Joe and Nita
By Lyn Robinson


Nita and Joe were busy with the preparations for their wedding and slowly everything moved forward, well practiced now in what was required. Nita still wasn’t sure if any of her family were coming to the wedding. Her father had acknowledged Ben’s invitation and presumably he would appear but none of the rest of her family had bothered to reply to her telegrams after her brother’s first insulting reply. Nita was cross, however they looked at it Joe was a desirable husband; rich powerful and personable and she didn’t like the implied insult to everything to be perfect. Carole had finally settled on a design for her dress to do justice to both Nits and the material and they were completing the sewing. As she sat by the fire sewing the beautiful lace Nita confessed her worries to Carole. Carole asked if she had talked it over with Joe but Nita shook her head “I don’t want to worry him.”
“Adam was badly hurt before our marriage and for a while he kept me at arm’s length, not wanting to worry me. Finally his father pointed out that I had the right to see the bad as well as the good, that’s what marriage is. It was a relief to both of us when Adam turned to me and he began to recover much faster. I’ll bet Joe is only worried in case you’re upset. The more you don’t talk about it the bigger it looms.”
That made sense to Nita and after five minutes thought she looked up “Thanks Carole I’ll take your advice.” She had her opportunity that night as Joe took her out for a ride. He felt as if he had been neglecting her with all the trouble, not that he’d had any choice, but now he could devote his time to her. There was very little to do around the ranch even with Adam ill and Hoss on his honeymoon and excused chores. Joe took her up by the Lake and she stood looking around at the mountains covered in snow, bright in the moonlight. She had been up there often since that first time but somehow instead of getting used to the magnificent scenery, she found it more awesome every time. Impossible to believe that she would become part of it, her children would own this land. She tried to tell Joe how she felt but it was difficult to find the words. Joe could understand and he put his arm round her, “Do you know what Hoss said about this place? We were on the other side of the Lake and you get a marvellous view of this point. He said that the pines here were so straight and tall he always felt as though it was easier to talk to God here, they were like a direct link to heaven, made it that much closer. Guess that sums up all our feelings, I’ve known it all my life but I’ve never lost my sense of awe and I wouldn’t want to.”
Nita snuggled closer to him “Joe are you worried that we haven’t heard from my family?”
“Frankly I’ve had other things to worry about.” Joe said lightly and then seeing how serious she looked he kissed her, “Okay in a way I am worried. I just want everything to be perfect for you on Saturday. You only get one wedding day, I hope!”
Nita smiled “So do I, but I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion that you and your family are indestructible.”
“I’ve wondered at times, we have more than our share of luck.”
“You earn it. I’m furious with my family. I make the sort of marriage they’ve always urged on me and they start objecting just because you live in Nevada. I won’t have them insulting you.”
Joe laughed “My skin is tough, I shouldn’t worry. Anyway you’ve done it all wrong. You’re marrying me for the wrong reasons, you love me. Unfair to have so much, they’re jealous.”
Nita laughed “They should be! “ She sighed heavily “I really don’t know why my father dislikes you so much. Marriage between two of the richest most powerful families in the west. It’s what he always approves.”
“Ah but the fathers in such dynastic marriages usually reckon to get advantages from them. My father couldn’t care less but maybe that’s what’s getting up your father’s nose. I’m not exactly biddable and he must know how we work, everything has to be a majority decision ad my wife’s relatives would only be one very small factor.”
Nita considered that, Joe was right about one thing, all the rich young men that her father had shoved at her had been weaklings under their father’s thumb and likely to be under a father-in-law’s too if the right pressure was applied, as her eldest sister’s husband was. Joe didn’t fit into that category and grinning delightedly she pronounced that far from being an insult, her family’s opposition was in a warped way, a compliment. Joe smiled at her delight but he was utterly confused and it took her quite a while to explain the convoluted reasoning. Lazing back in his arms she commented “Carole was right, she said I’d feel better if we talked it over.” She went on to explain what else Carole had said and asked “How was Adam hurt?”
Joe stared out over the Lake in silence for a moment, deep in the past, remembering his brother riding out to try and buy Carole’s life, tricked by a forged note. He had watched Adam go not knowing if he would ever see him alive again. He remembered the fight to save Adam’s belongings from the blazing room as though somehow it would ensure his brother’s survival. Weak himself he had missed the worst anxiety but it had been a long painful fight back to health for his eldest brother. Joe’s face was very expressive and Nita gripped his arm “I’m sorry Joe I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“Its okay all ended well. Indestructible, that certainly applies to my eldest brother,” Slowly Joe told her just a little about the fight with Addison and the bad injury Adam had sustained. He finished up “Adam won’t ever admit it but that wound still troubles him at times. It’s why he avoids going in a wagon whenever he can; I think he still gets backache from it.”
Nita was surprised again by this remarkable family that she was about to join. She looked at Joe “Have you ever taken a bullet that serious?”
“I’ve been close to death on occasion, last time just before I first met you last autumn. I got caught in a landslide way out on the far side of the Lake, damaged something inside, I don’t remember much but I was in luck. Adam and Hoss were both with me and somehow they nursed me through it. I know Doc was surprised that I’d survived. I’ve been shot and beaten but so far, thank God, there’s nothing that still troubles me. You get a healthy husband whatever else you get.” Then as it was cold and the conversation getting decidedly morbid, he pulled her to her feet, gave her a hug and then suggested that they go for a ride before heading back.
Sue and Hoss were revelling in just being together, riding out when the weather permitted or else sitting by the fire planning the future, learning more about each other, not really surprised to find how alike they thought about things. Not wanting any more than they had, one day maybe they’d go for a trip but Sue had travelled for years, never having a real home, and Hoss had never really wanted to. He’d never seen anything more beautiful than his own land and despite the distances his brother had travelled Adam had only found peace right here, so why go looking.
Two days later Joe went over after lunch, wanting to get Adam’s advice on a minor point of the arrangements. Adam wasn’t in evidence and after kissing Nita he went into the study but it was empty. He knew that Edwin and Jim had gone into town early to arrange for their opening but Hoss had taken them in. Puzzled he found Carole in the kitchen “Where’s Adam?”
“He went up to lay down for a couple of hours.”
Joe frowned, anxiety flaring up obviously in his eyes, “Is he alright? Those wounds are they healing? He said he was fine.”
Carole smiled “Relax Joe, he went very much under protest, just to please me, After all if we are staying for a celebration meal with Edwin after the show we won’t be back until around 2 am. And anyway Edwin is doing Hamlet and you know that pair on that particular play.”
Joe giggled, “They’ve been arguing about it for over fifteen years, you’d have thought they’d said all that could be said!”
Carole shrugged “They enjoy it. Is Hoss coming back before the show?”
“Yeah, how do you want to arrange the buggies?”
”Adam doesn’t want to drive, he’s riding. Asked Pa to take me, Meg and Laura, so that leaves Nita, Hoss and Sue to go with you. Works out well.”
Suddenly serious Joe asked, “Do you want me to ride too, just in case?”
“No need. He’s a lot fitter and anyway Jess and José are both coming tonight too.”
As they all headed out late in the afternoon, Joe, Nita and Sue were waiting for Hoss, who was just giving his brother a hand to mount. Nita frowned “He does avoid driving doesn’t he?”
Sue twisted round to look, “Bound to pull on that back wound with the jolting.”
“He does anyway.” Joe commented “Too many back injuries over the years.”
Sue nodded “I’ve seen the scars. An impressive collection, I thought Hoss had enough but Adam…”
“He has a tendency to get into trouble; luckily he’s adept at getting out of it too. We’ve all got scars but we’re alive and well. The funny thing is sometimes it’s the most minor thing which proves the most dangerous. I think the closest we came to losing Hoss, despite bullets in the chest, arrows in the back and everything else, was a grazed hand. He got blood poisoning and did nothing about it for far too long. The Doc wanted to amputate and Hoss wouldn’t let him. We finally drained the poison out but the fever came within a whisker of killing him.”
Hoss joined then and caught the end of that, “Long time ago Little Joe. Come on we’re going to town to enjoy ourselves, so stop telling them horror stories.”
Adam survived the ride to town reasonably well and after a large brandy was recovered enough to push off all his friends' worries about how fit he was. They were used to his recuperative powers and Adam led the way down to the theatre before abandoning the rest to go back stage to see how Edwin was getting on. It was muted chaos and he sat down on a packing case out of the way. One young man seemed more help to Jim than all the others put together as they finished the last minute chores and as Edwin finished his make up Adam asked, “Who’s the boy with Jim?”
“David Belasco, local actor, doing some big parts but he’ll make a good manager, adequate actor but excellent at organizing. He’s looking curiously at you. I’ll introduce you.” Edwin went ahead and did so and Belasco who had heard a lot about Adam and seen the gunfight with Enders was almost struck dumb. Adam was amused, but after a few words he went to take his seat as it was time for the curtain.
Word of the accusations against the Cartwrights had reached Leland Stanford in San Francisco. He had found himself hoping that some charge would be pressed, something he could use to prevent this marriage. Word of the inquest verdict was telegraphed to him, almost as soon as it was over, but despite the inquest clearing the Cartwrights, Stanford was hoping to use the trouble in some way, at least to buy time. He wanted to try and dissuade his daughter before things went too far and so he decided to travel to Virginia City on his own. He ordered his own private car on the railroad and he ordered a second elaborately furnished one for the rest of the family. Palatial cars with leather padded walls, thick carpets and chandeliers, fancy furnishings, all the essentials for gracious living as he considered it. He gave his orders to the rest of the family they were to pack what they needed and pack Nita’s belonging, but then they were to wait in Reno until he sent for them. They could live comfortably in the railroad car. He did take his son along with him and they headed for Virginia City. Much to their disgust they had to join a crowded stagecoach for the dusty ride from Reno to Virginia City. Stanford had tried to hire a private coach but the open buckboards, which were the only things available, looked even more uncomfortable than the stage so Father and Son were reduced to travelling with the common folk on the stage. Both marked up another black mark against this ridiculous match. It was a long time since Stanford had so demeaned himself and his son Leland had never had to in his life.
They both disliked Virginia City on sight, the hustle, the noise and even worse the roughly dressed miners who pushed past them without caring, were even worse than they had expected. Eventually they managed to hire a buckboard and find out directions for the Ponderosa and, both men in a filthy temper, edged out onto the street.
Dan had his own ways of discovering what was happening around town and as Leland Stanford wasn’t one for hiding his identity, several people came to tell the reporter of his arrival and his subsequent departure for the Ponderosa With Nita and Joe’s wedding only just over a week away that in itself wasn’t surprising but Dan had been down at the theatre and knew that all the Cartwrights were in town. Dan decided that he had better warn them and at the first interval he managed to get Ben on his own and tell him what he knew.
Ben wasn’t expecting Stanford until Tuesday but knowing that Dan would be accurate, he could only imagine that Stanford had changed his plans, maybe heard about the trouble. Ben was rather annoyed that the man hadn’t had the common decency to telegraph his change of plan, but he obviously couldn’t be allowed to arrive and find an empty house. Ben wasn’t prepared to interrupt the enjoyment of the rest of the party and he had a quiet word with Adam and explained what Dan had told him. He proposed to go on home at once, with luck if he took the short cut he could arrive first and warn Hop Sing. He would deal with Stanford and his son while the rest carried on and enjoyed the planned dinner. Stanford would have to wait until the following day to see his daughter, but that was his own fault for not giving notice. Adam was cross but obviously someone had to be there and he couldn’t see any alternative to his father’s plan.
Ben had a quick word with José asking him to drive Carole and the others home and borrowing his foreman’s horse, then as the play started up again he slipped out and headed home. Ben travelled by the most direct route past the place where the Preacher had been found. Ben couldn’t help wondering if the news of that filtering through to San Francisco had caused this change of plan. He already knew from Joe and Nita that the marriage hardly had her father’s approval, even if he couldn’t stop it with his daughter of age. Over the years Ben had often negotiated with Stanford and had no very high opinion of him, but even if he couldn’t stop the wedding he could cause trouble and if possible Ben wanted to prevent that.
