The Gap .… started Nov 10.2018

Seventh of the Home is the Sailor series

By Krystyna

Chapter 1

San Francisco in the year 1879 was nothing like the trading centre that Ben Cartwright had first set eyes on so many years ago when he had taken his wagon into what was to become one of the foremost commercial cities in the world. When Ben arrived there with his two little boys there were fewer than 500 souls living in the small settlement.

William A. Richardson, an Englishman who had taken Mexican citizenship, had one day erected a canvas tent stretched between pine posts and began to trade wheat and tallow between the ships that came into the port and the local Indians. It stood there until he built the adobe ‘Casa Grande’ (later to become the Adelphi Theatre) on what he named as Dupont Street. 

Every time Ben had made a visit, whether for business or pleasure, he would stand for a full five minutes just to gaze around and try to locate the site where he had first set down his wagon, and decided that this was not the place for him, it was already, at that time, too big.

As he stood collecting his thoughts, struggling not to drown in waves of nostalgia, his son stood beside him, looking slightly bemused as he surveyed the city and took the changes he saw with a feeling of regret. Too much change - he shook his head, and remonstrated with himself. As an engineer he should be marvelling at all he saw, as an architect he should be in awe of the splendid buildings but as a mere human being, remembering it as it had been, it made him feel depressed.

His wife slipped her arm through his and smiled up at him. In her green travelling suit she looked smart and modish, even though she may not have felt that way. There may have been a mere 200 plus mile distance between Virginia City and San Francisco but fashion seemed to have stalled somewhere along the way. She was feeling very much the country cousin.

“Amazing.” Ben grunted.

“The porter said that the Transcontinental Express train can get from New York to San Francisco in 83 hours.” * Reuben piped up, and looked at his father with big eyes, “That’s not much time, is it?”

“Well, it would mean catching the train in New York on Monday morning and arriving here on -” Adam paused “on Thursday evening.” 

“Amazing.” Ben muttered, unaware that he was repeating himself, “It would have taken over six months walking beside that old Conestega wagon of ours.”

“But that was in the old days, Granpa.” Reuben informed him with a serious look on his face. “No one travels in a wagon nowadays.”

“Some still do.” Olivia reminded him, and gave him a subtle nod of the head as a way to remind him to be tactful, not that he would know what that meant.

“The porter said…” Reuben started to say but got hushed up when his father moved forward, as though to break the spell that was making them appear like a bunch of country bumpkins.

It had been some while since Ben or Adam had been to San Francisco. Even Olivia who had lived in the big city for years felt somewhat intimidated by the changes she could see, which were even more outstanding to her as she had not seen it since she fled the city in ’75. In such a short time so much change…like some gigantic baby that had demanded constant feeding San Francisco had burgeoned into the noisiest, busiest, bustling, smelly metropolis imaginable.

A clanging sound, right from close by them and they all stepped back to avoid the on coming vehicle that they had read about in the Territorial but now saw in all its splendour. The California Street Cable Railroad Car* that had been founded by Leland Stanford* stopped some feet away from them, disgorged several customers and waited with doors open to ’eat up’ some more.

It was too much for Nathaniel, he just burst into tears and clung more tightly to his father’s neck. Ben sighed “Shall we look for a hansom cab, I feel safer in something I’m familiar with…”

“This is progress, Pa.” Adam reminded him, picking up a suitcase, passing Nathaniel to Olivia, and striding forward with Sofia hurrying behind him so closely that she nearly tripped him up.

The cable car company had opened up in California Street in 1878,* an innovation that delighted the local inhabitants of the city who found transportation easier and quicker. It had changed the whole appearance of the city, and Ben, as he stepped on board clutching his suitcase wished heartily that he was back home.

Reuben and Sofia were delighted by this new marvel. They grinned from ear to ear, nodded in a friendly fashion to those passengers already seated who had to make way for them, and then took their seats. Olivia found a seat behind them and sat Nathaniel on her lap, Ben almost toppled into the seat beside her having trodden on someone’s toes and been cursed loudly as a result. A little dog in the lap of a rather oversized woman yapped noisily, which captured Nathaniel’s attention and stopped him thinking of dragons and being swallowed up piecemeal.

Adam paid their fares, checked the luggage was secure and found he had to stand as there was no seats available. He didn’t mind that, it gave him a chance to look over everyone’s heads and watch what was still familiar to him slip past as the cable car lurched forward and made it’s way through the roads, up and down the hills, stomachs lurched along with it. Nathaniel wailed, the dog yapped, and Adam had an insane desire to laugh. 

Who would have thought that in his lifetime trains covered more of America than any other country in the world. He could recall as a boy arriving in the back of the wagon, hot and dusty, and disliking the smells and noise of the town in which they had arrived. Now there was no semblance to that time, no indication of where they had stopped that battered old wagon and paused to consider what and where to go next.

He could remember reading about Andrew Hallidie* who had invented the cable car system. The man had witnessed an accident involving a horse drawn streetcar, the horses had reportedly skidded over wet cobblestones and been killed. Adam could remember reading accounts of the man’s invention in his cabin when on board ship. His fellow officer, O’Brien, had said it would never work, too much reliance on steam. Years later he and O’Brien were haggling over the advantages of steam powered ships versus the elegance of the clipper ships.

Passengers disembarked and others took their places. People jostled along, elbows prodded into the ribs of strangers. It seemed to Olivia that the bigger and busier the city, the less the good manners of its citizens. She wiped Nathaniel’s nose on a handkerchief, nodded and smiled at Sofia who was fidgeting, and watched as Reuben stared around him, drinking all these new innovations into his agile fertile brain. 

When Adam tapped Ben on the shoulder and muttered that it was time to ‘Get off’ the older man had never felt so relieved in his life. Apologising as he went along the centre aisle Ben finally stepped down onto the sidewalk, adjusted his hat, straightened his jacket and vowed ‘Never Again!’

It was a mere few paces to where Martha lived, and together they made their way to the house, that now looked a little tired as though it also was weary of having been there for so long, and experienced so many changes since the Frobishers had first moved there.

But the welcome smile on Martha’s face was soothing, it calmed the jaded nerves of one elderly gentleman, and lightened the heart of the young woman who was anxious about the forthcoming eye examination she had travelled all that way to attend. The children were hugged, and told to run indoors and feel welcome, and Adam stood surrounded by luggage and still day dreaming about times that had been and gone.

Life back home on the Ponderosa was busy. Hester, now walking quite as normal, was busy sewing a new dress for Hannah. Her little girl would soon be going to school and would need good workaday clothing to withstand the rough and tumble of school life. Hannah sat beside her, carefully stitching along a hem of a petticoat. She was a nimble fingered little girl, serious in her ways, although prone to giggles especially when her Pa was anywhere in the vicinity. 

She sighed now, and turned to look at the doorway which stood open so that the sound of her sister and brothers voices drifted into the room. Hester looked up and smiled “Concentrate now, Hannah.”

“But, Ma, can’t I go and play with Hope and Erik?”

“Later. Look, you have nearly finished your hem. You can go and have a cookie when it is done, and take one out for your brother and sister.”

Hester smiled at Hannah, her black haired blue eyed little girl, and felt the tug to her heart that in a short while she would be joining Reuben, Sofia and Rose Canaday on the wagon to school. She wished that her Hannah could have gone to the small schools with the one teacher, unlike so many other parents who had been overjoyed at the opening of the school in C Street, it just seemed to lack the warmth and security of the smaller schools. Of course Olivia would have reminded her that there had been no such thing when Mr Crook had been the teacher…every child there had dreaded school days, but Hester liked to spin her little castles in the air, and look back with nostalgia as so many of us do.

Erik’s voice was loud, shouting to Hope to put something down and give it to him. She shook her head, and then smiled at the thought that Erik was so ‘her’ son, that she never ever feared now the possibility of some Irish family sweeping upon the Ponderosa and claiming him as their own. She and Hoss never discussed his real parentage. The legal documents relating to his adoption were in a locked box at the very back of the safe. Far back enough for her to pretend it never even existed to remind her that Erik was not her or Hoss’ flesh and blood.

Hoss was working along with Hop Sing butchering a pig. It was most commonly the work carried out before winter so that there would be enough bacon, ham and pork to sustain the family through most of the winter. But old Hogan had decided he had too many pigs now and had donated the pig gladly, asking only that they would butcher and prepare it for several of the families in town who were suffering hard times.

There were a lot of families in Virginia City suffering hard times as the mines continued to close down, or cut back on the number of employees. Hoss and Joe had agreed that they would deal with the pig themselves and take what had been done to various homes. Bridie would tell them the most needy due to her contacts via the hospice she ran there.

There were many ways of butchering a pig, but Hoss and Hop Sing carried it out the way they had always done. “The old ways are the best ways” Hoss had declared as he had strode out beside Hop Sing to deal with the porker.

Joe had been told that Hoss was going to help with the butchering of the pig, and knowing that it would take time to do, was not grumpy about having to go to the south pasture to deal with the cattle round up and organise the branding of the new calves with Candy riding along with him. The spring round up was starting and soon there would be the cattle drive to organise.

The pig was cut up into hams, shoulders, side meat and spare ribs, and there was the belly pork too. The internal organs were removed and set aside to be dealt with later. Hester, having finished her sewing, joined with Mary Ann with preparing the small meat from the pig, making them into sausages, or boiling them up to make what they would call head cheese. Hoss had blown up the bladder and tied it so that the children could play ball with it, which was the cause of Erik’s discontent that Hester had heard earlier. 

All the meat was salted, because salt was a good preservative. Then some were put in brine, and some set aside to be smoked. Hoss diligently separated all the pieces so that it could all be put on the wagon and distributed in town. Cheng Ho Lee had been allocated the task of preparing the meals for the family through the day. So after the mid-day meal had been eaten they returned to their work.

They set to work in cutting up very finely the meat from the pigs internal organs. Herbs, salt and pepper and other spices would be added and it would be mixed and rolled until they were finally finished and it could all be set aside to go with everything else that was already in the wagon. Hank was given the task of driving the wagon and its contents into town, to consult with Paul and Bridie and leave them to distribute the food around the poorer community.

It had been a long day, and by the time Mary Ann left the house all the children were drowsy and heavy eyed. Hester even admitted she felt much the same as she waved her friend away. 

After they had cleaned and washed themselves, for the smell of the butchering permeated their skin and clothes, Hoss came and hugged his wife, told her how proud he was of her and then settled down with her on the settee watching the flames flickering up the chimney.

“I wonder how Pa and everyone’s getting on in San Francisco.” Hester observed as she picked up her latest Charles Dickens novel to read.

“I can’t even remember the last time I went there,” Hoss said and stretched, “I don’t suppose much has changed.”

He yawned and reached out for her hand, waited a little while before he could lean over and take the book away and set it to one side. “How about we - er - go upstairs and get to bed, huh?”

“Hmm, yes, it has been a long - and tiring - day, hasn’t it?” Hester said with a sigh and stood up, looked down at the dying fire and smiled.

“Oh, yeah, I guess so.” Hoss replied and stood right behind her, put his arms around her waist and kissed the nape of her neck. “Jest that I ain’t really sleepy jest now.”

Chapter 2

The couple stood among the spring flowers of the park arm in arm and watched as the children played around them. Then they turned to look at the row of houses that stood overlooking the park and smiled, turned to one another and smiled again.

“How strange to think that had been my home for so long,” she said quietly, “If I had known what was going to happen when we moved there, perhaps I would not have taken the risk but stayed at the old house that Robert and I had lived in before his death.”

He frowned then, just slightly, and then smiled “I would not have met you here then, with your little red tipped nose, and your funny red hat…”

“And Marcy looking like she was wearing a tea cosy…”

“And Reuben stuck up the tree …”

“And Booth threatening to murder you …”

“And Abigail thinking I was Ben Cartwright coming to woo her little sister away.”

She sighed again, and they turned away to watch the children; Reuben so tall for his age, ten years old now. Sofia was showing a ball to Nathaniel, before tossing it to him and shaking her head when he dropped it. “Like this, Nathaniel, watch me.” and she bounced the ball onto the path and caught it as up it came straight into her hand.

“Now try - no, put your hands together - you’ll never catch it if you spread them out wide like that.” and she tossed the ball again, Nathaniel leaned forward, opened his arms wide and the ball bounced up, down, and up again and hit him on the nose.

Reuben jumped from a tree, ran and caught it before Sofia could grab it again, which meant she squealed and protested, Reuben laughed and ran off, Nathaniel was left rubbing his nose and looking around him wondering what was going to happen next.

He chose to run to his Momma, who gathered him up in her arms and hugged him tight. He was two and a half, not quite the three years that Sofia had been when Adam had first met his future wife.

“I remember you were standing right in this very spot,” Olivia said and smiled at him, “The first time I saw you. You were wearing your uniform and great coat, and I thought you looked - “ she narrowed her eyes as though to recall to mind exactly what she did think “I thought you looked heroic.”

“Oh, heroic! Mmm, I like that -” he grinned, and the dimples she loved showed, his brown eyes twinkled and he leaned in towards Nathaniel and whispered “Momma thought I looked heroic.”

Nathaniel nodded, and then wriggled to get back down. He wanted to run, and catch that ball.

“Then,” Olivia said quietly as they began to stroll slowly, arm in arm, following the path between the rose beds (no roses yet, too early) and where the spring flowers grew, “Then some officer came and presented you with your orders.”

Adam ran a thumb along his jaw line and grimaced, nodded “The South China seas…I wish I had been harder to find.”

She said nothing to that, but pressed her arm against his and they continued on, listening to their children shouting, laughing, happy in their play. Others were there, strolling about, couples, young and old, children, older or younger than their own. The sun was warm, shining from a blue sky, it was an oasis from the noise and bustle of the city, and the flowers smelled fresh and sweet.

Sofia ran up to them, and clasped hold of Adam’s hand, so they stopped walking and he turned her round and pointed to the house with the wide steps leading to the red door “Do you remember living there, Sofia?”

She looked and frowned, narrowed her eyes in an attempt to remember then shook her head and Olivia pointed to a window that overlooked the park “See, that was your bedroom window.”

But Sofia didn’t remember any of it, she could only remember living in the house where Aunt Marcy and Uncle Luke lived. She remembered living there with her Mother, Reuben and a strange old lady who would wander off into the woods and talk to Indians who were not really there at all, except for one, their friend Johnny Tall Bear.

Nathaniel ran up, and grabbed Olivia by the hand, he was tired, he looked up at his father who nodded and picked him up. Reuben ran behind them, bouncing the ball, tossing it in the air, catching it and tossing it some more. They walked all round the park and then out through the wrought iron gate onto the side walk. As they walked away Sofia glanced over her shoulder to look at the row of houses and Reuben turned to see what she was looking at and paused a moment, before saying “Ma, did we live here once a long time ago?”

Olivia nodded, “Yes, once, although it wasn’t really so very long ago, it’s just that so much had happened since we left here.”

“I can remember,” Reuben said running up to walk alongside her, “There was a horrible man who lived there too, and he was sick on the floor and a bully too…he hurt me once and he used to shout a lot.” he frowned and turned again to look at the house and then smiled “I can remember Flannel came and made chocolate cake in the big kitchen and once she said she was going to hit the horrible man over the head with the smelly old wet mop but she never did, did she?”

Olivia nodded, her brow wrinkled as she recalled the incidents and waited for Reuben to come to her side and leave the park but he lingered to stare a little longer at the house, the street where the cabs and carriages passed by.

“Ma, did something bad happen there when we lived there…did that bad man hurt us? Did he take Sofia and me away and say we were to live with him?”

“Do you remember all that?” Olivia asked, leaning down so that her face was level to his, she looked into his eyes and saw the puzzled look in them, the confusion in his face and he nodded

“I remember being in a buggy and looking through the window and Sofia was crying. A man told her to shut up or he would give her something to cry about. We had to be quiet and eat some food and then go to bed. We didn’t even have any night clothes. I remember that was before Pa -” he paused and looked up at Adam who inclined his head and looked thoughtfully at the boy. “Granpa was there, he came for us, didn’t he?”

“He did. Do you remember what happened then?” Adam asked, and put a gentle hand on Olivia’s shoulder

Reuben grinned mischievously, his eyes twinkled “That was the funny wagon trip and Gran’ma Abigail had to sit on her chair by the camp fire … then we got to the house where Ma used to live when she was a little girl.”

“You’ve a good memory,” Olivia said quietly, and looked at Adam as though wishing the conversation hadn’t taken place, that those memories didn’t linger in her little boys head.

The noise of the traffic intruded upon their conversation now, Olivia thought that it was noisier than she could remember, or was it because she had grown so accustomed to the silence of home. She tightened her grip on Adams arm, wishing that she hadn’t needed to come here, to re-visit old times, old memories…but he just smiled down at her and nodded as though he understood her thinking.

It was a day for visiting old friends and revisiting memories. Ben had chosen to look up several old business acquaintances, and met Henry Eugene as a result. Henry had flourished since he had been freed from the grip of the Pelmans, and his brother Andre. He had married a young woman who was the heiress to a fortune, and although he still lived in the old house Ben remembered from years past, it had been given a face lift inside and out, and looked more magnificent than ever.

While his wife bustled about ordering the servants to do this and that, and then went to stroll in the garden with her little pug dog chasing around her skirts, Henry sat with Ben and talked over old times. As they watched the young woman at play Ben remembered how the younger man had lived his days in fear, a gaunt hollow cheeked man who lived under the tyranny of his cousins and brother.

“I owe you an insurmountable debt, Mr Cartwright.” Henry said as he poured some wine into a glass which he handed to his visitor, “If you hadn’t appeared that day and spoken to me about where my true duty lay, then I would probably have shot my brains out.”

“That was what I feared you would do.” Ben replied as he sipped the wine and nodded his approval, “But you found the courage -”

“I don’t know where it came from to be honest.” Henry smiled, “But -” he raised his eyebrows “I remember watching Adam during that court martial and comparing him with my cousins and brother and realising what a fool I was - would be - if I didn’t grab the opportunity to make amends and reveal what I knew. He looked so - dignified and proud despite all the ignominy they had piled upon him.”

Ben nodded, swirled the wine round and round in the glass and then swallowed it down. It tasted sweet upon his palate, and he looked at Henry and smiled,

“Let’s forget about the past for now, tell me about your future plans, Henry, and what exactly your business is all about?”

Joe Cartwright wiped sweat from his brow and straightened his back, he frowned and shook his head as Candy approached him with a thoughtful look on his own face.

“You don’t look very happy, Candy.”

“I don’t feel it.”

“Well, neither do I. This looks like its going to be a lean year for calves, and a thin profit margin at the markets.”

“That’s my thinking too.” Candy removed his gloves and tucked them into his back pocket, “I guess we’ve got too used to having a high yield each year, bound to come a year when there would be a lower number.”

“Well, the Ponderosa can carry any loss at market with the cattle, Candy. I was thinking it will be harder on Luke and Derwent Jessop if they have fewer calves this year. It’ll be lean times ahead for them if that’s the case.”

Candy nodded and took up a canteen of water which was hanging from the hook of the chuck wagon, “Could be some wandered off to the low pasture and hidden in the bluffs there. Do you want me to go look see?”

“I’ll come with you, I could do with a change from this -” he paused as Hank rode by pulling a calf behind him on a rope.

The poor beast was lowing pitifully for its mother as Hank dismounted and with the help of Joe got the beast down, Candy picked up the branding iron and placed it upon the calf's flank, before releasing the rope with a flick of his wrist and letting it run free. The little animal flicked its back heels at them as though in contempt of the rough treatment it had been given, and ran off lowing to its mother.

“This is a pretty lean year so far, Joe.” Hank said as he took the canteen from his boss and took a swig from it, he spat into the ground before taking another swig and swallowing it down.

“Seems so.” Joe sighed, “Candy and I thought to ride along to the low pasture and check out the bluffs there. Could be some wandered off and got themselves lost.”

Jake nodded “Could be, or some mother cows have got clever in hiding their young uns away so’s we can’t find ‘em.”

Joe grinned and nodded, “Perhaps so, but let Hoss know where we are, will you? He should be back from town shortly.”

Jake watched as the two men mounted their horses and walked them from the campsite, before setting them into a comfortable lope. Jack Grosch rode up with a calf at the end of his rope which Jake turned to help with, the stink of burning hair hung heavy in the air and he passed the canteen over to Jack with a nod of his balding head. It was hot work, the day was hot, and sweat streaked the backs of their shirts. Although they would not admit it both men were glad that the number of calves were down compared to previous years, fewer calves meant less work.


Chapter 3

The hospital that Olivia had to attend was a large rather grand looking building and she felt a flutter of trepidation as she mounted the steps to the door and into the reception area. She glanced over her shoulder to make sure that Adam was close by and reached out for his hand. Several people walked past her, the gentlemen raised their hats and smiled, the women nodded acknowledgement of her presence as they passed. To them the attractive young woman with the green suit and pretty bonnet looked smart and sophisticated, confident and serene as she approached the desk and gave her details to the Nurse.

Adam stood beside her, and smiled. The ladies had smiled and nodded at him, and the gentlemen had raised their hats before moving on. There was a subtle difference which made him smile. The Nurse gave them directions as to where to go next and taking the card that had been handed to her, Olivia turned to the elevator.

She could remember coming to San Francisco when she had been a young bride. Oh how naïve and timid she had been coming from the isolation of the Double D to this bustling big town. It was not so big then as it was now, although she had never known it as Ben would recall his first time there. But it had grown in the years she had lived as Roberts wife, but she had not grown with it. She was and always would be the shy girl from that lonely sad childhood existing on the borders of the Ponderosa.

She slipped her arm through Adams, and tried to calm her nerves. The Consultant she was going to see about her eyes was senior to the Doctor she had seen in Virginia City. But Dr Callaghan was there, folder in hand, a smile on his face, as though to greet her as she stepped from the elevator and approached them in order to shake their hands

“How have you been?” were almost the first words he pronounced to them, his eyes lingering over Olivia’s and then nodding. He could see for himself how well the scars had healed, those he could see for the others were hidden by her hair.

She smiled, feeling more at ease for he was less formal here, perhaps being subordinate to someone else had made him feel less responsible, more able to thaw out and be human.

Adam followed with his hat in his hand and thinking that it was hardly necessary to have come. Olivia was seeing things clearly, sometimes she didn’t even need to wear the spectacles, or forgot them because she was seeing so well without them. He sighed and clasped his hands,with hat, behind his back and patiently allowed himself to be ’towed’ along.

The tall man in the white coat was standing by a long table, his back to them when they entered. He was reading through some papers with an intensity that made Olivia feel like an intruder. Callaghan cleared his throat, a Nurse appeared from behind some screens and approached the man in the white coat and seemed to nudge his elbow for he then turned.

Adam nearly dropped his hat in surprise when he recognised the man. He looked intensely at him before bowing his head, thinking furiously as to the last time he had seen him. When had it been? Years ago…yes, years ago. He looked up and frowned, then heaved in a deep breath as the Consultant walked towards them.

Callaghan, who already felt a connection with Adam from the past but had said nothing at the time, watched and noticed as the previously confident rancher now looked ill at ease and uncomfortable. He looked then at the Consultant and waited for him to speak. Olivia looked totally ignorant of anything unusual that was happening around her.

“Mrs Cartwright?” the Consultant paused and glanced at her with narrowed eyes and then glanced at Adam before looking back at her “Mrs Olivia Cartwright?”


“Good, come here please and sit down. I just want to look at your eyes - no, keep the glasses on. Thank you.”

He didn’t look up during the examination but stared carefully into Olivia’s eyes, turned her head this way and that way, got her to look at the letters on the board and listened to her as she went through them all. Then he removed the spectacles and did another scrutiny, listened to her go through the letters, then got some instruments and began to look intently at her eyes through them. Gentle hands probed here and there, fingers examined the areas that had been struck by the rocks and left their marks. He nodded, murmured, muttered and jotted down words on the sheet of paper in front of him.

“I’m just going to put some drops of this liquid into your eyes…if you could look up at the ceiling, Mrs Cartwright. This will enlarge the pupil of your eyes and then I can have another look - that’s right, look up -”

Olivia did as she was told, the liquid stung and made her eyesight blur and for an instant she felt panic rise in her throat. Her hands fluttered and then she remembered what he had said, accepted that he knew what he was doing, and calmed down.

“Could you just sit quietly now for a few moments to give it time to work.” he smiled, and stepped away while the nurse came and led Olivia to another chair, further away to a corner of the room.

The Consultant now walked over to Adam and stretched out a hand,

“Hello, Adam. It’s been a long time.”

Adam nodded, smiled and shook the other man’s hand warmly, “Yes, it has, I never thought to see you again, Soames.”

Soames laughed, a quiet laugh as though he was afraid that if it were any louder it would be considered impolite. He glanced at Callaghan and then back at Adam,

“I couldn’t believe it when Callaghan here said he had seen you, but you didn’t recognise him, did you?”

“No,” Adam looked at the other man and frowned “Had we met before?”

“Not properly, I saw you in passing once when you were visiting the hospital. Some of your men had been injured, and brought here. I was in the ward when you came to see them.”

Adam stared at him a moment, then nodded curtly. He didn’t like to be reminded of that time, when his men had been killed and injured in the harbour, and his ship had ’died’. He could remember now coming to the hospital, seeing his men and knowing that some would never work again. O’Brien had blamed himself, having been the officer on board at the time, but Adam had also blamed himself and when Commodore Pelman had charged him with dereliction of duty he didn’t challenge it. He didn’t feel he had that right to do so.

Soames put a hand on the arm of the man who had been his Commanding Officer some years back, when he had been the first M/O on board the prototype ship Baltimore. “It is good to see you again, Adam.”

“And you, Soames…I mean ..I should call you Dr Soames shouldn’t I? “

“Mr Soames would be quite acceptable,” Soames said with a smile, “I’m Consultant here. I specialist in Ophthalmology.”

“I didn’t realise you had such an interest in eyes - were you medically trained to do so when you were on board the Baltimore?”

“No, only in general medicine” Soames glanced up at the cloak, “Well, I think that is enough chatter for now. I must attend to my patient…” he turned to leave and then paused “Perhaps we could meet up for dinner this evening?”

Adam nodded, smiled “Yes, I would like that.”

“Callaghan, give Mr Cartwright my details, would you? About 8 o’clock?”

He turned and walked back to Olivia, while Callaghan walked to the desk and selected a card which he handed to Adam, he smiled, “I’m glad I got to meet you properly, sir, I won’t ever forget the attention you gave those poor men that day - and of course, the trial that followed later - a travesty of course.”

Adam felt a shiver trickle down his back, he nodded and took the piece of card on which Callaghan had written the time for the appointment with Soames later that day. He watched the Doctor as he walked over to where Soames was talking to Olivia and looking Intently into her eyes.

Olivia listened to all that the Consultant was telling her. She liked him, he had the way about him that gave her confidence, a kindly fatherly figure as he gently placed a different pair of glasses for her to try…they talked about what she could see, how bright the colours were, how sharp the outline of this and that …then he stepped back and nodded,

“Well, Mrs Cartwright, you have done remarkably well during the past six weeks. Dr Callaghan will carry out a further examination for your new spectacles. I hope you are not too disappointed in having to wear a pair, I know young women today prefer not to wear them, but eyes are precious things….”

She nodded, and smiled and yes she was disappointed as she had thought her eyes had healed and were functioning perfectly. Soames walked away, and went into another room. Adam watched him disappear and then turned his attention back to his wife and Callaghan.

“Mr Soames is quite right, Mrs Cartwright, everything has healed very well, but scar tissue can be a nuisance, even when unseen it leaves a trace of its presence. Let’s see how you get on with these lenses now -”

Ten minutes ticked by, and finally Callaghan sat back, nodded in approval and agreed with Olivia that they had found the perfect lenses for her. “I’ll have these ready for collection tomorrow morning.” he paused “Are you staying long in San Francisco?”

“A week.” she replied and blinked, her eyes were still rather blurred and she wasn’t sure how he could have been so sure which lenses were the best suited for her.

“Then these will be waiting for you at reception for collection tomorrow morning.” he stood up, shook her hand and walked through the same door that had seemed to swallow Soames up a few moments earlier.

The Nurse smiled at Olivia and walked with her to the door of the room, handed her a slip of paper which she said had to be handed to the Nurse on reception the following day when she collected her glasses. Looking at Adam Olivia smiled, and slipped her arm through the crook of his, “Well, that’s over with, and everything seems al right, doesn’t it?”

“But you still have to wear glasses?”

“For close work only.” she squeezed her arm against his and paused for a moment to look around her, “I hate places like these.”

“I don’t know many who like them.”

She nodded and they resumed their departure, down the stairs this time, for they had forgotten about the elevator, another thing they were not really used to although the hotels in Virginia City had them…the Whitney and Internationale…they nodded at various people as they passed them by, strangers, no one either of them knew.

“What were you talking to Mr Soames about, Adam?” she asked as they left the building and stepped into bright sunshine, and the noise and smells of the city.

“I knew him, a while back when I served on the Baltimore. He was the Medical Officer.” he sighed, and frowned.

“Didn’t you like him?”

“Yes, we had our differences of opinion at times but on the whole we got on well.” he pulled a wry face “He saved my life -”

“Oh, really?”

“Yes. Not my finest hour - I got shot at close range by a woman - could’ve died, but Soames patched me up. I owe him a lot.”

She didn’t ask anymore about it but slipped into silence, thinking of the times in the past when he had not been part of her life. She wondered what she had been doing then, perhaps enjoying her married life, perhaps nursing a little baby Reuben and happy with Robert.

The years had passed by so fast it was hardly possible so much time had slipped through their fingers as it had …she heard Adam sigh, and asked what was wrong,

“Soames wants us to join him for dinner this evening, at 8 o’clock.”

She nodded, small details drifted through her head - what to wear, what would they eat, what could they do about the children, would Ben mind and of course, Martha would only be too delighted to mind the children but - she sighed now - and glanced anxiously from the corner of her eye at her husband who was looking like the granite head his brothers would so often call him.

Chapter 4

They did not return to Martha’s house straight from the hospital. Instead they hailed a hansom to take them to the Conservatory of Flowers`in the Golden Gate Park. Martha had told them so much about it, and about the hundred of different plants it contained that Ben had been intrigued. Adam had been fascinated by the engineering of such an edifice and agreed to meet with them once Olivia had seen the Consultant.

They sat together, hand in hand, in the hansom, deep in their own thoughts. They passed the little park where they had met and Olivia peered through the window to catch a glimpse of the old house in which they had lived.

“Strange how Sofia couldn’t remember anything about being here before; memory is rather a cobwebby thing isn’t it?” she glanced at Adam who seemed at first not to have heard her, but then finally nodded and agreed that it was just that, especially for a child who may prefer not to remember some things.

She agreed with that, and wondered what things it was about living here that Sofia had preferred to forget. Adam smiled at her crinkled brow and tightened his grip on her fingers, “Sofia and Reuben have several years of new memories overlapping the old, you can’t expect them to remember everything that you may recall from living there.”

“Oh look,” she pointed to the sky “It’s going to rain.”

“Well, according to Martha and the brochures this greenhouse is big enough to have most of the city crowded inside to keep dry.” he grinned, cheeks dimpled, “It may not be very heavy -”

“I hope not, I wouldn’t want it to spoil Martha’s plans for the afternoon.”

He glanced at her again for she had sounded a little distracted “Anything, apart from the rain, worrying you?”

“Not really - well - I was just wondering - thinking really - about Mr Soames. You didn’t really seem so pleased to see him. You both looked as though you were rather nervous at seeing each other.”

He shrugged slightly, and raised his eyebrows “I told you already, Livvy, he saved my life. We got on pretty well despite some disagreements. “

“But it seems that those disagreements seem to stand between you still -”

“No, not really.” he shook his head and turned to look out of his side of the window as the cab threaded its way through the city.

“What were the disagreements about?” she persisted in asking after an uncomfortable few moments had elapsed.

“About a woman….”he said quietly and shot a wary glance at her.

“Were you in love with her?” she lowered her voice, curious about this something new in her husbands life about which she had known nothing.

“Quite the reverse. She was despicable. But Soames was a sentimental man, he fell into her traps every time.

“Oh, did he love her then, did he marry her?”

“No, he felt pity for her, too much so for his own good. Then she committed suicide while she was in his care - he’s probably still castigating himself over that even now.”

He hunkered down in his seat, anxious not to talk about the matter any longer and she recognised the signs that it would be imprudent to trespass any further. She held his hand, leaned her head upon his shoulder and watched the city buildings slip away.


Joe stood up in the stirrups in order to look further at the views around him, and then after a few moments settled back into the saddle. He was chewing his inner cheek and wondering about this latest conundrum when he saw the dust raised up by Candy approaching from the direction he had taken once they had reached the low pastures.

“Anything?” he asked but Candy shook his head, and with a lift of his eyebrows asked the same question but Joe just shook his head too and with a sigh turned his horse round in order to return the way they had come. “I can’t understand why there are so few calves….”

“It happens some years, Joe. It’s nature. Sometimes animals know things we don’t and just shut down on the productive issue … “

“Aw come on, you don’t believe that nonsense do you?”

“Well, I’ve seen it happen before with other animals - it’s only the two legged variety that keep having kids when they’re running out of space.” Candy grinned.

“You’re not - I mean - you and Ann -?”

“Nah, three’s enough for us.” Candy replied and pushed his hat further to the back of his head. Joe could see flecks of grey in among the black of Candy’s sideburns and sighed, age was no respecter of persons it seemed and he wondered if his own unruly mass of hair was showing any sign of grey that he was not yet aware of.

“We’re close to Jessop’s place.” Candy said suddenly, interrupting his companions chain of thought . “How about we go and see him, maybe he’s having the same trouble.”

They followed the stream that had been such a contentious problem between the two families for so long, it flowed swiftly from the river which fed it from the underground springs beneath the mountains. The passed the herd of cattle grazing on Jessops land, land green and lush which once used to be arid and dry before the stream was diverted. The cattle looked sleek and fat, as had the Ponderosa cattle that Joe and Candy had been branding.

Cowboys ranged too and fro, yipping and calling out commands, their lariats swinging loose in their hands, horses threading their way in and out of the animals. One of the riders saw the two men and raised a hand in welcome before meandering his way towards them through his cattle.

Derwent Jessop leaned forwards to extend a hand to both of them, he grinned and looked more than happy to see them both. “Good of you to come. How’s things on t he Ponderosa?”

“Well, now that you ask,” Joe leaned upon the pommel of his saddle and pushed his hat back a little, “We’re low on numbers…”

Derwent frowned, looked at the two men and squared his shoulders, “Are you coming here to accuse -”

“No, nothing like that -” Joe said very quickly, lifting his hands high and away from his gun belt. Derwent was known as a pacifist but there was no knowing what a pacifist could do if accused of cattle rustling.

“Then why the visit?”

“We’re just curious…”Candy said quietly, being the older man he knew how to quieten a situation, a while as Sheriff in town had helped in that regard too.

“For what?”

“We were expecting a higher yield of calves this year - and by my reckoning we’re down by a third of our expectations.” Joe replied quietly, “We just wondered if you had noticed a similar problem with your herd.”

Derwent frowned, and removed his hat, pulled a bandana from his pocket and wiped across his brow, he nodded “I thought it was just us. I was expecting more this year, considering how well we had done last - but - “ he shook his head and wiped around his neck, “Luke came by this morning to ask me the same thing.”

“He’s down on figures too?” Joe asked and when Jessop nodded, he and Candy exchanged anxious glances. “We haven’t found any dead bodies, so I don’t think we have to worry about disease.”

“Thankfully. I was worried about anthrax…but like you say, no carcases, apart from which it’s indiscriminate. Most of the herd are find, it’s the calves or rather the lack of them that are the concern.” Jessop replied.

“Another thing we don’t have to worry about, are Indians -” Candy said quietly, “Not enough of them around now to merit so many missing head .”

“What about rustlers?” Jessop suggested and looked at the two Ponderosa men, his eyes swinging from one to the other

“That’s a possibility I guess -” Joe replied “Not one I wanted to consider really.”

“Ive got men out looking for sign of our cattle,” Derwent replied, and glanced around him, “and evidence of rustling.”

“Let us know if you find anything.” Joe asked and extended his hand which Derwent shook with a smile, although his eyes still looked anxious and worried.

Candy nodded to himself and muttered something about Mother Nature which Joe dismissed. They rode back to the camp site in silence, and found Hoss standing there, fanning his hat back and forth to cool himself, while he watched Hank and Jack brand another calf.

“Where have you two bin?” Hoss demanded with a scowl, “I’ve been waiting here for over an hour,“

Joe dismounted and walked his horse over to where Hoss was standing, he watched the calf kick its heels and run off, lowing loudly in complaint to its mother.

“We’re down on the number of calves this year…”

“I noticed that too…” Hoss nodded.

“Well, so are Luke and Derwent.”

Hoss raised his eyebrows and then scowled, his mouth twisted into a tight button of annoyance, “Well, reckon either the cows decided not to breed this year or we got some pernickety rustlers.”

“Pernickety?” Joe shook his head “How’d you work that one out?”

“’Cos if’n all they took were calves -” he shook his head, “Nah, I don’t reckon so. it’s just a bad year, that’s all. It happens. It’s Mother Nature playing hard to get agin.”

Joe groaned, “Mother Nature huh?”

“Yep, she has a way about her that keeps the numbers down…and for good reason that we may not find out until later.” Hoss glanced at Candy who was grinning and nodding his head in agreement, then he looked at Joe, “It happens, Joe. Some years you get plenty, another year, you get less. It’s about balance - “ he glanced down at his hand and shook his head “Dang if I didn’t get a thorn in my hand -”

Sucking at his injury Hoss strolled away to the chuck wagon and poured out coffee, while Candy mounted up and rode out to see if he could locate some more ‘shy’ calves. Joe glanced up at the sky and frowned, it looked like there was going to be some rain.


The rain was a light shower and by the time Adam and Olivia had reached the Park the clouds were parting to allow the sun to beam through again. Adam stood on the gravel path and stared at the huge glass edifice and shook his head in awe, respect and curiosity. “Amazing -” he said

“Isn’t it?” A man passing by said, and stopped to stand beside the rancher, “Just a shame that the man who got the kit in the first place died before seeing it constructed.“

“So I heard.” Adam replied with his eyes still taking in the size of the ‘greenhouse’

“James Lick*. That was the name of the man - his trustees sold it off to a group of businessmen in the city here who donated it * as a gift to the city. Quite splendid, isn’t it?”

Adam nodded, turning his head one way and then another as though he wanted to see it from all angles. The engineer and architect in him was fascinated by it, and he glanced at the other man with a slight smile “I saw a similar one in London some years back.”

“Kew Gardens…yes, I saw it too.” he nodded, tipped his hat to Olivia who had come to join her husband, and then walked away.

She was about to speak when they heard Ben’s voice, then Sofia and Reuben calling out to them. With a tug on Adam’s arm Olivia managed to distract him enough to turn his attention to his family and Martha, who were walking towards him, looking perfectly suited to their magnificent surroundings.

“How did your examination go, Olivia,” Ben asked “Is everything alright? Healed alright?”

“Mostly, Pa. But not completely.” she slipped her free arm through that of Bens and smiled, got a reassuring pat on the hand from him before she turned to her children who were clamouring around them.

Nathaniel was already sticky from candy that Ben had got him, Reuben was already bored after all, flowers had no appeal for a little boy of ten years of age, and Sofia was more interested in watching the people as they strolled about, at the clothes of the children, and wasn’t finding this wonderful glass palace quite as enthralling as Martha had made it seem.

“Adam met an old friend.” Olivia said as they all strolled into the entrance of the glass building, “My Consultant used to be the Doctor on board one of his ships.”

“Is that so?” Ben exclaimed and turned to Adam “Is that right, son?”

Adam nodded but his attention was on the building, his mind working out the cubic dimensions, the amount of wood, the number of glass panels….he pulled his attention back to his father and wife, “Yes. What did you say?” then he gazed back at the vast building “Do you realise how many window panes there are here? The weight of them alone… “

“16,800 window panes - the brochure says so here -” Martha pointed to the paragraph that listed all the details that Adam would find interesting. Ben and Olivia exchanged a glance, raised their eyebrows and turned their attention to the demands of the children.

Reuben wanted to go home, or at least find a place he could play ball with Nathaniel, and Sofia was tired of the flowers, the colours dazzled her eyes, she didn’t like the look of some of them, and the smells were making her head ache. Nathaniel grizzled he couldn’t put into words just how bored he was!


Chapter 5

The air became heavy, the feeling of a storm brewing and Ben suggested that they returned home before it broke. Martha was somewhat disappointed that no one, except Adam, had shown the appreciation for the magnificent building and flowers that she had expected. After their first awed gasps and exclamations, they had become increasingly subdued and it was that mood in which they arrived back at her house.

She had a staff of three, which seemed to be something of a requirement when owning a large house in the city. Her cook was a scrawny woman who appeared as though she ate nothing of any significance throughout the week, yet conjured up the most delicious meals (all of which she sampled often throughout the cooking process, had she been Bridie she would have weighed a ton). There was a maid of all work, who hurried about the house doing everything she possibly could to make life easier for Martha, to whom she was devoted. There was also the faithful retainer from her husband’s days, the Butler, Gates, who really supervised everything - the expenses, the daily routine, the two women. He knew exactly when to appear wherever Martha happened to be, with the newspapers, letters, coffee, refreshment and evening drinks. He was, Martha insisted, indispensable. Her guests all agreed, and all thought, but never said, that he made sure that she was reminded of how much so every hour of the day.

Olivia went to her room to ‘freshen up’ but as soon as she had sat down on the pretty chair by the dressing table, she felt exhausted. She closed her eyes and put her fingers to her temples, rubbing little circular movements in an attempt to ease the pain. After a while she went to her purse to find the medication that usually helped, and poured water from the carafe into a glass, which she swallowed down. It was while she was doing so that Adam opened the door and stepped into the room

“Are you not feeling well?”

“A migraine. I don’t know if it is the weather or just that today has been so tiring…maybe even those drops in my eyes …” she removed her glasses and set them down.

He watched her for a moment as she resumed her seat in front of the dressing table and looked into the mirror, closed her eyes again and shook her head. She passed her hand over her brow,

“I am sorry, Adam, I don’t think I will be able to accompany you this evening. I just need to sleep this off.”

“Of course,” he nodded and came to stand behind her, placing a hand lightly upon her shoulder he leaned forward to drop a kiss on her brow “Would you rather I cancelled it and - perhaps - we could go another evening?”

“No, don’t do that.” she said quietly, and sighed. “Mr Soames seemed a lonely man to me. Is he married?”

“He was once, some while before I knew him. He never mentioned his wife, if she were alive or not. He did mention his daughter once or twice. I had the impression that they were estranged.”

“Estranged.” she murmured, and frowned “What a sad word that is - I hope that we are never ‘estranged.’”

“Whatever made you think that we could ever be…” Adam said and stroked her neck slowly, so that she felt little trickles of electricity run up and down her spine. Had she been feeling well - she drew in a deep sigh and shook her, he stopped but she said “Oh don’t - that was so relaxing.”

After a moment or two he left her and walked over to the window, with his hands in his pockets. He watched the city closing down for the evening, and then fished in his jacket for the square of card that had Soames address on it. He looked at it and frowned, then turned to her,

“He lives in the same row of houses in which you lived…you must have been neighbours of his at one time.”

She blinked her large eyes, and thought fleetingly back to the time when life had been crazily hectic with two little children to care for, an old lady suffering dementia, and a sad couple whose marriage was falling apart at the seams. She thought fleetingly of how grateful she would have been then for an indispensable man about the house…she scrabbled in her mind for the right word, not a butler, but something else…she shook her head and the thought disappeared.

“I don’t recollect any Doctor living there, but then I barely knew any of my neighbours.”

“At least I won’t get lost, “ he said and returned the card to his pocket, “I’ll get a cab.”

“Give him my apologies.” she smiled as he walked past and grabbed at his hand, “Will you explain to Martha…I won’t be down for supper.”

He nodded and smiled, “It would have been pleasant to have had time together…”

“Yes, although -”

“Never mind -” he leaned down and kissed her, “Just rest now, and get better soon.”


Dr Gregory Soames straightened his jacket and gave his tie a slight readjustment in order for it to look tidier than it would usually have done. His reflection in the cheval mirror reminded him of the years that had passed since he had last seen Adam Cartwright. He didn’t like to think about it, not of the passing years nor the events that had taken place since.

He left the room and went downstairs to the main sitting room which faced onto the garden. He opened the large glass doors so that the night air, heavily scented by the perfume of the flowers, would drift inside and make for a more relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. The storm had not yet broken, clouds sat heavily in the evening sky. He sighed, paused a moment and turned back into the room.

When the knock on the door came and he heard the footsteps of the maid hurrying to answer he drew in a deep breath. Meeting Adam Cartwright again was like having to face his past - head on.

Soames turned to acknowledge Adam with a smile, a genuinely sincere smile.

“It’s good to see you again, Adam.” his eyes twinkled “Permission granted to use your first name?”

Adam chuckled and nodded, “Permission granted, Doctor..I mean ..Mister Soames.”

“Gregory.” Soames paused, frowned, “Odd that - I didn’t realise until just now that I was always just Soames on board ship.”

Adam shook his head “No, you were never ’just’ Soames. It was who you were, who you are…I think I shall find it hard to refer to you as Gregory.” and he grinned that disarmingly charming grin of his which was so infectious.

“True enough, and I agree, most people do refer to me as Soames…” he extended a hand to place on Adam’s arm and to drew him further into the room, “Welcome to my humble abode, Captain. I -” he paused and looked over Adam’s shoulder, “But - your wife -?”

“My wife is unwell. The day was too much for her, she suffers from migraines.”

“Ah yes,” Soames nodded and looked thoughtful, “I’m afraid she will have them for a while to come yet. Someone dealt her a very unfortunate blow to the back of the head, it will take time to heal -”

Adam frowned as he accepted the glass of wine the doctor handed to him, “I thought the skull protected the brain…”

“It does, but not always adequately enough.” Soames looked thoughtful, and then shook his head, “Come, you’re not here to get involved in heavy medical lectures. Let us go into the other room, there is someone I want you to meet.”

Just for an instant Adam had a feeling that he was about to come face to face with Cassandra Pelman. Whenever he had thought of Soames, which was not often, he would be reminded of her, whether he liked it or not, the two seem tied together, linked in, even more closely, in his memories that she was to her own husband.

Soames opened a connecting door to the next room where a long table awaited them laden with shining crystal, gleaming silver and bowls of sweetly scented flowers. A woman’s hand had clearly been in evidence here, he pondered, unless, like Martha, the doctor employed a butler, a very efficient one.

“Ah, now, where is she…” Soamed muttered and looked around the room, then smiled at his guest “Have you noticed, Adam, electric light?”

Adam glanced around him, he hadn’t noticed, he realised he should have done, and watched as Soames went to the wall and flicked a switch. Progress- again! He nodded, and smiled, glanced at all the lights, and then decided he didn’t much like it, it was too harsh.Thankfully Martha had yet to be talked into having it installed in her house by the ever efficient butler in her employ.

“Of course, not every where in San Francisco has it yet,” Soames said as though ashamed now of his pride in showing off the innovation.

“Nowhere in Virginia City has it** - yet.” Adam muttered, Soames threw him a smile as he hastened to another door and just as he put his fingers to the handle, it opened. He stepped back to allow a young woman to step into the room, an attractive tall woman who resembled Soames enough for Adam to realise this was the man’s daughter.

“Adam Cartwright,” Soames said, “May I introduce my daughter, Sylvia. Sylvia -this is Adam Cartwright, of the Ponderosa.”

She entered the room soundlessly, her hand extended, and a smile on her mouth while her eyes displayed curiosity and pleasure, “So this is the Captain that my father speaks so often about…” she smiled wider “Am I allowed to call you Captain?”

“You can call me whatever you wish, Miss Soames…” Adam replied with a smile as warm as her own, “Although I am actually retired and just plain Mister.”

She smiled and then turned to Gregory with a twinkle in her eye, before looking back at her guest, “I - I thought you were bringing your wife…”

“Sadly Olivia is unwell.” Adam replied and regarded her from half hooded eyes “She apologises for not coming. I hope it doesn’t - hasn’t - caused you any problem?”

“None at all,” Sylvia replied with such gusto that Adam got the impression that Olivia was surplus to requirements anyway. She was so easily dismissed and he felt sorry for his poor wife and wished she had come after all, even with a headache.

It was a pleasant meal, perfectly cooked, excellently presented. The wine was exactly what should be provided to accompany the food. Everything was faultless, and yet Adam felt on edge all the time. Sylvia was good company, she managed to elicit little personal bits and pieces of his life that he would not have surrendered to others, mainly because he was used to male company in society, and men did not bother with the trivia of anyone’s personal lives.

Soames added comments here and there, smiled a lot, and yet seemed slightly detached from the whole proceeding. Adam wondered why exactly he had been invited, he and Olivia. But nevertheless the meal was faultless, and he enjoyed it.

“Now, gentlemen, I shall leave you to your cigars and brandy. Excuse me -” she nodded to them both and quietly left the room.

It seemed to Adam that when she left she took the light with her, something diminished about them. He looked at Soames and noticed the way he looked at the door which was closing before the man turned back to him.

“It’s a pity Olivia couldn’t have come,” Soames said quietly, “Sylvia doesn’t often have company. Female company I mean…” he sighed and was about to speak when the Butler appeared with the cigars and brandy.

Adam refused the cigar but accepted the brandy, he nursed the glass within his hands as he swirled the liquor round and round, casting his eyes over to his host every so often while Soames puffed on his cigar and seemed intent on watching the smoke spiral ceiling wards.

