A little Legend, a little Truth, a little Christmas Magic.

Dec. 2006

By Sadiespinner

The rain was coming down steadily, mixed in it were spits of icy sleet. The young man driving the wagon blasted himself for this folly. Things were going so badly lately he began to wonder and doubt himself and his delusions of grandeur.

First the weather got nasty, then got better, going between mud and ice seeming not to be able to make up its mind which way it wanted to torment him. Out of almost every supply due to the weather interfering with the freight wagons last time he managed to get into the Trading post he had no choice. Both the men who worked for him were down. One had a severe cold the other verging on pneumonia. Flat out of options he had to go today, tomorrow night was Christmas Eve. He could never have his two little boys eat nothing but hard biscuits skinny rabbit and a few shriveled carrots, not again.

So, they rode dispiritedly, for they could only get half the amounts, supply and demand made rationing imperative. Although never one to begrudge others, understanding and facing facts at this point seemed miles apart. In this mood he was making the return trip, aggravated beyond which his patience could endure, he had snapped at his older boy and brought tears to the eyes of his younger. Neither boy had said a word since leaving the trading post.

Guilt ground into his soul, like the heel of a boot. Pulling up on the reins he halted the wagon hanging his head. “Boys, I’m sorry, I had no right to get angry, it wasn’t you I was angry with it was myself and the lack of supplies we so badly need.” After another moment’s hesitation he half turned in the seat, his breath making misty puffs. Before he could go on a dark head poked out from under the tarp, all tousled from the woolen cap, deep hazel brown eyes way too serious for his age answered him, without words. Within a minute, big spring sunshine blue eyes joined his. “S kay’ Pa, we knowed ya wuz.” He rubbed at his cheeks pink from the cold.

“Thank you son, now both of you get under that tarp before you get all soggy and I have to hang you up by the britches next to the fire place to dry out.” He was rewarded by two sets of giggles, and was just able to catch a glimpse of the dark head shaking as it slipped back into the cap and melted away under the tarp.

“Some day son, I – ”

Turning back to the task he clicked the big draft horse into motion once again. He knew both his hands were sorry they were ill and could not watch the boys, afraid they would make them sick as it was so close to Christmas, besides each boy had coins that were calling to them to spend. Not to mention such a trip was a rare treat in itself. He smiled when he remembered the hushed overly loud attempt to whisper between them as they matched coins and debated how to best use them, he was sure he was at the front of the debate, after all his name came up almost with every other word. Suspecting his Christmas present was in the carefully guarded brown paper sack secreted away inside his older son’s coat He pretended not to have noticed.

The sky suddenly took his attention from the warm thoughts to the present tragedy waiting to befall them just up ahead. Out of nowhere the wind came roaring up the hillside and buffeted the wagon, the rain with equal ferocity came down so hard it was like being forced to ride under a waterfall you could not get free from.

The wagon’s right front wheel suddenly jolted violently into a mammoth mud hole causing the wagon to jackknife snapping the tongue and sending the horse into a terrified frenzy taking the man with him. Hands wrapped around the reins he was catapulted from the wagon seat landing on his stomach behind the wildly stampeding horse. Unable to see and almost drowning in the muddy water he plowed a furrow behind the horse with his body, it was only by some chance of fate his hands slipped out of the gloves as he came to rest five yards down the road, laying perfectly still, his arm supporting his face was the only thing preventing his really drowning in the deep muddy water filling the ruts he lay in.

Both boys screamed although the older of the two instantly rebuked himself for such a childish reaction, after all he was not a kid, he was just turned nine. It was okay for his little brother after all he was only four, and that was expected.

Nature was not finished with them, a gust of wind, which was nothing if not unheard of slammed up the same hillside hitting the wagon broadside with such intense force the already tilting wagon bucked. The tarp filled like a sail and one last parting thrust finished the job, as the wagon over turned a deadly thump resounded. Never quite sure afterwards how it happened, the older boy landed a few feet away. Unfortunately in blind panic the younger boy had franticly tried to scramble under the seat and when in the blink of an eye the wind let up he found himself pinned under the side of the wagon, it was a hairs breath away from sure and certain death that the deep muddy hole cushioned his landing. Fear and pain tore a scream from him that reverberated around the land despite the fact it was still raining so hard one could not see a foot in front of them.

Dazed and bruised the older boy reacted to his brother’s voice even before he knew where he was or what had happened. Pure adrenalin drove him as he scrambled through the weeds and mud, falling and getting up and running and slipping until hitting the side of the wagon made him stop. His little brother was crying hysterically, trashing and kicking unable to get free and it took a few moments to locate and get him calmed down enough to tell him where he hurt and how bad. His hands were cold and he felt numb, as he brushed his brother’s face and tried as best he could to reassure the little boy things were going to be fine.

“Paaaaaa, whre’s Pa, I’m scared, I hurt, I cain’t move my arms, an’ I’m so-ooo cold.”

“I know, shush, its gonna be okay, ya gotta calm down and stay still, an’ listen to me . . .

Hoss, stop crying this minute!” He shouted with great authority, although he did not feel at all in command of himself much less the situation he was now forced into.

Taking heed of his brother’s voice when it reached that tone, Hoss was eventually able to bring himself to a hiccoughing semi whimper and lay as still as he could but unable to stop the trembling. Adam took hold of the sides of young Hoss’ face forcing him to look only at himself. Swallowing he steadied his voice.

“Hoss, now listen to me, very carefully---”

His little brother nodded slowly, rain was spilling down off Adams face his hair flattened to his head, and they were barely able to see each other. Rain made his voice sputter as it tracked down into his mouth.

“I’m gonna’ see if I can cut off a piece of the tarp and make a tent fer ya, so you be brave and be real still okay.”

Hoss closed his eyes and concentrated on not crying so hard, but oh he was so scared and where was Pa? But he did his best to obey Adam, his arms were pinned and he squeezed his sodden muddy mittens as he balled up his fists. Managing to turn his head from side to side tipping it back just a bit, only made the rain running down the side of the wagon cause him to choke.

Fighting his own rising fear mixed with pain Adam struggled with the wet tarp tangled into a twisted mess. His knife refused to do as he wanted and it was increasingly hard to keep a good grip on the handle due to the rain. After a desperate struggle of a good 10 minutes he had secured enough tarp to keep the heavy rain off Hoss’ face, but what about his Pa?

Down the road the man lay motionless until the water in the road crept up enough to reach his mouth and nose. Consciousness faltered receding then seeping back into his numb brain.

Young Adam trembled as he looked around and then back to his task, he had to hurry and get Hoss out of the rain and yet his stomach twisted with fear for his father. Was he alive? No! He had to be alive he just had to. “Here Hoss, this is better right? I know your cold but at least I stopped the rain, pretty good thinking huh? Hey, your being real brave little brother, I’m proud of you, an I know Pa will be too when he gets back.”

Hoss perked up at the mention of Pa. “W-wherd he go A-adam?”

