The new Baby

By Sadiespinner

April 2006

“Hold on there young man!”

The little boy stopped his hopping and turned. He lowered his head just a bit; the dark wavy bangs almost fell into his eyes.

(I don’t care what she said, as soon as the baby comes, this one is getting his hair cut, she will be confined to bed for a few days and, humm well I will deal with, oh never mind with the new one she will not notice, I hope, especially if it’s a little girl.)

The tug on his hand brought the young man out of his thoughts to look down on his little boy.

“Papa whats a’ matter, are you cross with me? I didn’t mean to go so far, I’m sorry Papa, I just walk right hewer, Okay?”

The repentant little face scouring his, the deep round eyes, how could any father stay angry? The young man ruffled the mop of hair and chuckled. “It’s alright son, I know you are only excited.”

“Uh-Huh…Can we go now?”

“Well if we don’t there might be nothing left to see.” He laughed and the boy turned and raced a few paces ahead then halting he walked back.



Lately he himself was sorry they ever invented the word (Sorry.)

It seemed to accompany just about every other word or action coming from his 3 –1/2 year old son.

“Yes, I know.”

Rolling his eyes towards heaven and with a great sigh and shaking of his head he ushered the child ahead of him.

It was a hot late summer day; his wife was very close to delivering their second child and the anxious and constant questions of when? And, how come? Along with this oppressive heat wave tried even the patients of his sweet gentle wife. That is why this hot sunny Saturday afternoon, he had offered to take the bright inquisitive little boy out for a walk hopefully to tire him out so he took a nice long nap, of which he had stubbornly and suddenly declared he no longer needed nor would take. The ensuing struggles and challenge of wills often left all parties less than happy, and as it was so close to the arrival of a new baby, they had taken to a new tactic.

The little boy loved these walks with his father, and would gladly tell all the folks he met along the way all about his Mama and the New Baby, of which he was going to be the big brother, puffing out his little chest, eyes bright and a most charming smile on his handsome little face. He was extremely proud of this position, as his father had told him all about being a big brother and how important it was to Mama and he that he should be a good big brother. The serious little face and solemn promise made his parents giggle when they were sure he was out of earshot, or napping.

He seemed to take to heart the job, and had grown up almost overnight as the event progressed, that is not to say from time to time he had his own misgivings as to what might happen to him when this new baby arrived. First off when he had been told he had crossed his little arms and made it abundantly clear with his proclaimed edict. “That baby’s not touchin’ my stuff!” That noted he announced he would not accept anything but a baby brother, no matter how patient and carefully his Mama had tried to reassure him that if indeed it were a girl, things would be just the same. He wasn’t buying it at first but Mama and Papa had promised him so he grudgingly agreed to it.

As they neared their destination the strong smell of salt air and sounds of the busy piers and docks hurried the pair along.

The boy was the first to spy the others_ a man was sitting on one of the benches that overlooked the bay and docks. Halting he waited for his own father to catch up, approaching strangers was strictly forbidden and sternly enforced, always repentant after, he never-the-less seemed undaunted in his seeking to make friends when ever he met someone new.

“Papa is it alwright? Can I say hello?”

The dark haired young man put his hands on his hips and held the hopeful little face in a stern gaze for a few moments, then nodded his permission with a “Be careful son don’t run so fast.” It was lost on the breeze, again he rolled his eyes, never realizing his own actions were to become a family trait in years to come. Reading people came easy to him, therefore his parental intuitiveness telling him there was no need to worry. He had no reason to deny the request, as the man on the bench had his eyes trained keenly on the small girl whirling and imitating the soaring gulls and turns that dipped and skimmed over the surface of the bay, there was no mistaking his expression, this was a father keeping a close and protective eye on his little girl.

The boy ran happily up to her, excited to tell someone new about his great news.

“Hi, guess what?”

She stopped her dance and eyed him, looking past to her father who nodded, smiling.