**Electricity Arrived for housing in Virginia City in 1892

Chapter 6

Soames played around with the stem of his glass for a while and then glanced up to observe the man seated opposite him. Adam waited for the man to speak, there was obviously something playing on his mind. Eventually,before the silence became too uncomfortable and after gulping down some more of the brandy he asked Soames if it had taken him long to find his daughter.

“I remember -” he said quietly “that you did mention that you had no knowledge of her whereabouts, that one of the reasons you felt so much sympathy for Mrs Pelman was because she reminded you of the loss of your daughter.”

Soames sighed again, he seemed to sigh a lot to Adams' way of thinking and considering how much he sighed that was saying something. “After that fiasco with Mrs Pelman’s suicide -" Soames paused, drank some brandy, " There was an investigation you know? I and the Marine with me in the carriage when she died were suspended from duties and interrogated for carelessness while having a prisoner under our care.” he glanced suspiciously over at his guest “You may have heard -”

“I did.” Adam nodded, and looked Soames directly in the face, “I was approached to give you a character reference.” he paused and upon seeing the downcast features of the man continued “As your last Commanding Officer and involved in the matter of Mrs Pelman I was able to give a character witness of her also…”

“I doubt if it was a glowing report -” Soames muttered with his lips twisted into a rather bitter grimace.

“It was an honest one, and as fair as I could write about a woman who twice tried to kill me.” Adam responded with some heat in his words. He leaned back in his chair “The reference I gave you was also fair and honest, you were an excellent Medical Officer and I was quite surprised when I received notice that you had left the service.”

“I had no choice.” Soames replied in a sombre fashion, another sigh, and he fingered the cuff of his shirt sleeve as though his feelings were still ruffled by what he would consider the unfairness of it all. “But I used the time wisely. I went to Baltimore where I had last heard news of my daughter and after some while I was able to find her again.” he smiled briefly, “I couldn’t have been happier -”

There was a pause as Soames stared into the brandy still in his glass, his face softening as he obviously reflected upon what had been a happy pleasant memory. Adam watched him and then leaned back into the chair, “And then you started your new career?”

“Yes, in Baltimore. I was there several years before I moved back here last year. Sylvia was more than happy to come with me.”

He stood up and left the table in order to pour more brandy into his glass, but he didn’t rejoin Adam at the table, rather he went to stand by the window “The storm has arrived…”

Adam turned to the window and nodded as he saw the splattering of rain upon the glass. An ominous rumble overhead and a flicker of the electric lighting. He glanced at the lights as they flashed on, off, on again and smiled, obviously there were still teething problems with how it was supplied or distributed to so many different areas. He was about to speak when Soames turned to him 

“Have you seen any of your old acquaintances, friends from the Baltimore and Shenandoah?” he smiled, his eyebrows raised and eyes wide, a genial host “I wasn’t surprised when I heard you had retired.”

“A lot happened after we parted, Soames - er - Gregory. You heard about O’Brien?”

“Eventually. A shock for everyone, such a callous disregard for life, those poor children.”

“And Hathaway?”

“The whole ship’s crew I believe?” Soames shook his head and returned to his seat at the table “I heard about what happened in the South China Seas…I actually met up with O’Brien around about that time and he told me. They all thought you would die before you reached home.”

Adam chuckled and shook his head “Almost, but not quite.”

“And you have seen no one since?”

“No - well - O/Brien’s cousin, Morton, several times. And what about yourself? Whom have you seen recently?”

“You presume to think I have seen anyone?” Soames smiled and raised an eyebrow, and momentarily Adam wondered if the man was becoming defensive, and if so, for what reason. The question begged an answer, so he shrugged as though it was of no important, which at the time, it was not, 

“I wondered only - being in San Francisco and not so very far from the Admiralty Offices I just thought perhaps you would have seen one or other of our old friends.” he raised his eyes to look directly at the other man "Perhaps as patients even?"

A clock ticked, and then chimed the hour. Soames leaned forward “Have you never thought about going back to sea, Adam?”

Adam frowned, and glanced down while he wondered why his question had been ignored, he toyed again with the stem of his glass before glancing up to observe Soames looking quite intently at him.

“No.” he said quietly, emphatically.

“Don’t you miss it?” 

Adam looked into the doctors’ eyes and frowned, the intensity of the man's face, the clenched jaw took on a different aspect to that of a friend enquiring from another his future plans. He shook his head, then shrugged

“I was never happier than when I was allowed to walk away from it all. Yes, some aspects I do miss, I would be lying to say otherwise. But there are many others I am glad to live without. I am a married man now, middle aged and with three children…I wouldn’t want to be back at sea and not be with them.”

“I have to say you wife is a very attractive woman. You really found a beauty there…”
Soames smiled and nodded, as though congratulating Adam on finding such a jewel for a wife.

Adam nodded and his face softened into a smile “Yes, I think so." he then cleared his throat, preferring not to discuss his wife with Soames, instead he swung the conversation back to the initial question, "Work on the Ponderosa keeps me busy too….” he glanced at Soames from the corner of his eye “I should imagine your work keeps you tied down …no sea jaunts for you anymore.”

Soames said nothing to that instead he stared at the bowl of roses on the table,
“Captain Myers is Commanding Officer of the Baltimore now. He’s in harbour. I saw him yesterday…”

“Myers - well, I am glad to hear he is doing so well, he was always a very promising officer.”

“I told him you would be in San Francisco this week….he did say he would like to see you.”

Adam narrowed his eyes and inclined his head to one side as though to see Soames more clearly “You did? Any particular reason why?”

“He - he asked after you.” he paused “You asked earlier if I see any of our past acquaintances as patients," he nodded and smiled " I see several of the ships company regularly as patients. An on board Medical Officer can’t specialise in everything, and eyes are too precious to play about with…they need extra care and attention.” 

Adam frowned and toyed a little with his glass, then raised it to his lips to drink. Soames watched him before saying with a slight smile that Adam wore the same look on his face now as he would have when suspecting him of visiting Cassandra Pelman after orders not to do so.

A huge clap of thunder boomed overhead and rumbled on for a full minute making the house shake and ornaments on the credenza rattle. Adam thought fleetingly of Sofia and hoped she would sleep through it otherwise she would be terrified.

“I’m sorry, Soames, I don’t mean to be - suspicious.” he pursed his lips in his habitual fashion and shrugged “I just get an itch sometimes - that something is about to be said or done that I would rather not have said or done.” his smile then was not exactly warm or friendly, one that at one time would make Soames shiver.

Soames raised his eyebrows, shrugged and swallowed some of the brandy. “I think you are overly sensitive, Capt- I mean - Adam.” he laughed, not with mirth, “How easily we slip into our old ways, I think you will always be my Captain -”

Adam now shrugged and put down the empty glass “Well, I did manage to reach the rank of Commodore.” he pushed the glass away from him and stood up, “Come, Soames, we should join your daughter, it is impolite for us to stay here and leave her alone. I wish Olivia had come and been able to make her acquaintance.”

“So do I. Sylvia lives a rather solitary life.” Soames replied, “She is a widow - I didn’t even know she had wed. Goodness, she was but a child when she left with her mother. That was the only clue I had as to her whereabouts, you know, a card to tell me that Harriett was dead, somewhere in Baltimore.”

“I am sorry, Soames.”

“Oh my wife and I were not a happy couple, we pulled constantly in different directions, and she became an angry bitter soul. I suppose that I did too in a way.” another sigh and he picked up his glass and emptied it, “I was at sea when she left here, and went away with Sylvia. I never saw or heard from them again …until news of her death…” he looked sharply now at Adam and his smile was warm and genuine again “But I am very pleased that you have made a happy marriage, Adam, your dear wife is as sweet tempered as beautiful, I’m sure of it.”

“She has a mind of her own,” Adam replied as he waited for the doctor to leave the table, “I would prefer her that way than being nothing more than an ornamental mouse.”

Soames laughed at that, and tapped Adam on the arm in a friendly fashion as he passed him to reach the door, “Yes, I can imagine you would, I imagine you would.” he repeated softly to himself and opened the door to the sitting room.

Lightning flashed and lit up the room, the lights flickered, and went out, but Sylvia had shown enough presence of mind to have had the candles in the room lit, and they glowed quite pleasantly in a very attractive room. 

“I was just about to call you both in for coffee.” she smiled and rose to her feet. Again Adam was struck by the fact that she was almost as tall as her father, quite willowy in form, and her dark hair was enhanced by the colour dress she wore…a bright orange and red with her shoulders exposed as was the fashion of the time.

She looked at Adam as Soames took his seat, and gestured to the comfortable chair next to hers, “Mr Cartwright, the storm is quite heavy, it may be necessary to stay until it has passed.”

Adam glanced at the clock on the mantle and nodded “I have a cab ordered to collect me in another hours time, if that is alright with you both?” he smiled slowly “ I am sure the storm will have blown itself out by then.”

She nodded and settled herself into the other chair, “Electricity isn’t a guaranteed success in every situation yet, but it is quite a marvel isn’t it?”

“Indeed yes,” Adam nodded and looked at her, she smiled back.

“I met Nikalai Tesla* once you know -” she paused and he nodded to indicate that he wasn’t exactly stupid, he did know to whom she referred “He was giving one of his demonstrations in Baltimore, where people could walk through sheets of lightning. It was terrifying. Some women tried it and were shrieking as though being skewered. I was too afraid to try, but he was really like a conjuror you know, showing off in order to gain our confidence in this new experiment.”

“And then Edison beat him to it…” Soames smiled, and looked at Adam, “But you say you don’t have it in Virginia City yet? Well, let me tell you that despite having the streets lit up at night it hasn’t slowed down crime.”

Sylvia glanced to the door which had opened slowly to admit the man servant bearing a tray with the coffee. Small cups in their saucers rattled, little silver spoons tinkled and when there was another crash of thunder everything shivered and shook so much that the servant was forced to apologise “I am sorry, sirs, Miss Sylvia, I’ve been terrified of storms since a child…”

Adam glanced at the clock. He thought of his children, and hoped that they were sleeping soundly although he suspected very much that they were not…poor Olivia.

Sofia was screaming, holding the sheet close under her chin and keeping her eyes screwed up as tightly as she could. Olivia had hurried to her room at the first sound of the storm knowing that her little girl would not be able to sleep through such turmoil and noise.

“Is she all right?” Ben asked from the hallway below, calling up to her from the bottom of the stairs.

“It’s the storm, Pa, she’s always scared of storms.” Olivia had replied as she had hurried into the other room and gently closed the door.

“Oh mommy, mommy - stop that horrible noise - please stop that horrible noise-” wailed the child as she clung to Olivia as tightly as she could.

The door opened with a creak and Nathaniel ran in, bare feet making little padding noises on the floor as he ran to his mother and burrowed in under her arm in order to share the space of her embrace with his sister. “Mommy, noisy bangs - don’t like it.”

In his room Reuben snored on, he was dreaming a quite pleasant dream and then suddenly found himself being tossed about in a small boat on a black sea. Lighting and thunder raged about him, he had to cling on tight, very tight, but he was unafraid. When he would wake up later he would remember nothing of the dream except that he had quite enjoyed it and hadn’t been scared of anything at all.

Chapter 7

Ben sat in the chair that had once belonged to his friend Frobisher, he had asked permission to smoke his pipe which Martha had permitted. They sat opposite each other on either side of the fire and Ben was thinking how pleasant it was to be able to spend an evening like this, with Martha just opposite him, sewing a tapestry very carefully while he puffed on his pipe and pretended to read a book.

The room was well lit by lamps and candles. Every so often it was illuminated in sheet white lightning strikes, that made Martha pause and put down her work until the room had settled to its usual lighting. He smiled “Not a good night to be at sea…”

“No, I often think of seamen out on the waters in this kind of weather…you must have experienced a goodly share of such storms when you were a young seaman, Ben?”

“Yes, and shipwrecked as a result during one.”

She looked over at him and nodded slowly. He was a handsome man, his dark eyes were as piercing as ever. She could remember the first time she ever saw him, all those years ago when she and Julian had just arrived and wondered what on earth they were doing in such a dire place. Ben had come to their rescue, striding through the mess and muck like some kind of demi-god. She had known even then that had she been a single woman she would have set her cap at him, as the expression went. But he had a wife then himself, that Creole woman, Marie…and a little boy much like Nathaniel was now.

She smiled indulgently, and shook her head before setting back to work on her tapestry. “Does Adam talk much about his days at sea?”

“Not much…we can share experiences of course, but there were things he was involved in that I don’t think he wants to share with anyone. He suffered a lot, you know.”

“Yes, I can see that…but Olivia is a dear girl, a fine wife for him.”

“A man needs a fine wife,” Ben said slowly, his eyes on the pages of his book and he drew on the stem of his pipe before releasing a plume of smoke.

A knock on the door and the butler appeared, asked very politely if ‘sir would like some whiskey or brandy? Would Madam prefer some hot chocolate now or later?’

A peal of thunder, the very one that was then shaking Soames’ house, drowned out their reply but he went out certain that he knew best and closed the door behind him.

“He’s indispensable to me.” Martha said quietly.

“It does seem as though he has made himself so…” Ben replied with a slow smile as he put the book down on the low table in front of him.

“No, I mean it, Ben. He has been here for so many years, working for Julian and I. Now that I am growing old I need someone to help me -”

“Oh come now, don’t talk of growing old. Didn’t we agree when you visited us on the Ponderosa that we would not discuss age?” he chuckled good humouredly, but then paused when he noticed how serious she was looking, not directly at him, but at the book on the table.

“Ben, I came to the Ponderosa on that visit because I knew I would never be able to come again. I can’t deny the passing of time as much as I would like to, but I am getting -forgetful - and I find it hard to get up those stairs at times. I creak like an ill oiled gate…” she laughed rather girlishly as though she had uttered some faux pas, but her face was serious when she had stopped, “My staff keep me alive, they know all my needs and wants, and when I forget anything then Gates sorts it all out for me. I have come to trust and rely on them all very much.”

“Everyone gets forgetful, Martha, even I -”

“No, Ben, I am trying to tell you as best I can that I am ill…I don’t have much time left to me now…oh, a year or so, perhaps…which is why I am so glad that you came along with Adam and the family. I would want this week to be one to remember…well, for as long as I can anyway.”

Ben leaned forward and caught hold of one of her hands, held it gently within his own, “Did you know this when you came last year?”

“Not definitely, I just was aware that things were a little awry. I didn’t seem to be functioning as well as I usually would …so I saw the doctor as soon as I returned home.” she leaned forward and almost touched his brow with her own they were so close “I don’t want you to think of me as a silly old woman during these coming days, Ben. But I needed to tell you the truth because I care very much about you, you do know that, don’t you?”

He nodded, and gently squeezed her hand “I care vary much for you, Martha and -”

She raised a hand, put her fingers to his lips “No more talk about feelings and so forth. It is too late for that - now.”

She pulled her hand free of his own, and then sat back in her chair, picked up her tapestry and began to weave. Ben sighed and picked up his book, when the door opened and Gates entered with the tray of refreshment he would never have known such a discussion had taken place. But, being the discreet man that he was, he no doubt guessed anyway.


Soames butler was standing at the door with an umbrella held aloft in order to protect Adam as he splashed his way through the puddles to where the cab was waiting. Soames stood in the hall way of his house watching the big man make his way to the vehicle before being swallowed up into its interior. His butler then splashed his way back, stepped inside and the door closed.

Adam allowed himself to relax, for the last hour it had been hard to conceal his impatience to get back to his family as the storm raged and roared about the house. Sylvia had been attentive, asking questions about life on a ranch, how did his wife manage in such ‘primitive’ conditions, did the children enjoy school if, of course, there actually was one. He did not feel she was being patronising or in any way insulting, just very naïve and unaware of just how wealthy Virginia City was and just how much was available for the citizens there.

He didn’t mention how the mines were drying up, how Sutro was bailing out with his tunnel for sale, and masses of families moving away to search for their bonanza elsewhere. So what if there were fewer townsfolk, for a man who had known the area before the town had even existed it didn’t worry him a jot. More breathing space for one, and perhaps time for the earth to heal for all the sores scored upon its surface.

He leaned back and closed his eyes for a moment or two, just to relax and let the past few hours seep out of his pores. The cab swayed as gusts of wind blew upon it, the interior was lit up when lightning flashed exposing the buildings he was passing as clearly as in daylight. He thought over some of the things that had been discussed, wondered why it was that he had felt so nervous, anxious, as though anticipating bad news, something from the past reaching out to haul him back to a career he no longer wanted.

He was more than grateful to see Martha’s house loom towards them. Once the cab had drawn up to the kerb he clambered down, paid the cabman, and ran to the door, stepping in and out of puddles, feeling the rain soaking through his clothes, soaked through by the time Gates had the door open and he was able to step inside the warm welcoming hall.

“You’re soaked through, Mr Cartwright, I’ll bring you some warm towels to dry off.” Gates said, all concern and bustling efficiency.

He merely nodded, shivered when rain water dripped down his back from his hair, he would have shaken his head like a dog had Gates not been standing so close by. He peeled off his coat and jacket, realised how wet his shirt was…and just from running from cab to the door … Gates disappeared with the wet coat and left Adam to presume the warm towels would appear promptly. He was right, they did, Gates was already prepared and handed them to him with a lofty bearing, as though he was due a reward for his anticipation of his guest arriving like a drowned rat.

Rubbing his hair and around his neck, muttering his thanks to Gates, Adam made his way to the sitting room where Ben and Martha were seated, looking at the door in expectation of his arrival.

“Goodness, I didn’t think the rain was that heavy…” Martha exclaimed “I’m glad Gates had some towels ready and waiting for you, Adam.”

There was another crack of thunder overhead and Ben raised his eyes aloft “The children have been scared…this is one humdinger of a storm. “

Adam fully expected his father to add how he hoped the herd was settled and not stampeding ,which was one thought that had crossed his mind earlier as he had sat in the cab. He had wondered if the storm had reached the Ponderosa yet, and if there would be problems as a result.

“I’ll go and see if Olivia is alright,” he replied and excused himself from the room, leaving the two older people to their chairs and drinks. He had a slight smile on his lips as he headed for the stairs, anticipating, perhaps, that the two old friends were cementing their relationship in a direction he rather imagined his father would have liked.

Olivia greeted him at the doorway to the room where the children had their beds. He could see over her shoulder that Sofia was still awake, sitting upright with big eyes and pale face. Nathaniel was asleep, sprawled in his little bed, and Reuben was snoring.

“I’ve just got Nathaniel to sleep, but Sofia is terrified. “ Olivia whispered, and stepped aside to let him pass into the room.

“Scared huh?” he said quietly to the little girl as he perched on her bed, and smiled at her. He leaned to the side in order to turn the flame of the lamp a little higher, and looked at her.

“You’re wet, daddy.” she whispered but sidled up to him nonetheless, and slipped into his lap, “Why did you go away ?”

“I was not far, only visiting an old friend.”

He smoothed back some hair from her brow, and looked thoughtfully at her, “Don’t get too close, I’m wet through…”

“I - I was just waiting for you to come home, daddy.” she whispered, trying to cling to him while he tried to untangle himself from her arms.

“Well, here I am now…” he nodded as though to reassure her, “Settle back into bed, and try to get to sleep now.”

“But - it’s noisy - and there’s lot of banging - Nathaniel doesn’t like it.”

“Nathaniel is sound asleep.” he smiled, and gently got her to lay back down, he pulled up the bed covers, “There’s nothing to be afraid of, Sofia, storms have to happen, it is all part of how things are…the lightning is good for the earth, and so is the rain…”

“But it’s still noisy. It doesn’t have to be so noisy, does it?”

He smiled and shook his head, this child always had to have the last word. “Try and sleep.”

“I can’t…” somewhere a window rattled, a casement banged against a wall.

He sighed and leaned back, almost toppling off the end of the bed which made Sofia giggle…after he set himself upright and waited for another peal of thunder to past he nodded and put up one finger. Sofia held her breath and lay with big eyes wide open,

“Ready now..” Adam said in a very low whisper and began to hum a tune…

“Oh it’s Blow the wind Blow…” she whispered and he nodded, “I know when I have to sing the words, just sing and I’ll blow the wind blow…” she looked over to the door where Olivia stood, “And so will mommy.”

“Oh if I must…” Olivia laughed and stepped in close beside her husband, putting her hands gently on his shoulders, “You are wet -” she whispered and kissed him on the brow.

Adam cleared his throat and began to sing…*”You must make me a fine Holland shirt.”

“Blow, blow, blow ye winds, blow” sang Olivia and Sofia together.

“And not have in it a stitch of needlework.”

“Blow, ye winds that arise, blow, blow.” Sofia giggled a little and got her father’s raised eyebrow in reproof before he continued with …

“You must wash it in yonder spring.”

“Blow, blow, blow ye winds, blow.”

“Where there’s never a drop of water in.”

“Blow, ye winds that arise, blow, blow.”

“You must dry it on yonder thorn”

“Blow, blow, blow ye winds blow” and Sofia yawned right on the last word.

“Where the sun never yet shone on”

“Blow, ye winds that arise, blow, blow.” and gently Olivia settled Sofia down onto the pillows and smiled over at Adam as she sang “My father’s got an acre of land, blow, blow, blow ye winds, blow. You must dig it with a goose quill, blow, yet winds that arise, blow.”

She glanced up at Adam and he winked at her, Sofia yawned, turned onto her side, another crack of thunder, her eyelids fluttered.

Olivia and Adam together sang very softly, almost a whisper “You must sow it with one seed, blow, blow, blow ye winds blow, and you must reap it with your thumbnail, blow ye winds that arise, blow, blow.”

Sofia let out a deep sigh and snuggled down futher into her bed. Nathaniel, in his own bed, curled up tighter, stuck a thumb in his mouth while Olivia leaned down to pull the sheet closer around him.

“You must thrash it on yonder sea, blow, blow, blow ye winds blow” Olivia sang in a whisper while Adam hummed the tune, leaving the bed now and walking quietly to the doorway, rubbing at his hair to dry it with the towel

“You must grind it on yonder hill, blow, blow, blow yet winds blow. Where there yet has ne’er stood a mill, blow, ye winds that arise, blow blow.”

Olivia stepped towards the door and slipped her hand into that of her husbands, they smiled at one another, she tilted her face to his, and received his kiss, a long tender kiss.

“When you’re done and finished your work, blow, blow, blow ye winds blow.” she whispered and kissed him again. “Bring it unto me and you shall have your shirt.”

Adam grinned, dimples flashed and his dark eyes narrowed as he looked down at her, gathered her into his arms “Oh blow the winds,” he whispered, “I love you, Livvy, so much.”

“Well, my sweet, you need to get that wet shirt off…before you catch cold…” she whispered.

*This was a black-letter ballad(broadside) that was printed circa 1670


Chapter 8

Chapter 8

The two brothers parted at the junction which separated their homes. They had ridden along the track to the Ponderosa in comparative silence until they had reached that point in the journey when Hoss had said, quite blandly, that Pa would be hopping mad when he came back to find the low number of calves.

“It’s not just Pa.” Joe had said between clenched teeth, “I’m at my wits end trying to work out where the danged things have gone to…”

“Yeah, and Luke says the same. Low profits at the market this coming year…if we don’t find the wretched critters.”

“I got Jack and Hank rounding up the men to scatter and search…mind you, it’s hardly fair to expect them to accomplish much in this weather.” he had pulled up his slicker higher to protect his neck and shivered.

“Some rain -” Hoss had agreed and glanced up at the sky with narrowed eyes, “I’ll be glad to get home and in the warm.”

“I’ll see you in the morning.” Joe had muttered and that was when they had parted, both of them deep in thought as they turned their horses heads and Hoss went down to the Ponderosa while Joe continued along the track leading home.

Hester pulled the door open and was prompt in helping her husband out of his dripping wet slicker. The hat looked like a drowned gopher and was cast onto the credenza with a sigh of relief from Hoss who still leaned in for a kiss from his wife who squealed like a girl and complained with a laugh that he was soaking…upon which Hop Sing appeared with warm towels for the poor man to use in order to dry himself.

“You late. Dinner all burned up.” Hop Sing complained while shaking his head at the poor man who was rubbing his face and head dry, “Why you so late?”

“Danged calves that’s why.” Hoss muttered and handed the damp towels to his old friend with a nod of thanks.

“What was the matter with them?” Hester asked as Hop Sing turned back to his work in the kitchen with hopes of resurrecting the over cooked meal.

“Couldn’t find ‘em, that’s what was the matter with ‘em.” Hoss complained and sighed, then caught her by the hand and planted a kiss on her cheek 

Hannah and Hope ran up to greet him, Hannah with a concerned look on her face, just old enough now to realise that life existed beyond play and fun, “What s the matter with the cows? Didn’t they have plenty of babies ?”

Hoss sighed and shook his head, then squatted down to look at his little girl “Reckon not. Thought there would be but there just ain’t as many as we expected.”

Hope put her thumb in her mouth and observed her father thoughtfully, then ran off to find Erik, while Hannah shook her head and looked worried “Gran’pa will be worried if there aren’t any baby cows to sell, won’t he?”

“Yep, you can say that again - worried and plumb steaming angry.”

“Are you and Uncle Joe going to look for them tomorrow?” she held out her hand and held onto his, looking up into his face with blue eyes that matched those of her mother. Hoss thought she was beautiful. It always left him a little breathless when he looked at his girls and thought how they were from him and Hester, and yet so lovely despite his input.

“I reckon so…” Hoss said allowing himself to be led to the table where Hop Sing was setting down a plate full of food. “You all eaten already?”

“We waited until an hour pass meal time, Hoss. The children can’t eat too late or they won’t sleep tonight.” his wife reminded him patiently, and kissed his forehead as a consolation prize.

Erik came and put a hand on Hoss’ knee. The little fellow was growing up, and showed signs of being tall for he was above average height already. Bridie had told Hester that his father had been over 6’7”, rather like Nate Carnaby, so Hoss felt a glow of satisfaction at the thought, he would have been rather dismayed if his ‘son’ were to end up a light weight like Joe. “Daddy …” 

Hoss nodded and leaned to scoop the boy up into his lap, where, despite his wet pants (due to the rain) the little boy sat happily, watching as Hoss ate his meal and laughing when occasionally Hoss held out a morsal for him to eat.

When Joe had dismounted and seen to his horse he wasn’t surprised to find Mary Ann bustling about the kitchen getting something hot for him to eat. She had fed the children and they were already in their beds for Mary Ann liked order and discipline as much as possible, and the night time routine was strictly adhered to. He kissed her warmly even as he tossed the wet slicker and hat aside. “Something smells good.”

“you’re soaked, Joe. Do you want to dry off first and change into some dry clothes?”

“No, I’m famished.” Joe replied and smilingly accepted the towel she handed him, “Where’s Lee?”

“Busy. He’s a good worker, and a pleasant companion to have in the house.” she sat down beside him, and smiled, folded her arms on the table and leaned towards him, “You were so late I was beginning to get worried.”

“No need.” he leaned across and kissed her, smiled and lingered long enough for another kiss, then returned to his meal “We had some trouble -”

“Rustlers?” her eyes widened immediately at the fear of the things she had heard about rustlers.

“No, no, just that we can’t find all the calves that we were expecting to find…down by a good third. Hoss and I looked every danged place we could think of…wretched critters, weren’t no sign of ‘em.”

“Perhaps they decided they didn’t want to be branded and hauled off to market and have ran off to hide…”

“Look,” he pointed his fork at her, his eyes twinkling and a smile on his lips “this is no fairy tale to spin to children. Fewer calves means lower profits. Lower profits means less to spend …for you, and me, and the children.” 

“Oh dear,” she sighed and looked up at him, her head to one side, “And there was me hoping for a new dress this summer.”

He pushed away his empty plate and leaned towards her, took hold of her hand in his and then leaned in to kiss her “You’ll get a new dress, honey, if that’s all you want.”

“And a new bonnet?” she fluttered her eyelashes coquettishly.

“And a new bonnet if you need one…” 

“And a new parasol, to match the colour of my eyes…”

He looked at her with a smile, laughed and kissed her “You know, coming home to you is always a joy, my darling, you make me laugh.”

“Because I want a new parasol?” she leaned in closer to him with twinkling eyes

“Because you want a grey parasol…no girl I know wants a grey parasol…”

“How many girls do you know, Mr Cartwright?”

“Oh, only the one I brought home for my Pa to approve and let me marry…”

“I see. You had to get your Pa’s approval to marry me, did you? What if he had said no…?”

“Then I would have married you anyway…” he laughed and for a moment they said nothing just enjoyed the moment, being together, forgetting about cows and calves, even though he smelled like one himself with the wood fire and singed hair smell clinging to his wet clothing.

The storm had passed by the time morning came…and Ben had chosen to tell them at the breakfast table that he and Martha were going to revisit the Golden Gate Park and enjoy the Conservatory of Flowers` once again. He dabbed his mouth with the serviette and smiled, trying not to see the gleam in Olivia’s eyes and knowing only too well what she was speculating. 

“There’s so much to see there, Martha and I thought we would need another day at least to see it all.”

“Oh yes,” Olivia nodded and smiled at him, then smiled at Martha, “At least today.”

“Then,” Martha said in her quiet voice, “this evening, I thought we could go for a meal at one of my favourite restaurants. The children will be well cared for my Gates and Harriett. “ she smiled at Reuben, Sofia and Nathaniel, before looking again at Olivia, “I just want to make the very most of this visit, you see. There is so much I want to show Ben before he gets back to the Ponderosa and all that hard work of running the ranch.”

Adam nodded and looked very seriously down at his meal, “Yes, that’s for sure. He has a whole lot of work piling up for him back home. That’s why we don’t let him out too often, Martha. The hard work just piles up and it takes him forever to handle it all now.”

Martha laughed heartily at the sarcasm in Adam’s voice, while Olivia shook her head at him and Ben grinned and threatened to take him to the shed for a tanning if he didn’t show proper respect. Reuben looked askance at the thought of his Pa being given a tanning by Granpa and Sofia bristled and was about to protest when Ben said “Only joking, Sofia, it’s a long time since I tanned your Pa’s backside for him.”

“Well,” Olivia said as she set down her fork, and pushed away the empty plate, “We have to go to the hospital to collect my new glasses. Hopefully they may help get rid of these headaches I keep getting…Dr Callaghan thinks the ones I have are too powerful and causing the problem. Nathaniel, finish that egg please…”

Nathaniel sighed, he didn’t like egg any more than his Uncle Hoss liked cheese. He wondered why they kept giving him the stuff when he didn’t like it so much. Sofia, who loved eggs, smiled at him and when Olivia had turned to talk to Martha she slid the offending object onto her plate and winked at her little brother who struggled to wink back. (another mystery for the little boy, how did they do that? Winking was - well - impossible).

Ben was very gentle in the way he held Martha’s coat for her - upsetting Gates who always assumed such things his responsibility - and then settled it to drape around her shoulders. They shared a smile at one another as he raised a hand to reach for his hat, while Martha brushed off some thread of cotton from his jacket as he did so. Olivia smiled fleetingly over at her husband who seemed totally oblivious of such gestures, which she took as romantic and indicative of romantic things to come.

The children were dressed smartly, the boys’ had their hair slicked back (disgusting was the word Nathaniel used as he had tried to unslick it) and Sofia had her curls tied in pink ribbons. Satisfied that all looked well Olivia and Adam followed Ben and Martha out of the house.

At the corner of the sidewalk they parted, Martha and Ben, arm in arm, in one direction in order to grab a cab to the Golden Gate Park, and Adam with Olivia and the children looking for a cab to take them to the hospital.

“Where would you like to go afterwards?” Olivia had asked, and settled Nathaniel onto the hard leather seat in the cab.

“To the park…not the big one, the one where we used to play.” Sofia asked, and looked at her mother, with a slight pucker between her eyes “Just for a little while.”

“Well, I don’t want to go to the park.” Reuben said, swinging his legs too and fro, which example Nathaniel did also, leaving a dark mark on Olivia’s skirt as a result of one booted foot catching onto it.

“Where do you want to go?” Olivia asked and smiled, glancing at her husband who was looking at his son in a very blank faced manner.

“Well, Pa and I -” Reuben paused and glanced at Adam who raised his eyebrows and nodded “Pa and I were thinking of going some place else.”

“Oh, some place I can go too?” Sofia asked immediately

“No, just me and Pa.” Reuben replied with his nose in the air and turning his head to stare out of the window.

“Oh - but - why not come to the park with us? It’ll be fun…” Sofia whined and looked appealingly at Olivia who was looking confused, and then at Adam who was looking smug.

“I thought I would take Reuben to the harbour…you know, look at the boats and ships and all that sort of thing.” Adam said with the tone of voice that indicated this was not a suggestion , it was a statement of fact.

Sofia slumped back and sighed, she didn’t like boats and ships, and the harbour. She could only remember that area of San Francisco from a few years ago and it smelled a lot of bad things. Nathaniel was fidgeting, he grabbed his Ma’s hand and held it tightly, all this driving about was getting a bit too much for him.

“Here’s the hospital.” Olivia said in a rather ‘pretend’ merry voice, and as the cab lurched, Nathaniel nearly fell off the seat and had to be caught before he did, she looked at Adam very sternly and shook her head at him.

The nurse in reception took Olivia’s details and smiled, she looked at the three children and murmured the time honoured phrase “I’m sorry children not allowed in the wards…could you stay here with them, Mr Cartwright?”

Mr Cartwright inclined his head and ushered the children to some seats where they all sat in a row looking, so Olivia thought, like sardines in a tin. She followed the nurse and was soon disappearing through some double doors to the sound of Nathaniels voice saying very loudly “Where’s my mommy going?”

Dr Callaghan was in his office when she was ushered in by the nurse. The examination took little time, he commiserated about the migraine and agreed that often the drops did have that effect, then he produced the new glasses.

He approached with them in his hand and smiled “Did you know that it was Benjamin Franklin who invented the first bifocal* lens?”

Olivia frowned “Oh, I don’t need them, do I?”

“No, no, of course not. Thankfully.” he held out the glasses to her and smiled “These are the newest model, from Erkers Eyecare in St Louis*. Your husband wanted you to have the best and these are the latest gold rimmed spectacles with small ear pieces, you can see here that it has a sliding ear piece to adjust the side stem* …now then, let’s see how they fit.”

Olivia sighed, all she wanted was to be able to see clearly, be relieved of the head aches, and not look like some frustrated old school marm. Callaghan fiddled with one side stem and then with the other and finally sat back looking eminently satisfied.

Olivia took in a deep breath and also sighed…she nodded, and smiled at the man who sat on the high stool regarding her with an almost philosophical look on his face.

“They’re perfect,” she said and got off her stool, stood up and nodded “Just perfect.”

Chapter 9

When Olivia stepped from the elevator and looked around for her husband and children, she saw them gathered by the Reception Desk, Adam was talking to an attractive woman who was laughing at something he was saying, and he had a twinkle in his eyes and dimples in his cheeks and obviously enjoying the interchange of conversation.

Olivia didn’t move from where she had stepped, but watched with some interest as her husband and the woman chatted together. Nathaniel was beginning to get restless, tugging at Adam’s hand for attention, while Sofia looked up at the woman with big eyes and Olivia knew, with admiration. It was no wonder that she did so, the woman was immaculately dressed with a long peacock feather curled over her large brimmed hat, her shapely body draped in a garment that had obviously been styled to suit her requirements. Reuben was standing at the counter reading a brochure as though that held more interest than any chatter between adults.

As Olivia stepped forwards the woman turned away and walked with that confident stroll that seemed to be a gift to those who had time and money to cultivate it. Adam looked up, saw Olivia and gave her a wide smile, she could read his lips “Here’s Mommy.” as he looked down at Nathaniel who turned and ran towards her, arms outstretched. Sofia turned and hurried over to join them, grabbing at her arm and smiling while Reuben nodded over to her and grinned.

“You got your new glasses then, Ma?”

How grown up he sounded, and she sighed, smiled and nodded. They may have been the latest style, they may have been gold, they may have been perfect for her eyesight, but she felt awkward and plain and - old. She felt like she resembled Miss Tyndale, with her glasses constantly perched on the tip of her nose. She sighed and blinked, and looked at Adam as he walked towards her, kissed her cheek and smiled.

“They look very fetching…” he said and his eyes twinkled, but before he could say anymore Sofia pulled at her arm,

“Mommy, we just been and seen a friend of Daddy’s, and she said we could go and visit her any time. She’s soooo pretty, Mommy.”

“A friend of daddy’s?” Olivia said and looked at Adam who didn’t realise his wife was suffering acute self consciousness coupled with feelings of inadequacy, but grinned obligingly and nodded,

“Sylvia Soames.” he said, grabbing at Nathaniel who was trying to escape through the door to the busy outside world. “She was here visiting her father.”

“Sylvia - the - your hostess last evening?” she murmured and looked away from him in order to not see his expression.

“Yes, that’s right.” he nodded and beckoned to Reuben to leave the brochures alone and join them.

Sofia skipped along beside them as Adam tucked his wife’s arm through the crook of his own, smiled down at her and led the way out of the hospital building and down the steps. Olivia blinked, everything looked so clear, so colourful. She wondered what things would look like if she removed her glasses, as she so longed to do. She sighed, and Adam looked at her thoughtfully,

“Anything wrong? Arn’t they comfortable? “

“They’re - they’re just fine.” she murmured and sighed again, felt the pressure of his arm against her ribs, a comforting reassuring pressure. “Everything looks so clear. So sharp. Goodness me, perhaps I was losing my sight before the - the accident - and never realised.”

“Then it’s a good thing you have something that helps you see better now, isn’t it?” he leaned down and looked into her face, smiled, brown eyes twinkling, “We’ll have lunch , then I’ll get you a cab to take you to Lafayette Park. Reuben and I will get another cab to take us to the harbour…”

“Oh, couldn’t we - couldn’t we spend the afternoon together? I’ll be going shopping with Martha and Sofia tomorrow, you could go to the harbour then…” she tried to make her voice sound coaxing, warm as though it was the very best of ideas, but he sighed and frowned,

“I promised Rueben we would go this after noon…”

“But it would be far more practical if you went there tomorrow. A whole day instead of just a few hours.” she turned to look at him, noticed the familiar tight pout, and frown, she sighed “I would rather not go to the park without you….”

She said nothing more, nor did he. Reuben scowled and kicked a pebble across the side walk, so obviously had realised that their trip would be cancelled, Sofia giggled as though she were in on some great joke and Nathaniel turned to his father with his arms raised, wanting to be carried. The jostling of crowds, the sounds of traffic, the whole mass of life around him more than he could cope with and when Olivia felt her husband’s arm slip from hers in order to pick up the child, she felt a twinge of loss.


Lafayette Park was established as such only twelve years previously and George Davidson* had recently built the first astronomical observatory on the west coast. Olivia had strong suspicions that it was this building that had swayed Adam to concede to her request to spend the afternoon together. The thought that he actually liked the idea of being there with her, and the children, didn’t cross her mind. The glasses, her dependence upon them, and seeing that so-sophisticated woman laughing with her husband stopped any positive thought from seeping into her well of misery.

“This isn’t our park…” Sofia protested when they clambered down from the cab, and she looked up at her mother who gave a slight shrug of the shoulders.

It had occurred to Olivia that if they were to go to the park opposite the house that had been their home for so long the possibility of seeing Sylvia Soames was very probable. She lived with her father just a few doors from the very house that had been hers. She glanced over at Adam, who was smiling at something Nathaniel was saying. Perhaps he hadn’t wanted to go there either, perhaps he didn’t want to see Sylvia again so soon..perhaps…perhaps…she blinked and looked around her.

The park was impressive, not so much so as Golden Gate Park with the huge greenhouse where she imagined Ben and Martha strolling arm in arm through the wonderful variety of plants and flowers. But it was perfect for children to run and play, for parents to stroll, for dogs (if they had one) to gambol. She looked up at the hills and pointed to a house perched on the summit of one hill “Who lives there?”

Adam narrowed his eyes to observe the property and then nodded “Some attorney called Samuel Holladay.* I think there has been some litigation going on for him to remove it. “ he shrugged and then turned to her, took hold of one hand and kissed her fingers, “If I recall rightly there’s a rose garden near by -”

She wanted him to tell her she was beautiful, but he didn’t. Adam didn’t think he needed to, he knew she was and thought he had assured her of the fact countless times already. She let him take her hand and lead her towards the flower beds, the smells of which were eddying through the air and making her head ache.


Ben and Martha were dressed and ready for the evening. As Olivia came down the stairs in her very best silk dress she paused at the half landing to look down at them.

They had both been young once, Ben with his black hair and black eyes - still so handsome now that the hair was white. Martha with her white hair, she remembered that Ben had told her she had had red hair when younger. She must have looked a beauty, being as she was, still very attractive in her mature years now. They were laughing together in the hall, Ben placing a sprig of lily of the valley in his jacket lapel while Martha brushed off some stray hair from his shoulder.

Ben looked up and smiled at her, nodded in admiration

“Olivia, you look beautiful.” and his voice held the warmth of a man who sincerely spoke the words.

“Yes, quite lovely.” Martha replied upon turning around to look up at the younger woman. She was herself wearing evening dress with diamonds at her throat and looking younger as a result, but now she watched as Olivia came down the stairs with the train of her long skirts swishing silkily from one stair to the next.

Sofia ran out, clutching at Clarabelle “Mommy, you look like a princess.” she turned to gaze up at Adam who had come up from behind her and swung her upwards, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him “Doesn’t Mommy look lovely, daddy? Doesn’t she?”

Adam smiled, “Mommy always looks lovely…” he replied and kissed his daughter before setting her down onto the landing and pointing to the door where Nathaniel was already sleeping “Now, off you go…no noise, no fuss…be good.”

She giggled, little feet padded upon the floor, the door opened and then closed. Adam was still smiling as he came down the stairs and took the cape that had been draped over his arm and gently folded it over his wife’s shoulders. He dropped a kiss upon her bare shoulder before the silken folds of the cape covered it over, and she sighed, turned to him and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

He smelled of her favourite cologne, just enough to tease at the senses. Then he nodded and led her to the door where he ushered her out to follow behind his father and Martha. The coach had been ordered to arrive at 8 and was there waiting for them.

In their room Sofia and Reuben pressed their noses against the window to watch as Ben helped Martha into the coach, carefully tidied her skirt free of the door and then stepped aside for Adam to assist his wife into the vehicle. In the light of fading sun it look romantic, a picture that neither would ever forget. Olivia in her shot silk burgundy dress with the deep red piping down the bodice, her white gloves that reached her elbows, the glitter of some ornament in her hair looked as beautiful as any woman in San Francisco society would desire and the man at her side believed as he kissed her fingers and smiled.

During the journey to Delmonico’s famous French restaurant Olivia removed her glasses and slipped them into her purse. If Adam noticed, which of course he did, he didn’t mention it.

The Delmonico restaurant excelled in the food it provided for its clientele. It was obvious that the Frobishers had at one time been frequent and respected diners for the attention that Martha was given as she entered the lavishly set out room was warm and friendly. The Maitre d’ treated her like a long lost mother, and led her and the Cartwrights to a table that stood close to the window so that they could look out at the view beyond.

Wine was provided with each course, and with each course Olivia and Adam wondered and hoped that it would be the last. She sat at times with her fingers clasped around his, and over the glasses of wine she looked into his eyes and wondered if he really could love such a mouse as her….the fact that no one had ever thought of her as a mouse never occurred to her.

Martha was reminiscing., her voice was soft and gentle, she talked about the past, and Ben talked about the future. The younger couple listened, laughed, made little asides to what was said and wondered if tonight was going to be a prelude to many others with Ben and Martha together. Occasionally Martha’s hand would rest upon Ben’s, or upon his arm and she would smile up at him as though they shared a secret. Both Adam and Olivia were sure they knew what that secret was and with each new bottle of wine anticipated an announcement, but none came.

Over the dessert course Martha and Olivia chatted about the flowers they had seen in their respective parks that afternoon. Ben leaned over to Adam and whispered his concerns about home, the cattle, the ‘boys’. “I hope they’re managing all right.”

Adam raised his eyebrows, did a swift mental calculation as to the respective ages of his siblings and shook his head. “If they aren’t -”

He paused as he became aware of someone standing behind him, Ben and Martha had stopped talking and looking over Adam’s shoulder. Olivia stopped and turned her head and watched as Ben and Adam left their chairs to stand up in greeting as the couple behind them smiled their delight at seeing them all.

“Livvy, Pa, Martha - may I introduce Mr Gregory Soames, and his daughter Miss Sylvia Soames.”

Ben bowed, hands were shaken, a waiter produced two more chairs to place at the table. Olivia bowed her head and sighed, she felt as though the sword of Damocles was hanging by a thread over her neck.

Chapter 10

Sylvia Soames was an attractive woman whose good features were emphasised by her style and self composure. Her dress was the most well cut garment Olivia had ever seen, it fitted her slim body like a second skin, the small waist accentuated by the boning in the bodice and no doubt, a stiff corset beneath. Her hair which was dark like her fathers had been in his youth, was swept up in coils around her head making her neck look long and slender. Her jewellery gleamed against her skin, dangling diamonds from her ears, and at her throat, with an emerald poised delicately just above the low neckline of her dress which exposed just too much of her breasts.

She smiled at them all, her eyes sweeping over each one of them and her head nodding as they acknowledged her. Her eyes lingered a little at Olivia who sat straight backed in her chair, her eyes darker in colour, the long lashes fluttering and casting shadows on her high cheekbones. In a way Olivia was more than pleased that she had removed her glasses, she felt it was better for her own self confidence to view Miss Soames through a haze.

Soames sat and smiled at them all, he was still a handsome man, although he looked worn and tired, the lines of his face seemed more permanent and deeper since the time he had been on board ship with Adam.

“Did Adam tell you when we first met?” he said as he waited for his glass to be filled by the waiter, he picked it up by its narrow stem and smiled at Ben who nodded, and so he launched forth into the story of their first meeting, their first adventure together.

Adam sat and listened, smiled at the appropriate times and laughed when it seemed necessary. He was aware of Sylvia’s heavy perfume wafting towards them, and turned his head a little in order to observe his wife. He caught Olivia’s eye and smiled, gave her a wink and leaned back in his chair. If Soames wanted to act the role of story teller then so be it. Ben chimed in every so often, adding some anecdote of his own, so that soon the two older men were getting along famously.

Martha sat back and observed. She watched Sylvia attempt to draw Adam into conversation, smile across him to Olivia who would incline her head and smile in return. There was no warmth in either of their smiles. It made Martha wonder why the couple had decided to join them, the whole conversation seemed stilted and uneven.

Ben began to share some of his seafaring adventures with them, which Soames appeared to enjoy, throwing his head back and laughing aloud at times. Martha found her mind drifting and her eyes wandering around the room, looking for familiar faces, wondering how much longer they would have to stay with their uninvited guests.

Sylvia was the one who broke up the company. She picked up her fan and began to waft it too and fro, complaining now of the heat in the room and how she would like some fresh air. Her father took the hint and excused himself, bowed to Olivia and then frowned

“You are not wearing your glasses, Mrs Cartwright?”

“I can see well enough without them, Mr Soames, for an occasion like this one anyway.”

He nodded and sighed “You young ladies.” the implication being that for the sake of vanity they put their eyesight at risk, “Do take care, Mrs Cartwright.”

He bowed his head in farewell, both Ben and Adam had risen to their feet again and said their farewells, Sylvia paused and looked at Olivia

“You must come and visit before you leave, Mrs Cartwright. It would be such a pleasure to have your company for a while before you go back to your Ponderosa.” she turned to Adam, and smiled, extended her hand “That goes for you too, Adam.”

Adam gave a slight frown, a lift of an eyebrow “I’m sure my wife and I will be pleased to visit some time, Miss Soames.”

Her smile stiffened, then she gave a short laugh and shrug of the shoulders, before she led her father away to a table at which the waiter had been hovering for some minutes.

For a little while no one spoke, until Martha said without malice that Miss Soames reminded her of an old saying her mother used at times, about everything on display but nothing to show for it underneath.


Mary Ann Cartwright felt the draught from the bedroom window and sighed, with her eyes half closed she rolled out of the bed and stumbled her way to the window in order to close it. Half way there she realised that her husband was not in the room, had not been in their bed…she blinked and looked again and as she pulled the window shut looked around the room to see if he was lurking in the shadows, which, of course, was not something he would normally do.

“Joe? Where are you?”

She yawned and made her way out to the landing, picking up the lamp as she went, carrying it along down the stairs and across to the sitting room, until she finally found him in the study.

“Joe, what are you doing here? It’s - late -” she set the lamp down on the desk and looked at him anxiously, then put a hand to his head, tenderly brushing back a lock of hair from his brow

How odd, she thought, he already has grey in his hair, how is it that I had not noticed before, but he is still too young to be grey haired. “Joe? What’s worrying you?”

He sighed, but didn’t look up at her, although he raised a hand to take hers within his grasp. “I’ve been trying to work out why we’re so low on figures…”


“Calves…cows…we’re far too down on the numbers we estimated we’d have.” then he turned to her, smiled and drew her closer to him, “You look pretty with your hair all tousled like that…”

“”Mmm, but - I don’t understand why you’re more worried this year than usual…some years get like that, don’t they? A low yield or something? Perhaps the cows just didn’t want to be romanced by that old stud bull again…perhaps…”

“Darling, there are enough bulls in the herd to service every cow going -” he frowned and shook his head “This isn’t a subject I want to talk about when you’re looking so dang pretty.”

She pulled up a chair and sat down beside him, then looked at the figures he had scrawled on some paper “Other ranchers have been affected then….Luke and Derwent…”

“Yes, and by a sizeable margin too.”

