks. You of all people should have realized the danger you all could have been in.”

Again he stared his young sons and Carlos down. “From the looks I am getting here and the way things have been said, or unsaid since I got home I don’t think you two, who should know me better, know just what I am so angry about in this whole mess. Aside from the fact that you went on this wild goose chase in the first place, suppose you tell me!”

At this point I really wanted to see if my son’s realized the full list of things they did wrong, so I just stood there, my hands on my hips, feet apart just slightly and a glare that they knew only too well..

For once in his life Adam looked at Hoss for help here…he didn't know where to start on the long list.

Adam's lost look caused a near panic in his younger brother. Why was everybody looking at him now? If Adam didn't know, how was he supposed to know? But Pa wasn't in a patient mood and as his hand went to his collar again, scratching his neck, Hoss tried to come up with some answers.

"Ummm…well…ya see…I guess, we didn't xactly do as ya said, stayin clear of trouble I mean …sir…so I suppose you'd say we sorta…" even before he said the word he cringed knowing it was one of his father's taboos. "disobeyed….and.."

Hoss didn't even get the word 'and' out before Ben bellowed with fiery eyes. "Sorta disobeyed?! Who gave you permission to go hunting in the first place? To leave chores undone?"

Adam opened his mouth again to speak up, but once more was silenced by Ben's hand. Sick to his stomach Hoss continued.

"…ummm….no one?" Another scratch, causing his neck to get even redder.

"Exactly!" The icy cold tone did nothing to make Ben's sons feel more comfortable. A silence followed and Ben gave the boys another pointed look. "And…..what else?"

Hoss mumbled unable to look up. "we ..uumm told Hop Sing that we went huntin….. so we umm…" one look from Pa made him clear his throat and speak up a bit. "we lied…."

"That you most certainly did, young man and you know how I feel about that." Ben turned to Adam. "Do you have anything to add to this mess?"

Caught unprepared after being silenced earlier and listening to Hoss, Adam had to think. He knew by now in listening to Hoss just what it was that Pa was so all fired up about. It never really took a genius, he just had to think about how they were raised, Pa’s rules and he knew only too well just how many transgressions they had on the list. "It was a mistake taking the girls out with us when we knew we would be camping and without Mrs. Greene knowing about it or giving her consent."

"You mean to tell me you didn't even stop at the Greene ranch and let Margaret know where the girls were going to be?!" Ben roared.

At that moment all three boys wanted to sink into the pillows and disappear, but all three could be heard with a meek "Yes, sir"

A deep sigh escaped Hoss' mouth as he scratched his neck a little more ferociously and sank back into the settee. At least they'd managed an answer even if he now knew in how much trouble they were.

Right now Ben had no sympathy for his son’s discomfort. It was the boy’s own fault. If he had been at home doing the chores he was supposed to be doing he would not be in the predicament he was now. At this moment the way Ben was feeling it was not the only discomfort his boys would be feeling before long. If he hadn't been angry before he was now. His voice went from a bellow that shook the house to a low even tone. "I don't think you can even begin to know how disappointed and angry I am over all this. You took those girls out on an overnight trip without permission, without a chaperone and into danger." At those words Carlos became rather defensive as he finally spoke up.

“Ben they were hardly alone, I was with them and after all Isabella is my sister. I would not let anything happen between her and Adam.”

In exasperation Ben threw his arms in the air and let them come back down slapping the sides of his legs. "Carlos, are you not the very man that not more then two months ago was not going to let his sister go to a dance with this very young man here without a proper Dueña in tow, even though you and most of Eagle Station were going to be there, myself included?

“Yes Ben but…..”

“But nothing Carlos, those girls had no business out there with you three. You are not Tess’s brother, how would that look if someone came along. And just what kind of reputation would Tess and Isabella have now if someone happened across them while they sat there half naked with Hoss after jumping in the river? You and Adam were not there then, were you? A young boy half dressed with two young girls alone in the woods." At this point Ben looked right at Hoss. “I don't think that news would have gone over well with Mrs. Greene, do you?"

Hoss tried to picture Mrs. Greene as she found out and gulped. He then wondered if she already knew and his eyes grew big. "Oh….." was all he managed to get out at first. He swallowed hard. "No, sir, not good at all."

By Hoss' reaction a thought came to Ben. "Young man, just what WAS Mrs. Greene's reaction to all this?"

All Hoss could do was look at Adam, who's head snapped around to glare at Hoss with a 'thanks a lot brother-look'. Still staring at Hoss he spoke through clenched teeth. "We didn't really stick around to find out, Pa. We dropped the girls off at the gate and left."

"You…you just LEFT them to face Margaret on their own?!" Ben could barely believe his ears. "Well, that just takes the cake now doesn't it? MY brave young sons willing to face a renegade Indian out to kill for a treasure or corn, but you leave two young girls to explain all this to their mother on their own. I just hope that Margaret is not too hard on them, after all if you three hadn't allowed them along in the first place they would not be in trouble now. As for you three…I'm at a loss for words for the most part. You left chores undone, you lied to Hop Sing, you put yourselves, two young girls and Daniel in danger all for a bunch of corn."

As he summed up the last 24 hours the sordid facts of what Adam had told him filled his head right down to being trapped in an underground cave and his anger grew. He knew that he had to cool down some before dealing with them. In a very low ominous tone Ben gave one statement. "Don't move from here." And then stalked out, slamming the front door as he went.

Three mouths opened to say something and closed before a sound left their lips. Not one of them dared to move even an inch from their spots. Joe by then was practically wishing he wasn't there after all. He had never seen Pa that mad, not that he could remember anyway. He glanced at his brothers and then at Hop Sing and slowly carried the clean plates away, hoping Pa wouldn't suddenly start yelling or slamming again while he did that. Maybe Pa had gone for a very long walk. He bet his brothers were hoping for that and he was right. By then all three young men were praying Ben would not return for some time to come.

Adam leaned forward placing his elbows on his knees and resting his hand in his hands. "We're dead."

Hoss nodded, his head in his hands. "Yup."

Carlos who had been sitting in the middle of the two brothers looked from one to the other "......but what can he do after all. Nothing to me as I am not his son……fire me? I don't think he will do that. The most I would think is he will have us go and tell Mrs. Greene we are sorry for taking the girls along."

Joe turned around and softly giggled despite his earlier sympathy. "You wish." He whispered.

Ben opened the door and quietly shut it as he came back into the room and made his way over to the fireplace.

"Adam, Erik," Two heads snapped up. "for the next month you will not leave this yard without express permission except to carry out regular ranch work. You will have extra chores to do to keep you busy while you are on restriction."

Hoss nodded, but Adam quietly asked. "Pa what about getting the corn to Daniel?"

"I will get to that. Tomorrow we all will take a ride to Mrs. Greens, you included Carlos, and you can apologize to her for taking the girls and then dumping them at the doorstep." As he spoke Ben's hands had made their way to his belt buckle. "Am I understood?"

There was no misunderstanding that gesture and Hoss was the first to very quickly say. "Yes, sir!"

Adam knew at this point there was no use in saying anything in their defense so he too just added a "Yes Sir." The gesture with the hands worried him some only for Hoss's sake. He knew from experience that Pa would still tan Hoss, his size meaning nothing. To Pa Hoss was still young enough to receive a tanning if he felt it necessary. For himself, well he was 21 and it had been some time since he had felt Pa's belt and figured he was safe. And surely Pa being the fair man that he was would not tan one without the other. No, he was sure it was just a scare tactic and from the look on his brother's face it was working. Hoss was already feeling that prickling sensation. Not that it happened often that Pa felt he’d broken enough rules to warrant a tanning, but right now, he wasn’t so sure he’d be able to escape one. Despite not being the type to question his father’s decisions often, he couldn’t help feeling that it wasn’t fair that from the three of them he was the only one having that hanging over his head. He shifted in his seat while Ben turned to Carlos.

"Carlos I am disappointed in how you handled taking care of my boys and I am not sure if I can trust you in the future to watch over my sons. You will have a way to go to prove that to me.”

Carlos stood and looked Ben in the eye. “At first I did not see that we had done anything all that wrong Ben. After listening to you here I do see the errors we made. You have made them more then clear to me. I am sorry….truly sorry for getting caught up in all of this and not stopping it. You are right I was the adult here and I should have stopped it from the start. As to the girls coming along, I see what you mean. If I were their Papa I just may be at your door with a shotgun and priest now instead of standing before you like a naughty child. Please accept my apology."

I could not help but admire the young man before me in coming to the conclusions he had. I knew I would forgive him after such a sincere apology, but I also knew it would be some time before I left him in charge of my sons again. Not that any of them would be leaving the ranch any too soon. Carlos included. He may not be my son but in many ways I thought of him as a member of the family all the same. And he would regret the error of his ways as much as Adam and Erik would by the time I finished with him. He would have so much to do for the next month, the dirtiest, most grueling jobs I could find that he would be both too busy and tired to leave the ranch.

Ben reached out and put a hand on the young man’s shoulder but still with no readable express on his face. “Apology accepted, Carlos. But I can promise you that you too will find the next month a hard one.”

“Now if you will excuse us, I will finish this discussion in the barn." Ben turned to Hoss and pointed towards the front door. "Erik, now."

Hoss looked from Pa to Adam and back at Pa. He'd known this would happen. He'd known he would be the only one getting a tanning for it all. Deep down he knew the list of 'crimes' was too long to get out of it without one, but why did he have to be the only one? To the 17 year old it sounded terribly unfair and unjust.

"Pa…that's not fair." His own words shocked him and he toned down a little. "I mean…Adam did the same thing…and he ain't gettin tanned."

Adam could not believe his own ears. He too thought it was unjust that Hoss should get a tanning on top of their restriction and he felt he had to support his brother. So as nonchalant as he could he leaned back on the settee before he addressed his father in the most respectful tone he could muster at the moment.

"Hoss is right Pa. You are usually very fair, but this time I have to say I don't agree with you.” Ben turned his attention to Adam with a raised eyebrow as his son continued to talk. “After hearing all we did, I agree we were in the wrong on many accounts and deserve the restriction and extra chores but I think you are wrong in giving Hoss a tanning for it just because he is only 17."

Hoss started nodding. "Yeah…" With Adam on his side he knew he'd get out of it now. He figured the best thing to do now was to let big brother handle it.

Carlos took a step back and blessed himself as he saw the fire in Ben's eyes.

Ben looked from one son to the other as he automatically put his hands in his belt loops. Ignoring Adam for the moment he turned back to his middle son. "Erik, are you saying that if this had been your own doing that you would not deserve or accept a tanning?"

Hoss looked at Pa with big eyes. "I wouldn't've done it on my own Pa."

Adam shook his head at his brother trying to let him know that was not the way to go. He was just going to fire Pa’s temper up more plus the fact that his brother had just pretty much blamed Adam and Carlos for it all. Adam leaned forward, resting his head in his hands as the windows shook again.


Hoss cringed. He really wanted to say it was the truth, but then he realized that Pa had always taught him he had a mind of his own and should use it. He ducked his head and tried to remember what the question was. "No, sir...I mean...yes sir.....” The room was definitely getting hotter by the second and finally he just mumbled. “What was the question again?" and he looked at his brother again for help.

I knew in some ways that I could pretty much expect this type of defiance from Joe or Adam when it came to a tanning…..but Hoss? And he had to ask me to repeat my question too. I was confused and just a bit dazed for a moment, but it didn’t take me long to get back on track. Taking a deep breath and rubbing at my temples that felt like they would explode any minute, I was about to continue when his big brother tried to come to the rescue again.

The shock on his brother's face was evident and Adam knew at that point he had to try and help his brother, getting to his feet he faced Pa. "I think, Pa, that he got confused when you yelled."

Hoss' head was bobbing up and down. It was all confusing him and Pa was getting madder and madder at him. This was NOT going in the right direction at all.

“I DON’T YELL!" None of his sons was going to argue him THAT statement at this point. "But let me rephrase and repeat the question only this once. Erik, if you did all this on your own, would I tan you?"

Hoss scuffed his foot on the floor. "yes, sir..Pa….if I was alone…." He couldn't resist that small emphasis.

"Good answer, boy, you are right I would and I will, make no doubt about that." Ben turned to Adam. “As for you young man, the fact is your brother was not in this alone and if I feel these are tanning offences what makes you think you are safe? Since you were very young, when have I ever punished you in front of each other?"

Adam turned and took a step or two away from Pa pinching the bridge of his nose as he did then turned back and look at his father “Pa you can’t mean what I think you mean by that! Surely I’m too old for THAT”!

Slowly and clearly in that low even tone that all his sons knew only to well he addressed his oldest. “Adam rest assured that I mean just THAT. In this house punishment fits the crime and there have been enough rules broken in the last two days by you and your brother to warrant the punishment I am about to hand out. As you say I need to be fair and I had no plans to leave you out of this one. How severe that tanning will be depends on you two now. I can guarantee you the longer we stand here and I am questioned on the matter the worse it will be. The choice is up to you two.”

Hoss was almost in shock over the fact that he wouldn’t be the only one taking a trip to the barn after all. He had thought, like Adam had, that his big brother was too old for that. Restriction yes, but a tanning? Pa’s last words had taken all the resentment and sense of unfairness out of him, no matter how awful a tanning was, at least there was some justice in the world. He quickly turned his attention back to the choice at hand. In Hoss’ mind there was no choice. He wasn’t one to defy his father easily, especially not after having been yelled at like now. He may not be one for book learning, but that didn’t mean he was a fool. Adam had always been more argumentative and his reaction was to be expected. Surely the oldest Cartwright wouldn’t be one to simply accept this, but as far as Hoss was concerned he had better. Arguing Pa at this stage would only make things worse, even if Pa hadn’t said that they both knew it was true and Hoss was afraid he’d already made things bad enough for himself. With dread in the pit of his stomach he got to his feet too.

“I'm mighty sorry, Pa…I ain't arguin, honest….” With his eyes Hoss tried to tell his brother to just go too. To please not make Pa any madder right now, if that was even possible.

I knew that Hoss would see reason here. He knew that I was right in giving him a tanning and I realize now that he was not telling me that he wouldn’t accept it, only that he thought it unfair when he figured he was the only one going to the barn. I guess I had not made myself clear. Funny, in a way I am just a bit proud of him for standing up to me as he did. But only a bit, I don’t like having my authority questioned. I gave him a little nod to acknowledge that I knew he was going to comply then I turned my attention to Adam.

