
by Heidi

It was Fridayevening. First Adam Cartwright had taken an extended bath and washed himself from to to toe. After that he put on his best clothes. While he was standing front of the mirror to comb his hair his younger brothers Hoss and Little Joe Cartwright came in. 

"Hoss, is our big borther going out?", asked Little Joe.

"So to see and to smell yes. Don't you feel sorry for the lady in question?", was the counter-question of Hoss.

"Sure do. Adam, who is the victim where you go out with?", Little Joe wanted to know.

"That is for you a question and for me an answer", Adam reacted quick-witted.

'Well, just let them think and say what they want. I havea date with Agnes Wilcox and they with nobody. Besides that, I am more handsome than those two mules together. And then I actually praise them yet and I insult the animals', thought Adam. He left his brothers behind and went downstairs.

In the living room the father of Adam, Ben, was reading the newspaper when his eldest son came down the stairs.

"Well Adam, the lady who goes out with you tonight is certainly a stroke of luck", Ben complimented his son.

"I have thé stroke of luck", Adam reacted before he went away.

Riding on Sport Adam came after a while in
Virginia City. He went straight to the house where Agnes lived. At the gate of her house his heart started to thump harder. Agnes stood there already waiting for her dream prince. Adam saw her and started to smile.

"Are you coming Miss Wilcox?", he asked galant.

"Of course Mr Cartwright. I always come with you", Agnes answered smiling.

Together they walked to the theatre where Adam obtained the the access cards from his insidepocket.

"I knew that you love to go to the theatre therefore for this reason I decided to surprise you with it", said Adam when they sat in their balcony.

Agnes blushed and looked timidly to the ground.

When the play was busy Adam looked from time to time at his conquest and he knew that wasn't allowed to let this capture no longer. Agnes thought the same and crawled closer to Adam.

After the play Adam brought Agnes nicely home.

"Adam, thank you hartly for this fine evening. We must repeat it rapidly again", said Agnes.

"Gladly done. Goodnight miss Wilcox", said Adam.

He looked at how she ran to the door and afterwards he got on his horse to home also.

Arrived at home said Adam to his younger brothers, "I had a great evening with my lady. We had the very best seats in the theatre. That you two are those culture barbarians I cannot help."

With that last remark Adam had done it at his brothers but he allowed to precede them what they were and went to his bedroom to dream further concerning his Agnes.