
For What We Are About To Receive 
May The Lord Make Us Truly Thankful
    Ben Cartwright lifted the smaller of his two young sons onto a
high wooden cane seated chair while the older, darker boy sat down at
his Pa's right hand side.
Pa placed three dishes on the table. One for each child and himself.
Adam neatly drew a napkin across his lap and watched his Pa tuck one
about his four year old brother's collar. Ben reached out both hands to
hold his sons hands and murmured a short prayer of thanks. He picked up
a fork and began to eat as did Adam. Eric looked at his older brother
Adam, quietly tucking a fork into his mouth, then looked at his Pa who
took a bite from his fork. The little boy's blue eyes were huge with
curiosity. He sniffed his plate. A strange aroma he wasn't familar with
gently made an impression. There was a white piece of meat on his plate
covered in a yellowy sauce with tiny green things in it. "mmm I don't
know if I like it," he thought to himself. Eric looked at his Pa and
Adam again. They're eating it and not making a fuss? "I know," the kid
thought, "I'll play with my peas and bashed potatoes!" Eric picked up
his fork and chased the peas onto the potatoes then gave it a whack.
Suddenly he had smashed potatoes on his fingers. And his plate was a
mess. Eric sighed.
"Adam what did you do at school today,boy? Pa asked quisitively
Adam loved to talk about school; he loved it. "School must be a place
where important things happen. Big Doings" thought the little boy who
smiled broadly as Adam chattered away.
"First we had a lesson on the War of 1812. There was a fire in
Washington, D.C." Adam said proudly
"Well, how about that!" said Pa in rapt attention
" I read a whole chapter on it today. The school master said I read the
most of all the boys in class!" Adam went on. Eric placed the napkin
over his head as he was getting terribly irritable by that strange
looking thing on his plate. "Yankee doodle keep it up Yankee doodle
dandy He put a feather in his cap and caled mac ka krooonnnnnneeeee!"
Eric yelled as loud as he could. After all, he's important too! Pa
looked at his baby boy then started to laugh. "Eat your dinner, silly
boy before it gets cold." Pa took the napkin off the little fellows
head. So much for singing. "I know," Eric thought "I'll drink some milk.
I'm getting hungry." He picked up a tall tin cup with both hands holding
it to his lips. Blowing bubbles into his milk, he started kicking his
feet back and forth.
"Eric!" Pa chastised
"Pa! I made a drawing at school.! Want to see it?" Adam jumped up and
ran to Pa's desk to fetch the paper drawing. He handed it to his father
with a huge smile. "That's fine, son. Real fine. As a matter of fact I
like this drawing of the house so much I believe I can use this idea to
add on to the house. What do you think of that?" Adam was very pleased.
Eric jumped down from his seat and went to the cutting board near the
sink . He picked up a carrot and celery stalk. " I can play soldier with
these and they make a lot of noise when I crunch them" he thought "Pa, I
want these" he said and handed the carrot and celery to his Pa to break.
He grabbed them both and stuck them in his mouth. Crunch Crunch, Eric
made as much noise as he could to show off to his big broher who was
pretty smart.
Pa picked up the toddler again and sat him at his left. The boy opened
his mouth and yelled "GEEERRR ON EEEEE MOOOOOOO!!!" Adam thought it was
funny coming out of no where but he kept on talking about school,
anyhow. Eric sighed. He kicked his feet back and forth Looking straight
at Pa who was intrigued by this strange phenomenon called school Eric
blurted out with a scowl on his cherubic face "I'm so hungry I could eat
rat soup!" "Oh! Eric" Pa scolded. Adam giggled at his baby brother who
put the napkin over his head again "What's the matter, son? Don't you
like fish?" Pa asked his little boy "Fish?" he thought perplexed? "Hey,
Adam! I caught fish today Me and Pa went to the lake and I got a fish!"
Eric beamed. Well that sounds important he thought. What do you think of
that? Pa took the napkin off the boy's head and tucked it back into his
"Eric," he said really Pa like in a deep voice, " this is fish. Do you
want to try some?" The baby stuck his tongue out "Yup" Pa put a small
bit of the funny white thing with the yellowy sauce on it onto a fork
and gently fed it to the little boy. He scowled. Then chewed it a little
bit. He stuck his finger in his mouth then chewed some more. Finally he
swallowed it.
"mmm this is fish?" he thought "ok I like it" "Finally!" Pa said with a
Adam started chattering again about school. Something about math and
numbers. Pa smiled; he was so proud of his little school boy. Eric
looked at his plate and looked at Adam He decided smashing peas was more
fun. Grabbing his tin cup he took a few swallows of milk and grew a milk
moustache above his lip. Pa wiped the little one's face with the napkin
then turned to Adam again who was saying he couldn't wait for school
    Lake Tahoe was exceptionally blue and clear that day, Ben
Cartwright wrote in his journal, much like the blue in his son's
striking azure eyes...I remember that day as if it were only yesterday,
he wrote pensively...
     Eric bolted towards his laughing father who was standing with
knees bent and his long arms spread wide Ben scooped up his ten year old
in both arms and clutching him like a log flipped him over his leg onto
the ground. The boy was quite a healthy armful, for sure, but Pa was
very strong and happy to rough house with him when they both needed to
let off a little steam.
Unlike his older brothers, the baby, "Little" Joe was a tornado. Pa
couldn't take his eyes off him for five seconds without some
catastrophe! Either "Little" Joe was hurling himself off the stairway or
hurtling some breakable object through the air or using his brothers as
unwilling broncos; Pa sometimes felt drained by his very demanding
toddler. Adam, too, had been a challenge for Pa. Rarely did the boy
allow himself to be childlike. Pa found it difficult and trying to get
Adam to be playful and carefree. With
Eric, Pa could play and roughhouse
with him and relax. He was a giving, genial boy.
Pa tossed Eric over his leg and flipped him over holding onto the boy's
His baby face and bright blue eyes shone with unabashed happiness. Eric
laughed loudly as Pa hugged his neck.
Grabbing him under the arms, Pa lifted his son off the ground and tossed
him into the shallows of the lake and dove in after him. With wild
splashing, the boy threw himself at
Pa. He grabbed him around the
shoulders and hugged his father tight. Pa laughed again and gave Eric a
smart slap on the leg. It was so good to be young...

   Watching Hoss now, Ben wrote, was like being a father to that
youngster all over again. Hoss played with Billy, taught him to trust
and love again. I love my son, Ben wrote, I am so thankful.

Blue Velvet