“Perhaps they were all sick during the winter and died . It must happen, Joe. I know I don’t have an intimate knowledge of such things, but infant cows must be as vulnerable to sickness as infant humans, surely?”

He laughed and reached out to gently caress her cheek, “Sweet heart, all these years as a ranchers wife and you still have such a way of describing things…and in a way you are right, young calves are vulnerable to winter sicknesses, bad weather conditions, shucks, whole herds have been swept away with disease due to winter tetany, staggers, bloat…” he paused and turned back to his desk, looking glumly at the scrawl of figures there.

“What does Hoss say about it?”

“He’s as baffled as I is Luke and Derwent.” he grimaced “I almost got to wondering if Derwent, being a Jessop, had been up to his old tricks..well, not his, but his families, you know…rustling one here and t here…”

“Derwent wouldn’t do that…” she sait with a little frown forming on her smooth brow.

“Pa would want us to have a solution to this by the time he gets home…”

“Well, he can’t expect miracles, Joe.” she scolded and then placed a hand over his and leaned towards the paper “No rustlers?”

“No evidence of any …no reports of any either.”

“What about the herd Pa had up north…”

“We moved them back down when we realised the Hoags were helping themselves to the occasional one or four.” he grinned remembering the chaotic few days with Willow and her family. “Removed the temptation…”

She smiled and sighed, “Joe, what about this for a theory…”

He nodded, turned around to look at her with a smile on his face. He loved it when his wife decided to talk about something she knew very little about, “Yes, ma’am.”

“what if there is a new rancher who hasn’t the money to build up his own herd so decided to steal some from his neighbours.”


“Well, look at it like this -” she leaned towards the desk and picked up his pen, “Let’s say you have lost 50 head, and Luke 25 and Derwent 30 …that makes a total of 110! So all have to do is find someone who has 150 brand new calves …see, they haven’t been branded at all by any of you, so the brand marks on them would be fresh and clean.”

Joe shook his head, leaned forward to kiss her nose “You have a wonderful imagination, honey.”

“ I thought that it was a very valid reason…it makes sense doesn’t it?”

“I can hardly go around asking every new rancher if I can have a look at his calves, can I?”

“Why not?”

She put down the pen and pouted, then sighed, leaned forward and picked up the lamp, “If you’re going to laugh at me then I’m going to bed.”

Joe nodded and ran his fingers through his mop of hair, then shrugged, “I think I’ll come too…” he yawned, screwed up his face and shivered “I’ll go into town tomorrow and ask Nate if there has been any report of rustling going on…”

“Or new people moving in?”

“Yeah, sure, and new people moving in who likes baby calves…”

“Don’t laugh at me, Joe, I may be right -”

“Of course, sweetheart, anything you say.”


It was obvious Martha was disappointed that the evening had ended on a discomforting note. Olivia was very quiet and seemed to have shrunk into herself, Ben talked too much and too jovially for it to be genuine and Adam looked anxious, tapping his chin with his long fingers at times and darting small smiles at her throughout their journey home.

Olivia made her excuses to go to bed straightaway and kissed Martha and Ben before going up the stairs, her husband watched her go and then turned to his father and Martha, “If you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go up too. Thank you, Martha…” he leaned in and kissed her cheek, then turned and made his way upstairs.

Ben sighed and raised his eyebrows, then smiled at Martha, pushed open the door for her to step into the sitting room. Within minutes of them sitting down, Gates appeared with their evening drinks, and then stepped out of the room to leave them to themselves.

“I’m sorry, Ben, once the Soames had been things went a little quiet, or was it my imagination?”

“No, it wasn’t your imagination.” Ben said quietly and reached for his whiskey, “Miss Soames has a lot of what they call ‘presence.””

“Yes, that is what I thought too…perhaps too much for Olivia just now?”

Ben looked at Martha, then looked away and nodded “Yes, perhaps so.”


Adam removed his jacket slowly, while he watched his wife as she pulled clips and clasps from her hair and let it tumble down her back. He smiled and wondered if his wife realised how lovely she was, and then his mind trickled back to Sylvia and he thought of how magnificent the woman had looked. He sighed and walked to his wife, and stood behind her, before placing his hands very gently on her shoulders,

“You looked beautiful tonight, Livvy.”

“I didn’t feel it.” she said and picked up the hair brush

“Why not?” he looked puzzled, and sat down on the bed just behind her chair, he took the brush from her and began to draw it through the lengths of silky smooth curls.

“I - just felt awkward and - not - very sophisticated.”

He frowned, paused “But I don’t want you to look sophisticated. I want you to look what you are…”

“A country mouse?”

He laughed and looked at her reflection in the mirror, his head to one side as he slowly appraised her, “You look like your daughter …protesting and angry …”

“I don’t..” she turned to reach for the brush but he held it away from her and shook his head, she pouted and turned away.

“My dear, if you are comparing yourself to Miss Soames…”

“She looked so - so beautiful, Adam…” and her shoulders slumped “I just felt so frowsy.”

“Frowsy?” he raised his eyebrows and then shook his head again “Livvy, you’ve no need to feel like that…”

“But I do.” and she bowed her head and suddenly she felt just like Sofia, just like a little girl who needed reassurance and petting, some comfort and love. “I do. And I have to wear glasses…Mr Soames even had to mention that…” she heaved in a sigh, and then her fingers touched her face, where the scar along her chin could be faintly seen through the cream she used to cover it up. “And I have these…”

“What a funny thing you are…” he said softly and drew her into his arms and held her until she relaxed and placed her head upon his chest, closed her eyes and sighed.

“She saw them too…” she whispered, her voice muffled in the folds of his shirt, “I saw her look and notice them.”

“What if she did? “ he replied, stroking her hair gently as though she were a child now, and needed gentling.

“Oh Adam, it’s different for a woman…” she looked up at him and offered up a watery smile, then gently touched the scar on his cheekbone, “Women aren’t supposed to look battered and scarred…”

“When a woman puts herself in a position of danger in order to protect another, my dear -” he held her away from him a little distance “then they should consider it a badge of honour. Women like Miss Soames sit at home and do their embroidery or whatever and would no doubt faint at the thought of facing a crowd in the way that you did…” he stroked her cheek, then kissed her nose “Please - don’t compare yourself with the likes of Miss Soames.”

She closed her eyes and sighed, held him close and told herself to be satisfied, be happy, but somehow Sylvia Soames hovered in her memory as a bright morning star, not easily extinguished no matter what philosophy her husband spun to ease her mind.

Chapter 11

A tall fair haired man accompanied by a slim blonde woman stepped from their hotel and strolled slowly to the park. They wore clothes cut in the European style, and stood out a little even from the very well dressed of San Francisco’s most well heeled gentlemen and ladies who were out and about that early in the morning.

He carried a walking stick with a silver mounted head in the shape of a lion which fitted perfectly in the palm of his hand as he swung it along side him. She carried a parasol, pink and lace trimmed to match the colour of her dress, and her bonnet. It was not yet hot enough for her to use the parasol for any other purpose than a prop in her hand.

They talked and laughed together, a couple apparently at ease and happy to be enjoying the warm day together. They stopped at a bench and sat down, amused by the ducks antics on the ornamental pond in front of them. He leaned back to watch, his eyes scanning the people, few in number though they were at such an early hour. A woman came, hesitated and then sat down beside them, keeping a correct distance between them. He turned and smiled, removed his hat and inclined his head in greeting, while his wife turned to smile at the new comer and bid her good morning.

Sylvia Soames nodded in return and then paid attention to the ducks on the pond. He put his hat down on the bench in the space between them, as though to emphasise the distance was of proper propriety. After a few moments during which the couple had chattered together about nothing in particular Sylvia took out a small book and opened it. She began to read, turning the pages swiftly because, after all, it was a small book and the pages contained little in length.

After another ten minutes she closed the book and opened her purse, closed it, and walked away. No word was spoken. The gentleman took out his watch which was strung across his silk vest by a gold chain, flicked it open and then whispered to his wife that it was time for them to go.

He picked up his hat and the little book that had been slipped beneath it. The hat went on his head, the little book was palmed discreetly into his pocket from which he produced a handkerchief, he dabbed at his nose and returned it. No one watching him would have thought anything of it.

Arm in arm they walked in the opposite direction to Miss Soames who hailed a cab and gave directions so that within less than half an hour she was back home and calmly removing the pins that secured her hat to her curls.

Nathaniel was excited although he was not sure why exactly but just that Sofia was and so was Reuben. Their giggles, fidgeting and high voices chattering away led to an air of suppressed pleasure. Even Martha was smiling and laughing more than usual so that Gates looked at her anxiously just in case she had a stroke and keeled over.

But for Martha this was a special day…something she had not experienced in her whole life time before, having children and a young woman who could pass, perhaps, as her own daughter, to accompany her to the stores and then for a little luncheon somewhere small and suitable before continuing their time around the many stores that San Francisco abounded in.

Toy shops and candy shops and stores that sold the very latest style of dress and everything else that was necessary for a lady of fashion, no matter what age…stores that sold clothes for children that wasn’t made from denim, didn’t run to dungarees, nor ever displayed such things as cheap cotton check shirts. 

Martha wanted to give Olivia and the younger children the best day ever…and it made Sofia’s head giddy at the thought of seeing so much. She became a little silly and had to be told, very sternly by Olivia, to calm herself before she was sick and would then have to stay home.

Reuben’s excitement was far more controlled, but it kept bubbling up inside him so that he would grin hugely at his father and grandfather with big eyes in a flushed face. Olivia did mention at one time that perhaps he couldn’t go with them as it looked as though he were ill…which nearly reduced him to tears. This was no mere outing to stores and such, this was going to be an adventure, just the three of them, Pa, Grandfather and himself.

So it was not long before they were all gathered on the sidewalk, Martha and Olivia with the younger children boarding a cab to take them into the centre of the best area for the stores, and Adam hailed a cab to take him, his father and Reuben to the harbour area, giving his son a wink as they clambered on board the vehicle and were soon trundling down the thoroughfare to the bay.

The Central wharf was the first major pier built in San Francisco.* It extended 2000 feet into the Bay over shallow water and mud flats that prevented ships from docking on the shoreline. Other piers quickly followed although it was hard to keep up with shipping demand as from a sleepy harbour it had become one of the most important waterways of America.

Governor Leland Stanford* eventually signed a legislation that would create a Board of State Harbour Commissioners for San Francisco, and it was this Bill (Senate Bill 90) that established the Port of San Francisco. 

Adam was interested in seeing how the massive seawall was now and how near to completion.* This had been organised to stabilize the waterfront. He had seen this project at various stages of its development when he had berthed his ships there during his sea going career. It would eventually be two and a half miles long, reaching from Fisherman’s Wharf in the north to China Basin Channel in the south. Behind the sea wall more than 800 acres of prime metropolitan land was going to be created .

It was a warm and pleasant day, the wind drifting over the bay was carrying with it the smells of the sea, salty to the taste but not overly pleasant to the nostrils as so many smells mixed and mingled. Human bodies, food, the smells from the packed cargo waiting to be taken on board their assigned ships, the smell of oil and wet hemp all gathered together in one not altogether pleasant aroma. 

The few women who were on the harbour side dabbed at their noses with handkerchiefs, but there were others who worked there for a living and had got used to it, and were ruddy cheeked and loud voiced. 

But to Reuben the best sight of all was to look over at the ships currently berthed, and to view each one with a mixture of awe, amazement and pleasure. He grabbed at Adam’s arm

“Is your ship here, Pa? The Shenandoah?”

“No, I don’t think so…perhaps … The Baltimore is …” Adam smiled, one hand resting on the boys shoulder, he looked over at his father who was looking over the ships with eyes that were seemingly inward looking, for Ben was carried away on memories, of when he first came by ship to San Francisco bay, and barely any ships had been present at all.

“When I first came here, there were hardly any ships…” he murmured, “Captain Abel Stoddard didn’t think it would ever amount to much, just remain a muddy bay…”

“Then they found gold at Sutlers Mill, Pa…that changed everything.” Adam sighed, and looked wistfully at the ships as they strolled slowly past.

“Look at that one over there, Pa…what a beauty…” Reuben exclaimed and pointed to a large schooner with sails furled, bouncing up and down on the few waves that rippled across the water’s surface.

An officer on board the vessel heard the boys words and stood up, acknowledged him with a nod and smile before continuing with his work.

Ropes thicker than Reuben’s body were attached to strong iron hooks to lift up the great sacks of cargo, then a pulley and winch system went into operation, lifting the huge mass from the harbour over to the ships. “One job I would never want…” Ben muttered, and walked on.

They reached an area where Adam paused awhile, his face sombre, and he removed his hat and stood there looking down and glancing around him as though lost …but it seemed to him, somehow something of those men and boys who had died the night the Ainola was destroyed, something of them should be felt still, in the air around here, a whisper, a memory. It should not be forgotten that they had perished so horribly…Gibbs, Hartley, the boy John Makepiece…all the others…and he stood there and remembered that awful night with a tightening of the throat.

Ben said nothing but drew Reuben aside so that the boy would not disturb his Pa’s private moment of remembrance for the brave men who had died. And then, of course, there were others - later.

Perhaps, Adam mused, it was good that there was no memory of them here now. But he could remember, the letters he had had to write to the families, the grieving widows, the letters that as their Commanding Officer he had written in heart felt grief at their loss.

Ben approached with a smile, and put a kindly hand on his son’s shoulder “Someone seems to be trying to catch our attention,” he said with a nod of the head to where a seaman was striding towards them.

“Cap’n Cartwright, Mr Cartwright - young un?” 

Adams face relaxed into a wide grin, he extended a hand “Jacko…how are you?”

“Well and good, sir.” Jackson looked down at Reuben and grinned “Reckon on you don’t recognise me, young’ un. Well, I barely recognised you - seems to me you’ve grown some.”

Reuben nodded and grinned, he had always liked Marcy’s brother, Jackson, whom they called Jacko because she always had done. Having shaken the men by the hand Jacko stepped back a pace “A note for you, sir.” he winked at Reuben “From Captain Myers.”

With an anticipatory smile Adam opened the envelope and extracted the square of cardboard it contained…Myers untidy scrawl greeted him

“I hope you were not expecting to come all this way without stopping to visit the old lady, and have lunch with us? Myers”

Adam slipped the note back into the envelope and smiled down at Reuben, “Well, my boy, looks like we are going to see whether or not you have sea legs…”

“Why, Pa?”

“Because we are going to have lunch with Captain Myers on The Baltimore…and she’s berthed over there - “

He nodded towards the Bay and smiled as Reuben narrowed his eyes in order to locate the ship “I can see her, right over there Pa…but how’re we going to get there?
Can’t she get closer?”

“Too crowded already, and at the moment shallow waters…” Adam smiled, and looked at Jacko who nodded

“Captain’s boat awaiting you, Sir…Mr Cartwright, Sonny-Jim.”

“I’m Reuben,” the boy pointed out politely, and smiled at the face Jacko pulled in contrition at his error. “Are you going to sail the boat to the Baltimore?”

“No, lad, I’m going to watch a crew of layabouts row us over..” Jacko replied with a chuckle in his voice.

“Goodness me,” Olivia laughed and stepped back in order to view the building better, then she shook her head in disbelief “When I lived here it was the J.W Davidsons* Dry Goods Store.”

They were standing at Kearny Street looking at the magnificent frontage of The White House that had only recently been established by Rafael Weil*, it was a wrap around building taking in part of Post Street as well

“I read in the Daily Alta that ‘Many a lady went away crazy to possess some of the nice things seen in here’” Martha quoted with a smile, “It hasn’t been long open, but with a reputation like that…”

“Oh well, I am quite sure I shall be driven crazy when I get inside.” Olivia laughed again, and linked her arm through Martha’s while the other hand pushed the stroller in which Nathaniel had been harnessed.

Of course he hadn’t liked it at first, then being quite a clever little boy he soon realised that had he not been in it he would have had to have walked, and walked, because as anyone knows when one goes shopping there is a lot of walking involved. Sofia had never walked so much in her life. The promise of ice cream, chocolate, and the latest in cordials on offer, had persuaded her that her sore feet were a small price to pay for the pleasure of investigating so many wonderful buildings.

And she had a new doll, still in its package, pristine in her beautiful blue laced gown. She knew no one else at school possessed a doll such as this one…and even better still, she had seen Martha and her Mommy looking at the most splendid doll houses. There had been whispered conversations and a lot of nodding of heads and things pointed at, picked up and put down, and picked up again….she closed her eyes as they stepped through the doors into this latest store. If what she thought was true then she would be the happiest little girl in the world…even if she did have sore feet.

Chapter 12

Hoss Cartwright looked about him thoughtfully as he tied the reins of his horse over the hitching rail. He sighed and shook his head, paused a moment before turning to look over at his brother

“Lots of changes, Joe.” it was a statement rather than a question and one to which Joe, regretfully, agreed with a slight inclination of his head. “Fewer folk around, and some of the stores still shut down.”

“No one wants to buy stores where there are no customers, Hoss.”

Hoss agreed but glanced over at Ridleys Ladies Emporium and then followed Joe into the sheriff’s office. Amanda Ridley had left town now, gone those past two weeks, leaving her business affairs in the hands of her capable Manageress Mrs Carstairs. Her house had been locked up, indicating her intention to return, one day.

Nate Carney, the present incumbent as Sheriff of Virginia City, nodded over at them, before putting the letter he had been reading face down onto the desk among other papers. It struck Joe that Nate was a meticulous law keeper, and kept security tight.

Clem Foster and Mark Watts nodded affably over to them, offering cups of coffee. Mark was cleaning the rifles while Clem had been in the act of pouring coffee for the three men and now reached for two more mugs.

“What can I do for you two, Hoss, Joe? Something wrong on the Ponderosa that you want us to sort out before you Pa gets back home?” Clem chuckled as he passed a mug over to Hoss.

“Yeah, seems you know us too well.” Hoss grinned back but his blue eyes were anxious and didn’t convey any mirth so Clem just frowned and returned to his business after placing a mug down for Joe.

“What’s wrong?” Nate asked in his quiet voice. There was always something calming about Nate, considering what a big man he was, his whole voice and demeanour made a person feel totally confident in his ability to correct any wrong, find the solution to the problem…both Cartwrights sat down, crossed one leg over the other, picked up their mugs and relaxed.

“We’re missing a whole heap of calves.” Hoss said after he had swallowed half a mug full of coffee, “About 70 head, if not more.”

“And the Jessops and Dents have as well.” Joe added.

“Just calves?” Nate asked, leaning forwards towards them, his arms on the desk and his eyes narrowed, “No cows, bulls, just calves?”

“Just calves…none of them branded.” Hoss said “We’re in the process of branding those we have found, but -”

“But that’s a lot of mavericks kicking their heels about all over the Ponderosa.” Clem said as he came closer to the desk, “And your neighbours the same huh?”

“Jessops our neighbour, and Luke’s territory borders closer to his than it does ours, but, yeah, they’ve lost calves too.” Joe nodded

“So what are you thinking? “ Nate asked,

“Well, we’ve looked high and low for the danged things, nary a sight of’em.” Hoss muttered, “I know the Ponderosa is a big place but calves stick close to their Ma’s and they tend to stick with the herd. Cattle like sticking together, they don’t go wandering off - particularly calves.”

“We’ve a lot of discontented cows just now…wondering where their young ‘uns have wandered off to.” Joe muttered and rolled his eyes as though he couldn’t believe he was saying that, but facts were facts, the racket a mother cow made when her calf was missing was bad enough, multiple that noise by at least fifty and it was enough to give a deaf man ear ache.

“So - rustlers then?” Nate looked at them both “Rustlers who prefer to take the calves and leave the more mature animals behind. Seems odd to me…”

“It is odd. That’s why we came to see you, wondered if you knew any new comer who may have moved into the territory who may be thinking of building up their spread with young stock. Being that they’re unbranded means they can add their own mark on ‘em without having to worry about covering over the Ponderosa Pine brand.”

“Or Jessops and Dents …” Mark muttered.

“Well, there have been one or two new ranchers moved in…but none bordering onto your land. Are you sure you’ve looked everywhere you could - after all a thousand square miles of land leaves a whole lot of places where inquisitive calves could wander.” Nate frowned, and fingered the letter he had just placed down when the Cartwrights had entered the office.

Joe nodded, his eyes watching the sheriff’s restless fingers, an obvious sign that trying to find missing cows was not as high on his list of priorities as the news in that letter. He nudged Hoss with his foot and raised his eyebrows, but Hoss was too worried about the problem of those cows to notice.

“Can’t you help, anyways, Nate?” Hoss asked.

“Show me on the map where the cattle were - and where your camp is now -” Nate said and unravelled his long body from behind the desk to follow the brothers to where the map was located.

“Our main herd is here -” Joe jabbed at an area near Horseman’s Creek, “And that’s where we have been branding them. We brought another herd up from the low pasture - that’s here -” he pointed to that location “and brought them all together so that they’re ready for cutting out and branding.”

Nate nodded, and frowned “Looking at it on this map, Joe, sure shows just how much land you Cartwrights own. All this…” he swept a hand over an area “and you aint got no cows on there at all? No small clustered herds that were overlooked somehow?”

“Our men know where to look, and so do we…we brought the cattle down from the hills just after the thaw so that they would be easier to bring together for the branding.” Joe explained.

Nate stared at the map and grimaced, shook his head “I’ll be danged if you would know where to start looking.” he turned back to his desk and settled back into his chair, “A couple by the name of Archer moved onto the land old man Conyger owned. That was about two months back…do you know where that is?”

Joe nodded, Conyger had owned a flourishing ranch at one time but it had got run down when he lost his wife and daughter in the cholera outbreak a few years back, and took to drink.

“Then over to the east of your property a man by the name of Burgoyne with two sons took over the Bar H from Hendricks. They moved out to go back to St Louis.” Nate frowned, “I best warn you that Burgoyne’s boys are a handful, the eldest is a mean looking cuss. The younger - well, he’s weak, follows his brother’s lead…” Nate pursed his lips slightly and frowned, “I could make enquiries for you if you wish? I’d like to check out the Burgoyne’s for myself.”

“Thanks, Nate…I think we’ll pay a neighbourly visit on them first, that could be the easier way of handling things. If they get a mite - difficult - we’ll come back to you.” Joe smiled and stood up, “By the way, is it right that Abel Greigson has left the Box G?”

“It is.” Clem nodded and then grinned, “He and his old man had a real humdinger of a row, seems Abel’s got himself all starry eyed about that Librarian’s assistant that came her the other month. Anyhow, he reckons on marrying her, and that don’t suit Walter Greigson one bit.”

“Is he coming back?” Hoss asked but only got shrugs in reply, after all, who could tell when affairs of the heart lead a man away from hearth and home.

“Walt’s a bad tempered brute, swore never to let Abel step foot back onto Box G land.” Matt added, and slipped a rifle back into its allocated slot on the rack. “But he seems to be flourishing, heard talk in the Silver Dollar that he has had to take on more men to handle his stock.”

“So he hasn’t lost any calves then -” Hoss muttered, and glanced over at Joe.

“Nope, seems from what I hear his cattle have been thriving, more twins born than ever known. “ Matt nodded, and picked out another rifle to clean.

“Perhaps we should visit him first,” Joe said quietly, “Just ask him if he has any news about when Abel’s coming home.”

“I’d step back a few paces if you ask that, Joe.” Clem said with a grin, “Walt’s liable to lose his temper some -”

“And we all know what he’s like when he does that -” Matt added.


Reuben wasn’t sure what sea legs were supposed to be like, but by the time he had clambered up the Jacobs ladder to the deck and been hauled on board, they were like rubber. He stood hoping that they wouldn’t collapse from under him while he looked around him and watched as the seamen paused in their duties to see who was coming aboard.

A boy just a few years older than him grinned over, and nodded a tousled head. He had such a merry face that Reuben couldn’t resist grinning back. By the time the boy had strolled over to talk to him Adam and Ben were on deck, being greeted by the Captain with hand shakes and genial slaps on the back.

“That your Pa?” the boy asked nodding over to Adam, and when Reuben confirmed that he was the boy whistled “Wow, fancy that - he was my Captain one time when I was first signed on.”

“Really? How long have you been here then?”

“Five years…I’m older than I look ..” the boy squared his shoulders and looked down his nose at the younger lad, “Anyhows, he was a good Captain, I was right sorry when he left. Is he coming back?”

“No, he’s a rancher now -” Reuben paused and then added, as he squared his own shoulders “And he’s a bronco buster.”

“A what?” the other boy stepped back, puzzlement on his face, “What’s a bronco?”

“It’s a wild horse, my Pa catches ‘em and breaks ‘em…he tames them so that they can be sold to the army. don’t you know what a bronco is?”

The boy grinned “Didn’t till you said…a wild horse huh? Fancy that…”

“Did you not go to school either?”

“No, not ever. Who wants to go to school fer? I comed to sea to get away from all that kind of thing.”

“Really?” Reuben looked at the boy thoughtfully, “And you really never went to school?”

“Said so, didn’t I?” the boy replied and then stepped back when Adam stepped up to them and put a hand on Reuben’s shoulder, “Captain Cartwright sir? Betcha forgot me by now, ain’t’cha?”

Adam looked down at the boy’s eager face and smiled, narrowed his eyes and pulled back the floppy fringe of hair from the boys face “Can barely see you for that hair, boy! But I think - if I remember rightly - you were my cabin boy for a while”

“That’s right, Captain, I was - Merriweather, sir, Harry Merriweather.” and the boy snapped a fine salute which made Adam laugh and ruffle the boys hair in a friendly manner

“Well, you best get on with your duties, Harry -” Adam said and winked, then tossed the boy a whole dollar coin which Harry caught in cupped hands, and laughed as he ran off to resume his tasks. “Come on, Reuben, we don’t keep an officer waiting when on board ship.”

“No, sir.” Reuben replied with a grin, and was more than pleased to discover that his legs were not so rubbery now, although he still found himself missing his footing as he hurried after his father towards the Captain’s quarters.

Captain Timothy Myers had not changed much since Adam had last seen him, still freckle faced with twinkling blue eyes and a slightly nervous strung out look about him. He greeted Adam warmly as would be expected of two friends meeting again after some length of years. Ben’s hand he shook with respect and then he ruffled Reuben’s hair and said he was looking well, and big enough to sign on if his father allowed him.

Reuben looked at Adam anxiously, but the three men were grinning so he assumed it was just a joke so grinned back. He followed them into the Captain’s dining room and there a tall man with dark hair and a ready smile stood ready to greet them.

“Euan? You still here?” Adam exclaimed striding across the room to wards where Dr Euan McPherson was stepping forward to meet him half way,

“Still here, Adam…good to see you again.”

Reuben was introduced after Ben who had met McPherson a while before, and the Doctor nodded, glanced thoughtfully out of the corner of his eye at Adam who was now speaking to Myers before looking again at Reuben “What do you think of the Baltimore, Reuben? Is she big enough to your liking?”

“Plenty big enough, sir. I reckon I would get lost within ten minutes ..” Reuben replied honestly and thought of Harry Merriweather running across the deck as though he hadn’t a care in the world…and had never been to school either.

Reuben was used to having meals with the adults, so he had learned to be polite, eat what was put in front of him, and to be quiet unless spoken to…all of these things seemed necessary in the company he now found himself. He stayed close to his father, listened and learned and enjoyed the meal.

Talk swung over to various adventures and misadventures they had shared, and Ben, with his own maritime experience was able to add some - including being ship wrecked three times, and having been to San Francisco Bay when only Indians and a few ships from Europe wandered into it.

Myers poured out more wine, and smiled at Reuben who had been allowed some in a glass of water which he thought was disgusting…the taste that is …the young Captain leaned back and stretched an arm across the back of his chair,

“Do you miss it, Adam, being at sea?”

“You’re the second person to ask me this week,” Adam smiled, dimples stretched long in his cheeks, and he shook his head “No, not at all.”

“Well, you did come late to it, didn’t you?” Myers said quietly with a frown, “But even so I would have thought you would have thought back fondly to times on board ship.”

“Oh yes, I do…but memories are quite sufficient for me, especially as not all are so very pleasant.” Adam responded with the smile fading and the dark eyes narrowing.

“That’s true enough,” Euan sighed and picked up his glass, drank some of the wine and then looked at his old friend anxiously “How’s your leg?”

“Still attached.” Adam laughed, although without mirth, and Ben leaned in then to inform the two men about the tussle they had with a local doctor who had wanted to chop the leg off but Chinese medicine had saved not only the leg, but Adams life too.

Reuben felt a swell of pride when he heard that, and remembered vaguely that had taken place when they had first got to know the Cartwrights, even though he had never been sure exactly what had been going on.

“Do you ever hear anything from the American Cadre in Eygpt?” Myers now asked, twisting the stem of his glass round and round between his fingers.

“No, are they still there?”

“Only General Stone…he is supporting the Khedive who, as you know, is facing hard times. He’s bankrupt, and the country want him ousted out.” Myers glanced over at Adam who was smiling over at Reuben and not appearing to be much interested in the conversation.

“I guess you heard all about that, didn’t you? From Ismail’s cousin, Said Hassim?” Euan said in a quiet tone of voice.

“No, I hadn’t. We -” Adam looked at his father as he said that “We don’t really keep up with news from abroad. I’m afraid you;ll find me very ignorant about foreign politics. We have enough to do on the Ponderosa to keep us busy.”

“Of course, I can imagine - a thousand square miles of land, isn’t it? “ Myers smiled rather tightly, and Ben was immediately suspicious that perhaps this spontaneous meal was not as spontaneous as they had first thought.

“Yes, that’s right…” Adam replied and narrowed his eyes.

“I remember you telling us about the Ponderosa.” Euan smiled over at Ben, “Your son can wax quite lyrical when he speaks about his home.”

The feeling of suspicion faded, Ben relaxed and began to speak about the country he had carved out of nothing, the Ponderosa pine, the herds of cattle…Euan asked questions that kept the discussion lively, and Myers nodded and smiled.

Dessert came and was eaten, more wine was poured out and Reuben whispered to Adam who nodded and asked the steward to take his son to the ‘head’. Myers put down his spoon and said nonchalantly “Of course you met one of Chaille Long’s *relatives recently, didn’t you?”

“Did I? I don’t think so…”

“Soames’ daughter….she was married to Chaille Long’s cousin. Didn’t you know?”

Adam shook his head “No, I didn’t know that …” he said and glanced at his father who raised his dark eyebrows and narrowed his eyes. “Soames did mention that she was a widow but introduced her as Miss Soames…..” his voice trailed away and he stared down into his empty glass and wondered where exactly this conversation was heading.

Chapter 13

The Bucket of Blood was noisy with the sounds of men talking, shouting over one another, interrupting each others conversations, laughing, insulting, arguing. The smell of body odour clung in the air along with that of alcohol, cigarette smoke and stale air.

Joe and Hoss elbowed their way to the crowded bar and nodded over to the barkeep who knew them well enough to know that meant two cold beershe nodded, grinned and within a minute two glasses were set down before them. It was Hoss who tossed the money down for payment.

Whats going on? Youve quite a crowd here today?

The bar keep nodded, then turned to serve another customer who acknowledged the brothers with a grunt, picked up his whiskey and melted into the crowd. Sam returned his attention to the two Cartwrights,

New crowd, from the Double Bar B…” he nodded over to a well set up older man who was talking to Derwent Jessop of all people…”Ebenezer Burgoyne, bought the place about a month ago.

Homesteader? Joe muttered, his eyes glancing over the crowd to see if he could recognise any others there.

Rancher got a good herd ready for branding. Hes been signing men up for the work.

Hows he getting on with that? Hoss asked wiping a hand across his mouth as he put down the empty glass.

Well, seems to have done alright for himself, most here have signed up to him. A new broom sweeps clean, you know how they say? The Double Bar B bought up some of the land from Greigson…”

Really? I heard Greigson was doing well this year, hes had quite a number of calves. Joe leaned on the counter, listening to the babble behind him and watching what was going on through the mirror behind Sam who was now industriously cleaning glasses.

He sure has, but it was some arrangement he made with Burgoyne without Abels knowing, and what with him wanting to go off and get this woman he was after, and one thing and another that old man Greigson didnt like, well, you know…” he shrugged Abels gone and now Burgoyne and Greigson are in each others pockets, as they say.

Hoss nodded and was about to ask another question when there came a yell, a shout of protest from Derwent and then a lull in the voices before more shouting erupted, accompanied with laughter, cruel laughter, and yells and cheers as Derwent was swung away from Burgoyne. Two men grabbed at him, pulled him aside and waded in with fists flying, landing heavily upon the young mans body.

He had no chance to defend himself as his arms were pinned down to his sides, the crowd of men began to close in on the combatants, some cheering the fight on, although it was hardly a fight as Derwent was nothing more than a punch bag.

Hoss stepped forwards to grab a few collars when a voice shouted above the ruckus

Break it up -

No one seemed to have heard and if they did they ignored the man, for another fist was raised and this time Hoss made a grab for it, then thumped the other cowboy before a fist aimed at him had the opportunity to land. Joe behind him was about to swing into the group of men with his gun in his hand and the command to stop when the voice shouted once again “STOP RIGHT NOW!”

Everyone seemed to freeze on the spot, then step back and quietly gather into their original groups, Burgoyne raised a hand, a cigar within the swarthy fingers drifting blue smoke in the air. He gave a curt nod and immediately Derwent was released, his knees buckling despite his attempts to keep standing. Hoss grabbed his arm, hoisted him upright and then glared at Burgoyne

Your men? he growled

Burgoyne flexed his shoulders as though he had himself been taking part in the fight. He clamped the cigar back between his teeth, then nodded..I’m ashamed to say they are -” he approached Derwent and handed him a handkerchief, nodded and looked concernedly into his face before turning to the men who had taken the lead in the attack, “Get out and take those men with you.”

“Yeah, but -” one protested but he turned his head away sheepishly as the older man glared at him and started to redden around the neck, sure signs of the man’s anger and with a sigh the younger man turned away, nudged the man closest to him and together they tried to stroll defiantly out of the saloon.

Burgoyne shook his head, picked up Derwents hat and handed it to him “My apologies, Mr Jessop.” he turned to Hoss and Joe “I signed on several men today, new to me - seems that this young man said something that upset them.

Joe glanced at Derwent who was wiping blood from his mouth and nose, using the handkerchief Burgoyne had handed him. Hoss winced, one eye was already closing up from what was going to be a very colourful bruise. Come on, Derwent, lets take you to Pauls and get you cleaned up.

Burgoyne didnt smile but watched as Hoss helped Derwent from the saloon, but as Joe followed he yelled You the Cartwright boys? From the Ponderosa?

Joe turned, one hand on the door catching it as it swung back on him from Hoss and Derwents departure. Who wants to know?

Burgoyne. From the Double Bar B ranch. Burgoyne walked towards the younger man, his eyes glanced at him raking him from top to bottom, and then he nodded Ben Cartwrights youngest, aintcha?

I am.

Give him my regards when he gets back from his - er - holidays. Were old friends. he grinned, exposing several missing teeth, for all that he was well groomed and wore fancy clothing for a rancher. Tell him well have to catch up some time.

Joe gave him a level look from narrowed hazel eyes and nodded, Ill tell him.

Burgoyne nodded, looked thoughtfully at Hoss and then at Derwent, “My apologies again, young man. I’ll make sure this won’t occur again.”

The three men left the saloon, the swing doors went back and forth but Burgoyne stood for a while watching him as he followed his brother and Derwent down to the sidewalk which led to Paul Martins surgery.

Ebenezer Burgoyne nodded and drew heavily on the cigar, then smiled before he turned back to resume his seat at the corner table where Derwent had confronted him earlier. He was a tall man, at least six foot in height, with red hair, light blue eyes, and a florid face. Some would have described him as a man who must have been handsome in his younger years but had grown too haggard as he had grown older, his mouth was a slash across darkly tanned flesh and his jaw was square, covered with stubble that was more grey and ginger than red.

He took himself to a table in the corner, indicated he wanted to be left alone and sat down, beckoned to Sam for whiskey, and leaned back in his chair, with his legs stretched out before him concealed by the table at which he sat. Sam put down a bottle and glass, and walked away.


Derwent Jessop rubbed his ribs, which had been bruised but not damaged other than that. Paul ran experienced hands over his skull, checked his eyes, did all that he had to do before cleaning more blood from the now broken nose, which he wadded up.

What was it about then, Derwent? Its unlike you to get into a quarrel about anything. You dont even wear a gun - Hoss asked as he watched Pauls ministrations while perched on the corner of the Doctors desk.

The Burgoyne boys were shouting the odds about soon becoming the biggest spread here. They were saying how they had already bought some of the Box G and intended to buy a lot more. Then one of them came up and said they had heard my spread wasnt doing so well, a big drop in the number of calves this year..would affect the market value profit..all that kind of thing. I said we were doing alright, enough to get on by - he frowned, and stood up, got his balance and nodded Ill be alright. Thanks for coming to help me out.

You still havent said what caused the fight? Joe reminded him, chewing on a finger nail and spitting it out.

Fight? Was that a fight? Derwent scoffed in a bitter tone of voice, I didnt even have chance to draw breath let alone my fistsnext time I come to town Ill remember to bring my guns.

Dont do that, Derwent. Paul said gently, Youre one of the few who has always refused to be drawn into gun play, and I have a feeling that next time, if you come wearing any hardwear, theyll come for you.

Thats right, Derwent. Seems to me that this beating was more deliberate than just co-incidental. I think you were set up. Joe nodded thoughtfully, his eyes staring not at the other men but at the far wall, as though in the back of his mind something made some sense but he couldnt quite reach for what that was.

Well, I dont intend to be their punch bag again, Derwent said quietly, Perhaps Ill stick to Carson City in future, like Luke.

He grabbed for his hat and slammed it over his head with a look of aggrieved frustration on his face. He paused at the door and put out his hand to shake Joes and Hoss with words of thanks, a nod over to Paul before he stepped out into the sun bright streets of town.


Sofia was bubbling over with excitement when they finally reached Marthas house. Packages and parcels and bags were carried into the sitting room and hurriedly put down, while she ran from one to the other, looking for one that would be particularly large and square.

Nathaniel stood in the middle of the room clutching his new gaily painted wooden horse. It had a bridle, saddle and real mane and tail, and it was black and white. He had loved the sight of it as soon as he had seen it in the big store and Martha had insisted on buying it for the little boy.

He didnt really care much about all the boxes and packages, he stroked the horses mane and then held it up for Martha to see again and tell him Oh what a lovely Horse, Nathaniel in that tone of voice that meant she was fed up with repeating herself but if it pleased him which it did, he liked the fact that this lady thought his horse was lovely.

She surprised him now by asking him what he was going to call it and so he looked at her twinkling eyes and smiled Horse. he replied and nodded as though that settled any question of what the toy would be named.

Sofia didnt see the shape of the box she sought. She turned some over and looked at her mother who was removing her bonnet, with that vague smile of content many women would have after what was considered a successful shopping expedition.

She looked at her doll, and sighed. Well, perhaps she should be grateful for what she has, that, she knew would be what Mother and Pa would say if she asked about the longed for extra special gift she had hoped to find among all those parcels. Be grateful. It was hard sometimes - and she sat down while her Mother picked up some packages and after putting one on top of the other so that they were balanced perfectly, left the room to take them upstairs.

Clothes, Sofia thought to herself, just clothes. Martha came in and gathered up one or two boxes which she carried out of the room, and into the kitchen which meant nothing to Sofia who had not a clue as to what anyone would want to buy that would look good or suitable in a kitchen.

That left just a few more boxes and she looked at them thoughtfully, they were too small, too long, too thin, too much of everything else that would indicate they were what she had hoped forshe swallowed disappointment and looked again at her doll. Be grateful, she told herself, no one else in school had a doll like this one. She thought fleetingly of Clarabelle and accepted the fact that the faithful old thing would have to be consigned to wherever it was that unwanted and worn out old toys would have to go.

She turned the doll over and it said Momma Momma in a squeaky voice. Clarabelle had never said a word in all her rag doll lifeand Nathaniel looked over and came to stand beside her as she smoothed down the blue skirts, and showed off the little boots to him that the doll wore on her slim little legs. Nathaniel wasnt impressed but showed her his horse, accepted her smile as approval and ran off to play, galloping his horse along the window cill.

The window looked out over the garden and he looked out and saw the colourful flowers, the boughs of trees heavy with blossom, the green of the lawn. It all looked so different from home, different and very pretty. In his own little way he marvelled at the beauty of nature laid out before him, it was the first time he had been aware of thinking anything significant about his surroundings.


Reuben could not stop from chattering. His few hours on board the Baltimore had been an adventure of a life time, so he said, and one that he was definitely going to tell The Gang all about, especially about his friend Harry Merriweather who had never been to school, nor had wanted to, nor had been forced to go.

Ben and Adam humoured him. It was good for a boy like Reuben to prattle on, and they shared a smile between them over the boys head.

Fancy and he didnt even know what a bronco was, Pa? I had to explain all about what you did ..he said you were the best ever Captain did you remember him, Pa?

Adam nodded Oh yes, I remember Harry. He was as mischievous as a barrel load of monkeys.

He smiled at the boy who relaxed back into the leatherwork of the padded seat of the hansom cab. The horse was taking its time getting through the traffic, it was quite congested and when Adam leaned out of the window to see just how far they had gone, and just how far they had yet to go, he sighed, their cab was behind several others, plus one of those cable trams.

As he was about to withdraw his head into the cab his eyes swept over the pedestrians that were strolling by, one couple particularly drew his attention as they strolled arm in arm towards him. They would have passed by without realising he was so close to them had he not called out their names, ordered the cab to stop (not hard to do it already had) and opened the door to step out.

The couple stopped, turned and looked at himrecognition passed over their faces, recognition and amazement, pleasure as they stepped up to him, he to shake Adams hand, and she to smile up at him with blue eyes twinkling.

I cant believe it? Are you living here in san Francisco now? the other man asked, as he pumped Adams hand up and down.

No, just visiting friendsbut you here what are you doing here? he turned to the cab Pa, come and see who it is…”

Reuben was already down and standing with big eyes looking up at the blond haired man with the merry blue eyes and big smile, I remember you, you came to the Ponderosa that time with Kamille and the foal.

Laurence Willoughby threw back his head and laughed, a lock of unruly blond hair flopped over his brow, What a memory. he said and shook Reubens hand And how is Kamille? And the foal?

Oh they’re doing real swell, sir. The best ever horses - Reuben said even as Ben came and shook Laurence by the hand and took hold of Rachels with great delicacy.

Where are you staying? We have to meet and talk - Adam looked at Rachel and smiled to himself at the slight blush on her cheeks, then looked at Laurence who nodded, the smile faded slightly

Yes, we have to talk, Adam. In fact, were here en route to the Ponderosa to find you .

Something in his eyes - the tightness suddenly on the handsome mouth - Adam nodded, glanced at Rachel who had lowered her eyes while Laurence spoke. Adam touched her on the arm, gently, then smiled

Olivia will be more than happy to see you again, Rachel.

As I will be to see her, Adam. Rachel replied and then glanced over at the cab I think your cab man is getting worried about losing his fare…”

When shall we get together? Adam asked

This evening? Were at the Hotel Grammond, as usual. Laurence smiled, he nodded at Ben, Reuben but gave Adam a straight stern look About 8, the restaurant is excellent there as you know.

Adam nodded, oh yes, he knew how good the food was at the Hotel Grammond he had stayed there often enough during the days of his naval service.

Hands were shaken, they clambered back into the cab but a more subdued air settled in with them, even Reuben felt it, for he was quiet and looked anxiously at his father, then at his grandfather who was tapping thoughtfully at his chin with his fingers.



Chapter 14

Greigson leaned against the door jamb of the ranch house and watched the two horsemen appearing through the dust that was kicked up by their animals hooves..By narrowing his eyes he was able to discern who his visitors were and considered whether or not to close the door and leave them kicking their heels.

The trouble was that with Cartwrights they always kept coming back, so, after spitting into the ground he edged away from the house and stood waiting for them to arrive.

Joe and Hoss slowed their horses and dismounted, throwing the reins over the rail, they nodded at Walter and removed their hats. Hoss wiped sweat that had gathered under the sweat band and nodded over to the old man,

“Howdy, Mr Greigson, a hot day -”

“It is.”

“Er - can we give our horses some water ?” he nodded over to the horse trough and raised his eyebrows

“You can.”

They both nodded their thanks and led the animals to the trough, dipping their hands into the water and throwing it onto their faces and round their necks. It had been a long ride from Virginia City, it had been some while since they had had occasion to come to the Box G, and usually it was straight from the Ponderosa. A direct route cutting out some miles and some time…but that had been in the days of the Laura and Adam romance, some years and a lot of water under the bridge ago.

“I hear Abel has left -” Joe said casually as he strolled back to where Walter remained standing, his arms folded cross his chest as he glared at them both.

“He has.” Walter nodded and cleared his throat “So? What has that to do with this visit?”

“Nothing really I guess.” Joe replied quickly, “We were just wondering if you were managing alright and if you needed any - er - extra help with the round up and branding this year.”

Walter sighed, shook his head and spat again, “Abel was only one man. It’s easy enough to find men this time of year.”

Hoss frowned, he had liked Abel, the thought of him being so casually dismissed by his own father rankled and he gave Walter a dark glare beneath his brows, but Walter shrugged “That’s how it is, take it or leave it. Can’t afford to have bleeding hearts in this business.”

“Well, we were sorry to hear it anyway.” Hoss muttered, “Abel was a decent man, with a good head on him.”

Walter nodded, his wide mouth twitched slightly “Well, takes after his father then, doesn’t he? Or you saying I can’t manage without him here? I may be an old man by your reckoning but I’m still a few years younger than your own Pa…”

“So -” Joe glanced around and nodded over to where further away could be seen

some of the herd grazing on good fertile soil, “Seems you have had a good year, sir.”

“Better than I hear the Ponderosa has done.”

“You heard that, did you?” Hoss said sharply, “What gives you the idea we have a lean year?”

“Talk gets around in the saloons…your men talk …they ain’t mute, are they?”

“Talking about how men talk - we heard something interesting in town today, about the Box G…” Joe stared into the old man’s face, but the older man resembled a slab, expressionless, apart from the eyes which watched both of them with narrow eyed flintiness

“Spit it out then…”

“You sold some land recently - to Burgoyne.” Joe watched for some expression but nothing changed, until Greigson nodded “Just seemed a strange thing to do…I would have thought if you needed to sell land you would have sold it to neighbours youd known for some time.”

“The Ponderosa, you mean?”

“S’right. Pa would have been pleased to have helped out if you needed to raise funds for -”

“I didn’t need to raise funds as you put it, Cartwright. I was given an offer and took Burgoyne up on it, it benefited me and suited him.”

“Was Abel here at the time?” Hoss asked casually, moving a stone with his foot to make it seem as though the question wasn’t really so very important.

“No, he wasn’t.” Walter snapped, and for the first time there was some expression on his face, anger, anxiety and sadness intermixed and fought one another before his face returned to the usual blank features.

“Well, er - just to make sure of how the Ponderosa stands with this transaction, sir, does it affect our borders at all?”

Greigson stared at Joe coldly and then at Hoss, he released a deep breath and stepped down from the porch to walk towards them. “Burgoyne bought land from me - a strip of several acres from Waso Heights down to Millers Creek.”

Joe and Hoss glanced at one another, then at Walter “Miller’s Creek?”

“S’right…just to where my border used to end there, butting onto the Ponderosa.”

“We had an agreement about water rights there, Mr Greigson. Does Mr Burgoyne have them now as well?”

“Best you discuss that with him.”

“But - don’t you need water from the creek? Wasn’t the point of the agreement to protect your rights to the water. What happens if the water on your land dries up and you can’t use the water from Millers Creek?”

Greigson raised his eyebrows, “I’ve already discussed that with Burgoyne. It’s your own concerns that should worry you…not mine…”

They stood a moment glaring at each other and then Hoss turned to look over at the herd “Mighty fine herd you got there, sir.”

“That’s just part of them…” Greigson said smugly

“Quite a few calves…they been branded already?” Hoss raised an eyebrow

“I did well, my cows dropped quite a few twins this year…unusual to see so many, but that’s nature for you, ain’t it?”

“Twins huh?” Hoss frowned and sighed, then glanced over at Joe, who shrugged. “Well, thank you for your time, Mr Greigson. If you need any help with the branding…”

“No need of any help.”

“Any idea when Abel will be coming back?” Joe asked as he turned back to his horse,

“Nope. S’far as I know he don’t intend coming back… now, if you don’t mind, git off my property …” he turned and walked back to the house, pushed open the door and leaned against the framework, watching them.

Hoss sighed, “If I recall rightly,” he whispered to his brother “he keeps a loaded rifle propped by the door.”

“Yeah, I recall that too….” Joe put his foot into the stirrup and swung into the saddle, he had just time to glance back and see Greigson lean into the building, and emerge with a rifle in his hands, “seems like he still does.”

They rode in silence for some distance, their minds turning over and over the things said, the things noticed. Eventually Hoss drew up Chub and glanced over his shoulder,

“You know, Joe, I’ve got an itch…”

His brother immediately drew rein and stopped to look around them, they were riding flat land, nothing in sight by rocks, boulders and a few stunted shrubs only an Indian could hide behind. He glanced at Hoss “I don’t see anyone…”

“Not that kind of itch, Joe. The kind of itch that comes with a feeling that things are going to get complicated in the foreseeable future.”

“Foreseeable future huh? Now you’re beginning to sound like another brother of mine…” Joe rolled his eyes and grinned.