Ben could read all his sons so well and in only a few seconds he saw so many things cross Adams face, he could almost read the turmoil going through the boys head. One part of him would reason that his father was right in punishing the boy that was still left in him with a tanning. The man he was becoming and he thought he was, wanted to rebel even more. His father stood in front of him and as they stood and faced each he prayed the boy would win out. If he had to force the man to the barn he may lose him forever. The stubborn Cartwright born and bred into Ben was not backing down.

“Sir: When you put it all that way then well I'm the oldest kid here maybe I should go first.” Adam hung his head and sighed in defeat.

Hoss’ relieved sigh was evident to everyone. Both his father and his brother were stubborn people and he knew how this could have gone. As far as he was concerned it didn’t matter who went first, it wouldn’t hurt any less or anymore. He just hoped that afterwards Pa wouldn’t look at him the way he was now anymore.

“Thank you for volunteering son, but I think your brother here needs to get his over with so he can get that bath and perhaps Hop Sing will have something for the poison Ivy. When he comes back to the house you may join me in the barn.”

Adam looked over at Hoss and almost chuckled…. “He is a sight isn’t he”.

“Yes he is. I only hope his backside was spared the rash.”

Hoss opened his mouth to say something, but shut it again and bit his tongue instead.

Ben put an hand on Hoss’s shoulder and for the first time since supper spoke with a bit of compassion in his voice. “Hoss, what do you say we go and get this over with son.”

“Yes sir.” Not looking at anyone Hoss made his way out the door.

Ben made to follow his son, but stopped at the door and turned looking toward the kitchen area. It seemed to be taking a long time for the clean up tonight.

“Joseph, I think you and I have a few words to say about your part in all this too. When I come back in I except you to be ready for bed and we will talk.”

With that Ben was out the door and making his way to the barn and as always praying for the strength to get through what he knew he had to do.

Joe’s mouth dropped, stunned. His part? He hadn’t even had an adventure! He stood there for the longest time after the door had closed. Life wasn’t fair when you were the youngest.

Finally Hop Sing nudged him and shook him out of his stunned silence. “Joe do as father say.” Hop Sing wasn’t happy with the youngest Cartwright himself and had a pretty good idea what Mr. Cartwright wanted to discuss with him. Good thing too, or he would have to do that himself. With that many adults against him Joe could only nod and do as he was told, mumbling under his breath as he passed his oldest brother. “Ain’t fair though.”

Adam had watched after his father as he left the house and had then plunked himself down on the settee like a sulking child. “You think it’s unfair….what about me. I’m 21 and feeling about 12 right now with all this and what I’m facing. I never gave it a thought that Pa would be this angry.”

“At least you had an adventure, all I had was chores.” Joe pouted and then walked to his room to get ready for bed.

Carlos again blessed himself saying a silent prayer to the heavens that he was not a true Cartwright son tonight.

Later that night Ben sat on the front porch smoking his pipe and enjoying a coffee reflecting on the events of the day, and what a day it had been. In some ways he almost felt sorry for his two oldest sons. He was not sure which was worse, the looks on their faces when he first let it be known that he was not happy with all that had transpired while he was gone, or when he told them to drop the trousers in the barn. Of the two he felt the worse for Hoss as yes indeed the rash had truly spread. Not being a complete tyrant he let the boy keep his long johns up, but was no easier on him then Adam as far as the tanning went. It was never easy on him when he had to use physical punishment on any of his boys. In this case he just didn’t feel he had a choice, they put too many lives in danger going after a stupid treasure with a killer still out there. That coupled with all the other rules they broke was just too great to let go. After he had administrated the tanning to each of his two oldest he had spent a bit of time in the barn with each talking things over and letting them know he loved them, forgave then and that they could go on from there. They had both saw the error in what they had done and realized that Ben had little choice in the punishment.
I just can’t believe that those sons of mine would go after a treasure with that renegade out there thinking that the money would be more important to me then their lives. Of course that had been part of the problem….they didn’t think of that. I am sure that after this trip to the barn they will think twice before going treasure hunting again AND taking two young girls with them. As for Joseph, that poor boy I think had gotten all wound up waiting for me to come in and talk to him and would have given me a hard time if not for the fact his two older bothers came in moving very carefully. I was not too hard on him at all, for that matter if you talk to his two older brothers they would not be too happy at all. Oh I gave him a good lecture letting him know that because of what his brothers were doing he should have told Hop Sing long before he did, if not before his brothers were out of the house that morning. There are some things I know brothers don’t tell on each other but I think I was clear in pointing out him why he needed to in this instance.

I had instructed Hoss when he left the barn that he was to have his bath, get Hop Sing to put something on the rash and go right to bed. Adam had the same instructions minus the ointment. I got no argument from Hoss and only a slight look from Adam at having to go to bed at the same time as Little Joe. Once the boys were settled in I also sprang one on Hop Sing. I let him know that there was no way he should have ever let those boys leave this yard with the girls to go hunting,,,,camping out and hunting at that. He too should have stopped that right from the start and not encouraged it my supplying guns and blankets to them. I reminded Adam and Hoss when I went in to say goodnight about facing Mrs. Greene tomorrow. I don’t think that I am looking forward to that any more then they are.

Joe, always the first to bounce back after being chided or punished, plopped down on his chair for breakfast the next day with a big grin on his face.

”Morning!!” Joe’s voice was far too cheerful according to his brothers, but Joe kept up his good mood despite the glares. “I’m really hungry, Hop Sing, I think I could have two helpings even, just like Hoss.” Then he winked at Hoss. “Although maybe Hoss will want to get up as soon as possible today.” To the 12 year old it was a sight to see his two older brothers shift in their chairs.

Before Adam could snap at Joe Hoss spoke up, trying to ignore his younger brother. “Pa...” he swallowed a bite. “Ya think Tess and Isabella got in trouble? That’d be awful...” he was already feeling guilty about that and then suddenly thought of something else. “Erm...Pa...when we go to Mrs. Greene, I know we gotta...but do we take the wagon or the horses?” He shifted in his chair again, hoping they wouldn’t have to ride that day.

A soft giggle escaped Joe’s throat. “Don’t wanna ride, big brother?”
Ben never even had to look up from his plate to see the smug look on his youngest face nor that of his older brothers at his teasing. Ben did see the humor in it and knew that Joe was only giving what he so often got from his older brothers, but today he felt the need to stop it before it got out of hand. He didn’t need more trouble, not after yesterday. “Joseph, I can still make you just as uncomfortable as your brothers. They may not be in this predicament if you had told Hop Sing when you should have.”
Joe quickly swallowed his next words and ducked his head. He had no intention of being in that same position his brothers were. They looked like they couldn't wait to get up again. "Yes, sir, I mean..no sir..I mean..sorry, sir." And he dug into his food. Hoss just gave his brother one more glare, but figured getting through breakfast was more important. He didn't dare repeat his question, but Adam wasn't going to let it go.
"So Pa, wagon or horses?"
Ben put his napkin down and pushed his chair back. "I see no need to take a wagon when we're only going over there to talk."
It took all Adam's resolve not to bite back with 'Fine, be like that'. Instead he looked at his father. "May I please be excused to get the horses ready?"
Carlos pushed his chair back with a quiet, "I'll help you, Adam."
"Me too." Hoss followed their example.
"Yes you may all be excused. Adam, Carlos, you can get the horses ready. Hoss before we leave you may want Hop Sing to look at that Poison Ivy if it is still bothering you any and have him put something on it. "It's a lot better now, Pa." That didn't prevent Hoss from scratching his neck again though, the mere thought of it made the itch return.
"I have more lotion for Hoss. You go in room, I be right there." Hop Sing was already off to the storage area while Adam and Carlos left the house leaving Joe alone with Pa.
“Joe, I want the rest of your chores done by the time we get back son."
"Yes, Pa." As Joe got up to gather the dishes Ben suddenly got to his feet and went to the door. From the doorway he called out "On second thought, boys, get the wagon ready too. Carlos and I will ride, but Adam, you and Hoss will take the wagon. After we've leave the Greene's, you can show me where this cave is and we can get the first load of corn ready for Daniel."
As the words hit his ears a big smile crossed Adam's face and he looked at Carlos. "Saved."
Carlos gave Adam’s arm a teasing slap with the leather gloves he had in his hands as he spoke,
“It is still a hard seat on a wagon, but at least not as bad as the saddle, my friend. I can tell you this, it has been the first time since meeting your family that I am happy to say I am not one of the son’s of Ben Cartwright. I am happy this day to be just a friend.”
Working together it did not take long to have the horses ready, the team hitched and the supplies they would need to get the corn from the cave.
Inside Hoss was too relieved to even smile. Anything was better than riding now. Still, while Hop Sing was applying some more lotion to his skin, he couldn't help noticing the big extra blanket that was lying at the foot of the bed. Now that would do nicely for some padding on the wagon.


"Stop that bickering, girls, there are chores to be done." Margaret was starting to get fed up with Isabella and Tess blaming each other for their disgraceful behavior. The girls had been bickering all morning when they thought they were out of earshot. "You two are both equally to blame and deserved every little bit of this. Now I don't want to hear another peep out of you or I'll have to assume I didn't make my sentiments on this clear enough yesterday. Now get back to work. The floor doesn't clean itself."

Isabella bit her tongue and just threw Tess one more glare. "Yes, Mrs. Greene." Tess's mother had been more than clear the previous day and she had no intention of getting into more trouble. She carefully got on her knees again and started scrubbing, refraining from mumbling under her breath.

Knowing perfectly well that her Ma meant every word of what she said Tess too got back down and started to scrub, but not before getting in one more dig. “ Well it was your idea to make the Ceros”.

Suddenly a sound outside caught Margaret’s attention and she went to the door to see the delegation from the Cartwright ranch approaching. Well, it was about time, as far as she was concerned. She took off her apron, hung it on its hook and wiped her hands. "You two continue cleaning." She ordered the girls. Then she went out the door, leaving it slightly ajar and stood tall on the porch, crossing her arms.


I reined Buck to a stop and looked up at Margaret on the porch. I am sure that her look and stance must be mirroring mine from last night and I did not envy these three facing her today. I thought I could be intimating. I have a feeling that facing an angry father is one thing but to face an angry Mother when you put her girls' reputation on the line was something else. From the looks on Carlos, Adam, and Erik’s face I could see they knew this was not going to be easy.

Always the gentleman Ben tipped his hat and waited the invitation to dismount. “Good Morning Maggie." Without taking his eyes off Maggie he only said one other word.


Adam pulled the wagon to a halt and shifted just a bit to try and get comfortable, the quilt Hoss brought helped some but not enough. “Ma’am, we’ve come to tell you we are sorry for taking the girls hunting and camping with us. It was wrong.”

Margaret didn't acknowledge his apology just yet and simply looked at Hoss. Her eyes still ice cold. Hoss gulped and tried to look anywhere but at her or his father, but it seemed their eyes were everywhere.

"I'm right sorry, ma'am." He shifted on his seat, wondering if he should jump down. "we shouldn'ta done it." Behind the window he could make out the faces of Isabella and Tess looking outside and suddenly he felt even guiltier. "Adam's right, it was wrong…it'll never happen again, ma'am." Her silence was making him feel even more uncomfortable. Margaret just shifted her look towards Carlos, waiting for his apology.

Carlos still felt in some ways he was not wrong for taking his own sister but he did recognize that he should not have done so without informing Mrs. Greene. He removed his hat and holding it in front of his chest with both hands he gave a slight nod agreeing with Adam. “ I too must apologize for taking my sister without first letting you know she would accompany me on this excursion.”

Margaret took a deep breath, her stance stiffening. "But you're not sorry for taking her with you on an overnight camping trip with two other boys, one of whom she happens to be very fond of. Am I hearing you correctly? You had no trouble putting her in that compromising position, but you wouldn't let her go to a dance with more than 50 chaperones? I thought your sister's reputation was more important to you."

Carlos opened his mouth to say something but was silenced when Margaret held up her hand. "Quiet!" Then she looked at the other two. "As for you two! You can't even begin to imagine how angry I am! I should have been at the door with a shotgun, and a priest! If Tess's father had been alive he would have! He would have had you horsewhipped." She was so angry her eyes were spitting fire. Hoss could only nod and look down, wishing with all his might he'd never done this.

“Mrs. Green I can offer no acceptable excuse for what we did, other then the thought of what a treasure of gold would mean to us overshadowing out common sense. It was one thing to go ourselves when we shouldn’t have. But to let the girls bribe us into taking them and not letting you know was just plain stupid.” Taking a deep breath Adam looked at Carlos, Hoss, Pa then back to Mrs. Greene. “As to the horsewhipping, ma’am, if you feel that is what you want to do, well we will accept it. But just so you know, Pa himself did a pretty good job of that with Hoss and I, Ma'am."

Carlos decided to dismount and walked to the bottom of the step. “Mrs. Greene please I did not mean for my words to come out as they did. At first no, I did not think it was wrong of me to take my sister camping if I wished to. But as you and Ben have pointed out it was wrong of me to do so in the company of other young men and without your knowledge. I do regret it all now.”

Margaret seemed to think about it for quite some time, leaving them to squirm. She looked intently from one to the other, noticing their sincere expressions. The way Adam and Hoss were shifting in their seats also didn't escape her attention. As she finally spoke up the fire had mostly disappeared. "Very well, I'll accept your apologies. Knowing you Ben, I'm sure you've impressed your displeasure on them like I did the girls." She looked at the boys again. "I'm sure you'll understand though that the girls won't be leaving the yard for quite some time and there'll be no more visits during that time."

Hoss let out a deep sigh. "Yessum, we ain't goin anywhere anyway."

Inside Tess was looking out the window while Isabella was still trying to clean the floor. “They look so scared sitting there, and uncomfortable. What do you say we go out and say hello to them?” Tess turned to Isabella but never waited for an answer as she turned and headed to the door. "I do not think that is." Was as far as the older girl got. She had a feeling that going outside wouldn't help matters any. She did get to her feet again though, and looked through the window.

“Maggie the boys are restricted for the next month with enough chores to leave them little time for any kind of recreation.” Ben stared at his son’s and Carlos as he spoke.
“You don’t have to worry about them seeing the girls and I think that even after that restriction is up it will be some time before they are allowed to be anywhere with the girls without proper chaperoning.”