Stanford’s temper hadn’t been improved as the use of his name in Virginia City only brought blank looks. Even those who knew him as one of the four railroad kings weren’t about to admit it, disliking the way he was trying to throw his weight around. He was oblivious of the beauty of the scenery as they made their way out to the Ponderosa and his only son Leland Jnr was frankly terrified by the great wide spaces. He was happier in New York then San Francisco and he could only see the savagery of the land, visualising Indians and wild animals behind every tree. He couldn’t imagine that even his little sister actually wanted to live here by choice. The road was clear enough and the directions easy to follow, but for two men unused to the wide open spaces it seemed to take forever to reach the house. They had obtained directions to the main house and although relieved to reach habitation they were somewhat taken aback by the cluster of the buildings, the long sprawling main house with bunkhouses, cook shack, barns and corrals gathered round it. Involuntarily Stanford pulled up and for a moment they just stared, then Leland said “Well Father, Ben Cartwright is rich, we knew that.”
“Rich and powerful. Don’t underestimate him; it’s not easy to get the better of the Cartwrights.”
“Even so it’s ridiculous. With all that she is used to Nita can’t want to live in this wilderness she must be besotted by a pretty face.”
Stanford could only agree with his son, he didn’t understand either. He flicked the reins and drove on down into the yard. Ben had been back about ten minutes and having warned Hop Sing about the two unexpected visitors, he had left him to get on, confident that an excellent meal would be ready when required. Ben had hurried upstairs to ensure that two guest rooms were ready and had just come down and poured himself a drink when he heard the buckboard.
Ben went out as Stanford and his son got down stiffly from the buckboard and called Kirk over to see to the horses. He saw Hank and asked him to take the luggage up to the two end guest rooms. Then he invited them in. Stanford frowned slightly “You don’t seem surprised to see us?”
“No. I heard in town that you were on your way out here, so I returned quickly. The rest of the party is still in town. I must admit your arrival was unexpected, we thought you were coming on Tuesday. Still no matter you must be cold and tired after your journey, come over to the fire.” Ben offered drinks and called for Hop Sing to bring coffee.
The two Stanfords both sat down grateful for the comfortable chairs and the roaring fire, They looked around, despite the way the family had grown this was still a man’s room. Comfortable and lived in, books, foils, guns and the map of the ranch on the walls, everything large and comfortable for the big men who lived there. Stanford himself wasn’t small a little taller than Joe but his only son was barely 5 foot 7 inches and he felt overwhelmed by this room as by the whole land.
When they all had coffee and drinks Ben enquired for the reason behind the change of plan. Stanford was direct; admitting he’d heard about trouble and hurried out as soon as he could in case it affected his daughter’s plans. Ben smiled “Luckily it doesn’t, the whole affair was blown out of all proportion, just a very unfortunate accident, but it’s all cleared up now.”
“I heard your eldest son was shot?”
“Yes but not seriously hurt. He’s up and around now although still wearing a sling. I expect he’ll have dispensed with that by next Saturday.”
“I want to see my daughter.”
“I’m sure you do but as you know she isn’t staying here. She is over at Adam’s house about half a mile away. Anyway at the moment she is in Virginia City.”
Leland Jnr erupted, “That’s no place for a delicate young girl like my sister.”
Ben raised an eyebrow, “She’s perfectly safe. She went in with Joe and my other sons and their wives to attend the opening night of a Shakespeare season at Piper’s Opera house. Edwin Booth is appearing for the next fortnight, performing Hamlet tonight. It was an excellent show although I had to leave after the third act.”
Stanford signalled his son to be quiet, “I’m sorry we interrupted your evening. Booth is a fine actor. I didn’t realise he was in town. He was in San Francisco just before Christmas.”
“I know, he arrived here the day after your daughter, but as he will be taking all of them on for a celebration dinner after the show I am not expecting anyone home for several hours.”
Stanford frowned “I’m sorry I don’t understand. Who will be taking them to dinner?”
“Edwin. He has been staying with us since he left San Francisco, joining us for Christmas. My eldest son was at college with Edwin, they are close friends. He is a frequent visitor to the Ponderosa, with his manager Jim Forrester. Whenever he is in the west he allows time to stay here for at least a week or two. I’m surprised your daughter hasn’t told you.”
Stanford didn’t like to admit that he and his daughter seldom spoke about anything but he was taken aback by the news, he’d always tried to add Booth to his list of famous guests without any success. However feeling that they were getting a long way from the important point he sipped his brandy, vaguely noting how excellent it was and said “I am not sorry. It gives us a chance to discuss this match without the young people present.
“Nita said that you have reservations?”
Leland Jnr broke in, “It’s insane, she can’t live in this wilderness.”
Ben just considered the rude young man, one eyebrow slightly raised. “Your sister seems to like it. Joseph deliberately waited until she had a chance to see it before asking her to marry him.”
“She can’t. She’s just bedazzled by your son, I won’t deny he’s good looking, charming but Nita can’t see past it.”
Stanford could see that his son wasn’t helping and said, “That’s enough Leland. Why don’t you go up and unpack.”
Ben nodded, “Plenty of hot water. If you want a bath after the journey, just ask Hop Sing.”
Leland allowed himself to be got rid of, the idea of a hot bath was attractive. As he disappeared Stanford apologised for his son, “He is too outspoken but he does have a measure of truth. Nita isn’t used to this land, Indian raids, shootings. Even since she has been here fights and shootings. That isn’t what she has been brought up to know.”
“Nita hasn’t exactly gone to pieces under the strain.” Ben said mildly. “I think your daughter is stronger than you give her credit for. She seems to be adapting well to this land and they are both very much in love.”
“This is your son’s second marriage?”
“Yes. Marie died in childbirth nearly three years ago.”
“A saloon girl!” Stanford said scathingly.
Ben smiled faintly “A very special girl. My first reaction then was like your’s, a saloon girl, not the match I wanted for my youngest son and I opposed the wedding, but I was wrong. Marie was a remarkable woman and for a few months she and Joe were very happy and we all came to love her. After she died I wondered if Joe would ever find another girl who was so very special. In Nita I am sure that he has and he’s as much in love with her as he was with Marie. He’ll be a good husband to her and she won’t want for anything. I don’t really see what your objections are to this match?”
“You’ve lived here too long. Can you really imagine what it’s like for a young girl, sheltered and brought up in luxury and safety?”
“I think so. My own third wife came here from New Orleans, Joseph’s mother. My daughter Carole, Adam’s wife was born and bred near Boston. Both of them loved this beautiful land and I believe your daughter is beginning to feel the same.”
“Beautiful?” said Stanford in disbelief. “Its savage, barbarous, that town is rough and dangerous.”
“So are parts of San Francisco. It’s your daughter’s decision, she’s of age why not trust her.”
“Leland’s right. She can’t see past a handsome boy.”
“Joseph is not a boy, he’s a man and I think you are underestimating your daughter too. I can only suggest you talk to Nita tomorrow, perhaps she can put your mind at rest. Then over the week before the wedding we can show you a little more of this ranch and even town.”
“There may not be a wedding.”
“I don’t see that you can prevent it. She’s of age, the banns read, everything arranged and all the appropriate papers informed. The publicity if she called it of now would be unfortunate to say the least of it. Anyway she’s in love with my son and I don’t think you can dissuade her.” Ben spoke coolly, knowing that he would gain nothing by showing the depth of anger that he felt. He was just glad that Joe wasn’t there and that he would be able to warn his son.
Stanford knew that Ben was probably right. He had never had any real control over his youngest daughter and they cordially disliked each other. Of age there was nothing he could do legally, but he was even more determined to try having seen this land, convincing himself that he was acting in his daughter’s best interest. Ben had made it very clear that he could not expect any assistance from the Cartwrights, that they approved of the match. Knowing from past experience that he was no match for Ben with words and that he would not be able to change Ben’s mind, Stanford excused himself for a bath and bed. Despite his success Stanford was a slow deliberate man, needing time to think things out and he couldn’t react to Ben quickly enough or Adam, the only other one he had negotiated with. It was one of the things he disliked most about them and Joe appeared to be of the same ilk.
Ben sat staring into the fire for a long time, not moving, wondering just how much trouble Stanford could make, praying Nita was as strong as he had come to believe, not wanting Joe to be hurt again. There was little he could do except, with the rest of the family, show that he was backing the couple. Joe would know without being told but Nita might need more reassurance. He waited up for Joe, Hoss and Sue to return, wanting to check that his eldest son had taken no harm from his trip to town and anyway needing to talk to Joe.
In town the play was over before most of them realised that Ben hadn’t returned for the final acts. Edwin got thunderous applause and quite a lot of gold was thrown on the stage as was the custom. Adam sat back amused, pleased by his friend’s delight as the applause went on and on. After a quick word with Carole he slipped back stage and was waiting with Jim when Edwin finally came off stage, almost overwhelmed by his reception. He came over to join them and, forgetting Adam’s wounds as his friend had dispensed with the sling for the evening, clapped his arm round Adam, “What a night!”
Adam flinched as Edwin caught the wound in his back and lost all trace of colour, but as Edwin tried to apologise Adam managed a smile. “No harm done, just go easy. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in better spirits. It was a fine performance. Go get the makeup off and then we can go eat.”
Once Edwin had gone into his dressing room, Adam sat down on a chest and asked Jim to get him a brandy. Edwin had hurt him rather badly but he was sure the wound hadn’t broken open which was the only thing that mattered. The young man Belasco brought over the drink and said anxiously “Is there anything else I can get you Sir?”
Adam smiled “My name is Adam. I don’t react too well to Sir, kinda look for my Pa. Edwin said you were good at organising things, do you enjoy that?”
Belasco nodded and slowly Adam drew him out, glad of something else to think about while he waited for the agony in his back to fade. Carole had told the others the reasons for Ben’s disappearance. Joe hesitated, not wanting to break up the party, and decided to at least wait until he could have a word with his brother. Nita had thoroughly enjoyed the show and she didn’t want to go home but suggested Joe go and collect Adam, see how long Edwin was going to be. Joe nodded and leaving Hoss to get the women into their coats and collect the bags, he went back stage. Seeing Adam sipping brandy, still very pale, Joe hurried over, “What happened?”
“Nothing Joe. Edwin got a bit carried away, caught my back. It’s easing now. Go hurry him up.”
“In a minute. Did Pa want me to go home?”
Adam shook his head. “No. Best leave it till tomorrow, be too late to start talking tonight even if you left now. Anyway if he can’t even tell us of his change of plan why should we alter everything. Pa said to go on as planned, it’s bad enough that he had to go.”
“Do you think it means trouble?”
Adam smiled “Either way tomorrow is time enough to worry and as there’s nothing he can do I’d forget about him. Trust Nita, I’ve a feeling that she can handle her father.”
Joe smiled, “Take it easy I won’t spoil anything, I’ll get Edwin.”
Edwin was nearly ready and worried how much he’d hurt Adam but Joe had had a swift look and there was no blood on the bandages so he was able to reassure Edwin with a clear conscience. Adam was on his feet by the time they went out, a little colour back in his face. He grinned “We’d better go rescue Hoss having abandoned him with five women.”
“He’s big enough to manage.” Joe commented.
Jess and José were joining then as well and had gone ahead to ensure the table was ready in the private dining room at the Washoe club. It took awhile to get there as everyone seemed to want to congratulate the famous actor. Eventually they shut the door on the outside world and Adam asked Jess to pour out the champagne he’d ordered. Even Joe began to forget his concerns over his future father-in-law’s arrival and they all relaxed and enjoyed themselves. Edwin had arranged an excellent meal, in some measure to repay the hospitality he had received and the time went very fast as they talked, ate and drank. Eventually they had to face the fact that bed was a long way away and they had to get home. Edwin and Adam were deep in a discussion of the play and despite his comments Joe had joined them. Nita was listening entranced, not shy to put her own ideas forward. The four of them were almost oblivious of the rest and Hoss and Carole began organising things and Jim paid the bill.