Adam lowered his head just a bit biting his lip, then taking a deep breath, wincing he sent up a silent request for forgiveness for fibbing this close to Christmas and answered. “Oh, he went to find a strong tree limb to pry the wagon up, told me to take care of ya, and tell ya not to get all worried and start to wiggle and fuss, so you just be still as ya can, okay . . .?”

Hoss sniffed a big sniff, “Adam, I cain’t wipe my nose and its runnin’ real bad, an, an I got a bad tummy ache.”

Adam blanched at this his greatest fear was looming before him.

“W-w-well, I can help with the nose, but-” A huge shiver ran down his spine.

Leaning in he wiped the little boys face, actually the sleeve of his coat wasn’t really much help as it was covered with mud creating a chocolate brown smear. In his special way with his brother he giggled, Hoss frowned. “It ain’t funny Adam, quit yer laughin’
Er’ I’m telling Pa.” He stuck out his bottom lip eyes squinting up in anger.

“Awww Hoss, I ain’t laughin’ atcha’ sept’ ya look like ya was made of chocolate, and I’m so hungry I bout’ took a lick off ya!”

This did the trick, Hoss giggled back then grimacing he cried “Ohhhh, my tummy it hurts Adam, pleezzz where is Pa, get me out. . . I wanna get out.”! His high-pitched voice trembled and rose into a screeching scream.

“Hoss, Hoss, stop, stop, right now!” Adam leaned in close. Catching his shoulders he gave him just a tiny shake. His own voice he realized was screaming just as loud, he needed to get control, Pa needed him to stay calm, to be responsible to think . . .

Gulping in great gasps his chest heaving he managed to bring both himself and Hoss around.

“There, see, calm, nice and calm. I have to go see, I think I heard Pa commin’ you gonna be okay right?” Again he lied and crossed his fingers behind his back. Smiling bravely he kept nodding positively as he backed away from the little tent he had erected. Looking up after he stood up so Hoss could not see his face, it crumpled, and silent sobs slipped out.

Standing tall he shook himself and began to call for his father. As he walked he strained to hear anything other than rain, wind, bare brush swishing, tree branches clicking together and his own footsteps sloshing along. The rain was letting up and the wind suddenly as it came up died down. The day was still very dark Grey, sky meeting earth and making it almost impossible to tell where one ended and one began. He kept to the road following the wide strip his father had made, finally he spotted the darker lump, afraid Hoss would hear he clamped his jaw and slid down on his knees by the prone figure. “OH God! Pa, Pa please, Pa, be alive,” he whispered, as if in fear for speaking any louder would confirm the worst.

He lifted his father’s head his hair was matted and muddy, pink rivulets flowed down his pale face from a deep scratch under his left eye. When he could not immediately rouse him he sank down into the mud. Sitting alone in the cold mud, rain dripping down his nose, he clung to his father. For a long time he just sat, then the frightened voice of his little brother calling for him coaxed his inner self back into action. With great effort he moved the man best he could to protect him from the muddy road. Steeling himself to leave, slowly Adam got shakily to his feet. Clumsily he staggered back towards the wagon all the while looking over his shoulder. Murmuring a plea for the man to awaken at the same time begging forgiveness for leaving him there seesawed in his heart. .

Reaching the tarp he shook himself again. Once sure he settled enough, Adam leaned down a smile plastered on his face.

“Hey, whatca’ hollerin bout? I told ya I would be right back.”

“Ya, wuz gone tooo long, Adam is Pa wiff ya?”

“Uh, no, but he told me to come back, he just ain’t got the right tree limb yet, but said not to worry, he will. Now, how is your tummy?”

“It still hurts, something; awful.”

“What kind a’ hurt?” his eyes traveled over his brothers’ face.

“Like I gotta’ oooohhhh, Adam, I- I think I’m gonna’-”

The expression on Hoss’ face told Adam just what his brother had left unsaid. Gently he patted Hoss’ small shoulder. “Its okay Hoss, even grown ups have accidents.”

The little lip trembled, “But Pa’s gonna’ think I’m a baby.”

“No, no he won’t, honest,” cheeks suddenly bright red, from other than the cold Adam struggled to admit his own embarrassment over the very same thing shortly after he and Pa had married Mama Inger, and began their trek west.

“It- uh, it happened t-t-to me, Once . . .” Unable to tell the full truth Adam emphasized the once.

“What did Mama s-say?” Like his older brother he was ever hungry to hear anything about the Mother he never knew.

“Nuthin, just helped me get cleaned up and told me a story, hey,” he snapped his fingers, “Know what? It was just about this time and it was a Christmas story, from when she was just a little girl, way back where she lived in the mountains in S-wee-eden” He stumbled over the word as a great trembling shiver took hold then passed. “Want me ta tell ya, while we wait fer Pa, its real special, and I member’ her face, as . . .” He had to stop for the moment the memory so vivid, her beautiful face her great big blue eyes, her soft voice as she held him in her lap wrapped in her warm loving arms.

“Adam, what a’ matter?”

Adam shook his head and made a supreme effort to stay focused. “W-ell this is how it goes, and wiggling under Hoss just enough so his head was cradled in his small thin lap Adam began to tell Hoss the story how the animals all kneel down and speak, wishing a Happy Birthday to the baby Jesus and thanking him for all the gifts he gives them each and every day. “It happens only at the zact’ stroke of Midnight.” He stopped to see his brothers reaction, to his amazement, Hoss pursed his lips nodded and grinned, “Then this year we gotta’ try to go and see. Did Momma ever get to hear them?”

“Uh, no she said she tried but her Papa always made her and uncle Gunar come back in before midnight, cause the winters were way too cold back there in them high mountains, but she told me it was true and she believed, and Mama never lied to me.”

“Hummm, well it ain’t too cold here, sometimes.” Adam watched as a gleam began in those blue eyes despite his predicament and it warmed his young heart just a bit, now if only Pa would show up.

For another long spell they sat together neither speaking, both lost in thought, Adam circling Hoss with his arms shielding him best he could.

Suddenly his senses came alive and the man awoke with a start, he was cold, wet, and hurt in to many places to count but his first thought after the fact he was alive was of his boys.

Pushing himself up his head spun and he wobbled, his legs like jelly. After a few anxious minutes he was able to stand completely and slowly began to drag himself step-by-step sloshing down the muddy road towards his boys. He tried calling out, but the fear and cold made his voice crack and falter. Tears streaming down his face he hurried as fast as he could, the misty air made seeing any distance impossible his hands stung, he stopped for a minute to gather strength and breath. Looking down he saw the tight raw lines where he had clung to the reins. Unable to really comprehend, shaking his head in wonder as he took another step, not sure he really wanted to find what he feared the most.

A sound caught Adam’s ear, it was husky and almost lost on the wind now picking up. But there it was again. Adam slid out carefully from Hoss and stood up to face the road ahead, out of the mist staggered the one thing in all the world that Adam needed most at that moment . . . Pa!

Before he could react the man was on his knees grabbing and holding on to him so fiercely he could not breath, as they both gulped great sobs of relief.

“Pa, oh, Pa, I thought, I-I- oh, ohhh, Hoss!” He fought the strangle hold Pa had on him and turned so Ben Cartwright could see the little boy bravely smiling up at him.