“Know what?” The boy repeated but before she had a chance to answer he blurted out “I’m gonna get a baby, an’ be a big brother, cause I’m 3 n’ a haff’ now.” He made a valiant effort to show her with his fingers, however the half part eluded him.

She just stood there the warm breeze playing gently with her dark curls peaking out from under her sunbonnet.

He watched her with eager eyes waiting for the usual response of “Isn’t that wonderful.”

Nothing happened, he frowned then an idea brightened his face. “Wanna play with me?”


“It will be fun, lets play, I like you…Do you like me?” He asked hopefully looking under the brim of the bonnet to see great hazel eyes under raised brows watching him then the brows furrowed and she folded her arms across her chest.

“My playing by my own!” She raised her nose and turned away.

The two fathers sitting a few yards away on the bench each held an amused smile and nodded simultaneously, then turning to each other chuckled out loud and both announced.

“Well I see they both met their match!”

“Yes it would seem so.” They again chuckled at the animated conversation that only partly came floating over on the breeze.

Sensing a familiarity with the man at his right the boy’s father ventured.

“You seem to have an affinity with the sea, I can tell by the way you were glancing up out over the bay, the look in your eye gave it away.”

The other man seemed to draw himself up and turn slightly away.

“I’m sorry for being so forward and apologize if I have offended you. It’s just that lately I rarely meet another who seems so taken by the sea.”

“Aye, that I am, and no apology needed I guess it shows, can’t help it, I get like an old *Snaggletooth Octopus, when I am away to long.”

“I take it you are a sailing man then?”

“Aye, Mate, I have just gotten my first commission as a Captain, but my wife…” He shifted uncomfortably.

“No need to explain I did not mean to pry.”

The man sighed heavily and turned to offer his hand to the other, their eyes met.

“So presume you are expecting another child.” He offered changing the subject.

“Yes, and I am afraid my son has made his mission in life to tell the entire Eastern Seaboard, and given half the chance the entire world.”

This brought another chuckle and understanding smile. “I take it he takes things to heart, won’t take no for an answer? Stubborn as the day is long I’ll wager.”

“You don’t know the half of it, why I sometimes wonder which will wear out first, the seat of his newly acquired knee pants, or the flat of my hand.”

“Aye, but for the fact she is a dainty little thing and I can not bear to see her cry, I feel I would find myself in the very same position, more than to my liking, that girl is like a bulldog, when she gets an idea in her head, I can only imagine what I will be facing as she grows, she already has me wrapped around her little finger and she is only going on three.”

Suddenly a young man trotted up waving excitedly he reached the fathers and whispered in the ear of the one; as this kind of thing was not shouted out in public places. “The missus sent me, its time.”

“Thank you Elmer, you hurry and get Mrs. Newton and Dr. Brown, I’ll be right along.”

The young father’s face showed both joy and fear, birth was always met with trepidation as it could and often went bad.

The two men sat for a second, then the one clapped his hand firmly down on the shoulder of the expectant father, “Don’t look so scared, he pointed to the little boy and girl whirling and flying, That one turned out alright, no reason to think this will be any different, get along with ya, and Congratulations.”

The both stood up and beckoned their children to them.

Extending warm arms and grasping each other in understanding and camaraderie, they headed in opposite directions.

Just before they headed over to their fathers, the little boy reached out hugged her, and kissed her cheek, “I like you you’re my fwrind, you can come see my baby when it comes alwright?”

His big dark eyes met her hazel ones and she nodded. “Sure alwite.”

As they left each turned and looked over their shoulder, then up at their fathers.

“Papa, is my new brover coming?”

“Yes… son it seems so, we must hurry, here you get up on my back and we will ride home Okay?”

“Yahay, giddy up.” He laughed as his father swung him effortlessly up and they galloped away.

The little girl and her father walked slowly in the other direction, she held his hand in hers and looking up she asked. “Papa, I can get a brover?”

