

“The Newest Cartwright”



Jane Linnegar


c. 2011


“The Newest Cartwright”



It was one of those early spring mornings, when the frost rested on the grass like light icing on a never ending expanse of green. The sun had barely made it up over the distant hills, as Sarah walked out to the corral.  The horses stood with the steam from their nostrils enveloping their heads. Cochise whinnied a greeting, as Buck ambled over from the water trough. Sport raised his head from a small pile of hay, and , not seeing Adam, went back to his meal. Chubb, who had just finished rolling, stretched and joined Sport at the hay. Sarah used the wheelbarrow, to haul some more hay outside, then spread it around the paddock’s perimeter.

Her Uncle Ben appeared at the ranch house door. He shaded his eyes against the early morning sun, and scanned the barnyard  then  smiled when he spotted  her. The morning feed for the horses had been Sarah’s choice of chores - and she always did it so happily!
“Breakfast is ready, Sarah. Better come in before Hoss comes down! ’’
Hoss was always being teased about the amount of food he could put away. “ Coming, Uncle Ben” 
She hurried back to the house, and was greeted by Hoss’s booming voice as he sauntered down the staircase from the second floor. “Mornin’ everyone. Um um, whatever that is smells mighty good, Hop Sing! ’’ He took his place at the table, as Joe and Adam followed him down.  Joe laughed at his middle brother. “ Has anything ever NOT smelled good to you, Hoss ?” Hoss pondered that question for a moment. “ Well, Joe, I can’t think of any food I haven’t liked.” Hoss’s blue eyes twinkled as Adam joined in the banter.
“ Yeah, Hoss, and you’ve got the waistline to prove it. ” He smiled and winked at Sarah as she took her place beside him. “Aw, dadgum it, Adam, I have to keep my strength up!” He reached for the platter of home fries, and helped himself to a generous mound, as Ben passed the steak around. They all ate in silence for a few minutes, then Ben dabbed his mouth with a napkin. “Well, the roundup’s going well. The foreman says he’s counted at least two hundred calves already this spring - that means a good return come next spring’s sales.” Adam nodded in agreement. “ Yeah, looks like that new bull has been earning his keep, Pa. We’ll be starting to brand them all today. The sooner the better with all the rustling that’s been going on lately.” Ben nodded in agreement. “ Good idea, Adam. You take Hoss and Joe with you and make it a project for all the spare hands too. Like you said, the sooner we get them all branded, the better.”
Sarah glanced around the table at her cousins, then looked towards her Uncle. “ What can I do, Uncle Ben ?” He smiled warmly at her. “ You can come to Virginia City with me, pick up some supplies. I’m afraid the pantry’s getting pretty bare - it’s been a long winter. Maybe you can help Hop Sing make out a list?”  She nodded happily in agreement.  Her father, who was a sheriff and Ben’s brother, had been killed in the line of duty the previous year. She couldn’t even remember her mother, who had passed away from scarlet fever when she was just a baby. Her older brother, Will, just wasn’t in a position to look after her, and give her a real home. She was just happy that her Uncle and three cousins had taken her in  - she never doubted that she was a true member of the family, except….

An hour later (after much consultation with Hop Sing !) she walked out into the barnyard with the long list of supplies that were needed, and found her Uncle just finishing up harnessing up the horses and connecting them to the buckboard. “ Uncle Ben, may I ride Buck into town today ?” Ben turned, and seeing the eager young face just smiled. “Sure. I just put him in the barn - but you’d better hurry and get him saddled up - we’ve got a long ride and a long day ahead of us. ” Sarah rushed into the barn, a big grin reaching from ear to ear. Ben smiled as he watched her go. She was so much like Little Joe was at her age - so cheerful and helpful. Well, most of the time!  He always thought what a strange coincidence it was that she and Joe were born on the same date, but nine years apart. Growing up, Joe and his other sons had often thought of her as their little sister rather than a cousin, they were that close. It was so strange the way things had turned out after the death of her father, his brother. After a year, he was beginning to look on her as more of a daughter, than as a niece. Minutes later, Sarah came bursting out of the barn, just as Ben hauled himself up onto the buckboard. “I’m ready to go ! ” she said excitedly, as she swung up onto Buck’s  back.. Joe had taught her how to vault up into the saddle, the way he did. Ben never thought he’d see such a small girl be able to do that, but she could!  “Head’ em up - move’ em out !”, she exclaimed, and Ben started to laugh. With a softly spoken“ Get up” , and a light slap of the reins on the horses’ backs, the buckboard lurched forward, and they were on their way.