"We're in agreement here, Ben" Margaret said firmly just before she heard the door behind her open. "Tess Greene, you get back inside. You have chores to do, young lady."

Hoss locked eyes with Tess for one full second and sighed. He wished he could just talk to her for a bit, but wouldn't go against Mrs. Greene.

Tess stood in the doorway her eyes locked on Hoss too. "But Ma, I just want to talk to Hoss for a minute."

"You've had two days to talk to Hoss, now you can spend some time doing chores. Inside." Margaret didn't even feel guilty for being as strict as she was. The girl had brought it onto herself as far as she was concerned. Isabella was still looking through the window with her sad dark eyes looking at Adam and her brother, wishing she could talk to them.

Tess looked over at her mother with a defiant look but then turned to go back in but not without stomping her foot to let it be known that she was not happy. Isabella sighed as she saw Tess come back in. "Use your head, Tess, aren't we in enough trouble already?" Her voice was sadder than anything else. As she threw one more look through the window she couldn't help noticing the two Cartwright boys shift uncomfortably and she stood there for a moment before shaking her head. It wasn't possible, Mr. Cartwright wouldn't tan Adam, after all he was 21!

"I just think she is being so mean." Tess stood beside Isabella with her arms across her chest then turned to her. Are you thinking what I am thinking?"

Isabella slowly nodded, but the motion turned into a shake of the head. "It can not be, Tess, it simply can not be." She picked up the brush again. "We have chores to do."

Outside Ben dismounted from his horse and turned first to the boys. "Why don't you three take the horses over there and give them some water before we have to head out again and give yourselves a chance to stretch."

Adam was no fool and knew that Pa wanted to talk to Mrs. Greene alone and he had a pretty good idea about what. " Come on Hoss, Carlos, I think it is a good idea."

Before he was finished speaking Hoss was already on the ground. Both he and Adam welcomed the chance to get off the hard seat for a few minutes.

Ben watched as the boys headed off with the horses then turned to Maggie. “ Maggie, I want to tell you how sorry I am for what the boys did. What I don’t understand is when the girls didn’t come home a few hours after coming to the ranch to see the boys, why you didn’t send someone looking for them. Surely when they were not home by supper time you must have been worried?”

Margaret's eyes fired flames again, this time at the oldest Cartwright. "Are you questioning ME now, Ben Cartwright? The bunch of them had better be glad I was in town for the last couple of days helping out young Mrs. Townsend with her newborn baby or I would have been at your ranch within two hours and worried for two days. Don't you try and put blame on me here, Ben! Don't you dare."

"Hold it there, Margaret, I was not trying to blame you at all…. The fault is on those five themselves. I was just worried as to whether you had any idea….. or ……” Ben tried to collect his thoughts. “What I am trying to say is not coming out right. I know that you would never have let them go off with the boys if they had come and asked permission. From what you just told me you could not have missed the girls, as you were busy elsewhere and they took advantage of that fact. I just knew that there had to be a reason you never came looking for them. You never knew they were missing. I take it you got home either just before they did or just after. That is another thing they should have apologized for and that is just dumping the girls on the doorstep and leaving."

Margaret calmed down a little. "Yes, I had only just gotten home when they showed up. Believe me, Ben, I was furious when I got the full story from them. And I was also furious that they didn't even have the courage and decency to escort them to the door. That was completely unacceptable, Ben."

Ben didn’t know to laugh or be in complete shock at what Margaret just said. “Well Margaret, I would have to agree with you on that one. I was not at all happy and believe me, I added a few extra lashes for just that. But if you would like to add to it…..be my guest, you have every right."

"Tempting, Ben, very tempting, but I'm sure you handled it well." Margaret found herself looking in the direction of the boys. "Besides…they probably didn't stand a chance with the girls. Poor boys still have a lot to learn when it comes to women."

Ben couldn’t help but chuckle as he followed Margaret’s line of vision to the three young men around the water trough. "They may not have at that Margaret but after our session in the barn I am sure they are going to try a lot harder next time. If you will excuse us now I do have things to do and I want the boys to show me just where this cave is and the corn. They have made a deal with Daniel to sell it to him and I figured that since we would be going there we might as well get a load to him today. I’m not too keen on the boys going after it alone right now."

"Don't blame you, Ben. I'd keep a close eye on them for now." Margaret brushed off her hands on her skirt. "I know I am doing that with the girls. Talking about them, I'd better get back inside to make sure they're doing as they've been told. I'll see you in church, Ben."

As Ben mounted up he tipped his hat to Margaret, “There is still that renegade out there and I’m not sure I want the boys out there while he is on the lose, so after this run for the corn I’m not sure when I will let them go for more.” A smile crossed his face, but Margaret's smile faded, she hadn't realized that the renegade was still out there.

"Yes Church. I hope those boys can keep still for an hour or so for the sermon.” With that he turned his horse toward the barn….”Boys, lets be on the way. We have a lot to do today.”

"Yes, sir." There were definitely some mixed feelings amongst the boys. It was good being able to leave the vicinity of Mrs. Greene with her firing eyes, but on the other hand Pa wasn't in the best of moods and so it was certain that the next few hours wouldn't be easy. Still Hoss and Adam got back on the wagon and Carlos mounted his horse ready to do some work. Hoss couldn't help but to take a look over his shoulder to see if Tess was still in the window though.


Three days after the first load of corn was delivered to Big Dan, I came out of my room stretching after a good night's rest. I went right to the bunkroom and opened the door to wake up the boys and Carlos. I couldn’t help but watch them all stretched out sound asleep, Adam and Hoss still on their stomachs. I had to smile to myself thinking of how I had come up with some very good extra chores to keep Hoss and Adam busy the last few days over and above their regular ones and getting done the ones they neglected while I was away. And Carlos, the look on his face when I told him his job that second day would be to dig a new hole for a outhouse, the structure moved to it and the old hole filled in. They had spent so much time working round the ranch that they had not had the opportunity to go back to the caves yet, not that I was going to let them go on their own. I knew that before long they would have to get the rest done, as Dan really wanted it. I had explained to Dan that before more could be brought in the boys would have to catch up on some undone chores, which Dan understood.

“Ok, you lot time to get up and get a start on chores. You have lots to do today and time is wasting. Up and out feeding the horses in 5 minutes. Hop Sing is just starting breakfast so if you want it hot I suggest you all get a move on. Joe, you too son, if you want some time to yourself today, chores done first.” With that I went about my morning routine before breakfast.

Adam was never a heavy sleeper and was awake, if even just barely before Pa had the words get up out of his mouth, and was sitting on the edge of the bed before his father left the room. Carlos was not far behind and was soon sitting up and rubbing his hand through his hair. “I wonder what wretched job your father will come up with for me today. I almost wish I had been on the receiving end of that belt after all. Yesterday cleaning out overgrowth in all the muddiest, wettest ditches he could think of and the day before……moving the out house.

A groan from beneath Hoss' blankets was proof of his disagreement with that statement. Slowly the boy turned over and stretched. "Ya think Adam and me got fun chores or somethin?" His voice was still a bit sleepy and the only thing he wanted to do was to sleep some more. The previous day had been a long one, in fact the last three had been. "In fact we've had pretty lousy, dirty jobs ourselves and a sore backside on top of that…wanna trade?" He knew he was a bit grumpy, but for once he couldn't help himself. Nothing a good breakfast wouldn't fix. With another groan he sat up and looked over to their youngest brother's bed. "Hey, Joe! Wake up, buddy…ya don't wanna miss breakfast."

"Yeah I do." Joe mumbled, his face still hidden in the pillows. "I ain't hungry."

Adam stood shaking his head and then walked over to his youngest brother's bed and pulled the covers off him. “ Hungry or not kid, if I were you I would get up now. You have managed to stay out of the way of Pa’s tempter for the last few days, but the mood he has been in I wouldn’t make him come in here for you.”

Carlos was already dressed and heading for the door. “Me, I am not keeping him waiting at all. I would like to approach him on when we can get another load of that corn to Daniel but am not sure how he would react. To let us off a day of these nasty chores to do that job he may not agree.”

Joe sighed dramatically. “Ain’t fair that I hafta be on my toes cause you guys messed up.” He put his feet on the floor though and pulled on his pants and suddenly Carlos’s words registered. “You’re going to the cave again? Can I come too? Come on…”

Hoss threw the boy’s socks at his head. “Nope…and hurry up, Joe.” He had his pants on already and was buttoning his shirt.

Adam had his hand on the doorknob and turned to Joe. “ It only makes up a small bit of the times we have had to be on our toes because Pa is upset with you. And don’t even try to persuade us to take you if Pa lets us go. He was so over protective of even us out there the other day in case that Paiute showed up again. He stood guard while we worked and said that is the only way that corn would get out of there. If one of us was on guard the whole time. He found signs that Mr. Lawson may have shot the guy but without a body around he said he may just be wounded and off licking his wounds before coming back.
Adam was out the door and off to the barn before Joe could say more to him

“You listen to Adam, little bro, there’s no way Pa is gonna let you come no matter how much you sweet talk us or him.” Hoss followed his brother out the door.

Joe just rolled his eyes at the retreating backs of his older brothers, but knew better than to argue right now. He pulled on his boots and followed him, carefully hiding his thoughts about this all. If they thought they were going to go on another adventure without him, they had another thing coming to them!

Carlos was a bit slower then the rest in getting out to the main door and he stood there for a second watching as Joe made his way to the chicken coop, and shook his head. That boy, thinking Ben would let him go along. No chance. Carlos would almost be surprised if Ben allowed them to go if the boys asked at breakfast. He was sure Ben wanted to torture them more with these ungodly chores and without knowing what happened with the renegade he doubted Ben would take the chance of letting them go without him and if he was not mistaken today was the town council meeting. Carlos stepped off the porch and headed to the barn to take care of his horse before breakfast.

Before long the animals were fed and the group were sitting around the table enjoying another great breakfast. Ben took a bit more coffee and then cleared his throat to hand out the day’s assignments. “ Adam, Hoss, after you do your other regular chores I want you to……….

“Pa?" Adam looked at his father who was staring back at him with a raised eyebrow for interrupting. “ I mean excuse me Sir, but well we were, that is Hoss, Carlos and I were just talking and well, Daniel is waiting for that corn and if possible we would like to be able to go and get more of it to him today. If you agree that is.”

During chores Joe had decided to lay very low at the moment. Deep down he knew the other three were right. If Pa was on his guard that much at the cave he would never let his youngest come too, especially when there was no need for him to be there. No one ever needed him anywhere, he pouted. He would just have to make his own adventure this time.

Hoss on the other hand threw his father an almost pleading look. "Yeah Pa..Daniel really needs that corn something fierce…..well, he said he wanted it as soon as possible…"

Ben turned his glare to his middle son “Erik, Daniel does not NEED the corn as soon as possible. Until a few days ago he did not even know it existed.” Hoss nearly jumped out of his skin. "I didn't mean it like that, sir…I mean…I just…." The use of his given name again caused the boy to shift in his chair and duck his head, not finishing his sentence, afraid he'd riled his father, but thankfully he seemed to let it go.

"But I will give you all that he does want it now that he knows about it and you did promise him delivery. My biggest concern is that I have a town meeting this afternoon and can’t go with you to help or keep guard.”

Hoss caught his breath again and looked up at his father, then glanced at Adam and Carlos. "One of us could stand guard, Pa and the other two go in for the corn. We'll be careful, Pa, promise."

Adam rolled his eyes at his father's concerns, careful not to let him actually see the gesture. Why did he think that he and Carlos could not make sure all went well, they were adults after all. He shifted on his chair then remembered the reason for the slight discomfort he still felt and knew his father did not really see him as an adult.

Carlos could see the look on his young friend's face and to defuse any possible confrontation between Adam and Ben he spoke up. “ Ben, Hoss is right, He and Adam can work at getting the corn up and I will stand guard. You know I am very good with my firearm and despite my misjudgment the other day, I have only your sons' welfare at heart. We did promise to get it to him as soon as possible."

Ben looked from one to the other. He slowly placed his elbows on the table as he intertwined his fingers and rested his chin on his hands, brows knit together as if in serious thought.

"Pa, please…" Hoss had now completely forgotten about his breakfast. "I know we really messed up, we really want to show you that we can do this. We promise to stick to your rules about it all."

Joe was still holding on to his fork, waiting to see if Pa would let his brothers do this. Part of him resented that, because he was sure he wouldn't be allowed to do anything when he was restricted, but on the other hand he was eager for them to go so he could have a chance of following them. For that was what he intended to do.

“Hoss it is not just a matter of following the rules, or that I think I would be letting you off a restriction. It would be just as much a chore as any other I would give you here today. It is a matter of your safety out there. That Indian could still be out there and if he is after that corn or what he thinks is some kind of treasure you are in danger. He is just not going to give up and go away. Not if he was already willing to kill for it once.”

“Pa, we can do this with one in the pit to secure the baskets to get them up, one on top to hoist it up and put it in the wagon. And like Carlos said, he can stand watch.” Adam was trying to be as respectful and easy speaking as he could, to get his back up would only mean one thing with pa.

Ben stood and walked about the room rubbing the back on his neck while in deep thought. After a few minutes he spun around to face them, pointing a finger at each one and with a tone that told them it was his way, or no way he gave his instruction. “Ok this is the way it is going to be. You three may go, straight there, get the load, no horsing around, no wasting time. You load and you get it into town. Carlos, you stand watch like your very life depended on it. I can tell you this, it does. Nothing had better happen to any of you. Once you have the load, right into town with it, and no letting your guard down until you are in Eagle Station parked at Daniel’s.” Ben took out his watch and looked at it. "From the length of time it took us the other day, if you get going right after your morning chores are taken care of here you should be able to be done and in town by 3 pm. Just about the time my meeting will be over. Don’t be late."

Hoss had trouble staying in his seat, but his face was beaming. It wasn't just that he wanted to go to the cave, but he felt it was a first, slight hint of a sign that Pa would maybe trust them again. That had really eaten on the boy. "Thanks Pa. We won't be late. We promise. And like I said..we'll follow every rule about this you give us. To the letter, Pa. Yes, sir! To the letter!"

