

Lynne G.

Usually Saturdays on the Ponderosa went smoothly and there weren't a lot of chores that needed doing. It was more of a relaxing day, but this Saturday was a little different.

This was the last day of haying season and the Cartwrights figured they would be finished about mid-day. This day it finally a little cooler then it had been all week, and they were all very grateful for that, but it was still hard work.

" Boy I am so glad that's over for another year !" Ben declared as he took a long drink from his canteen. " You sure got that right Pa, and it was an excellent season too," Adam said as Hoss agreed with that statement too as did Ben.

Little Joe stood there feeling very proud of himself for being able to help out full time with the haying season this year. Being that he was now fifteen years old, he was able to do more chores than he had in the past, but there were still many more chores that he was still too young to do yet.

After they had arrived home one of the first things that they wanted to do was take a nice relaxing bath. Ben, Adam and Hoss were all able to get in their baths before dinner, which meant that Little Joe would have to wait until after dinner for his bath since he was the youngest.

As the Cartwrights were relaxing after dinner and before Little Joe had his bath, Ben, Adam and Hoss were talking about when Little Joe was a very little boy and he hated to take baths. The boy would run out of the washroom and outside and run around the yard without his clothes on and he would yell, " No baff, no baff !" over and over and over while his family had to chase after him and get him back in the house.

" Boy, how could we ever forget those days ? Little brother you certainly kept us on our toes at all times. We didn't dare turn our backs on you. One minute we were ready to put you in the tub, and the next moment you were running out of the house yelling, " NO BAFF " over and over." Adam teased.

" Yeah, seems like only yesterday when that happened," Hoss laughed. " I have to say Little Joe, you certainly made bath time very interesting for us," Ben stated as he remembered back to those days.

" Well, ha, ha, ha, ya had ta chase me did ya. I liked going 'round without clothes. I love the feeling of the breeze on my bare skin," the boy teased as he was beginning to get an idea in his head for a prank on his family and he giggled to himself.

" Joseph, go and take your bath now please," Ben suggested as he smiled at his young son. " NO BAFF, NO BAFF !" the boy teased. " JOSEPH !" Ben replied.

" Sure thing Pa ! I loved ta keep you guys on yer toes though," the boy said as he giggled and he started to leave the room, but before he left it, he turned and grinned at Hoss with mischief written all over his face.

Hoss was nervous as soon as he saw that look on the boy's face and he knew that mischief was coming.

" Somethings never change !" Adam teased as they all watched the youngest Cartwright finally leave the room.

" Hey Pa, I tell ya that boy is up to something. Did ya see that look he gave me before he left the room?" Hoss nervously said as he swallowed plus he had a worried look on his face as well.

Both Ben and Adam looked at Hoss and saw a look of worry on his face. " Hoss, the boy is fifteen years old now so I don't think he is planning on running around without his clothes on," Ben told Hoss to ease his concerns.

" But Pa, we are talking about Little Joe after all and we all know that he still has a lot of ' little boy ' in him..." Adam reminded them.

No sooner he Adam made that statement when a totally naked and giggling Little Joe ran past them and out the front yelling, " NO BAFF, NO BAFF !" over and over.

Not sure if they were seeing what their eyes thought they were seeing, the Cartwrights just sat there in shock for the first few seconds before they realized at what they saw was real, and they ran after the naked boy.

Little Joe ran around the yard yelling, " NO BAFF, NO BAFF !" over and over while giggling loudly.

" JOSEPH GET BACK IN THE HOUSE NOW !" Ben shouted as they continued to chase after Little Joe.

In the mean time in the bunk house, Charlie and Hank were enjoying a game of checkers when they heard Little Joe yelling in the yard. They both looked up at each other remembering back to the years before when that seemed to be a very common thing for the youngest Cartwright.

" You don't think he is...? Charlie started to say. " Knowing that boy, it wouldn't surprise me one bit," Hank laughed. They both went outside and to their surprise, there was Little Joe running around the yard as if he were five years old again. They were both shocked, but then they started to laugh at the looks on Ben, Adam and Hoss's faces.

Little Joe was giggling so hard that he fell and was rolling in the dirt while holding his stomach. His shocked family were finally able to catch up him and Hoss quickly picked him up and threw him over his shoulder while Ben gave him four quick swats to his small bare bottom.

" Just like old times Ben," Charlie shouted as he and Hank continued to laugh. Ben just smiled at them.

Once back in the washroom, Hoss dumped his little brother in the tub. The boy was still giggling. A very shocked Hop Sing just stood not believing what he had seen either.

" You guys shoulda seen the looks on yer faces. Talk about funny !" the boy giggled as the tears ran down his face from giggling so hard.

" Joseph so help me if you ever do that again, I'm ...I'm going to put you in a cage until you are an old man !" Ben threatened. " Good idea Pa !" both Adam and Hoss said.

Back in the livingroom, Ben, Adam and Hoss still couldn't believe what Little Joe had done. " That boy...." Ben started to say before a loud singing voice was suddenly heard singing, " Rubber ducky we're the one. Oh rubber ducky I love, cuz ya never tease me. Oh rubber ducky yer the one !"

" Pa I think baby brother spent too much time in the sun this week. It's damaged his brain. First he runs around the yard totally naked yelling " NO BAFF " over and over and now he is singing to his rubber ducky, and I hate to think what he will do next," Adam said as he looked at Ben.

" You could be right about that son, but I think that boy is just teasing us. At least I hope he is," Ben replied with a worried look on his face.

" Pa, that boy has that duck in the tub with him evrytime he takes a bath !" Hoss reminded Ben. Ben just smiled as did Adam.

" Mr. Cartlight, Little Joe need help. First he run in yard with no clothes and yell he want no baff, now he sing to rubber duck. Boy need help now. He not normal today !" Hop Sing rambled on.

" Don't worry Hop Sing, he's just teasing us, I hope," Ben told Hop Sing.

" Oh rubber ducky we're the one ! Rubber ducky..." could still be heard loudly through out the house.

The End