Adam watched them leave from behind the curtain of the small window beside his Father’s large desk. “ Okay, they’ve gone. Guess we’d better get started. ” He stooped down beside the low cabinet on the adjoining wall, and reached in and removed a small strongbox. Joe and Hoss joined him as he hoisted it onto the desk. “Pa said there should be more than  enough money in here to get Sarah that little Appaloosa mare she’s had her eye on , over at the Anderson’s place.” Adam turned the key, and opened the box to see a sizable stash of cash. Joe and Hoss just look wide eyed at one another. “Well, I guess so!” Hoss exclaimed. Adam laughed at his brother’s observation. “Pa said Mr. Anderson wanted $100 for that little horse, and that’s JUST how much we’ll take,” he said, as he closed the box, and relocked it. “ Besides”, he said, reaching into his pocket, and pulling out a small wad of cash, “ I’ve got OUR money here for the new saddle, breast plate, and bridle. Now, here’s the plan. Hoss, you take the money for all that new tack.   You know the set - kind of  light tan, tooled  all over - at Lonestar Leather tack shop ? ” Hoss reached for the money, and laughed. “ Do I KNOW it? Why, every time we’ve gone  into town, Sarah’s had to SHOW it to me!” He pushed the money safely into a deep pocket. Adam laughed, “Yeah, I know what you mean. The saddle and I are practically on a first name basis, too! Once you get it, you’ll have to sneak it onto Pa’s buckboard. But be very careful, we don’t want to spoil the surprise.” Hoss winked, and slapped his older brother on the back “ Now, don’t you worry none, brother, I’ll be careful. ” He walked to the front door, put on his holster, and pulled on his hat. “ See you all later !”, he said, and closed the door behind him. Joe smiled at his older brother. “ I guess you and I are picking up her horse ? ” Adam put one arm around his brother’s shoulders, and smiled back at him.  “Yep, that’s our REAL job for the day. Right after we get saddled up, we’ll head out to the Anderson’s.  Mr. Anderson IS expecting us.”

Virginia City was bustling with activity as Ben and Sarah made their way down the main street. It looked like just about all the local settlers were in town that day, to replenish their pantries, after the long winter. Ben pulled the team to a stop in front of the general store, and climbed down from the seat. “ Sarah, why don’t you go get a cold drink and a bite to eat, while I arrange for the supplies, and I’ll meet you back here in about an hour ?” He flipped a silver coin to her, and she caught it with ease “Thanks, Uncle Ben !” She nudged the buckskin’s ribs, and trotted off down the street towards the restaurant. A moment later, Hoss appeared from around the corner, and pulled up beside the buckboard. “ Howdy, Pa. Here it is! ” He passed a large sack to his father, who quickly stowed it under the buckboard’s seat, and Ben smiled. “ Sarah’s going to be so surprised with this saddle. But you better make yourself scarce, Hoss. She doesn’t need to see you here, and get her asking all sorts of questions.” Hoss nodded in agreement “ Right, Pa. I’ll just get a nice cold beer from the saloon, then I’ll be going.” Ben looked up at his son, and frowned a little. “ Well, okay, Pa, guess the water in my canteen will have to do.”
 “ Thanks, son, it’s for Sarah.” Hoss smiled.  “ See you tonight, Pa.” He dug his heels into Chubb’s ribs, and loped off down the street. Ben entered the general store, and handed his lengthy list to the store clerk. A while later, he was pulling a tarp snugly over the loaded wagon, then made his way to the lawyer’s office, just a few doors down the street. A small bell rung out as he opened the door, and Mr. McCall, the lawyer, came from his inner office, and shook Ben’s hand. “ I’ve got the papers all written up, Ben. Just need your signature.” “ Why, thank you Jacob. I really appreciate the way you’ve handled this matter, in such a timely way. I know my brother would very much appreciate this, too.”
“You’re welcome, Ben. Now, let’s get this thing done.” He clapped his hand on his old friend’s back, and smiled.  Ben signed the document, then put his copy safely into an inside pocket of his jacket.

Sarah soon finished her meal, left the restaurant, then made a beeline to the tack shop. She slid down off of Buck, wrapped his reins around the hitching rail, then entered the small tack shop. The delicious smell of leather entered her nose as she walked down the small store’s aisle, to visit the saddle. It was GONE !!! The store owner looked at her sadly. “ Sorry, Sarah. A man came in here, just this morning, and bought it !”  “ Oh, that’s okay, Mr. Jones. Guess someone was gonna buy it someday.” She left the store quickly, as she felt tears starting to well up in her eyes. The store keeper grinned, just as soon as the door closed behind her.  Sarah wiped the tears away, then  swung back up onto Buck, and rode sadly back to the general store.

Her Uncle Ben was just about to  climb up into the buckboard seat, when he saw his young niece ride up, looking nothing less than forlorn. “What’s the matter, Sarah ? You look like you’ve just lost your best friend!” A small frown crept across her face.

“ You know that nice saddle I liked ? Someone bought it today !” Ben covered a wide grin. “ Is that so?   That’s too bad. Well, there’ll be other saddles. We better head home. It’s a heavy load, and the horses have a long way to go.” Ben hauled  himself onto the buckboard’s seat. Sarah just nodded in agreement, and fell in beside the wagon, as they headed off down the main street again, towards home.