Buoyed up by the drink and by enjoying himself Adam looked bright enough as they left town and willingly accepted José’s offer to drive Carole instead of Ben. Jess stayed close by Adam and after a while they fell slightly behind the rest. Adam couldn’t sit up straight in the saddle any longer; his back jolted by Edwin was very painful. As he didn’t want to worry Carole he made a deliberate decision to fall back but after another couple of miles he was near exhaustion and even swaying slightly in the saddle, Jess had pulled in close to Blackie to steady his friend but he was very worried, they were still nearly four miles from home. He was relieved to see one of the buggy’s pull up and wait for him. It was Joe and Hoss worried about their brother. Hoss got down and went to Blackie taking the reins “Easy Adam”
To his horror the reins were slack, Blackie had just been following Jess’ mount and Adam didn’t even seem aware that his brother was there and Hoss turned to his younger brother “He can’t make it.”
Joe smiled wryly “I wouldn’t bet against him Hoss. Blackie will carry the two of us, probably easiest if I ride with him.”
Hoss wasn’t sure “Get him in the buggy.”
“You didn’t see the state he was in after a buggy ride to the courthouse. Hurt less this way.”
Joe swung up on the buggy to kiss Nita “Sorry darling.”
“Don’t be silly you look after Adam. Too long a day.”
“He’d probably have been alright but Edwin clouted his back by accident.”
Hoss grunted, “So that’s what happened, I wondered. “ He had seen something was wrong with his brother. Joe mounted up behind Adam. Blackie tossed his head but as Joe spoke softly to the horse it calmed down
Hoss passed Joe the reins and he took them in his left hand, putting his right arm round Adam’s uninjured side, Adam raised his head puzzled and Joe spoke softly “Easy brother, rest back against me, soon have you home.”
Adam wasn’t really surprised to find Joe there and he did as his brother said and rested his aching head back against Joe’s shoulder, no longer worrying about getting home. His brother would get him back to his bed and that was all he wanted, just so very tired. Joe didn’t push Blackie too hard letting the horse move on steadily, but even so they caught up the buggies and Carole looked up horrified. Joe smiled, “Its okay Carole, he’s just exhausted, three quarters asleep.”
She couldn’t help worrying but with Joe looking after his brother Adam would soon be in bed where he belonged. Jess kept with Joe as they drew away from the buggies and as they reached Adam’s house, he steadied his friend while Joe got down. Then he helped Joe half persuade, half lift Adam down. Leaning heavily on Joe Adam made it to his room and even accepted his brother’s help to get into his nightshirt. He was shivering slightly, so very tired, but Joe wasn’t really worried, if his temperature was up it was only slightly. He’d seen his eldest brother collapse from exhaustion before and he was fairly sure that all Adam needed was a long sleep. With Jess’ help he got Adam into bed and tucked the blankets round him. For a moment Adam forced his eyes open “Thanks little brother, tell Carole I’m okay.”
“I’ll reassure her, go to sleep.” Joe stroked his brother’s hair for a moment and Adam was asleep before he straightened up, Joe had just got back downstairs when Carole hurried in. Joe put his arm round her “In bed fast asleep. Just exhausted, not even feverish.”
“Did he break it open?”
“No. You heard the Edwin was heavy handed?”
Carole nodded “Edwin told me, he was very worried how much harm he’d done. He just plain forgot.”
“Hurt a bit but no real harm done. After all Doc did say a week in bed, not gallivanting around town until 3 am and even with a rest this afternoon I’d bet he was only reading.”
“No takers. You’re sure he will be okay?”
“I’m sure; just let him sleep in as long as he will.” Joe kissed her forehead, seeing her relax and he went out to help Nita down. Once everyone was reassured about Adam they headed for bed and Joe, Hoss and Sue went on home. It was very late and having forgotten Stanford entirely with their brother’s near collapse they were surprised to see Ben still up. Sue was very tired so Hoss took his wife up to bed, leaving his little brother to fill their father in. Ben had assured Hoss that there was nothing really wrong; details could wait until the morning.
Joe poured himself a brandy, “Okay Pa, what’s up?”
“First, how is your brother?”
“Exhausted. Edwin banged his back, didn’t break it open or anything but took quite a lot out of him, he recovered quickly and thoroughly enjoyed himself, just wilted on the way home. By the time we were half way he was almost asleep. I rode double with him just to be on the safe side and got him straight to bed. He was asleep before I left the room. Don’t worry he made an excellent meal and it was very late. Pity you had to leave, Pa.”
Ben studied his son’s face but Joe wasn’t worried about his brother so he was sure there was nothing seriously wrong with Adam and he relaxed, getting himself a drink.
Joe waited patiently and Ben came over and gripped his son’s shoulder “Stanford and his son are still just as set against this marriage. They’ll try to stop it. General idea seemed to be that it’s insane to expect a delicately bred girl to live in this dangerous, barbarous wilderness. That she can’t think straight, infatuated with your charm and good looks and anyway it’s hardly suitable for a Stanford to take the place of a saloon girl.”
Ben felt his son tense at that, still ready to defend his beautiful first wife against the world, but it was best that Joe knew the worst now while they were alone, Then to Ben’s relief Joe turned, smiling faintly “Adam said not to worry, to trust Nita to handle her family. All they can do is try to dissuade her and I don’t think they have any chance. I was worried once but I think she’s beginning to love this land as much as I do. She sees its beauty and she knows the dangers. I just hope they keep off Marie. I don’t want to lose my temper.”
“You’ll manage Joseph. I think I made it clear that she was a very remarkable woman whatever her background and that we all loved her.”
“Awkward Pa?”
“A little. He’d obviously heard of the trouble and is trying to use it to put a spoke in. I made it clear that we were delighted by the match and that he’d get no help from me. Adam’s right you can trust Nita so there’s really nothing any of them can do.”
“I know that Pa and it’s hardly a surprise. I just don’t want her upset.”
“There are plenty of us around to act as a buffer and she must be used to her own family, just keep a tight rein on your own temper. It won’t help to come to blows with your future brother-in-law, but I think you might be tempted.”
Joe frowned at that comment, it was unlike his father. He elicited a few more details about Leland Jnr and just how he had annoyed his father so much before heading for bed, where he dozed restlessly. Despite his late night he was down early for breakfast and only Hoss joined him. Joe passed on what he’d learnt from their father. He didn’t know whether to hang around and wait for the Stanfords to get up or go and see Nita, not sure when any of them would be up.
Hoss shrugged, “You can bet this pair will lie in, even if Nita isn’t up Carole will be. You could leave a message with her. Anyways ain’t worth pacing around here for the next two or three hours, I’m not sure I can put up with that!”
Joe laughed at his big brother but Hoss made sense and he went out to saddle Cochise. In fact Nita, worried what her father and brother were up to, hadn’t slept well and she was up early, She was delighted to see Joe ride in and collecting coffee, she took a tray into the study wanting to get away from the children. Perfectly at home in this house now, she knew that Carole wouldn’t mind. Joe wasn’t too surprised to see her up and once he had checked with Carole that Adam was still sleeping peacefully, he joined Nita in the study. He drew her down onto his lap and told her what he had learnt from his father, not attempting to hide anything.
Nita was quiet as he finished, just pouring out coffee for them both, and then turned to face him “You don’t know my brother. He’s not like yours. He’s a self-opinionated, ignorant little Daddy’s boy. My father idolises him, he’s never seen what a poisonous little rat Leland is. Father is bad enough but at least he’s done something, though I sometimes wonder how. Leland couldn’t do anything, he’s only fit for polite chit-chat, and will only bother with that if he thinks the other person is his social equal.”
Joe grinned; Nita really didn’t like her brother. “I’ll try not to thump him, Pa’s already warned me. Seems he even managed to annoy Pa, which isn’t that easy.”
“That’s my brother. My sister Felicity is just a nothing but Leland I really detest and I can’t help it. She will be a right bitch but she hasn’t the same knack for it as Leland.”
“They’ll only be here for a week and then we have the rest of our lives together. From the way they are reacting to this ‘savage’ land I don’t imagine that they will be frequent visitors.”
“Neither of them will see the beauty, although Leland can wax poetical about the mountains of Switzerland, in someone else’s words of course.”
“We’ve had that reaction before; sometimes people don’t open their minds and take in what their eyes are seeing.”
Nita calmed down seeing that Joe wasn’t particularly upset and knowing that there was nothing her father could do to stop her marriage. Money was his only hold over her and even though she’d have given it up without worrying, she didn’t even have to consider it; Joe was wealthy enough to give her everything she could ever want. Joe seeing her calm down felt better and they sat quietly talking about the outstanding arrangements. Joe suggested that Nita borrow Lady again from Carole and come over with him to the main house to see her father and brother. Hoss was planning to take Sue out so only Ben would be there and they could perhaps get the arguments over and clear the air. Nita was unconvinced, her family didn’t work that way but she was willing to at least try.
While she went upstairs to get her coat, Joe told Carole briefly what had been said so that she could fill Adam in when he woke up. He said that they would all have lunch at the main house, maybe come over during the afternoon to introduce the rest of the party and show Stanford where his daughter had been staying. Carole immediately invited them all for the evening meal and Joe promised to pass on the invitation. He knew that Carole didn’t want Adam going out today, after his exertions of the previous day. Then he headed out to saddle up Lady. One of his first moves must be to choose a horse for Nita, any of their blood mares would need breaking and training and he wondered if it would be easier to buy a ready broken horse. He broached the subject as Nita mounted but she wanted one of the horses that he had bred himself even if it took a while. Joe promised to take her out to the herd the following day so that she could choose one, promising to break it himself.
Nota was delighted, “That will make it even more perfect darling, but you must be careful.”
Joe smiled ruefully, knowing that in many ways being careful was dangerous when breaking horses, he had learnt to rely on his instincts. Talking about the horses they arrived at the main house with no time to get nervous and Kirk came over to see to the horses while Joe led Nita inside. Her father and brother were just finishing breakfast as she came in, looking bright-eyed and fresh after the ride in the cool crisp air. Ben came over to take her coat, thinking how much more beautiful she looked now than when she had first arrived when she was so tense. She was smiling up at Joe radiantly, but as she moved in and saw her father a mask seemed to come down over her face and she moved over stiffly, “Good morning Father, Leland. What made you change your plans so suddenly?”
Stanford got up and going over kissed her cheek, just a peck, while Leland barely acknowledged her arrival, stolidly eating his food, “What did you expect Nita? We heard of fights, shootings. I came to take you home.”
“This is my home Father, or it will be after next week, until we can build our own house, The Ponderosa is home.”
Stanford looked over at Ben and Joe “I should like to talk to my daughter alone, if you don’t mind.”
Joe would have gone to Nita but she nodded slightly and his father said “It’s a reasonable request Joseph, You and I have some things to decide anyway, let’s go up to your room.”
Joe looked at Nita, oblivious of everyone else, “If you want me I’ll just be upstairs, just call.” He smiled at her and then followed his father up to his bedroom. Ben wanted to know what if anything he wanted to keep the same in his room and whether he wanted the piano back downstairs now they had someone to play it. It was the first that Joe had heard of Nita’s prowess on the piano and Ben told him what he had gleaned from Adam, emphasizing that the music she knew was so very different from those Marie had played, not the songs she had played by ear but classical music. Joe was glad to have something to talk about, worried what might be being said downstairs. If Nita could use the piano, of course she had to have it, although it would have to remain out of the way until after the wedding.
Downstairs both her father and brother joined Nita by the fire. She felt more comfortable facing them here as though she was on home territory and they weren’t, the whole family and the very land were backing her, even if she was on her own at the moment. She smiled at them “I shan’t change my mind. You must know that.”
Leland looked at his sister “You can’t be serious Nita, not really. Stay here in this wilderness! Maybe its exciting for a few weeks but you can’t want to live here.”