“Hiya, Pa, Adam said ya was commin back, did ya get that ol tree limb so’s ya can get me outta here? I’m cold Pa, an’ I-I”

But he found himself smothered in kisses, as Ben knelt over the small body trapped under the wagon, the agony of what might be in store for his baby tore at his heart. Please God, Oh, God, please, don’t take my baby he’s only four, he could never have done anything to make you take him. What can I do to make you spare him? Wild thoughts burned on a whirlwind through his mind. Supreme effort went into his making himself remain calm and in control; neither fact was true even in the slightest. For a brief instant his eyes flickered to his older son standing stalwart at his side. Adam gave him a lopsided grin, before his face fell and he lowered his head. Letting go of Hoss for a minute he reached up to squeeze Adam gently on the shoulder. Neither need say a word, the silent message more than adequate, as was so often the case between these two.

“Ahem, well young man lets see about getting you out of this fine mess, I am sorry boys looks like we won’t be having a grand Christmas Dinner this year either, maybe next year, huh?”

“S-sure Pa.”


Miles away down on the riverbank another part of life and its twists began to unfold. A small party of travelers unfamiliar with the region had made a small but disastrous wrong turn; they sought a low spot to cross the river. The rain had almost stopped and as it was getting close to Christmas they opted to get yet a bit more travel time before stopping.

While three wagons headed in an angle down the middle of the wide water, a party of four remained behind on a small bank. Unsure and fearful, they did not want to cross. Just then all the rain up in the high country sent a wall of water careering down the mountain pass and the wagons were swept away. Horrified the remaining travelers stood frozen as the voices were swallowed up in the thunder and crashing, then only silence and the splashing of water remained. None of the party knew what to do, slowly looking blankly at each other they turned and walked away. Just where to go or what direction mattered not, no one was in charge, they just wandered in single file off into the woods. Stopping from time to time snatching what they could to eat, a dried berry left behind, a root dug up, and an occasional mesquite bean.

Who ever started off first after a rest was the one they followed, the direction suited them all, the one thing they sensed was they would not be well received, or perhaps too well received if they should happen to stumble into a village or settlement.

Slowly they plodded on, nothing was said, none had the words.


Ben was just standing up to decide how to get Hoss out, he knew he and Adam would never be able to shift the wagon alone, and the limb idea would take way too long, his little boy needed to get out Now!

“Hellooo there!” The voice startled him and he spun around so quickly he almost fell on Adam.

Out of the mist came a tall young boy, dressed in what to Ben’s eye spoke of a foreign land. A cap similar to those Inger had told him about sat snuggly on his head. He wore a smile beneath a reddish beard on his slim face, enhancing his twinkling merry dark blue eyes. He was leading their big draft horse

“Any of you fella’s lose this magnificent steed?”

Ben looked down at Adam who stood openmouthed. Without thought his answer was “Adam don’t stair it is impolite and close your mouth son.”

The tall stranger laughed a gentle laugh. “I see you could use a hand, wagon take a spill huh?” He stepped up next to Ben handing the reins to Adam. Looking down he began to pull off his big woolen sweater, which was covered with reindeer designs.

“Well, well, what have we got here? Hello little guy, how did you get yourself in this mess? I just bet you can’t wait to get out?”

Turning to the stunned father he patted his arm, “Been in a bind myself once, but someone came to my aid and I am happy to return the favor, lets see if we can get this big old boy hooked up to lift it enough for this strong young lad to pull his brother out. You can do that can’t you?”

Adam bobbed his head so hard the water splashed all over the stranger and Pa, neither noticed. “Yeessir yessir you bet, I can, I’ll do jest bout’ anything to get my brother out he’s been there a long time and he is just a little kid an’. . . ”

“No I ain’t, I’m most four now Adam!”

“Alright son.”

Ben leveled a mild look at Adam and he mumbled his sorry to Hoss.

The tall stranger just continued to chuckle as he stripped yet another layer of fine wool off now in just his shirtsleeves he rubbed his hands together. “Ready men?”

In what seemed like no more than a minute they had the horse hitched by the remaining tracers and a hunk of rope produced from the younger mans backpack. “Okay on three.”

“One, two, three-heave, pull old boy.”

The huge horse though still shaken from the events earlier complied and the wagon came up. Adam waiting eagerly caught Hoss’ arms that shot up towards him and hauled him to safety as they continued to right the wagon, which was obviously now in need of repair.

Ben fell on his little boy and hugged him as strongly as he dared fearing Hoss might have been injured severely inside. Hoss hugged back and cried, glad to finally be wrapped in his father’s strong loving arms, nothing could get him now of that he was sure. Adam fell onto his knees next to his father and stroked the muddy blond head snuggled into his father’s chest. Ben was just able to detangle his right arm and brought Adam into his embrace, tears and sobs took turns with kisses of thanks and relief. It took a long time before they realized the tall stranger was almost out of sight. Ben stood up Hoss in his arms and Adam holding onto his waist.

“Wait, young man, wait, I want to properly thank you, for what you did for us, please stop, let us take you home, its getting late and this storm may begin again at any moment.” His plea floated after the retreating figure. The tall young boy stopped and half turning he adjusted his backpack and waved.

“No thanks needed, just retuning a favor remember. Oh, and my name is *Christopher.”

With that he was gone into the gathering late afternoon gloom. Ben swallowed an eerie feeling crept over him. Blinking, he shook his head and looked into the big blue eyes of Hoss watching him curiously, then something else permeated his thoughts, as his eyes grew wide Hoss ducked his head. “Adam saided he did it tooo.” He defended himself pouting and swiping at his eyes.

“Hey, yer not sposed’ to tell things like that!” Adam’s face flamed red.

“It’s okay boys, I am just thankful you are both okay, Hoss are you sure nothing hurts now?”

“Uhuh, sept’ Pa, I’m getting kinda hungry, Adam is too!”

Ben studied the little face and was reassured his son was being truthful, besides unlike Adam Hoss could never keep a secret nor could he hide is feelings.

“Pa, I’ll see what I can find t-hat didn’t get wet or mashed all up, and we can use this part of the tarp-I”

Ben’s brow rose and Adam suddenly felt a little queasy.

Hoss hugged tighter around his neck, “A-Adam, he made a tent sos’ I didn’ get drownded cause that ole rai-n was jes a porin’ an’ porin’ right on my head Pa!”

Ben shifted the weight on his arm, reaching once again to squeeze Adam gently then pulled him close in spite of the resistance.

“That was quick thinking son, and besides we can always get another canvas tarp, but where in the world would we ever be able to find another one to replace this one.” He tweaked Hoss on the nose.

Adam smiled, not quite up to his eyes, “I’m sorry bout-“

“I already told you son, it is not important, so now lets get on with what is important, getting these things gathered up, and headed for home, as we all need a hot bath, some more than others!”

“Pheww, that’s for sure Pa,”

To avoid further comments he placed his little son down and giving him another hug, he couldn’t help it, one more close look to be sure he was all right. Ben began to direct them both towards anything that was salvageable. It took rather a long time as the mud was deep and made walking troublesome, in the end they had collected as many of the supplies they could carry that had not been ruined and Ben used his own pocket knife to make packets from the tarp in which they could transport them.