“Seriously, Joe…”

The younger Cartwright nodded “Seriously Hoss, I think tomorrow we visit the Land Registry Office and see Mr Coltrane about any changes to the Box G. Then we go and see Mr Baldacci -”

“The Veterinary? Why?” and Hoss’s eyes widened and he nodded “Ah I see where you’re coming from….that number of twins, would be nothing short of a miracle if they just dropped natural, must be one or two or a dozen that needed help…”

“My thinking too, twin births can be mighty complicated …”

Hoss nodded again, and glanced back over his shoulder, just in case, making sure they weren’t being followed.


Sofia couldn’t wait to tell her father and brother, and even Grandfather that they had bought so many packages and parcels, as soon as the door opened and closed she was running down the hall flourishing Bella for them to see, “I got a new doll. Aunty Martha bought me a new doll.”

Behind her came Nathaniel, smiles wide and eyes sparkling as he held up his horse “Horse.”

“And very handsome too.” Ben said and patted the child on the head, while Reuben ran into the other room with Sofia close behind him, saying something about there being something there for him too.

“Horse!” Nathaniel said again and Adam picked him up and hugged him close “Horse for Nathflannel.”

“A paint -” Adam grinned and looked over at Ben “Remind you of any horse we had, Pa?”

“Surely does,” Ben nodded and looked at the black and white horse again “Cochise, Joe’s horse.”

Adam smiled and holding the boy in the crook of his arm made his way to the sitting room where Sofia was pointing to some parcels still wrapped in some very pretty paper. “The lady in the store wrapped it up for us…that one’s for Hannah.” she inched her way pass another “That one’s for Erik.”

“Seems Martha and Olivia have had quite a spending spree..” Ben chuckled and made his way to the private parlour that Martha preferred to sit in.

She and Olivia were discussing the merits of the latest styles in fashion, which were being modelled in a very colourful brochure advertising certain fashions for the discerning lady. Adam walked to his wife and leaned over Nathaniel to kiss her cheek “Did you buy anything for yourself, sweetheart?”

“I have a new gown.” she said with a slight blush to her cheeks, “but mostly it was gifts for the children and those at home too. It’s a pity Mary Ann and Hester couldn’t have been with us today…there was so much to see.”

Nathaniel held out his toy “Horse - Uncle Joe’s horse .”

Adam laughed and set the boy down, it was good to see his wife looking so happy and relaxed, she stood up to join him, slipping her arm through his “Did you enjoy your day?”

“We did, and we had lunch with Captain Myers on board The Baltimore.” he said quickly, “Reuben was as happy as the proverbial dog with two tails.”

“He ate more than me…” Ben chuckled and sat down on the chair Olivia has just vacated.

“And how was Captain Myers?” Olivia asked anxiously although trying not to make it sound as though she were not anxious at all.

“Very well, Reuben made a friend of one of the middies…Harry Merriweather…” he turned away from where Martha and Ben would be able to see him and brought Olivia round so that they were face to face, “I saw some friends of ours too…”

“Friends of ours? Here in San Francisco?” her brow crinkled as she tried to think what mutual friends would br here in the big city.

“Laurence and Rachel Willougby.” he lowered his voice a little, and looked at her, hoping that he wouldn’t see disappointment in her eyes but she smiled

“Rachel here? Oh that’s lovely, Adam. We must get to see them while they are here, or rather, while we are….we only have two more days after all.”

“Laurence wants us to meet them this evening…for a meal at the Hotel Grammond.”

“Oh my, that’s rather grand…” Olivia said, blushing slightly and her fingers rushing to her scar on her jaw line, “I could never even afford a cup of coffee and slice of cake in there…”

“That was then, this is now…” he whispered and put his fingers over hers and gently removed them from her face. It was becoming a mannerism, one that indicated her vulnerability, “You can wear your new frock?”

She laughed then and leaned forward so that their brows touched, “Can I?” she said “You may not like it…”

“I’m sure I will…”

“It’s - very fashionable -”

His eyes twinkled, he nodded, wondered exactly what they could mean, and was about to speak when the door opened and Reuben stepped into the room, greeted Martha with a smile and then turned to his mother, sighed at the sight of the two of them no doubt kissing and all that stuff, “Pa?”

“Yes, son.” Adam stepped away from his wife, squeezed her fingers “I was just telling Ma how much you had enjoyed your trip on the Baltimore.”

The boys eyes shone and he nodded “It was great, Ma. I got sea legs too, I didn’t wobble about and I got up the ladder - what’s it called Pa - oh yeah - the Jacobs ladder - and I thought I was going to fall in but didn’t and what I wanted to know Pa, was, is it alright to swear?”

“Swear?” Adam asked, frowning at his son and wondering what exactly he was meaning.

“Yeah, Harry said all seamen swear he said a blue streak…and he said …”

“That’s enough, son, whatever Harry said, suggested, hinted at, is best forgotten.”

“But, Pa, he said -”

A hand clamped over his mouth put an end to any further discussion on the subject

Chapter 15

As a senior ranking officer Adam had often stayed at the Hotel Grammond as it was located close to the harbour, and was also a hotel of elegance and charm. Not only that it boasted quite accurately as having an excellent cuisine, staff trained to be diplomatic and discreet, but without the fawning obsequiousness often found in less well established establishments.

The Manager approached Adam and Olivia with a genuine smile of welcome, his hand outstretched “Commodore Cartwright…Mrs Cartwright…what a pleasure to see you both.”

“It’s good to see you again too, Robert, but it is just Mr Cartwright now…”

“Ah, you’ll always be the Commodore to me, sir. Mrs Cartwright - “ he nodded to Olivia and then turned discreetly to the Maitre d’ hovering by his elbow, “Jakob, Lord and Lady Willoughy’s room…” he turned back to Adam “Lord and Lady Willoughby requested a private room for you to enjoy your evening together. Jakob will take you”

Jakob gave the slightest of bows and led the way through the hotel reception area with its marbled floor and on to the wide sweep of stairs “This way, sir, madam…”

They turned left at the first landing with its thick carpeting and wooden panelled walls, and into a corridor with several doors leading off. Olivia wondered why they didn’t use an elevator which she had noticed on the way to the stairs, and chided herself with a smile at how, within a few days, she had become so used to the lazier and more modern conveniences. How much grander to sweep up a stairway with one’s long skirts brushing across the smooth carpeting, listening to it swish swishing behind her.

Jakob knocked, inclined his head slightly in order to hear the voice from within bid them enter, then pushed open the door, stood aside for Adam and Olivia to enter the room.

Laurence was standing by the window, and now turned to face them. A handsome man, his blond hair still thick, still with that unruly way of flopping over his brow as ever. He now wore a moustache, which neither added to or detracted from his looks, his blue eyes lingered upon them even as they crinkled warmly from his smile.

“Adam…Olivia…so glad you could come.”

He crossed the room, took Olivia’s hand, bowed slightly and kissed her fingers before turning to Adam, and shaking his friend warmly by the hand. “Olivia you look lovely.”

Then he turned slightly at the soft rustle of his wife’s skirts as she approached them, a smile on her face. Rachel, Laurence’s pretty wife, smiled upon her approach to them and leaned in to kiss both of them on the cheek “It’s so good to see you both. I couldn’t believe it when Adam jumped out of that cab…I ’m so happy to see you both again.”

She laughed then, gripped Adam’s hand more tightly than would be considered socially correct, and then looked at Olivia, “Thank you for coming this evening. It didn’t disrupt any previous plans you had, did it?”

“Oh no, as soon as Adam had said he had met you both I said we should make arrangements to see you and so this evening suited us very well.”

Olivia glanced at Adam and smiled, even though she knew the story of Rachel’s infatuation with her husband she bore no feelings of anxiety or irritation, for the woman so obviously loved Laurence. They drifted towards the table where floral displays had been carefully placed among the silver cutlery and crystal cut glasses.

“Are the children with you?” Olivia asked, and turned to accept the glass of wine that Laurence had held out to her.

“No, they are in France with their grandparents.” Rachel replied with just the slightest of edges to her voice. Olivia wondered if there was some disharmony between her and the English parents in law, she assumed that for both them and Rachel there would be some degree of difficulties in acceptance of different cultures and social breeding.

Laurence glanced at Adam and then smiled at Olivia “My parents wanted to stay over at their house in Lille, it seemed - appropriate - for the children to stay with them.”

“They are well, aren’t they?” Olivia asked, pausing only to sip her wine and glance at Rachel as she asked and noting the softening of the other woman’s face could see that the children were loved and missed

“Both as well as can be, both are mischievous little monkeys….but the liven up the old place no end. “ Laurence replied and Rachel nodded with a smile of matronly pride and tenderness

“I miss them, not being here with us, but they are better off going with their grand parents and cousins.” Rachel took the glass of wine her husband passed to her, and sipped it, “The five of them will love their time with their grand parents, they get spoiled rotten…and France is beautiful at this time of the year.”

Then she sighed, and Olivia felt that no matter what Rachel said, she was missing them terribly. She was about to speak when Adam asked if they had heard from Peggy Dayton at all. “I would expect that your ships must have passed each other -”

“Peggy -” Rachel laughed and shook her head, “Oh dear, that girl -, she is turning poor Maurice’s hair grey!”

“What has she done now?” Olivia enquired and tried to anticipate the response but Rachel’s laughter faded to a slight smile and shake of the head,

“She decided to stay in America. Of course the expedition to Cairo that Maurice had arranged has fallen through due to the situation there …” she glanced at Adam “you know there is fighting there, an attempt to overthrow the Khedive?”

“I had heard.” Adam nodded “So Peggy turned down Maurice’s proposal…”

“It’s in abeyance…let’s put it like that ….” Laurence sighed, “Peggy doesn’t really know what she wants in life, but at the moment it seems Votes for women and suffrage are her main concerns. She plans to work along with some other women of like mind … turn the world upside down as a result.”

A polite knock on the door and then it was pushed open by Jakob who stood by to allow several waiters to enter pushing large trolleys laden with covered dishes from which tantalising smells were wafting.

Talk over the meal was relaxed and easy, they laughed over old stories, over the antics of their respective children, it was only when Adam asked them why they were in San Francisco that a slight frisson chilled the air, it was slight, lasted but a few seconds but it had existed. He leaned forward

“Is something wrong?”

Rachel glanced anxiously at her husband and then at Olivia, before she looked at Adam, nodded slightly, “There is a problem. We need your help.”

“Well, ask..just say…what is it you need?” Adam replied immediately.

Laurence looked at his wife now, his eyes gentled as he did so, then he turned to Adam “When do you return to the Ponderosa?”

“On Friday.”

“Is it possible for Rachel to come with you?”

Olivia glanced at the other woman, this, she sensed was not a request for Rachel to have a holiday, there was obviously something else involved. “Is there something wrong? Has something happened?”

Laurence sighed and was about to speak when the waiter came from behind him to refill his glass. He frowned, as though suddenly realising that they were not alone in the room, it was so easy for someone used to servants to forget that they were there, ears listening, tongues ready to gossip over what they heard as they quietly went about the business of filling glasses, serving food, removing plates, just standing there pretending to be invisible. He forced a smile and nodded his thanks to the waiter,

“Remember when I first met you, Adam? On the Kuril Islands…”

“I remember.” Adam nodded and picked up his glass, noted the wariness in his friends eyes, “You rescued O’Brien from a fate worse than death…”

“Yes, so I did. A death that my brother Archer was unable to avoid.”

Adam nodded again remembering only too well the distress of the other man at the news of Archer’s death, the brother he had been seeking for so long dead even before he had begun his search and no one knowing….he sighed “And Charles? Your other brothers? Are they all well?”

“Charles still has his post - still unmarried - insists no one would want him anyway, but he is the eldest, in line for the Dukedom should father pass on. Archer - dead as you know…then there was Jamie…”


“Sadly so, he was killed at Isandhlwana, in Africa, a few months ago.“ he glanced up, “You heard about it I gather?“

Adam shook his head “Sadly not, European news, doesn’t often filter through to Virginia City. If it does, I’m afraid we are often behind times with catching up on it.”

“Of course. America has problems of its own, no reason for you to know after all.” Laurence replied quietly and pushed his glass away, “James was one of a thousand soldiers, colonial and native allies who were killed at Isandhlwana by a force of 20,000 Zulu’s …they were totally outnumbered and - brutally killed.” he swallowed, his brother’s death obviously still affecting him “Then they went on to attack a military garrison at Rorke’s Drift, where only a 100 men, some injured and sick, fought them off for eleven hours…”

“I didn’t realise, I’m sorry.” Adam replied quietly and could feel the pleasant mood that had prevailed slowly dissipating.

Rachel cleared her throat “We were in France when we heard, with James’ wife and children. It was devastating, as you can imagine.”

Laurence nodded, then, as though there was enough misery, time to throw it off, be light hearted, he laughed quietly “Well, that just leaves my brother Algy who is in the Navy - and myself hanging onto Charles’ coat tails. I’m no longer trailing at No. 5, the son who can do whatever he wants because no one really cares as I was not in the running for the, it isn’t so easy and I have - other things - apart from my painting.” he glanced over at Olivia “Perhaps I could paint your portrait before we return to England.”

Rachel laughed, another attempt to be lighthearted “Remember the portrait he did of me, Adam..”

“Oh yes, the one sent on to me to remind me of the beauty I had left behind in Egypt…” Adam smiled and nodded over at her, that time seemed like it had all belonged to someone else.

“Have you heard from any of the American officers whom Grant sent out to assist the Khedive, Adam?” Laurence glanced sharply at his friend before looking down at his glass

“No, I believe that Stone* is the only one still there.”

“He’s been recalled. He has a new assignment, to design the plinth upon which a huge statue is going to be erected.*”

“A statue?” Olivia asked and frowned “I think I read about it…the Government is* planning to have an enormous statue to be placed on Ellis Island. A statue that will welcome all emigrants to America. But it hasn‘t been built yet has it?

“No, it‘s still in the process of being built, it could take years.”

Adam nodded “A bit different from serving the Khedive in Egypt for so long, Stone won’t be too happy about that…”

“Things were getting too hot in Egypt for him to stay any longer. All the other officers had long gone.” Laurence murmured.

“And what about Anna? Her husband, Said Hassim? Are they alright?” Adam asked quietly, and glanced at Rachel, for Anna was her sister, dearly beloved by her but married to a cousin of the Khedive.

Rachel turned her face away and said nothing. Waiters came to remove dishes and place before them the desserts…more wine was poured into empty glasses … Laurence nodded and then asked them to leave.

“Will you want anything else, sir?”

“Coffee in half an hour.”

The door closed with a silence that showed how well oiled the hinges were, a little of

the dessert was eaten although no one seemed to find any pleasure in any of it. After a while Laurence looked at Adam “Shall we have some brandy on the balcony, there is a good view of the harbour bay from there….” he turned to Rachel and leaned down to kiss her cheek then glanced at Olivia “We’ll leave you ladies to talk.”

It was Laurence who poured out the brandy and then both men stepped through the open glass doors onto the balcony. It was a calm pleasantly warm evening, the lights of the city glittered beyond them, the reflection of the moon upon the harbour waters were like silver streaks upon black velvet.

“What’s happening, Laurence? What’s going on?”

Adam kept his voice low, even though there was no possible way anyone could hear a word that was being spoken. Laurence looked at him and nodded

“I need your help.”

“I already said, you’ve got it. Rachel can stay on the Ponderosa with us for long as you wish. I’m presuming it isn’t a holiday -”

“No, it’s - it’s for my peace of mind. She insisted on coming with me and - well - with one thing and another - I mean - with what I have to do this is really as far as she can come. I don‘t want her to be marooned in San Francisco, nor undertake the journey to her old house but - I hoped you wouldn‘t mind if she stayed with your family on the Ponderosa.”

He paused and swallowed some brandy “And what do you have to do?“ He sighed “This Zulu war - is it still going on? I’m sorry being so ignorant about world events but I’ve kept as far removed from being involved in -”

“No -” Laurence raised a hand, then shook his head “No, sorry, Adam, no the Zulu

War rumbles on, I heard before leaving England that the two month seige on Eshowe* has ended.. It’s all been pretty bloody but I guess war’s like that, isn’t it?”

“Then what’s going on …?” he looked more deeply into his friends’ face, cast in shadows though it was, “Why are you here - not just to arrange for Rachel’s stay at the Ponderosa is it?”


“Are you in danger? What help do you need?”

“Adam - “ Laurence cleared his throat “Have you ever wondered why Grant and Disraeli sent you off to Egypt that time?”

“Because I was there - I was - available. Why?” his brow crinkled, he swallowed down brandy, and wished he hadn’t taken such a large mouthful but he was beginning to feel panic swirling in his stomach

“It was because you’re stubborn, obstinate and - and have the knack of finding things out, and then sticking at it until you get a solution.”

“I thought it was to get me out of the way of the Generals, we were having our own problems with the Plains Indians at the time and …”

“Hear me out - please.” Laurence again cleared his throat, “Anna - we don’t know where Anna is, Said was killed, brutally, in front of her and - “

“How do you know this? “

Laurence shook his head and shrugged “Charles has his contacts, one of whom is the wife of a cousin of Chaille Long.”

Adam narrowed his eyes, he drank more whiskey “Go on…”

“I met her today - she gave me - information - “

“Sylvia Soames?”

“You know about her?” Laurence looked incredulous.

“By a co-incidence only. Soames, her father, was the Medical Officer on board the Baltimore? Remember?””


“He’s here in San Francisco, at the Hospital. We had an appointment to see him this week. Sylvia was at his home and I’ve seen Myers, he mentioned her - as the widow of Chaille-Longs cousin.” Adam finished the last of the brandy “Soames never mentioned her as other than his daughter, with his name, although he did mention that she was a widow.”

“Yes, her husband died some years ago….” Laurence murmured and shrugged “The fact is that I have to find Anna.” he looked directly at Adam now, meeting the dark eyes defiantly “I need your help.”

“To find Anna?”


“And is that all?”

Laurence didn’t answer but looked down at his glass and pursed his lips, Adam breathed heavily through his nostrils, then shook his head “No. I can’t get involved in this kind of thing any more, Laurence.”

“But I need your help, Adam, I was told to come here and ask you by the highest authority.”

“No, Laurence…” he raised a hand the empty glass still between his fingers “No, I can’t, and I don’t want to be involved. I don’t know anything about the politics going on today, I’m not involved in this kind of thing anymore, I don’t want to be involved…do you understand?”

“It isn’t just Anna’s life though, Adam…it could mean so many others …”

“There are other men you could contact and work along with, Laurence. You Don’t need me. I don’t need you. I don’t want to be involved.”

“You wouldn’t be going to Egypt if that’s what you’re afraid of…”

“Don’t you understand what I’m saying to you, Laurence? I don’t want this kind of involvement in the kind of thing you are hinting …I promised Livvy I would not go to sea, would not get dragged into trouble …because nothing involving you, your brother, your Prime Minister, is trouble free….no, I don’t want to hear any more.” he stepped towards the door and then turned “And not a word of it to Livvy either…I don’t want her upset.”








Chapter 16

It was obvious to both men, as soon as they had stepped back into the room, that the two women had been talking between themselves about matters other than the children and running the home. Rachel turned her head away in the hope that neither man had seen her red rimmed eyes, and Olivia quickly withdrew her hand from that of her friends while casting a look at Adam before turning away.

A knock on the door and the waiter returned with the coffee steaming while another followed with the necessary makings. The four remained silent as coffee was poured and handed to them “Is there anything else you need, My Lord?”

“Nothing, thank you.” Laurence nodded and watched as they left the room, the door closed.

Adam touched his friend’s arm and nodded towards the table where they withdrew, while Olivia and Rachel whispered together, their blonde heads almost touching.

“If Rachel comes to the Ponderosa where will you be going?” Adam enquired, his dark eyes fixed on his friends face and a feeling of anxiety settling in the pit of his stomach at noticing the way Laurence’s eyes avoided his

“That really is none of your concern now, Adam. You made it quite clear that you don’t want to be party to this matter.”

“Doesn’t mean that I’m not concerned for you. There’s obviously some danger involved, some - matters - more delicate than finding your sister in law. What is it? Some political gambit? Money?” he frowned “I heard enough about Ismail to know he was bankrupt…”

Laurence shook his head “It has nothing to do with you, Adam. I can’t discuss the matter any further. It’s closed. Forget it, please.”

“How can I? Rachel’s distressed and has obviously mentioned something to Livvy…”

“Of course Rachel’s distressed, you know yourself how close she and Anna were - are - the fact that we know what we know about Said is bad enough - “ Laurence looked down at the swirling liquid in his cup, sighed and gulped it down “Leave it now. You’re not involved.”

“Who said I should be..? This couldn’t be just your idea …was it Charles?”

“Not just Charles.”

Laurence stared into his friend’s dark eyes and then walked away to join the women who were putting on a show of bravado that wouldn’t have disgraced a performance by Lotta Crabtree.


The evening ended uncomfortably, despite everyone’s attempt to revive the good feelings that had been there at the beginning. They parted with kisses and hand shakes, and the promise that Rachel would be at Martha’s early the morning of their departure.

In the hansom cab bearing them back to the town house there was a quietness between the couple, not exactly uncomfortable, for she held his hand in hers and then leaned back and closed her eyes. They didn’t speak all the way home to Martha’s.

Gates was there to take their coats, asked if they wished for something to drink before retiring and confirmed that Martha and Ben had retired themselves just an hour previously, The children had slept well.

They almost tip toed up to the room provided them, and it was as she was pulling out the pins from her hair and each strand fell loose upon her shoulders that Olivia spoke.

“Rachels’ heart broken, Adam.”

“I know, I could see that, she and Anna were very close.” he pulled away at his collar and tossed his shirt onto the back of a chair.

“I don’t understand what could have happened over there…why didn’t they leave Egypt when all this trouble started? They could have been safe in England or back here in America. Rachel said they still own the family home in Indiana, they could have gone there.”

Adam raised an eyebrow and stood very still, then glanced over at his wife. She had looked beautiful, as ever, at the evenings gathering, the new gown had shown her figure off to perfection, and if she were fuller in the hips and breasts than when they had first met, he had no objections to that , as Hoss would say, what man finds comfort in skin and bones! He shook such thoughts away and approached her to sit on the end of the bed so that he could watch her reflection in the mirror and she could see his…

He smoothed out one of the strands of her hair, and curled the end of it around his finger. “I think events moved too quickly for them.”

“Rachel said they had an idea everything was going wrong a long time ago. It just seemed that something Said had done a few years ago made him want to stay and support his cousin, show his loyalty.”

“Misplaced loyalty.”

“So it seems…” she sighed and picked up her brush. The spectacles had been set aside and glinted back a reflection of the candlelight. “Adam - she was hoping you would help Laurence find Anna.”

He frowned now, and caught her eyes reflected back at him in the mirror as they were, “What did she say?”

“That Laurence was going to ask you to help him.”

“To find Anna?”


“Nothing else?”

“Should there have been?”

“Usually -” he reached out and took the brush from her hand, and then sat there behind her holding it for a while, “Usually there are strings attached.”

“Political strings you mean?”

“You have to remember that Laurence’s brother, Charles, is employed by the British Government, and Laurence does what Charles and - his superior - tell him.”

“Like you did when you were in the Navy?”

“That’s right. But I’m not in the Navy now, and the only person I take orders from, my love, is you.” he smiled hoping to gain a smile from her but she remained seriously stern. “I told him that I didn’t want to be involved…”

“Oh Adam…how could you tell him that? He’s your friend, and Anna needs your help, Rachel needs your help. They came to you …”

Adam tossed the brush onto the dressing table where it clattered among the boxes there, sending a bottle of perfume toppling onto the floor. “What are you saying, Livvy? What are you saying?”

“I just thought you would help them, Rachel expected you to ..she said you would not let them down, you would do all you could to help them.”

He stood up, put a hand over his eyes and then slowly drew his hand down over his face, then shook his head, and threw his arms wide in exasperation “I don’t understand you, Livvy. I don’t believe what you’re saying….”

She stood up now, thrust out her chin and glared at him “I’m only saying what they said…what Rachel hoped…”

“And what did you expect me to do? Tell me ? What did you expect me to do?”

He didn’t shout, but his voice was angry, abrupt and Olivia shook her head and turned her back on him, only for him to grab at her shoulders and turn her around to face him. “Tell me, Livvy?”

“I expected you to help your friend. That’s all.”

“That’s all?” he stared at her, their eyes met, then he released her and shook his head, and once again he said “I don’t understand you, Livvy.”

She stared at him a while longer and then turned her back on him, sat down and picked up her brush, drew in a deep breath “Adam, I thought you would agree to go with Laurence…”

“Go where? Did Rachel tell you?”

“No, she doesn’t know where Anna is …except that she isn’t in Egypt now. They had information from the Foreign Office before coming here ..and confirmation today from some one else.”

“She could be anywhere.”

“Laurence said - to Rachel - that if anyone could find her then you would. You knew people…”

“No, I don’t…not any more…” he scowled and began to pace the floor, rubbing the nape of his neck and casting anxious almost angry glares at her “I don’t want to be involved in that kind of thing anymore.”

“What kind of thing? Looking for a lost woman? If it were Hester or Mary Anne you would move heaven and earth to find her.”

“That’s different. I told Laurence I wouldn’t help him because of you…”

He sat down, slumped himself down on the end of the bed and stared at her through the mirror. She paused in brushing her hair and screwed up her face, her eyes narrowed and in a tone of disbelief cried “Because of me?”

“I promised you that I wouldn’t go to sea, get involved with anything that would take me away from you and the children…or had you forgotten that when you were being so sympathetic to Rachel.”

“Adam -” she turned to him, the brush in her hand which she pointed at him as a man would point a revolver “Adam, how dare you bring that up in such a situation as this. It has nothing to do with that - that promise. I didn’t want you to go back into the Navy, to go to sea for months at a time, to get involved in anything that could put your life in danger. Don’t forget one of your arguments is that a man can get killed on a cattle drive, that you can be months away from home herding those wretched cows from one place to another and don’t forget…” she tossed the brush at him, catching him in the chest and with a shake of her head got up from her chair and stormed out of the room.

She didn’t slam the door behind her, but she wished that she could have done, just for the satisfaction of hearing it bang shut as a emphatic echo of her outrage.

Adam rubbed his chest for a second or two and shook his head. He and Olivia seldom argued, never once had she thrown anything at him. In a way it was quite a novel experience and he gave a slight smile even as he walked to the door and carefully opened it.

He found Olivia in the parlour sitting beside a dying fire, poking at it savagely as though it gave her some satisfaction at seeing the white ashed logs crumbling beneath her onslaught.

She didn’t move even though she heard the door open and close quietly behind him. Even when he came and sat beside her and put a hand on her arm, she wondered if she should apologise, or if she should wait for him to do so first. The clock chimed midnight. She sighed and looked away from him.

“Promises are made and meant to be kept, Livvy.”

She cleared her throat, but said nothing.

“There’s a clause in my Contract that says I could be recalled at any time if the nation is in danger….well, it isn’t …I don’t have to be involved”

“He’s your friend.”

“You’re my wife. It’s a question of loyalty, Livvy. My first priority is to you, to my conscience too…” he put a hand on her arm, and expected it to be shaken off, but it was not, so he released a sigh and waited.

“”I understand what you’re saying, Adam. But she spoke so confidently about the help you would give them. I felt so proud that my husband could be expected to achieve so much…and she told me what you had done before, in Egypt, how you had saved Said and Anna, even Ismael…”

“That was different. There was a plot to kill the President when he went to Eygpt. To kill him and Ismael, to involve America in what could have been a bloody war. It was different …”

She half turned then and looked at him “That’s what I mean, it is different, all they want is your help to find a missing woman. Her sister. Her younger sister. She feels protective of her…she’s terrified that the people who killed Said have her locked up somewhere and she - she’s so frightened for her.”

“If it was just that -”

“It is, it is…I ..”

“You want me to break my promise to you? To leave you and the children? What if this isn’t just a search for a missing woman? What if this is a lot more…”

“How can it be? How?” she looked into his dark eyes, saw the last flicker of the fires flame reflected back in them, and then turned away.

“My dear Olivia, you are so naïve…so innocent…and so is Rachel if she thinks this search is just about her missing sister. Where Charles Willoughby, the Foreign Office in Britain and Disraeli are concerned, it is never that simple.”

She felt her heart hammering against her ribs then, the realisation that he could be right, that Rachel was innocently unaware of things far more involved. She stared at the dying fire, the logs finally crumpled, sparks creeping up the chimney like little red soldier ants.

He put her hands on her shoulders and gently turned her to face him, looked into her face, saw a mellowing in her eyes “At the moment this country is having to handle internal problems, there are no wars, no rebellions, nothing external that could cause me to be recalled…although I think I am too old for them to bother anyway…” he paused, and sighed “I think there is more involved with Anna, the British Government has problems with Egypt, Africa and who knows where else…if I get involved as an American, it could become - difficult.”

She leaned against him, her head on his chest, and he gently stroked the soft silk of her hair, and leaned his cheek upon it, for a moment they said nothing, just stayed quietly together. He looked at the fire and realised that that evening he had lost a friend, and with Rachel, he had betrayed a trust.

Chapter 17

Mr Baldacci was a third generation Italian American, and had been born in New York among a community of Italians which left him with dark Italian looks, a fluency in Italian and a penchant for Italian food. In the 1860’s he attended the Cornell University in Ithaca, New York* , the first college of veterinary medicine in the United states. After graduation he enrolled in the army as a Farrier/Veterinary, was given the rank of Regimental Sergeant Major and earned $75 per month.*

In 1870 he chose to re-locate to Nevada, eventually arriving in Virginia City where he and his family had become the only Veterinary surgeons in the area. His eldest son had graduated from Veterinary College and happily worked alongside his father. The Cartwrights had had recourse to use their services on numerous occasions so when Hoss and Joe pushed their way through the door they were immediately greeted with wide smiles from Baldacci Snr,

“ A long time since we saw you, Joe, Hoss. Are you all well?”

“We are…and yourself, Mr Baldacci?”

“Yes, very well.” the black eyes twinkled, he brought his hand up to his face in order to brush it along the length of his dark moustache, “What can I do for you? A sick cow perhaps?”

“Not that we are aware of, Mr Baldacci.” Hoss removed his hat and looked around the room, where jars and packages were stacked neatly on shelves, looking more like Paul Martins surgery. The skeleton of a small animal stood on a wooden plaque on one shelf, carefully pieced together and fascinating to anyone who needed to venture into the building.

“Mr Baldacci…” Joe rubbed the back of his neck and sighed “We were wondering if you could shed some light on a problem we have just now…”

“A problem? With your horses? Perhaps glanders…that’s can be serious, it’s highly contagious you know, and can affect humans, I once …”

“No, not anything to do with horses.” Joe gave a fleeting smile, then nodded a greeting to Baldacci Jnr who had stepped through the inner door to join them.

Mario Baldacci was a paler version of his father, it was as though the Italian genes had been bleached out of him but his smile and warmth were equal to Vincents and he came and stood by his side, leaning against the counter that separated them from their clients.

“Have you had reason to attend to the Greigson’s spread recently?” Hoss blurted out, “Only we just been to see him and he tells me he has had a bumper crop of twins born on the Box G.” he glanced from one Baldacci to the other “Is that possible?”

The two Veterinaries glanced at one another, frowned and looked thoughtful, Vincent shrugged and Mario rubbed his chin, “It is possible…but rare…” Mario replied

“I remember being called out there - before Abel Greigson left, that was to deliver some twin calves.” Vincent said thoughtfully, “There was some difficulty with the births, but they were healthy, small as one would expect. I wasn’t called out again.” he frowned “It can happen you know, multiple births may be rare, but they do happen.”

“Greigson gave the impression that he had practically a whole herd of twins…” Hoss narrowed his eyes and looked at Vincent who shook his head, while Mario shrugged.

“I was there a few weeks back, there was a problem with a birth, a big bull calf got stuck in the birth canal, took a good deal of tugging and pulling … but I didn’t get to deliver any twins.”

Vincent leaned on the counter and looked from one Cartwright to the other “How about yourselves? Have you had a good number of twins born on the Ponderosa?”

“No, in fact we’ve had a low birth count altogether. Were expecting more but seems like - “ Hoss shrugged “they plain disappeared.”

The Baldacci’s looked at one another, Vincent sighed and Mario nodded

“It can happen” Mario said, “A result of over grazing perhaps, or even multiple abortions, miscarriages…”

“Not seen much sign of them.” Joe muttered.

“Ah” Vincent shrugged “the Ponderosa’s a large territory, Joe, and it has many predatory animals, I doubt if you would find remains easily.”

“And -” Mario added “You have had some years of excellent growth in your herds, it is quite reasonable to assume that your meadows have been overgrazed, as I said before, it happens, no reason to assume it wouldn’t happen to yourselves.”

“Also” Mario stood up and paced the floor a moment or two “Abel was experimenting with different food stuffs. He liked looking into things like that, always quite adventuresome. He told us that he had ordered some thing that would add something - “ he paused to think “it would bulk out the grass, provide extra nutrients and such to the herd. He was very proud of his livestock.”

“Very proud.” Vincent nodded with a respect that made both Cartwrights feel that they were not proud enough.

“Could that be the cause of so many twins being born?” Joe asked, “All those added nutrients as you call it…”

“I don’t know, he never said what he was actually putting down. He said it came from the Steppes of Russia and cost a small fortune.” Mario looked at his father who nodded

“He never told me what it was either, so I’m afraid I can’t really help you although it has been known that cattle could produce more twins with certain additions to their feed. But I have only read about it recently in the brochures we get and have not first hand knowledge. “

“Perhaps we have now, Father.” Mario said excitedly, “We should visit the Box G and look into this, it may be that the Greigsons have hit upon some formula that could change things dramatically. More cattle, more beef and - more profit.”

“For the rancher..” Vincent said with a cautionary note in his voice. Mario nodded, and looked more thoughtful as a result, his enthusiasm not exactly waning but curbed.

“So then, it ain’t possible for so many calves, but it could happen -”

“Probably.” Vincent replied with a slightly cautious tone to his voice “We shall have to go and check it out with Mr Greigson, although that won’t be easy, he isn’t always happy to talk to us…about anything.”

Joe sighed and nodded “well, thanks again.” he picked up his hat and nodded once more, then followed Hoss from the building. Feeling totally dissatisfied with the discussion he had just had with the two Baldacci‘s he looked at Hoss and shook his head, “Well, that didn‘t really tell us much, did it?”

“Didn’t realise that Abel was so interested in things like he was…getting fancy stuff from Russia…do you reckon we should go find out what it is?”

Joe shrugged “Look, it doesn’t explain why we have fewer calves and they have so many, does it?”

“Maybe Mr Baldacci’s right, perhaps we have let ‘em overgraze, and lack of good grazing can affect cows, it’s been known…”

“Huh.” Joe scowled, he hated to admit that anything on the Ponderosa could be faulty, that there could be a problem that they had neglected due to poor husbandry and management.

They stopped next at the Land Registry Office where Mr Coltrane was busily writing down reports. His neat handwriting graced many a document stored away in the Ponderosa safe. He glanced up as the door opened “Be with you in a minute.”

The door closed and the two brothers stood there watching the little man as he continued to write. The sun shone through the window onto Mr Coltrane’s bald head, making it shine. Ink from his pen stained his fingers, but he carefully blotted what he had written, set it to one side and then looked up, recognised the Cartwrights and nodded a greeeting.

Mr Coltrane was a man who took life seriously, there was no welcoming smile just an anxious look that he was about to encounter time talking when he would rather be writing down reports. He walked over to them and shook their hands, carrying out the courtesies in life was important to anxious little men like Coltrane.

“What can I do for you two gentlemen?” he nodded over to two chairs that faced a desk, he took the more comfortable chair behind the desk and folded his hands neatly on the blotter.

“Well, sir,” Hoss began and pulled out a chair which squealed across the floor boards.

“We understand that Mr Greigson of the Box G recently sold some land to Mr Burgoyne and …”

“I know the piece you mean.” Coltrane nodded, “It wasn’t so much sold, though.” he pulled out some papers and flicked through them before pulling out a map which he unfolded and laid out on the desk “It is this section you mean, isn’t it?”

“We just wanted to know how it affected the Ponderosa….Mr Burgoyne is new to the area and we needed to know what his boundaries are, if they have changed…” Joe stammered.

“Nothing has changed with regard to the Ponderosa.” Coltrane said and stabbed at a section on the map, both Cartwrights stared at the stubby finger as though hypnotised.

“Seems like he’s bought a chunk of the Box G …” Hoss muttered

“This bit here -” Coltrane said and his finger crawled like a snail over the map in a wide curve until it returned upon itself, “It extends Burgoyne’s land by about 100 acres, includes some of the creek but not all because it’s origins come from the mountains, sweeps down underground on the Box G land and comes through here…” he stabbed at a point on the map, still Box G land, they followed his finger along the blue line that denoted the creek wending its way through and down into the Ponderosa.

“Why’d he buy just that chunk?” Hoss muttered

Coltrane sighed and shrugged “Why does anyone buy any land - if there’s a blade of grass on it you can put cattle on there, and if there’s water then that’s even better. But-” he leaned forward, his eyes narrowing, “Mr Burgoyne didn’t buy it…it was exchanged …”

“Exchanged?” the brothers repeated like two parrots

“S’right. Mr Greigson owed Mr Burgoyne quite a substantial sum of money, a gambling debt.” he leaned closer, they could smell the sour content of his breath, “They came here to discuss where they were going to do the exchange, Burgoyne chose this section of land because his wife had seen it and liked the look of’s a pretty piece of property to be sure…then Abel came in, burst in like a tornado he did, and he sounded off at his old man for even thinking of getting rid of any land. Old Man Greigson was furious and swore and cursed like you’d never imagine and Mr Burgoyne looked embarrassed and tried to smooth things down between them, and then Greigson said “Do you want it or not.” and then grabbed my pen and signed the deed. Abel swore then, and stormed out of the office, slammed that door so I thought the glass would shatter. Ain’t seen hide nor hair of ‘em since.”

Joe looked down at the map, his quick eyes noticed that the boundaries remained the same with the Box G and the Ponderosa as they had been for many years, since Frank Dayton had first purchased the land for the Running D. He sighed and stood up, shook the little man by the hand and thanked him, Hoss did likewise….then they left the building, closing the door carefully behind them

“Wal, he sure likes to talk some…” Hoss said replacing his hat and shaking his head.

“Yeah, he sure does.”

They stood awhile in silence, glancing up and down the side walk, watching people pass by, some of whom greeted them with a nod or a smile or a halloo. Hoss glanced at the town hall clock “Dadgumit, Im starving, let’s eat before we do anything else…”

“I’m confused.”

“So’m I.” Hoss replied and turned towards the Internationale, “But seems like so far as the land is concerned we ain’t got nothing to worry about….but that danged talk about them calves … I jest can’t git my head around that no how.”

They walked a few paces towards the hotel, Hoss’ stomach rumbled a sure sign he was in need of food, Joe paused “I didn’t know Mr Burgoyne was married.”

“Guess he would have to be if he has two sons…”

“I mean, still married..I got the impression he was a widower, like Pa.”

Hoss shrugged, the thought had not even occurred to him. They walked along to the hotel in a companionable but confused state of mind, although Hoss’ mind settled more and more as the thought of food permeated through the muddle.

Chapter 18

In San Francisco the day had dawned dry and warm with the promise of hotter weather to come later in the day. Gates had opened the large doors to the garden so that the smell of the flowers could drift into the room, although the aroma of breakfast rather added to it.

Martha sat with a satisfied smile on her still pretty face. The chatter of children had been something never heard at her table before this visit from the Cartwrights and in some ways it made her feel wistful for something she had never had, never known. She caught Ben looking at her and nodded, knowing that he would have understood how she felt and wished that he had not grown so fond of her. She was well aware of the fact that even though Julian was the love of her life, she could so easily succumb to being Ben’s wife, were he to ask. 

She shook herself out of her reverie and listened to Sofia telling Nathaniel to eat his food in order to grow up big and strong. Martha liked the little girl, she recognised a strong character, someone who would grow up to be fiesty, independent. She noticed that Olivia looked unhappy, the smiles were not as forthcoming as usual, and there was a look of strain in her eyes, and not just due to her eye problems. Martha thought her younger friend looked very fashionable wearing the spectacles, and smiled when she remembered the fuss she herself had made when she first had to wear them. They didn’t have to detract from one’s appearance and Olivia was an extremely attractive young woman.

She was about to ask if everything was alright, perhaps there had been too much rich food served the previous evening when they had dined out with their friends, or perhaps a sleepless night…but as she leaned forwards across the table the door opened and Gates said in a quiet voice that still somehow could be heard over the chatter and clatter at the table “A young lady to see Mr and Mrs Cartwright …I’ve put her in the parlour.”

‘Like some lost package,’ Olivia thought and glanced at Martha who smiled and nodded, and who then turned to Gates and asked him to make sure their visitor had something refreshing to drink.

Excusing themselves Adam and Olivia left the table, cast down their napkins and made their exit from the room. Olivia glanced over at her husband who did not look at her, his mind too busy calculating exactly who their guest could be…as for herself, she dreaded that she was going to have to face Sylvia Soames and be forced to spend the day in company with her.

The woman standing by the fireplace was slim and very pretty, blonde haired, wearing a smart outfit that could only have come from some London salon, and a bonnet perched at just the right angle to show off her blue eyes and high cheek bones. When the door opened she turned, and forced herself to smile, then blinked back tears when Olivia hurried to her side, hand outstretched towards her

“Rachel, what are you doing here?” 

“I had to come - I had to -” Rachel Willoughby seized hold of Olivia’s hand and allowed herself to be led to a settee upon which both sat, then both turned to look at Adam who stood in the centre of the room with his eyes glancing from one to the other, 

“Does Laurence know you’re here? Did you come alone?” he asked, and then without waiting for a reply he walked to the window, inched the curtain to one side and glanced out “You told the cab to wait?”

“Yes….” Rachel nodded, then pulled out a handkerchief from her purse, dabbed at her eyes “I had to come to speak to you, Adam.”

“You told Laurence you were coming?”

“No, he doesn’t know. He had to go out to meet someone earlier. I couldn’t stay in that hotel room any longer, not without knowing - knowing why you wouldn’t help us.”

“Rachel, Laurence brought you to America for your safe keeping, not for you to go riding around the city on your own. Don’t you realise..”

“I do realise, but seeing you is surely worth the risk.”

“I would be seeing you anyway, when you come with us to the Ponderosa.” he looked at her, saw the way her eyes widened, filled with tears and then how her head drooped as though too grief laden to look up at him any longer.

Olivia took hold of her friend’s hand and held it tightly within her own “Rachel, has something else happened?”

Rachel shook her head, dabbed at her eyes “I don’t know. I - I read my sisters journal after you left. It was the book that Laurence’s contact gave him at the park yesterday. He let me read it because I - I was so insistent on knowing what had happened -” she frowned “I suppose it was only because it was her personal thoughts that he let me, nothing - political - or anything like that - just her thoughts, fears, prayers…oh Olivia, it was - so miserable - so sad.”

She paused then raised her head and looked more directly at Adam “If you had read it, if you knew what she was suffering you would not have refused to help us as you did. You wouldn’t have been so quick to turn your back on us, Adam Cartwright.”

Olivia glanced over at Adam then, her eyes darker and her brow crinkled, then she returned to her friend and was about to speak when Rachel began talking again “You knew Anna, and Said…I was so sure you would help her, so sure you would want to help us find her. You knew her, and Said, you knew what a kind gentle woman she was and how - how generous Said was - and I know he was silly at times but he always meant well. He could have left Egypt, you know, he could have done…but he stayed because he wanted to prove to Ismail that he could be trusted, and he did all that he could to help but - but it just wasn’t enough - and now he’s dead - and my sister had to watch what they did to him before they took her away.”

She heaved in a deep breath, then stood up “I didn’t think you could be so unkind, Adam. You always seemed so brave, so loyal and you’re like so many others, you just run away and pretend with excuses not to be able to help…I won’t come to the Ponderosa now, I can’t - I can’t bear to think you would be there going on with your life as though Anna’s life, and Laurence’s, meant nothing.”

“Don’t say that, Rachel” Olivia cried, standing now and grabbing at Rachel’s arm as though to stop her from leaving them, “I know you’re angry, and disappointed, but please come with us - Laurence would want to know you’re safe there - with us.”

Rachel shook her head and glared at Adam who was still standing in exactly the same place as when he had first stepped into the room “No, I’ve said all I wanted to say, I’ll go now. I’ll stay here, find somewhere to stay - or go back to England -” she frowned and shook her head again but before she could speak Olivia had pulled her back to sit down alongside her, and then cast a look at her husband who had remained so quiet throughout the other woman’s tirade.

There was a knock on the door which then opened quietly to admit Gates, bearing a tray with everything needed for tea or coffee according to the visitors requirements. 
He stood for a moment, surveyed the three people and then stepped forward to place the tray upon the low table nearest to Olivia who nodded at him and murmured something about seeing to it herself. He glanced at Adam, then retreated.

“I have to go -” Rachel said quietly, and then shivered, put a hand to her head and blinked as though the situation was really now resolved and she had come to the conclusion that now there was nothing left for her to do but make as dignified an exit as possible.

“Please don’t go, not yet - not like this -” Olivia begged as Rachel stood up, forcing her to get to her feet also, 

“Rachel,” Adam put an arm out as though to bar her way from the door, “Rachel, I’ve been unaware of what is happening beyond the Ponderosa. I guess mainly because I have chosen to do so, also because -” he glanced at Olivia, then looked back at Rachel, “because of our work there, I guess in a way we’re pretty well ignorant from what is happening in other parts of the world. And its been a long time since we had had any communication from either you or Laurence - and -”

“Don’t make excuses for last night, Adam.” Rachel said curtly, “You refused to help Laurence, and me.” she pushed against his arm but as she did so he dropped it lower so that he could to place a gentle hand upon her shoulder, gently but firm enough to stop her from moving forwards

“I’m going to take you home now, back to the hotel I mean…while we drive there you can tell me all that I need to know, all that you feel I should know, then we’ll wait for Laurence to come back and discuss things further with him.”

She stood very still, her breathing quickened almost as though she had run a race, and then, once again in control of herself she turned to him, large hopeful eyes “What does that mean, Adam? “ she asked, “Are you going to help us?”

He glanced over at Olivia, who was watching them anxiously, but upon realising he was looking at her she lowered her eyes, and bowed her head. He tightened his grip on Rachel’s shoulder “Of course, but I need to know all the facts …and you can tell me what you know once we’re in the cab.”

It was too much for the poor woman, she bowed her head into her hands and burst into sobbing tears so that Olivia hurried once again to her side and held her close, making soothing sounds.

Adam left the room and returned quickly to where the family were still at breakfast, he looked around the table and caught Ben’s eyes. Ben knew his son well enough to understand the significance of the look he sent him, he excused himself and joined Adam in the hallway, carefully closing the door behind him

“What’s going on?” 

“I’m going to have to take Rachel back to the Hotel, I may be there a while, she’s quite distressed -” he bit down on his bottom lip, quirked an eyebrow, and then cast a look from the corner of his eye at his father “Olivia will explain more when she gets the chance to talk to you alone.”

“Adam, I don’t like the smell of this - it has a familiar odour -” Ben gripped Adam’s arm, tightly, “You’ll be coming back?”

“Of course - I’m just escorting Rachel back to the hotel. But I need to talk to Laurence before I get back -”

Ben narrowed his black eyes and shook his head slightly, “Is there something you aren’t telling me?”

“Pa, I told you, Olivia will explain what there is to tell you -” he glanced over his shoulder as the door to the parlour opened and Rachel stepped into the hall “I have to go. “

Ben nodded, stepped back and watched as Adam picked up his hat, his light jacket, and opened the front door for Rachel to step outside. Olivia came and kissed her husband, whispered something which brought a smile, a slight one, to Adams lips. 

The door closed, and Olivia turned to face Ben “What’s going on that my son won‘t tell me about?”

For seconds Olivia succeeded in keeping her emotions in check, but then her lips began to quiver and tears welled up in her eyes. She shook her head, and turned away so that Ben drew nearer and took hold of her by the arm and led her back into the room she and Rachel had just vacated 

“Well?” his voice was not so much as demanding, as - in a way peculiar to Ben - pleading with some force behind it. 

Briefly she told him everything, at times looking into his face, at other times turning away and then at the end she admitted to the quarrel she and Adam had had the previous evening. Her fingers constantly played with the rings on her fingers, turning them over and over, and when she had finished speaking she looked at Ben and waited for him to comment.

“He made a promise to you -”


“And yet, you released him from that obligation?”

“Yes.” she whispered this and bowed her head, “Yes.”

“But - I thought you didn’t want him to go to sea again, or get involved in any of these crazy ventures ?”

“I don’t.” she said and she had to clear her throat to say that, then looked at her father in law with moist eyes. “I didn’t..”

“Then why on earth did you push him into considering going, because from what I know of Adam, and what I saw as he left here I very much expect he will be leaving for who knows where - again.”

She sighed and stared now at the fender, as though that could put the words into better sequence than she could, she wiped a finger beneath her eyes to wipe away the tears and swallowed

“You know your son, Pa. You know that he’d go anyway - eventually -”

“Explain that, if you don’t mind.” and Ben sat down on the chair opposite his daughter in law and scowled darkly.

“Adam -” she paused to find the right phrase “Pa, if the navy, an Admiral or a President had summoned - ordered - Adam back to sea I would have fought to keep him home. To ‘disobey orders’ if you wish -” she heaved in a sigh, “But this was not an order from an official source, it was a request, a begging for help from two friends - and -” she paused, realised she was talking too fast and had to slow down in order to get her thoughts, and her breathing. marshalled neatly together “and they had travelled here to request that help. Two friends whose first instincts were to turn to him…of all the thousands of people they could have turned to, official people, Government people, other friends - but they turned to him. Whatever sense of obligation friendship lays upon a person -” she bowed her head and shivered.