Nita sighed “Wilderness – this house is more comfortable than any I’ve known and you’ll see Adam’s lovely house, much nicer than that mausoleum in San Francisco which is our house. I wouldn’t ever have called it home.”
“You’re impertinent.” Stanford said crossly.
“Just factual Father. Have either of you looked at this land, really looked? It’s beautiful, the horses and cattle are magnificent, the mountains and the forests awesome and it’s so peaceful.”
Leland shook his head, “She’s lost her senses Father.”
“No I’ve found them, found people who aren’t afraid to care for each other, who know how to enjoy themselves, who are building something worthwhile. I can hardly believe that I’m so lucky, that I’m going to become part of it.” Nita smiled at them, even with this pair who had never understood her she couldn’t hide her happiness, wanting them to be part of it.
Leland frowned, “Infatuated. In six months you’ll be praying to get away. Just do as Father says for once in your life.”
“To get away to what?” she asked.
“All you’re used to, cultivated people, a social life, shops, theatres, balls, not this barbarous place with a rough town you won’t ever dare to visit.”
Nita tried to make him understand “Leland you may enjoy our so-called friends. Frankly they have bored me for years and few of them are truly cultivated, not like Adam and Carole or Ben Cartwright. Living here doesn’t seem to have stultified them, why should it worry me?”
Stanford motioned his son to be quiet; he had never had any effect on his sister and was running true to form. “Even if it’s lovely you can’t deny it is a wild land. Since you have been here there have been fights and one of the Cartwrights has been shot. Not long ago there was an Indian raid, Joe was injured and his brother, he was still limping when he was in San Francisco.”
“I haven’t denied it but I don’t see that it matters. I’m ready to accept the risks, whatever they are. All the Cartwrights have survived and with more people arriving all the time the risks are getting less not more.”
“You could be widowed before you learn about life.”
“Always a risk Father, but even if it was only for a week I’d still marry him.”
“You could be killed.”
“Joe and his family will take care of me and anyway the same applies. I’ve only learnt to live since I’ve known Joe, before I just existed and nothing would force me back to that. Please Father nothing will make me change my mind, I know what I want and I love it here. Why not accept it and make yourself at home here, relax. I know the Cartwrights will make you very comfortable, you might even enjoy it. After all it is a good match, two important families and I never did fit in, in San Francisco.”
Stanford frowned seeing the stubbornness on his daughter’s face and he decided to let the subject drop temporarily at least, although hadn’t given up the argument yet “Obstinate as ever. We’ll discuss it later. For now can you get coffee for your brother and I, that Chinaman, whatever he’s called, I don’t think that I’d sleep easily with one in the house but I suppose he’s safe enough.”
Nita glared at him, “His name is Hop Sing and he has worked here for nearly twenty five years. We seldom have people who stay with us for twenty weeks, maybe you should try the Chinese!” Nita was glad to get away and went through to the kitchen to ask Hop Sing for coffee. More in control she came back and passed on Carole’s invitation before going upstairs to find Joe.
Joe took her in his arms and Ben tactfully slipped out. “What did they say?”
“A lot of nonsense, nothing that matters. I made my position clear and they know they can’t stop me, which is all that matters, Come down and get coffee, you have to talk to them sometime.”
Joe acknowledged that and went down with her but after half an hour of her brother’s company he began to understand her description of Leland. Leland was disdainful, sure nothing worth having existed outside San Francisco and New York, except in Europe. Conversation was stilted to put it mildly, not helped by Joe revealing that he too had been to Europe and in fact stayed longer and seen more than the six weeks which had been the highlight of Leland’s life and the mainstay of his conversation ever since. Joe admitted that he hadn’t been to Switzerland but as Leland extolled the beauty of the scenery, Joe couldn’t resist and told him of Adam’s long stay and his wide travels. He passed on Adam’s opinion that the scenery there was no better than here on their own ranch. At that Leland got up and walked away and Joe caught Nita’s eye, feeling rather guilty only to relax at the twinkle in her eyes, Leland just begged to be taken down a peg or two. The only tangible result was to confirm Leland in his dislike, not only of Joe, but also of Adam, whom his father had warned him against.
After lunch Ben was glad to get them started over to Adam’s, promising to join them in a couple of hours but he had some jobs to complete first, Hoss and Sue were going straight to Adam’s anyway. Joe came back in once a buggy was harnessed and the three Stanfords moved out, he stopped by his father and said softly “A week of this is going to be very hard work!”
“I can’t argue about that. Maybe they’ll relax eventually and anyway with more people around, it’ll be easier.”
“I doubt it.” Joe sighed “How come I get landed, Hoss’ in-laws are in Ireland and Adam’s back east?”
“We had trouble at first with Adam’s too. I can remember you getting very irate because she called your brother a dilettante.”
“At least they tried, this pair….” Joe shook his head.
Ben patted his shoulder “Go on, you’ll survive a week and I hardly think they will bother you much after that. Courtesy visits in San Francisco should do it.”
Joe nodded and went out to join Nita who was already mounted on Lady. He swung up on Cochise and led the way out to his brother’s house.
Hoss and Sue had joined the others for lunch. Adam was up and had joined the others insisting he was fine but he hadn’t been hungry. When Hoss made a comment about it he got his head bitten off and Adam had taken his coffee into the study, firmly closing the door to indicate to everyone that he just wanted to be left alone. He buried himself in the legal details of a new contract for lumber between two mines and the Ponderosa. He was intending to provide the lumber from the far side of Tahoe and the price had to be adjusted accordingly but even so, with lumber increasingly scarce, they were the cheapest by a long way and the price had been agreed with the minimum of argument. Several other mines had been putting out feelers to see if the Ponderosa would supply their needs. Adam had talked it over with his father and brothers but none of them were sure, not wanting to overextend themselves until they had seen the problems of full scale logging on the west shore. Adam was going over the figures again as he’d been approached with a very lucrative offer the previous day, when he heard Joe come in with the three Stanford’s.
As they pulled up outside Adam’s house even Leland was struck dumb for the moment. The main house he could ignore it would look ridiculous in a city but this, although it fitted perfectly where it was, could have been transferred to any city, merely standing out by its elegant design. Neither man could understand why it was so striking not ornate like the gigantic palace Stanford had built but even they could not miss the elegance. Stanford rationalised it, it was just the surprise of finding something vaguely normal in this wilderness and he relaxed slightly as Leland said critically, “It’s not very big is it?”
Compared with the mausoleum his father had built, where he lived, Adam’s house wasn’t huge but Joe, thinking for a moment of the monstrosity they called home, had a job to say lightly “It’s more than large enough for what Adam requires.”
Joe helped Nita down and went in to tell Carole they had arrived and to introduce his future in-laws. The introductions took a while, particularly with Edwin and Jim still there, although they would have to leave for town in a couple of hours. Adam came out of the study to be sociable even if he didn’t feel much like it. He knew Stanford reasonably well although he hadn’t met his son. Carole got coffee and scones and soon had everyone settled round the fire. Joe took the opportunity to have a quiet word with Hoss, worried about their brother who still looked drawn and tired despite his efforts to hide it,
Hoss couldn’t help much; Adam had got up about ten, insisting that he was fine. He wasn’t feverish, just overtired and sore as far as Hoss could tell. Hoss told Joe how Adam had barely eaten anything at lunch and then gone off by himself but didn’t see there was anything they could do, apart from ensuring he had an early night. Adam had overdone it the previous day and it was hardly surprising he had to pay the penalty.
Conversation was stilted as the original party seemed to have nothing in common with the two new arrivals. Leland looked almost in disbelief at the size of Hoss and his bride and as they made him feel small, he hit back with snide comments. Even Hoss’ good temper wasn’t proof against veiled insults to Sue and he was tight-lipped in anger and about to explode when Carole moved in to distract Leland and asked Sue to collect Maria for her, David jumped up onto his Uncle’s lap and as he prattled away Hoss relaxed.
Stanford having finally got close to Edwin was monopolising him and Edwin accepted it, although bored stiff, knowing it helped the rest, well aware of the tense undercurrents. Carole found Leland hard going although he did at least react to this beautiful woman, but as that led him on to sympathise with her, stuck out in the middle of nowhere, it had its disadvantages. Carole’s efforts to persuade him that she loved it met with blank disbelief and a considered statement that she doubtless felt that she had to be loyal to her husband. Then he began extolling the virtues and joys of life in San Francisco and New York not to mention Europe. Although remembering she had been to Europe too, he found New York easier. As Carole had been born and bred in the east and had left it by choice, he found that his description of how much Nita was being asked to give up fell on thorny ground. He tried instead to describe the difference between their palace and this house which although pleasant and better than one could expect in this barbaric land was hardly in the same class, Nita overheard him and came over to join Carole as Joe tried to calm Mark down.
Nita smiled at Carole. “You’ll have to see the house I’m giving up Carole, I’m not sure I can describe it. We have marble steps up to a vast circular entrance hall with an inlaid black marble floor, showing the signs of the Zodiac. It’s lit by a glass dome seventy feet high, vast and freezing. We have a downstairs sitting room and a drawing room, both with huge bay window and the most expensive furniture of mixed period, to say nothing of the billiard room and the East Indian reception room, but you’ll look in vain for a comfortable chair.”
Carole glanced over at Joe, who was having a job to keep a straight face and concentrating hard on his nephew. There was little in Nita’s words for her brother to take exception to but the tone of her voice was scathing and Leland flushed red and went white with fury at his sister, Joe couldn’t help noticing and trying to keep tempers down, he said diplomatically, “It is a most unusual and exotic house Carole.”
Leland glared at his sister and then moved away to join his father the only other one here who seemed sane to him. Joe grinned at Nita, “You’re naughty.”
“He’s an insufferable bore and a prig. Fancy comparing that freak of a place to this, he has no taste at all.”
Carole grinned “Has it really got a seventy foot dome?”
Nita nodded and went on to describe some of the other monstrosities which her brother seemed to think she would miss.
Adam wasn’t feeling at all sociable, his head pounding and he willingly allowed Edwin to cope with one of his guests, but he hadn’t missed the insults going to Hoss and Sue. He had been about to intervene having lost his temper when Carole moved in much more smoothly. He was glad to see it but even so losing his temper had taken it out of him and he needed time alone and a drink. There were plenty of people to entertain the two guests, who had after all arrived uninvited, so he didn’t feel guilty at slipping away into his study, where he poured himself a brandy, before sitting down at the desk to try and relax. His departure didn’t pass unnoticed and first Laura and then Sue popped into make sure that he was alright. Adam pleaded work, he had some jobs he wanted to clear before dinner, with a wedding next week they were going to be busy and some things couldn’t wait.
After a quarter of an hour with the straight forward legal problems of the ranch he was calmer and when Carole came in to see if he wanted coffee, he didn’t look too bad. Adam willingly accepted the offer of coffee and pulled her close to kiss her, “I know it’s not very polite but I just don’t feel sociable and I couldn’t put up with them any longer. How did Nita turn out so different?”
“God only knows, but its small wonder she’s not been happy in San Francisco and that she doesn’t care about her family.”
“Joe’s amazing isn’t he? I wonder how he ever discovered she was different. According to Laura it’s only been obvious to the rest of the world since she’s known him.”
“Well we know what she could be like, just like her brother. That’s how she treated you at first.”
Adam smiled, “Do you know I’d completely forgotten that! I put up with it from her because she mattered to Joe, but I’m dammed if I’ll put up with it from that spoilt child.”
“Try to keep your temper darling. Joe is doing his best and it’ll only make things more difficult.”
“I know that’s why I took refuge in here.”
Nita brought Adam’s coffee into him “I’m sorry that my brother is being so obnoxious.”
“Not your fault Nita, probably just all strange to him so he’s on the defensive, he’ll come down to normal in a day or so.”
Nita sighed, “Unfortunately this is practically normal for him!” Adam had to grin at the resigned tone and she couldn’t help responding “Oh well one week and I’ll probably only ever have to put up with him for odd hours again.”