Adam and Joe dismounted, and walked towards Mr. Anderson’s door. He opened it, just before Adam’s fist knocked the weathered finish. “Well, hello boys. I’ve been expecting you. The horse is already in the barn - groomed  her up myself just this morning !” He led the way across the neatly kept barnyard, then entered the small barn. They were all greeted by the Appaloosa’s whinny. Adam reached out, and stroked the mare’s buckskin  neck. Joe looked in amazement. “ You sure were right, Mr. Anderson. This little horse is real pretty -  nice, buckskin colour, spotted blanket AND a blaze ! ” Mr. Anderson slipped on the halter that Adam and Joe had brought with them. “ Yep, traded the Indians for her for some ‘beef on the hoof ’ back in the winter.” Mr. Anderson winked. “Think I got the better part of the deal - they sure produce some nice horses. Got the bill of sale right here in my pocket. Signed, sealed - now all you have to do is deliver !” Adam handed the man the hundred dollars, and shook his hand. “ It’s been a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Anderson.” The man folded the money, and shoved it into a pocket. “Thank you, Adam, and be sure to say ‘hello’ to your Pa for me!” Adam and Joe mounted up again, and rode off leading their precious ‘cargo’.

The sun was getting lower in the sky when Ben pulled the team to a stop in front of the ranch house. Sarah slid off of Buck, and went to walk him over to the trough for a drink.
“Oh - that’s okay Sarah, I’ll look after the horses . You can go in and help Hop Sing.” Sarah just shrugged, “ Thanks, Uncle Ben.” She secured Buck’s reins to the hitching rail, and walked into the house. Ben climbed down from the buckboard and, reaching under the seat, grabbed the sack, containing Sarah’s new tack. He hurried into the barn, and found Adam, Hoss and Joe bedding down the new horse in the large brood mare stall in the very back of the barn. “ Hi, boys. Everything go alright? ” Joe smiled, as he spread the clean straw around the horse’s feet, and across the stall. “ Just fine, Pa. Sarah’s gonna be so surprised.” Adam nodded in agreement. “ How did the lawyer’s meeting go, Pa ?” Ben grinned, and patted his pocket. “ Got all the papers right here. We are now Sarah’s legal guardians.” Hoss joined in the happy conversation. “Dadgum it, Pa, I’m so happy - I think I might just bust !” They all shook hands, then happily bear- hugged each other. Ben hung the tack on the saddle rack across from the stall, then they all walked back to the ranch house for dinner.

After a quiet dinner,  they all  moved to the living room area, and sat around the crackling fire. At length, Ben put down the book he’d been reading, and stood to add a few logs to the fire, as Adam strummed quietly on his guitar, practicing a new song. Joe and Hoss huddled over the small gaming table. Sarah had pulled up a chair, from close by, to watch the action. Joe suddenly let out a yell, as he beat Hoss, yet again, at checkers. “ Never you mind, little brother, I’ll beat you one day !”, he chuckled. Ben glanced at the grandfather’s clock by the door.“ Well, boys, guess we’d better feed the stock. Better unload that wagon, too -looks like there’s some rain coming.” The three brothers stood, and stretched, as they headed for the door. There was a crackle, then a swirl of sparks, as Ben poked the fire one more time, then joined them. “ Can I help, Uncle Ben ? ”  The four exchanged smiles, and her Uncle nodded. “ That would be fine, Sarah. Thanks.”

They removed the tarp from the wagon, then each took their turn moving the freight wherever it needed to go for storage. When it was finally unloaded, they shoved the wagon back into the drive shed. “Well, guess that’s about it ”, said Adam, as he brushed his hands together. “Yep, just got to feed the stock”, replied Joe, and winked at Hoss. Ben grinned, as they started toward the barn, Sarah following closely behind. Once they were inside the barn, Adam climbed the loft ladder, and threw down some hay.
“Sarah, be sure they ALL get some.” “ Sure, Adam”, she replied, then thought,” Gee, Adam, I know they ALL get some.” She went from stall to stall, placing hay in front of each of the grateful  horses, but when she got to the back stall, her heart took a leap. There, in the stall, was Mr. Anderson’s Appaloosa mare. She spun around and was just about to ask “ What’s she doing here ?”, when she noticed the matching saddle, breast plate  and bridle hanging from the  nearby saddle rack. The very same set of tack  that HADN’T been at the tack shop earlier ! She saw her Uncle Ben and her three cousins just standing there, smiling at her. “ We all thought it was about time you had your own horse, if you’re to become a Cartwright”. Ben smiled, and held out the document he’d signed just that day. Sarah looked confused. “ But, I already AM a Cartwright”, she reminded him, as she took the document in her hand. Adam reached one arm gently around her young shoulders. “What Pa means, Sarah, is your one of US, um , Cartwrights. We are now your legal guardians.” Sarah was suddenly quite overwhelmed, and speechless. Hoss gave her a playful poke. “ Well, how’d you like your new horse, Sarah?”, then Adam chimed in “ And all that new tack ?”   Ben and Joe just beamed. She looked from one of them, to the other , and shouted happily “ I LOVE it ALL !” She put her arms around all of them - or, at least as much of them as she could, and they all started to laugh, as they hugged her back. She’d found her permanent home with her Uncle Ben and Adam and Hoss and Little Joe on their wonderful ranch, the Ponderosa. She TRULY was a member of their family, and TRULY a  Cartwright !

                                                            The End