“Boys, I hope that Molly, Polly, Dusty, and old Tinker here aren’t upset with the short rations they are going to have to make due with on Christmas? At least until I can get back to the Post and replace what has spilled.”

Adam stopped and wiped the water still making its way down his face much to his frustration, and besides he knew his hair was beginning to spring into curls and that made him all the more cranky.

“It’s Christmas, they are supposed to be happy about the baby Jesus and his Birthday, not what they are missing, ain’t that right Pa?” He now had his muddy hands on is slim hips looking so like Ben himself.

“Good advice Adam, I hope you and Hoss both remember that on Christmas Day.”

Adam rolled his head away from his father at the same time rolling his eyes. Me and my big mouth!

Time picked up the pace or so it felt as Ben began to realize it was closer to dark then he had noticed. They would have to hurry to make it back with enough light to manage by.

“Come boys, lets hurry, Adam do you have everything?”

“Yes sir, much as I could gather that was still in one piece.”

Carefully they packed the precious cargo and while Hoss waited wiggling uncomfortably wishing he were big enough to help, Ben tied Tinker near the front of the wagon and lifted Adam much to his annoyance, he was perfectly capable of getting up himself. Ben was in a hurry and ignored the glare. Pushing the two bundles tied to one another into the wagon bed he climbed up and together slid the one over Tinkers back, Ben jumped down and had Tinker side step away. Adam took a deep breath and with all his strength, teeth gritted brow knit into a scowl he gave a heave. Growling as he had heard Pa do when exerting all his effort managed to get the bundle up and over the side thus letting both dangle equally on both sides of the horse. Tinker snorted but stood still, all he wanted was home and his measure of warm oats.

Little Hoss bounced clapping his hands. “Yah, ya did it Adam!”

The boy on the wagon shrugged, shuffling to the back and hopped off before his father could try to help him, a triumphant little smirk on his muddy face. Ben let both brows rise ducking his chin he moved his jaw a deep breath slowly followed through his nose. Although he had not spoken, his eyes, stand and tilt of the head let the boy know his feelings on that bit of action.

Adam busied himself with looking for a little brown sack, quite sure it would never be found but he desperately needed a cover up.

Using what remained of the harness Ben reached and secured the bundles together under Tinker. Slipping Hoss up onto the wide back, over which he had placed the last bit of canvas, he untied Tinker.

“Whoa, easy big fella.”

“Hoss grab onto his mane good and tight, then you tell him to stand while I get onto the wheel, that’s a good boy.”

Little Hoss grinned with given such an important job, sitting up straight he used a very deep voice his little messy face all serious, “Easy Tinker, Pa’s jes gonna get on ya okay?”

Ben carefully balanced on the rungs of the wagon wheel but it was not quite high enough so he climbed over the side, then with great care slid his leg over to eased himself up behind Hoss every sinew and muscle already over taxed gave voice.

Ignoring his body Ben cooed, “Good job son, you are growing up.”

Bathed in such high praise Hoss sank back into his father. The wind steadily grew sharper, Ben felt his hair matted as it was stir on his forehead, they had just about run out of time. A tap on his thigh made him look down. At his side stood a very dejected boy, lip quivering he swallowed. He had watched the exchange between Hoss and Pa.

“I-I f-found yer hat Pa, here, its getting real cold, f-found my scarf too, an- uh.”

Reaching down to take his hat Ben plopped it onto his head. Swiftly catching the still upraised arm he swung Adam easily up behind him. “You ready Adam?” The small cheek pressed into his wet muddy back nodded as arms encircled his broad trunk, they were trembling and the boy moved tight as he could up next to his Pa.

Charley and Jake had taken turns getting up to pad over to the foggy window and peer out, only to shake their head and return shivering to the warmth of a bunk.

Neither well enough to go out and see, yet both willing and ready, if no sign of the boss and his boys showed up before night came in full.

It was Jake who heard it first. Not as ill as Charlie, he hurriedly wrapped a blanket around himself and padded to the door of the tiny shack they shared as a bunkhouse. Opening it just enough he was able to make out the shape of a horse but no wagon.

Ben, bone weary and cold recognizes the creak. His voice although hoarse, assured his friend all was well in spite of the fact they were riding Tinker, he would be glad to explain, but not tonight, yes the boys were safe.

Jake waved and nodding retreated quickly.

“What’s up Jake’ Ah-Chooo!” The froggy voice croaked.

“Boss musta run inta a bit of trouble, but seems okay, said boys are fine, he’ll most likely tell us bout’ it tamarra.” With another shiver still holding the blanket around his waist Jake opened the door on the old wood stove, poked the fire then tossed in a few more logs. Welcoming the fuel the little stove gave off renewed heat as the logs popped and burned with gusto.

Inside the main cabin Ben quickly set to building up his own fire that had been banked before they left. Gathering the mattress and blankets from his bed he ignored his own body and adeptly with great gentleness stripped his youngest boy, turning him to the glow of a lamp he had stopped to light. A rather wide strip of red crossed the chubby little chest and upper belly, however when he placed his now warm hands on the spot watching Hoss’ eyes he sighed with relief. It might turn black and blue but the damage was minimal at least he preyed it was from his boys look even the scrapes weren’t all that bad.

“P-Pa, I’m c-c-ooo-ldd”

“What? Ooh sorry Hoss.” From what he could now tell the biggest problem was the boys’ need to get the reminder of his accident cleaned away in a nice hot bath then something warm in his little tummy that now gurgled and growled.

Re-wrapping the boy he stood him closer to the now merrily crackling fire. Off to the side in the shadows Adam was slowly peeling off his own wet muddy cloths.

“Adam, son what are you doing over there, get over here by the fire, you need to get warmed up. You worked very hard this afternoon, I never could have saved Hoss without you, or gotten us home.” He extended his strong arm invitingly towards Adam, who hesitated then head down moved a little closer.

Adam endured a very embarrassing complete check over as he stood naked in front of his Pa who was determine to see if he had any hidden injuries he was not going to let on about. Adam was the worst when it came to admitting his hurts or illness. Today could have been so much worse that Ben did not care how mad Adam got he had to be sure.

“Pa, I told you I wa-sokay, just a few, he winced as he pulled his now warmed cotton long johns on, Little bumps and scratches.” Impatiently he slid the nightshirt over his head, the buttons caught the big bruise on his cheek causing his eyes to water but thankfully he was still inside the nightshirt and Pa would never know.

The sudden stiffening and hesitation brought a small knowing smile to Bens’ face.


Popping out the top as he slid his arms through the sleeves Adam stated. “There see, no problem at all.”

Ben stood up turning towards the now cooling tub to start re-filling it for himself but not before he looked heavenward and rolled his eyes asking for help from both his wives on this night.