Adam had five minutes peace and quiet and then to his horror Leland walked in, not even bothering to knock and seeing the decanters on the side went over and poured himself a drink without so much as glancing at Adam to see if it was alright. Adam ostentatiously concentrated on the papers on his desk hoping that Leland would get the message and go away but the younger man was far too thick skinned. He wandered around taking out books aimlessly, flicking through them and then pushing them back before saying very condescendingly “Nice enough room but its not very big is it?”
“Size isn’t everything, its big enough for my work.”
“You read these books?”
“That’s why they’re here.”
“Can’t understand why you stay in this backwood, obviously you can appreciated the better things.”
“I happen to like it here.”
Leland considered that for a moment, “Big fish in a small pond, maybe it has its attractions. You’re a gunman aren’t you? Seems funny to think of my sister having a gunman as brother-in-law. Is that why they shot you in the back, scared of a fast gun?”
“You like having people scared of you? “ Leland grinned and answered his own question “I’ll bet you do.”
Adam had lost his temper, but he was trying hard not to show it, “If you don’t mind I’m rather busy.”
Leland went on as though he hadn’t spoken, “Your brother has no right to expect Nita to put up with all of this. He’s already killed one wife out here without adequate help and I don’t want my sister to die too or be widowed. You all seem to get hurt mighty often.”
Adam tight-lipped said, “It’s a rough land.”
“Well I’ve never been shot or beaten, it’s just you, push too hard, too violent it’s bound to rebound on you.”
Adam got to his feet white with fury, “Certainly my brother has been shot or beaten on occasion and he’s fought back when it is necessary but he’s achieved something. We all have, we’ve built this ranch, helped to build the railways, the mines, Virginia City itself. What have you ever done? Lived on your father’s money?”
Leland was furious too now, he handed out insults he didn’t take them. “I don’t want your brother laying his dirty hands on my sister. Let him go look in the salons again, that’s about his level.”
Adam felt an overwhelming urge to land out and hit Leland and it must have been obvious on his face, because even Leland seemed to realise that he’d gone too far. He backed away, going back to the decanters and pouring himself another brandy. Adam didn’t even trust his voice to order Leland out, he had tensed up and the pain in his back had reappeared worse than ever as he did so. He felt terrible and unable to get rid of Leland he went out himself.
Joe and Hoss were over by the window on their own momentarily and Adam went over to join them. Stanford was talking to Jim, who had moved in on desperation signals from Edwin and Edwin himself saw his old friend come out, so pale, pain and fury both very clear on his face so he went over to join the brothers. Adam managed to keep his voice low but Edwin overheard as he said, “If one of you doesn’t get that creature out of my study, I won’t be answerable for the consequences.”
Adam was trembling with sheer fury and neither of his brothers has seen him quite so cross in a very long time, not even the Preacher’s aspersions had had that effect. This time he was unfit and overtired or he wouldn’t have been so easily upset. Hoss put his arm round Adam and gently forced him down on the window seat “Easy Adam you’re frozen. We’ll deal with him. Leland?”
Joe sighed, “Who else, what the hell he’s been saying?” He met his big brother’s eye, both wondering what to do and Joe sighed “I’ll go and see him.”
Edwin blocked Joe’s path “Why don’t you get your brother some coffee or a drink. I’ll deal with Leland Stanford Jnr.”
Joe shook his head, “It’s not your problem Edwin.”
“Adam’s my friend and he never stopped to say it wasn’t his problem when I needed help. You’re marrying his sister and anyway it’ll be easier for me, you’re not a famous actor.”
Joe hesitated but Hoss nodded, “Let Edwin do it but go with him and get a large brandy first.”
With the noise the children were making the low voiced discussion hadn’t been overheard and Hoss stayed between his brother and the rest of the party over by the fire, until Adam had a chance to calm down. Adam lent back against his big brother, glad of his warm strength, feeling cold and drained. It was a long time since he had been so close to losing all control, the only other recent occasion was in the long nightmare hours when Carole was kidnapped. Remembering that didn’t help him and he shuddered violently, Hoss didn’t speak just gripping his brother’s shoulder in mute sympathy.
Edwin and Joe went into the study where Leland was looking at the papers on Adam’s desk with incomprehension. Joe didn’t speak just getting the brandy and going out shut the door. Nita came over to him as he came out, she’d seen Adam’s exit, the only one to notice as Carole was in the kitchen and the others busy with the children, “What’s wrong with Adam?”
“Slight argument nothing to worry about but he’s still overtired, easily upset. Let me give him this brandy and a few minutes to calm down and he’ll be fine.” Joe smiled briefly at her and then went to join his brothers. Nita didn’t go over judging they’d be best left alone but stayed by the study wondering what her brother had done now.
Inside Edwin poured himself a drink and then considered Leland, who was turning over the papers on the desk, Judging correctly that anything but a frontal assault would be shrugged off, he said “Did Adam invite you into his study?”
Leland frowned “Well not exactly but everyone was wandering in so… Anyway what has it to do with you?”
“Adam is my friend. When he’s working in here with the door shut, we only come in to offer coffee or food. It is a working ranch.”
“Exceedingly bad manners for a host to disappear when he has guests!”
“Guests who arrive four days before they were invited, without even bothering to notify anyone. You disrupted our plans last night and Adam doubtless has jobs he has to clear before the wedding, which he expected to have four clear days to do.”
“If my father has his way there won’t be any wedding.”
“I don’t think he will and I can’t understand why he should object, it’s an excellent match for your sister.”
Leland glared “I don’t need any jumped up actor telling me what is or isn’t good for my sister.”
“You appear to need telling how to behave. This is Adam’s house and this is his study, noone comes in without his invitation. More especially as guests under his roof, we don’t start arguments. He is not fit and the last thing he needs is friction here at home. He should really still be in bed, he was quite badly hurt and the least we can do as guests is to make things as easy as possible for him. I hope I make myself clear. You speak of cultured society; I would have thought you’d at least have learnt basic good manners.”
Leland went white and then red, more furious than he could ever remember noone ever spoke to him like that and he glared at Edwin. Then he remembered just who Edwin was. “How dare you speak to me like that, a two bit actor, shouldn’t even be allowed in civilized society, I never understood my father wanting to acknowledge you. No better than your brother, a cheap madman, a murderer, presidential assassin. I wonder you dare show your face.”
Edwin moved forward at that, “Get out of this study and stay away from me and from Adam or I’ll give you the thrashing you’re asking for and which was obviously sadly lacking in your upbringing. My brother isn’t marrying your sister so there’s nothing to stop me.” He looked so fierce that Leland scuttled out of the study and over to his father’s protection, not at all sure that Edwin wouldn’t do exactly what he said.
Nita over by the study had at first only heard odd words but as both men lost their tempers they raised their voices and although noone else could hear over the children’s voices, Nita heard every word. She was horrified at what her brother was saying and as he came out she went into the study. Somehow she had to apologize to Edwin for her brother.
Edwin wanted to be on his own but he saw the shock on Nita’s face as she shut the door and lent against it, Nita bit her lip “I’m so very sorry Edwin. How do I apologize for my brother?”
Edwin perched on the corner of Adam’s desk “Hardly your fault Nita.”
“He’s my brother, much as I hate to admit it and he has no right to insult you.”
Edwin sighed “I should be used to it. I’ve had to develop a thick skin over the years. It’s nearly ten years now and trouble is much rarer but it still happens, perfect strangers abuse me because my brother was John Wilkes. You see I, of all people, know how impossible it is to apologize for a brother.”
Nita said “That doesn’t excuse Leland.”
“He’s no worse than any of the others, a lot easier than most. It wasn’t what he said , it was being abused here, on the Ponderosa, In all those years this has been a sanctuary when I’ve needed one. Somewhere where I was safe and I could forget that I had a mad assassin for a brother. Right from the beginning Adam and his family stood my friend when I desperately needed one. In those first days it wasn’t just words that were thrown at me, it was a lot more violent, Jim stuck by me and I tried to bury my sorrows in a bottle. Eventually Jim couldn’t do anything with me and I was drunk permanently. He remembered the Ponderosa, we’d stayed here twice and it’s so peaceful. He telegraphed Adam, hoping he wouldn’t be like all the rest and blame me for John’s action and of course Adam didn’t. He turned up three days later and brought Jim and I here, bag and baggage. I was drunk and didn’t even know, but I needed a sanctuary and all the Cartwrights insisted that I stay.
Edwin had been talking almost to himself as he remembered those days and Nita could see the pain of his memories. She moved over and gently lay a hand on his arm “You don’t have to explain anything to me Edwin.”
“I know but I wanted to Nita. You are not the only one with a difficult brother. I’ve learnt that I couldn’t be responsible for mine. It took a while and I had to learn to live with myself. I owe Adam that, he stayed with me, sometimes talking, or just sitting through long drunken early hours, drinking with me, only one to maybe six of mine but I know Ben got quite worried about the amount he was drinking anyway. I’m not sure I could have retained my sanity without Adam and even after I’d ventured back into the world I ran back here frequently at first. Ran for sanctuary, to the only place where I could be sure I would just be Edwin and not John Wilkes’ brother. That’s why it hit me so hard when your brother started, disturbed the peace of my sanctuary.”
Nita smiled, “The Cartwrights are remarkable aren’t they? It took me a while to discover that. I knew Joe was and I couldn’t believe more than one in a family could be. I was very unfair to Adam at first, you must have noticed, now I can’t imagine how I was so blind.”
“Adam’s forgotten all about that, I know he’s fond of you. Don’t say anything to any of the Cartwright’s about this will you?”
“Leland must be stopped.”
“Not by them it will only make things more difficult and I won’t do that to any of them. Anyway Adam is nowhere near fit enough to be bothered.”
Nita thought for a moment and then smiled, “Maybe I can handle it anyway Edwin. My father isn’t good for much but in some cases he can be useful and he does control Leland. He has the purse strings.”
Edwin shrugged, “I can handle it anyway, now that I know what to expect. It’s not a new problem, but if you can help I’ll be grateful, if only to stop the Cartwrights noticing, they don’t miss much.”
“I’ll try.”
“Thanks Nita” Then as she was about to go out he stopped her “Nita don’t take your family on your shoulders. The only way any of the Cartwrights will worry about Leland and your father is if you get upset. Joe is marrying you, not your family. Don’t forget that.”
Nita smiled, knowing he’d partly told her about his brother to reassure her that her family weren’t her responsibility and the Cartwrights wouldn’t blame her for their actions. In return the least she could do was to get her father to stop Leland. She thought in this one thing he’d support her, albeit for the wrong reasons. Edwin was famous and as such Stanford wouldn’t want him antagonized. She went straight over to her father and asked to talk to him. Stanford agreed willingly, hoping she’d seen sense and went over to the window with her. He was taken aback as Nita asked him to stop Leland insulting other guests in this house. She briefly explained what he had said to Edwin. Nita knew her father and wasn’t surprised as he sat staring at her not answering; he had never been a fast thinker. Eventually he frowned “No Leland has gone too far this time. He shouldn’t have mentioned that.”
“Will you talk to him father?”
“Yes, I suppose I must. I can’t understand what has got into the boy, he’s very tactless, and it doesn’t help. The Cartwrights are important people.”
“Father they are more than that. You won’t change my mind, I’m marrying Joe, it’s all I have wanted since I first met him and these are the people I will living with, my new family. Please make Leland see how awkward it is for me when he insults them.” Nita hadn’t intended to appeal to her father but she couldn’t help it and she showed more emotion than he ever remembered seeing. Even Stanford couldn’t miss it and maybe for the first time began to realise it wasn’t going to change her mind, but he just repeated that he would speak to Leland.
Adam had been glad of the brandy and coffee his brothers fetched him and slowly calmed down slightly, He wouldn’t listen to their suggestion that he go back to bed and get some rest, just wanting to bury himself back in some work and forget everyone and everything. At least his colour was better and when Edwin came over and said “Study all clear and I don’t think you’ll be bothered again.” Adam just nodded “Thanks Edwin.” and went back in shutting everyone out.