“You had better son or that trip to the barn the other night is going to be like a walk in the park. At the first sign and I mean the very first sign of any trouble, you three are out of there. If that Indian shows up, you let him have that ……….treasure. And before you even think to ask, Joseph, NO you may not go. You can stay here, do your chores and maybe it would be a good idea to catch up on some school work this afternoon”

Adam too was beaming as the turned to Carlos and gave him a wink before turning back to his father. “ Don’t worry Pa, we won’t risk our lives or our hides.”

"I ain't asking, Pa." Joe assured his father. "I know you'd say no anyway." Inwardly though he sighed. He'd hoped Pa wouldn't mention him at all and then at least he wouldn't have to disobey directly. Still, he wouldn't let it stop him. They just had had too many adventures without him! No more!

“Carlos" Ben got no further then that.

“ I understand Ben and I will protect them with my life.”

Ben gave a weak smile. “Good because this time, nothing will safe you from a trip to that barn either. Now boys we have work to get done. If you are going to be able to go for that load and be back in town then I suggest we get to it. Chores here first, shouldn’t take you more then an hour. And I will tell Daniel when I see him in town to expect you at 3 pm sharp.”

"Yes, sir!" Usually Hoss would probably have himself another helping, but not today. He got right to his feet. "We'll be there, Pa. Come on, guys, let's get to it."

Joe pretended to sulk for a little, while the other three went outside. He knew Pa would expect him to look rather disappointed and so he did. He didn't let it last long though and soon he was helping Hop Sing do the dishes again, grumbling only a little. "Wonder why I'm always the one doing dishes…"

Hop Sing laughed. "Brothers do dishes last night, brothers do dishes day before at breakfast…Little Joe forget quick." And Joe grinned.

"Yeah, I suppose so, Hop Sing." Joe finished the rest of the dishes and his other jobs for Hop Sing chatting with the Chinese cook, time going by quickly that way.

It didn't take long before he heard his brothers and Carlos leave, sounding very cheerful in contrast to their mood the previous days. "Guess I'd better get to my..” A deep dramatic sigh. “schoolwork…"

His voice trailed as he watched his father come back into the house to get ready to go to town. While doing his morning chores Joe had been thinking hard about a way to get out. Of course there was sneaking off, but Hop Sing would probably notice and he'd get caught. That was something to avoid at all cost. He did have another idea though and if Pa would only say yes, he had a good chance of pulling this off. "Pa….I know you said schoolwork, but it's a real good day for fishing…much to nice to sit inside all day doing schoolwork…couldn't I please, please go fishing? I'll be back on time, Pa, and I'll do schoolwork later today and tomorrow…" He gave his father his best puppy look. "Please?"

Ben stopped about half way to his room and looked at Joe as he made his request. He never thought it was possible but each day the boy looked more and more like his mother. He had a rather hard time resisting that very look when Marie would give it to him. After a few seconds consideration Ben relented. “ Ok Joe, you can go off fishing, but just make sure you are back here in time for chores. After supper you can do some reading from your school reader and then tomorrow you can do some schoolwork. I will have Adam set up some arithmetic problems for you tonight and a few others assignments."

"Yes, sir!" Joe was beaming. The thought of future schoolwork didn't affect his mood one little bit. That was the future. This was now! "See you later Pa, I won't be late! Bye Hop Sing…" And off the boy was, out to the barn to saddle his horse.

“Hop Sing, while I wash up a bit you could write out a list of any supplies you need and I will leave early enough to get those and a few things at the livery before my meeting.”

"Hop Sing make list, long list." And with those words the man handed him the list he'd written out anticipating the request, a long list indeed.

With a shake of his head Ben took the list placing it in his pocket. He should have known Hop Sing by now. The man always seemed to read his mind. As he saddled Buck and headed to town he hoped he had made the right decision and that if there was any sign of trouble that the older three would use good judgment and do as Ben ordered. It had taken a lot for Ben to come to the decision to have enough faith in Carlos to watch over his sons today after the misguided adventures earlier in the week. Joe was safe off fishing, Hop Sing would be glad to have a quiet house to his self for the rest of the day Ben was sure.

Joe had saddled up in record time, quickly grabbing his fishing gear to have his cover. If Hop Sing found it for some reason or Pa came home early and found it, his cover would be blown and that was something he wanted to avoid. Besides, who knows, maybe he could still get half an hour of fishing in somewhere and bring home some fish. That would be the perfect cover.

As he left the barn Hop Sing came out with a lunch pail. "Joe need lunch when fishing.. bring home good fish for supper, hear."

Joe took the pail and tried a grin. "I'll try, Hop Sing, thanks!" He put the pail in his saddlebags and within seconds he was on his way. He was only a few minutes behind his brothers and Carlos and knowing at least the direction of the cave, from listening carefully to their stories, it didn't take an Indian tracker to follow them.

Ahead of him he heard the wagon and the older boys' voices and he smiled. "Gotcha, boys." He made sure to stay far enough behind so they wouldn't hear or see him, but the wagon was easy enough to follow, especially since it was slower than his horse.


Just ahead the other three drove along chatting away not aware at all that they were being followed by Little Joe. Adam was driving the team and was doing his best not to hit every pot hole in the little traveled road….or should he say path that lead to the cave. Even three days after the tanning he could still feel it a bit at times like this riding on the hard seat and hitting those bumps.

“Boy I never realized just how far from the ranch we had come in looking for that damn treasure. Riding around before with the girls in circles, arguing and trying to decipher that map, I thought it took a long time, but now, even knowing where to go, it's going to be a long trip, let alone get into town later. It was a lot of hard work with three of us hauling it up as Pa stood guard. Now there is just two of us to do the work. We are going to have no time to waste when we get there. It’s right to work or we risk being late.”

Hoss nodded. "No kiddin, bro, and here we were thinkin we were gettin away from Pa and chores for a bit. Between the bumps and humps in the road and the hard work we'll be beggin for some barn chores tomorrow." Still, he wasn't complaining. Being more of an outdoors person Hoss was in his element now, despite his words. He sniffed in the air and the let out a deep breath. "aahh it's great out here though!"

Joe had to stifle a giggle as he watched them from a distance. He didn't mind the ride one little bit, but then he hadn't had a tanning a few days ago. He had the day off to go fishing, and exploring. Life was good!

After what seemed to be an eternity the three adventures knew they were very close to the cave area. Carlos had been on his horse and had just taken out his rifle and had it handy just in case. He pulled up his mount and glanced over to Hoss and Adam. “You two stay there and be ready to hightail it out of here if I yell out to you. I will scout out the area first and make sure all is ok”

Adam rolled his eyes and sounded disgusted. “Carlos, now you are being as bad if not worse than Pa.”

“A..dam…this is the way it shall be. I am in charge and we do it this way. I do not intend to disappoint your father again.”

Even Hoss rolled his eyes. "Come on…we ain’t babies…" But he could see Carlos wasn't giving in and remembering his father's parting words to Carlos in particular, he couldn't even blame their friend. "Oh Adam..let him. It's no use and the longer we argue the longer it takes."

Adam set the brake and leaned forward. “ Ok I give, you go ahead…but I’m coming in 5 minutes.”

“Thank you Adam.” Carlos rode ahead and scouted out the area around the cave. All looked clear and he was back to the boys in minutes signaling them to join him. As Hoss and Adam pulled up, he stood in pretty much the same spot Ben had a few days before….rifle ready and his handgun also at the ready if needed. “ I think it best if Adam goes into the pit as he is lighter and will be easier for us to pull up. Hoss, you have more strength to pull the baskets up and then get them loaded. I am sorry that I can not help with this task as I must keep my hands free.” Carlos also had a smile on his face as he realized that this got him out of the heavy hauling.

Hoss looked at both older boys, somehow he felt like he got the raw end of this deal. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again. He jumped down on the ground and then opened his mouth again, closing it again without having said anything. Then grumbling he tied the team down. "sure…let Hoss do all the heavy work…"

Joe too jumped down and led his horse a bit closer to the boys. He couldn't help grinning as he heard Carlos order his brothers around. Serves them right for always ordering him around.

"Okay..you go down, Adam…good old Hoss will use his muscles. Not your fault you're puny." But Hoss' good mood was returning already and there was a hint of a smile on his face.

Adam laughed and started toward the pit, "well you are welcome to go on down in the pit but just remember Carlos is standing guard and won’t be able to help me haul you up. Big Dan hauled you up last time and he isn’t here now is he. You could be stuck down there until Pa comes looking for you because you didn’t come back with us.” As he spoke Adam tied one end of the rope around a large tree giving a tug to make sure it was secure. He then tossed the other end down the hole. "Ok, I’m set to go…… Hoss how about you getting the sling ready for the baskets while I get down in there.”

Hoss just rolled his eyes at his brother's comments and showed off his muscles, "All muscle, brother, all muscle!" Before starting on the sling.

Carlos almost felt bad that he could not help but to let his guard down for even a second could mean big trouble for them. From his vantage point he could see pretty well all around them. Behind him was a group of big boulders and after Ben checked them out the other day there was no way for someone to come at them from that direction, unless they could fly as Ben put it.

Joe watched Adam go down in the pit and he couldn't help feeling that excitement he'd felt as he started out following them that morning. A pit like that, treasures..part of him could hardly believe corn had been all there was there. Surely his brothers overlooked something! After all, they had girls there with them to distract them. Everyone knew they lost their heads a little when Tess and Isabella were around. Why on earth that was he couldn't figure out though.

He tied his horse and crawled closer on his stomach to get a good look. Too bad Carlos was standing there or he could have gotten closer. Why didn't Adam put up more of a fight? Humph!

Unbeknownst to all four of them another set of eyes was watching them. There was fire in those eyes, granted the fire was a little dull from the pain, but there was fire nonetheless. Another figure started to crawl closer, grabbing his small axe as he did. His sight clouded by pain he didn't see the rock on the ground though and as his arm scraped it he moaned in pain.

Joe immediately came to a halt. What on earth was that? A wounded animal? He scanned the area, but couldn't see anything.

Carlos watched Hoss as he took the first basket of corn from the sling and started to the wagon. He was thinking to himself at least he only had one Cartwright son to keep an eye on right now, the other save in the pit and this one the least likely to give him any grief. Just as Hoss reached the wagon with the basket Carlos stood straight and looked in the direction that he thought he heard a noise. When Hoss turned and looked at him Carlos motioned for him to be quiet. Slowly he made his way over to where he thought he heard the noise. Raising his rifle as he cocked the hammer he called out toward the bushes……”Who is there? Come out now and show yourself before I shoot!”

Down below the ground Adam was unaware of what was unfolding above him. He was ready to have the next basket brought up and Hoss was not back yet……….”Hey Hoss, come on, we don’t have all day. I have the next one set to go, come and haul it out of here.”

Of course only silence met him as Hoss, who had heard the noise too, carefully stepped back to the pit, without making a sound. It often surprised people how quietly he could move around for his size. As he got to the pit he just put his finger to his lips, hoping his brother would get the message.

Adam was not sure of what was going on but he did get Hoss’s silent message. All he could do from the darkened pit was stand and wait and pray that Carlos and his brother were safe up above him.

Joe nearly fainted at the sound of the rifle and tried to crawl back a little too quickly, causing some twigs to break. He tried to scramble to his feet, but was too late.

Carlos saw the movement in the bushes but not knowing for sure if it was friend or foe he fired a warning shot about three feet left of where he saw the movement. “That is just a friendly warning. If you do not show yourself NOW the next one will not be a miss”
The young man had the rifle butt resting on his shoulder taking careful aim dead on the spot where Joe was hiding. Carlos was a crack shot and at this distance there was no way he was going to miss. He promised his friend nothing would happen to his sons and he was going to see that through no matter what, “I will count to three, if you have not come out I shoot!”

"Nooooo…don't…shoooooot…" The first shot had practically caused Joe to have an accident and he could see Carlos was aiming right at him. He'd rather have them mad at him for following them than be shot, there was no doubt about that. With his hands right in front of him as if to ward off any bullets he stepped out of the bushes. "Ya didn't hafta shoot at me! Ya could've killed me!"

Hoss turned on his heels. "Little Joe!!! What the he…on earth are you doing here? Carlos coulda shot ya, ya fool!"

"That's what I said!" Joe glared at Carlos.

“Little Joseph, what in heavens name are you doing here?” Carlos lowered his rifle as he glared back at Joe. "You are lucky that I did not shoot you…..but before I am done with you, you may wish I had. Get out of those bushes and come here.”

Adam heard Hoss shout out at Joe and he instantly knew what was going on up there.
“HOSS GET ME OUT OF HERE!" He was going to kill his little brother.

"Now…Adam……" Hoss started to try and pacify his brother, but deep down, he wanted to do the same thing. He took the rope and started to pull his older brother up. "You do as Carlos says, Joe..but Carlos…leave him to us!"

Ben didn't raise fools, although he would sometimes argue that statement, and Joe had no intention of coming anywhere within reach of the angry looking Mexican. "Now, Carlos…I can explain…"

Carlos ignored Hoss and advanced on the boy and just as he was coming out of the bushes one very angry Mexican pulled him out the rest of the way by the collar. “WHAT in the name of all that is holy are you doing here?” Carlos did not let go of the boy just stood glaring at him as he shook him just a bit as he spoke to him.

“Hoss, hurry up and get me out of here!”

"Don't yell at me, Adam.." Hoss was pulling as fast as he could already, trying to get Adam out of there. "Wh…ho…." Joe tried one of his disarming smiles at the Mexican, but it didn't seem to work. "I…I just..wanted some adventure too…ain't fair that you get to have all the fun…." He cringed seeing the angry faces though.

From the bushes the figure crawled a little closer, knowing he wouldn't be heard over the voices. His mind was doing overtime, working out the relationships. He held on to his wounded arm, keeping it as still as possible and watched….for now.

Carlos was furious with the boy. All he could think of was Ben and his own promise to keep the boys safe. Did he not have enough on his plate with watching out for Hoss and Adam let alone adding Little Joe to the mix? And why? So the boy could have an adventure. He was so angry he was at a loss for words, he let go of Joe and started to walk away and as he did he took his hat off and slapped his leg with it in anger and frustration. He had gotten about 10 paces from the boy when Hoss had Adam up from the pit, and at the same moment he suddenly turned and stocked toward the boy again chastising him, arm extended and finger pointing.