Later when Tinker had been settled, he had firmly but gently told Adam he did not need to help, just put away the supplies, Ben was capable of tending the stock and besides Adam had no business going out again as the weather had made its decision and winter was fully moving in. Ben himself had tended to his own many scrapes and bruises under the watchful eyes and dedicated supervision of both his sons. It was very late when at last they all settled down with mugs of bread soaked in warm milk topped with a bit of sweet creamy butter. Not very filling, it did fit the need and besides tomorrow was Christmas Eve. Time enough to have a feast, well part of a feast, avoiding such a disaster, as today was gift enough for Ben Cartwright.


The lonely travelers wandered steadily deeper into the mountains. Growing colder, the younger two faltered often and the other two huddled close to offer strength and body heat; it was all they had.


Sunshine woke Jake. Stretching he became wide eyed. No longer was he feeling stuffy, achy or sneezing; in fact he felt hungry. Bolting out of bed he danced on the cold floor as he added more logs to the sleeping fire. Nature called and he hopped from one foot to the other over to the corner and made good use of the chamber pot. He thought he would never finish his pee, as his feet were turning blue. His yelping and hopping woke Charlie who grumbled and pulled the pillow over his head. Still hopping in circles Jake got his long johns buttoned up quickly jumping back into his bunk for a few minutes to warm his frozen toes. Shaking his head in wonder Jake was hard-pressed to figure out how his cold just disappeared over night.

Ben and the boys slept in cuddled together there on the floor in front of the fire. A knock on the door woke Ben. Still foggy with sleep he slowly climbed to his feet his entire body complained from all points. Staggering to the door he wiped his eyes took a deep breath, and then was instantly sorry. Pulling the door open just a bit he was shocked to see Jake standing there smiling and looking better than he had in months.

“Mornin Boss, ain’t it a grand one?” His breath rose in a white cloud, the temperature it seemed had dropped by at least 20 degrees, everything was covered with a silvery heavy frost.

Ben pulled Jake into the house, “Get in here out of the cold!” Jake pulled off his hat and grinned at Ben. “Don’t ask, cause, I ain’t got no idee’ jest woke up this morning fit as a fiddle, and rarin to go.” As the boys stirred at the sudden voice, Ben tugged him over towards the kitchen area. “Let me make some coffee I don’t want the boys up yet they had a bad day and need their rest.” Shaking his head, the rest of him followed suite, unable to hide the tremor he waved Jake’s next words off. “Never mind let me get the coffee started and into my cloths, Lord it got cold fast, my feet are freezing,” Jake sat back on the wooden chair and smirked he felt that same way not more than 25 minutes ago.

Two hours later after a warm breakfast of fried bread and bacon Ben left with Jake to check out the accident site and recover anything else that might have survived the night and natures scavengers. Both boys were given strict orders not to over do it; Adam was firmly directed to mind Hoss, keep an eye on him, and see to it he stayed quiet for today. Adam while willing to care for his baby brother as he himself was still shaken up over what had happened, by nature balked at not being able to accompany his Pa and Jake.

There was his sack still missing thus he was not very gracious about staying home. Pa’s expression and the outside chance of getting a switch for Christmas, was enough for him to bite his words and submit.

As they rode Ben went into more detail with Jake just what had happened but was reluctant to elaborate on how they managed to get the wagon righted.

“Gee Boss, seems thet’ you was beein’ looked out fer by one o’ them gardin’ Angels ma mama use to say was working over time fer me when I was justa’ sprout. Guess I kinda’ found trouble better en’most.”

Ben glanced over at his foreman and smiled.

Adam paced the room, Hoss was napping still warn out after his ordeal, he was snuggled into the bedding not yet removed from the floor in front of the warm blazing fire. Time after time he stopped his pacing to stand over his brother and watch him breath. “I can’t help it, I don’t know what I’d do with out cha’ Hoss, er’ Pa neither, itd’ bout kill em, if we lost you too.” Then a stray thought wandered into his head. “Gee that fella that helped us sure did dress funny and how’s come he told us his name we never did get the chance to ask, I spose’ as Pa would say, sometimes ya just gotta take it on faith.”

The hours seemed to drag for young Adam. Hoss woke and whimpered just a little as he struggled to stand up.

“When’s Pa gonna git back wiff our stuff Adam, I’m getting mighty hungry, my belly got a powerful hole in it since yesterday. Hey, Adam ya dind’ loose Pa’s Chrismess gifts did ya?”

Adam drew in a sad breath half turning to Hoss, softly he admitted, “Yeah, Hoss, I think I did.”

At the stricken expression he hurried on, “But, I looked, I looked real hard, that durn ole’ mud and all I jes’ . . . Don’t fret, Pa will understand, honest.”

Hoss’ lip quivered. After all, it was a mammoth decision for him to give up his few Pennies worth of spice drops towards his share of the gift. The amount of tobacco they both could afford was hardly enough for three pipes full. What Hoss did not know was that Warren the Post owner surmised as much, thus had tucked away a small surprise for both lads when he handed Adam the twisted brown paper sack with a hearty, “Merry Christmas boys, hope everyone enjoys what Santa brings.” Adam had looked at him a little strangely but Hoss in his innocent four years grinned, his big blue eyes sparkling with anticipation he nodded and called back. “Merry Chrissmess Mr. Storms, hope Santa gets ya somthin’ good too.”

Adam had shaken his head and was going to tell Hoss Santa did not visit old men who were not married and had no kids, but an odd stirring deep inside him held his tongue.

“Sides’ ain’t Pa always telling us, that love and having each other is the most important part of Christmas?” He mustered a stern look to mask his own misgivings at the loss of this extra gift to Pa. Somehow in his young mind the loss tarnished the fact he and Hoss had managed together to draw him a picture of the three of them in front of their cabin, complete with trees, horses and the milk cow, that part was important to Hoss, he loved Molly for her gentle nature.

Silence followed, Hoss drew up his shoulders and let them sag. “Can you get me some bred and jam Adam, jes’ so’s my belly stops yellin’ at me. It can be only even a soda cracker, please.”

Adam smiled warmly at his baby brother he loved so. Hoss was always able to make him smile he never held a grudge. Besides he believed Adam and Pa capable of just about anything, even perhaps walking on water if need be.

In a breach of proper manners Adam joined Hoss nestled on the bedding as they shared the snack.

“Adam?” Hoss asked around a hunk of bread, his bulging cheeks slathered with jam.

“Was ya jes’ funning me, yesterday?”

In spite of the garbles mess his mouthful created, Adam guessed what he wanted to know. They were extremely in tuned with each other.

“Ya mean bout’ what,” he stopped and looked into the fire, swallowing his own food.


“Umm sure, Mama would never lie to me.” It came out harder than he intended but talking about Mama always made him angry, not with Hoss or Pa either, just anger he could not really understand himself.


“Nah, its okay Hoss, I-I-w-ell, miss her.”

Needing space he jumped up and went to the door.

“Ahem,” clearing his throat he pulled the door open, the cold crisp air made the release of pent up tears possible without embarrassment for the boy.

“Burrrr, I thought I heard Pa, but must a been my magination’. Wind is getting things stirred up’ snow might be commin’ lucky for Santa huh, bet it is hard for his sled when there ain’t none.’”

Pushing the door closed he turned and wiped his face. “Cold can make your eyes water that’s a fact.”