Edwin looked at the two brothers questioningly. Hoss shrugged “Just overtired, best to let him do as he wants. I’ll get Carole and Pa to make sure he gets an early night.”
Edwin nodded “I must head for town.”
Joe said “Red’s helping Jim hitch up, he’ll drive you in.”
“Thanks Joe.” The brothers went back to their girls while Jim and Edwin headed for the theatre.
Adam was calmer when he reappeared an hour later, even if he hadn’t achieved very much and as Ben joined them and coped manfully with Stanford things were rather easier. Presumably Stanford had spoken to Leland, as he was very quiet and no more insults came at any of them, which was at least an improvement. Even so the normal relaxed atmosphere was conspicuous by its absence and everyone was relieved when Ben suggested removing the main house party to enable Adam to have an early night as he looked so tired. Joe stayed on for a while, relishing some private time with Nita and Ben shooed Hoss and Sue up to their room as soon as they got home, sure they had something better to do than entertain unwelcome guests.
Things remained strained but there were no more eruptions until late in the afternoon on Monday. Stanford had tried to talk to Nita several times but he had to acknowledge that he wasn’t getting anywhere with his daughter. He had given up on her but he was still determined to make one final effort to prevent the wedding and he decided to tackle the other party to it, Joe. He got his opportunity late in the afternoon, Hoss and Sue had gone off on their own and Ben was catching up with some work, Edwin and Jim were in town and even his own son was sulking in his room. Nita was upstairs with Meg and Laura fitting the bridesmaid’s dress on Peggy. Carole was in the study with Adam going over some things that had arrived from town, including wedding presents.
Little Joe was sitting reading by the fire in the main room but as his future father-in-law came over to join him he put his book down and tried to be sociable. Stanford had thought out very carefully what he wanted to say to Joe and with a prepared speech he plunged straight in and Joe was too taken aback to interrupt. In the study Adam heard the first few words and fell quiet as both he and Carole listened. With the door open and Stanford’s habit of orating, it would have been almost impossible to stop from overhearing, but they made no attempt.
Stanford started by admitting that Joe was in love with his daughter and as such he must want the best for Nita. She was incapable of thinking clearly so he had to do it for her. Joe sat and listened as Stanford again emphasized this rough land. Joe went very pale as Stanford said “Your first wife died, far from adequate help. I don’t want my daughter to do the same. Neither do I want her widowed before she’s learnt to live. You live at perpetual risk here, bullets and fighting. My son has never been injured in such a way. It isn’t fair on Nita to involve her; it isn’t her sort of life. You can accept such risks but can you guarantee she’ll be safe, even from bullets or are you going to let her die as you did your first wife?”
At that Carole and Adam couldn’t sit quietly any longer and both came out of the study without a word of consultation. Adam went to his brother who was sitting white-faced, unable to find his voice. Adam could see the naked pain in Joe’s eyes, but before he could speak his wife was. Adam gripped Joe’s shoulders, feeling the tension in his brother. Carole said, “I am sure your daughter understands the risks. Wherever you are there is no guarantee that tragedy won’t strike.” She forced a smile “We couldn’t help overhearing.”
“Well answer me this young lady, how often have you been hurt, both physically and emotionally, nearly lost your husband? You should know why I want to save my daughter from such torment.”
Joe swallowed hard and twisting looked up at Adam seeing the pain of memories in his brother’s eyes, Adam’s grip on his shoulder was so tight it was painful and they could only wait for Carole to answer. Surprisingly she seemed quite calm. “Mr Stanford you can’t protect your daughter from those torments as you put it. They are part of life and we all have our share to bear. I can assure you that I have never been shot and I am perfectly safe here as Nita will be, our family ensure that. The closest I came to dying was in Europe when I caught diphtheria and I wished I was here where we have an excellent doctor, the equal of any in Europe. I for one trust him more than anyone else. Certainly my husband has been hurt and so has Joe, Maybe we owe their lives to Doc but that just proves how good he is, Accidents can happen anywhere, I have seen people killed and injured when one of your trains crashed. As for Joe’s first wife I think you owe him an apology, he didn’t let her die, if anything could have saved her it would have been Joe but noone in the world could have helped her, Women die in childbirth throughout the world and yet we all willingly take the risk, its part of life. Even if we risk dying, leaving our husband’s widowers, or would you want Nita to avoid that risk too?”
Stanford was speechless, Carole had started speaking quietly, almost friendly but she had become increasing scathing and even Stanford couldn’t avoid seeing it, He blustered for a moment but he couldn’t answer her and saying something about fresh air, hurried outside. Carole looked over at the brothers, who were both speechless at what she had said, Carole grinned, “So I stretched the truth a little, but its none of his business, Nita knows and accepts the risks and that’s all that matters. At least Joe I assume you’ve told Nita what happened?”
Joe bit his lip “Just an outline, no details.” He looked awkward and Adam said “Joe asked me first, I agreed.”
Carole smiled “Relax both of you. She had the right to know and I was taking it for granted that you would.”
Adam relaxed as he realised that she wasn’t upset and smiled, “I think you gave him rather more than he bargained for darling.”
Carole shrugged “He asked for it, I thought I was very restrained.”
Adam went and poured Joe a drink, “Here little brother just ignore him, he’s so far from reality, he can’t understand.”
Joe was glad of the brandy and slowly relaxed a little but he couldn’t help hearing Stanford saying he’d let Marie die, In his head he knew that Carole was right, their Doc was the best and she’d have had no chance anywhere but it didn’t stop the words hurting, He went through to the study to stand staring at the painting of the lake. Adam left him alone for five minutes and then seeing the slump in his shoulders went through to join Joe. He put his arm round his brother’s shoulders, “Do you want another drink Joe?”
Joe shook his head but he did lean into his brother’s warm strength. Adam said “I told you once before that noone could have done more for Marie. Don’t let that pompous fool get to you.”
“I’m okay. Carole is remarkable isn’t she?”
“She was more than a little annoyed, he pushes his luck.”
“Thanks for the rescue, both of you and roll on next week when we can get rid of them.”
“Amen to that. The only thing I can’t understand is how he ever had a daughter like Nita. His son is all too predictable but ….” Adam shrugged.
Joe had often wondered the same thing and could only assume she took after her dead mother and that money and power had made Stanford worse over the years. Far from getting rid of them, the Cartwrights were destined to have more. Stanford had given up on the idea of preventing the match and he telegraphed his wife, still on the train in Reno to come on to Virginia City. His brother and his wife, his own wife’s sister and his eldest daughter and her husband made up the rest of the party. Joe and Hoss went into town to collect the party from the stage. They were both equally emphatic that Adam wasn’t coming even though he had a list of things that he wanted to get from town. Eventually Adam gave way and passed his list over to Hoss. The newcomers would be staying at the main house which would fill that.
As they waited for the stage Dan wandered over to have a chat and, after asking about their brother, he said, “By the way Joe there’s a lady asking for you around town.”
Hoss grinned, “Bad timing little brother, you’ll be in trouble.”
Joe was puzzled and even more so as Dan went on “I doubt it Hoss. She must be about sixty, all on her own, Asking after Adam, Carole and the twins too.”
“Do you know her name Dan?”
“Yeah, I’m just trying to remember it.”
Joe frowned “It wouldn’t be Mrs Lewis by any chance?”
Dan grinned “That’s it, you expecting her?”
“Not really but I’m not entirely surprised either. Do you know where she is staying?”
Dan shook his head, “Dare say I could find out.”
“Will you try please? I’ll come in tomorrow, Adam and Carole will want to see her, maybe she could come and stay,”
Hoss was puzzled, “Who is she Joe?”
“She’s the lady we told you about, on the boat. She looked after Mark when Carole and David had diphtheria, we owe her a lot and she’s a very nice lady.”
Even Dan had heard a little of that story and neither he nor Hoss needed any further explanation. Just then the stage rolled in and the brothers went forward to greet their guests. All of the new arrivals were tired and dusty after the ride and didn’t like it. Philip Stanford helped his own wife Margaret down and then his sister-in-law Angela and her sister Priscilla. Finally William Kayser got down and helped his wife Felicity out. Joe had met them all in San Francisco but they barely recognised him in his working clothes and looked disdainfully at Hoss as Joe made the introductions. The brothers began collecting the luggage, which included a large trunk for Nita. They were both determined to keep their tempers but Hoss couldn’t help whispering to his little brother “I hope you know what you’re doing little brother, what a set of in-laws!”
“Nita’s worth it and anyway she likes them about as much as we do, so after the wedding, hopefully, we’ll barely see them.”
The brothers had each bought a surrey and Hoss took Philip and his wife with Priscilla while Joe had Angela and her step-daughter and husband. They began the journey out to the house with very stilted conversation. Angela was furious that her husband hadn’t come personally and all of them hated leaving the comfort of their normal existence. Joe tried to make conversation but got nowhere and eventually gave up. Then they came in sight of the flume and Kayser noticed it. “My, you were lucky. My father has been trying to persuade Davidson to come and build him a flume for months but he’s booked up well ahead. You got in early.”
For a moment Joe twisted and stared at Kayser blankly and then he smiled, “Bill Davidson learnt how to build flumes from this one. This was the first, my brother designed it.”
Kayser laughed, “Nita isn’t here now; no need to try and impress us. Davidson has a monopoly on these flumes. He won’t give his design to anyone else. Making a real good thing of it.”
“It isn’t his design to give. I told you Adam designed it. Bill just finished it as Adam went to Europe. They were in college together.”
“Maybe your brother helped out, but he’s a lawyer ain’t he?”
“He is, but he was a trained engineer and architect long before he studied law. You’ll see his house later, he designed that too and I can assure you that the flume was entirely Adam’s design we’ve still got all his original working plans.”
Kayser shook his head in complete disbelief, “Then why is Davidson making a fortune from it?”
“Adam knows he is building more, he gave his permission.”
“Does he get a cut?”
Joe shook his head and Kayser said triumphantly “There you are that proves it. It was Davidson’s design.” Joe couldn’t be bothered to argue further and drove on home in silence.
The following day all of them went over to Adam’s to see Nita. She was glad to see some of her things but when she asked if Angela had pout in her music, Angela shook her head, “You’ll hardly want it here and anyway it was your mother’s and it belongs to me now.”
“You don‘t play,”
“I don’t see a piano here.” said Angela belittlingly, she’d been impressed against her will by Adam’s house and was glad to find something to criticise.
“There is at the main house. It’s upstairs out of the way until after the wedding, but Joe says I can have it down afterwards.”
“Well you’ll have to get some new music. That is mine and I’ve often thought of learning to play.”
Nita had always hated Angela sure her father had turned to the consolation of the younger blonde long before his wife was dead, knowing that he had spent hours with her, leaving his sick wife alone, even while she was dying. Now with this evidence of vindictiveness Nita was close to tears, but Sue noticed and came over to get Nita’s help with the twins and slowly the younger girl relaxed. Adam hadn’t missed the conversation, but Sue had moved before he could and he smiled to himself, knowing what he had arranged for part of her wedding present.
Kayser talking to Ben mentioned Joe’s claim about the flume, inviting Ben and Leland to join in the joke at Joe daring to claim his brother and not Davidson had designed it. Leland was in tune with his brother-in-law and much more confident with his backing, found it very amusing but Ben looked at them blankly “I fail to see what’s so amusing, Adam did design the flume, he’s done two more since plus various small ones. Bill just supervised the project when Adam had to leave. I am aware that he has used the design since, with Adam’s permission, but he’d be the last to claim it as his own.” Sensing that they didn’t believe him, Ben shrugged “You can ask anyone around here, they know who designed it,” Then he walked off, bored by two simple young men.
Later over dinner Leland again showed his ignorance. Stanford queried just what Adam had been doing in San Francisco when Joe first met his daughter. There was no reason for secrecy now and Adam said “I was buying some land on the far side of Lake Tahoe for logging. We start full scale operation there this year.”
Stanford frowned “just how big is the Ponderosa now?”
Ben shrugged “It’s just over 1300 isn’t it Adam?”
“About that.”