Ben nodded, pursed his lips and released a deep sigh “Obligation and friendship, yes, Adam considers them overly seriously.”

“So you know that if he came back with us and left Laurence and Rachel to sort it out for themselves, he would get to thinking - wondering - worrying - regretting -. He would start trying to work out the problem himself, picking away at it until it would drive us all mad!” she darted a glance at him, a tremulous smile on her lips, “You know I’m right, don’t you?”

“Sadly I do.” Ben nodded, his deep voice sounded hollow even to himself, “And then he would feel guilty for letting them down.”

“Until he would have to find out what happened - and if something terrible had happened to Laurence, or Rachel - “

“He’d go to find out what had happened and why and by whom - I know, I know -” he nodded and bowed his head “Adam - always had this very strong sense of loyalty, of responsibility.” 

He leaned forward, his hands clasped between his legs, he looked at her and raised his black eyebrows, “He loved Inger you know? She was his first real mother. Oh he cared about Marie, respected her but he didn’t love her as he did Inger. For a short while that lonely little boy had a mother who loved him, and he blossomed, Livvy, a happy inquisitive little soul. He saw her when she died, and he had Hoss in his arms and watched - and through my grief I - I guess I didn’t notice his own grief, which he channelled - I think - into taking care of Inger’s son. When Inger died the happy little chap -” he bowed his head and scowled down at the carpet at his feet, “If it hadn’t been for Adam I think I would have -” he shrugged “but that was set into his nature then, responsibility, obligation, duty - and when things go wrong, guilt.”

“He couldn’t help it that Inger died - it wasn’t his fault -”

“It doesn’t have to be 'his fault' though, does it?”

“No. So you see, I’d rather that my husband dealt with this matter right from the start, and then come home safely - without guilt, with - perhaps - the matter solved, and his feelings of friendship - on an even keel as he would put it.”

“He could be gone for a long time.”

“He was away for ten weeks on the cattle drive last year, and would be again this year too. As he and you have told me often enough a man can die from a bad fall from a horse, or - or-” she shook her head and then burst into tears “It was the hardest thing to do, Pa - I love him so much and I don’t want him to go away - “

Ben hurried to her side, what else could he do? He pulled out a handkerchief and pushed it into her hands, waited for her to calm down, to wipe her eyes and blow her nose while he made what he hoped were soothing noises, while all the time patting her hand. Eventually she stopped, cleared her throat and hauled in a deep breath “Don’t be angry with me, will you?”

“How could I be -” he said tenderly, “ I know my son well enough by now -” 

There was nothing else to say, she felt drained of emotion, her head ached, but the day had to be faced. Whatever Adam decided to do, it would be his decision, she knew that, so did Ben. No matter what either of them said for or against his ideas, he would go ahead anyway - eventually.

Chapter 19

The cab lurched as the cab driver turned the horses into the direction of the hotel and for a moment neither of them spoke. Rachel preferred to look out of the window until she had tears under control while Adam was content to bide his time. As it was he needed the time to think back to the previous evening, to the things said by his wife and to t he eventuality of any decision he would have to make following that, and this time with Rachel.

He remembered how Olivia had wept in his arms, saying how sorry she was for what she had said, it had been wrong of her, it had been disloyal. She had wanted him to forgive her, but he knew not to forget what she had said in connection to Rachel and Laurence. That night they had given to one another freely in that love that was God given, and then slept in one another’s arms, satisfied that all was well, even if their thoughts were meandering down different pathways for he had made no promises, no decision as to whether he would go home or remain with Laurence.

It was hard - harder than he had imagined - a man who had finally in middle age found the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, and the children he adored. Leaving them for any reason was as painful as cutting off a limb, perhaps even more so.

As usual at 2 a.m. he was haunted by dreams - of Rostov and Lebedev, Doestov and Cassandra Pelman. He had had to leave her sleeping there, and make his way downstairs to bring his thoughts together so that he could make some decision. When he returned to bed he had whispered to Olivia how he loved her, and in her sleep she had sighed, smiled and turned over towards him.

But now here he was, in a cab with Rachel Willoughby wondering where it was going to take him…byond the hotel to where?

Finally she turned towards him and perhaps for the first time he noticed the lines of strain upon her face, the dark shadows beneath her eyes. But she still remained a very attractive woman, with that gently curving mouth and slanting blue eyes.

“Adam, I should apologise -” she said in a quiet voice “but to whom could I turn? And when Laurence told me you had refused to help - because of a promise to Olivia - I had to come and repeat his request.”

“Do you think that my promises to my wife have such little value, Rachel?” he smiled to soften the words but his eyes were dark, expressionless.

“Of course not.” Rachel replied with a warmth that was sincere and tender, “but I had taken the chance to talk to her while you and Laurence were alone and felt sure that she would - could - releases you from that promise. She’s a mother, Adam, she knows and understands how I feel and -”

“I thought it was your sister who was in trouble -”

“Yes.” she nodded, and leaned back into the leather seat, she sighed “Yes, it’s Anna. But also - I have two children I won’t be seeing for a while, and even though the seperation seemed necessary, it doesn’t mean that I won’t - don’t - miss them every day.” she paused and sighed, turned again to look out of the window, “I should have explained - apologised to your friend and family for breaking up the meal this morning, I am sorry - “ she lowered her eyes “I’ll be able to do that tomorrow and meet your children too.”

He said nothing, but leaned further from her and stared out of the window. “Why couldn’t you have brought the children with you to the Ponderosa. They would have been safe enough and it would have been pleasant for them all to meet -”

“I know, but it was considered better that I came alone to the Ponderosa, after all, James’ wife and children are in shock, and needed the distraction of time away from England, my two scamps will provide t hat - and more.” the handkerchief in her hand twisted into a knot, she pulled at it, and yet still stared out of the window as did he.

“Anna - tell me about her - what has happened so far as you know.”

“It’s a long story, Laurence will no doubt explain it in more detail -”

“Explain what you can while we have t he time.”

“When you were in Egypt and helping Said Hassim out of the mess he had made of things, you got to meet the American officers who have helped Ismail so much in modernising the country.”

“Yes, I did.” he nodded and began to chew on his thumb, brows furrowed as he recalled the time some years ago in that land of Pharoahs, pyramids and camels.

“It was really the first noticeable signs of revolt against the changes, the people you tangled with then were just a splinter group of a Nationalist party wanting to be rid of Ismail, and install a political party rather than the traditional royal house - and of course, Ismail with all his advancements never realised that everything he was doing was taking him further and further into debt, and closer and closer to the Nationalist’s reasons for deposing him.”

“But American interests -”

“There are none, not that I know about, but that is political and Laurence doesn’t tell me things about that - all I can tell you is that France and Britain have assisted Ismail as much as they can, doing the best they can, but - but what good they are doing just seems to be playing into the Nationalists hands. Just like when the American cadre helped advance the country so much, it displeased the Nationalists France and Britains involvement is giving them cause to rebel.” she frowned and shook her head, “I don’t understand it and I may not have explained it well, but that, it appears, is the fundamental cause of the problems there…and, of course, the billions of pounds of debt Ismail has plunged the country into.”

“Foreign interference then?” and Adam thought of China and the Great Empress who wanted to seal off her country from any influences of the foreign world beyond her borders.


“But - but it was requested, wasn’t it? The Khedive and his Government weren’t forced to accept foreign help, were they?”

“No, he begged for help, he was getting further and further into debt…”

Adam nodded, when Governments became impoverished it was the poor of the country who suffered. He could well recall the great gap between the wealthy and poor in that country, the constant cry of ’Bucksheesh’ from the beggars when he or any foreigner passed by. “But that doesn’t explain about Anna?”

She raised the mangled piece of handkerchief to her face to dab at her eyes, and swallowed, he could hear the gulp and saw the quiver of her face “Anna - and Said - were in Cairo. They - rebels - took them away, and Said resisted. I only heard that he was killed in the struggle and Anna taken. Whoever took her sent me her necklace, the one father gave her many years ago, just to let me know - they had her.”

“No letter? Nothing other than a necklace?” he was chewing on his finger nail now, and paused to stare at her.

“A note only - that they had the owner. While I did nothing she would be safe -”

“How were you going to be able to do anything from that distance -” he paused “Oh, like getting help from Laurence and the British Government?”

“Anna is American…” Rachel said quietly, and looked at him.

“But you said the American Government wasn’t involved?”

“It isn’t -” she sighed and shook her head “Anna took on Egyptian citizenship when she married Hassim.”

He frowned, furrows crinkled across his brow and he looked down at the floor, shook his head “Politics. Always such a mess -”

“Adam,, I read her journal “

“So you said earlier, does it say anything other than what you have told me?”

“You can read it and judge for yourself.” she said as the cab jolted to a halt, it rocked a little before becoming stationary, then the door opened and the cabman pulled out the step in order to assist the lady down while Adam was left to fend for himself.

They took the elevator to the floor where the Willoughbys had their suite, and at the door she turned “I’ll get the journal.”

He nodded and waited outside, in this modern world with its set standards of right and wrong conduct for him to have entered her room would have been reprehensible. The Hotel Grammond catered for the wealthy solicalite Americans who watched for the least infraction of polite standards, a married man alone in a room with a married woman, not his wife, could ruin reputations. Word would get around in the world of servants, staff, and unseen eyes and ears. He kicked his heels for a few moments more and then when the door opened he took the slim journal she handed him and made his way back to the elevator.

Once in the reception area he stopped a passing member of staff and ordered strong coffee, and then found himself a seat.


Joe pushed aside his plate and leaned back to observe his brother carve through another slab of beef, he then turned his attention to look up at the ceiling, then to look at several other of the customers in the restaurant. Finally he leaned forward

“Hoss, how much longer are you going to take to finish your meal? You’ve probably eaten a whole calf yourself by now…”

“Nearly finished.” Hoss muttered and dabbed at his mouth with the napkin before casting it down on the table, “Just didn’t eat enough at breakfast -” he paused “I think Hester’s got me on short rations.”

Joe nodded and wondered about the possibility of that statement being true, after all, Hoss carried a whole lot more weight on him that he had done even during the past year. “Look, we’ve got to think of a strategy.”

“Mmm,” Hoss picked up his cup and swallowed down coffee. “Joe, why does it matter so much that this Mr Burgoyne’s married?”

“Well, it mattered enough for him to take on that extra piece of land, didn’t it?”

Hoss crinkled his brow “Exchanged it…for some land that Greigson took as his own.”

“Yeah, that’s right, yeah, I had forgotten about that….seems they must be on really good terms.”

“Didn’t realise Greigson gambled, didn’t take him as a betting man.”

“Perhaps he gets bored of an evening, Hoss. He aim’t the most cheery man in the district is he? Abel though - he wasn’t happy about that land going.”

“Abel wouldn’t cheat on us, nor on any of his neighbours, Joe. He was as honest as a man could be, you know that.”

“He was, but all the same it doesn’t really figure, does it?”

A woman came and made a loud ‘Herupmph’ as an indication that she needed to get round them to reach the store, they both tipped their hats and stepped back out of her way.

“I think we should go an introduce ourselves to Burgoyne, properly, as neighbours. Get to know him and his wife proper.” Joe suggested

“That’s a few hours riding, Joe….my legs are stiff already from going back and forwards like we have today already.”

“No point in putting it off til tomorrow , Hoss.” he paused and glanced over at the Building opposite “I wonder if -”


Joe nodded over in the direction of the Territorial Enterprise offices “If Daniel knows anything about all this. You know - Abel’s dabbling in that odd grain stuff, and the land exchange - he’s a journalist, he’s sure to know something.”

“Yeah well, if he doesn’t our going in and asking questions will sure make him curious to know more -”

Joe snapped his fingers, and grinned “What he finds out he can tell us…”

“I don’t know,” Hoss shook his head “I’ve never known him help any of us out unless there’s something in it for him.”

Joe frowned, nodded and pouted his lips “Yeah, yeah, you’re right there.”

“Who else would know about that grain?” Hoss said thoughtfully, “If’n it was so special it would have been made up by a specialist company, wouldn’t it?”

Joe nodded and grinned “Good thinking, Hoss. We need to ask around some…” he glanced over his shoulder and stared in the direction of Ridleys Feed and Grain store, “We’ll start there.”


After an hour of tramping around town both men were feeling in need of something cold to drink, something that would restore their faith in humanity as there had been nothing forthcoming from any of the grain stores in town. Some of the Managers had laughed at them, said they were talking fairy tales and riddles if they thought some kind of extra special grain would mean cows dropping twin calves all over the place, and others warned them to be careful about what they saying as it was known that Mr Burgoyne and his boys had short tempers, and Greigson had proven to be like a keg of dynamite since Abel had left town.

They found a table in the corner of The Silver Dollar and slumped down in their seats, the glasses of beer plonked in front of them. Hoss leaned forward, elbows on the table and hands around the glass, he scowled

“Why’d Abel leave town did they say? If he was on to such a good thing, what made him get up and leave?”

“Some woman. That librarian’s assistant.” Joe muttered and leaned back, one arm draped over the back of the chair and his eyes scanning the other customers. “You know who she was, don’t you?”


“Miss Tyndale’s assistant at the library?”

“I dunno…who was it?”

“Katherine Royale.” Joe sighed and stared at his glass “The one who kept Sofia in Bodie all that time.”

“Shucks, dad burn it, I didn’t know…” he frowned “Why’d Abel go off after her fer?”

“Why does any man go after a woman?” Joe shrugged and then leaned into the table, picked up his glass and sipped some of the beer “Maybe he thought to go now before his father started making more trouble.”

“Greigson hasn’t really ever made any trouble though, has he? Mostly he’s just ignored everyone and just got on with living, especially since his wife died.”

“Except that now he’s gambling, doing land deals, and maybe doing some rustling on the side.”

Hoss grimaced and shook his head “We don’t know that for sure, Joe. Best not mention it or some may think it’s for real and cause trouble.”

Joe, chastened a little, nodded and agreed he should not have said the latter, but as he added, it all seemed odd to him, and Abel leaving to chase up a relative stranger even odder.

Hoss agreed and then looked up and nodded at two familiar figures, Roy Coffee and Paul Martin, ex-sheriff and a Doctor who should have retired some years back. They collected their drinks from the counter and strolled over to join them, their chair legs scraping across the floor as they were dragged away from the table to accommodate them.

“Well, what’s going on here?” Roy asked, “You both look very - worryingly - serious.”

Hoss shrugged and dipped into his beer, while Joe shook his head and mumbled something of no consequence. Hoss asked Roy how retirement was suiting him and just as Roy was about to tell him Joe nudged his brothers elbow and nodded over to Paul, “Paul, you’re a doctor aren’t you?”

“You just realised that, son?” Paul drawled and shook his head before picking up his glass.

“No, I mean, you’d know about - medical things - and that -” he paused “that kind of thing.”

“What kind of thing?” Paul asked

“Yeah, what kind of thing?” Roy repeated leaning forward, Joe’s inspirational leaps of mental agility had always been a source of great interest and often amusement for Roy and he winked over at Hoss who looked confused.

“Well, let me put it this way….” Joe thought for a moment before launching into his explanation “Does it matter what kind of food a woman has if she wants to get - get = er - in the family way.”

“Are you having problems in that area, son?” Paul asked “Because if so you should come and see me in private, not shout the odds in a public saloon.”

“No, I mean, seriously - alright - let’s put it another way - what about cows.”

“What about them?” Roy asked, putting down an empty glass and looking thoughtfully over at Hoss who signalled to the bar keep for more drinks.

“If cows eat a certain sort of grain or cereal , is it possible they would produce more babies - I mean - calves - twins for instance?”

Paul nodded his thanks to Hoss for the new glass of beer that appeared at his elbow, then looked at Joe “I don’t know enough about cattle feed, or cattle, to be able to tell you, Joe. I know if a woman is well nourished she will most likely have healthy babies. Best you ask a vet.”

“A vet?” Joe sighed

“Well, if you want to know about cows and such…and remember the bull has as much to do about it as the cow …if you want to know more best come over to the surgery and I’ll give you a book.” and Paul smirked for good measure.

“A vet - right.” Hoss looked at Joe, “Back where we started.”

Odd though, you asking about that, because the only other person I recall asking me was young Abel Greigson. He was asking about some grain he had seen advertised, promising all kinds of miracles, he wanted to know from a medical standpoint whether the claims were true or now.

What did you tell him?

Well, the proof of the pudding so to speak is in the eating.I couldnt gurantee one way or the other, most of these kind of advertisements are just pie in the sky promises that are just a waste of money. It was expensive toobut he said he would think about it. Paul swallowed more beer and looked at Joe Why?

Just that - Greigsons has had a lot of twins this year ..I mean his cattle have…”

And we havent - Hoss added with an emphatic nod of the head.


Daniel deQuille pushed aside his box of cigars when the Cartwright brothers opened the door and stepped into his office. He nodded a curt greeting and sighed, glanced at the clock and waited for Joe to say something. He had seen them wandering around town like a couple of lost souls, and wondered if they would eventually find their way to his door.

His keen intelligent eyes glanced from one to another, he casually brushed cigar ash from his vest and shrugged “You boys lost your tongues? It won’t exactly make headline news but it might warrant a small paragraph in the gossip column.”

“Ha.ha. Not funny, Daniel.” Joe said and pulled out a chair, sat down and looked at the journalist with narrowed eyes “We want to pick your brains so don’t’ tempt us to do it literally, we’re talking about it in a figurative way - “

“You’re getting more like your older brother all the time.” Daniel sighed agai n and pulled out a match stick with which he stuck between his lips and began to chew on.

“That wasn’t funny either.” Joe muttered and looked at Hoss who was staring at some posters on the wall, front pages of old editions of the Territorial Enterprise. He wondered if there were any there with articles by Sam Clemens.

“Well, spit it out then, you’re just wasting my time sitting there warming that chair.”

Joe cleared his throat and waited for Hoss to sit down, “Did you put in an advertisement some time last year about a special kind of grain that was imported all the way from Russia?”

“I didn’t personally, but -” Daniel raised his eyebrows as Joe leaned forward with a mean look on his usually amiable face, “There was a company selling grain that asked me to run an advertisement for a few weeks. They wanted to see if there would be any interest around here. I did warn them that this was ranching and mining territory, not farming but they claimed that the seed was actually produced from grains that would enhance the quality of grass for cattle to graze on. They claimed that better grass, better feed, better beef.”

“Better grass, better feed, better beef” Hoss muttered and frowned, he could see that would catch attention, and wondered why he hadn’t noticed it himself.

“Did it make any claims about - about reproduction? You know, cows eating the stuff and having - more twins for example?” Joe stammered his way through the question and raised his eyebrows.

Daniel curled a lip, and shook his head “Are you kidding me? No one can make claims like that….”

“So - no one made any claims - or kind of hinted of the possibility that better beef included bigger herds - kind of - thing?”

Daniel shook his head, “Nope.”

“Did they stop advertising ?”


Daniel spat the chew matchstick out onto the floor and leaned back in his chair, it rocked on to its back legs while he stretched out his under his desk, “They didn’t have much success in selling the stuff. Only a few buyers and no comments from them about whether or not it had been worth it.”

“It was expensive then?” Hoss asked wiped his forehead on the back of his sleeve, all the walking about had brought out a sweat.

“Not by much more than the usual. “

The Cartwrights looked at one another, nodded and rose to their feet. Joe paused, “I suppose you must miss Amanda Ridleys poker sessions that she used to have here in town.”

“Every month. Regular as clockwork.” Daniel smiled slowly “I thought she would have learned her lesson the way she bankrupted herself those years back, but she was clever, never gambled beyond a certain sum even when she was on a winning streak.”

“Shows she learned something then, even if it was just to discipline herself not to gamble overmuch.” Hoss said sagely and slapped his hat onto his head as he turned to the door to leave the office.

“Suppose someone else -” Joe began and Daniel nodded, “Yes, someone else does- once a month. Just like Amanada used to.”

“You go too?”

“Wouldn’t miss it. I get a lot of information one way or another at those sessions.”

“Does Walter Greigson go there?” Joe asked innocently

“Greigson? No, never seen him there. They’ve always been very private, the Greigsons. I got the impression once, years back, that Walter didn’t approve of gambling. He was a bit of a Holy Joe…unlike yourself, Joe…” and he sniggered as though the play on words was funny.

Joe nodded, grimaced and nodded to Hoss that it was time for them to go, then he paused again “What about Mr Burgoyne? He’s new around here, isn’t he? Know much about him?”

“He and his sons come into town regularly. His boys have been to the gambling sessions, not very skilled, lost too much and drank too much. Burgoyne seems friendly enough.”

“Any background information about him, Dan?”

The newspaperman grinned, when the Cartwrights started calling him ‘Dan’ as opposed to Daniel or deQuille he got suspicious, he narrowed his eyes

“Is there a story in this ?”

Joe shook his head “No, just - just neighbourly interest.”

Daniel frowned and watched as they closed the door behind them, and walked out into the street. He got to his feet and strolled over to the window to watch the two men as they strolled down towards the sheriffs office.

There was something going on, he could smell it. He scratched his jaw through his beard and wondered what it possibly could be as he watched Joe and Hoss mount into their saddles and turn their horses heads out of town. He returned to his desk and opened a drawer from which he produced a notebook. He flipped open to the first unused page and scribble down - Cartwrights. Burgoyne, Greigson, Russian grain. Connection??

Hoss eased himself into the saddle more comfortably as they jogged their way out of town. He glanced over at Joe who looked blankly ahead of him as though his head was so full of mysteries and so forth that he couldn’t think straight. He spat dust into the road, and slowed his horse to a walk in order to get his canteen.

“Hey, Joe, slow down a mite.”

Joe scowled and turned to join Hoss, then nodded in agreement and reached for his own canteen, cool water refreshed them both and when they had drank their fill Hoss asked his brother what exactly they were going to do now.

“Well, brother, one things for sure, we haven’t overgrazed our cattle - they’ve a thousand square miles to roam and eat their heads off, so there is no way we were starving our beef.”

“Alright, it was just a suggestion, no need to take it so much to heart.” Hoss frowned “You ain’t intending to go searching throughout the whole 1000 square miles are ya?”

“Don’t be ridiculous.” Joe scoffed and sounded so like Adam that Hoss laughed out loud. “I thought we could go see this land Burgoyne bought from Greigson, see what is so special about it…”

“They said why, because his wife liked it….” Hoss’ blue eyes widened as though he couldn’t believe his brother had failed to hear that point.

“In which case perhaps we should go visit the Burgoynes …” he paused and frowned, looked down at the ground and then nodded “I reckon we should make a neighbourly visit. Tomorrow.” he smiled slowly, “I’ll go with Mary Ann, make acquaintance of Mr and Mrs Burgoyne. It’ll seem more neighbourly that way…”

“What do you want me to do? Visit with Hester in the afternoon…?”

Joe grinned and leaned forward, patted his brothers cheek and laughed “No, Hoss, you got the job of branding what cattle we still have to work with, remember?”

Hoss sighed, shook his head and looped his canteen around his saddle horn, then nudged his horse to move on. Beside him Joe began to plot out what his next move was going to be…he was still deep in thought when Hoss nudged him,

“I jest remembered something - I mean - someone.”

“Huh?” Joe frowned, the nebulous plans in his brain jangled together and collapsed, drifted away like a will o the wisp

“What about the new man who took over Corbyns place? Archer - “

Joe slowed his horse and settled into a steady walk, he stared ahead and frowned, Hoss could almost see plots and plans hovering over his youngest brothers head, he cleared his throat

“I could go visit Archer tomorrow…while you pay your visit to Burgoyne.”

Joe frowned, shook his head “I doubt there’s any point, Hoss. Archer’s place is miles off our property.”

“It borders onto Jessops and Luke’s….you know, that little cusp of land that nudges onto both their borders. It has some good pasture, well watered too…”

“Corbyn left it to go to ruin. Sold up his cattle if you remember…”

“Yeah, be interesting to see if Archer has any now, what size herd he’s got, what kind of stock….”

Joe chewed on his thumb, then pushed his hat back “Perhaps if you rode over to see Luke tomorrow, mention it to him. Archer’s his neighbour, he’d be best to check it out. What’s he call the place, did Nate or Clem mention it?”

“Nope…you were there, you should have asked.” Hoss scoffed and smiled inwardly, It wasn’t often he got an idea before his brother, and he raised his eyebrows “I know he ain’t our neighbour but this has affected Luke and Derwent, ain’t it?”

“S’right.” Joe’s brows lowered and he pouted out his lips and snorted “Good idea, Hoss. Get Luke onto it….”

Chapter 20

The children had finished their meal and gone to play in the garden. The glass doors that led to the pretty yard where Martha tended her favourite plants and flowers had been pulled open wide to allow the smells to permeate into the living area, and the sounds of childrens voices to filter through.

The comfortable room in which Martha and Olivia sat with their chairs facing the garden, warmed by the sun, undisturbed by the childrens shouts, laughter, chatter. Martha had gently asked Olivia what had been the problem with their visitor, and why had Adam had to leave so abruptly, so as the sounds of the childrens voices provided a background to their conversation Olivia explained as well as she could what had taken Adam away, and how it had been her fault that their visitor had been too distressed to wait longer than it had taken Adam to grab his hat and leave.

Martha listened with a calm expression on her face “So, this is all about Rachel’s missing sister?”

“Yes, as I explained, she’s just disappeared into thin air and Rachel is desperate to find her.”

“As you would be had it been your sister.” Martha said quietly and glanced up at her with a sympathetic look as she placed a hand upon the younger woman’s arm.

Olivia thought for a second about her own sister and dismissed the idea, Katya had disappeared out of their lives and she had no intention of sending anyone in search of her. But, had it been Hester, or Mary Ann…well, wouldn’t all of them be searching heaven and earth to find them?

“I know it must seem a little strange - “ Olivia murmured and frowned, as she thought that it was, actually, very strange. She glanced over at Martha who was looking deep in thought “What do you think, Martha?”

“Well, I don’t understand half of what goes on in your lives, my dear, but I think that Adam will give us all the answers we need when he gets home. There is little point in getting overly distressed about things when knowing only part of the story after all.”

They were interrupted further by Sofia running into the room, skirt dirty and torn, and a dismayed expression on her face. “I fell over.” she said in a voice that indicated her struggle not to give into tears.

“Oh dear,” Martha exclaimed “And how did you do that ?”

“I was just running and Nathaniel threw a ball at me and I tried to catch it really I did but then I fell over instead.” she looked appealingly at her mother “Is Daddy home yet?”

“No, not yet. He’ll be here as soon as he has taken the lady home.”

“Oh, is the lady lost?”

“No, but she needs someone to look after her.” Olivia sighed and shook her head, “I had better take you into the other room and tidy you up. How do you manage to get into such scrapes, Sofia?”

Sofia could have said quite easily, but knew that would earn her a reprimand, it usually did…she sighed and allowed herself to be led away to be ’tidied up.’


“Yes, dear?

Sofia glanced up at her mother, and smiled. Her mother was looking down at her with that slight smile on her lips that made Sofia think of princesses for some reason. Her mother was definitely pretty enough to be the Chief Princess in any story. She squeezed Olivia’s hand

“All those parcels that came from the stores…are they really for us to take home?”

“They will be packed up and delivered by a courier, Sofia. We couldn’t possibly carry them all home, we just don’t have the arms for that …” and Olivia’s smile widened as she looked at Sofia “Don’t forget there are presents for everyone -”

“Presents?” Sofia fell into a little reverie, while Olivia lifted her up and onto a stool in order to clean the grazed knees and wipe the dirt away from her daughter’s brow and hands. “Are there presents for us too?”

“You have had presents already, Sofia.” Olivia reminded her and dabbed some arnica onto the bruises. “That dress is definitely going to have to be changed, it will need washing.”

“But arnt’ there any special secret presents for us?”

“I don’t think so.” Olivia unbuttoned the dress and helped Sofia struggle out of it, a clean one was close at hand and ready for wear, this was quickly slipped over Sofia’s head and tugged down, buttoned up and smoothed down. Olivia smiled “Well now, as good as new.”

Sofia smiled and put her arms around her mother’s neck, kissed her cheek “I like your new glasses, Mommy. You look like a special kind of mommy with them on.”

“Oh, not ugly old mommy then?” Olivia laughed

“Oh no, you are never ugly, you’re the prettiest mommy in t he world. Daddy said so too…” she slipped her arms away and spun in a circle just to see how her skirts flounced out and smiled “Oh I wish I had a special secret present…just one very special one I saw in the shop that day.”

Olivia frowned, and shook her head as she folded up the soiled garment to put into the basket for washing “Now I wonder what that would be …”

“Can you guess, mommy, can you?”

Sofia paused and stopped spinning in order to look at her mother, to be sure her head kept on spinning for a while but she managed to stay steady enough to get Olivia into focus.

“I can’t imagine…after all you have a special new doll.”

“Oh yes, and she’s very pretty.” Sofia nodded and smiled, dimples in her cheeks, no wonder people thought she was really Adam’s little girl.

“What then …I can’t imagine that you would want for anything else.”

Sofia blinked, she thought that her Mother knew everything, and would know for sure how much she yearned for the dolls house in the store after all she had stood in front of it for a long time, making it very obvious how much she loved it.

“Off you go, Sofia. I want to talk to Martha.”

Sofia frowned and sighed and turned away with a slight shrug of the shoulders, as she walked away Olivia said in a quiet voice “Sofia, I want you to be very good when we go home. We have Rachel coming back with us, and she has had to leave her little boy and girl far away, so she will be sad, and missing them. So please be a good girl and show her how thoughtful and kind you can be.”

Sofia turned to her mother, smiled and nodded, then hurried back out to the garden where Nathaniel was marvelling at his spinning top, watching as colours merged together the faster it went. Reuben was sitting quietly on the edge of the fish pond, flicking water with his fingers and watching his little brother with a smile on his face.

It was a beautiful day, blue skies and soft warm sunshine. Sofia stopped to look at some flowers and wondered about the colours, and then without another thought ran to recapture her doll before it fell, neglected and unloved, into the pond.


Olivia returned to the small room where Martha looked deep in thought and gave her young friend a rather tremulous smile, which prompted Olivia to lean forward and impetuously grab at Martha’s hand,

“Martha, why not come back with us? We so loved having you at the Ponderosa last year..and I know that Ben would love having you stay.”

Martha gave a little start of surprise, blushed slightly and shook her head, “Oh no, dear, I couldn’t do that…”

She sighed and looked at Olivia’s face, the concerned but confused expression in the clear green eyes, and the smile slowly fading from her mouth. She leaned forward now, and stroked the younger woman’s face gently,

“I’ve already discussed this with Ben -”

“Oh, you have?” a leap of hope, sparkled there, no point in pretending what she was thinking and the smile returned “Then -”

“No, dear.” Martha squeezed Olivia’s hand between her own “I’m telling you that it can’t happen. It’s a lovely thought, but the fact is that I’m ill and -”

“But we can care for you, Martha. Hop Sing will feed you up and -”

“It isn’t that kind of illness, dear.”

There was a finality in the sound of her voice and Olivia blinked, then leaned back, releasing Martha’s hand as she did so,

“What kind of illness is it? Have you seen the doctor? A Consultant?”

“Oh yes, all of them, and the best of them. But sadly they all say the same, that I have perhaps at the very most a year of life left.”

“Could you not come with us though, make it a happy year with us - “

Martha shook her head, “No, dear, I need to be here, among familiar things, among my memories, my little treasures, the things that remind me that I was once here, part of this whole charade they call living….” she paused and looked serious now, her eyes caught those of Olivia “Your mother in law, Abigail, she was ill wasn’t she?”

“Yes, she was - was ill - she had dementia.” Olivia almost whispered the words, blinked tears that came to the corners of her eyes “She was loved, loved to the end -” and she shivered because she knew that was not true, however much they had loved Abigail, the poor woman had spent her last days in fear and dread of a son whose very existence brought misery to them all.

Martha nodded, and leaned forward, kissed Olivia on the brow, “Thank you, dear, I knew you would understand. Just make Adam happy, he’s very important to me, like the son I never had and always wanted.” her hand stroked back a wisp of blonde hair from Olivia’s brow “And you are the daughter I would have loved so much. I knew that the very first time I met you…all those years ago.”

There was nothing left to be said. The two women sat together facing the garden which was sun speckled and hazy with the heat of the day. They could hear Nathaniel chattering, and Sofia singing “Blow blow the wind blow…..”

Chapter 21

Adam had read the little journal three times and had as many cups of coffee by the time Laurence Willoughby walked through the door of the hotel and made his way to the elevator. Adam coughed to gain the man’s attention and slowly uncurled himself from the chair. He nodded and raised his eyebrows at the look of surprise on Laurence’s face.

“Well, Adam-” Laurence said with a slight reserve in his voice, “I didn’t expect to see you here this morning.”

Adam bowed his head in acknowledgement of the slight rebuke from his friend, then turned to pick up his hat, before approaching Laurence and nodding towards the elevator “I’ve been waiting for you to come back.”

“Have you seen Rachel?”

Adam inclined his head and produced the book which he held in a way that would not be obvious to others “She asked me to read this…I have, three times over now and - I think we need to talk.”

Laurence frowned, glanced at the elevator as though he saw it as a means of escape then looked again at his friend “What about?”

“About the contents of this book, about Anna, about what you plan to do next.”

“I told you last evening, if you’re not willing to join me in this then I can’t discuss it with you, Thank you anyway -” he paused and narrowed his eyes as Adam made no attempt to move. “Have you changed your mind?”

“I’m free to do so.” Adam replied slowly with his brown eyes watching the changes of expression flit across Laurence’s face. He was as easy to read as a book, Adam thought, no wonder he never fooled Doestov on that adventure to Egypt all those years back.

The Englishman smiled broadly, clapped Adam on the arm and beckoned to the elevator, “Come this way -”

Adam nodded, clasped his hat to his chest “-said the spider to the fly” he murmured to himself.

Rachel had been pacing the floor for some while but paused when the door to the suite opened. Clasping one hand to her throat while the other was clenched to her side she looked from one man to the other, saw the smile on Laurence’s face, the look on Adam’s and relaxed. Her shoulders dropped from their tensed position and her breathing slowed as she hurried over to Laurence’s side and grabbed his hand

“Did you read the book?” she asked of Adam with her eyes wide and darting from one man to the other.

“Several times…” Adam replied

“Sit down, man,” Laurence said with relief loud in his voice, “We have to talk…” he looked at Rachel “Ring room service and get us something to drink, dear.”

Adam watched the woman as she crossed the room and thought how graceful she had become, not the self conscious young woman from that time back who had fallen in love with a myth, before she preferred to love Laurence, a far more substantial young man than Adam Abdul Karim had ever been.

“You‘ve changed, Rachel.”

“I suppose we all have -” she replied and blushed slightly as, no doubt, she recalled that shy but passionate kiss she had shared with the Commodore as they had looked down at the rose garden of her sisters home in Cairo.

“And all the better for it.” Laurence said and grabbed at her hand, and pulled her down to sit beside him.

He crossed one long leg over the other and regarded Adam seriously, frowned, and nodded at the book which Adam still held in his hand “What are your thoughts, Adam? I’d appreciate your opinion….”

Adam leaned forward, his hands clasped t he book and he looked at it before he raised his eyes to Laurences “There are some anomalies….and some pages missing…”

They looked at one another, frowned “Pages missing?” Rachel stammered, “But where?”

“At the back here…done very neatly too.” Adam smiled and held the book in the palm of one hand, it’s spine resting upon the flat surface of his palm…it slowly opened, and he glanced at them as they looked at it as though watching a conjuror’s trick, then looked back at him

“What are we supposed to notice?” Laurence said quietly

“Well, a book that is read often, or written in like this journal will open at the place either most often read or written in, but this book always falls open to the back…even though the weight of the written pages should really leave it to open wherever it wills…” he held the book towards them so that they could see at what he was pointing “There are several pages that have been very carefully removed here…not torn out, which is why you didn’t notice any serrations, perhaps cut out but if so, by a very sharp pointed instrument - “ he paused and glanced at them “You never noticed ?”

“No -” Laurence grimaced, “I should have done. To be honest I was more interested in what the contents were about and more concerned about that to pay attention to missing pages.”

Adam nodded and raised his eyebrows again “The missing pages probably provide you with the information you want and which someone didn’t want you to have - yet.”

Laurence nodded and leaned back, once again he crossed one leg over the other, and then regarded Adam thoughtfully “See how valuable an asset you will be if you helped us, Adam. You have already provided us with the first hint of help that we have had in weeks.”

“You would have noticed,” Adam gave a slight shrug, “where did you get the book? No, let me remember, it was from Miss Soames, wasn’t it?”

The couple looked at one another, it seemed to Laurence that their roles had been reversed now with this new information. Instead of being the one leading the discussion he was handing it all to Adam, and he sighed as though accepting the natural order of things.

“Mrs Long in actuality…she contacted us when we were in France …” he paused and this time raised his eyebrows, “It’s a long story…”

“Then best start from the beginning, always the best place -” Adam smiled and at the knock on the door the three of them became silent. Laurence called out to enter and the door was pushed open by one of the Hotel’s staff bearing a tray with the necessaries for coffee. In silence they waited for the coffee to be poured and handed to them, and then he gave a discreet exit.

The three of them stared at the cups of coffee with the steam swirling ceiling wards and the aroma filling the room. Rachel looked at Laurence who cleared his throat…

“We were already in France when we got news from Charles about Anna and Hassim.

The trouble really started even before that incident involving you and Doestov, when the Eygptian nationalist movement became active and began targeting Europeans as well as Turks. Anna’s marriage to Hassim was not popular, but thankfully being an American citizen did provide some form of protection.” he sighed “Then she was persuaded to take on Said’s nationality so -” he shrugged slightly “removed herself even from that security.”

Adam frowned and cast his mind back to the time he had entered Egypt as Adam Abdul Karim. “Were the men we fought part of that movement?”

Laurence shrugged “There are so many factions claiming to be part of the Nationalist movement - its like an octopus - it got worse after the Russo-Turkish wars, more attention paid to Khedive Ismail’s involvement with foreigners and the debts he was running up.”

Rachel picked up a cup and sipped it slowly, her eyes roved above the rim to watch the two men.

Adam nodded “From what I gather from Anna’s book Ismail ran up debts of over 100 million dollars….”

“Pounds, old chap.” Laurence said and shrugged as he leaned forwards to pick up his cup, he gulped down coffee “The thing is, he was trying to save Eygpt. He wants to pass on a modern thriving country to his son, Tewfik*. The money spent on modernising Eygpt, completing the Suez canal and then dabbling in the cotton business …”

“I thought you said American interests were not involved -”

“They aren’t.” Laurence said shortly, “It was a venture that failed dismally. But the Nationalist movement forced Ismail’s hand to get rid of the American cadre, and he turned to France and England for help. As a result both Governments sent financial experts to help …” he paused. “Anna mentioned all this in the book…”

“Yes, she did. A Lord Cromer and M. de Blignieres …”

“”Was like a red rag to a bull! Despite their successes in reducing the debts, the Eygptian Government were agitating for their removal. Any foreigner was seen as unwelcome.”

“That’s why Anna took on their nationality, in an attempt to appease people and make it safer for Said.” Rachel explained.

“Well, it got so that Ismail couldn’t pay the army. They mutinied and Said -” Laurence paused and frowned,

“I know - he tried to protect his cousin and that resulted in his death.” Adam nodded, and tapped the book “But where does Sylvia Soames come into the story.”

“Sylvia had been in Eygpt some years ago, she wasn’t known as Soames in those days, it was before her father found her. She was part of a group of European and American women that were involved socially at that time with Ismail, the American cadre, Anna…” Rachel glanced down at her cup, now empty and toyed nervously with the handly, “I met her several times when I was there. Anna must have told her all about me, so when I got the necklace I asked Charles to contact her….if she could be found of course.”

“Turned out Sylvia was well known by Charles. She’s acted as a courier for them for a long time, was very useful in Egypt in fact. When Soames came along and claimed her for his daughter it came just at the right time for her, things were getting difficult in various quarters…she was encouraged to come here …”

“Is she Soames daughter?”

“Oh yes, certainly she is.” Laurence nodded, “She contacted us that she had something in her possession that we needed. As I said we were in France at the time and Rachel insisted on coming with me, though I thought it too much of a risk.”

Rachel nodded and gave a rather weak nervous laugh “I was naïve enough to think I would find Anna here, safe and sound. Instead we just got a note from Miss Soames to meet her in the park.”

“Wasn’t too sure if we had been followed, or if she was, so we kept the meeting public but the book passed secretly. She’s a very valuable asset to the British, Adam, she can’t risk - we can’t risk - losing her.”

Adam shook his head, and briefly closed his eyes as though he wanted to mentally shut himself away from everything they were saying. When he opened his eyes again they were both staring at him, he shook his head “It’s politics and -”

“And trying to find my sister, she’s an innocent woman who’s in danger -” Rachel cried, wringing her hands now, and then realising she was doing that tried to sit on them.

“She can’t be that innocent.” Adam frowned, “She saw her husband hacked down, decapitated, and they let her live? After she had been a witness to all that?”

“You read her journal …” Rachel’s voice was high pitched in despair “She’s alive, we can’t let her die…”

“She was taken - she doesn’t mention names in the book -” Laurence said quietly, placing a gentle restraining hand on Rachel’s arm, “but we understand it was a group of Nationalist supporters that have taken her.”

“If an innocent woman has been taken from what amounts to being a slaughter house, it’s because she is being held hostage -” Adam murmured glancing down at the book

“We’ve had no ransom demands…” Laurence murmured and Rachel gave a little groan of despair at the thought.

“Then she’s being kept because she knows something - or someone -” Adam frowned and stared for a moment at the empty coffee cups, “She may not even realise it herself, there’s no clue in the journal.”

Laurence pouted, turned his head away and stared at a picture on the wall. Certainly Adam was right, Laurence knew that only too well, hence Disraeli’s interest, but what was it or who - he shook his head and looked back at Adam,

“Will you help us find her?”

“Is she still in Eygpt?” Adam asked and tapped the book “From what I understand here she has no idea where she was taken.”

“We know she was taken by ship somewhere with some other women, diplomats wives…” Laurence bit down on his bottom lip, “but we don’t know where.”

“But not here, not to America?”


Adam sighed and leaned back into the chair, he shook his head “Then I can’t help you, can I? I haven’t the necessary papers or documents you need for me to leave the country.”

He almost felt triumphant when he said that, a feeling of relief at being provided an escape route. Laurence stood up and shrugged

“That’s all been dealt with,” he said and walked over to the bureau, opened a door and extracted from it a leather portmanteau.

It was locked and once he had brought it to the table and set it down he removed a small key from his pocket and unlocked it. From within one of its compartments he produced several envelopes and set them down on the table.

Chapter 22

Adam felt as though his brain had frozen. Momentarily he was aware of a feeling of panic at the pit of his stomach as he stared at the envelopes and realised that he had been led into a carefully contrived trap. For what purpose? Just to rescue a woman snatched away somewhere in Eygpt?

Rachel came and put a hand on his arm “Please, Adam, don’t be angry with us. We need your help otherwise we would never have come here to bother you again.”

He glanced up at Laurence, who was looking anxiously at him. The younger man swallowed in a gulp and nodded “It’s true, Adam, we need your help. But -” he leaned forward and put his hand on the envelopes “if you feel you can’t give it, then I’ll take these and burn them. I was told that if you were not willing to help then that was what I was to do with them.”

Adam raised a hand as though to stop Laurence from moving, from taking the envelopes, from speaking …he shook his head “I thought I’d left that life behind me…I’m not the man I was when we met all those years ago, I’ve family, responsibilities, and I’m not young -” he sighed wearily, and bit his lips, he tried to imagine what Olivia would be saying now. Would she realise he was stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea? Would she appreciate that he was thinking of her, considering his options, remembering what she had said the previous evening.

Almost as though he were reading Adams thoughts Laurence murmured “You did say Olivia had released you from any promises you had made…”

Adam nodded and frowned, then leaned forward to pick up the envelopes. The first one he opened was from the Secretary of State, and he glanced again up at Laurence

“I thought you said American interests were not involved?”

“I did, and that’s true.” :Laurence replied, “I don’t know who wrote the letters, Adam, nor what is in them…I was only told to bring them to you and hand them over were you agreeable to helping us.”

Adam narrowed his eyes slightly, paused and then looked down to read what was contained in the few lines of writing on the paper he held in his hands. Mr William Evarts signature sprawled across the bottom after ‘requesting the help’ of Adam Cartwright in matters that would strengthen the relationships and goodwill of the peoples of the United States with Great Britain etc etc.

He raised his eyebrows,' requests the help of' was not actually an order…and he sighed and put the paper down before opening the other envelope. Rachel took a deep breath and went to the table to pour out more coffee into the neat little cups. She then resumed her seat beside her husband.

This white vellum envelope with the red wax seal looked the most ominous to Adam and he cleared his throat before breaking the seal and opening it. The signature was of Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, the current Minister of Foreign Affairs in Great Britain.

It was again brief and to the point, mentioning that Adams ‘expertise’ in such matters had been brought to his attention by the Prime Minister, Mr Disraeli, His assistance in the matter that would be explained by Lord Willoughby would be greatly appreciated. One sentence read “although America is not involved in this matter, it could well be if the situation were to worsen. Your Secretary of State wishes to avoid any such involvement -”

He put the letter down and then as though an afterthought he picked it up, re-read it and folded it back into the envelope. The third larger envelope he now opened and found all the necessary documents required for him to legally enter any country .

He leaned back and sighed, shook his head “Is Anna missing? Is that part of the story true?”

“Everything we told you is true, Adam. We told you everything -” Laurence replied and sat down, and watched Adam with a hopeful expression in his blue eyes.

“We don’t even know ourselves what Anna was involved in…” Rachel added, “Or why it is so important that she is found - apart from the fact that she is important to me, as my only sister.”

“Are you sure she isn’t really hidden away in your house in Illinois?”

“Quite sure.” Rachel nodded, “Truly, Adam, as far as I am concerned this is a search for my sister. Whatever else is involved isn’t of interest to me …”

“And what about you, Laurence? What more do you know about this?”

“Only what I have told you…I had to get the journal from Sylvia, make sure she was not implicated or attention drawn to her….then follow the leads Anna had written down and find her.”

“Except -” Adam paused and looked suspiciously at the little book, “Except that there are no leads. Someone made sure we didn’t find them…”

“You mean because of the missing pages?” Rachel whispered

Laurence sighed “I read it several times over, I checked to see if there were some pages stuck together, or some kind of code hidden in the context, but there’s nothing. Just an innocent woman’s daily jottings of events, terrible though they are -” he frowned and leaned forward to pick up the book “I should have noticed the missing pages.”

“Do you think Anna could have torn them out?” Rachel suggested

“They weren’t torn out.” Laurence said quietly

“Then the people who had her captive…” Rachel looked from one to the other of them, “They kept them -”

“Why bother sending us a journal in the first place?” Adam asked quietly. ”As you say until she recounts about the murder of her husband, and the fact that she was taken on board a ship there is nothing there of any relevance at all.”

Rachel shook her head, looked on the verge of tears again, while Laurence leaned towards the table and drank more coffee. Then he said “Invisible ink…perhaps she hid a message …”

“I doubt it.” Adam replied, “If she had there would have been little point in giving you the book, or of anyone taking the last pages out of it.”

He looked at the coffee swirling in the cup and reached for it, swallowed it down and stared at the book still in Laurence’s hands. “Someone sent you some of Anna’s jewellery and told you not to get involved in finding her?”

“A necklace father gave her years ago. Just a keepsake…” Rachel nodded

“Then you hear from Charles that Sylvia Soames has the book and you had to travel all the way here to get it?”

“Yes…which indicates to me that two different factions are involved. Those who took Anna and those who were friends of hers and want to help her.” Laurence murmured.

Adam placed a hand to his head, and for a moment remained silent before getting to his feet “I need to talk to Olivia about this, and to my father. “ he gathered up the envelopes and tucked them into the breast pocket of his jacket, “I think I will go and visit Sylvia too. If anyone has her under observation they won’t suspect me but assume it is just another friendly visit to her and her father .” he picked up his hat and walked to the door “I’ll see you later this evening.”

Neither of them said anything, just stood closer together, reached for the others hand and held it as they watched him close the door behind him.

Once outside the hotel Adam pondered on exactly which destination he should head for first. A cab came into view going in the direction of the Soames’ property and he hailed it, feeling that destiny, fate or whatever one could call it had played its hand in making the decision for him.

As he sat in the interior of the vehicle he replayed in his mind his time with Laurence and Rachel. He rubbed the back of his neck as though by doing so he could remember something that would provide him with a means of getting out of a situation over which he felt he had had no control. The envelopes in his pocket rustled as he moved and he felt again that unfamiliar twist of panic which he had not felt for a very long time. 

Familiar landmarks from previous visits to San Francisco flashed past him but went unnoticed until finally the cab lurched to a halt. He sighed and picked up his hat as he slowly disembarked, and asked the cab driver to wait as he would need him for another trip. The cab driver nodded and his eyes twinkled as he clambered up onto his seat and prepared for a wait, not minding however long it would take after all, only a fool would turn aside the chance of earning some money for doing nothing.

Adam was smiling to himself as he took the steps to the door, the thought that only a few years ago he had been making this self same trip to a house only a few doors down the street to visit a woman who would become him wife trickled through his mind as a pleasant day dream. He was therefore still rather dreamy minded when he confronted the door and found it open…just slightly.