Hoss nodded and wiggled down into the covers and mattress. Curling up hauling the blanket over his shoulders head resting on his arms crossed in front of his face he watched as his brother collected himself while that special look came over Adam’s face.

“You want to know if the animals can talk on Christmas Eve dontch’?”

“That’s what you said Mama telded ya . . . Adam can we go out and see, you an’ me tonight? Perhaps’ Pa will fall ta sleep an’. . . ”

“Hoss, I don’t.” But the pleading look and his own burning curiosity ever since hearing the legend dismissed his misgivings for the most part, what lingered was what his Pa would have to say, or, shaking his head to dispel that horrid thought Adam set his jaw.

“Let me think on it okay, I’ll let ya know if I can come up with a good nugh’ plan.”

“Oh, I ain’t worried you can do most anthing ya put yer mind to, Pa always says so.”

Yeah, but I’m not quite sure P would agree this time. He did not share this.

Adam gathered up the plates and glasses then with Hoss’ help re-made Pa’s bed, as his little brother was feeling so much better.

Adam read to Hoss as the hours ticked by. Hoss napped again this time on the chair wrapped in a blanket. Day slid towards late afternoon; gradually sunshine was replaced with misty dove gray skis. A white Christmas hovered above.


Still with no idea where they were going the small group pushed on. The two older taking turns leading and following to help shelter the two youngsters between them. Snow began to filter down at first like fine sugar, gradually being replaced by fat feathers that ticked against the dry earth or sat to delicately balance on any surface they touched. Shelter was now the main focus, for to be caught out in it could spell the end for them.


It was already dark when Ben and Jake arrived in the yard, the makeshift sleigh holding all they were able to rescue. To Ben Cartwright it was a no small miracle they found anything at all. Still puzzled as to why nothing had been disturbed or carried off he never the less gave grateful thanks to the Good Lord for once again protecting his family.

Tucked away on the inside pocket of his coat was a soggy little paper sack. It caused the sides of his mouth to twitch every time he thought of it.

Adam swung open the door as Ben and Jake stomped the new fallen snow off their boots on the porch.

The look of surprise and wonder combined with shear joy on the young face brought a hearty laugh from his father, Hoss pushed himself under Adam’s arm to see what was going on.

“SNOW! . . . Whoopee, now Santa will be able to come for sure!”

“Boys get back inside, you don’t want to catch cold this close to Christmas.” Ben’s eyes twinkled in the fire light streaming out behind his sons who stood openmouthed at the fact Pa had found almost all the supplies.

Hoss grabbed him around the middle. “I jes Knew ya could do it Pa, I jes knew it, I tole’ ya Adam, huh!”

Adam who had slipped into his coat and was half way to the pile of goods never looked back but smiled.

Ben about to tell him not to, saw the look from Jake and kept silent, but for the tears that began to form shinny film over his dark chocolate eyes.

Later as they shared a meal with Jake and the much-improved Charlie, Ben regaled them with tales of his own youth and Christmases back in Massachusetts and at sea.

Snow was slowly covering the ground in places. It created little whirlwinds from the lay of the land or placement of rock or tree.

Just before both hands headed for the little bunkhouse, Ben indicated he needed to speak to them outside. Hoss looked up then shrugged going back to the sticks he was using to build a corral with. Adam sat up straight his book dropped to his lap, ears all perked up at the muted conversation just outside.

With a quick glance to Hoss he slid off the chair, trying not to be obvious inched in the direction of the door. Just about the time he got close enough to hear clearly the door opened and in popped the back end of a tree nailed in place to boards that would help it stand up. Behind the door Adam was stuck against the wall. Now how was he going to explain this. Hoss jumped up and began to clap. “A tree Yahahh, Pa you membered’ a tree Hey Adam, come see! Adam are ya here?” Hoss turned in a full circle scratching his head. “Pa he . . .”

“I’m right here.” It floated out from behind the door, still open as the two me waited for Ben to give them directions.

Jake and Charlie clomped in all the way as Ben shut the door Adam lowered his head pulling at his ear.

“Hey Boss, is this a good spot?”

Ben turned his back to the boy to survey the placing of the tree. “Yes I would say it is just about perfect, what do you think Adam?”

Slowly Adam crept up and stood next to Pa, with a quick glance up he understood this slip in conduct would be tolerated but not without a word spoken at a later date. Tonight was for his boys and the love he had for them. “Adam?”

“Yes sir,” His cheeks glowed pink and almost orange, in the firelight.

“Son, the decorations are under my bed can you bring them out for us? Charlie Jake would you like to stay and help?”

Though the thought of the shack and just each other was doubtless rather unappealing on this special night Jake and Charlie matched looks and gently declined, stating still being just a tad off from being ill. Promising they would gladly stop in the morning and see what Santa might have brought they slipped out, when far enough from the cabin they both burst out laughing at the expression on Adam’s face. “That one just tickles me how he can get into the darn-est predicaments thout’ half tryin.”

Ben had already refused the offer of the men to do the night barn chores, he knew Adam would need a bit of quiet time and space, he would be more than glad to let him shoulder the job as he supervised Hoss’ getting ready for bed, plus he wanted to make doubly sure his baby boy was fully recovered.

The tree decorating did not take all that long, the Cartwright men lacked the supplies to be very creative, thus a chain of colored paper, scraps of cloth, candle holders from Inger, a few family heirlooms, along with snowflake cut outs, crudely carved animals and lastly, an Angel Ben made by hand and given Elizabeth. She had laughed so hard when he had presented it to her, but then never had the chance to tell him, how very much she treasured it, knowing he had crafted it by his own hands. Elizabeth managed to finish it off with bits of velvet and yellow yarn. Ben always muttered under his breath as they unwrapped it and placed it on the treetop. Inger gracious as always, never let him see the merry twinkle in her big blue eyes and Adam never knew. Being so little, so proud of his Pa’s Angel made for his own mother, she could not bring herself to hurt either her beloved husband or this wonderful little son she had, nor could she damage his faith in his beloved Pa.

As he worked in the barn Adam feverishly tried to form a plan for the midnight visit he and Hoss envisioned. Getting caught was just one of the downsides, what if they wouldn’t talk?

When he had served the two big horses, Molly the milk cow and his pony Polly who was very close to dropping her foal, his apology at the scarce amounts was so heartfelt, sincerity so innocent, they all just looked at him as if they truly understood, wanting him to know it was okay. “I know its Christmas, everyone, but see the wagon tipped over, in case you don’t know, and Hoss got hurt but not real bad,” he bit his lip at the memory which shook him from head to toe yet again. “Only thing is the grain and oats sacks got all ruined in the muddy road and terrible rain, so we gotta’ be careful not use it up till Pa can get back to the Tradin post.” In his mind he whispered, That’s if more can get here through the pass.

Finishing with just a small bit of hay for each, cleared the ice on the buckets, then took the lantern down. Holding it up he gave the inside one last going over. It was colder than he expected and the temperature had not finished dropping for the night. Fixing the latch so it just looked closed he kicked some snow against it, he rationalized getting the latch to open might be hard if it should get icy later. Satisfied he headed back into the warmth of the cabin.