“You wanted adventure so you sneak off and come here. Did you not hear what your Papa said when he was reaming us out the other night? Do you think Hoss and Adam found their trip to the barn to be an adventure? That is just the kind of adventure I am about to give to you Little Joseph!”

Once he was free of the ropes Adam looked over to where Little Joe stood, eyes wide as Carlos advanced on him. Adam himself was fit to be tied and the set of his jaw showed it. “Hoss where the hell did he come from”?

“No idea,” Hoss threw the rope on the ground and turned back to Joe. “He was hiding in them bushes over there, musta followed us.”

After the first shock wore off Joe got his dander up a little at the threats. Adam never even hit him and for Carlos to threaten him with a tanning was just a bit too much for the boy. “You ain’t got no right, Carlos!” He didn’t realize his voice was getting louder with each word due to pure angst. “Pa wouldn’t let you!!”

“Humph! And what do you think Pa would do, little brother?! Hmm?” Hoss was pretty upset himself, even if he would never pound on his brother.

Adam took a couple of steps forward still not sure if he should stop Carlos or not. He himself wanted a piece of Little Joe’s hide. He knew if anything happened to him out here Pa would be devastated. He also knew exactly what his Pa would do to the boy when they got him home. “Joe, Carlos has as much right at the moment to tan you as I would or Pa. You know how Pa feels about Carlos and he put him in charge here today. And we all know just what Pa is going to do when he finds out. Why did you come?”

At Adam’s words Joe’s hands had started to fly back, to cover the discussed target. He knew what Pa would do, but that didn’t mean either of them had that right. Still the thought of them telling his Father was a sobering one. “Come on...” All attempts of charming his way out of this gone he tried a different route. “Pa doesn’t have to know, does he...he said I could go fishing...I just...well ...there’s water close, isn’t there? I mean.” Even Hoss was advancing on the young boy now and he involuntarily took a step back. “Come on.” Suddenly he found his eyes well up with tears. “I miss out on all the adventures, you go off, on a treasure hunt and Hop Sing has me do chores while you’re away. Even Tess and Isabella got to go.... I never get to have any fun...you don’t have to tell Pa, do you? If I get home on time he doesn’t have to know... come on, please...”

The sight of the unshed tears immediately started tugging at Hoss’s heartstrings. The boy had a big heart and couldn’t see his brother cry. “Adam? Can’t we just let him stay here and help? At least we’ll have another pair of hands...”

Carlos stopped just short of where Joe was standing as the tears started to flow and he looked over at Hoss and knew the big kid was giving in to his brother. It didn’t take much for Hoss. The quick-tempered Mexican stood staring down at the boy he very much thought of as a little brother. It only took a few seconds of hearing his pleas, seeing the tears, and the look on Hoss’s face and he knew he was beat. Carlos throw his arms in the air, “I give up.” His voice giving way to his aggravation as he turned to Adam shaking his head he addressed the young man. “I do not trust him to go back to the ranch himself, and I can not do that in case of trouble. Not one of us can be spared to take him back as at the least three of us are needed here. We are here now and for us all to leave with only a few baskets up would be foolish. We have to let him stay. And to do damage to his hide as I am sorely tempted would only slow him down in working with us.”

Adam closed the gap between him and Joe as Carlos was speaking, there was no doubt by the set of his jaw and the dark color of his eyes that he was indeed furious with his brother. As he stopped in front of Joe, Adam took hold of the boy’s upper arm and held on tight. “Little brother I have a good mind to let you have it right now despite what Carlos said being true. The only thing that is saving your hide right now is I know just what Pa is going to do even if I gave you a licking right now. Carlos is also right when he says we can’t take the time to take you home, as it would be a wasted day. First off NO you will not go fishing at the stream over there. There is a reason Pa never let you come in the first place and why he has Carlos standing guard. You will stay in his sights. We have wasted enough time already, everyone back to work or we will never get to town on time and I don’t want to face Pa if we are late.” Adam had not said anything of Joe’s pleas of not telling Pa about Joe following them. At this point he was not sure that he could let this one go by.
oe swallowed hard and nodded. He was just very relieved his angry looking brother wasn’t pounding on him right then and there. “I won’t be any trouble, Adam, promise.” He wanted to shake his arm loose, but managed to refrain from doing so. Adam looked far too angry.

“Can we get back to loading now, guys?” one look at the sun had told Hoss they should pick up the speed. “I ain’t got no hankering to face Pa either.”

“I can help!” Joe offered.

Frustrated and upset Adam let loose and gave Joe one good solid swat to the backside before he let go of his arm causing the boy to yelp and reach back with his free hand. “You little brother will stay up here and help Hoss load the wagon.” Joe just nodded, not wanting to rile his brother even more. “If you come down below with me I may just be tempted to add more of those every few minutes.” Joe was still rubbing the injured spot and suddenly that cave didn’t sound all that appealing. “Not one word of lip from you, not one ounce of trouble.”

Joe shook his head, not trusting his voice much. He hadn’t seen Adam, or Carlos and Hoss for that matter, like this in a long time and had no desire to give lip or trouble.

Adam turned to walk back to the pit opening in deep thought about what to tell their father, if anything. He knew just how hard their father would be on Joe for this escapade. Heck his backside still can feel the effect of Pa’s anger. Did he want his little brother to have to go through this too? After all what could go wrong? They would get this loaded, head to town and at the cut off in the road leading either to town the or home, Joe could go off home, or to the lake fishing and they could take the corn to Daniel’s. Maybe Pa didn’t have to know, but only if Joe did as he was told. For now he would let the boy stew.

Hoss took a deep breath glad the crisis was over. He hoped that with time passing Adam and Carlos would realize there was no need to get Pa involved and cause Joe the same pain Adam and he had felt only far too recently. He clapped Joe on the back. “Welcome to adventure, little brother..hard work!” He picked up the rope again to help Adam climb back down. “You climb up on the wagon and push the baskets to the back, stacking them. That way you’re out of the way and can’t get in trouble.”

Joe could only nod grateful at least one of the three didn’t look mad anymore. He quickly climbed up on the wagon and got to work. As Joe passed him to climb into the wagon, Carlos, still very upset gave the boy one good swat to the backside. Joe didn’t even look at him as he continued to rub his backside with a sigh. If only Adam wouldn’t tell Pa he wouldn’t complain about a swat or two, he figured.

From the bushes the wounded figure had added one and one and was nodding to him self as he made up his plan, while biding his time.

Adam gave a bit of a chuckle when he realized what Carlos did but said nothing. The boy really had it coming and in the long run he knew that Joe got off lucky. He had never seen Carlos that angry with one of them before. Once back down in pit he got right to work trying to make up some lost time. He also had to think about whether or not to fill Pa in on Joe’s appearance.

They had all worked steady for sometime when Adam began to feel a bit hungry and worn out. He looked around and figured that they could finish off this load and there would be at least one more trip out of what was here. “Hey Hoss, how is it coming up there. Can we safely take anymore today or not?”

Hoss wiped his forehead for a second, glancing at the wagon. “We should be able to get one more on and then it’s over. Joe...” The young boy looked up as Hoss called out. While working he’d been wondering why on earth he’d wanted to come. He was tired, sore and hungry. “Push that last one a little further, I’ll get this one on and then we’re done. I'm startin ta get mighty hungry…”

“Sure.” And Joe started to make just a little bit more room before jumping down from the wagon.

The hidden person in the bushes perked up at the words he heard. He’d been waiting for that, knowing the young men wouldn’t be able to go long without food. He reached to his waist with his good hand and took out his knife. His entire body was tense in anticipation, ready to jump.

Adam secured the last basket in the sling then called up to Hoss to haul it up. Next would be his turn. He would be glad to get out of this pit for awhile. Even though it was cool in the cave he was sweaty and dirty from all the work, and besides being down there brought back unpleasant memories of the adventure gone wrong just a few days ago. He gathered up his shirt and slipped it on before Hoss pulled him out. Once on the surface he wiped the sweat and dirt from his face as he and Hoss strolled over to join Carlos of the far side of the camp from the wagon. From this vantage point Carlos had a clear view of the pit along with Hoss and Joe. He could see very clearly in at least three directions leading to where they were. His only blind spot really being the far side of the wagon where the horses were tied.

“So did little brother behave himself these last couple of hours?”

A smile formed on Carlos’s face. “I do not think that Little Joe now considers this so much of an adventure. Even the couple of times they had to stop for Hoss to rest a bit he did not look as if he was having a good time. This is not the adventure he came out looking for.”

Adam looked over Joe’s way but big brother still had a frown on his face. He had a decision to make about telling Pa. “Joe, under the front seat of the wagon is the lunch that Hop Sing sent along. Can you get that out?" Joe immediately jumped to it eager to do anything to get that scowl off Adam’s face. "We only have enough time to have a quick bite to eat and then we have to be on our way. Town is a good hour and half from here and it is already one o’clock, no time for loafing around.”

As Joe climbed up on the wagon to get the lunch Adam turned his attention to Hoss who was leaning against a rock, feeling every muscle in his body, lunch sounded mighty good. Looking his big younger brother over Adam could see that he too was hot, dirty and tired. “I must say brother that I admire you. I had one of the easiest jobs with just getting the baskets in the sling, that was a lot of heavy hauling for you on your own this time. You managed it all with only two short breaks to rest up.”

Hoss just shrugged. “It’s okay...someone had to do it.” And he meant it.

Joe climbed onto the wagon and found the lunch pail just where Adam said it was. “I’ve got it! “I’ve still got lunch in my saddlebags too. I’ll get it right away.” The young boy jumped down and practically ran to where the horses were tethered going right to Paint and opened his saddlebags

Carlos was listening to the two brothers chat when he saw Joe rush off to Paint, he took a couple of steps forward as he called out “JOE NO, leave your lunch we have plenty!” Carlos did not want Joe that far from them. As Joe reached Paint the renegade saw his chance and despite his wound he was out of the bushes and on Joe without a sound and before anyone really knew what was happening. Too late Carlos saw the moment in the bushes; he took aim but the renegade was on Joe before the young man could get a shot off. He didn’t dare fire while the Indian had Joe in a choke hold with a knife in his hand.

Adam and Hoss whirled around when they saw Carlos raise his rifle wondering why in the heck he was raising it to their brother. What met their eyes when they followed Carlos’s line of vision sent shivers down their spines. Adam started to step forward toward little Joe but when the brave tighten his grip on Joe and thrust the blade of the knife closer to the boy’s throat he stopped dead in his tracks.

Carlos stood with his rifle still raised waiting the chance to get a clean shot off.

Joe was taken completely by surprise. One moment he was getting his lunch, the next he felt a strong arm around him and saw the glistening of a knife at his throat. He didn’t even get the chance to yell or do anything and by the time he’d seen the knife he knew trying to kick his way out of it was not only useless, but dangerous as well. He could only look at his brothers and Carlos, pleading with his eyes to them to get him out of there.

“Got brother now...white men give gold...not white men’s treasure!” The renegade’s voice was a low growl and as he spoke he pulled Joe a little closer, pressing the knife against Joe’s throat causing tears to appear in the young boy’s eyes.

“Adam..” Hoss was frozen in place. He wanted to pound the brave, and free his brother, but he realized that before he’d get there Joe would be hurt or even dead.

Fear, worry and anger all raced through Adam at the same time and it was evident to only him as he felt his heart racing but his voice did not betray it. “Don’t make a move Hoss, not one inch, not one muscle.” Hoss nodded, staying right where he was, but his muscles were tense as if ready to jump.

Staring straight ahead at the renegade he addressed Carlos and a low whisper through gritted teeth. “If you get a chance at a clean shot Carlos………

“You need say no more Adam” Carlos kept his weapon aimed at the Indian but he knew that he would not take any undo chances. The Indian would not hesitate to slit Joe's throat and the man knew it. He stood there silently cursing himself for not taking Joe home when they first found him.

Adam raised his hand to show he had no weapon and took one step forward then stopped. “It’s there on the wagon just take it and let my brother go”

The brave snorted and he took a step away dragging Joe as a shield. "White man think me fool…hand me real treasure or boy die…"

"Adam…" Whimpered Joe.

Hoss looked from the corn to the renegade back to Adam and groaned. "He thinks we're hiding something." He called out. "Look mister, we ain't got nothing else…this is the treasure, corn."

"Do…not…lie…" hissed the brave as he dragged Joe half behind Paint knowing the Mexican would be looking for a chance to shoot.

Carlos was getting agitated. As the renegade stepped away, the less of a chance he was going to be able to pick him off. He tried another tactic and lowered his rifle some speaking as calmly as he could. “The boys speak the truth. We found nothing but corn in the cave. Let the boy go and you are welcome to take it all.”

“Look, you are hurt.” Adam was desperate and would do anything to get the man to release Joe. “You can let the kid go and I will drive the team for you wherever you want to go. There is a lot of corn there and it will feed your people for sometime”.

The only answer was a scream from Joe and three words from the renegade. "Get my gold!"

The scream caused Hoss to start heading over. "You leave my brother alone! He's done nothing to you!"


Adam became alarmed and he grabbed Hoss by the arm as he went to storm by him. “Hoss no, he won’t think twice about hurting Joe just to show us he means business. Adam turned to their friend. “Carlos?”

Carlos was at as much of a loss as to what to do as Adam. No amount of talk was going to persuade this man that there was no gold, but he knew he had to give it one last try.

“Senor you must have been following my friends here and myself for those two days we took to find this place. You dropped our rope into the cave, stranding us, you had to be watching until our friend came and scared you off. You saw there is no gold. We were very disappointed also but there was none. You think we would risk the life of the boy for gold. No! There is no gold. Please let the Little Joe go and you may have all this golden corn.”

"You lie…white men lie..gold hidden in corn…..give me gold or boy die." Another yelp from Joe and Hoss was ready to explode.

"Let me go and get him, Adam…let me goo…"

The Indian had heard enough. He had been watching the Cartwright’s earlier taking out the first load and figured the gold must have been hidden in those baskets. "Maybe you take gold three moons ago. Took my gold. Before moon in sky you bring treasure here and boy live, not bring gold and boy die. Try follow, boy die too." And with those words a struggling Joe was dragged off into the bushes.

"Nooo let me go back to my brothers…Adam! Give him what he wants…Hossss…" But some added pressure and a few hissed words caused Joe to bite his tongue.