For a moment tears burned his eyes, “Aye, girl I don’t know, the Lord, seems to have other plans for us…”

“Oh,” was all she said.

The little boy giggled as his father hurried along. The young man surprised himself at finding he was just a little winded as they approached their home, and he felt immense relief as he saw the Doctor had already arrived. Just how much his boy had grown and gained weight had slipped his notice in the past few months.

He slid him down and was just able to catch his arm as the child made to bolt into the house yelling; the hand over his mouth and stern glare cut him off.

“You must not yell, Mother can’t be upset right now and if you yell you will worry her and we can’t have that.” He lectured sternly his dark hazel eyes making contact with those of his son his words and desire very clear to the child.

“Okay Papa, Sorry! Can I see th’baby?”

“Ah, I don’t think it is here yet, come lets go inside quietly and see.”

He took the little hand and they went up the steps and into the entry hall, the clock ticked loudly from the study, and they could hear muffled sounds from upstairs. He ushered his son into the kitchen where he found a pot of water boiling on the stove and a pail of cold well water on the table, he picked up the now subdued child who played anxiously with his fingers to set him on the table, and paused to turn his own head at the increasing distress level coming form up stairs. Gently the man wiped the sweat from the little face, hoping his own smile was brave enough.

When he finished and turned to cool himself, his hands hidden from the boy trembled slightly, but something in the yard, caught his attention he made a decision. He needed a distraction, not only for his son but also for himself.

“Come, son its going to be a while so lets go pick Mama some sweet grapes, you know how she loves them and she will be so happy to have them after.”

“After what? Is Mama gonna be alwrite?” He asked his voice a mere whisper, eyes wide he waited for an answer.

“Oh son, of course she will.”

He lifted the child into his arms and gave him a hug. Grabbing the wooden basket from the sideboard, his son perched on his arm they went out the back door into the small fenced yard and towards the back where the grape arbor stood, the small cave created by the lush green leaves of the concord grape vines provided a much appreciated haven on a hot sunny day. The wonderful sweet purple fruit hung in clusters from the sides and down from the canopy of vines above. Every now and then a pinpoint of brilliant light would poke through as the leaves fluttered. The honeybees darted and hovered, the season was growing closed and they had to hurry to get all the nectar available.

For a few moments they just stood in the shade and let the breeze touch them, then the little boy began to fidget and shift from one foot to the other.

“What’s wrong?”

“I fink I have ta pee.”

“Oh, I guess it has been a while, alright come along.” They went out into the late afternoon sun, even the few moments under the arbor made them squint when they came back out.

Reaching the outhouse door, the boy was already pulling his shirttail out of his new knee pants. “ I can do it my own self.” He declared as he pushed his fathers hand away.

“Young man, I do not like that tone of voice.”

“Sigh! But Papa I gots ta go.” He was now dancing.

“Go ahead, but we will speak of this.”

Opening the door the little boy stepped in wiggling urgently.

“Close th’ door.”

With his lips in a thin line, his dark eyes under darker drawn brows, the man closed but not shut the door, mentally counting the seconds.

“Um, Papa, its is too dark, I can’t do th’ my buttens . . .I”

The door swung open and he was rescued from the embarrassment of an accident, after all he was a big boy now.

The man sat on the bench under the arbor the bees humming merrily around him, the taste of sweet grapes lingering on his tongue, the small boy in his lap leaning into his chest, as he once again listened to the wonders of the soon to arrive baby and his job as big brother.

The boys weight sank into him and the telltale twitch, told him he had lost his audience to mother nature, standing he carefully shifted the boy into his arms, smiling at the little purple lips and the small trail of purple drool, down the side of his chin. Leaning over he took up the now almost full of the last of the summers’ bounty and headed back to the house. Entering quietly he left the basket on the table and went on into the parlor where he laid the sleeping child on the Settee, slipping off his shoes he left him to his nap. As he pulled the Parlor door almost closed he heard footsteps on the stairs. Mrs. Wanda Newton brushed her face with her arm, cheeks bright red from the heat. She smiled cheerily at the man.