“Everything alright out there, Adam?”

“Yes sir, I was careful not to overdue it so we will have some till we get back to the Post, that’s okay right Pa?”

“Yes son, I think that was a very wise move on your part, now come join your brother and I. After you warm up I’ll make some tea while you get ready for bed, it will be time to read the Christmas story, then off to bed with both of you. Adam had shed himself of his warm coat. Hopping he pulled off his boots then brought boots, cap and mittens to dry by the fire.

“Snowing pretty good out there I see.”

Adam wanted to protest his bed time, feeling he should be privileged to have a bit of grown up time with Pa, after all he wasn’t little like Hoss, the temptation died on his lips as he saw the smile and adoration in Hoss’ face. “Hurry up Adam faster ya get ready faster Pa cain’ get the reading done, and we can get to sleep, so’s Santa can come.”

His over acted wink did not go un-noticed but Ben let it pass, feeling it must be a secret between his boys, his thoughts once again going to the now dried out little sack on the shelf in the kitchen area. Lowering his head so they could not see his eyes he coughed, getting the attention of both.

Adam threw up his hand, “I’m going, I’m going, how’s a man ever sposed’ ta get a minutes peace around here?”

Hoss turned to Pa as he wiggled in his lap. “What mans’ he talking bout’ Pa, its jes you an me and Adam what lives here right?”

Adam came around the corner, hair tousled as he buttoned the neck of his nightshirt.

“What? Why are you both looking at me in that way?”

“It’s nothing, son, come sit.”

Ben stood up to swing the teakettle in over the flames warming the room; Adam his cheeks all rosy slid in next to Hoss. Ben moved off to the cupboard to fetch three cups the tea, sugar, milk and two decorated butter cookies, stashed away in a jar behind the saltbox. Mrs. Klark had taken a shine to his boys that summer. Her treats had been sent home with him last week when he met her on the road delivering her care packages to needy folks. While not having much herself she always managed to find a thing or two to share.

While his father was busy with the tea things, Adam whispered, “I got it all worked out, but ya can’t let Pa think we’re up to something.’ It’s important.” Adam’s voice was firm and his dark eyes searched Hoss’ face, “Cause we’ll be in big trouble, even if it is Christmas, ya got that?”

Hoss folded his arms across his chubby baby chest frowning his eyes all squinted up trying to look as mean as possible. Not willing to be out done in the conspiracy he nodded gravely.

A merry whistle announced the kettle of water was now hot enough. Ben set the small tray on the rough floor next to the chair. Like a vision of heaven, the firelight gleamed off the satin surface of the cookies. Preparing the tea Ben did not let on to the fact his boys silently poked each other, lips besieged by little tongues that wagged wildly back and forth, noses twitched at the tantalizing buttery flavor released into the room by the warm fire. A hint of peppermint mingled with cookie and tree to dance around them.

Turning Ben met two sets of eyes begging for permission. Love filled his heart. Without even being aware of it he fell into his own fathers’ way of drawing out a treat letting the desire and suspense wind each boy up. Cheeks hurting from holding it all in he casually asked, “Something you want boys?”

Fast as any arrow the fingers pointed, mouths now watering.

“It is so very impolite to point.”

A feather could have knocked Ben over. He expected it of Hoss, but was unprepared for Adam.

Springing to his feet, jumping up and down, arms flapping like some great Christmas goose his older son lost it.

“Paaaaaaaa!!!! Yaa can’t doooo this to ussss. It ain’t hardly right it’s Christmas Eve, ya ain’t supposed to be teasin me and Hoss!” Dark Hazel eyes reflecting the firelight sparked amber and gold. Breathing in great gulps he continued to rant.

Hoss sat stunned not sure if he was more afraid Adam had gone mad or Pa might be mad. His head swiveled from one to the other.

Coolly Ben replied. “Adam aren’t you going to join Hoss and I by the fire, or are you just going to fly around the room like a chicken with its feathers all ruffled.”

Drolly he added, “Perhaps you don’t care for butter cookies with sugar frosting?”

At which point Adam almost exploded.

“Hummm, Hoss it seams Adam might need an attitude adjustment.”

Horrified Hoss thought Adam was in for a ‘Talk.’

Ben leaped the distance between he and Adam, sweeping him up in his arms, spinning around until both were so dizzy he flopped into the chair, his boot almost upending the treat. Hanging on as if for dear life, he wrapped his arms around Adam, refusing to let go, the more tighter and tighter he held the more Adam struggled, until the last of his energy evaporated. Ben released his hold slowly to take the flushed face between his rough work worn hands, looking deeply into the eyes of his cherished firstborn. Softly with a little sniffle deep chocolate eyes watering he almost soundlessly spoke. “Son, even Pa’s like to have a little fun at Christmas, we don’t have to be serious and grown up all the time, after all this is a season of love and joy, not to mention you and Hoss give me more joy than any man has a right to expect.” Leaning the little head into him he gently kissed Adam’s forehead.

“Do you forgive your old Pa?” Adam worked his jaw, pulling at his ear, dark eyes still a little stormy, heat rising up his face as he felt the warm glow of his father’s words and love, including the warm lap, which he was snuggled into. Hoss pushing his way in made the decision for him.

Words flew out he had no idea lay waiting in his head. “Well, seein’ as it is Christmas, I expect you can be forgiven, after all big men are really only big little boys at Christmas, that’s what mama told me.” Adam sat frozen holding his breath, hand clasped over his mouth.

Big bear strong arms pulled his sons deep into his chest. “Boys, your mama Inger was a gift from God, and I thank him every day for the time we had, and for the time I had with Eli-” words stuck. Ben was lost in revere. Adam slid from his now slack arms silently he retrieved the old family Bible, Hoss likewise slid of and picked up the two cookies one in each hand, he handed one to Adam as his brother gently put the heavy book onto Ben’s knee. The change of weight and lack of warmth created by his son’s absence drew him back.

“Its getting late Pa,” Adam smiling all the way to his dimples added a wide yawn for emphasis. “Perhaps you better read the Christmas story before we all fall asleep, after all it is part of the Cartwright tradition.”

Settling at his father’s feet in front of the hearth he chomped into his cookie, grinning for good measure as the sweet buttery flavor tickled his taste buds. Hoss followed his action. Mimicking Adam was second nature to him.

Snow ticked and tapped at the window, the fire crackled and snapped yellow and orange on occasion throwing in blue and white. Serenity prevailed, the rich baritone voice warmed by love and the telling of the ages old tale of the first Christmas filled the little cabin going up the chimney riding on the sparks to tell the night sky filled with unseen stars looking down smiling their own love.

Ben closed the book to see two sets of droopy eyelids two heads leaning against one another one dark as a winter night the other as golden as a summer sunrise.

Stretching and not yet ready to break the spell he stepped over the boys and went to look out the window it was still snowing, swirling white cotton spread over the land while in his home all was warm and safe.

