Marsha Colyer

Rating: G (Ch 3 borderline R)

Summary: A man out of Ben and Adam’s past returns to exact revenge. Will Ben loose one son to save another?



He stood alone in the middle of the street, the noon day sun beating down on his scorched face as he watched the volunteer fire brigade attempt to keep the fire that had been his latest business venture from spreading to the rest of the town. He tried to look concerned for appearances sake but, truth be told, he didn’t care one way or the other.

He’d bought it from her brother in an attempt to force her into marriage. He believed if he took away the mercantile that saddle tramp who was obviously only after her money would leave town and take that snot nosed brat of a son with him. How was he to know she would up and marry Cartwright and leave with him and THAT KID!

He knew she didn’t believe him, but he felt he truly loved Inger Borgstrum and that they could have built this town into a thriving metropolis that would rival San Francisco!

As the last wall of his/her store collapsed, he decided it was high time he did something about it. He would pick up Cartwright’s trail and, once he caught up with them, convince Inger to return with him. He would search every town between there and California if he had to but he would find her and dare Cartwright to get in his way! He’d like nothing more than to shot him and that brat kid Adam and get it over with.

A small nugget of an idea began to seep into his brain. She probably wouldn’t come with him willingly but, if he took that kid, she would return to save him. The rest he would make up as he went along.


His antics had once again gotten him into trouble with his father. How was he supposed to know that if you picked the apple at the bottom of the pyramid the whole thing would collapse? Was it his fault that Mr. Cass chose that moment to come walking out of the supply room with a sack of flour and step on an apple? Or that his father just happened to be standing where the sack landed when Mr. Cass threw it? OK maybe he shouldn’t have laughed when his father had so much flour on him he looked like a ghost!

Could he really be blamed when an apple rolled into the street and in front of a horse who decided to see if he could find any more of the delicious morsels inside the store? It just wasn’t fair!!! Mr. Cass shouldn’t have built that toy display so close to the front door anyway!!!

“Hey Joe!” Called Adam to the dejected figure sitting on the wagon seat. When Joe finally turned tear filled eyes in his direction, he continued.

“You have to face him sooner or later Little Buddy.” he said softly as he reached for the ten year old. “Come on, I’ll go with you.”

The brothers re entered the store, the younger holding tightly to his big brother’s hand. He knew he was always wanting this particular brother to treat him as an adult but, right now, he just wanted him to fix it as he had when he was still a small child.

Ben waited semi patiently inside the door. He was still dusting flour off his clothing. He had managed to clean most of it off his face and hair but it persisted on his clothing and hat. Adam had to restrain himself from laughing all over again. Ben just shot him a warning glare before turning to the woebegone ten year old before him.

“Young man do you even realize how much trouble you’re in right now?”

“Yes sir.” he mumbled clutching a little tighter to Adam’s hand and moving closer to his leg.

Ben softened just a little. He could hear the genuine remorse in his small son’s voice.

“Mr. Cass has agreed to let you work off the damages.” he continued. Joe looked up in surprise. He figured he was really ‘in the dog house’ with this latest stunt.

“But…” Ben continued. “one more incident…just one…and you won’t even see the outside of the house until you’re thirty much less Virginia City!”

“Yes sir Pa!” Beamed Joe. “What do I have to do Mr. Cass?”

“I’m not finished with you yet young man!” interrupted Ben. Joe’s enthusiasm quickly diminished. “Since the two of you haven’t had much of a chance to spend any time together since he returned from school last month, Adam has asked to stay with you and help clean this…” Ben made a sweeping gesture of the store. “disaster and bring you home later.” Joe beamed up at his brother as he finally let go of his hand.

Ben wasn’t finished. “After the last few incidents at school, I think it would be prudent for you and Adam to spend some time together while he teaches you some basic laws of physics!”

Now Adam looked to his father in confusion.

“It’s too long a list to explain now son. We’ll discuss it when you get home later.

“”This should be interesting.”.. Adam muttered under his breath as he surveyed the damage to the store.

“Aloud he said, “Pa, from the looks of this mess, we may have to stay over tonight.”