“Oh, now don’t you go fretting none, she is doing fine and I think you will be a Papa again in just a little while longer.” The loud wail from upstairs heralded the arrival of his second child.

“See there I told you so!”

She scurried past to refill her pitcher and get another bowl of hot water. The man stood transfixed looking up the stairs. Returning from the kitchen her pitcher and bowl she grinned widely slipping past and back upstairs.

What seemed like ages, passed and the Doctor appeared at the top of the stairs.

Well what are you waiting for man? Come up and meet your new son!”

Hesitating for a mere fraction he bolted up the stairs hugging the doctor, and pumping is hand. A boy? Another boy? My wife? Thank you Doctor, I…I.”

“She is fine my boy, came through with flying colors, and so did your new son.” He patted the younger man on the back and gently pushed him towards the bedroom door.
“Oh and no need to thank me, she did all the work!”

Quietly his heart pounding he came in and over to the bed, where his wife lay, her lovely Chestnut hair spread around her head, damp and curling from her efforts to bring her new baby into the world but her face though flushed radiated peace and contentment and pure joy. Wanda nodded then slipped out leaving them to their privacy.

Carefully his own face full of wonder he bent to inspect this new child of his, he had a crown of Downey fine light brown hair, so different from the dark wavy lock that adorned his firstborn. He was smaller and had more of his mother’s features but still he was beautiful to behold, and he placed a tender kiss on the wrinkled little red face.

“Thank you, my darling.”

She smiled, “Isn’t he precious, I can’t wait for out Big boy, to see him, perhaps the why and how comes will . . .” With that the picture of her eldest son popped into her mind and she made a little funny face, “Sigh, well it was just a thought. Where is he? I thought for sure he would come bounding in here like . . . ”

“He had better not, if he knows what’s good for him, we have already had a long conversation on what is acceptable and what is not, in terms of his actions with and about his new brother and Mama too, I don’t want him jumping on you . . .”

“ Oh, for heaven sakes, you are to harsh on him sometimes. After all he isn’t even four yet.” She pouted always ready to defend her baby, even from his Papa, when she felt he needed it.

“Oh Darling, lets not quarrel- not hear not now with this miracle of new life and our love right here between us, and I promise to be patient with his big brother . . . ”

Smiling in his most convincing and charming way, dark hazel eyes full of love for her, he kissed her dry lips softly and reached in to pick up and hold for the first time his second son. Great pride and gratitude shown out of the shimmering pools, as he gazed down on him still not use to the miracle of such a tiny perfect human being. Dragging his eyes from the now squirming bundle he saw her watching him, her big stunning gray eyes blinked sleepily and for a moment his desire for her colored his cheeks.

“You are a very good Papa, and I love you.” He sat down on the side of the bed next to her and they spent a quiet hour just checking and re-checking this marvel of new life.

Down stairs the little boy on the settee turned over and his eyes fluttered open, a loud yawn caught him by surprise and he sat up rubbing his fists into his eyes.

“Where’s Papa?” He slid off the settee and went to the partially closed door. Pulling it further he peeked around.

“Papa are you here?” When he got no answer he raised his voice, still no answer, as Mrs. Newton was out hanging out the newly washed diapers. Before she could get back a shrill voice a cross between anger and fear rang loudly and echoed up the stairs.

“PaaaPaaaa, where’s are Yooooo…”

His father appeared at the top of the stairs and his face was none to happy, his hands were on his hips and, he was frowning in that special way that made the boy swallow and put his hands behind him.

“What is going on? Did I not just get finished telling you about yelling right now young man?” The growl floated down the stairs.

The boy wrinkled his nose, and shook his head.

“Nu-uh, Papa that’s was afore, and why didn’t you come when I called?” The pose at the bottom of the stairs was a perfect replica of the one at the top. Mrs. Newton stood in the kitchen door and although she could not see the man she could clearly see the_ _ expression on the child.