Leland looked up, “Is that all? I thought it was much bigger. Hell! Father has 55,000 acres in California.” He glared at the Cartwrights as though they had been acting under false pretences, pretending to be big land owners when they weren’t
Joe, Hoss and Carole were openly grinning while Nita frowned. She knew that the ranch was much bigger than 1300 acres, Adam tried to keep a straight face and not wanting to make the boy look too foolish, he said gently. “That is 1300 square miles, not acres.”
Kayser whistled in disbelief but it was Nita who asked “How many acres to the square mile Adam?”
“640, we have just over 850 000 acres as far as I can remember. That’s why it’s easier to think in terms of square miles.”
Leland glared at Adam, knowing that he had made a fool of himself and he got up from table. Even Stanford hadn’t realised how big the Ponderosa was and with his wife, both adaptable to the realities of power, became much more polite.
Joe hadn’t had a chance to get to town but after dinner he had a quiet word with Carole and Nita and then excused himself. Dan had easily found Mrs Lewis at the Palace Hotel and she was delighted to see Joseph again. She had just stopped off on her way to San Francisco to see her son. After all the stories she had heard from the brothers she hadn’t been able to resist the temptation to see for herself, given that she had to pass that way to see her son. Joe invited her to come out and stay for a few days, passing on Carole’s invitation. She was touched but refused, “You don’t want an old woman underfoot.”
Joe grinned, “Believe me you will be very welcome. Much more so than the collection of guests we have at the moment. I can promise some congenial company but I must warn you we have some very peculiar people around.”
“You won‘t want more. I am perfectly alright here in town and I’ll be moving on in a few days.”
“Please come.” Joe said “My brother hasn’t been well and we don’t want him coming to town and the twins are menaces in town but I know he will want to see you. Anyway I’m getting married on Saturday and I insist that you come to the wedding.”
She laughed “Joseph you have just added two good reasons why I shouldn’t come. If Adam is ill and you are busy with a wedding, you don’t need any uninvited guests,”
“I just invited you, There is plenty of room and we do want you, I know my Father will want the chance to thank you for all your help on board ship and if you don’t promise to come out tomorrow, then Adam will come to town and he will just about kidnap you.”
Mrs Lewis could see that Joe was sincere but she didn’t want to intrude on the family when they were busy. Just then Edwin came in; he had seen Cochise outside and wondered why Joe was in town. They were about to drive home and wondered if Joe wanted company on the ride, he came over and Joe introduced them, amused as Mrs Lewis was all of a flutter at meeting the famous actor, The name was familiar to Edwin and as Joe mentioned she had been on the same ship going over to England, his puzzled look cleared. “Of course, Mrs Lewis. Adam has often said how much he owed you. Are you coming out to the Ponderosa tonight or in the morning?”
“She says she won’t come.” Joe commented
Edwin swept that aside “Nonsense, Adam would be furious if he knew you were here in town and you didn’t accept his hospitality.”
“Joseph has been very kind, very insistent, but I can’t intrude.”
“No intrusion I know Adam very well, he’d be most hurt is you don’t come and frankly at the minute he’s not strong enough to be upset, so you have no choice.” With both men so sure, she gave way and as Edwin had the buggy outside, she packed her few things and moved out then and there. On the journey out she learnt how Adam had been hurt and just who Joe was marrying, along with graphic, if not very polite, descriptions of their fellow guests.
Carole had spared time to ensure one of the guest rooms was ready although she didn’t really expect Mrs Lewis until the following day, Joe had ridden in and she was expecting him to invite the old lady and arrange to collect her the next morning. Adam had been deep in consultation with is father every since dinner and she hadn’t had a chance to tell him about Mrs Lewis, assuming that Joe would have already mentioned it and anyway there would be time later when they were alone. Thus Adam had no idea that Mrs Lewis was in town and as Joe brought her in, he stopped in mid-sentence. With memories so forcibly brought back, of how he had nearly lost Carole and David and the tiny pathetic victim of the diphtheria, his deformed daughter, he went so pale that Ben reached out to steady him, scared that he would collapse, but then to his astonishment, Adam smiled in delight and pulling away went over to take her hands. “Mrs Lewis, by what miracle are you way out here in Nevada?”
Adam led her over to the fire while Carole got coffee. He introduced his father, Hoss, Sue and Nita, almost oblivious of his other unwanted guests. She had seen the surprise but the warmth of his welcome was equally obvious and the pleasure in his eyes at seeing her again. Neither Ben nor Hoss needed any explanations and once Joe with Jim’s help had her luggage up in the guest room, Adam had recovered sufficiently to make the appropriate introductions. She was quite self assured and was soon chatting away with Carole and Sue. Adam went into the study feeling the need for a drink and both his father and Joe followed him in. Joe asked worriedly “Are you alright?”
“Sure. It was just a surprise and for a moment a few too many memories.”
“I should have warned you but I didn’t want you insisting on coming to town too, I told Carole. I thought she’d have passed it on. Carole insisted that I bring her out to stay.”
Ben shrugged “Carole hadn’t had a chance to say anything and as she thought you’d arrange to collect her tomorrow there didn’t seem to be a rush.”
“I meant to but Edwin was there with the buggy and it would save time so....”
Adam gripped his brother’s arm “Stop fussing, no harm done. I am very pleased to see her again, we owe her a lot and she’s very nice.” As Adam had calmed down and was looking a lot better his family relaxed.
In fact over the next few days the leavening of outsiders was the only thing preventing trouble. Nita’s family made many snide comments, Leland worse again with backing while Felicity was equally vindictive, as she saw more of the things that Joe was giving her sister. She had begun to realise Nita was getting more out of marriage than she had and a much better looking man that she actually loved into the bargain. Felicity was jealous and couldn’t help showing it as in her own way was Angela. Nita could see that and sure they had plenty of reason to be jealous their rudeness didn’t worry her. Joe was fighting hard to keep control of his temper and only her unconcern kept a minimum of control. His family found it equally hard and Hoss had taken to going off alone with his bride, not willing to spoil their honeymoon. The others made every opportunity they could for the pair to do so, Hoss had earnt time to enjoy himself. Ben, Adam and Carole didn’t want to make things worse for Joe, stuck in the middle and maintained control under the severe provocation, albeit only just on occasion.
They were able to keep busy with all the last minute preparations for the wedding, apart from Adam who was firmly kept out of the way by the rest of his family. In fact he was rapidly regaining his strength, his wounds healing well. He was so much better that Joe didn’t hesitate to ask Adam to come up to the Lake with him on the Friday evening, Joe had been very quiet all day and none of his family were surprised at his request.
Late in the evening Ben and Hoss had a chance for a quiet word, the room was all ready for the wedding and their guests had thankfully gone up to their own rooms, moaning between themselves at the discomfort inflicted on them by this stupid idea of having the wedding at home. Both Ben and Hoss were very thankful to see the back of them and Ben said “Well at least we have two things to be grateful for.”
“What?” enquired his big son.
“They have hired private coaches to leave Virginia City on Sunday afternoon, so less than forty eight hours to go and they have given up trying to stop the wedding.”
“I just wish they’d lay off the snide comments. It’s not fair on Joe or Nita.”
“Of course it isn’t Hoss but with so many more people around tomorrow they won’t get near them to cause any trouble and after that they’ll be gone. At least Nita doesn’t seem to be upset and all the time she is calm, Joe will be.”
“He’s uptight Pa.”
“I know Hoss, with memories and everything else it isn’t surprising, Adam will calm him down and anyway he’s not nearly as tense as he was after your wedding.”
“Pa?” Hoss queried puzzled and Ben smiled “Adam said that you hadn’t noticed! Too many memories, he began to wish he’d arranged a wedding in town but Adam reckoned he’d calmed down, and even today at lunch he was sure Joe was okay. Trust your eldest brother.”
“I do Pa. I think I’ll go up and join Sue, don’t seem possible it was only two weeks ago. I got in a state too, Adam helped me and he’ll help Little Joe.”
When the brothers reached the lake, Joe had gone to kneel by his wife’s grave and it was fully half an hour later before he joined Adam on the point. Adam was wandering slowly along the shore of the Lake, not wanting to get cold as there was snow on the ground, but even so he was shivering by the time Joe came to join him. Still weak from his wounds he felt the cold more despite his warm clothes. Adam made a determined effort to hide it as Joe came up; he wasn’t going to force Joe to go back to the house until his brother was totally ready just because he was weak. Adam had always been good at hiding how he felt and Joe wrapped up in his own thoughts didn’t even suspect. Adam was surprised how calm Joe appeared, remembering the state that he had been in after Hoss’ wedding but the strange certainty of a pact between the two women he loved was still with Joe and he wasn’t worried about memories. He linked arms with his brother and they walked slowly along the shore, not speaking at first. Joe was more worried that Nita’s family might cause a scene at the wedding than anything else, but he found it hard to put his fears into words. Adam could understand and he assured his brother that they were all far too conventional and worried about the opinion of their social acquaintances in San Francisco to risk publicity. They had littlie incentive as none of them really seemed to care about Nita and Adam guessed that they were just eager to get the wedding over with and retreat to their normal life. He was sure that they wouldn’t cut Nita off, but in practice they might as well as he expected the interchange between the families would be reduced to a purely formal level. Joe couldn’t argue with his brother’s reading of the future, it was about what he expected and it would suit him fine and he was fairly sure that it wouldn’t worry Nita. Even so he couldn’t help worrying about the next day. Adam let his brother talk or be quiet as Joe wanted, understanding the disjointed fragments without explanation but saying little in return, Joe felt very much better just for being able to put things into words, knowing that his brother knew exactly how he felt. Just one comment that Adam made stayed with him as Adam commented that the only really important people the next day would be Joe, Nita and the vicar who would join them together in the sight of God. Joe remembered Adam saying much the same before and his brother was right. The rest was window dressing and as it was his wedding he intended to enjoy it, once she was safely his, he could ignore her family. Much more relaxed, he noticed that Adam looked drawn and cold, “You should have said Adam, you’re frozen.”
“I’m okay little brother.”
“You’re a liar Adam. Come on let’s get you home or Hoss will have to be best man again, which isn’t what we planned.” Joe began hustling his brother back to Blackie much to Adam’s amusement, but he was tired and cold so he was glad to have Joe’s help to mount and to go home. Joe ordered his brother to go on in, he would see him in the morning early and he would see to Blackie for Adam. Adam hesitated but Joe gave him a push, “Go on Adam, I’m fine now.” Adam turned and studied his brother’s face, but what he saw reassured him and he smiled and went on in. His brother was very much calmer than he’d been as they headed up to the Lake.
Joe was pleased to find his father alone in the main room. He wasn’t ready for bed and he didn’t really want to be on his own but he was hardly feeling sociable, Ben looked up “Coffee Joseph?”
“Please Pa and I think I’ll have a brandy, its cold out there.”
“Adam okay?”
“Rather cold and tired but he was heading straight for bed and he’ll be fine, promised to come over early tomorrow.”
“Do you want to talk Joseph?”
“Not really but I’d rather you stayed please, you know how I feel.”
“I know. It’s what Marie wanted she loved you very much and I’m sure she would approve of Nita because she loves you too.”
“I’m very lucky Pa.”
“You earn your own luck. You can only get back what you put into such relationships; your eldest brother discovered that with Laura.” Joe didn’t look convinced but he sipped his brandy, thinking of his two wives so alike and yet so different, Ben with three wives of his own understood Joe’s mixed feelings and for more than two hours father and son sat together, not talking much but very much in tune with each other. Joe was glad of his father’s presence and Ben recognised that and felt warm at his son’s need for him. Joe was quite calm and eventually he eased to his feet and smiled down at his father, “Come on Pa, let’s get some sleep it’s going to be a very long day.”