Adam turned in despair to Carlos who was lowering his rifle. There was no shot to be taken without endangering Little Joe. “This is just great. “No matter what we say he is not going to believe us and we have no treasure to turn over to him. He can’t be going far. Maybe we should try and track him and see if we can rescue Joe.”

Hoss could still hear Joe calling out to him even though the boy had been silenced and dragged off already. It tore his heart apart to hear it. "Yes! We have to get him. We can find them and then surprise that Indian. We have to, Adam! Come on, we're wastin time here!" His voice was desperate and he looked to the other two. "If you don't go, I'll go alone!"

Adam grabbed onto Hoss’s arm, he too was worried, and scared but was trying not to show it to his younger brother. “Don’t worry Hoss you don’t have to go alone. I’m going too.”

At this point Carlos stepped between the two brothers. “ I think it best if we go to town and get your father.”

Adam took a couple of steps forward running his fingers through his thick black hair, a gesture he very often did when in deep thought. Turning around slowly he looked at the other two. The look of desperation on Hoss’s face made the final decision for him. “No, there is no time, we go after Joe ourselves, together.”

Hoss let out a sigh of relief. "Okay, we'll take the horses we've got and follow. He can't be far yet, he's injured and on foot!" He headed over to the horses and started to untie Paint. To him there just was no doubt; going to town would take too long.

“Hold it right there you two. You are not going after that murderer. You two will ride to town and tell your father what has happened. It will be up to him if he wants you to assist in looking for Joseph. I will track them and try and leave a trail for him to follow when he gets here. That renegade may not have had a horse right here but you can bet he has one near by. He got here somehow. He is smart and would have left it close but not close enough to alert our horses that there was another near.”

Adam could tell by the way Carlos spoke that he was serious but there was no way he was going to town and leaving Joe out there. Ignoring Hoss for the moment he dug his heels in. “I’m going with you Carlos. If there is any trouble you may need me. Two will be better then one. Hoss can go for Pa.”

Hoss looked from one to the other, an incredulous look on his face. "Why me?" He felt like they were trying to get rid of him. "I'm a better tracker 'n you are, Adam, so you go and get Pa if ya must! I ain't gonna do it!" He was a Cartwright and stubborn even if he didn't show that side often.

“Hoss this isn’t the time to argue.” One look at his brothers face and Adam sighed. He knew one of them should go after Pa but what was he going to do that they couldn’t. Besides, it was a three hour round trip to get him. They didn’t have that kind of time.

“Carlos” there was desperate plea in Adam's voice for guidance at this point.

Carlos hung his head in defeat. He knew these two young men well and knew they both wanted to go to the aid of their brother. There would be no stopping them and he could not go for help leaving let them do the rescue themselves. He had promised Ben to watch out for them.

“When we do not show up in town on time your father he will come looking for us. Leave him a note here where he will find it and together we will go and get Joseph back unharmed.”

"Good...let's get to it." Hoss went through Joe's saddlebags, finding a piece of paper, along with some other strange items, like a half eaten cookie, marbles, a pine cone and of course his lunch pail that he'd never gotten out and handed it to Adam. "Start writing, I'll get the horses."

Adam couldn't help but give a slight smirk at the way Hoss was seeming to take over, nevertheless he started to write the note as he acknowledged his brother. “You had better start by looking around a bit and seeing if you can tell which way he went after we lost sight of him, and if he perhaps has a horse around here somewhere. While you are doing that Carlos can get his horse and Paint ready and unhitch Blaze, as you will have to ride him. Once you are back we can decide if we need the horses or can accomplish this on foot in case they are close by.” He then busied himself with the note.

Pa sorry we didn’t make it to town. Have a little trouble. Joe being held hostage for the gold. We will get him back, don’t worry.

Adam, Hoss and Carlos

Once the note was written Adam secured it to a prominent place on the wagon.

“Adam is right, Hoss, we need you to do a bit of early scouting. Take the rifle from the wagon with you and be very careful. Don’t go too far just get an idea and get right back here to let us know what you find.”

Hoss threw his arms in the air, he hadn’t gotten a chance to even open his mouth when Adam was speaking and to hear Carlos trying to persuade him as if he had refused really got his dander up. “Okay okay okay.....I’m not stupid, you don’t hafta repeat everythin okay. Here, be my guest...” he threw the reins in Carlos’ direction, got the rifle and went off, mumbling.
“You’d think I was the one holdin everyone back just now. With all their hesitatin and arguin that Indian could be anywhere by now.... first they want to get rid of me and now they need me to look for tracks.... and then try ta tell me what to do...” But soon he lost himself in the search and forgot he was upset with them. He had a good stubborn streak and a little bit of a temper that he was trying to rein. Joe was more important at that moment and he soon found himself absorbed with the search easily finding the Indian’s tracks, being as quiet as he could. It wasn't difficult to distinguish between the tracks the Indian had made while he was alone and those where he was dragging a struggling Joe. ‘He’s wounded too’ Hoss thought to himself. It was clear looking at the tracks that the Indian was in pain, but he must be very determined to continue, was Hoss’ next thought. Confident he'd found the right tracks he went back a little bit so he was able to see Adam and Carlos. The minute they had eye contact he motioned to the older two to follow him.

Adam and Carlos had every ounce of confidence that Hoss would pick up a trail in no time. Even though Adam was older and had himself taught Hoss a lot about tracking he knew his younger brother was even better at it then he was. He took to nature and tracking like, well like he took to food. As soon as Hoss gave them the signal the two of them met up with the boy.

As they were still unsure just how close the renegade was to them they took no chances and spoke in hushed whispers.
Carlos was in the lead with Adam behind him. If that renegade was waiting there in front of them somewhere he wanted to be first in line if possible. Once they reached Hoss’s position Carlos started to question him. “So how far ahead do you think he is. It looked like he was hurt and perhaps he will not get far, unless he had a horse not to far from here. What do you think Hoss?”

Hoss scratched his head, studying the tracks, while Adam stood by in deep thought still wondering if they did the right thing in not going for Pa. Looking at the sun he knew that Pa would be expecting them to arrive anytime soon. He prayed that as usual Pa being his overprotective self would waste no time in coming looking for them and find his note.

“He ain’t far.” Hoss whispered. “He’s not walkin too good and Joe ain’t makin things easy for him by the looks of it. He’s strugglin a bit. It don’t even look like he’s tryin to cover his tracks. I reckon he’s over there behind them rocks.” Ahead of them between the trees there was a small rock formation. “We’d better stay outta sight.” He gave his brother a reassuring look. “He’ll be fine, Adam, we’ll get him to Pa in no time. But let's leave the horses here, so they don't give us away."

They did just that and after securing the horses they silently made their way over the rock formation. Despite the silence from the other side of the rocks Hoss fully expected to see the Indian and Joe there, but as he slowly and carefully edged his body in a position to see there was no one in sight. In fact...he groaned and turned around to the others. “They ain’t nowhere in sight, guys. This opens up to that big clearing we crossed after the creek." The three merged from the protection of the rocks and made their way below. Adam and Carlos looked at each other, the disappointment showing on their faces. Hoss was right they were in a wide-open space and the Indian and Joe were gone. Hoss was studying the ground more though and nodded grimly. "He had a horse here and appears to have thrown Joe over the saddle ...I'm gonna pound him if Joe's hurt...ya ain't stoppin me this time!"

Something else bothered Hoss more while Adam and Carlos went back to get the horses. There were more tracks going in all directions and it wasn't as easy to find the right ones. The renegade apparently had been better at covering his trail this time.

It took Hoss some time to find the right tracks and he was getting more and more frustrated feeling he was letting his brothers and Father down.

By the time Adam and Carlos were back with their horses Hoss had picked up the tracks of the Indian pony and was able to get them headed in the right direction. The Indian was making it hard but Hoss was able to lead them as he carefully read the signs and followed the trail for some time. It was when they came to the creek that they again were in trouble. Getting down from his horse Hoss walked back and forth along the bank being careful where he stepped as he looked for signs. This was the same creek that they had camped at just a few days before and it brought back memories of being cold, wet, an itchy rash and bees, but the young boy also knew it created the perfect cover for the Indian.
“He’s gone into the creek and could’ve left it just bout anywhere.” Hoss sighed. “I can’t even tell if he is headin up stream or down.”


In town Ben looked at the clock in the town hall for the third time in the last fifteen minutes. It was near 3:30 now and he was sure the boys would be wondering why he was late meeting them at Daniel’s after he was so adamant that they be on time. How was he to know that they had so much business to take care of during this meeting? That they had gotten a late start as it was did not help matters. Finally Eli brought the meeting to a close. Ben declined to stay back and chitchat as he wanted to get to the livery and on the way home as soon as possible. It was going to be late as it was and chores were waiting for them all.

As he approached the livery there was no sign of his wagon or his sons in front, but then he figured that they just might be around the back as it would have been closer to the grain storage area that Daniel had there. As he entered the front door he called out... “Daniel, Adam, Hoss?”

“Ben?” Daniel had just finished helping another customer and turned to Ben. “What brings you here? Expecting to see the boys?” The customer left the livery tipping his hat to Ben who returned the gesture as they passed in the doorway. He stood and looked around, as he didn't believe his son’s were not there.

“I was hoping to see you one of these days, that last batch of corn is gone already. Once I managed to sell some, it went fast. Made a good profit out of it too.”

“Daniel, you mean the boys and Carlos haven’t gotten here yet”? His temper and concern were both showing as he took out his watch and looked at it. “They were getting another load for you today and I gave them explicate instructions to meet me here at 3:00pm and no later. They should have had plenty of time to get a load and be here before that. I gave them a thirty-minute grace period in case it was slow going. Its now 3:45 and no sign of them.” Ben stood looking at Daniel “I’m going looking for them, and they had better have a darn good reason for being late!” Ben’s tone was full of concern for his boys. He was pretty sure that the only thing that would keep them late after the warning he gave them was trouble. And he hoped it was not more then the wagon breaking down, or one of the horses came up lame. With that Ben turned and headed to the door to retrieve Buck from in front of the General store and head to the cave. He was hoping and praying that he would meet the boys on the road to town.

“Hold on, Ben.” Daniel was not a man to think long about decisions. “I’ll come with you. We never did find that renegade out there, maybe it’s better to have someone else there with you. You never know.” Not giving Ben a chance to decline the offer he reached for his rifle. “Let me get my horse.”

Ben gave Dan a grateful nod and stocked over to get Buck and tell Ruth he would return for the supplies later. He had counted on the boys to be there with the wagon in order to get them home. Once Daniel joined him the two men headed to the cave on the route that the trio most likely would take to town. Even with watching for signs of trouble along the way Dan and Ben wasted no time in their ride to the cave.

The closer they got to the cave the more their hope of finding the boys unharmed was dwindling. Once they were close Daniel slowed the pace and gave Ben a signal that they needed to proceed from here quietly and with caution just in case there was trouble. No sense in them walking into it. They could be of no help if they were captured, if indeed the Indian had the young men.

With just the abandoned wagon full of corn, the lunch pails lying on the ground and no sign of the three young men at all, it wasn’t hard to figure out that something had transpired. Dan jumped down faster than one would think possible for such a large man and scouted around for tracks.

Ben stayed on Buck for a moment somewhat stunned. He leaned forward resting his hands on the saddle horn and surveyed the sight before him. It may have just been wishful thinking but he tried to dismiss the fears of any possible danger.

“If those three are off having a swim somewhere to clean up or cool off after this work, I’ll have their hides. The other day will be an annoying bee sting compared to what I will do.” Ben started to dismount to have a closer look when Daniel spoke up.

“Hmmm” the massive man scratched his head. “I thought you said it was just Adam, Hoss and Carlos here...”

Ben whirled around. “What are you saying Daniel?” Ben’s heart was now in his throat; any fragment of hope that his first summation was correct was dashed.

Daniel took another look at the tracks he'd found. "Well.. looking at these tracks I'd've thought Joe was here too."

“What the hell are you saying Daniel! Hoss, Adam and Carlos left home this morning before Little Joe. I watched them leave. Joe went fishing riding off in the other direction.” Ben moved to where Daniel was standing. He knelt down beside him and examined the tracks that the big man was looking at. Without looking at Daniel Ben got up again and leant against the wagon, "They are Joe’s tracks. I can tell by the nick out of the boot's left heel."

Daniel too got to his feet, feeling the need to reassure his friend. "Well, maybe he did go fishing..." But he knew they both realized that it wasn't likely. Suddenly he noticed something sticking out from behind Ben's back. "What's that you're leaning against, Ben? Move out of the way."

Ben stood back up straight and turned around grabbing at the object that Dan was pointing at. He opened it and started to read. His first thought was of fear for his sons and Carlos, the next was of anger that they would go off on their own trying to rescue Joe without sending word to him. And just what was Joe doing here in the first place. He roughly handed the note to Daniel with a huge sign as he headed to Buck. “ We have to pick up the trail."

Daniel glanced at the note and nodded. "Guess we do...shouldn't be too difficult." Holding the reins he walked around a bit and at the edge of the clearing he stopped. "Well...I reckon I know who's holding your boy hostage...these are Indian tracks. There's a fourth man... wearing moccasins and I'm willing to bet it's that same Indian I shot at the other day here..you can see he's hurting."

As Ben mounted the contents of the hastily written note turned over and over in his head until he was speaking out loud, anger, frustration and worry evident. “My sons are out hunting a murdering Indian after non existent gold, Little Joe a hostage, a little trouble he says, Don’t worry he tells me.. Well I tell you this Daniel when I get my hands on those four……….Lets ride."


Adam, Hoss and Carlos had dismounted and began looking around the creek banks for any sign as to which way the Indian had gone with Joe. Frustrated and worried Adam made his way back to where Hoss and Carlos stood talking. As he did he tried to think things out, he was almost to them when it hit him. “Hoss didn’t that Paiute say that we had to have the gold to him by the time the moon was high?”

Hoss thought for a second. “He said we had to have the gold to him when the moon was in the sky...” He looked at his older brother. “We ain’t got much time, bro. We don’t have gold, so all we can do is to try and get Joe...I can’t think of anythin we could give him that would trick him into lettin Joe go.” He sighed deeply. “Maybe we should’ve gone back to town after all, to get Pa. At least Pa could have brought money.” But there was no use thinking like that and he knew it. The only thing they could do now was to try and find their brother
Adam placed a hand on his Hoss' shoulder, he knew the younger boy was getting anxious over the fact they could not find the trail again and he was shouldering the blunt of the guilt, feeling as the better tracker he should have found them by now. " Hoss, think about it......we are moving away from the cave, if we have to have the gold to him when the moon is up, he has to be at the cave the same as we do........ he is heading back...downstream. Let's mount up and ride the creek and we should be able to see where he came out. But in the long run it may not matter. We have to get back to the cave. He will be there.”