Her motherly instinct took command, and the voice coming from the bedroom combined to make short work of the standoff brewing.

“Hush child,” She came forward and turned him around and straightened his clothes and brushed his hair best she could with her hand. “You don’t want to look messy when you meet your new brother, after all you are the big brother now, right?”

The little face with the beautiful chocolate eyes framed with dark wavy hair and rich lashes lit up like the sky full of fireworks.

There was just enough time to grab her apron corner and dab away the little purple stain before his mouth fell open and he spun around to look up at his father. A hint of displeasure shadowed his features but the corners of the man’s mouth were twitching, his eyes now glowed with something far from what they had just sparked. “Come on up son and greet your new brother.”

Placing his little hand on the rail the child carefully and eagerly climbed the stairs his little legs working to get to the top as fast as was possible. When he reached the top his hands slipped back behind him.

“Sorry Papa for yellen, it was a accident.” “I forgots.”

“Yes, but you will not forget again? Right?”

“Uhuh, nope!” He grinned up at the man and his father had to chuckle and shake his head, turning the boy towards the room he raised his eyes and rolled them to heaven. (Lord, please give me patience, and could you hurry!)

Carefully with his hand firmly on the little shoulder ready to hang on if needed, they approached the bed. The little boy looked at his Mama, he swallowed, she looked funny, and real tired. “Hiya, Mama, I got a whole bunch of Grapes jest for you..” Taking a second to peek up at his father, “Oh, ummm Papa helped me, just a little, wright Papa? You want some now Mama?” His oh so innocent smirk made it almost impossible for the adults to keep a straight face. (For such a little boy he sure is Wiley and perhaps a tad more aware of things than an unsuspecting observer might notice.) The thought lingered but a hairs breath on the man’s already overflowing mind.

“Later darling, but thank you for being so thoughtful, now come and see your brother.”

She patted the bed and he went to the side, leaning up on his toes and placing his hands on the mattress he was just a mite to short to be able to see. Frowning he snorted, demanding. “Papa, you pick me up, I can’t see him!”

He got his wish but it was accompanied by a firm swat. To which he pushed out his bottom lip and gave his father a hard glare, which in turn caused his father to raise his brow his_ _expression stormy.

“There now, can you see him better from Papa’s lap?” It was his Mama’s soft warm voice; he nodded, wiping his eyes. Exhaustion put aside she managed to get closer to them, so he could see. Slowly she unwrapped and folded back the blue blanket, to expose the tiny red face and wispy hair. Time stood still. The long awaited moment had come and to his great disappointment and confusion, this was not what he was expecting to see.

A deep frown covered his face, shaking his head he looked at both his parents, they seemed happy, but he wasn’t . . . not at all.

“How come he don’t have lots of hair like me?”

“ Doesn’t,” came the correction “Because he was just born.” His mother reached and touched the side of his face, going up to push a wayward lock back in place, in an effort to erase the frown of disapproval afraid it would turn all the way into one of his famous scowls.

“Why can’t I see his eyes? Why don’t he look at me, don’t he like me? Hump! Then I don’t like him.”

His enthusiasm seemed to vanish, replaced by disgruntled acceptance.

His father opened his mouth but the quick shift of his wife’s_ _ expression made him bite his lip.

“Doesn’t, remember not don’t. Your baby brother will love to see you when he wakes up, right now he is very tired getting born is very hard. You did not want to open your eyes when you were first born, and Papa thought you did not like him!” She threw in for good measure sneaking a peek at her husbands’ reaction to this ridiculous statement.

(And she has the nerve to accuse me of being behind some of his wilder statements and actions)

Giggling he looked up, “Ooh, Papa you liked me wright?”

Looking very offended and much like his son a few moments before, he hugged the boy.

“Don’t you for a moment think I ever did not like you.”