Ben nodded and followed his son upstairs but he couldn’t settle. Tomorrow would be the fourth wedding and all his sons would be married, In each case he knew there was very deep love and since Adam and Nita had come to terms, all the girls seemed to be fitting in very well, both with each other and with the rest of the family, It was what he had always wanted for his sons and he was very happy for them but it would seem very odd alone in the house with Hop Sing. He expected that Joe and Hoss would build their own houses but even if he was alone he wouldn’t be lonely, with all his sons close. He loved his land not least for the way it kept them close together as a family. Ben took it for granted that Joe would want to build his own house as he had planned before and that Hoss would follow suit even though he had made no mention of it yet. Ben sat over by the window for more than an hour thinking of his own three wives and the sons each had given him, now grown men hopefully all soon with families of their own.
Joe had gone straight to bed and although he hadn’t expected to go to sleep, he went off almost immediately after several nights of patchy rest. He was up early and went down for breakfast pleased with himself and excited at the prospects for the day ahead. It was cold and overcast but dry so Joe relaxed and he was hungry. He was halfway through his food when Adam walked in. Adam sat down in his normal seat and poured himself some coffee. He studied his little brother carefully, relaxing as he saw the sparkle of excitement in Joe’s eyes. Adam had left Edwin and Will to cope with his party and had brought over all the presents. Will had arrived late the previous evening and delivered everything Adam had asked him to get. He had heard about the trouble and had extracted every last detail he could from Edwin and Jim but he hadn’t been up when Adam left.
Adam ordered Joe into the kitchen and then with his father’s help carried the presents upstairs to the one spare room where Ben had already been arranging some presents. Hoss came in and not wanting Adam to strain his back he went down to collect the rest. Adam went with him to collect his suit, as he intended to change later. Ben told him to put it in his bedroom with Joe’s things, as Ben wanted Joe’s room left empty so that it could be rearranged for the newly weds. With so much coming and going their guests were woken and came down rather annoyed at being disturbed so early. Joe wasn’t prepared to let anyone put a damper on his day and he wandered down to the first bunkhouse to see his friends amongst the hands, all of whom would be joining the party that evening. Adam went with him to collect the mail that Jess had collected for him, from town the previous evening. Dan would bring out anything that arrived that day. Adam sat down by the fire and glanced through it, his efforts has been well rewarded. He had let many of the people they had got friendly with in England know about the wedding, especially the titled ones, knowing just how snobbish Stanford and his family were. They had all responded without exception, several sending presents as well as telegrams. Leaving Joe chatting to José Adam took everything inside with him and settled to read a letter to him, which had been enclosed with a package for Joe and Nita.
Ben saw his son was grinning and enquired why as he poured out fresh coffee for all his guests. Adam looked up “Letter from Johnny, he has sorted things out after his father’s death and he and Margaret will be coming over for Easter.”
Ben knew his son liked Johnny and was pleased to have the chance to see him again “So what is he now?”
“Earl of Northumberland, plus goodness knows what else! Seems funny to think of young Jamie as Lord Sutherland!”
Stanford looked at Adam in open astonishment, “You know an Earl?”
“Several actually but this one is an old friend, he put Carole Joe and I up when we went to England. He’s stayed here before and hoped to get back last year but his father died and this is his first chance, He loves the Ponderosa.” Adam turned to his father “I’ll go and get changed; Dan and Beth will be here soon no doubt.”
Slowly Ben got rid of the rest and as Adam came down smart in a new suit, Ben went up to change while Adam collected Joe and got him started upstairs to get ready, Joe was just out of the way when the rest arrived from Adam’s house. Nita was using Hoss and Sue’s room and Adam hustled her up.
By some miracle everything was ready as time approached. Joe had come down and greeted guests as they arrived, but ten minutes before it was due to start he had retreated over to the corner by the altar of flowers. Adam passed his daughter over to Sue and went to join his little brother. Joe was slightly tense but although well in control he was glad of Adam’s presence. Adam didn’t talk just stationing himself between Joe and all the rest of the guests to give his brother a little privacy. Joe was reliving his previous wedding more than three years ago now and although he was sure he asked “Carole has done something different from Marie’s dress?”
“Of course she has Little Joe, just take it easy.”
Joe licked dry lips “I’m fine Adam. I just want to have it over. Once that register is signed she’s a Cartwright not a Stanford.”
“I think she is now in all but the formalities, more in tune with us than her own family.”
Joe tried to take a deep breath and relax as Hoss and Ben got the others settled, Mark and David were squabbling and Hoss picked up his nephew leaving Mark with his mother. All too audibly Leland complained about having young children underfoot all the time but he got more than he reckoned on. Joe was cross his nephews meant more to him than most of the guests but to Carole’s utter horror, young Mark, in a very clear voice, pointed at Leland saying, “I do not like that man he is silly.”
Adam bit his lip, trying to keep a straight face and Joe stared at the flowers incapable of hiding the grin. He didn’t help his brother’s composure by a low voiced comment “I always said Mark was a true Cartwright.”
Adam murmured “He not only looks like you, he’s even acting like you. It’s a good job I trust Carole!”
“You’re a bad influence on him little brother.” Adam couldn’t even sound cross he thoroughly agreed with his son, even if Mark shouldn’t have said it. Carole had blushed hotly and Ben had taken his cheeky grandson and shushed him but even he was hard pushed to keep a straight face. He could see that the tension had gone from his youngest son and it didn’t have time to build up again as Nita was due.
Joe was staring up at the stairs oblivious of everyone else and as clearly as though she was standing there he could see Marie standing halfway down, ethereal in her wedding dress. She was smiling at him, the gentle half smile, so contented with which she’d died. He was so pale that Adam gripped his brother’s arm but Joe was calm and as he watched Stanford led Nita into sight. For a moment Joe could see both of them and then Marie blew him a kiss and faded away. Joe didn’t believe in ghosts and knew it was just the strength of his memories but he could hear her saying “She’ll look after you now, but I’ll always be there, always love you and I don’t mind sharing, be happy.” Joe swallowed hard and blinked away threatening tears and Adam tightened his grip but Joe smiled as he took in Nita, “She’s lovely Carole has done it again.”
Sure that his brother was in control, Adam let go of his arm and relaxed. Carole had certainly done a lovely job. She had dressed Nita in a very close fitting satin under-dress showing off her figure and then decorated it with the heavy white lace in an almost Elizabethan style dress. It was cut away at the front with long sleeves pointed and edged with tiny pearls. It was unusual and very attractive and even Angela and Felicity has to acknowledge how effective it was, although they had been surprised at Nita letting an amateur make her dress,
As Nita came to join Joe he forgot everything and everyone but her and as he made his responses to the Vicar. The joy in his voice was very obvious and his family all smiled broadly. Nita could only see the love in his eyes, she had what she wanted and she was so happy she seemed to have lost her voice and even Joe could barely hear her responses. He smiled encouragingly at her and she spoke up a little and then as they exchanged rings his hand was firm on hers and she relaxed and even smiled a little tremulously. By the time they went over to sign the register her smile rivalled Joe’s and seeing that the rest of the family relaxed. Like a well practiced team they moved everyone over to the barn while the tables were laid. Leland was outraged but found himself ignored, even his father was only interested in some of the more important guests. Now Nita was his and noone could interfere Joe could laugh at the Stanfords.
The telegrams Adam had gathered caused some comment and effectively stopped criticism from all the Stanfords as he’d hoped. His father and brothers were highly amused, knowing why he had done it although Carole was outraged and made it clear she would have something to say when they got home. Adam was unrepentant, it had had the desired effect and he knew all of them well enough to solicit telegrams without any pricks of conscience. He had explained why to Johnny and he knew that word would have spread.
Ben was uneasy about opening presents. At Adam’s wedding they had had Carole’s parent up too and Nita’s relations had as much right as Joe’s to be there, but in the even he needn’t have worried, Stanford was talking to John Mackay and Nita didn’t ask any of them. Will and Laura offered to hold the fort, so leaving Will to get them over for coffee and liqueurs, the seven Cartwrights and Dan slipped upstairs to open the presents.
Once they were on their own Joe pulled Nita to him and kissed her soundly, “You’re beautiful my wife. “ He looked at Carole “You are amazing Carole, all the dresses are so very different and all equally lovely. Thank you.”
Ben suggested that they had better make a start on the presents, before the rest of the guests arrived. Amongst the first were those from Nita’s family, All of them were matching, very ornate heavy silver ware. Nita shrugged “Bought as a job lot, well if we are broke we can always pawn them.”
Joe was trying to think of something tactful to say but Nita giggled, “Don’t bother darling. It is expensive and repulsive, typical of my Father.”
Joe pulled her close “He’s given me the only thing I want, you. How did you manage to stay so different?”
Luckily he didn’t expect an answer and they carried on opening the multitude of presents. Nita held up one packet triumphantly “We’ve got a pair too, that makes eight!”
Then they came to the main presents, a very nice tea service from Will and Laura with a beautifully delicate silver coffee service from Hoss and Sue. It was really lovely and so very different from the ugly monstrosities Nita’s father had bought. Joe kissed Sue and shook his brother’s hand and for the first time Nita went to Hoss and gave him a kiss to the big man’s delight. The only remaining object was a very large box in the corner and opening it carefully Joe found a pair of matching stools, both inlaid with a delicate mosaic. Very decorative and Nita exclaimed over them but then as she lifted the tops their use was revealed. The first was a full equipped work basket with the embroidery threads and needles for the work she loved and Nita smiled at Carole, knowing who had chosen them but then she opened the second one and gasped in surprise. It was full of scores for the piano and as she looked through them she found nearly all her favourites. Knowing how difficult it was to get piano music she looked from Adam to Carole and back, not sure how they had known what to get. Adam had listened very carefully whenever he had had the chance to turn the topic to music and he had got a friend in San Francisco to collect them for him. Will had brought them to the Ponderosa the previous day. Joe was watching Nita and Adam, smiling to himself. Nita slowly put the music down and seeing everyone else was looking at Adam, she asked “How did you know Adam, all my favourites.”
“Oh I keep my ears open.”
“I don’t know how to thank you, my step-mother wouldn’t let me have my own music.” Her voice broke and Adam took her in his arms, kissing her forehead “Easy Nita you’ve come home now, forget her.”
Joe came over and as Nita kissed his brother he shook hands “Thanks big brother,” Then he led Nita out to join Ben in their room which Ben had redone in consultation with his son not wanting to upset any memories Joe wanted to keep but the room looked very different and Nita was delighted.
The rest of the day went by too fast and if there were comments as the hands joined the party, with so many people around Ben and Adam ensured Joe and Nita were well shielded from them. Joe was exuberantly happy, the life and soul of the party, but Nita was quieter so very happy, she found it hard to believe it wasn’t a dream.”
Joe didn’t want the day to end and didn’t break it up until nearly one a.m. then he took his new wife up to bed, slightly nervous, as far as he knew he had never made love to a virgin but she was as eager as he was and very gently Joe made her his own. Long after she slept in his arms Joe lay there watching her face in the moonlight, content and feeling so very lucky, with inevitable memories hovering close, but although slightly sombre, very happy.
The next day Hoss and Ben got rid of all the unwanted guests and as Will, Laura and Meg had to leave the next day and Mrs Lewis was going too, the whole party went in to see Edwin’s show. He was doing King Lear and it was a powerful performance. Edwin insisted on standing them all a late supper and to his family’s relief Adam didn’t even appear tired as he rode home next to Edwin wrangling over the play. It rounded off the holiday for Laura and Meg and started Joe and Nita’s honeymoon on the best footing.
Over the next two weeks Ben, with his eldest son’s help, kept all the work going, refusing to let his two younger sons do anything. Even the weather cooperated as they rode out most days, gathering round the fire in the evening. Nita spent long hours playing the piano and the family seemed even closer after the days of discord Nita had never known anything like it, without any outsiders with Edwin working, it was even more obvious than she had realised at first. Slowly she learnt more about her new family and revelled in the atmosphere unlike anything else she had ever known.
Ben was happy just watching his three sons so very content, no problems for once. It was all he had ever wanted for them and life was perfect. He knew it wouldn’t last problems would arise again but for a few weeks all three were equally happy, finding true fulfilment in the wives who loved them.