Carlos kicked the dirt in a fit of temper as he listened to Adam. " Why did I not think of that hours ago? Of course we have to be at the cave. We could have stayed there and set an ambush for him. De toda la presa engañan cosas de hacer. Yo podría haberlos matado”.

Hoss didn’t even say a word; his face betrayed all his feelings.

The trio was soon mounted and riding the creek bed looking for signs. They figured they still needed to know just where he came out to be sure their assumption was right. They had been riding carefully and watching for about 10 minutes when Adam was startled out of his thoughts of how to rescue Joe once they found him. He too was now having regrets of not going for help.

“Over here!” Hoss put his hand over his mouth and stood in silence for a few moments hoping the trees and bushes had not carried his voice far enough for the renegade to hear him. He motioned with his hand and as Carlos and Adam joined him he pointed at tracks leading away from the creek. “It’s them.”

“You were right my friend, he had doubled back and is heading to the cave again.” Carlos looked at the two boys with him. Hoss was like an open book to read, he was scared and worried and for one of the first times since he knew Adam he could see the same worry on the young man's face. “Do not worry Adam, Hoss, we will get Little Joseph back unharmed.” But the two Cartwright’s weren’t reassured by his words. They wouldn’t be able to relax until they had their little brother safely out of the renegade’s hands.

The three left the creek bed, cautiously following the trail. If the Indian had figured he was being followed who knows what awaited them ahead. Having led them around quite a bit at first after leaving the cave-site the Indian now clearly had taken she shortest route straight back to the cave at leaving the creek and it didn’t take the three of them long to get back to the cave. The nearer they got the quieter and slower they rode, not wanting to startle the Indian and reproaching themselves for not having stayed put and set up a trap. Ahead of them they could hear voices and as Adam placed his finger against his lips they all dismounted silently and crept as close as they dared to get a good look.

“My Pa will hunt you and track you down..and he’ll kill ya!” There was no mistake as to who that voice belonged to. Joe clearly wasn’t planning on playing a good little hostage. Hoss couldn’t help a grin, even if he knew it wasn’t very wise to rile the renegade, at least Joe was still as feisty as he always was and in his books that was a good sign. The renegade hadn’t hurt him.
He looked to the other two, knowing that barging in on the renegade wouldn’t be the best of ideas. “Can we trick him?” He mouthed, wondering if there was a possibility of getting that guy to leave Joe for a few minutes to check things out. “A decoy?”

Carlos signaled for Hoss and Adam to follow him away just a bit so they could lay out a plan without fear of being heard or seen. The three friends were unaware that help was just a few minutes away.


Meanwhile as Dan and Ben followed the trail of both the boys and the Indian, they came to a spot in the trail where things appear to go all over. After dismounting and getting a closer look they came to the conclusion that all those they were following were headed back in the direction they had just come from. Since they had not passed them they looked a bit more and found where they had split from the main trail. “Dan, I’m not sure what kind of game they are all playing but I just know we have to make up some time. These tracks don’t appear to be too old to me, maybe 10 – 15 minutes. My guess is for some reason that Indian is leading them on a merry chase and heading back to the cave. We need to get there and fast.”

The two men mounted and wasted no time in getting back. Once they were within a good walking distance they tied their horses and silently made their way forward. Within minutes they could hear whispered voices.

“Why don’t I go around and make a noise attractin that Indian’s attention so he comes lookin for me...you two can then free Joe.” To Hoss it sounded perfectly logical.

Daniel softly groaned and nodded at Ben and then in the direction of the boys. “They need our help.” He said almost without sound. His mind was doing overtime, figuring out the situation they were in.

Ben listened to the boys talk his jaw set tight and his eyes darkening with each word they said. They were going to get themselves and Little Joe killed. Shaking his head he was sure that Dan could read his mind. “Lets get to them before they do anything foolish. I think it best if we go up to them on the east side, away from the cave just in case.” With that the two men carefully approached the small huddled group.

“I don’t know about that Hoss, maybe I should be the one to act as a decoy, I’m not as big a target as you and also would be able to get through those bushes better with him after me. You can grab Joe and Carlos can stand ready with his gun.”

Hoss nodded. "Okay, as long as we get Joe outta there." He got up on his feet to get a look at Joe and the Indian. "He's not holdin Joe right now….so you go on, Adam…and Carlos and I will be ready." Just as he was back on the ground again he felt a hand on his shoulder. He managed not to say anything out loud, but did turn around, only to feel his eyes pop out of his head. "Pa…."

Ben held his fingers to his lips and glared first at Hoss then Carlos and Adam. Adam had snapped his head around and looked at Pa the second that one word was out of Hoss’s mouth. He did not like the look on his fathers face nor the depth of the dark eyes glaring at him. He was not sure if that look was meant for them or the situation they were all in. The young man had the feeling that it was both. Giving a nod of his head Ben indicated to them that he wanted them to follow him. Daniel had been standing ready just in case they all were heard.

Once they were all safely out of earshot of the Indian Ben stood in silence looking at the trio in front of him….He was not sure if he should kill them or let the Indian have them.

After his initial shock Hoss gulped a little at the sight of his father now, but he motioned over to where the Indian and Joe were with his head. "How're we gonna get Joe free? The Indian wants the gold he thinks is in there, but there ain't no gold, Pa. We have to give him gold before the moon is up…we was thinkin Adam could be a decoy and me and Carlos could get Joe out…"

"and git yerself killed while you're at it." Dan almost snorted.

At this point I really didn’t know what to think. I had to get Joe but there was no way I wanted to risk the lives of my other two son’s also. I paced back and forth between Dan and the boys trying to think things out. I know my agitation showed in my stride but I was beside my self with worry and also some anger towards these four, there young lives held in my hands. To let Hoss and Adam come along with us on the rescue meant I was putting two of my sons' lives at risk to save one. If I didn’t let them help was I putting my youngest son‘s life in more danger? Could Dan and I pull this off ourselves? We were running out of time, the sun was already setting and the moon would be at it’s highest before long. It was too late for wishful thinking, but I could not help but wonder if at least one of them had rode for me hours ago we could have come up with a good and safe plan. Now we were under the gun and had to act fast. It was Carlos’s voice that got my attention and brought my pacing to a halt.

“Ben, you, I and Dan can handle the rescue. Adam and Hoss can wait here with the horses”.

“No way Carlos! That is my little brother in there and I am going to help get him out.” Adam wanted to help, the determination showed in his voice even if they had to speak in hushed whispers. Hoss didn’t trust his voice, looking at the setting sun he was starting to get more than a little worried. Time was running out on them. “Pa...let us help..please..”

“No Adam, Hoss. You two will stay here and wait.” The low even tone in their fathers voice said he would not discuss it any further. “Dan what is your plan? You have more experience with the Paiutes then I do.”

Dan placed his hand on Ben’s shoulder. “We’ll get him out, Ben, don’t worry. I think your boys had the right idea...we need to lure that Indian away from Joe.” He looked from Ben to the boys and back to Ben. “I know you don’t want to put your other boys at more risk, but I think Adam would be the quickest of us..with Carlos. If those two go around and make him think there’s something over there...he just might leave Joe long enough for us to free him.”

Hoss just looked pitifully at his father, wanting to help too.

One look at Hoss and Adam knew that the boy was feeling bad at the idea of being left out of the rescue of their brother. “Pa I hate to disagree with you and Mr. Lawson, but well I think it best if maybe it was us that side tracked him. I was thinking now that you two are here, well, the three of us walk in to the camp…that is what he is expecting…..maybe we can take all our saddle bags and make it look like we have the gold he wants so bad. We will have to get him so his back is to Joe and then when we toss him the bags all at once that should get his guard down a bit,,,,,,,you and Mr. Lawson could rush him from behind. He won’t expect us to have help. He will be concentrating on the three of us. Even if one of you rushed him and the other went to Joe, we could help with the Indian. He’s hurt it shouldn’t take much and we have him well out numbered.”

Ben’s eyes told the whole story as he looked at his son. It was a good plan. But it still put all his son’s at risk. He turned to his friend, a man he trusted with his very life and that of his son’s and Carlos’s in this case. The look on his face asking Dan the unspoken question,,,,,,would it work.
Hoss didn’t need much time to decide his brother was a genius and he was about to slap him on the back when he caught Pa’s look at Big Dan. All eyes were now on Dan as the big man took his time thinking this through. He thought it was pretty brilliant, but he had dealt with more dangerous situations in his days in these parts and had learned always to think a plan through, make sure you thought of all the risks involved.

Finally he nodded, a smile on his face. “Ben, you have a smart son...it’s the only plan with more than a chance of success, mainly because it’s the only thing that really does give us the element of surprise. The Indian expects the three of them, because he’s convinced they had the gold and he won’t know we’re here. Even if he’s cautious, throwing the saddlebags at him will at least unbalance and distract him long enough for us to get to Joe.” He didn’t say out loud it would also give Carlos the chance to pull his gun or jump the Indian, his look at the young man told him all he needed to know. Carlos would be ready for anything he had to do, whether or not it involved killing the renagade.

Carlos gave the big man the slightest of nods to let him know he got the message before he spoke. “I too think it is the best plan. If we just try and lure him away he may not fall for it seeing only one of us and knowing the others are near. This is the only plan. We will make it work Ben.”

Ben gave a deep sigh, in the long run he had to agree putting these three right in the thick of it was the best way. The Indian was waiting for them and in all likelihood would not have fallen for being lured away. He knew when he heard Hoss talking about it the first time it never would work. “Ok, but you three be on your toes and don’t take any more foolish chances.” With that he embraced each of them giving a light slap of encouragement on the back. “ Be safe”

Carlos turned giving Adam a look of confidence as he tapped the boy with his gloves on the arm and nodded to Hoss. “We had best get our horses and circle around and come in from the west, as if we came from the ranch, that way his back should be to Joe. He has the boy tied up by the wagon over here and that takes him away from the boy.”

The three headed to their horses to get into position. After they had mounted and were on the way Ben stood motionless for a moment then went and got his rifle from this horse.
“Dan I think it best if while the boys are getting into position you and I do the same. I will get down and under the wagon, get Joe’s attention when the boys ride in and get him untied. When they toss those bags you be ready to jump out and grab Joe and get him the hell out of there. I’ll have my rifle at the ready from my position….I won’t be an easy target on my belly under the wagon.”

Dan just nodded. “Let’s get to it.” He too got his rifle, the two friends silently getting into position like the trio. Ben crawled under the wagon on his stomach, Big Dan hide as close to Joe as he dared to avoid the risk being detected.

The boys had their saddlebags filled with everything they could find in order to make them appear as heavy as possible without over doing it. With one last look at each other and a silent prayer they threw them over their shoulders before stepping out into the clearing. All three were slightly nervous, but they knew that would not raise any suspicion, anyone would be nervous under these circumstances.

The second the renegade Indian saw them he got to his feet, moving only a couple of feet from Joe. “White men got gold?”

Carlos held his saddlebag draped over his right hand and arm with his pistol under it at the ready. He nodded to the Indian. “It is all here. Now let the boy go”
They all knew they had to keep up the pretense as long as possible without rising the Indians suspicions in order for Pa and Daniel to get into position. They also needed some space between Joe and the Indian.

Ben was now right behind Joe and gave the boy a little nudge as he whispered while the boys were talking….”Joe it’s pa.” Joe managed not to turn his head, but he felt his heart starting to race. “ Just be still and don’t turn around. I am going to untie you. When the saddlebags hit that man you be ready for Mr. Larson to get you out of here.”

Joe gave a slight nod with his head when the Indian was facing his brothers and Carlos. He was ready, more than ready.

The renegade seemed unsure what to do. “I give you boy and white men keep gold...you give me gold first.”

Hoss scratched his head. “And then you’ll let our little brother go?” from the corner of his eyes, using one of Adam’s techniques of making it look like he was looking at the person he was talking to, he could just see Pa starting to untie Joe and knew that any second now they could throw the saddle bags.

“I let boy go...boy no use to me.” Feeling sure of himself with the boy tied up, the Indian took a few more steps forward at the same time still keeping what he thought was a safe distance from the three young men in front of him, his weapon pointed at them. He figured if they tried to shoot him he would at least be able to take one down with him.

Adam was making no pretense as to where he was looking letting the Indian know he was checking out his brother to make sure he was unharmed. By doing this he could see Pa and would know just when to toss the bags. They had decided between them when Adam spoke to the Indian and made the gesture first to toss his bag then the other two would follow suit. “Our brother had better not be hurt”! With that Adam reached for his bag and could see Hoss and Carlos doing the same thing. They didn’t give the Indian a chance to say anything. All three took aim and hit him at the same time with three heavy bags. The second his saddlebag was out of his hand Carlos raised his gun ready to shoot if necessary.

Before the saddlebags hit the Indian, Dan was already moving. Knowing what was going to happen gave him the advantage he needed and he'd been looking for the sign to get into action. Joe had no idea what to expect, but he could see the saddlebags fly through the air and scrambled to his feet, right into Big Dan's arms and was quickly carried to safety.

The entire thing hadn't taken more than 10 seconds. The renegade never even had the chance to do get a shot off. By the time he'd realized what was going on the bags already hit him and he was on the ground. The bags were heavy, partially filled with rocks and they knocked him out cold.

He never heard the young boy he'd kidnapped run to his father calling out "PA!!!!!" as he jumped into the waiting man's arms. Despite his bravado, the little boy in Joe had been scared and didn't feel safe until he felt his father's arms around him.

Ben caught Joe with ease and hugged him to his chest. “ Joseph, Joseph, thank God you are ok.” It took all that he had in him to keep the tears that were forming in his eyes from spilling.

Adam and Hoss rushed forward to stand beside Joe and his father, leaving Carlos and Dan to tie up the Indian.

“Hey little brother, glad to see you in one piece.” Adam ruffed the boys hair even knowing how Joe hated it.