He pushed it gently until it swung wide enough to admit him. Even then he was cautious about entering the property, and wished he had the protection of his gun. Instinct, well honed after so many years, alerted his senses to something familiar and yet nothing he would have expected in this luxurious environment. A groan - he paused to get his bearings and turned towards the stairs where he found the man who acted as Soames butler sprawled upon the lower stair and hall floor. 

Taking a deep breath Adam approached him and touched his shoulder, but the man only groaned again, tightened his eyes more firmly shut and leaned away from him as though he subconsciously did not want to be roused into awareness of what had happened.

For a moment Adam remained where he was as he leaned over the body of the man. Then he glanced about him, his eyes and ears alert to the sound of some movement, sound, any sign that there was someone likely to want to do to him what had happened to the man at his feet. But there was only silence until there came the sound of a clock from another room tinkling a tinny tune as it chimed the hour.

He put his hand to the door of the withdrawing room and pushed it slowly open. Already the smell from the room signalled a warning of what to expect. But who was the victim? He steeled himself, for a victim there certainly was as he became increasingly aware of the smell getting stronger as he opened the door and stepped inside the room. 

Sylvia Soames had been killed while seated on a chaise longue. Her body had slipped at an angle as it had collapsed so that she was half reclining upon the floor, her upper body still resting the furniture. Adam approached her carefully, avoiding the blood that was pooling at her feet. He leaned forward to close the staring eyes, touched the pulse, now stilled, at her throat, and then stepped away.

The stain on her dress indicated the unpleasant after effects of death, the smells of which, combined with the metallic rust smell of blood had warned Adam to anticipate what he now confronted. He sighed deeply, closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose…he had not expected this, it was gruesome and ugly, cruel and unnecessary.

Sylvia was still warm to the touch and considering the condition of the man in the hall Adam could estimate that he had missed the murderer by a mere matter of minutes. He dismissed the thought that he - or she - could still be in the house as flight seemed to have been the option, the butler an obstacle brutally cast aside.

He was wondering if he would have time to look for some indication that the papers would be in the room when he noticed something in her hand, that last desperate clutch of the fist as though the victim sought to hang onto something. He leaned forward and with some care and a little force succeeded in pulling the paper from her fingers.

There were burned papers in the grate, too large to have been part of Anna’s journal. They were cold dead ash. Burned perhaps the previous day…

He didn’t have time to read the papers he had taken from her hand but pushed them into his pocket and went to attend to the other occupant of the room…Gregory Soames.

The Consultant Doctor lay partially concealed behind some cumbersome old antique desk, and could easily have been overlooked at first glance into the room. Adam approached him cautiously and could see from the colour of his face that the man was still alive. He touched Soames by the shoulder, shook him slightly and called his name.

There was no sign of blood on the man. No hint of violence at all and yet he lay prone upon the floor a look of horror upon his features which slowly changed into an expression more usual to the man as consciousness slowly returned. He blinked, sighed, groaned and touched the back of his head. Then he saw Adam looking down at him and with a confused look on his face whispered “Adam? You here?”

Then the confusion passed, his face now registered fear, horror and panic as he struggled to get to his feet “Sylvia - Sylvia - she’s hurt -”

He pushed Adam’s hand to one side and scrambled to his feet in an attempt to stand, to get to his daughter, to confirm that perhaps she was still in the land of the living - but Adam grabbed at him and pulled him back “No, Soames…you don’t need to see her now. “

“But - my daughter -” Soames groaned “She’s hurt -”

Adam glanced about him, the room was square with two doors leading to and from it, and it was the door closest to Soames to which he turned, hauling the unfortunate man along with him. They were now in the dining room in which Adam had been entertained so recently and locating a chair close by Adam set the man down, and after making sure that Soames would not collapse and do himself further injury he went to the bureau, poured some brandy into a glass and took it to him,

Soames’ hand was shaking as he took the glass from the other man. “She’s dead, isn’t she?” he whispered 

“Yes, Soames, she is….did you see what happened?”

“Only the noise, I came home early, there was the sound of voices…Sylvia and a man ..arguing. I asked - Barnes - what was going on and he was about to say something when the door opened. A man came out and flung himself at me, pushed me aside, Barnes stepped forward….” he gulped some brandy and closed his eyes, trying to recapture the threads of memory that seemed to be slipping away from his mind. “I ran into the room, Sylvia was falling from the chaise longue…blood on her dress …she reached out for me and called for me “

“Anything else? Did she speak and tell you who had attacked her?”

“I went to her, she was trying to speak …I can’t think - can’t remember - something foreign. I realised - no - I don’t know - she needed help so I went to get it but then I think I passed out.” he put a hand to his face and for a moment didn’t speak “I don’t understand what happened to me…I just … was going to get Barnes …then everything went black, I passed out . I was no help to her -”

Adam nodded, put a hand on the man’s shoulder “I’ll go and see how Barnes’ is, stay here. Don’t go into the other room…”

Barnes was stirring now, rubbing his head and chest and not really sure which place was most painful. He looked with irritation at Adam and then asked in a slurred voice shaking with shock if the master was alright?

“Are you hurt other than a bump on the head?”

“Shoved in the chest,” Barnes muttered as he got to his feet with the aid of Adam’s hand at his elbow “Reckon I’ll have a headache for a week…”

“Stand at this door, don’t go inside. don’t let anyone in either. I shall have to get the Marshall. Stay here -” and without waiting for the man to say another word Adam left the house and hurried to the cab driver, who, upon being given orders to fetch the Marshall, turned the horses and sent the cab rolling at a swift canter down the road.

Adam took a deep long breath and then returned to the house. Soames was still slumped in the chair, the glass empty and hanging loose between his fingers. His eyes were glazed as he stared down at the floor but he looked up when Adam re-entered the room.

“I’ve sent for the Marshall.” Adam said quietly and pulled up a chair so that he could sit opposite his companion. “ I am sorry, Soames.”

Soames nodded, blinked and then looked into Adam’s face with all the pathos a man would feel at the loss of a loved one, taken so brutally, “It’s real isn’t it? She’s dead? Sylvia? She’s dead?”

“Yes.” Adam nodded and reached out a hand to place upon Soames’ arm, “I’m sorry, Soames.”

Soames nodded, breathed deep and exhaled, closed his eyes “She was such a beautiful girl. I couldn’t believe I had been blessed with such a daughter, such a beautiful daughter.”

“Soames…did Sylvia give you any indication that she was in any trouble? In any danger at all?”

“No, none. When I left her this morning she was singing…would you believe it? Singing?” he shook his head in wonderment “And now - like this - I can’t believe it.”

“Did she tell you whether she would be having any visitors today? Where she had gone yesterday? Who she had met?”

“She went to the park yesterday. But she didn’t meet anyone she knew. She doesn’t know many people here really. She - she doesn’t seem to want to have close friends.”

Adam sighed and shook his head “Don’t you find that strange? A lovely girl like her with no close friends?”

“She had men after her…of course she did…but she never spoke to me about them. She was like a butterfly really and -”

“Yes, but Soames, you have to think now - your daughter died cruelly and we have to work out a reason for why. Someone she knew killed her…someone that perhaps you knew … “

Soames shook his head and then dropped the glass on the floor where it shattered, and he put his hands to his face and sobbed. Adam rose to his feet and was about to speak when the door opened and the Marshall followed by two other men stepped into the room. Barnes stood behind them looking apologetic, but Adam stood up, and faced them, nodded

“Marshall Duggan? I was hoping it would be you….” he said quietly and extended his hand which the lawman took in his and shook,

“Well, Commodore, here you are again, and needing my help to get you out of trouble - again.” he smiled, his eyes twinkled and he nodded in a manner that was deceptively friendly.

He turned to return to the room where Sylvia lay, his two deputies already busying themselves with taking a careful search around, and it was Duggan who approached the body to look at it with a narrow eyed scrutiny

“Knife wounds…” he muttered pointing to the obvious source of death 

“I must have missed the murderer by minutes.” Adam sighed and shook his head 

“What can you tell me about the victim…” Duggan asked while still carefully examining the body.

Adam told him what little he knew about Sylvia, admitting that he had only met her that week and when Duggan asked him why he was there anyway he gave him the honest answer, that Soames had been his Medical Officer on board his ship and he had called by to make his farewells as he was returning to the Ponderosa.

Duggan straightened up and turned to face the tall rancher, then he nodded “I’ll see to it here, Commodore. How’s he bearing up?” 

He had nodded towards the partitioning door to the other room where the sound of sobbing could still be heard. Adam sighed again “He’s shocked - he spent years looking for his daughter and now -” he shrugged and then excused himself to attend to Soames.

The other man rose to his feet, pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and blew his nose, wiped his eyes and shook his head “I should go in there, see what I can do…”

“Not just yet -” Adam said quietly and nodded over to the window that overlooked the garden “Let’s talk over there.”

Soames nodded, and followed Adam as though he were sleep walking. Adam opened the window to allow some clean fresh air into the room

“Duggans a good man, he’s thorough - “ he said as Soames leaned forwards as though the sight and smells of the garden could blow away the fearsome sight his mind dwelt on now “Soames…did Sylvia ever mention about being in Egypt ?”

“Eygpt?” Soames frowned and then released his breath, nodded, “Yes, she’s been to Egypt, Africa, India…she travelled a lot with her husband.”

“Why did she change her name back to Soames ? Did she have something to - hide?”

“No, she had always used the name Soames. Some women - modern women as she liked to tell me - preferred it that way.” he blew his nose again, loudly, “She didn’t talk much about her husband, although she loved him deeply. She told me it was a true love match. I was happy for her -” he turned his head away and stared out, fixing his gaze upon a patch of colour drifting in the breeze “She still had letters and things come, from all over the world. She was in France recently, for a few weeks.” 

“Was she alright - when she came back?” Adam asked quietly as though this could perhaps be a thread that needed careful tweaking to reveal something important at the end of it.

“Yes. Met some old friends.”

“Did she have any packages sent her recently from Eygpt?”

Soames frowned and then turned to look at Adam with a scowl “What is this, Adam? Some sort of inquisition? Do you think I’ve forgotten how you like to dig and pry into things that are none of your concern? What are you trying to insinuate about my daughter?”

“I’m not trying to -”

“Sylvia was a beautiful woman, Adam. Intelligent, well travelled, and she liked her life, enjoyed it to the full. I won’t have you raking through her past and trying to make out she is - was - something other than that -” he turned away, head bowed and the handkerchief went to his eyes, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. No doubt the Marshall will be asking far worse…”

Adam nodded, perhaps so he thought, and with a sigh he looked about the room and then settled once again upon the face of the anguished man beside him “Soames, this could be important, but did she receive anything recently from abroad? A small packeage?”

“Like a book?” Soames said suddenly looking at Adam now as though some random thought had pierced the gloom of his misery “She did get a small package recently. She said it was from a friend in -” he frowned and shook his head “No, she didn’t say from where, but from abroad. She took it to her room…spent some while up there if I recall rightly. She was still there when I left for work.”

“How long ago was that?”

“A few weeks…I never asked about it, forgot it to be honest.” he shrugged “It didn’t seem of any importance and I never saw her with it again.”

Chapter 23

The cab driver was congratulating himself on having such a lucrative morning’s work. When Adam reappeared and ordered him to go to the Hotel Grammond he was only too willing to turn the horses back to the Hotel. When Adam told him to wait for him the cabbie thought he had found the pot of gold at the bottom of the rainbow as he watched Adam mount the steps to the building two at a time.

Laurence opened the door to Adam’s urgent knocking and stepped back in surprise at the sight of his friend who promptly closed the door behind him and pushed Laurence back as though some danger lurked in the hall beyond the door. Rachel rose to her feet and cried “What’s happened? Adam…what’s happened?”

Adam paused and looked at them both, then released his breath in a long exhalation before telling them that Sylvia was dead. “She was murdered. I only just missed the murderer by minutes.”

“Sylvia - but - why?” Rachel whispered and groped for her husband’s hand.

“We kept our meeting discreet, no one would have known she was colluding with us…she was safe …” Laurence glanced from his wife to his friend his face showing his confusion, guilt 

“She may have been under observation for a while, Laurence, from what Soames tells me she was in contact with a number of people abroad…and she did receive a package, a book, some weeks ago.”

“From Anna?” Rachel whispered her hands clasped tightly now beneath her chin. She sunk back down upon the settee 

“Soames doesn’t know…but it is even possible that they knew you, Laurence. It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve been followed when at the start of an assignment.”

Laurence bit down on his lip and frowned, nodded. He could remember only too well the time when they were about to embark on the mission to Eygpt and he had been the weak link in the chain right from the start. “But not this time, Adam, I mean why would I be? So far as I was concerned this is just about finding Rachel’s sister….”

Rachel put her hands over her face “Poor Sylvia - this is too cruel - why should she be killed ?”

Adam glanced at Laurence who was staring at his wife and who now went to sit by her side “I’m sorry, Rachel, I should not have brought you here..” he bit his lip, and shook his head “If they were able to track down Sylvia, they could have seen you - “

“But I insisted, I thought Anna would be here, I wanted to come…”

“But not now. It isn’t safe for you. Being with me here -” he glanced at Adam who nodded slowly in agreement

“Is it possible for you to return to Europe?” Adam asked quietly, “I don’t want to risk your life or that of my family on the Ponderosa. In Europe you can get the protection from Charles’ people.”

She nodded, looked at Laurence “But what about you…?”

“I promised to find Anna. And I will…with Adam’s help.” Laurence turned again to Adam, a question in his eyes and the rancher thought ‘how like Little Joe he is, just the same -’ “Adam, will you help? Despite all this?”

Adam cleared his throat “Marshall Duggan is a good lawman, he’ll keep digging here until he finds the links to whatever has been going on with Sylvia and her foreign contacts…whether Egypt or whatever else." he looked again at Rachel who was biting her lip and staring abjectedly at the far wall as though already regretting her decision "I think, Rachel, Laurence is right, it may be best if you leave as soon as possible.”

Laurence nodded in agreement, and reached for his wife‘s hand. "You could join the family in France, they'll make sure you're safe. Or, as Adam suggests, return to England, contact Charles and get help from him."

"Do you really think it necessary - I'm not involved as Sylvia was, I just wanted to find my sister." she pleaded, tightening her grip on his fingers, looking earnestly from one to the other of them.

"We don't know who these people are, sweetheart." :Laurence murmured, "We - can't risk your life just assuming that you're safe." he shook his head, frustrated and exasperated, "I should not have brought you - stupid fool that I am."

"It's too late to think that now," Adam said crisply, "Look, The Baltimore leaves this evening for England. I’ll write to Myers and get Rachel on board …” he paused, and Laurence nodded uncertainly, while Rachel just sighed and clasped her hands together more tightly before, nervously she grabbed at his hands and held them close.

“I have to see Olivia and my father…” Adam said quietly, “But it may be best if you left here as soon as possible.”

Laurence nodded “If you intend to come along I’ll be at the wharf, there’s a schooner - I’ll be there. I’d like to leave on the mornings tide…”

Adam nodded, rose to his feet and went to the desk - in a few hurried lines he requested Myers the favour to him of taking on board Lady Rachel Willoughy, and keeping her under his close protection. 

He said his farewells, kissed Rachel on the cheek and left the room. The letter was handed to one of the Hotel’s boys who promised to deliver it ‘right away’. As Adam left the building the boy was hurrying in the direction of the harbour, the dollar Adam had given him jingling in his pocket.

Sofia was pirouetting around the furniture and humming a tune beneath her breath. She held her doll at arm’s length and whirled around and around, quite confident that she was as light as the fairy she was pretending to be; on the settee Reuben was engrossed in his book and Nathaniel played contentedly with his horse, galloping it up and down Ben’s leg and calling out “Giddy up…”

It was Reuben who raised his head and said “Pa’s back.” but it was Sofia who reached Adam first, who flung herself into his arms and wrapped herself around him. Ben stood up, swooped down to pick up Nathaniel and smiled at his son, who was being kissed by his daughter which had the result of tugging at his heart knowing he would be missing those kisses in the near future.

Olivia smiled and put down the crocheting work she had been doing while Martha exclaimed that she hadn’t realised it was so late. Adam put his daughter down and sat down beside Reuben “What are you reading, son?”

“It’s all about clipper ships, Pa. I wanted to know where everything was so I can tell the Gang when I get back to school.”

“Not planning to run off then?” Adam grinned, and Reuben shook his head and gave his father a long look 

“Are you alright, Pa?” he asked, and Adam realised then that a smile that didn’t reach the eyes didn’t fool anyone, least of all a concerned and discerning little boy of ten.

“I have to talk to Grandpa and Ma …I’ll be back soon.”

“Daddy -” Sofia tugged at his fingers “I missed you today. Did you get that lady home - was she lost?”

“She’s alright now, Sofia…” Adam replied and tweaked her nose “Martha, would you mind if we used the study?”

“Of course not,” Martha replied and smiled for if he had asked her for the ‘top brick off the chimney’ she would have said just the same.

The study was very much as Julian Frobisher had left it, and both men relaxed in its friendly familiarity. Ben nodded at his son while Olivia walked to him and took his hand, and in a quiet voice asked him what was wrong.

He perched himself on the corner of the desk with Olivia’s hand in his and told them everything that had happened. He watched the expressions on their faces, the way Olivia’s eyes widened, dilated, and moistened. She took off the glasses and wiped beneath her eyes with a finger to remove traces of tears and leaned in closer to him.

Ben sighed and stared thoughtfully at the far wall where a map of the world had been placed. He nodded then and said “Remember that time with Bill Enders? The way you sat staring into the fire so deep in thought as you struggled to find a way to preserve the family honour and to nail down the truth? “

“I remember it well,” Adam replied quietly and sighed again, an echo of his father’s and he looked at his wife and raised an eyebrow “Do you still want me to help Rachel? It may have deeper implications that just finding her sister, you realise that, don’t you?”

“I suspected it anyway.” she replied honestly, “If Laurence was involved then there had to be some other angle to it - but Rachel wants her sister home safely and - and if you can help them find her…”

“I don’t know where to look. I don’t even know where to start.” Adam admitted honestly, and looked at his father, 

“Is Rachel still coming back to the Ponderosa with us?” Ben asked now and when Adam shook his head no one spoke for a while, “perhaps it’s for the best.” Ben concluded.

Hannah and Hope loved it when Hoss played with them. The favourite game was when he pretended to be a bear and would crawl on all fours growling and roaring and waiting to pounce on them. It was even better if he wore his old brown coat because then he did look like a real grizzly, perhaps too real, because it always made Erik cry and run to mother.

“Calm down, Hoss…you’ll scare the children.” Hester scolded with a laugh in her voice and Hannah said “He doesn’t scare us, Ma.”

“Well, time for milk and cookies…and to calm down a little.” she replied and passed Erik over to his father so that the little boy could see that the bear wasn’t really anyone to be afraid of at all.

Hoss bounced Erik up and down a little and trailed behind his wife as she made her way to the kitchen in order to get the milk . He grabbed a biscuit from the plate and gave some to Erik before eating the rest, “Honey, I was wondering..”

“What about, Hoss?” she filled the glasses and put them on a tray.

“How about if we went to see Marcy and Luke tomorrow?”

Hester paused, her hand hovered over the plate of cookies and she glanced out of the corner of her eye at her husband who was jouncing Erik up and down in his arms,

“That would be a wonderful idea. I haven’t seen Marcy and the twins for so long. It would be good to go now as it will be more difficult once Hannah starts at school.” she gave Erik a cookie and then picked up the tray “We can take some food along with us and perhaps have a picnic in the orchard. That will be a perfect way to end the week.”

“I thought so too…” Hoss said modestly although in the back of his mind he had to give credit to Joe, after all this was not just about picnics and catching up on family gossip.

Hester set down the tray and watched as the girls came and took their glasses of milk and a cookie each, she sat down and smiled at her husband “It’ll be a good opportunity for you to ask Luke about the cattle …and if he and Derwent had thought any further about those missing calves.”

Hoss cleared his throat and nodded “Yes, dear…quite right. I’ll make sure to mention that - er - mmm.”

In Joe and Mary Ann’s home the younger couple were sitting together, she with her head upon his shoulder, and he with his cheek resting upon the top of her head. It was quiet in the house, the children were already sleeping and not even the sound of the breeze outside could be heard.

He stroked her neck lazily, knowing that if he were not careful he would soon fall asleep with contentment and the warmth of the room. She sighed then and stretched out her lean body in order to settle more comfortably into the niche of his, and smiled as he moved a little to accommodate her.

“Joe, have I told you lately how much I love you?”

“About an hour and twenty minutes ago” he replied “But you can tell me again if you want to.”

He kissed her, leaning down to caress her lightly and smile into her eyes, and kiss her again. “Won’t be long before Pa and Adam and the family will be home. I’ve missed them.”

“Because of the problem about those calves?” 

“No, not just that…” Joe replied a little tersely, and cleared his throat, “I was thinking…you know, tomorrow we could go and pay a neighbourly call on the Burgoynes.”


“The Burgoynes. They moved in about a month ago and we should really have paid them a visit before now…don’t you think?”

She sighed and gave a slight shrug of the shoulders, far too comfortable to want to talk about neighbours, or calves. Joe caught a strand of her chestnut hair between his fingers and began to coil it round and round, his eyes on the fire that burned in the grate, not overly large for the room was not cold. 

“I met Mr Burgoyne - he said he knew Pa.”

“When would he have known Pa?” she frowned “I can’t remember him ever mentioning anyone called Burgoyne.” she sighed “But then your Pa knows so many people.”

“It comes with age.” Joe replied sagely

“I suppose.”

They lapsed into silence and for a few minutes shared the peace and quietude together, several times he leaned down to kiss her, smiled between kisses, “He bought an area of land from Greigson. Did you know Abel Greigson had left the Box G?”

“I heard -” Mary Ann smiled lazily, “Miss Tyndale told me.”

“ I don’t think he’ll be coming back, or, if he did, he wouldn’t be too welcome. His Pa holds a grudge close to his chest.”

“I heard that too.”

“Miss Tyndale huh?”

“No,” she laughed and looked up at him, raised her face to kiss him “Roy Coffee.”

“Odd isn’t it?” Joe frowned and straightened up in order to get up, he stretched and rubbed his face with one hand, then yawned, “I mean, you’d think Walt Greigson would want his son there with him now, seeing how he’s doing so well with all those cattle and then - there’s all that special feed that Abel seems to be the only one who knows anything about -.”

“Families fall out, Joe.” Mary Ann said quietly and left the settee, she reached out a hand towards him and smiled “The only one who can tell you what happened between them would be Abel or Walt.”

“Guess so….” Joe stabbed at a log with the poker and watched it collapse into two halves, a shower of red sparks and white dust, he shrugged “Anyway, it will be interesting to meet Mrs Burgoyne.”

“Oh - is she young and pretty then?” she laughed at him, leaning to wards him and teasing him with big eyes

“I doubt it, her sons are grown men…” he frowned then, “Not the most pleasant of men either.”

She said nothing to that, but lingered a little longer by the stairs waiting for him so that they could go up together, hand in hand. She smiled a little at nothing in particular and he gently ran his fingers down her back, thoughts of calves, Burgoynes and tomorrow slowly fading to the back of their minds.

Chapter 24

Theodore Barnes had served in the military from youth onwards and had been at the Battle of the Rosebud* with Reno and Benteen during the disastrous affair of Custers’ battle at Wounded Knee. He retired almost immediately after that and although domestic service may have been considered a poor alternative, to a man like Barnes it had come as a God-send. Serving a man who had been in service, albeit naval rather than military, had pleased him immensely as it was an occupation with someone who understood things being done in certain ways.

Soames had been greatly impressed with Barnes, and before Sylvia had come to the house he had often dropped the master/servant role of an evening and shared a glass of whiskey and yarns with the man. To Soames way of thinking it was not right for a fellow American to take the place of a servant in his home, but Sylvia changed all that … she had spent too much time abroad and enjoyed the privilege of wealth and position. Servants had become a necessity so the evenings sharing whiskey and yarns with his Butler came to an end while she was at home.

So being given a black eye and swollen lip did not affect Barnes’ unduly. He was similarly unaffected by the murder of his master’s daughter, having considered her a ‘flighty piece’ and no doubt got what she had coming to her. Not that he shared that opinion with any of the other staff or with Soames, but his life had been a hard one, and having no religious belief at all, preferred to see things from a realistic point of view rather than an emotive one.

Hence when there came a loud staccato knocking on the door early the morning after the murder, Barnes was in place, and uniform, to open it and greet the man on the doorstep with a nod of the head and a greeting

“Barnes?” Adam Cartwright stepped into the hall, and heard the door clunk shut behind him, Barnes stepped forward and waited for the inevitable question “How’s Mr Soames?”

“The Doctor gave him a sedative, Mr Cartwright. He’s still sleeping soundly.”

Adam nodded and gave the man a shrewd narrow eyed look, “You look like you have quite a colourful bruise there, Barnes?”

“Yes, Mr Cartwright.” Barnes sighed, not only colourful but painful too, but he decided Mr Cartwright would know all about that anyway so little point in mentioning it.

Adam glanced at the door where the previous day Sylvia’s body had been found and Barnes cleared his throat “It’s been cleared up, sir.”

“Marshall Duggan would see to that -”

“He did, sir. Not a pleasant business, is it, Mr Cartwright?”

Adam glanced at him again, the man obviously had something he wanted to say, and Adam had things he wanted to ask him. The whole point of the visit so early had been in order to see Barnes. He nodded over to another door, one he knew led to Soames study.

“May I speak to you - in there -?”

Barnes’ nodded, and led the way, opened the door, stepped inside and once Adam had crossed the threshold closed it firmly behind him. “I have told the Marshall all I know, Mr Cartwright.”

“I’m sure you have -” Adam nodded and leaned against the desk, folded his arms across his chest and observed the man, “But I need to ask you questions of my own that perhaps he would not have thought to ask you…and please, don’t make excuses about not answering them because what you have to tell me could very well help me locate the murderer and save another young woman from harm.”

Barnes’ allowed a flicker of interest to light up his eyes, then he lowered his head and stared at the floor “Two very good reasons for doing what I can to help, Mr Cartwright.” he glanced up and relaxed into a military ‘At Ease’ position.

“A description of the man who attacked you and killed Miss Soames…you must have had a good view of him when you admitted him into the house.”

“But I didn’t, sir, I never saw him as he was already with Miss Soames when I came to the hall to find out what all the shouting was about…”

Adam inclined his head, thought about that and then nodded “So he was admitted to the house by the maid?”

“No, he entered the house with Miss Soames. She always goes out in the mornings, to take some fresh air she says…either she goes to meet people, or for a walk in the a park -” he shrugged as though it was no concern of his and he hadn’t been interested enough in her habits to take note. “I asked the housemaid if she had admitted him but she said not, so I gather from that he must have come in with Miss Soames.”

“I see.” Adam frowned, then tightened his arms across his chest “But when he hit you on his way out, did you notice anything about him then?”

“As I told the Marshall, I didn’t see him long enough to be able to give a good description. But -” he frowned and for a moment was silent, inward looking, trying to gather his thoughts and memory of that time when a man had rushed from a room, hit him and sent him sprawling as he ran down the hall and out of the door.

“He was shorter than myself…I’d put him as about 5ft 8ins at the most. He was not wearing a hat so I could see that he had black hair, very curly, and oiled…I could smell the pomade, it made his hair greasy looking. He had very dark eyes, wild looking they were as you can imagine. He had what is called sallow skin…you know, the colour some foreign folk have …”

“Anything else?”

“He could have killed me, he had the knife in his hand - blood all over his clothes - splattered over his face - I can remember that clearly enough because I stepped back and then he hit me. I thought he had stabbed me too when he hit me in the chest but -” he shrugged, and pulled his mouth into a grimace “Mr Soames was shouting….”

“He saw the murderer?”

“Apparently not, sir. “

“He told me he had heard shouting….”

“Yes, as he came into the house from work, the man and Miss Soames were arguing quite loudly, and Mr Soames looked at me “What’s going on in there, Barnes?” he said and as he opened the door the man came out, but Mr Soames only had eyes on his daughter and was shouting her name. If he saw the murderer - I mean - he would have seen him but I should think it would have been very confused and unclear.”

Adam nodded and bowed his head, after some silence between them he asked Barnes if he could recall anything else, anything unusual that would help to identify the man.

“He was very well dressed, Mr Cartwright.” Barnes smiled slightly “I did notice that, I suppose because in this line of business one looks at the clothing quite closely, helps us identify the rank and file so to speak…” he cleared his throat “and his shoes were hand made, very expensive, I saw them quite well as I began my descent on the stairs…before he punched me in the chest…his suit was immaculate. What I would call ‘top drawer’.”

Adam looked at the man thoughtfully and just momentarily wondered what ranking he would be given later on…he tapped his mouth with his forefinger for a moment and noticed that Barnes was watching him with a shrewd look in his eyes, he asked if there was anything, anything at all, that would identify the assailant and Barnes shook his head “There is one thing, no one has mentioned seeing a blood stained man leaving here, waving a knife about - so he must have come with his own carriage - not pubic transport, sir, otherwise the cabbie would have driven off at the first sight of him. I did mention that to the Marshall, sir.”

Adam allowed a small smile to flicker over his mouth and nodded “Good thinking, Barnes.”

“Anything else, sir?”

“Yes - Miss Soames was well travelled -”

“Indeed she was, Mr Cartwright. She was always getting letters and packages from foreign places. She used to let me have the stamps because my nephew collects them for a hobby of his…”

“Can you recall her receiving a package a few weeks, maybe a month ago…not overly large, but -”

“The size of a book, sir?”

Adam looked at him and widened his eyes, then nodded “Yes, that’s’ right, a book.”

“I remember it, it came with some other mail - “ he frowned “She looked surprised to see it, and I recall she said “I wonder who this is from…””

“So she didn’t recognise the writing?”

“There was no writing on the envelope Mr Cartrwight…it had been printed out on one of those new fangled machines - but she opened it and said I could have the stamps and I remember she stopped at the doorway and looked -” he frowned, obviously trying to be as accurate as possible in describing Sylvia’s reaction to the journal “she looked worried, flicked through the pages as one does, and yes, worried and confused.”

“Did you see the book again? Could you describe it?”

“I never saw it again, but it had a green cover and what looked like a coat of arms embossed on the front. “

Adam nodded, and sighed as he remembered looking at that very same coat of arms, the Hassim emblem, gold on green, quite eye catching. “She never mentioned it to you?”

“No. “

“And the stamps? Did you - or your nephew - could you tell from what country the package had been posted from?”

“Cyril, my nephew, said they were from Cyprus ..”

“Cyprus? Are you sure?”

“Cyril’s very informative about this kind of thing, Mr Cartwright. It isn’t difficult as the name of the country is on the stamp -” he almost, but not quite, rolled his eyes at this juncture, but stopped himself at the dark look he got from Adam.

“Did you mention any of this to the Marshall?”

“No, he never asked…but then he doesn’t really know much of what happens with Miss Soames.”

“Do you? I mean, Barnes, is there anything about Miss Soames that you know that may help -”

Barnes sighed, and looked genuinely grieved that he would be unable to answer the question, he shook his head “She was a lovely lady, sir. But mysterious, if you know what I mean…often away, abroad, all those letters and packages…and she was very wealthy without anyone really knowing where the wealth came from, if you get my meaning…” he paused and nodded thoughtfully “I remember Mr Soames saying to her one time that he wished she was not away so often and she said it had something to do with her husband’s line of work…”

“She said that, did she?”

“Yes, she said “Edmund had important work, father, and it’s my responsibility to carry on for as long as I can -” then she stopped when she realised I may overhear the conversation. She was very careful in what she said when we were present.”

Adam nodded again, presumably the ‘we’ referred to were the servants, and, as he knew, Sylvia was well used to living with servants around her.

He thanked Barnes who asked him if he were going to stay to see Mr Soames, although he could not guarantee when that would be possible as the sedative had been strong. Adam glanced at the clock on the desk, then shook his head, thanked Barnes again for his help and after picking up his hat, left the room, paused at the doorway as though wondering if he had covered all the necessary questions..decided that he had and finally left the house.

He got into the waiting cab (a different cabbie this time) and gave directions for Martha’s home, and the more difficult hour or so ahead.


Gates had been in domestic service with the Frobishers for so long that he had practically morphed into the American assumption of an English Butler. As Adam handed him his hat at the entrance to Martha’s house, he wondered if the man even remembered his first name, and how he would have reacted to a murder and a battering of his person.

Olivia came from the dining room and seemed to glide over to greet him, kissing his cheek gently “How was he?”

“Still under the influence of a sedative, I didn’t disturb him.”

“Poor Mr Soames.” Olivia sighed and reached for Adam’s hand as though she wanted as much contact with him now as possible.

Sofia was first, of course, down the stairs, her skirts floating behind her and her hair only partially briaded, a ribbon held aloft in one hand which she offered to Adam as a prize “I heard you coming, daddy.”

He caught hold of her as she jumped from the second stair up ( or down) and swung her into his arms, the ribbon he took from her hand and slipped into his pocket while he asked her if she was excited about going home and seeing everyone back on the Ponderosa.

“Oh yes, and they will be so excited when they see all their presents, won’t they?” she hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek “Daddy, are you going to be away for a long time?”

So Olivia or Ben had told them and he wished for a moment that he had had that time to explain to them instead of his wife or father. He forced a smile though and nodded,

“I will be away, but it won’t be for very long…not even as long as I was when I took the cattle away last summer. I’ll be back before you know it…”

She frowned and shook her head, “But I don’t want you to go away, Daddy…not ever. I want you to come back with us.”

“I wish I could, sweet heart, but not this time.”

Tears welled up in her eyes and hovered just beneath the lashes, she blinked and each one fell onto her cheeks “Mommy said I wasn’t to cry.” she whispered “But I can’t help it, my tummy is sad -”

“Perhaps it’s empty and just needs breakfast” he said teasingly and wiped her tears away with his finger “Now, off you go, and no more tears…”

She sighed as though her heart was breaking and ran into the dining room where the clatter of plates and cutlery could be heard. He turned to Olivia and shook her head, “It’s worse than a Court Martial.”

“I thought it best to tell them, it would make it so drawn out and painful otherwise.”

“It’s painful enough -” he admitted and leaned in to kiss her, “But -”

“No but’s, darling.” she said quietly, and offered her lips for his kiss which he gave like a man who was hungry and knew he would not be eating again for a very long time.

Nathaniel came downstairs, carefully, one at a time with Horse in his hand. He looked at his mother and father and blinked large dark eyes, then continued down to the last step where upon reaching their level he tugged on Olivia’s skirt and raised his arms to be lifted into hers.

Chirpy Nathaniel wore a sombre solemn look on his face as he turned to his father, he lowered his head and hugged the Horse to his chest as though to say ’You may be leaving me but Horse won’t…’ but Adam wasn’t having any of that nonsense, he couldn’t bear to leave without seeing his little boy’s smiles and dimples.

He walked into the dining room whispering to Nathaniel which tickled the boys ear and made him wiggle and then giggle. Swinging the boy high into the air Adam then lowered him into his seat and turned to face Reuben

“Ma says you’re going on a ship,” the boy stated very matter of factly.

“I am.” Adam nodded and smiled at Martha, and at Ben who was regarding him with a solemn look on his face.

“Can I come too? I could be your cabin boy like Harry was and -”

Adam leaned forward and looked into the boys face, such an earnest eager handsome face. “I wish you could, Reuben, but it isn’t that kind of trip.”

“Why? What’s different about it?”

“Well, I’m not a naval officer for one thing…so that means I’m not in command of this ship. I’m just a passenger.”

Reuben looked deflated “I was looking forward to coming with you….”

“I can imagine.” Adam replied and looked at Olivia who was looking rather pensive at this conversation “But don’t try stowing away, will you? Grandpa will tan your hide if you try to do that -”

Ben cleared his throat and tried to smile, nodded and decided to eat his breakfast and keep quiet.

The meal proceeded more quietly than usual. Martha, aware that her guests were leaving later that day, was solemn, and the fact that Adam was going in a different direction than his family rather disconcerted her. She turned to him now,

“When do you leave, Adam?”

“As soon as I finish this meal with you, and then I will have to go.” Adam said quietly and his dark eyes went from one face to the other as though he had to look at each of them and imprint them into his memory.

“Do you know exactly how long you will be away?” she looked at him with faded blue eyes, anxiety lining her face. To her this man had been like a son, the child she and Julian had never had, but always longed for…she sighed “don’t answer, I know I have no right to be told.”

“If I knew then I would tell you, I promise you that…but I’ll be gone for as long as I need to be…”

Sofia paused and looked up at him “And then you’ll be back sooner than anything, won’t you Daddy?”

He looked at her, at Nathaniel who was looking confused and worried, and at Reuben who looked curious and thoughtful “I will do, Pudding. I promise.”

Chapter 25

The Viking Queen was a 100 foot over all schooner, with fore and aft sails on two masts. The foremost mast was the shortest and it was gaff rigged. It’s paintwork gleamed white and gold, while the woodwork was varnished to a high density and shine. Berthed as she was in the harbour she looked like a jewel set perfectly in her surroundings.

Adam stood for a moment to look her over and noticed the tall figure of Laurence Willoughby already on deck talking to a shorter man, dressed smartly in uniform, not a naval one, Adam could see that the design was purely to identify him as crew. He sighed and thought hesitantly of his own uniform languishing in a trunk back on the Ponderosa, tucked neatly away out of sight and temptation. He watched the men on the vessel and smiled to himself, it was, after all, a rich man’s toy, and he could only hope that it would be a powerful one as well.

Captain Thomas Salway glanced over in the direction where Adam stood, and nodded to Laurence “Is that him?”

Laurence looked at where Salway had indicated and smiled, he took his gold watch from his pocket and checked the time, then nodded “Yes, and just on time …”

“Good, that means we can get moving out of here,” Salway muttered and yet remained standing where he was so that he could watch as Adam began towalk towards them.

Salway noticed the power of the man in the broad shoulders, the way he walked through the crowds, using his shoulders to make his way through without actually touching anyone. With narrowed shrewd eyes he paid attention to this man whom Laurence seemed to depend so much upon…and he saw a tall man, over 6 ft in height, his shoulders slightly rounded as often happens with men taller than most around them. Adam Cartwright was not a young man, there was none of the bounce in his footsteps or lightness in them that spoke of youth, but there was that power he had noticed initially. The dark hair, for Adam was without a hat, was showing grey at the sideburns, and the tanned features had lost the tautness of youth, but had the warm cragginess of maturity, honed by wind, rain, sun and sea. The dark eyes were what caught Salway’s attention most of all. From where he was observing Adam, he felt that those eyes had already swept over him, through him and dissected him…and yet he could also discern humour there, and a confidence that attracted others to him like bees to a honey pot.

Laurence was already striding down the gangplank towards the newcomer, smiling his welcome and relief at seeing him. “I thought you may have changed your mind.”

Adam shook his head, “I went to see Soames.”

“How is he?”

“Under sedation, but I had an interesting conversation with his butler.” he paused and looked again with admiration at the schooner “Very nice, Laurence.” he glanced sideways at the other man “Yours?”

“My fathers…the old man likes sailing, we usually keep her at Cowes, you know. But she has a good turn of speed on her, does from 5 to 10 knots easily.”

Adam nodded and sighed, then glanced around him cautiously, “Did Rachel get away safely?”

“Yes. Thank you for the letter you sent to Myers. It helped …she was able to get away without any trouble, and so far as we could tell, without anyone paying that much attention.”

Adam quirked an eyebrow and then turned back to observe the schooner “That your Captain?”

“Yes…Thomas Salway. He’s a good man. He’s - er - he’s Government issue if you know what I mean…but the other men work for my father, and quite happy to take orders from Salway so long as they get paid for it. It’s all an adventure for them, of course, takes them away from the usual run of things.”

Adam released his breath and nodded again, then began to walk towards the vessel, where Salway was waiting, watching, with narrowed eyes in a thin face.

“Do you have any idea where we are headed?” he asked Laurence as they stepped foot together on the gangplank.

“Once we get away from here, and into open sea, we will have to consider our options.”

“Our options, huh?” Adam muttered and with a slight shake of the head he made his way to the upper deck of the schooner to where Captain Salway stood, hands clasped behind his back and watching every move he made.

“Salway -” Laurence nodded over to the officer, “Captain Thomas Salway, this is Com- I mean - Mr Adam Cartwright from the Ponderosa.”

“Really?” Salway smiled warily, his eyes narrowed as he looked more closely at this other man, “And what kind of vessel would the Ponderosa be?”

“No vessel” Laurence said quickly, “Mr Cartwright - Adam - is a rancher, from near Virginia City.”

“But served previously in the Navy under Grant’s administration, if I’m correct?”

“You are,” Adam replied and extended his hand to be shaken, which it was in a good firm handshake. Adam noticed the mans flesh was cool, dry and the grip was hearty and strong.

“Laurence has told me a lot about you…” Salway smiled, his eyes still watchful as he noted the changing lights in the dark brown eyes, the smile lingering at the corners of the well shaped mouth and the scars that indicated that the man didn’t run from many fights.

“Then you have the advantage over me, sir.” Adam replied and glanced at Laurence who was watching the exchange nervously, “We will no doubt have plenty of time to find out more about one another as time goes on….” he cleared his throat “When do we leave?”

“As soon as we can. Our papers are in order and we can leave as soon as you are settled into your cabin.” Salway replied and turned to catch the attention of a passing seaman, “Evans, escort our passenger to his cabin, would you?”

Adam sighed, passenger, that was a new one to him and he wasn’t sure that he liked it. He swung his valise up and with a nod to Laurence followed Evans across the deck.

Everything on board the ship gleamed. The solid oak flooring was burnished gold, varnished so many times as to be rendered impervious to the salt of the sea. Brass fittings gleamed wherever he looked. There was nothing out of place. He smiled slowly to himself, yes, this was indeed a rich man’s toy, there was no sign of the knocks and notches a good sea worthy ship would display, and he wondered how this vessel would fare should events prove really tough…whether from the sea itself, or - and here he inhaled deeply - and shook his head, or sea battles with other ships.

“Here y’are, sir, all you need, home from home as they say-” And Evans stepped back for the other man to enter the cabin.

It was very luxurious. Adam almost winced at just how ‘fancy’ it all was compared to the cabins he had made ‘home from home’ in the past. He looked around him, sighed, and walked over to the port hole where he could observe the city and get an idea of his compass point.

“Can I get you anything, sir? Anything to drink? We have a good stock of wine, beer, and -”

“Coffee would be fine…”

“Very well, sir.”

He stood in the centre of the cabin and looked around him once again…perhaps, it was better to sail off to who knew where in such a splendid toy as this, perhaps no one else would take it seriously either.

He turned as Laurence knocked and then came in to join him, smiled and pulled out a chair. “Well, Adam, in a way, I’m rather looking forward to all this…all we need now is Dimitri to arrive, waving those infernal cigarettes of his and spitting ‘politics’ in that way he had as though he hated every second of the dirty work he had to do for Mother Russia.”

He sat down and crossed one leg over the other, looked at Adam and sighed, his face falling into more sombre lines, looking more like a little boy lost than ever. His blue eyes went dull and his fingers played with his moustache “I’m sorry, Adam, I put you into a very awkward position but as I’ve said before, there really was no one else I could turn to…and then when Charles -”

“Charles? Oh yes, of course…” he remembered the letters, still in his jacket pocket. “Well, what do you know, Laurence? Do you have any idea as to where we can go to find Anna? What direction? How long it will take? What it will involve?” he paused and pulled out a chair opposite to Laurence and straddled the seat, crossing his arms on the back as though he were home having to test Joe out about something “Are you armed?”

“I’ve a pistol, a hand gun - in my cabin -” Laurence stuttered

“No, I meant is this - this schooner armed?”

“I had it fitted with a small armoury….rifles, grenades. That kind of thing. Just in case”

Adam sighed, and frowned, passed one hand across the back of his neck before getting back onto his feet and walking over to the port hole

“Have you the journal on you?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Let us have another look at it…” he turned and pulled a small table from its position by the wall to where it would be better used, placing it between himself and Laurence who placed the journal upon it and then looked at Adam as though waiting for him to produce a rabbit out of a hat, or in this case, a map from a book.

Adam looked straight into Laurence’s eyes, then glanced down at the book, the cover of which he tapped with his forefinger “This book was posted to Sylvia from someone in Cyprus.”

“Cyprus? Great heavens, Cyprus?”

“Did you not know about that? No clue at all?”

“No. None.” Laurence bowed his head, his chin rested on his chest and he frowned, “Crikey, Cyprus of all places.” he looked up at Adam “That’s quite a distance.”

Adam said nothing, for the moment he was irritated by Laurence’s naivete, the same kind of unawareness that Joe at times exhibited. He could see the other man thinking, could almost sense the cogs going round in his brain

“How did you find that out, Adam? No one else had any idea that it came from there.”

“Barnes told me, and he also gave a description of the man who attacked Sylvia.” he paused and was about to speak when there was a tap on t he door and the man, Evans, stepped inside with cups and coffee on a tray.

He set this down, asked if there was anything else they would require, then departed.

The door clicked shut behind him, Laurence remained silent and it was Adam who poured out the coffee, the rich aroma of the beverage filling the cabin enticingly.

“Does this mean that Anna could be in Cyprus?” Laurence said quietly as he accepted his cup from Adam who now resumed his seat opposite him.

“I don’t know, Laurence.”

“You see, things could be a bit awkward if it is…”

Adam sighed, “Why doesn’t that surprise me”

“You see, Russia was trying to expand its Empire by taking in Constantinople and the Dardanelles. * It was necessary to step in, to forestall that expansion if you see what I mean…so last year the Sultan of the Ottomon Empire ceded the administration of Cyprus into British hands to prevent Russian aggression …” he paused and bit his bottom lip, glanced up at Adam “This is quite confidential, you understand? The agreement was kept secret -”

“And what would Britain gain from such an agreement ?”

“The Ottoman Empire would support Britain during the Congress of Berlin*.”

Adam leaned back in his chair, emptied his cup of coffee and almost slammed the cup down upon the saucer, “Politics…it’s always there, isn’t it?”

“So you can see -”

Adam raised a hand “No, don’t tell me any more. I don’t want to know.”

He leaned forward and picked up the book. Again it fell clumsily, lop sided, and he set it upon the table to smooth it down, to observe where pages had been cut out, very carefully, by who knew whom? He put his hand in his pocket and from there withdrew his daughter’s ribbon, which brought a slight ache to the heart, and then, a small wad of paper, creased as one would expect of paper clutched tightly in the hand of a dying woman.

He put them down and smoothed them out and then nudged them up against the open book. Laurence’s eyes widened “Where did you get them?”

“Sylvia -” Adam muttered without feeling he needed to explain any further.

The pages nestled comfortably upon the hard back of the book, butted up against the journal that Anna had carefully written in months earlier.

The first page was empty, blank.

The second and third pages had names and addresses, not written in Anna’s style.

The next page had what looked like the plan of a house … Laurence glanced up at Adam “That isn’t an Eygptian style of house” he picked it up to look at it more closely “Where do you think it could be located?”

Adam raised a hand as though for silence, he then turned up the last page and that was of a plan showing the layout of a garden. Nothing significant, just a garden. They both stared at it for a while, then looked at one another and Laurence shook his head “What does that mean?”

“The addresses…do they mean anything to you?”

Laurence picked them up and looked at the names and addresses, “I don’t even recognise the writing.” Laurence put down one page “I know this woman. She was a friend of Anna’s, and of Sylvia’s. I thought she had left Egypt -”

“If she was the one to send the book to Sylvia then she must have gone to Cyprus.”

“The address isn’t Cyprus…its in Maine.” he pushed the page over to Adam to show him “That brings things closer to home,, doesn’t it?”

“And the other - do you know who that is?”

Laurence stared thoughtfully at the name and address on the page, then shook his head “No, I don’t know who this is, it could be anyone, male or female…but the address is in Boston.” he frowned “I suppose they must be significant, both addresses, must mean something in connection with Anna.”

They looked at one another, the same question in both their minds…where to go, what to do? Laurence sighed “What if we cable them - perhaps there would be no need to do anything other than send a telegram?”

Adam nodded and considered the suggestion before venturing to say that telegrams could be mislaid, stolen. On the other hand the wrong person could be put on alert by a telegram -

“How do you mean?” Laurence asked immediately.

“I don’t know what I mean exactly.” Adam said honestly, “But Sylvia had those pages in her hand as she died. The handwriting isn’t Anna’s, it could be anybody’s…it could be that Sylvia died preventing the man who attacked her from having knowledge of them, or she managed to get them from him before he killed her…”

“Dash it and darn, Adam, you’re making a messy situation a whole lot messier…” he tugged at his moustache which Adam wished had been shaven off, “What if we cable one, and sail on to the other?”

Adam shrugged, he looked at the papers, the addresses “If you are sure the woman is a friend of Anna’s and Sylvia’s then send a telegram. We could sit it out here and wait for some reply .. “ he paused, “while doing that I shall call back on Soames and see if he is capable of giving us some information.”

“May I come too?”

“I see no reason why not.” he gave a slight smile and turned to the port hole, gazed out to the harbour side, “Write your cable, Laurence, we can post it before going on to Soames.”

He could hear the scratch of Laurence’s pen, and while he waited he thought of his wife, his children and wondered if he would be joining them at the Ponderosa after all. He could get a cab and meet them at the station as they boarded the train …he glanced at a clock on the wall and sighed, too late for that for they would already be on board.

Laurence dipped the pen into the ink well, tap tap on the ceramic rim, more scratching. Adam stared up at the clouds just discernible from the port hole, sighed again. If the worse came to the worse it could be a delay of some hours waiting for a reply, upon which they could decide whether or not the other addressee would be adequately served by a cable too. He cleared his throat and shook his head, best take things as they come, and be patient he told himself.

