


BY Moreau

"Sweet lord, it can't be." Little Joe said with a groan.

"Yep little brother you just look on over that a way, see that carriage coming up the road, it's her, sure as shootin'.

"But didn't Bellvina Barkley Blake marry up with that ...wait, give me a second..." Joe said thinking out loud.

"Yep, she married Trampus Trigg from Carson City. Then he up and died three weeks after the honeymoon." Hoss said.

"Hoss, that makes four husbands in three years. Do ya suppose she is still after Pa?" Joe said with a worried tone.

"Who's after Pa?" Adam asked between bites of his sandwich.

"Black Widow Blake, she's coming over the ridge. I know that carriage, I had to fix it once for husband number one, poor Mr. Barkley." Hoss said.

"Two weeks after the honeymoon, dead as trout on dry land."

"Hoss please, he had a heart condition, everyone knew that."

"Yeah, especially Black Widow." Joe said..

"Pa isn't going to marry her, no siree-bob. We hafta do something Adam."

"No, 'we' don't." Adam said sarcastically.

"You mean you would let Pa walk into the web of the Black Widow and be swallowed up just like poor Mr. Barkley?" Hoss said disbelieving his ears.

"Pa is a grown man, he makes his own decisions and I don't want to be part of whatever scheme you two have in mind. It's always my hide that seems to be nailed to the barn door..."

"Here she comes, act natural like." Hoss said.

The black carriage with the fringe stopped gracefully in front of the ranch house. Bellvina stepped down showing a little too much ankle for Hoss' liking, he turned pink then red.

"Hello gentlemen, is your father home?"Bellvina said dripping with sweetness.

"No, haven't seen Pa since he took that pretty lady, what was her name Joe?"

Joe looked stunned, then recovered. "Umm oh yeah, that pretty lady from San Francisco, they went somewhere...where they go Adam?" Joe said quickly.

Adam gave a murderous scowl to both his brothers. Now either lie for his brothers sake or lie for his father's protection. "Pa is not home at the moment Mrs Blake. I can relay a message if you wish."

Confused, Bellvina and shook her head. "Funny thing, he asked me to come out here to discuss business. I have to make a decision within the hour, I guess I will go with Mr. Turner's deal instead. Good day boys." Bellvina said snapping the reins of the carriage horses. She was still far from the ranch before anyone spoke or even blinked.

"Pa asked her out here?" Adam said finally.

"Oh lordy." Hoss said rubbing his eyes.

"Lordy can't help you two now."

"Us two?" Hoss and Joe said in unison.

"I didn't want to lie to Bellvina..." Adam started.

"But you did." Joe said pointing a finger.

"Not really, he wasn't 'here'. " Adam said.

"Who's gonna tell Pa?" Hoss asked.

Silence, only an occasional barnyard sound.

Ben Cartwright took a break from his ledgers. Walking outside he noticed three unproductive sons standing about digging their booted toes into the dust. He was sure he gave all three enough work today to keep them occupied until after Bellvina Blake came and gone.

"Well seems I underestimated the chores I assigned to you three this week." Ben said startling them.

"Oh hi Pa, no just taking a breather." Joe said unconvincingly.

"Joseph, you finished the wagon repairs already?" Ben said with a raised eyebrow.

"No sir, not exactly." Joe hedged.

"Hoss, you finished that corral?"

"Almost Pa, just a few...or umm 100 more feet...no sir."

"No Pa I haven't finished the breaking of that string yet.." Adam said.

"Well then, I don't know why you three are standing around, but if I don't see some backsides moving in one minute..."

"Pa there was a visitor..we got rid of her for ya Pa. Whew that was a close one." Joe spewed out.

"Explain young man." Ben said.

"The Black Widow Blake came calling on ya. We told her you were not here, gone off with ...gone somewhere. Anyways, she left to see Mr. Turner. You're welcome Pa."

Ben closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, Joe, Hoss and Adam could swear the color of their father's eyes went from black to blacker. His scowl was as fierce as anyone of them would want to remember. "Mrs. Blake was here? Joseph, you and I will have a discussion on calling Mrs. Blake ‘ the Black Widow. Understood?"

"Yes Pa." Joe said contrite.

"She is after you Pa. You know what happened to her other husbands, we were only protecting you from certain death."

"Do you realize she was about to sign over the Eagle Run mine to me for a third of the costs. She wanted to be rid of it. Now she will sign it over to Tray Turner for practically nothing. The mine hit a vein last week, I had the contracts drawn and ready for signature."

"Pa, she was really after you, not a deal on that mine. I would bet my very hide on that."

"Are you sure son?" Ben said taking a step toward Hoss.