"Yeah, buddy…" Hoss had never been this relieved in his entire life. "I never saw anything scarier than that Indian holdin his knife to your throat."

Joe managed a grin. "I never felt anything scarier." For the first time in hours Joe started to feel safe and continued to hold onto his father wanting and needing the security of the man’s strong arms around him. . "Are we gonna bring him to the sheriff, Pa?"

Ben’s heart skipped a beat when he heard the mention of a knife at his son’s throat. “Yes son, we will take him to town and let the district judge deal with him when he comes to town.” Ben too still clung to Joe not letting the boy down.

“Hoss, Adam how about you two boys get the team hitched back up. I want to get on the road to town and home as soon as possible. It’s late and Hop Sing is going to be worried.”

"Yes, sir!" Hoss jumped to it. As he got the horses he felt his stomach rumble. "We never even had lunch…." He grinned at Joe. "But you had your adventure." Joe wasn't so sure he still thought the same about adventures. Right now chores sounded a lot nicer.

Hoss’s words hit Ben’s ears and he slowly put Little Joe down. Bending at the waist and placing one large hand on each of Little Joe’s shoulder Ben gave his head a slight shake of disbelieve in all that just happened. Still reeling from the events and thinking of what could have been he looked a Joe, his voice full of concern. “Son just what were you doing here? Your brothers and Carlos left to come here and you fishing? How did you end up here?” So much had been going through Ben’s mind. He had wondered if the Indian had saw Joe fishing and realizing who he was had taken him hostage and brought him here to hold until the boys got the gold he thought there was.

Joe looked down at the ground, studying his feet. He wished Pa was still holding him instead of talking in this worried, puzzled tone. Heck, he'd rather be yelled at. Not sure what to say he shrugged and then realized that wasn't very respectful. "I followed them…I wanted to know what the cave was about….they always have adventures without me…" But it didn't sound like a very good reason to him now. "I'm sorry, Pa."

Standing just a few feet away Adam felt for his little brother. There was no way they could cover for him now. He joined Hoss, who felt more than a little sorry for his brother, in hitching up the team while Carlos and Big Dan, tied up Indian and carried their captive to the wagon, putting him between baskets of corn.

After securing the Indian on the wagon Dan turned to Ben. "Maybe it's best to leave any discussions for home….Too bad we ain't got another horse or you could just go on home and let me take the corn and this renegade to town. Anyway…are you ready to leave?"

Ben looked up at Dan but said nothing for a moment. “Don’t worry Dan I have no plans of discussing things here.” Ben's worry now replaced with anger. “Why don’t you take the wagon on in to town? Leave the corn on and the boys can unload it in the morning, as I will need it to bring home the supplies I ordered. If you don’t mind, Hoss can ride your mount, Adam can take Paint and Joe can double with me.” His tone having an edge to it now that the trouble was over and he knew his sons and Carlos were safe.

That edge didn't go unnoticed and the boys exchanged a few looks while Dan scratched his head once more. "Sure…you can bring Blackie, back tomorrow when you come in..or the boys…" He nodded at his friend. "Take care, Ben." Before climbing onto the wagon he gave one more look at the boys, a mixture of pity and some anger also showing on his face. After all, Dan had worried along with Ben, gave up half his day to search for them….he had every right to be upset he figured and made sure his look conveyed that.
Stowing his gun, he climbed on the wagon and with a quick “Walk on” was on his way to town.

As they went to mount Adam whispered to Carlos and Hoss. “Don’t know why Dan gave us such a look. It wasn’t us that lied to Pa, went off where we were not supposed to be and got ourselves kidnapped. Boy I sure am glad that I am not Little Joe right now. Pa is not happy either”.

Hoss just shrugged. He watched Dan ride off and then glanced at Joe. The boy sure looked unhappy and he couldn't blame him. Maybe Adam could soften Pa up for the little guy.

Ben never said much more, just got up on Buck and reached his hand out to Joe so he could pull him up. Once that was done he turned the horse toward home and gave him his head. “ Come on boys, it’s a long ride in the dark and I’m sure Hop Sing is beside himself with worry.”

"Coming Pa."

Ben was right; it was a long ride, in the dark, and not very comfortable for the two oldest Cartwright sons. Despite the fact it had been near a week since the encounter with their Pa in the barn, hours in the saddle were starting to take their toll on them and they were glad to reach the yard. Joe by then had long since leaned back against his father, glad he didn't have to ride and he was half dozing.

Finally arriving in the yard guided by the light of the full moon, Ben helped Joe down and then dismounted himself. “Will you three look after the horses? I think I need to get this young man, something to eat and then off to bed.”

"Sure, Pa, doncha worry none." Hoss eagerly jumped down.

Joe was barely able to say or do anything at all and just let his father carry him inside while his older brothers and Carlos led the horses into the barn. Hoss looked over his shoulder before softly saying to Adam.

"Hey, Adam..ya think we're in trouble too?" He was sick at the thought. "I mean…Pa looked mighty upset.."

“ I would call that an understatement brother. When we first met up with Pa I would have said no since he never even so much as brought up the subject of us going after Joe on our own. But when he threshed our note into my hands just after we left the cave and his silence on the way home spoke volumes to me. We are in this about as deep as Joe is I think.”

Hoss let out a deep sigh, "Damn, I was afraid of that…." Letting out another deep sigh he walked Dan's horse to one of the stalls.

Following the two brothers into the barn Carlos pulled out the cross he worn around his neck, blessed himself with it and looked to the heavens before returning it to it place next to his heart. He was beginning to wonder how he ever got mixed up with this family in the first place. He was safer in the Mexican war. At the same time he knew he would never have it any other way now. This family was part of him.

Inside Ben tried to get Joe to eat something but with little success as the boy was falling asleep at the table. He took him to the bunkroom, washed his face and hands and after helping him into his nightshirt he tucked him in. “You get a good rest tonight son and we will talk about today’s adventure tomorrow.”.

Joe didn't even hear his father, he was off to dreamland already, although his dreams weren't about finding treasures like he'd hoped.


I couldn’t believe that it was as warm a night, as it was for this late in the summer. I guess more early fall but it sure felt like a mid summers evening. Here I was sitting on my front porch without the need for a coat listening to the gentle chirp of the crickets, and every so often the snort of one on the horses in the corral. Even the sound of a coyote howling in the distance at the moon was soothing to me tonight as I enjoyed my pipe and indulged in a glass of brandy. I knew my family was safe. What started out yesterday as a simple chore to fulfill a promise could have ended so very very different. All Carlos, Adam, and Hoss had to do was go and get the corn for Daniel and met me. Joseph just had to do as he had permission to do and go fishing. Did that trio obey me when I said at the first sign of trouble to leave….did Joseph do as he was told. The simple answer, NO, on all accounts. As I pointed out this morning during or discussion, they should have left when their brother showed up at the cave and brought him home. There would have been other days to get the corn to Daniel. No amount of argument from any of them would change my stand on that. Nor could they change my mind when I added that once Joe was taken hostage at least one of them should have come for me right away. No question about that and the other two should have stayed where they were and waited. What those three should not have done was to take matters into their own hands and gone after the renegade. There was no telling what could have happened. And Joseph, I should have known better then to think he was going to give in so easily about going with the boys. I think the lecture I delivered after breakfast on where all the wrongs lay will burn their ears for sometime. I had to suppress a chuckle watching Joseph’s mouth drop open and almost swallow the large fly buzzing around the barn when I announced that he would be joining his brothers on restriction for the next month. For that matter Hoss and Adam were not far behind when the meaning of my words hit their ears. Their month was starting fresh which left them confined to the ranch for five weeks. The place should well be ready for winter in that time. Why I bet we will have more then enough wood to get us through the worst weather for the winter and well into spring. Not that my boys would want to leave the ranch the next few days. Adam and Hoss now know what I meant when I said the tanning they received less then a week ago would be like a mere bee sting or walk in the park. As to Joseph he knew from the moment he stepped out of the bunkroom this morning what lay ahead for him. It was the look on my oldest boys face as I walked into the barn with my belt in my hand this morning that amused me the most. Or perhaps it was the look on Carlos face.

I listened as the whispered voices from the bunkroom filtered out to me. I suppose I should call out and remind them all that they were sent to their room at this time of night for a reason and hushed whispers was not one of them. But I could not hide the smile as I heard them discussing the events of the last 24 hours and who was more to blame and I had to admit the one thing said over all else that put a big grin on my face was when I heard the hushed voice of my oldest complaining about the two tannin’s he received in the last week. Although he accepted them both, I think it was more because he knew that his brothers were still very much of an age to receive one and in fairness to them he accepted his fate. Some people may disagree with me even in Hoss’s case thinking he was now too old. Many times I think people look at Hoss’s size and forget that he just turned 17. Not all boy but not a man either. In these cases disobedient boys showed through and since they are my sons living in my home under my rules they will accept my consequences. I will admit that with Adam 21 I did fine it very hard both times to punish him in this matter but I only felt it fair as without question a tanning was the punishment his brothers were receiving for again putting their lives and others in danger with actions and disobedience.

The squeaking of the bunkroom door made me cringe some as I wondered which of my son’s dared to leave the bunkroom they were confined to for the night. Once I heard the distinct footsteps crossing from the room to the front door I relaxed some and when the door opened and Carlos stepped outside I reached for my glass and took a drink but not before I lifted the glass to him in a gesture to offer him a glass of his own. The only reply I got was him shaking his head no. He stepped to the railing resting his outstretched arms on them, as he looked at the shimmering full moon his back to me. I had known all day that he was feeling uneasy around me. I waited patiently as he put his thoughts together before he spoke to me. When I entered that barn this morning, my belt in my hand I saw the look on his face.

“Ben,” His back was still to me and he spoke in that soft manner that he has when he is not sure of what he wants to say, I never said a word as I know he was not looking for me to reply. “Ben, I have been listening to the boys in there and well, you have punished Hoss and Adam now twice with your belt and now Little Joseph. They are also restricted to the ranch with extra chores. I know that is past few days you have given me many of the worst jobs you could think of and me putting in long hard hours as your way to let me know that I was not in your good books either. But today when you walked into that barn the belt dangling from your hand and the look you gave each of us I was sure that I too was in for a taste of it. I will tell you that lecture you gave reviled any my dear Papa ever delivered to me. I did not think you could ever outdo the other day, but you did. When you told me I could leave, as you had to deal with the boys I was so relieved in a way. I am too old for such things. But now listening to the boys in there and thinking over all that we had done…. and yes I was as much to blame as they if not more so part of me thinks that perhaps I had it coming even more. I am not even sure that I would have fought you on the issue.”

By now he had turned and was facing me and I could see the guilt written all over his face. He felt he let me down again and also from his words he was feeling guilty that he escaped punishment for doing the same things as my sons.

“Carlos, don’t think that I was not tempted, very tempted to take my belt to you also. And you can rest assured it was not because I don’t think of you as a member of this family, because I do, we all do. What I had to take into account is that you are that few years older then Adam and with being on your own for sometime and all,,,,,,,,you are more of a man then he is at this point. And believe me when I say this time I was not as angry or disappointed in you as I was the first. After hearing the whole story I think you did the only thing you could after Joseph was taken hostage. I know my two older son’s and one was not leaving without the other to come for me, their first thought was to look out for Joe and to them that meant going after them. You my friend had little choice but to go with them and watch their backs. That is short of hog tying them and leading them back to town draped over their saddles. They had it in their heads to rescues Joe and I would say I was about the only one that could have stopped them and even then if I had been there I am not so sure that if I had taken off after Joe ordering them to stay put that they would have obeyed me, and would still have been in the position they find themselves now. You are not without some fault in all of this as when Joe first showed up you being the one in charge should have packed it in for the day and come home, knowing it too dangerous to send him on his own in case that renegade was about anywhere."

Carlos hung his head some in relief in hearing that his good friend, no the man that he thought very much of as an older brother was not as disappointed in him as he thought, but yet guilt still haunted him that those three boys in there were lying on their stomachs while he stood here talking to their father.

I had to hide a smile when Carlos turned and finally faced me and he looked toward the bunkroom window another look on his face. . I think as much as anything he was still feeling guilty that he had not been on the receiving end of my belt. And a good part of that feeling had come from the conversation that had filter out to me through the open window. The boys had said how lucky he was to escape it, Adam had even added he didn’t know why Carlos escaped it when he was only a few years older them him and had did the same thing wrong. .

“Carlos do you have any idea how hard it was for me both today and last week to punish Adam as I did, taking my belt to him? Believe me I didn’t enjoy it; I didn’t do it to be some mean overbearing ruler of the family. In many ways I felt I had no choice.
If Adam had done any of these things on his own over the last few days I would still have been very angry, I would have given him the lecture and even the extra chores. What I would not have done is punish him as a boy.”

Carlos stood looking puzzled at Ben as he spoke. “But yet you did do just that my friend”

“Yes I did, both in fairness to his younger brothers as Hoss was not escaping the punishment the other day, nor today and neither was Joseph, and also to send those two a message. Little Joe and Erik had to know that they could not disobey me, or lie and not face the consequences they have come to expect for such misdeeds, just because their 21 year old brother was involved. I felt not to punish them all equally was to tell Hoss and Joe you can do those things as long as Adam in involved with you as he is too old for a tanning and since I won’t give him one I won’t you. One may say that I could have forgone the tannin’s all around but I couldn’t do that…..I wouldn’t do that.”
I could still see a little bit of the feeling of quilt on Carlos’s face as he nodded acknowledging he understood what I was trying to say. Something that I knew was often true with my sons crossed my mind as I watched my friend. Sometimes the only thing that relieves a person’s quilt is facing the consequences and getting the forgiveness
they need.

Placing my drink on the little table beside my chair I stood and reached for my belt bucket with a glint of mischief in my eyes that I don’t think Carlos could see in the shadows of the porch even with a full moon.

“I can still obliged you if that is what you want Carlos, and I will then have nothing to feel bad about as I will only being doing as you wish.”

I sat back down after I heard the bunkroom door close again as Carlos retired for the night mumbling something about not feeling that bad for the boys and he knew he was also in for a gurgling month and needed his sleep.

Yes, I could finally relax as the soft sounds of the night soothed my weary body and the silence from the house told me four of those inside were now asleep. Within a few more minutes the rhythm of Hoss’s snoring told me he too was dreaming of anything but corn, maidens, Indians and Lost Treasures.

The End