Chapter 26

“Be patient,” Olivia told Sofia who was hopping from one foot to the other in her eagerness to board the train, “Wait for others to board first…”

“But, mummy…”

Nathaniel held more tightly to his Grandfather’s hand, “Where’s Daddy?” he asked for about the umpteenth time. 

Ben did not reply immediately, he just pointed to some birds pecking at crumbs on the ground and talked nonsense for a while until Nathaniel shook his head and looked over to his mother who was tying the ribbon of Sofia’s bonnet more securely

“Where’s Daddy,” he asked again.

“Daddy has work to do, now don’t ask again, Nathaniel, I’ve already told you a dozen times.” Olivia sighed, and saw Sofia looked at her and could just imagine the child thinking “Mommy, be patient.”

She could just smile and nod, then take the little boy into her arms, and jig him up and down as though that would distract him. Ben and Reuben looked at one another and shared a look of mutual sympathy. “I could have been cabin boy, Grandpa, on that schooner Pa’s on, couldn’t I?”

“No, you couldn’t,” Ben replied honestly, perhaps a little tactlessly, “You’re too young.”

“How old were you when you ran away to sea, Grandpa?”

Ben frowned and stared at the boy, who was now accompanied by Sofia who was looking up with big eyes obviously very eager to hear his response

“I was far too young. I was sent home with my tail between my legs.” 

Sofia frowned and moved slightly so that she could observe this until now unseen phenonomen “What happened to it, Grandpa?”

“Happened to what?” Ben replied turning now to pick up a valise as he noticed movement and a surge towards the train from all directions.

“Your tail?” Sofia replied innocently and with an amazed look on her face “I never saw it - not ever -”

“Because -” Ben paused and sighed “Just hurry up, Sofia, or you will be left behind.”

He swung Nathaniel up onto the steps so that he could manage the rest himself, Reuben followed keeping a careful eye on his little brother to ensure he would not fall or get lost. Sofia came holding fast to Olivia’s hand, and as Olivia turned to wave goodbye to Martha her daughter said “I wish daddy were here..”

Olivia said nothing but kept the smile on her face until she could get into the trains interior and sit down. Ben came next and settled down into the seat opposite her. They dutifully looked out of the window and waved at Martha who stood looking lonely and forlorn on the platform, although Gates was standing stolidly a few feet behind her.

“I wish Martha had come with us.” Olivia said wistfully

“She has her reasons for staying,” Ben replied in a non committal kind of voice and then glanced again at the woman standing on the platform.

Perhaps if he thought hard enough he could recall the picture of Martha Frobisher as she had been when, all of 18 years of age, she had arrived in San Francisco with her husband…a lovely looking fresh faced girl with an abundance of red hair, even redder than Hesters, and freckles, and large blue eyes that twinkled when she spoke to you…but that was back then, when there was no Virginia City, only tarpaulins stretched over poles, shanty cabins. Alley ways full of mud, and worse…but he had been fond of her, and of Julian. 

He was jolted from his memories as the train began to shunt slowly from the station. He leaned forward to try and catch a last glimpse of Martha Frobisher, but all too soon she was gone from view and he knew he would never see her again.

Ebenezer Burgoyne opened the door and looked quizzically at the couple standing before him…an attractive couple he had to admit, and it took a moment or two to recognise Joe Cartwright who had removed his hat and smiled at him with such a vacant but pleasant look on his face that for a moment the rancher wondered if the man had lost his senses.

“What’s this? A deposition? What do you want?”

Mary Ann raised her eyebrows, and glanced at her husband who nodded as though he had expected no less a response to their arrival. He thrust out a hand “Mr Burgoyne, I realised last evening that you had been here over a month already and we had not done the neighbourly thing of welcoming you to - er - the territory. I know Pa would have been here much sooner had he known, so I thought my wife -” he turned to Mary Ann who smiled and nodded which set the feathers in her hat fluttering “and I should do the honours.”

Burgoyne looked slightly bemused. He took Joe’s hand and shook it, smiled at Mary Ann and then moved aside. With a sweep of his hand he indicated that they should enter inside, which they did very promptly before he changed his mind.

“Well, it’s always good to be on neighbourly terms…” he muttered as he looked from one to the other of them, “Joe Cartwright, yes, that means you’re the youngest of the three sons?”

“That’s correct, sir.”

“No need to ‘sir’ me, just plain Mr Burgoyne or even Burgoyne if you prefer.” he glanced at Mary Ann, “And your name is -? Apart from being Mrs Cartwight of course. I understand there are three Mrs Cartwrights so best to know which one I am addressing today.”

“I’m Mary Ann.” she replied and smiled again, she rather liked this big man, with the fierce appearance but twinkling eyes.

“Mary Ann it is then, and you can call me Eb, or Burgoyne.” he nodded towards a door “Step inside, my wife won’t be a moment - “ his face eased into a smile, one that suited him very well, and gave the impression that he smiled often. “Take a seat, get comfortable.”

Joe and Mary Ann took seats and tried to look comfortable. The room was interesting, full of artefacts, statues, pictures and models. There were sailing ships in pictures on the walls, models of them on shelves - Joe nodded “My brother Adam would like this room.”

“Adam? The one who went to sea? Quite late in years I understand?”

“Er - well, yes, I suppose so…”

“Not like your father and I…we started young and worked our way from stern to bow. I suppose your brother got a commission?”

“Yes, sir. His grandfather vouched for him and …”

“Old man Abel Stoddard? I sailed with him and your father a time or two.” he walked to a desk and opened the lid of a cigar box, he turned to Joe “Do you smoke?”

“No, sir.”

“I told you not to call me ‘sir.’” Burgoyne frowned and then looked at Mary Ann, “Do you object to me smoking, little lady?”

“It’s your home, sir - er - Mr Burgoyne, you must do what you feel makes you most comfortable.” and she smiled at him, almost coquettishly but not quite … just enough to make Burgoyne grin roguishly.

The rustle of skirts could be heard approaching and they both turned to see the newcomer as she stepped into the room, Joe stood up immediately, “I hope you are not bullying them, Burgoyne?”

“As if I would?” he chuckled and put the cigar, unlit, back into the box. “Joe - Mary Ann - this is my wife- Joyce.” he turned to his wife and smiled as she came and slipped her arm through his, “Mr and Mrs Cartwright, my dear. Joseph and Mary Ann.”

She smiled and her eyes twinkled at them, her hair was greying, and must once have been a rich brown. Her features were regular, her smile generous and wide, her eyes large and dark. She looked at Joe and said “We’ve met, haven’t we, Joe?”

“Have we?” Joe asked, and frowned, “It must have been some while ago, Ma’am. Not recently surely?”

“No, not recently and yes, it was some while ago.” she looked at Mary Ann, “It’s good to meet you, Mary Ann. I have not been into town yet, so have not caught up with old acquaintances or made new.”

Burgoyne settled down and stretched out his legs, while Joyce excused herself and said she would prepare some refreshment. It seemed to Joe that Burgoyne was finding the whole situation somewhat amusing. 

“You look puzzled, Joe - don’t mind if I call you Joe, do you?”

“No, of course not.” Joe grinned, and glanced at the door through which Joyce had left the room, “I’m still trying to recall where I’ve met your wife before…I usually have quite a good memory for faces but …”

Burgoyne nodded “It’s been some years. People change over the years.”

“I can’t remember ever meeting a Mrs Burgoyne before either…come to that, I never remember Pa mentioning an Ebenezer Burgoyne either.”

Burgoyne smiled and nodded “Well, your Pa and I go back a long while…we were kids on board ship when very young. Our paths crossed once or twice thereafter, but not ever since he left the sea. That must be a good long time ago.”

“It was, sir…my Pa left New England when my brother Adam was still a babe in arms and he’s middle aged now.”

“You don’t say?” and Burgoyne looked as though he just couldn’t believe that time had passed by so quickly and he hadn’t even noticed. He raised his hands and then slapped them back down on his knees “So then, now you know why your Pa never mentioned me. We were kids together, and good friends then…but as they say when a child I played as a child but when I grew I set aside childish things…”

Joe nodded, and glanced at his wife who was clearly paying less attention to what was being said and more to a tapestry that hung upon the wall. The colours were fresh and bright, and depicted the slaughter of a unicorn who lay with its head resting in the lap of a beautiful young woman, in the background hunters were approaching - it was sad and lovely all at the same time.

The sound of cups and saucers rattling distracted her and she turned to see Joyce returning with a tray laden, which she set upon a low table. She smiled at Mary Ann who was quick to return the smile

“I was admiring this tapestry -” 

“Oh, I haven’t long finished it. A legend of long ago…the death of the last unicorn.” Joyce replied and began to pour out the coffee. She glanced from the corner of her eye at Joe “Do you still take two sugars in your coffee, Joe?” and she smiled when she handed him the cup and saucer “And does Hop Sing still make those delicious chocolate confectionaries? “

“He does indeed…but …” he paused and lowered his eyes “I am sorry. I keep thinking that I do know you, but then it slips away…as though it is in the corner of my mind and when I make a grab for it, it disappears.”

“Put the boy out of his misery, Joyce, or he’ll not sleep easy tonight.” Burgoyne chuckled as she passed him the cup and saucer.

She smiled and sat down opposite them, “It has been a long time, Joe. You were a boy when I left Virginia City, well, not exactly a boy, about 21 I should imagine. “

She caught his eye and could see there the thought, a snatch at a memory .. He lowered his head and a slight frown creased the smooth tan of his brow “Joyce and Tom?”

“That’s right - so you do remember me?” and she laughed that girlish laugh that had been heard at the Ponderosa so many years ago and he remembered only too well all about Tom and Joyce.

“We built the mill there on your land -” he said quietly

“That’s right. I - we all thought that it would help Tom get his confidence and self esteem back, but - but we under-estimated the power that Ezekiel had over him.” she shook her head “That man was so evil -”

It was touching to see how Burgoyne reached out a hand to take hold of hers, as though to assure her that she was safe now. Joe glanced from Joyce to Burgoyne and frowned but Joyce stopped any chance he had to ask questions by explaining why they or rather she had returned to the area

“I always loved it here, and had circumstances allowed I would have returned much sooner but -” she paused and gave a slight shrug, as though she knew this was not the time to go into the fact that Ben’s attachment to her was the cause of her absence. “I met Burgoyne ten years ago and we married -”

Burgoyne squeezed her hand gently, a small hand resting within his big fist, it made Joe remember something he had noticed from that time when Joyce would come, alone, to talk, to seek help from then regarding Tom, from Ezekiel.. An unguarded word he had overheard between Ben and Adam, feelings and emotions…he cleared his throat

“I remember that the land you owned bordered on that belonging to the Running D, you grew grape vines there - not many grapes though -”

She laughed “I suppose I was being rather ambitious. I rode down to see the mill the other week, not long after we had moved in, and it looks a sad sight now. But the land around thereabouts is so pretty, I have always loved it…”

Joe grinned and looked at Burgoyne “That’s why you bought it from Greigson?”

“Darn right I did….seems some one sold it off to Dayton, but when Joyce told me how it had belonged to her at one time I decided to buy it back. Perhaps she’ll be able to grow more grapes this time…”

She smiled at him, a look of tenderness that Joe recalled seeing as she would look at Ben and wonder why - he sighed, water under the bridge now of course. Burgoyne raised his eyebrows “Greigson and I knew each other a long time ago…fact is, his wife Sarah was my first wife’s cousin. He owed me a debt - shan’t go into the details, aint the time nor place, but I put the pressure on him and he let me have it -”

“He exchanged it for something, Burgoyne. Don’t make him out to be more generous than he is…” Joyce laughed and glanced at Mary Ann as though to secure an accomplice in her fun, so Burgoyne shrugged

“I got me quite a few head of cattle so let him have a good percentage…”

“Cattle?” Joe’s voice broke with a slight falsetto “Oh I heard he had had a lot of calves born in his herd…a good year for him…”

Burgoyne scratched his head, grimaced “He was doing well, that son of his is a good lad, has a sharp mind on him, but Greigson always was one who wanted everything on a plate, you know the kind, most men are patient to work and wait for results,but he is always in a hurry … as it happens we were able to oblige. My boys had made a good deal on some cattle. You gotta realise being new here we have had to start from scratch, but things worked out pretty good. A nuisance that we had to shell out so many to Greigson, but Joyce wanted that land, and, by hickory, I was determined for her to have it.”

Joyce sighed “Abel is a very intelligent young man. He was so interested in the land. Did you know he had been doing research and experiments on the best kind of cerials that could grow on the land, in our climate? He used the land we - we got from Walter to carry out his experiments. If we had known then we would not have pursued its purchase - well - it’s exchange.”

“Walter thought Abel was a waste of time…had no appreciation for the lad. Had he been a son of mine I would have been rightly proud of him.” Burgoyne frowned, “But Walt kept telling him they were ranchers, not farmers, he never listened to what Abel was trying to do. They argued a lot about it, in the end, when the land was exchanged, he left. “

“We heard that he had invested some money in buying grain from Russia -” Joe ventured to say and Burgoyne nodded,

“He thought if he could grow strong crops there would be better feed for the cattle. His father thought it a waste of money. Walt likes money - prefers to let it sit in the bank collecting interest than investing it. Too risky he says -”

“So he got the cattle from you?”

“He liked the look of what I had…said his idea of investment was to breed better stock, not feed ‘em. It’s hard to get started in the ranching business. Must admit I’m a real - what do you call it - greenhorn. But I think we have a good enough herd to start with this year.” 

He nodded as though coming to a decision and put down his cup, “Let me show you, Joe. Would appreciate your opinion.”

Joe nearly choked. This was way easier than he had anticipated. Not only that but Burgoyne was proving to be quite a surprise. Amiable, pleasant, good humoured…he glanced at Joyce who was smiling at him, as though her husbands suggestion really pleased her. Joe was so eager to go and see the cattle with Burgoyne that he nearly tripped over the hem of Mary Ann’s skirts.

Once they had gone Joyce offered more coffee - some cake? Mary Ann was more than happy to accept both. It was pleasant to spend some time in the company of another woman, especially one who had history with the Cartwrights. Joyce handed the plate over to her with a slice of cake, then refilled the cup with coffee.

“Joe’s grown into a very attractive man. He was always handsome, even as a child. But such a wild lad. Always into scrapes.”

“Did you know them that far back?”

“Oh yes, Tom and I were close friends with Ben and Marie.” she glanced sharply at Mary Ann and frowned “I suppose you know all about what happened to Tom?”

“Joe told me. He blamed Ben for the accident, didn’t he?”

“Yes, he got to be so envious of Ben. Ben had everything - the Ponderosa, three healthy sons -” she paused “he knew, after the accident, that any chance of children, for us, well, that was all gone. Something else to be bitter about -”

“The mill was a good idea though -”

“Oh yes, it was - we really thought we had come to a cross roads, building that mill could have solved so many problems but we under estimated Ezekiel. I really believe at the end he drove Tom mad.”

Mary Ann sighed and put down her plate, “How did you meet Mr Burgoyne?”

“When I left here I travelled around a little, then settled in New York. I met him at the theatre, we were watching a performance of The Taming of the Shrew. I think I was quite taken aback that someone like Burgoyne would enjoy Shakespeare, he just didn’t look as though it was the kind of thing he’d like. We met several times, got to talking about a performance, and one thing led to another…and we were married. He is a lovely man, kind and gentle, stubborn as a mule - rather like another friend of mine of whom I was very fond.”

She gave Mary Ann a sidelong glance when saying that, but Mary Ann pretended not to notice, knowing full well about the romance between her and her father in law. Joyce changed the subject, asking Mary Ann how she had met Joe and about her children…

The cattle were grazing calmly, wading into the waters of the stream, wandering across the meadow. The sun gleamed upon their hides, and Joe could see quite clearly the brand mark, and that they were quite fresh. His eyes roved around the little herd, and he frowned thoughtfully as he leaned against the bar of the fence. Beside him Burgoyne gave a grunt of satisfaction

“There aren’t many yet, but I hope to breed some good stock from them before they go to market next year.”

Joe nodded and narrowed his eyes…”You’ve got a good bull calf there.” he pointed to a young bull, with wide shoulders, a big head, there was no way he could not recognise the offspring of Big Red, the huge bull that had been their pride and joy.

“He’s a good one. Hope to breed more like him.” Burgoyne frowned, “Not that I know much about it, I leave it to the boys. They’ve been working along with the men we hired and have learned a lot.”

“Your sons?”


Burgoyne’s mouth clamped shut, and his eyes narrowed. He nodded over to some cattle further afield, and talk slipped into more general terms and away from the subject of the Burgoyne boys.

Marcy was pegging out clothes on the line when she heard the sound of wheels coming into the yard. She knew it wouldn’t be Derwent’s wife, for she was in Carson City visiting family. The Double D was too far off the beaten track to attract many visitors so with some curiosity she put aside her task and walked towards the yard where the wagon would have to stop.

She smiled when she recognised Hoss and Hester. Little Erik was sitting on her knee and the two girls were on the bench seat behind them. Hope and Hannah were hot and sweaty, it was a long drive from the Ponderosa, and the wood of the bench had been cutting into the back of their legs for what seemed a very long time.

Marcy took Erik from Hester so that she could get down from the wagon, Erik looking for his mother to make sure he was not being abandoned. Hoss collected his girls up in to his arms and swung them up and over, down onto the ground…

“You all look hot and bothered.” Marcy declared with a laugh,”Come along inside, I’ve some fresh lemonade made.” she glanced at Hoss “Luke and Derwent are in the barn.”

Hoss nodded, and grinned. Obviously Marcy knew all about their concerns about the missing cattle. He strolled over and found the two men talking animatedly together, they paused as he approached and after they had shaken his hand, indicated a bale for him to sit on, continued their discussion. As Marcy had indicated, the talk was about the cattle.

“Seems kind of odd stealing young ‘uns.” Luke said, spitting out the straw he had been chewing, “I’ve never known that done before…”

“Nor me.” Hoss said rubbing his face and realising how hot he felt, “Rustlers usually swing in and cut out whatever cattle they come upon. Age don’t usually come into it, so long as they get the numbers they want.”

“But cut out young ‘uns…” Derwent frowned, “They ain’t branded…so no one can prove their provenance because you can guarantee they would have slapped a brand on ‘em as soon as they were on their land.”

“Good healthy calves, fatten them up and you have a good herd to take to market next year. There’s some sense to it, in a novel kind of way.” Luke said quietly, and he shook his head “I guess we should be grateful they left us some to bulk up ourselves.”

Hoss nodded, then remembered what he had come for..not so much the calves, but the new owner of their neighbouring ranch.

“How’d you get on with your new neighbour?” he asked without any preamble.

Derwent shrugged and Luke raised his eyebrows but it was Luke who spoke “He’s a loner. Widowed. Not interested in cattle at all. All he has is a milk cow and her calf in the barn.”

“Oh, that’s a pity.” Hoss muttered

“Yeah, we had hopes of pinning the rustling on him, seeing how out of the way his place is…” Derwent grinned and looked over at Luke who was grinning as well, “But he’s just an old chap, wants to let life pass him by.”

“Where’d he come from?” Hoss asked as he twisted straw round his fingers.

“Arizona. His wife died on her way here. They inherited the place from old Corbyn and thought it would be pleasant to end their days here. He’s a lot closer to Carson City of course, and he’s not really interested in the land he’s got. Asked us if we wanted to buy some of it.” Luke shrugged and Derwent leaned against the bars of the corral 

“Are you going to buy any?”

“Sure, we’ve discussed it with him. After the spring round up, and cattle drive, we should be able to buy some.” Derwent looked at Hoss, and smiled at the way Hoss looked, “No cattle, just some decent land. I need more..I want to build up my herd, so does Luke.”

“Yep, all we got to do is hope that he doesn’t die on us before we get the money ready. If he does the land will go up for auction, he has no family to leave it to.”

Hoss nodded. Decided he really needed something to drink, mentioned his thirst and the two men nodded, agreed about the heat, Luke slapped Hoss on the back and the t here of them made their way to the house. Hoss felt he had literally got hold of the short straw in the deal and wondered how Joe had got on.

He sighed, whatever Joe had found out would be discussed that evening when they had arranged to meet together for a Council of War. Joe had decided they needed some answers before Ben and Adam came home!

Chapter 27

Captain Salway was more than a little annoyed at having to abort the plans regarding
the mornings departure.   Adam sympathised knowing how much time and effort would have been required to get everything arranged ...the paperwork with the harbourmaster, the deployment of tugs to lead her out of harbour.  It would all have to be changed to suit for the next day.   He himself felt irritated as it had robbed him of extra time with his family.   Then he recalled that Laurence had only recently seen his wife leave him,and had left his children for what must have seemed a perilously wild goose chase 
The clerk at the mail depot took his time tapping out the message.  Adam listened as the keys sounded out the words, asked the relevant questions, and he wondered again just what they were hoping to achieve by sending out a barrage of requests to an unknown woman whom even Laurence could only dimly recall to mind.

"How long before we get a reply?" Laurence asked and the clerk shrugged, grimaced and slid the money he'd been given into the drawer

"It depends on how long it takes for the courier to deliver it.   It's a big place, could be she lives on the outskirts of town, could be she's away from home.." he looked at them both "I put 'urgent' on it like you said."

Laurence wasn't satisfied but knew that logistically the man was right.  He nodded, said they would return later and strode out of the building, looking dejected as he removed his hat and swept back his hair from his brow "I feel out of my depth."

Adam nodded sympathetically "I understand the feeling."

"We could be waiting here for days."

"That's the risk one has to take.." Adam replied and turned to glance up at the clock that graced the front of a tall building ahead of them.   Olivia and his family would be gone now.  On their way to the Ponderosa.   He reminded himself that Laurence would have been feeling that same tug to the heart when he had watched Rachel leaving on the Baltimore the previous evening.   He told himself to stop thinking that he was the only one to suffer so much, and with a sigh suggested they went to see Soames. Laurence raised an eyebrow at that suggestion but as Adam reminded him there were still things they needed to find out about Sylvia, and Soames had not been stable enough to give them any information since he was still sedated on Adam's previous visit.

"We don't want to go into this situation totally blind, Laurence. If there is something, however small, that we can gain from a few moments with Soames it could save us a lot of time and trouble. Beside which it saves having to kick our heels hereabouts..."

They didn't talk until they were in the cab, the horses hooves striking against the cobbled road, the sound of traffic drifting around them.

"We'll plot a course for Boston when we get back " Adam said "we could arrange for any reply to your telegram to Be sent onto the town where we next get a berth.   That way we can still leave as planned .."

Laurence nodded and leaned forward "There was no mention of Silvia in the journal, and no mention of Veronique deSalles from Maine why would they be in possession of the book."

"I'm assuming when it got into Veronique's possession she sent it on to Silvia.   Perhaps Anna asked her to do so.  That's what we'll find out when we get her cable..I'm more intrigued about that house, what significance it could have to Anna." He paused and tapped Laurence on the knee, then said "we're at Soames"

They paid the cabbie and made their way to the door which was promptly opened.  Barnes sighed and stepped aside to admit them.  To their enquiry about Soames, Barnes replied that his master was in his study and it was to that room he led them both.

Soames was dressed but had a blanket of plaid wool around him as though even on that warm day he was cold.   He sat in a large arm chair, his head resting in his hands and he didn't move until Adam placed a hand upon his shoulder and addressed him by name.   

He then very slowly looked up, as though if he moved too quickly his head would roll from his shoulders.  He released a deep sigh and looked sorrowfully at Adam,

"It took me years of searching to find her..."  He blinked, his red rimmed eyes evidence of heart breaking grief,  "I just wanted to keep her safe, make her happy."

There is something overly poignant in seeing a man cry, no matter for what reason.  Both Adam and Laurence felt sympathy but wished the tears would stop and some sense prevail.  Adam pulled up a chair and sat opposite his former Medical Officer

"Gregory, we need your help to find the man who killed your daughter, now ... Man up and face things squarely."

"The Marshall was here". Soames pulled a large handkerchief from his pocket and dabbed at his eyes, "I told him everything he wanted to know.  There' s nothing you can do"

He then blew his nose loudly on the handkerchief and after wiping his nose, looked sorrowfully at the far wall, as though he wanted to shut out the sight of the two men crowding out his study.

Laurence stepped forward "We have more information about your daughter than you or the Marshall knows, Mr Soames. We just need you to answer a few add to the that we can get a fuller picture of what Silvia was doing,the people she knew, that could have led to this murder.'

"Murder..." Soames moaned and shook his head "Who would have wanted to kill my daughter?  My Silvia?" 

Adam and Laurence looked at one another, the irritation at the man's self absorbed manner evident in both their faces.  Adam leaned forwards again "Did you see the man who was arguing with heard their voices, isn't that right?"  

"Yes, arguing." he nodded, a flicker of interest crossed his face, he looked at Adam "You think you can help?"

"That's why we're here, Gregory."   Adam paused and tempered his voice to sound kinder and more sympathetic. He turned to Laurence "This is Lord Willoughby, remember him?  From that trip we had to the Kuril Islands?"

Soames nodded "Cassandra Pelman?"  he whispered the name, a shadow passed over his face, "I felt sorry for her - ".  He heaved in a sigh and turned to look at the books that were on his desk, "It was about a book.  That was what they were arguing about...Silvia said she wouldn't give him the book and the man's voice yelled back in a language I didn't understand but then Silvia screamed.   I ran in -" he brought his hand to his eyes as though he wanted to wipe the memory away "she was falling, I was looking at her face, barely aware of the other person in the room..." 

Now he closed his eyes "I yelled for Barnes to get help, the man - just a face with black eyes, pushed pass me, I wanted to get to Silvia, to help her ... There was blood ... I remember falling.    Then when I recovered my senses you were there ..."

He turned to look into Adams face, his eyes wide and anguished.   "I should have stopped him, but all I wanted to do was help Silvia.."

Laurence leaned towards them and asked yet again if there was anything that he could remember that could help, any small thing at all, but Soames shook his head "Only what I’ve told you but " he put his hand to his head and rubbed at his eyes "I was thinking, perhaps you might find something useful in her room.  She was very private, you know?   I think I only went into it once all the time she lived here"

They left him as they had found him and closed the door quietly behind them.  Barnes was hovering by the stairs and asked if they needed anything, to which Laurence said only an indication as to which room belonged to Silvia.  Once given direction the two men mounted the stairs and located the door to Silvia's private "sanctum."

It was a very feminine room, and as precisely tidy and neat as Silvia had been in life. There was no clutter, nothing obviously on display that could be helpful.  Not at first glance anyway.   The wardrobes revealed her exquisite taste in clothes, the drawers when pulled open did likewise with under garments.  The lady had expensive tastes that much was obvious.  Laurence began to look at the pictures on the wall, turning them round to see if anything had been hidden behind them.   One he passed to Adam

"Recognise anyone?"

It was a pleasant group of people in surroundings Adam recognised from long ago as the rose garden of Anna El Hassim.   He could recall the smell of their perfume as though standing there now.   The picture showed Silvia with her hand resting on the head of a dog, a dark haired woman and Anna standing beside Said El Hassim, Chaille-Long, and two other men Eygptian in dress and appearance.

“I think this is Angelique,” Laurence said quietly, “I only saw her briefly once, before I returned to England. She was visiting Anna and Rachel.”

He now turned his attention to an attractive desk and pulled out drawers, only one was locked.  Laurence produced something from his pocket and inserted it into the keyhole, jiggled it about and the drawer clicked open. He pulled at the drawer and then scowled, as it came to a stop mid way.   He yanked harder but it stubbornly refused to move.

"Somethings caught ..."  he inserted his fingers, some paper wedged between the drawer and desk, but with careful teasing he succeeded in pulling it out.  

"She must have been disturbed while writing isn't finished." Laurence said as he glanced down to read it "And it is to Angelique"

The writing was in neat rounded letters. It was dated and she had obviously started writing it on the day of her death.   One could but wonder if she had any indication that she was in peril, that within hours she would be dead? Yet, she had hidden the letter in the drawer, even though unfinished.  Who or what had disturbed her?

Adam smoothed the paper carefully and together they leaned down to read what had been carefully penned down

"My dear Angelique

I have not heard from you for some time and am anxious for news of you.  Are you safe?  Is everything well with you?

I received Anna's journal safely.  Did you send it to me before leaving Cyprus?  I removed the back pages as you suggested.   I contacted Anna's sister and brother in law and they now have the journal.  I did wonder whether to give them the addresses but you said not, so therefore I have kept them safely hidden, along with the details of the house and garden, although they mystify me as you can imagine.

If the couple contact me and ask for clarification with regards to them, shall I tell them?  If not, then they will just flounder and chase shadows.  Well, I am not saying more about that, except that the journal is in his and Rachel's possession now.

Do you know if Anna is safe?   She and her husband were good loyal friends, were they not?  If you know where she is, will you let me know?  They deserve our help and support, we failed to save El Hassim but Anna ...    " 

There it ended.  They looked at each other and Laurence shook his head "Pretty cryptic, isn't it?"

Adam nodded, "She sounds like a woman who was a sincere loyal friend to those she had,". he frowned " but it reads almost as though..."

"As though" 

"Just an impression I got that perhaps it was not the nationalists who have Anna .. Perhaps her friends helped her escape.."

"But the letter to Rachel with the jewellery, the threat ."

"Just words to keep you from meddling..."  he shook his head and glanced around the room "what's do important about the house...?"

"I just assumed it was Angelique's house in Maine.." Laurence looked at the letter again and ran his finger along the line that referred to the property.

Adam said nothing but folded the letter away back into the drawer.   "Why did she have those pages in her hand ... It doesn't make sense."

"Nothing does, just seems as though the waters are getting muddier than ever."

Adam nodded and leaned against the desk, his eyes travelled round the room, looked at each picture on the walls, on the mantle...then shook his head as the pictures were mainly clever water colour scenes from various different countries.  Sylvia was obviously an adept artist with a good eye for colour and perspective.

Laurence began turning pictures round to see if there were anything hidden on the reverse sides,  then he started to check the books, few though they were, removing each singly from the shelf and flicking through them, then upending them to shake out any loose papers ...but there was nothing.

As they were about to leave the room they could hear footsteps on the landing, and then Soames appeared, huddled in his blanket and Looking haggard and hollow eyed,

"Did you find anything...any idea as to who killed my daughter?"

"Not here, no...but we will find who it was, Soames." Adam reassured him in a quiet voice aimed at placating the wretched man

"Your daughter was quite an artist..." Laurence said  "we were admiring her work."

"Yes, she had a good eye for detail".  Soames nodded "I have my favourite in the study...a house of which she was very fond.   A friend of hers lived there ..."

Adam and Laurence glanced at one another and it was Laurence who requested going to see it, Soames muttered only that it was in the study and then shivering slightly, shuffled off to a room they could only presume was his bedroom

"The man's shocked..."  Laurence muttered as they made their way downstairs and to the study.

Adam was too deep in thought to reply but followed his friend into the study  where the picture of a house confronted them.  "Do you think this is the house indicated by the diagram.."

Adam thought of the plan outline of the house, of its rooms and dimensions and tried to fit that into the picture of the house before them.  They drew closer to look at any thing that could give them some clue as to its relevance, but could see none.

"Perhaps we will find out more if there's a telegram from Angelique..lets get back and find out if she has made any reply.'

Adam nodded, it seemed the best idea now.  There was nothing to be gained by staying at the Soames premises.  Barnes came and saw them off, looking mournful and bruised as he stood in the doorway watching them as they hailed a cab and got inside. The horse pawed the ground, the cab lurched forward taking them away from the small terrace of houses with the pretty park facing them.  

Barnes closed the door.

Chapter 28

Hoss Cartwright was not particularly happy as he sat drinking a mug of Luke's home made brew, which actually rivalled the beer in The Silver Dollar saloon.  It seemed a strange set up altogether.  Why would anyone, particularly an old guy, come way out to the wilds to spend his last days.  He tried to think of old people he had known and invariably most had shifted close to town where there could be someone close by to call upon should need arise.

"You're very quiet, Hoss?  Not like yourself at all ... Beer not to your liking?"

Hoss frowned "Beers fine, Luke, just can't get my mind off' that Archer, him being so old and jest sitting there doing nothing ..." he gulped down some beer and wiped his mouth on he back of his hand "I recall that land to be good grazing .."

"It is, that's why Derwent and I want to buy some parcels of it from Archer." Luke poured more beer into Hoss' mug

"And he ain't got no relatives, you say?"

"None at all."  Luke sat down  opposite his companion, around them came the chatter and laughter of the children, the quiet hum of Hester and Marcy talking together as they prepared a meal from what Hop Sing had packed up and what Marcy had available to add to it.

"Then what in tarnation  is he doing there?"

Luke shrugged "He's not rustling cattle if that's what you're thinking, Hoss."

"All that land going to waste ..." Hoss grumbled "pa was thinking  of buying some at one time, but it was too inconveniently placed what with the Double D and Jessops place slap bang between us.  We were having problems enough with trying to hold onto the Truckee strip...Old man Bishop was an ornery old man, brought about a lot of blood shed, unnecessarily too."

Luke nodded "Could always ride on up and see Archer , if you feel that'll settle your mind some."

Hoss nodded slowly "Thanks Luke, to be honest I'd feel better in myself If'n I did."

"Then we can go after we've eaten.  His house isn't far from the borders of our land so  wouldn't have too far to ride to get there."

Hoss nodded again, he didn't like to mention to Luke that he had an almighty itch and wouldn't have been able to,sleep uni, it had stopped one way or the other ...

Hannah and Hope were always  happy playing together as they did now, running through the little orchard, or picking the wild flowers. One of Hester's main concerns at  present was how Hope would handle the days when Hannah was at school.  She was fond of Erik but the age gap was just enough to be a problem.  Erik at that moment was excitedly enjoying his games with the twins whom he found a refreshing change from his sisters. 

Not only were they closer to his size but they could not run away as quickly either.........


"There it is .."  Luke pointed into the distance where a white washed clapboard house stood nestled within the hills.   

It was a good sized family home, which it would have had to have been to have accommodated the previous owners ... The Corbyns had been a hard working couple who would annually produce a new baby every year until the wife became so exhausted with child bearing she became too ill to do anything but care for the brood. One by one the children had grown and moved away, leaving the couple to knock around the big house until the epidemic of a few years back had finally killed them off. From the distance the property glowed in the sunshine but the closer they got to it the more ramshackle it showed itself to be.

The land through which they had been riding was close to being some of the best Hoss had seen outside of the Ponderosa.   He could not believe that there was not ahead of cattle grazing upon the lush grass, or drinking at the clear stream. The itch kept getting worse.

Paint was peeling in strips from  the woodwork, one of the upper Windows looked as though it were so rotten that one string gale would see it blown out altogether.  There were holes in the planks that formed the  verandah, and there was obviously  no need for curtains at the Windows because what glass wasn't cracked was filthy.

The man who opened the door was nothing like what Hoss had expected.  Archer ...which seemed to be the only name by which he was known, was tall, slim, stooped of shoulder and white haired although the hair was sparse and one could see the scalp clearly through it.  His eyes were startlingly blue and very alert, piercing Hoss would describe them later.  A one time handsome and elegant man with looks and deportment retaining what he had possessed in youth.  True, he was stooped of shoulder, walked with the aid of a cane, and from the way he inclined his head had lost his hearing in one ear.

"Luke Dent!" Archer exclaimed "A pleasant surprise on such a fine day.'

His smile was genuine but the sharp way he looked at Hoss and raised his eyebrows made Hoss feel he was unwelcome.  Luke gestured to his companion "Archer, this is Hoss Cartwright.."

"One of the Ponderosa Cartwrights?" Archer said with emphasis on the word Ponderosa.  

He sighed and stepped aside "Come on in..."  

Now Hoss really didn't feel welcome, but Luke seemed quite happy to follow the old man into the house despite the look on Hoss' face.   They picked their way through an accumulation of rubbish, the smell of damp and something rotting made Hoss sneeze, cobwebs festooned the ceiling, the corners of doorways.  Hoss couldn't remember the last time he had encountered such domestic filth.

Yet Archer was band box smart and clean...from head to foot he was groomed to perfection.  How he managed to move his way through such a mess without any of it touching him was, to Hoss' mind, nothing short of a miracle.

"In office .." Archer said and stood aside for them to enter ahead of him "some coffee? Lemonade?"

They both plumped for the coffee which promoted Archer to raise his voice and call out "Coffee .. a large jug" into the shadows behind him.

Hoss and Luke darted a nervous look at one another, but more or less shuffled their way into the room followed by their host who sat down on a large leather Captains chair and gestured to two chairs on the other side of the desk so that he was facing them.  Hoss carefully removed some papers and a sleeping cat and placed them in the floor, a puff of dust rose up from the cushions as he lowered himself down.  Luke, being thinner and lighter had no problem once he had removed several books.

The walls were lined with books and seeing them Hoss realised that the pervading smell was that of damp paper.  He glanced over his shoulder nervously and was about to speak when the door opened and a woman stepped into the room carrying a tray which she set down on the desk once Archer had swept aside various scraps of his and that ...

She was Shohone.   Her black eyes glittered as she looked at them and yet there was no expression on her face, none, only the eyes were alive.   She was younger by at least twenty years to Archer, but her hair was already grey, long braids down to her waist which was a very ample waist that seemed to merge with heavy breasts that resembled a ledge!   Like Archer she was speckless, the crockery on the tray shone squeaky clean... the smell of the coffee was pleasant and momentarily eclipsed the smell of the damp books lining the walls.

Archer signed to her to pour the coffee, once she had done that he signed for her to go.

 "She can't talk." he said as he passed a cup and saucer to Hoss, "White soldiers cut her tongue out when she was a child." 

He looked from one to the other "Well, now, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit? A bit out of  the way for Cartwrights to consider me a neighbour!"

Hoss cleared his throat "I heard you were new to the neighbour ..I mean...just recently moved here, and er Luke suggested I come by and you that is..."

Luke gulped, he had never known Hoss so at a loss for words, he forced a smile "I told Hoss I was hoping to buy some of your land.   Told him that it was prime cattle land and fine for grazing..

"Wouldn't know nothing about it,"Archer scowled "Don’t Like cows, never did..." he sipped his coffee having poured it into his saucer as refined people  did in the 'old days'.

"Guess I'm a mite confused, Mr Archer, " Hoss put down his now empty cup "This is cattle country.   And you've got just about the finest grazing for could be raising a fine herd.."

"I told you I don’t like cattle."  Archer replied sharply, his blue eyes flashed "I came here for peace and quiet, to study and get my book written...nothing more cows, no chickens ..nothing..."  his fingers tightened "you can't imagine how effronted I was when I got here and found a whole load of cows eating their heads off on MY land ..well, I told 'em if they didn't get rid of the smelly foul,creatures I'd take a gun and shoot the lot of them" he raised his chin "and I would not have stopped at just the cows either .."

Luke leaned forward "you mean someone was gazing their cattle here, on your land ..."

"I just said that ...told them to clear off and leave me in peace.  I ride out every so often to make sure they don't come back.   Sarah's family live close by, they keep an eye ...makes sure I m left in peace."  he reached out and picked up some paper "I had my book to write ...need peace and quiet."

Hoss stood up and stretched out his hand "It’s been good to meet you, sir. Thank you for the coffee.  I hope you get your book written..."
"It takes time...I need to make sure everything is right..."

"Of course.." Hoss nodded sympathetically "I guess the previous owner had trouble getting his herd moved out before you moved in..."

Archer glared at him "The man died years back...the place is a wreck as a result of neglect.  well you can see that for yourself"

"Er ...then who did the cattle long too... If'n you don't mind my asking?" Archer scowled "Those Burgoyne boys...rotten to the core if you ask me ..."

"Burgoyne, huh."  Hoss smiled, he managed to leave the room without tripping very anything and walked to his horse feeling satisfied.

The itch had gone ...


The clerk at the Telegraph Office peered up at the two men as they stepped into the building closing the door behind them.   He recognised them immediately - the tall Englishman and the rancher from the Ponderosa with whom he had become familiar over the years.

"Nothing yet, gents." he emphasised the point by a shake of the head, "I suggest you try later."

"It did go through, didn't it?" Laurence asked peevishly, and was rewarded with a surly look from the clerk who assured him it had 'gone through'

"We'll come back" Adam said in a voice intended to mollify the man's ruffled feathers, and indicated to Laurence that they leave by nodding towards the door.

"Time is ticking away." Laurence groaned. "And we're no nearer to having any idea as to where Anna is being held."

Adam made no comment  except to nod and look warily about him...the street was thronged with people, well dressed families strolling together in neat orderly fashion, grubby urchins running and yelling as they threaded their way through the pedestrians, workmen in their labourers clothing, even some seamen...and the traffic on the roads were a mixed bag, all adding to the cacophony of noise all around them.

"I think we should see what Duggan has found, if anything."  he suggested, "He may have picked up on something that could give us some idea as to which direction we should go next."

Reluctantly Laurence agreed.   "I had hoped we would be at sea by now..." he grumbled

Adam said nothing to that although he did feel inclined to say that they were actually " all at sea" as far as this matter was concerned, but he held back from saying a word.

Marshall Duggan was seated at his desk in an office half the size of Nate's in Virginia City.   He was reading some papers when Adam and Laurence were admitted to see him, and rather reluctantly he put the papers down to look at them both.

"Well, gentlemen, a fine kettle of fish this is turning out to be..." he stared at Laurence as though it was all his fault which made the younger man feel at a disadvantage.  

Adam introduced the two men and explained to Duggan the position Laurence held with British "police" which irritated Laurence further because he wanted to say he had nothing to do with Police, he was with national security, wasn't he?  He had enough sense to keep his mouth shut.

"Are you any closer to finding the murderer of Miss Soames?"  Adam asked, and was satisfied at seeing a gleam of interest spread over Duggans face

"I was just reading a report on a traffic accident near to the location of the murder." He tapped the papers on his desk with a stubby forefinger "The man must have been mad, of course.   Your Miss Soames had been a married woman, but was widowed ...she led quite a life it seems, travelled all over...but I should think you would know all about that, Mr Willoughby, seeing she was involved with your lot!"

Laurence snorted a bit at such a reference, but merely compressed his lips more tightly together and stared at Duggan stonily.  Duggan merely nodded before continuing as he rustled the papers "He was in such a frantic hurry to get away that he overturned his vehicle. Must have been driving that cab as though he was Ben-Hur!  You ever read the novel, sirs?  It makes for good reading..."  

He smiled to himself for he enjoyed teasing, he caught Adams quirkier eyebrow and taut mouth and brought himself back into the subject in hand.

"A Turkish gentleman, wealthy from the indication we got from his clothing and jewellery...don't hold with men wearing jewellery myself but then he was a foreigner."  he picked up a paper and passed it over to them "That's private information, read it and leave it here."

They read the report of the accident together, the man was named as Abdullah Pasha. Turkish but born in Egypt.  Clothing bloodstained and a thin bladed knife, similarly bloodstained, was found on the floor of the cab.  He had taken the Hansom cab from its last destination when the driver had gone to relieve himself.  The horse had survived the accident, the cab had not, nor had Mr Pasha.

He had been staying at a cheap hotel where there was a fair number of people living from his " neck of the woods".   Upon inspection there was nothing of any significance found in his rooms, except clothing, some religious items indicating his Muslim Faith, but no papers, no letters, nothing.  

As they were reading one of Duggans men approached and handed the Marshall some paper, whispered something with his eyes darting over to Adam and Laurence.  There was a whispered conversation between the two men, then Duggan stood up

"You sent a telegram to Angelique deSalles in Maine?"

"Yes - what if it" Laurence replied apprehensively

"Well, sir, don't expect receiving a reply any time soon..."  Duggan replied "Miss LaSalle  was found dead at her home in the early hours of the morning.   The murderer got away.  The Police contacted me upon receipt of your telegram, sir" he looked directly at Laurence "thought it would be important and help with our situation here."  he stroked his chin "I'd say there was an obvious connection."

Chapter 29

Neither Adam nor Laurence spoke.  They couldn't find words to say, both of them stunned to some extent by what Duggan had said.  Adam stepped away from the Marshalls desk and rubbed his jaw with long tubers, while Laurence shook his head in disbelief tinged with dismay.  Duggan looked from one to the other with question marks in his eyes.

"Well?  Is there a connection?"  

Laurence pulled out a chair and sat down without permission, but it was not in his nature or breeding to be kept standing just to make the man feel superior.   He was no errant school boy up before the Head Teacher after all.   Adam continued to stand, his arms folded and head inclined slightly towards them both.

"Mme LaSalle may have been able to assist us in a matter concerning a missing person."

"And what connection does that have with Miss Soames?"

"That was what we were trying to find out.  Both women were friends of the missing person but just how involved or what the association involved we don't know."

Duggan nodded, and fussed around with the papers on his desk, pausing only when Laurence asked him how Mm LaSalle had died.  The relevant scrap of paper was located and after he had scanned the page Duggan said "Death caused by strangulation from a ligature tightened around her throat.  The attacker came from behind."

Adam cleared his throat as he stepped towards the desk "Is there any possibility that we could see Miss Soames' killer...his body ...?"

Duggan grinned "Seeing how it's you as asked, Commodore, certainly you may."  

He stood up and edged his way round the desk and took the lead as they left the office to walk down a long dark corridor.  He said, over his shoulder. "I doubt if you'll know our

Mr Pasha but it's always interesting to get your opinion."

They stepped through a door marked with the grisly word "Morgue" and entered a room some degrees cooler than the one they had left.  Several bodies were laid out on long tables.  Sylvia was no where to be seen, obviously already despatched to wherever bodies "pending investigation" were sent.

Duggan went immediately to one body and pulled back the covering sheet then stepped back for them to see Mr Pasha for themselves.  He had died from a broken neck, the angle of his head indicated only too clearly.   But he had been a handsome man despite the rictus now obvious to his features.   Laurence and Adam surveyed him thoughtfully, "Has Barnes identified him as the man he shawl waving the room and attacked him?'  Adam asked as he lifted a corner of the sheet to quietly observe the man's shoes.

"Yes.  He confirmed that this was the man who must have killed Miss Soames "

"When was that exactly?"

"Just an hour ago.   We wanted to make sure of the evidence before we could tell Mr Soames that we had his daughters body here."  Duggan replied, his eyes fixed onto the shrouded body lying before him

"So Mr Soames knows ....?"

"I personally told him earlier, when we asked Mr Barnes to come and identify the body.  Mr Soames was in no state of mind to assist.   The Doctor was already there and gave him another sedative."

Adam nodded, accepting Duggans statements as a matter of fact for he knew Soames to be an emotional overly sensitive man from experience.  Memories from the past stirred momentarily to be dismissed as took a look at the man's highly polished expensive shoes.

  Satisfied with what he had seen he dropped the sheet back into place before stepping up to where Laurence was staring thoughtfully at the man's face.  

Duggan asked if they had seen enough to which both men nodded.  Adam asked the Marshall if the dead man had been carrying any papers on him but Duggan shook his head "All he had on him was a wallet with some money, an envelope with Miss Soames address written on one side and his name and address on the other."

They left Marshall Duggan at the door of his office, both deep in thought as they stepped out into bright sunshine and the bustle of a crowded street and busy thoroughfare.   

"Did you recognise him?" Laurence asked as they turned their feet into the direction of a nearby Hansom cab, the driver of which acknowledged their custom with a lift of the hand

"Who? Pasha?"  Adam frowned "I thought he resembled one of the men in the picture we saw in Sylvia's room..."

"More than a passing resemblance, I'd say."   he nodded at the cabbie and clambered into the vehicle, Adam following closely behind.

"Where to, gents?"

Laurence leaned back into the leather seat, the address he gave was the one he had read on the report Duggan had had on the desk.   Adam wasn't the only one who could read writing that was "upside down".   They settled themselves to wait out the journey to the home of the unfortunate Mr Pasha.........

Mary Ann sat close to her husband on the well padded seat of their buggy as it bounced its way along to the Ponderosa.   She slipped her arm through his and smiled up at him as he turned to look down at her.  Joyce had waved them off from the door of her home, with Burgoyne by her side, his hand resting almost proprietarily on her shoulder.

"Joe, this has turned out to be rather a strange affair, hasn't it?" 

Joe frowned slightly, he had actually been thinking exactly the same thing, a strange affair indeed and although he should have been thinking more along the lines of why they had gone in the first place, all he could think about was probably the same thing as his wife ...

"In what way do you mean - strange?"

She sighed "Well, to be honest I was expecting Mr Burgoyne to be an arrogant bad tempered rude brute of a man, but he turned out to be a real gentleman, didn't he? But the main thing I was wondering - " she sighed again and her pretty face screwed up to denote her concern "How do we tell your father about Mrs Burgoyne?"  she looked at him again, noticed the way he clenched his jaw, the flicker of wariness in his eyes.

Joe returned his attention to driving, the horse was obedient enough but it didn't pay to be distracted, "I was wonderIng the same thing.   How do we tell Pa one of his lady loves is back, and married to an old pal of his into the bargain."

"How serious was his romance with Joyce?"

Joe cast his mind back to that long ago time....he could recall the heat of the summer days as they worked on getting that mill built.  The long evenings Adam had spent drawing up plans, Tom's initial excitement, the whole buzz of an old friendship coming back to life, and Joyce visiting more often than ever.   The overheard snippet of conversation between Adam and Ben one evening ... he sighed and shook his head 

"Serious enough for Pa to have considered asking her to marry him."  he said quietly, "He was not happy when she left after Tom had died.   Whenever he had a letter from her he would look momentarily hopeful.  Then they stopped coming..." he shrugged "I don't understand her reasoning on coming back."