Just what it was he did not know but suddenly Adam was wide-awake. Had Hoss pulled all the covers off him again? He checked. No, that wasn’t it. Had Hoss wet the bed? No certainly not. Boy would he get an earful if that thought were spoken aloud. What was it then? Did he have to pee? No, he foggily remembered Pa reminding him just before he sank into bed then into deep sleep. Eyes wide open, fighting to keep his breath minimal and just listen, Adam lay as still as possible, Pa’s deep snoring across the room and Hoss’ baby snoring at his side, noting out of the ordinary, so why was he awake all a tingle.

The four wandering orphans hesitated at the small clearing around the three small buildings, smoke rising and curling slowly into the night sky from two of them. Waiting for the one with the lamplight to go dark, cold and shivering they made themselves wait a full 10 more minutes.

Now relatively comfortable they would not be found out they silently in single file headed for the barn and shelter. A small gust of wind rattled the door and swept away the pile of snow so that the biggest was able to push it wide enough for them to slip in un-noticed and silent. The inside was dimly lit, but the warmth of breath and sweet hay more than made up for it.

All four jumped when the door closed behind them, disturbing the inhabitants but not frightening or angering them. The four new comers stood huddled together until their eyes adjusted. Molly her big deep brown eyes soft and inviting, gave a muted low as she chewed her cud. Getting to her knees then standing all the way she turned her head towards her gift of warm milk waiting to nourish. A moment was all it took as the two youngest scrambled over to eagerly satisfy their deep hunger and bring warmth to their empty bellies. Dusty Ben’s riding horse side-stepped in his stall, timidly the third traveler accepted his offer, reaching in just barely able to get at the few mouthfuls of oats left in the feeder.

Tinker lifted the last of his hay and dropped it over the side to fall into the feeder now empty of any scrap of oats. Polly rose heavily, taking a short time to shake herself, using the trick her young master had shown her, expertly opened the latch on the foaling stall to invite the last member in. Shy and careful big brown eyes expressing thanks he quickly finished off the warm mash.

No sound but warm breath mingled with shuffling hay disturbed the last few remaining minutes until the clock struck midnight. Adam shot out of bed, grabbing his robe and stuffing his feet into his socks he placed his hand over Hoss’ face, whispering urgently into his ear, “Pessst, Hoss wake up it’s time, we gotta’ hurry or we’ll miss it, common get up, and for heaven sakes be quiet!”

“Huh, hey get yer grubby hand off ma face, what’ a matterwif ya Adam I-’”

Wide eyed he remembered and scrambled out of bed almost knocking Adam over.
“Be careful will ya, sheeesh, ya wanna wake Pa up?”

Vigorously shaking his head Hoss vainly tried to get into his robe and pull on his socks. Adam held his forehead with his hands. Why oh why had he even thought this would work, was beyond him, he must be crazy. Out of breath from holding it he was almost blue by the time they got ready, making Hoss wait behind him he slipped past Pa’s bed, signaling Hoss to come he had a finger at his lips and the other hand waving him to tread lightly, something he knew Hoss was entirely not able to do. When Hoss made it past Pa and Ben never even moved Adam was able to draw a breath of relief. As they came to the corner he held his hand over Hoss’ eyes reminding him Santa might be around and looking might be a bad thing. Hoss eager to comply and fearful of upsetting Santa obliged willingly. Although tempted to peek Hoss waited patiently as Adam dressed him in his heavy coat, cap and into his boots. Fighting mightily not to peek himself, grateful Pa had placed his boots back by the door for morning chores, already dressed, Adam let them quietly out the door, opening it just enough to slip out and not let a draft big enough to alert Pa in. The snow had stopped the full moon shown silver and the snow like diamonds; stars twinkled with extra brightness, the new fallen snow made no noise as they tiptoed the distance to the barn door.

It was now or never, dare he take the chance? Girding up his courage Adam pulled the door open, ushering Hoss in ahead of him. Moonlight made the inside glow. At least Adam thought it was moonlight. A hush unlike anything they had experienced filled their minds and warmed them inside and out. From out of the darkness the four strangers emerged, no longer fearful, wanting to thank who ever this place of refuge and safety belong to. Hoss smiled then began to grin, “Lookie here Adam, we got visitors, Hiya, my names Hoss, this here is my big brother Adam.”

Feeling very silly Adam gave them a shy wave. With that the glow in the barn increased ten fold. Back in the cabin Ben’s pocket watch sitting next to his bed on the small hand made table chimed almost inaudibly twelve sweet melodic notes. Each Cartwright animal stepped out of their respective stalls to join the visitors in the middle of the barn as two wide eyed boys silently pulled off their caps, faces beaming with awe watched mesmerized.

One by one they knelt and bowed their head, in what could be described as hushed lowing or perhaps nickering, the words non the less were plain as day.

“Happy Birthday, Lord Jesus, and thank Thee for another year, for all the good things your bounty and love provides us with. For those we care for and those who care for us, we thank Thee. All Glory to God in the Highest. Alleluia! Amen!”

The cold draft woke Ben. Sitting up he could just make out the empty bed, covers hastily thrown back, had the boys gotten up already? By the moon light streaming in it must be no more than midnight or very shortly after it. Grabbing his pocket watch shrugging into his own robe he hurried to the window to peer at the face, it read just past midnight. Out in the dark silent living room, only the orange glow of the banked fire throbbed and pulsed in the hearth over which hung two stockings, their bounty pulling them downward.

Reaching the living area a quick glance around told him the room was empty. A small triangle of snow at the front door let him know. Stuffing his bare feet into his boots shoving his arms into his coat he went in search of his boys, the foot prints told him where to look, the why as of yet escaped him.

Opening the barn door he quickly lit the lamp, not wanting to startle the stock he kept the wick low so only a small circle of yellow glowed. Stopped dead in his tracks Ben beheld a strange sight, Adam and Hoss lay sound asleep cured up together, surrounded by four newcomers, eight sets of dark eyes blinked open. Ben did not ask, and no one answered, he just smiled his own dark eyes glowing. Setting the lantern down to gently scoop both his boys into his arms. A head nuzzled on each shoulder two sets of arms went round his neck yet neither stirred.

Just as he got to the door he heard it, be it the wind, or what ever he was never quite sure, but he heard it. “Thank you Ben Cartwright and your boys for the gifts you gave us Merry Christmas.”

With out turning around, as the lantern flame flickered out he murmured “Your welcome, and Merry Christmas to you too.”

No one was ever turned away from Ben’s home, besides whatever meager supplies they had could be stretched to include any travelers, even when they were the four-legged kind.

The barn door softly shut behind him. As he trudged back to the cabin he paused to take in the silent beauty then add his own wish to the clear Christmas night. “Happy Birthday Lord Jesus, and Merry Christmas to everyone.” On the other side of the barn door the four strangers now knew they had found a new home. A little lamb, a little goat kid, a young jack donkey and a young bull calf, all of who in the future would play a part in the building of the Ponderosa.

• Christopher, borrowed from Ben’s tale on the Album “Christmas on the Ponderosa, no infringement intended.
• The Legend of animals being able to speak on Christmas night has been around for a long time.

Merry Christmas, and may love, caring and sharing, abide with you through the New Year, bringing Peace and Joy to your lives and those you hold dear.