The new baby began to squirm and make little squeaky noises, his little hands finding their way out of the blanket to wave spastically around.

“Hey, look hes’ waving at me.” With great gusto he returned the gesture, now full of wonder and glee.

“Yes darling, but you must remember not to shout.”

“Oh, gulp!” He ducked his head. “S’rry.” He mumbled into his chest. A combined great sigh and shaking of heads followed. The tiny baby now took it upon himself to be heard and let out a squall his little hands making fists and his face all screwed up, turning even redder, filling his lungs he announced his desire for food.

The older brother put his hands over his ears. “Papa’s gonna give em’ a spankin for yellin like that.”

The laughter from his parents made him pull his hands back, and as his mother gently bounced the baby who quieted down right away, he looked from one to the other now very perplexed by their amusement.

“He yells too loud, how come he getted all red?”

“Never mind, sweetie, it’s just the way babies are, would you like to let him hold your finger?”

The boy shied back, not sure.

“Here watch Papa.” gently the man placed his big strong finger near the flailing little arm, the fingers found it and latched on, bringing a great smile to his fathers face, and he spoke in a very special soft whisper, the older boy did not know he could. Eyeing his father’s actions for a few moments determined now to be able to do anything his Papa could he leaned closer, confidently venturing.

“Okay, I can do it.”

“That’s a good idea, big brother, here let me help you.” With his face right next to his son’s ear carefully instructing, while his hand slowly gently untangled the tiny fingers. With measured movements helped his oldest fold his little hand so only his index finger crooked out, guided it until the tiny fingers latched on. When they made contact the baby opened his eyes and seemed to be searching, then settled on those of his big brother, they stared into one another’s face and eyes. Awe filled the little boy he scarcely dared to breath. Eyes wide, his hair falling down over his forehead, he ever so gently, (it never failed to touch his parents how this child could be so rambunctious one moment, tearing around, then in the next breath far more gentle than one would expect and showing uncanny compassion.) shook the small hand clinging to him little tongue poking out in his effort to be careful.

“Hi baby.”

“He has a name you know darling, can you remember it?”

He scrunched up his face and scratched at his ear tilting his head. “Ummm, I fink its Joe’n.”

That’s half right, his name is John, you baby brother John”.

“Hiya baby brover Johnnn, I’m your big brover. Ben-ja-men Cart-write.”

“I don’t fink he heared me, he didn’t say hello.”

“It will be a long while until he can tell you, darling he is too little to talk.”

“Can I play with him.”

“No son.”

The little boy rubbed his hair and slumped back into his father, his little brother still fiercely grasping his finger.

“Well what can he do?”

“I am afraid nothing much for a while except eat and sleep, but he will grow up fast enough, you will see.”

She leaned in and kissed the top of his head. Baby John again made his wants known with another loud wail releasing his grasp to flail his arms once more.

“But he can yell way to loud.” The boy announced, with arms raised, to shield his ears.

“He is hungry, and.” She looked up to see Mrs. Newton at the door.

“And I imagine so is his family, come along now the two of you and let Mama rest and give John his dinner.”

The little boy looked around he did not see any food or anything that looked like food.

“Where is his dinner, can I share it with him pleezz?”

”Uh, no Ben, you come with me, and I’ll tell you.” The man blushed a little there were times being a father was just a little tricky.

“ Sigh! Okay.” And with that he got to his knees on the side of the bed, and hugged his Mama, along with a great juicy kiss. “By now Mama,” he started to get down then.

“Oops I almost forgetted, thank you for my baby brover, I like him.”

“G-a-by Johnnn, you be good, I’ll be write back, okay?” He caught the flailing arm and placed a tiny kiss on it. Supremely satisfied he slid off the bed and took his fathers hand.

“Lets go Papa I starbing, to defth, I’m a big brover now an its hard work.”

His father looked down and agreed, “Yes, sir!” With a quick wink to his wife they left the room, the sun was just sliding down and cast a golden glow over the house and everything it touched as it peeked into the windows.