"Well, it was not 100% her idea, Joe, I think her husband had some thing to do with it too." she smiled slightly, not wanting all the censorship to fall entirely upon the woman whom she had felt quite drawn too

"And they weren't comfortable about discussing Burgoynes sons, were they?" Joe said, flicking the reins to make the horse move faster.  He was impatient to discus this matter with Hoss and get his amiable brothers opinion.

"I asked her how them while you were with Mr Burgoyne.  She just said they had never accepted her as their step mother, only as their father's wife.  She changed the subject but she looked - sad.   More than that though, she looked angry."

Joe said nothing to that for a while.  The buggy jounced along, the horse tossed its head, it's mane and tail fluttering in the breeze created by its own movement.  It should have been a pleasant romantic drive for the couple but their thoughts were too wrapped up with the visit they had just made.

"Burgoyne didn't flicker a muscle when he showed off the cattle ...he hasn't any idea about ranching, cattle breeding, or anything about them, his own herd!  If one could call it that seeing as it consists mainly of our stolen beasts.   He just said his sons dealt with it, and the tone of his voice wasn't of pride, it was hard, bitter.   There's bad blood there between them, that's for sure."

"I feel sorry for Joyce.  She suffered enough in her first marriage, she doesn't deserve to suffer again now.  She so obviously loves Ebenezer."

Joe grinned "why does she call him Burgoyne?"

Now she laughed the girlish laugh he loved "He doesn't like the name Ebenezer, nor does she.""

............. The children were bundled back into the wagon, flushed of face, hot and sticky, tired and weary.  Hester took her seat beside her husband and Luke passed a drowsy Erik up into her arms so that the infant could settle into her arms and sleep there on the long journey home.   Neither Luke nor Hoss had mentioned their strange encounter with Archer, it was as though they didn't really think it had been real.  The only fact they did mention was that the Burgoyne brothers seemed to be involved with the loss of the cattle.

Both Hester and Hoss were quiet for some time into the journey.  The children dozed off, the girls cuddled up together in the back and Erik snored as he slept in Hester's arms.   It had been, for them, a very pleasant fun filled time with lots of running, squealing, laughing and eating.  At times Erik and the twins had been almost hysterical with the excitement of play and pleasure, that heady hysteria children displayed when emotions ran too high.

Hester was tired too.  She sat beside Hoss and leaned against him, forcing herself to keep her eyes open and not fall asleep.   Afraid that she might  do so, and Erik topple off her lap as a result, she bundled him into his blanket and settled him in the well of the wagon, between their feet.

Hoss loved the feeling of content he always felt when Hester sat so close to him.  Her body warmth a reassuring comfort, a physical representation of the love between them.  The sounds around him were muted as they drove along, the sun creating shadows, the creak of wood from the wagon, the sound of the wheels, the steady "clip clop" of the horses hoofs upon the sun baked track creating dust devils to swirl just above the ground as they passed.

He smiled not only with contentment but because he would be able to provide an answer to the puzzle.   Was Joe going to be surprised when he told him about the Burgoyne boys!    .............

The cab came to a halt outside an apartment house that was in one of the oldest areas of San Francisco.   It was not the smartest of places, but not the most unpleasant either, retaining an air of its former glory by being clean and modest.   They paid the driver and made their way into the building and mounted the stairs to the rooms that had been allocated to the murderer of Sylvia Soames.

Chapter 30

As they entered the building it occurred to Adam that cities were like little Eco systems, where branches of it broke away from the main structure to form different functions. He accepted quite readily that of Chinese communities, a town bustling with a city thronging already with a life of its own.. He also acknowledged that there were Greek and Italian communities living side by use but seperated by language, custom, tradition. 

The door led to a long hall leading to a stairway. There were several doors along the hall with numbers on them, none of which was the one they sought. They began to mount the stairs,Laurence taking the lead. The sounds around them were dulled, muted as their feet tramped along the carpeted flooring. Somewhere a baby was crying, from another direction singing and laughter, music of another country tinkling as comfortably there as in Cairo.

Laurence was walking on looking at the doors, while Adam thought back to Chinatown, a colourful rich community where men and women lived in the manner of the China they thought should exist in a free country away from the Empress. Doctors used traditional medication, religion was practised according to tradition, children were educated about their history and culture ...

And why was he thinking like this? Because he hadn't realised such a large community of other cultures had existed, thrived, in much the same way as the Chinese, Greeks and Italians and what annoyed him was that his ignorance made him feel guilty. The smell of Eygptian food permeated the building, drifted into his nostrils, reminded him of long ago meals at the house of Ibrahim Aziz Abdullah, who had been his mentor upon his arrival in Egypt.

Footsteps pattered behind him and he turned to glance over his shoulder. A woman, dressed in the traditional all encompassing garment of the Muslim, paused, stared wide eyed back at him and then scampered hurriedly back the way she had come.

"This is it." Laurence said quietly and pushed his hand against the door "it isn't locked."

Duggan's men had already been there, searching for clues that would provide reasons for Pasha's act of violence on an American woman. He had been dressed in the European style, smart and almost too much the stereotype of what he must have thought well to do Americans looked like. The two men stood in the centre of a room with little furniture, clean to the point of sterility, empty of any claim to personality. 

Adam opened a wardrobe but it contained nothing. A chest of drawers revealed only a change of under garments and shaving tackle. Laurence looked at the walls, the ceilings and then at his friend. "He didn't live here...he came, was expected to do what he did, then go ..."

Adam nodded. He walked to the window and looked down into the yard which was untidy and strewn with rubbish. "Do you think the person in Boston is safe?"

Laurence shrugged, "I don't know, I can't even imagine." he frowned "a few hours ago I would not have thought Angelique deSalle would be killed. I mean, who was she anyway? What, apart from knowing Anna did either of them have to do with ...with anything to do with Hassims murder. Or Anna's disappearance?" 

"Whatever it was ... Involved all the people who were in that picture." Adam folded his Arms and leaned against the chest of drawers "Only one of them could still be alive! "


"I was thinking of the other man... It is possible that Pasha was sent here to deal with Sylvia, the other -"

"Sent to kill Angelique". Laurence murmurs and rubbed his fingers over his jaw. "Should we warn the person in Boston?"

"Unless he is the other person in the picture..."

Laurence moved restlessly around the room, shaking his head "Anna must still be alive.."

For a moment Adam didn't speak but watched his friend thoughtfully before saying very quietly that there really was no evidence to prove she was actually alive - was there? What they had was obscure to say the least. Apart from which it could all be turned to appear quite differently, and when Laurence looked rather angrily at him and demanded an explanation Adam gave him one.

"That book...Anna's journal..." he bowed his head and stared down at the floorboards for a moment to concentrate his thoughts so that what he said was making sense " a woman writes a day by day journal of her life..nothing outstanding nothing changes and then she writes an account of her husbands murder, she is an eye witness to a callous hacking down of a man she loved ..."

"She wanted it to be used as testimony against the perpetuators."

Adam nodded, although he didn't look at Laurence at all but continued to stare at the floor, his arms still folded across his body, "She must have written it some time after it happened then, if she wrote it at all."

"Of course she wrote it." Laurence forced out the words, as though his throat was too tight to get the words through his windpipe "Rachel recognised the writing..."

"How did Angelique get hold of it and when? You see, the timing doesn't fit...Sylvia got the book from Angelique but it was posted from Cyprus with instructions to her about removing the back pages. But Angelique is in Maine .. That is where Sylvia was writing to...and Barnes says that when she saw the journal she was worried, seemed upset .."

"Because of what Anna had written, of course..." 

"No, this was before she had read it. When she first held it and saw what it was ..."

Laurence shook his head and returned to the window "It was a life line to Anna, now you're confusing the whole thing..."

"No, I think it was a ruse, a trick ... "

"Then why leave it to now before saying so..." Laurence was decidedly angry, his nostrils thinned and beneath his moustache his lips tightened 

"Because it was some kind of lead at the time, of which you may remember we have a very precious few . It was logical that if there appears to be a lead then we follow it to the end...or the solution."


"Think about it, Laurence.... what woman carries a journal around with her when she's been witness to a brutal murder and is then taken by who knows what, and taken to who knows where..." he leaned forward and looked into Laurence's eyes "and can calmly write down the event with the precision of some novelist!" 

"No, Charles confirmed Hassims death, wanted us to get the journal... "

Adam shook his head and pushed himself away from the chest of drawers, he walked to the window and looked down into the yard. 

"I think Anna did contact you when she sent you the jewellery. Rachel said Anna never took it off, always wore it .."

"It was sent with a note telling us not to look into the matter, to leave it..."

Adam nodded "She was trying to protect you. Warning you to do as she asked..."

They both started in surprise at a slow handclap from the doorway...and a deep voice murmured "Brava, well done ... "

Adam took several steps forwards and then stopped to stand beside Laurence who stood rigid and straight backed as he stared at the figure framed with the aperture of door. Behind this newcomer stood two men, armed, faces hidden behind black cloth that came from the head covering they wore. Only their eyes could be seen as they glared at the two men as though they bore a personal grudge towards them both.

But the dominant figure of the three was the spokesman who took a few steps into the room and stared at both men with eyes so dark that it smudged even into the whites of them. He was a handsome man who exuded power both mentally and physically. A man who certainly could claim the title of being a leader of men. Tall, muscular, with the straight broad shoulders of one whom knew and accepted that he was to carry the weight of responsibility upon them . He wore traditional dress, the djibborah was a soft material dyed blue with silver thread woven along its edges, his head dress was white. His beard was well groomed, perhaps his nose a little too prominent although it suited the high cheek boned features of his face

He nodded as though satisfied at seeing them there and the effect his appearance had had on them both. The dark eyes lingered on them both before he turned to Adam and the left corner of his mouth turned into a slight sneer.

"Commodore Adam Cartwright. Did you really think we would so easily forget you and allow you to live your comfortable life without hearing further from us? And you- " he turned to Laurence "you may not have played so vital a part in the drama but you interfered and are as guilty as anyone."

Laurence raised his eyebrows and looked at Adam with a look of contempt on his face "Do we know this chap, Adam?"

Adam didn't respond immediately but had not taken his eyes from the other man in the room, then inclined his head towards the Englishman "The fact is, Laurence, he knows us, although -" he paused "he looks familiar."

???? ??????. (tueal atabaeani)" their opponent snapped abruptly, and turned quickly in order to leave the room 

Adam and Laurence did what seemed the obvious thing and followed him from the bleak room in which they had been standing and out into the carpeted hall. The two guards brought up the rear behind them and inquisitive neighbours peeked out and quickly closed their doors. They went up another staircase where two armed men wearing what appeared now to be the equivalent to uniforms stood on either side of a door, which one pushed open. Both bowed from the waist as the man in the blue djubbeh passed by them.

The contrast in the decor of this room was such that both Adam and Laurence were momentarily confused by the lavish furnishings, the Arabic writings painted carefully on the walls, the bright colours of wall hangings. Richly woven rugs straight from a Cairo market were laid upon the floor several deep, colours so bright that they must have cost a very high figure to have had them imported to such an obscure setting.

A woman had appeared from another room, bent double in homage to her master, bearing exquisitely embroidered slippers for his now bare feet. She gently placed them on each foot, never once daring to look in the direction of the two "guests'.

With respect for the tradition both Adam and Laurence removed their foot wear. Nothing was said. No words were spoken. The silence grew progressively oppressive as they stood before the other man who was regarding them both with ill concealed contempt.

"You -" he glared at Adam and something in his eyes was apparent enough to warn the American to take care, to listen but watch what he said afterwards, "You and your interference held back our plan to overthrow Ismael and all those infidel dogs that kept tied to his sovereignty. El Hassim was a tool to be used and you meddled even in that..." he stepped back and sat down upon a large ornate chair from which he surveyed them as they stood before him, "you set us back in our plans but in some ways it worked to our favour . During the years the American Infidels have gone, Ismael has bankrupted the country, the people are seeing him for the - ???? - " he hesitated as he attempted to translate the word then shrugged "they see him for what he is, for what he has done to our country. The people will flock to us and support us , he will be overthrown ..."

Laurence shook his head "Tewfik is son is already waiting in the wings, he'll step into his father's shoes with British and French support. You must realise that?"

The Other man stared at Laurence and raised his chin "Did I give you permission to speak,dog?" 

He snapped his fingers and immediately the two guards stepped forward, grabbed Laurence by the arms and manhandled him to his knees. Adam moved to prevent such an action but stopped when a jab from a rifle reminded him that there two others right behind him.

"Do you remember me now, Commodore Cartwright?" 

Adam nodded " Yes, I remember you now...Adjo Ahmose."

"I almost feel flattered, Commodore....I kept in the shadows as much as I could before. Ebo Funsani was our leader but ..." he shrugged "thanks to your interference he was killed as were others of our faction. Having kept to the background I was able to slip away, regroup and regather our forces, renew contacts with our allies...we are already poised on the brink of great changes for the better."

Adam said nothing. The man obviously wanted to talk, to boast. There was always more to be gained by listening to a fanatic than reasoning with them. Beside him Laurence was pinned down still, the butts of two rifles pushed against his shoulders.

Adjo Ahmose stroked his beard, his fingers seeming to caress each hair. He flicked his fingers and the guards put a hand under Laurence's arm pits and hauled him to his feet. As calmly as he could Laurence straightened his jacket, tweaked the cuffs of his shirt sleeves and then raked his fingers through his hair. Adjo Ahmose sat back, 

"As I said earlier we did not forget you ... Nor that fool of a Russian who left Ebo to die and fled to save his own skin. I wish he were still alive today to be standing here now..." he reclined more and shrugged "Now,before you are taken away there are several questions you may want to ask me. ". he smiled slowly, a handsome man the smile made him appear quite charismatic. "Ask ... now is your only chance after all."

Adam and Laurence exchanged a glance, but it was Laurence who spoke "where is Anna El Hasssim? Is she alive? Is she safe?" 

Chapter 31

Adjo Ahmose raised his chin, his eyes crinkled as he smiled and then slowly shook his head from side to side. He sighed then, the smile faded and once again he stroked his beard with long deringed fingers. An emerald flashed as sunlight from one of the Windows touched upon it.

"How predictable you are, you English! So sentimental, so tender hearted. What is this woman to you anyway? She is nothing...a mere foolish woman playing silly games."

"She is my wife's sister ..."

Adjo shrugged "We know that..." He leaned forward as though to look deeper into Laurence's very heart 'That was what we were counting on... that over the years your wife's affection for her sister would be enough bait to lure you here."

Laurence glanced over at Adam who was standing close, watching and listening, barely moving except to breathe. He acknowledged Laurence's apologetic look with a brief nod. Adjo leaned back. A woman - perhaps the same as the earlier one got it was hard to distinguish one from another from the robes they wore - entered with refreshment on a silver tray which she placed on a small table close to Adjo. She poured the tea into the shallow porcelain cup and then hurried away, her duty done.

"Why? Why the charade?" Laurence stepped forward, hands stretched away from his body as though in appeal for the answer

"I told you interfered with our plans, Ebo our leader was killed, you set our plans back years..." there was anger edging each word, and aware of it Adjo paused, picked up the cup and swallowed the tea before setting the cup back. "We declared jihud on you as soon as we had regrouped. We are patient men, it was only a matter of time before an opportunity would arise. When it came we took it..." he looked at Adam as though expecting some comment from him "you are remarkably quiet, Commodore?"

Adam gave a slight roll of the shoulders, then folded his arms across his chest. He bowed his head as though considering what to say "I would like to remind you that at the time your faction were planning to assassinate the President?"

"0h pah! Your President?" Adjo's lip curled in contempt "And where is he now? Let me tell you..he is nothing, a cypher, dying from cancer of the throat as we speak. You would have been well rid of him had we been able to achieve our ideals." 

Adam lowered his head again, scowled slightly and stared at the rug on the floor. Adjo poured out more tea, "Surely you have many questions you want answered...why not ask them?"

"I already asked the most important...where is Anna El Hassim" Laurence hissed between clenched teeth, sweat was trickling down his back, he could feel his shirt sticking to his flesh. He wished Adam would say something and flashed him a glance but Adam was deep in thoughts of his own . Adjo once again raked through his beard with his fingers, an action that Adam was finding singularly annoying. He looked over his shoulder casually and noticed the two guards at the door, standing ramrod straight. The other two men still stood close to Laurence, weapons poised.

"What about the journal?' Adam said as the silence was becoming oppressive. The man obviously wanted to waste time talking so why not get him to talk. There was always something one could learn from what was said.

Adjo frowned and nodded, a look of satisfaction on his face, "The journal." he almost purred and nodded in satisfaction "I said before it was the bait with which to hook you. You are all so predictable!" 

"Yes, having said that..." Laurence began but stopped as the guards on either side of him pressed closer upon a gesture from Adjo.

"It came into our hands when El Hassim had been killed. We were looking for his woman ... It was found in her rooms." 

"So she didn't write ..." Laurence groaned, and shook his head and for a heart beat Adam wondered if the man was going to burst into tears, but Laurence put his lips together and scowled only.

"She wrote enough for our experts to conjure up stories to make you believe it was from her ...witnessing Said El Hassims death and everything thereafter..." he frowned slightly, "Sir Charles Willoughby was involved in the negotiations in Cyprus, it was an opportune time to have it sent to our contact here...."

"Sylvia Soames was one of your contacts?" Laurence gasped "But -" he clamped his mouth shut, the implications were obvious enough

Adjo nodded "The woman liked money..." he shrugged "but she was loyal to her friends. We did not think she would send the book to your brother... Which put things on a different standing. However it still achieved what we aimed for still brought you here."

"And you killed her?"

"We had no choice, she was not to be trusted...nor was the other woman.." he shrugged.

"And the contact in Boston?" Adam asked now, "I presume it is another contact?"

Adjo stared for a moment at Adam, then looked at Laurence "Pasha was sent to retrieve something from the woman...from what we understand he was unable to obtain it."

"An error on the part of your so called writing expert I guess?" Adam muttered 

"Not one he will repeat! ". Adjo's nostrils pinched making his nose appear thinner, he snorted from them and shrugged "From what you say you have the missing pages.."

"I did."

"What does that did?"

"What I said... I did have them, I don't now.'

Adjo clicked his fingers and coldly commanded his men to search the American, but after some minutes during which Adams clothing was thoroughly searched they found nothing...only his personal things and a stream of ribbon.

The silence settled upon them like a blanket the Adjo shrugged "it hardly matters now..." he gave a command and the guards closed in on the two men, "Take them - "

"But Anna..tell me where she is.." Laurence cried only to end his words with a groan as he rifle came down heavily across his shoulders and sent him sprawling upon the floor.

Adam moved to assist his fallen friend but as he did so he glanced up at Adjo who was watching with no expression on his handsome cruel face "you don't know either, do you?"

"What?" Adjo replied, startled from his complacency

"You don't know where she is either, do you?"

Adjo stared at him, his brow furrowed when he raised his eyebrows "It doesn't matter now. She served our purpose ..she is expendable after all."

As Adam leaned down to assist Laurence Adjo clicked his fingers.   Concern got his friend dulled Adams natural caution, as he put his hand under Laurence's arm to haul him up the butt end of a rifle swung against the side of his skull.  He barely had time to gasp as small pin pricks of light danced in front of his eyes before being swallowed up into darkness........................

Thomas Salway leaned on the side of the schooner and stared out to the harbour.  He had many good qualities but patience was not One of them, and it had long ran out.  He tapped his fingers against the wooden balustrade and attempted to quell his temper as he wondered just how much longer he was going to have to wait for his two passengers.

"Hey..Viking Queen..."

Salway leaned over to observe the man below.   It was easy to distinguish who he was as his uniform as Harbour Master was quite distinct, along with the  bushy red side whiskers

"What's your business."

"Coming aboard, Captain."
"As you wish"

Salway sighed, he had expected this to happen.  He had the man tabbed as an officious little upstart when he saw him earlier in the day, now that they were overdue for departure the Harbour Master would want to know why, and from the look on the man's face he was not happy 

"Mr Peterson.." Salway nodded

"You realise you're overdue departure.."

"I do."

"Any explanation?"

"Lord Willoughby and his guest disembarked and have not returned."  Salway rubbed his chin with his fingers and frowned "They were due to return before the arranged hour for our departure..."

"Well,that's come and gone by a long way"  Peterson snapped and his side whiskers trembled with indignation "you realise it's put all the paperwork out of order, schedules will have to be redrawn up to suit..."

"My apologies, sir.  If I Knew where Lord Willoughby was I would be able to assist you but as it is can see I am caught between the devil and the deep."  

"Any idea as to when you may leave harbour...?"

"None, sir.  Soon as possible I assure you."

"I hope so. This is a prized berth ..." Peterson scowled and muttering about paperwork and schedules he tore a sheet of paper from his clipboard and handed it to Salway before turning and striding from the deck.  

Salway heard the sound of his footsteps bouncing down the gangplank.

Some moments later and Evans approached asking for directions on what to go next.

"Should I be getting a meal prepared or what, sir?"

Salway was hungry enough to eat a horse, and snapped out that of course a meal should be prepared, they all needed to eat didn't  they?

He walked from one end of the deck to the other and was wondering whether or not to disembark himself and thereby miss eating and risk getting lost, when a voice halloo'd from below.  He leaned over to see two men standing by the gangplank.

"Permission to come aboard, Captain?"

"Who are you?"

"Marshall Duggan, San Francisco Law Enforcement and Deputy Harris."

"Has something happened to Lord Willoughby?"  Salway demanded anxiously

"Can we discuss that on deck,sir?"

 Moments later Salway was facing the Marshall who was trying not to look too enviously at the trappings of the luxury vessel.   "What can I do for you, Marshall..

"I'd like a word with Lord Willoughby and Adam Cartwright If'n I may...I was a mite worried that they would have sailed off before I got here with some information for them."

"As you can see we have not sailed...primarily because since seeing you Lord Willoughby and his guest seem to have disappeared...but if you do have any information you can leave it here and I'll pas it on to them when they return"

Duggan frowned and shook his head  "They've been gone some time then..."

"They have."  Salway paused, frowned and rubbed along his jawline again, "To be honest, Marshall, I'm getting rather concerned,  I expected them back long before this, and had been thinking of looking in on you for help.."

Duggan nodded "You Were right to be anxious, Captain, this is turning out to be a very odd business.    Is there anything in their cabin that may be a clue as to where they would have gone?"

Salway shrugged and confessed that he had no idea but upon Duggans request to 'check things out' nodded agreement and followed the Marshall to the cabin.

Duggan looked around him, there seemed nothing obvious..but clues didn't usually jump to attention to be noticed so he had a good look around...noticed the journal but ignored  it.  The coat of arms threw him into assuming it was some private journal of Lord Willoughby...and everyone knew these English Lords went into coats of arms in a big way,   He did however find the papers on the table interesting especially with the names on them that were familiar, especially one recently having become a murder victim.  He shovelled them up into his hand and shoved them into his pocket.

After scribbling out a receipt for the papers and handing it to Salway,the Marshall and his deputy left the cabin "Ask the gentlemen to come by my office as soon as they get back."
Salway sighed "and if they don't get back." he asked

Duggan paused, frowned and shook his head "I'd rather not think along those lines, sir, if you don't mind"

Salway watched the lawmen leave and rubbed his brow.  He knew if anything had happened to Laurence Willoughby the there would be trouble from the Foreign Office and he would no doubt be kicked out of a very lucrative position.  At the same time his hands were tied, he couldn't leave the schooner...wherever the two men were all Salway could do was exercise the patience that was already stretched to the limit, and wait.

From his seat in his carriage Adjo Admose looked at the sleek lines of the schooner and waited.  The horses snorted, impatient to continue the journey, the vehicle rolled back and forth a little as a result.  But Admose was s very patient man, he had proven that by taking his time in getting Laurence and Adam under his control.  He waited ..

The man sent by Adjo to board the schooner was a stealthy man.  It had been no problem

to him to swim to the side of the vessel and go hand over hand along the hawser and over the side.  His soft landing was overheard by no one and he carefully made his way below decks.

He avoided the cabins where voices were heard and peeked into others until he came to one he felt was one that would be used by a guest.  He felt pleased with himself when he recognised the journal and carefully picked it up, flicked through the pages and was wondering why the pages his Master wanted were not there..

"'Ere, wotcher doin' of in 'ere?"

Evans stood squarely in the centre of the doorway, blocking the intruders escape route.  Hands on hip and thrusting out his jaw Evans advanced "you put that down, matey, and come along with me."

The intruder had no intention of putting anything down, he did however Intend not to be caught and in one very swift movement had pulled a dagger from his belt and thrown it forcefully at the Englishman.   It missed doing Evans any harm but did pin his shirt sleeve to the wall, leaving him concentrating more on trying to free himself than stopping his attacker from escaping.  

By the time he was free and swearing blue blazes, the man was.placing the journal into the hands of his master and the carriage was jouncing on its way. 

Chapter 32

Ben sat in the saddle and did not move. Just being there in the yard of the Ponderosa again was so satisfying a feeling that he felt overwhelmed. A song bird was singing somewhere, trilling its little heart out as it warbled it’s song; a wisp of a cloud drifted across a blue sky. Familiar smells wafted around him, the sounds of the horses as they moved in the corral, the fence posts being pushed as they bunched against them, the drip of the water from the pump that filled the trough…even the sound of Hop sings chickens were like a symphony to his ears.

He was home. It was a wonderful feeling. For a moment he didn’t want it to end. No traffic noises, no clanging from those frightful tram vehicles, no yelling and shouting as people attempted to have conversations within the mass of people thronging the streets, no smells of too many bodies thrust together, and the smell of heat and dust…

He relaxed and smiled. Then slowly dismounted from Cinnamon, and led him into the stable. Chubb was there, and turned his head to look at his stable mate who nodded in a way that it was tantamount to a humans shrug of the shoulders. Cinnamon didn’t appreciate being left in the livery stable in town, but what choice did he have in the matter? Ben unsaddled him, fixed up a bag of hay within his reach and slapped him on the back as he removed the bridle and bit, the harness, the saddle blanket.

It had been very satisfying leaving Olivia with the children who were being brought home on the wagon under Ezra’s care. Ben had collected Cinnamon, and passed them as they trundled down the main street, the children waving, Nathaniel calling out to him…but as much as he loved them, Ben had had enough of children to last him a life time.

Having thought that he reminded himself that he now had to face Hannah, Hope and Erik. He sighed, well, why not? He had not seen them in a week .. He removed his hat and as he walked to the house he beat the dust from his pants with it, wondering if anything untoward had occurred during his absence.

Hester was opening the door wide as he stepped onto the porch, and then gave him a hug, “Oh Pa, we thought you would never get here.”

“I was thinking the same…” he smiled and paused, stopped to look over his shoulder up at the sky, to listen to the song bird before he turned back to her “I took my time riding home. It was good to be back…”

“Hop Sing has prepared your favourite meal Joe won’t be long, he wanted to see you as soon as possible.” she paused and her smile faltered a moment, before flashing back, “Did you enjoy your visit? How is Olivia? Did she get her new glasses,was everything alright? How is Martha? I thought she would be coming back with you…”

So on she chattered as she made way for him to step into the house, and he put his hat down and removed his jacket while she chattered on “ I left the children with Mary Ann. I thought you would prefer a quiet time to collect your thoughts and talk things over with Hoss and Joe.”

“That was thoughtful of you, Hester, I must admit having spent a whole week with children’s company I looked forward to some time to myself. Has everything been alright here?”

“Yes, well, yes, I suppose so….Hoss will give you - ah here he is-” she scowled at her husband and shook her head, as though rebuking him for having left here just as Ben arrived. “Martha hasn’t come, Hoss…”

“Shucks, thought she would -” Hoss mumbled and grinned at Ben, his blue eyes twinkled with the pleasure of seeing his father and he gave Ben a hearty slap on the back which made Ben stagger a bit, he had been anticipating a son and father embrace but was caught literally flat footed.

“Martha is very ill.” he explained and followed Hoss into the main sitting area of the room, removed a toy from the settee and sat down, while Hoss settled in to the big leather chair as though he had prior rights to it. It crossed Ben’s mind that he wouldn’t be surprised to see Hoss take a pipe and start smoking it.

They murmured sympathy, listened as he told them what was wrong with the woman and sighed, Hester leaned forward and kissed his cheek, “I had hopes she would come back, but that isn’t good news, Pa. I am sorry.”

Hoss cleared his throat, the mention of good news nudged his brain to considering the fac that he had bad news to impart. He glanced at Ben “You did enjoy your vacation though, Pa, didn’t you”

“Well, son, it was like the curate’s egg, some parts were good and some were just plain awful.” Ben sighed and stood up, “Now get yourself out of my chair and let me get comfortable.”

Hoss sighed and relinquished possession of the old leather chair, took his seat on the settee and opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again at the sound of hoof beats.

Just as Joe’s boots were heard on the porch outside Hester appeared with a tray laden with coffee which she set upon the low table. She smiled at Ben, “How are Adam and Olivia, and the children -?”

“Ah well, I have something I need to discuss with you about -”

“Hi Pa,” Joe stepped into the house and the door closed with its usual thud upon his entry. He removed his hat and slung it on the bureau, nodded to Hoss and smiled at Hester who hurried out to the kitchen to get another cup and saucer. “It’s real good to see you home, Pa.”

“I’m glad to be home, son. I hope never to step foot in San Francisco ever again.”

“Huh changed has it since the last time we were there?” Hoss muttered and glanced over at Joe, raised his eyebrows and nodded.

“Like a nightmare…” Ben leaned back and half closed his eyes, if he didn’t know better he could swear that his two youngest had something up their sleeves….he wondered what they had been plotting while he was away, or - had something happened that they were building up the courage to discuss with him. “Well, anyway, seems like the Ponderosa hasn’t burned down any.”

“No, sir. No, not that - “ Joe stammered and faltered, then looked over at Hoss who drew in a deep breath.

“That’s good. No flash floods, no one killed while in town..the children all healthy ..”

“Yep, everything’s just fine, Pa.” Hoss said and then gulped “Well, that is, mostly everything is just fine.”

Hester appeared and put down the cup and saucer, then began to pour out the coffee. In the quietness that Hoss’ announcement had created she handed out the cups and then quickly left the room. Perhaps this would be a good time to visit Olivia and welcome her home….

Sofia was first into the house, calling out to Cheng Ho Lee in her shrill voice which held a smile in every word. Reuben followed close on her heels and gave her just a little shove as though she were not moving fast enough. Olivia came with Nathaniel in here arms, he had fallen asleep, bounced about on the wagon and too hot and dusty to want to stay away he was not snoring softly, his cheeks red from the warmth of his contact with Olivia’s body.

“Cheng - we’re back.”Sofia cried, and flung her arms wide to give him a hug, “did you miss us/”

“Very much little missy.”

He bowed to Olivia as he always did, a smile on his pleasant handsome face, his dark hair pulled tightly back in its custumary pig tail. He slid his hands in the wide sleeves of his tunic and nodded as Olivia gently settled Nathaniel down on the settee. “The boxes you send from city arrive yesterday, Missy.”

“Oh I am glad.” Olivia said and pulled out the hat pin from her bonnet which she removed carefully, “I was hoping they would come before we got home.”

She smiled at Cheng and was about to say more when Sofia ran into the room, “Mommy, mommy, there’s some boxes in here, big ones.”

She ran to her mother arm outstretched and grabbed at her mother’s hand “Come and see, mommy, come and see.”

“In a moment, Sofia…calm down now.”

“But mommy -”

A sound from the stairs and Olivia glanced up, then looked at Cheng who bowed his head and said something about getting some refreshments while Olivia looked up at Bridie Martin who was descending the stairs with an anxious look upon her face.

“Bridie?” Olivia paused, concern changed to pleasure, she chided herself for thinking that her friend’s presence meant bad news, when it was just a delight to see her again “How lovely to see you here, Bridie, I wasn’t expecting such a surprise.” she paused “Is everything alright?”

Why had she even asked such a thing? Of course everything was alright…after all the only one with bad news was herself, having to tell friends that Adam was not coming home - yet. But something about how Bridie came down the stairs made Olivia anxious “Is Paul - alright?”

“Pauls fine, my dear.” Bridie took the last step and then listened for a moment as Sofia told her that there were big boxes in the other room full of presents for everyone, “and one for you too, Bridie.”

“Thankyou, dear, how lovely.” Bridie said and nodded, smiled and then looked at Olivia “Olivia, something has happened…”

Olivia felt her stomach lurch and she looked at her little daughter who was hopping from one foot to the other from impatience “Go and get some lemonade. Hurry now…”

Cheng Ho Lee made the best lemonade so Sofia was not bothered about staying with her mother and Bridie, she ran off, giggling at nothing, happy just to be home.

Olivia approached Bridie and reached for her hand “What’s wrong, Bridie?”

“I don’t really know how to put it…”

“Then just say it…” Olivia glanced upstairs “Is there someone up there …”

“Yes. Yes, there is.” Bridie nodded and clasped Olivia’s hand tightly “A young woman. She arrived in town two days ago. She was very ill, and collapsed just as she reached Paul’s surgery”

“And you thought to bring her here?”

“We thought it better - wiser -” Bridie frowned, “She said she was a friend of Adams. She was feverish you understand, and kept demanding that she had to see Adam.” she bit her lip, and frowned, cast her eyes down “In view of her condition…”


“Yes. She is due to have a baby very soon.” she tightened her grip on Olivia’s hand as the young woman started forward “Wait. It may not be as bad as it appears, Olivia. We don’t’ know who she is, she wouldn’t say..just insisted that she had to see Adam Cartwright. They were old friends. Well, you can imagine what it would have seemed like if it became - known in town - you understand?”

Olivia nodded. Her stomach turned over and over. “Due to have a baby soon?”

“Paul gives her a few days at most.”

“I see.” Olivia put cold fingers to her forehead, the cold seeped down through her skin making her tingle, she felt sick, that meant nine months ago - “She’s a stranger in town?”

“Yes, she got off the stage and managed to ask where the Doctor’s surgery was…thankfully that was all said… before she passed out outside Paul’s door.”

“Young and pretty I suppose?” Olivia’s lips clamped tight.

“Well, not that young, your age I should say and yes, she is pretty…”

“Of course, she would be …” Olivia muttered and stood up, straightened her shoulders “And you brought her here?”

“Where else could we take her?” Bridie said quietly, “Unless you want the whole town to know…”

Olivia shuddered, nine months ago, where was Adam nine months ago? Where had he been? She couldn’t think straight, she couldn’t remember.

“Well, I had better go and see this - lady - and get the truth out of her.” she muttered and then looked at Bridie, “I don’t believe what you’re thinking, Bridie, you know that, don’t you?”

Bridie said nothing, but she just nodded and followed Olivia up the stairs.

Chapter 33

But what was she thinking? Olivia stopped at the half landing and slowly removed her glasses, wiped tears from under her eyes with her finger and bowed her head. Behind her Bridie paused and put a hand on her younger friends shoulder, unsure now as to whether or not she had done the right thing in bringing the stranger to this house.

The sounds of childrens laughter, high pitched voices, Sofia saying “Oh Nathaniel -” in that tone of voice that meant he had done something wrong already seeped up the stairs and for a moment filled the space between thoughts.

Olivia sighed and replaced her glasses. She had never doubted Adams faithfulness to her, never. Not even when her own sister accused him of immoral relations with her. When had this started. Still she hesitated on the stairs and stared up at those she still had to climb, she drew in a deep breath and put a foot forward, then the other…

Sylvia Soames slipped into her mind, that beautifully dressed woman who stood at the table with her father, and looked her in the eyes as though she was looking at someone who had made herself a pathetic spectacle by thinking she could dress as smartly as herself. Sylvia Soames who had smiled when her father had asked Olivia ‘Not wearing your new glasses’ as though Olivia were some school marm - it seemed from thereon everything had gone wrong.

“What is it, dearie?” Bridie whispered “Are you unwell?”

Unwell? Olivia quelled, with agreat effort, the desire to turn on the woman and scream “How do you expect me to feel? You’ve brought a stranger to my house…a pregnant woman - asking for my husband - how could you? How dare you….”

“Olivia, believe me, if I could think of where else I could have taken her I would have done, but she was so insistent on seeing Adam…I couldn’t risk others seeing or hearing her, you do understand don’t you?”

Olivia bowed her head and finally mounted the last stair and placed her foot on the landing, she turned then to Bridie “Does Hester know? Or Mary Ann?”

“No- only Cheng Ho Lee, Paul and Jimmy.”

Olivia nodded and tilted her head to one side to survey Bridie’s homely face, the anxious eyes, “I know this may look bad -”

“It’s in the minds of people whether or not it is bad…they take what they see and hear as fact -” Bridie placed a gentle hand on Olivia’s arm “Why not just go in and confront her.”

“And she has no name?”

“She wouldn’t tell us what her name was - “ Bridie frowned “She had only one bag, which contained some clothing, expensive clothing may I add - and a box.” she paused then, “We thought the box may contain her identity papers but it was locked. It’s a very lovely box, we didn’t dare to risk damaging it by forcing the lock.”

“Nothng else? No baby clothes - no - letters - nothing?” Olivia removed her glasses again and nervously walked a few steps towards the guest room door.

Bridie only shrugged and followed closely behind Olivia, whose heart was beating so hard that it echoed in her ear drums and prevented her from hearing what Bridie said next. She placed her hand on the door knob and pushed the door open.

The woman in the bed was sleeping. It looked as though she had not slept in months, nor eaten for she was so thin that the clothes she wore hung on her small frame and exposed too much flesh as a result. She may have been as thin as a lathe but her swollen belly was evidence of a very advanced pregnancy. Olivia looked at Bridie

“I see what you mean - she looks ready to give birth any time.”

Bridie nodded and walked to the bed, took hold of the limp hand and felt for the woman’s pulse. She sighed and smiled briefly, “It’s stronger than it was…I was fearful for a moment that she would not survive the confinement.”

“Has she eaten while she’s been here?”

“Cheng made her something to eat. She ate some she drinks mostly.”

Olivia approached the bed and looked down onto the face of the woman who was Adam’s friend. Bridie had obviously taken the trouble to tidy the woman up as much as she could, the dark hair was braided, it was long but some loose curls of it fell across her thin face. The eye sockets were bruised from lack of sleep and food, the woman had, Olivia could see, suffered greatly. She looked over at Bridie

“Who could she be, Bridie? The woman looks as though she’s gone through agonies during the past few months.”

“She’s spoke gibberish when she was delirious…not exactly gibberish, that’s unfair of me to say that, foreign - some language I’ve never heard before…the only English she has spoken was to ask for Adam and insist on their being good friends.”

Bridie looked anxiously at Olivia and wondered what she was thinking, what was passing through her mind now? She reached out to take hold of Olivia’s hand, and was surprised at how cold it was and she shook her head “Adam would not do what others would assume, Olivia, you know that, don’t you?”

“What do you mean?” Olivia glanced at Bridie with some degree of arrogance in her voice “Do you seriously think I’d assume that this woman was - had been - having an affair with my husband?”

Bridie said nothing, bit her lip and sighed, then pushed her fingers through her greying hair, “It is what others in town would have thought seeing her, hearing her talking about Adam.”

Olivia shook her head impatiently. Yes, alright, she had for a fleeting moment - perhaps five - dreaded the possibility of her husband’s unfaithfulness and the results of it coming right to her door. What else could she think after all, she was only a woman, and how many women past the bloom of youth and with three children have husbands who had a mistress or two on the side? But not Adam…and she felt a niggle of shame turn in her stomach.

The woman stirred and opened her eyes. They were large brown eyes, certainly too large for the thin face, but they added to her prettiness, even now. There was no doubting the fact that the woman had, prior to this fall to misery, been very lovely.

Her eyes locked onto Olivia and seemed to rake through her before she said “You are Adam’s wife? Olivia?”

Her voice was soft, weary. But it had an American accent with a slight sing song lilt which added to the charm of her voice. “Is Adam here?”

“No. I’m sorry, he isn’t - I mean, yes, I am Olivia Cartwright.” she tried to sound stern, compassionate but stern. The ‘I’m sorry for your plight but don’t mess with me -’ sound of voice. She drew herself upright and watched as Bridie re-arranged the pillows to help the woman sit up.

“Shakrun - I mean - thank you.” the woman said and then placed hand upon Bridie’s arm, “Thank you for all your help, Mrs Martin. Thank you for bringing me here - I know I will be safe now - I know Adam will help me.”

Bridie and Olivia exchanged a look and Olivia sighed and pulled over a chair to the bedside and sat down, “Perhaps you could tell us what your name is, and why you are here?”

The woman looked surprised, her eyebrows rose and then fell, she bowed her head and sighed “I am Anna El Hassim -”

“Rachel’s sister?” Olivia interrupted, her voice an octave higher than usual “You are - Anna El Hassim?”

“Yes, I said so. I couldn’t before, I just couldn’t risk telling anyone who I was because I - I was afraid.”

“Well,” Bridie said stoutly “You needn’t be afraid now, you’re safe here.” and she patted Anna on the shoulder to reassure her while she looked over at Olivia and raised her eyebrows. There was a mystery here somewhere, and thankfully Olivia seemed to know what it was -

“You know me? Adam has spoken of me perhaps?”

“But they’re looking for you…Adam and Laurence, they’re in San Francisco looking for you.” Olivia said softly,

“What do you mean? I told them not to get involved - not to look for me. Why is Laurence in San Francisco?”

“Rachel and Laurence both came over - they came to ask Adam for help in finding you.”

Anna’s eyes went wide, the pupils dilated, she shook her head “No, no, I told them not to get involved, I sent my necklace so that they would know it was from me…they were not to get involved, not to come 0 no no, this is -” she put her face in her hands and struggled to keep calm, gulping down air, trying to control her breathing.

“They got your journal-”

“My what?”

“Your journal…it was sent to Charles and then to Sylvia -”

“Sylvia Soames?”

“Yes, a friend of yours?”

“Yes, I suppose she is, she and Angelique were good friends for a while but - she had my journal?” Anna leaned forward as though she had to draw closer to Olivia to absorb exactly what she said.

“She had your journal and gave it to Laurence and Rachel…”

“Here? In America?”

“In San Francisco … and they were going to come here to ask Adam for help but -” she paused, “How good a friend was Sylvia to you?”

“Oh - “ Anna smiled, a slight whimsical smile, and shrugged her thin shoulders “She was just a friend who was passing through Cairo one time, no one I would expect too much from, a butterfly - Said - my husband - used to say not to rely too much on that one…” her composure cracked, her lips trembled and tears trickled down her cheeks.

“I know your husband died - Anna, I am sorry. Rachel and Laurence told us - it was in your journal -”

“I never wrote about that in my journal…” she mustered up some strength and shook her head “I never wrote anything in my journal about what happened - the last time I saw it, it was in my room. I - I just don’t understand - where is Adam? Where is Laurence and Rachel now?” she glanced around her, looked suddenly wild and frightened “Are they here?”


Joe stretched out his legs and released his breath. In a way it was just great that Ben had some bad news of his own to impart, it delayed the telling of their own. He toyed with the button of his jacket while he listened to what Ben was telling them about events in San Francisco, his eyes focused on his father’s face, the brown eyes, the anxiety in those brown eyes. He had seen it so often, for him, Hoss and Adam - a father concerned for his sons, and he knew that one day, he would look like that because his babies would not remain babies for long.

“So, when is he coming back, do you know?” Hoss asked quietly

“I don’t even know where they are going…fact is, I don’t think even they have a clue as to where they are going.”

“And it isn’t anything to do with the Navy, or the Government?” Joe asked now, his eyes narrowed. “Nothing political?”

“Even that - I don’t know - “ Ben shrugged “But Adam - well - you know how he feels about friendship and loyalty”

“I don’t understand it - you go away for a weeks vacation and come home minus one son, who could be sailing off anywhere while there’s murder and goodness knows what else going on in San Francisco.” Joe shook his head, and scowled.

“It just started off with a request from friends to help them find a lost woman…” Ben sighed and looked at Hester who sighed as well, and took hold of his hand in sympathy.

“Is Olivia alright?” she asked now, wondering just how her friend would be feeling at coming home without her beloved husband.

“She actually encouraged him to go…not because she wanted him to go, but because -”

“Yeah, because if he came home then he’d be itching to know what he had missed out on.” Joe muttered and scowled.

Ben nodded and leaned back in his chair, he sipped his coffee and then after a moments silence regarded his two sons thoughtfully “Well, at least nothing went wrong here, did it?”

He wasn’t sure why he added “Did it?” perhaps just an awareness that there was a 99% possibility of things going wrong with Hoss and Joe in charge of anything while he was absent from home. He looked from one face to the other and sighed, put his cup back in the saucer “Well, so? What happened?”

Hoss looked at Joe and shrugged, his blue eyes rolled up and round, his nose twitched. Joe sighed and leaned forward as though about to confide big things to his father, he opened and closed his mouth several times like a fish struggling to breathe when first pulled out of the water.

“It isn’t as serious as anything Adam has got himself into, Pa. Nothing like that at all…just a little … mystery.”

“Mystery?” Ben closed his eyes for a moment, and clasped his hands together over his stomach, “There’s nothing I like more than going away on holiday and coming home to the warmth and comfort of my own home…to peace and tranquillity …and a mystery.”

“Yeah, well, it ain’t that much of a mystery. I think we got it all sewn up - just need to tidy up a few things is all.” Hoss said suspiciously

“Oh, well, that’s good isn’t it? Just a few things to tidy up - so not such a mystery after all.” Ben replied sarcastically.

Joe cleared his throat “Well, thing is - we have new neighbours. Do you remember hearing about them?”

“No. Enlighten me.” Ben opened his eyes and looked at the two men, then at Hester who was wondering whether or not she should slip away and join Hop Sing in the kitchen.

“Ebenezer Burgoyne, his wife and two sons….” Hoss said and glanced at Joe, raising his eyebrows again, asking the question ’Do you tell him or not?”

Joe leaned forward, his clasped hands fell between his knees as though in an attitude of prayer, he looked at the rug and then at his father “Does the name Ebenezer Burgoyne seem familiar to you, Pa?”

He glanced up to look into Ben’s face and his father stared at him for a moment and shook his head “No, should it?”

“Well, he claims to know you.” Joe replied and batted his eyelids a little as he began to get a trifle nervous

“Ebenezer Burgoyne?” Ben ran a hand along his jaw and shook his head, then stared into the further reaches of the room, then up at the ceiling. He repeated the name “Ebenezer Burgoyne…did he say how he knew me?”

“A long time ago, when you were boys on board ship…” Hoss blurted and was gratified to hear Ben’s exhalation of”Aaaah”

They were silent for a moment or two waiting for Ben to say something else. For a while he sat there ruminating, stroking his chin, his mouth widened into a grin, then into a smile.

“Ebenezer Burgoyne…goodness, that goes back a long time. And he’s moved here?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Well now, isn’t that something.” Ben breathed, “Eb and I were good friends when we were lads. Signed on at the same time you see, I think I was 14 and he was only 12, got me to lie about his age for him, in case the Captain turned him away. We had good times together, yes, very good times.”

“And then you parted company?” Joe nudged the memories along, impatient to get the conversation over with…no mention of lost calves or rustling …yet.

“Yes, but that’s life - he signed on with another ship that was going where he wanted to go, somewhere exotic. I stayed with Abel, for obvious reasons, I wanted to court his daughter.” Ben smiled dreamily, Elizabeth …sweet Elizabeth and he sighed, caught in the moment and for that moment his sons let him drift

“So? What brought him here? Does he know about the Ponderosa?” he looked at them both, caught the look that passed between them, and frowned “Well now, have we at last hit upon what the mystery is all about?”

“Not really, Pa.” Hoss said cagily.

“Sort of, but not quite….” Joe replied.

“Pa, Ebenezer Burgoyne married an old friend of yours -” Hester said quietly, and put his hand on his arm “Joyce Edwards.”

For a moment Ben sat there as though the name meant nothing, then they saw the red blush creeping above his collar, and the dark eyes were lowered “I see. Joyce…well, I guess that explains why she stopped writing back to me.”

“They married about ten years ago.” Joe said quickly

Ben nodded, did a quick calculation, so at least there was five to six years between her leaving to her marrying Burgoyne. He sighed, shook his head, water under the bridge now, he told himself. “How is she? IS she well?”

“Sure she is, Pa. She and Burgoyne seem - “ Hoss gulped a swallow “seem real happy together.”

“So - any reason why they came here to live?” Ben asked

“She - I think she wanted to come back, she loved it here…” Hester said quietly “And her husband had two good reasons for wanting to come back apart from pleasing her.”

“Oh, two good reasons…well, what are they?”

“His sons!” Hoss muttered and scowled.

“By his first wife, who happened to be related to Walter Gregsons wife…another thing that drew them here as well.” Joe explained.

“So I take it that you don’t particularly like these Burgoyne boys?”

“We think they went in for a spot of rustling, Pa…from us, Luke and Derwent….all neighbouring ranches to Greigson and Burgoyne land.”Joe glanced up at Ben and saw the dark eyes darkening, the generous mouth tightening.

“Have you seen Nate about it?”

“Not yet…”

Ben sighed and leaned back in his chair, he nodded…”Very well then, we’ll go into town to morrow and get this rustling business sorted out.”

Hester stood up, brushed down her skirts and then kissed Ben on the top of his head, she decided not to mention that he was beginning to go bald, perhaps he knew that already…

“Happy homecoming, Pa.”

Ben shook his head and reached for his pipe, he held it in his hand for a moment, and sighed as memories of Joyce rose to the forefront of his mind….Joyce, he’d loved her enough to want her for a wife …and now here she was, back in his life again, and married to a man who had at one time been closer than a brother to him.


Chapter 34