On the other side of town, the other father and his daughter had arrived a little while ago, she also had succumbed to the fresh air, and was now awake snuggled into her mother’s side in the big feather bed, eagerly recounting the chance meeting and all she saw and did that day. The tired pallor on her mothers face receded in the light of her little girl’s bubbly chatter. He stood watching from across the room by the window, the sun highlighting the thick chin whiskers he had begun, to look more befitting a Sailing Captain.

(New Bedford now held a sadness he wished to escape. Yes, this move to Boston was indeed the answer. They had more and better Doctors, away from the sorrow, and loss. New people and while he would be longer at sea, many more things to make the time pass swiftly, more music, more museums more literature, more theater, all these things his beloved wife held dear and could share with his little girl, who was so like her.)

Turning back to the window he envisioned the little boy they had met earlier and how he might grow up, he somehow felt it would be a fine strong if not head strong, honorable and trustworthy man, one anyone would admire and be proud to call friend. The last of the sun crept past the window and the soft evening shades spread their own kind of magic. It was then that he realized the chatter had ceased, a broad smile rose from his lips as he softly walked to the bed, and sat next to the two loves of his life, His wife, and her mirror image, with the sooty dark curls spilling around her little face and onto her shoulders, the thick dark lashes resting on her tiny cheeks, her hair he hoped would be the same raven black shinny locks her mother had.

“Aye, my dearest, this girl has both our hearts, and will no doubt gather many a lad along the way as she grows into the beauty, her mother is.”

“Did you write and tell Mr. Hollander you will be accepting the position of Captain of the Wanderer?”

“Do you want me too?”

She looked down on what would most likely be her only child, and whispered.

“Í want only what will be the best for you and for her, and I am ready for a change…
I will be happy where ever you are, and the sadness we leave here will fade in time, yes I think Boston will be best for us.”

The End.


Years and distance dimmed then faded completely any recollection of a chance meeting on a hot summers day.

The Wedding Ceremony was small and intimate. The new couple with just a few close friends gathered at the bride’s father’s house, for refreshments of punch and a beautiful cake. While the friends milled around and talked about the couple and how they looked so in love. They took the opportunity to steal away into the garden.

“Are you happy Liz, really happy?”

He held her tenderly close to his heart, looking down into those rich hazel eyes, his adoration like a beacon shining out over the coast, promising safe harbor.

“Oh, Ben darling, I could not be happier, if fact I am so happy I feel I could soar up into the heavens like the gulls and turns, or maybe higher and higher like an Eagle.”

Her beautiful child like laughter filled the garden.

“Elizabeth, Elizabeth my love.”

She suddenly spun away from her new husband and began to whirl and seemed to be flying, her wedding veil streaming out behind her like the plumes of a great swan.

Hands on his hips he watched her, calling in a teasing way. “Don’t fly too far.”

From inside the doorway her father watched, his gruff exterior, gravely voice and fearsome frown lost for the moment. It had always puzzled him why this young scalawag who had showed up with a letter of introduction seeking a spot as cabin boy upon his ship had appealed to him. Suddenly a blinding flash appeared before his eyes. Long ago hidden in his heart there was a day when he had a brief encounter with another young father by the docks and bay back in New Bedford.

A deep hearty chuckle escaped his lips, “Aye you two are a match.” As in his minds eye he saw not his lovely daughter as she was today a young woman glowing with the beauty of a new bride on her wedding day, nor did he see the handsome strong young man he had come to rely on, who had become more than a first mate over the years, but two small children laughing, whirling, imitating the gulls and terns. Total innocence, in their carefree exuberance then and now, so he stole away and never told them of his secret.

Providence and Love have a strange way of reuniting true love, for loves’ sake.

No matter how far away one find themselves the path always leads back to your one true heart.

May you all hold true love in your heart.

*Snaggletooth Octopus. From “Elizabeth, My Love.”