“Just do what you can son.” He said as he slapped Adam on the back and headed for the door.

“Hopefully we’ll see you at supper, breakfast at the latest!” to his youngest, “Joseph?”

“Yes sir.”

“If you do have to stay overnight, you will listen to your brother, you will be up, and you will be in school tomorrow on time and on your best behavior won’t you?”

“Yes sir.” He replied meekly as he moved just behind Adam’s left leg once again. Adam laid a hand on his small shoulder and squeezed. As he turned from the pair, he winked at Mr. Cass as he proceeded out the door.


The Cartwright boys spent a rather enjoyable afternoon working side by side to right Mr. Cass’ store, Joe working diligently without complaint.

Mr. Cass was more than pleased with the results, noticing with pleasure how well Joe was listening to his big brother. He chuckled to himself when he noticed Adam standing in the doorway with his hands on his hips, breathing hard. Little Joe joined his brother, striking the same pose, looking for all the world like a shrunken Adam!

“Well Joe,” started Adam, surveying the room. “It’s too early to justify staying in town tonight, but too late to make it home for Hop Sing’s dinner. How about we grab some food before we head home?”

Joe smiled up at his brother. “Gee thanks Adam! Can we go to the diner instead of the International House?”

“Sure kid.” An impish grin crept over Adam’s face. “And I won’t even tell pa you just wanted to flirt with Daisy.”

Joe blushed “Ah Adam!”

Mr. Cass cleared his throat behind Joe. Joe turned cautiously to the scowling adult behind him.

“Yes sir Mr. Cass?”

“Young man, I may be shooting myself in the foot but…if you promise to be more careful in the future and listed to your brother…” the man finally grinned. “I’ll call it even and you can go.”

“Thanks Mr. Cass!” Joe shouted as he gave him a quick hug and started for the door.

“Just a minute young man!”

Joe froze in his tracks. “If you promise to share these with your brothers, I think you’ve worked hard enough for an extra treat.” He handed Joe a small package with three peppermint sticks inside.

Joe beamed. “Thanks Mr. Cass!” He started to pop one in his mouth but Adam stopped him.

“After dinner Little Buddy!”


The brothers spent an enjoyable meal time at Miss Daisy’s Café where Joe talked almost non stop about all the things Adam had missed while he’d been away at school Adam didn’t’ hear half of it but let his excited little brother talk, because Joe (the pickiest eater in the west), was cleaning his plate without noticing.

“Adam I don’t think I can eat anymore.” He said, finally stopping to take a breath.

Adam laughed. “I’m not surprised Joe, look.” he pointed to Joe’s almost empty plate. “You outdid Hoss!”

Joe just grinned. “Na, if I was Hoss, I’d be on my third dessert by now!”

“good point. Are you ready to head home? If we leave now, we can still get there before dark.”

Joe grinned, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Pa isn’t expecting us. We could stay the night…you could go for a beer…you could take me with you…you…you could…”

“Nice try, but you’re still too young for a saloon.”

“Well” sighed Joe as he made an overly dramatic exit from the diner. “You can’t blame a man for trying.”

Adam chuckle as he turned to follow the little actor out the door to the sound of Miss Daisy’s laughter.


It was yet another saloon in yet another cow town as he continued his quest in search of his Inger. The old man sat with his back to the wall, watching the patrons coming and going, the latest in a long string of drinks in his hand. The alcohol had ceased to have any effect on him ages ago, his need for revenge being more intoxicating than the drink. He HAD to find her and he had to take her away from that saddle tramp, Cartwright!

He was financially well established as was evident by the quality of his attire, but something about his demeanor had even the most hardened of the saloon girls trying to avoid him.

As he downed his drink and signaled for yet another, his attention was drawn to the young cowboy dressed all in black walking past the window and his young and excited companion.

“Excuse me miss.” he said in what he hoped was a reasonable imitation of a civil tone as he motioned for the nearest saloon girl.

“Pardon me miss but do you know the two standing across the street, in front of that diner?”

The lady turned in the direction he was pointing, her face lighting in recognition. “You mean that gorgeous pile of trail dust over there or the cute little mud ball beside him?”

He almost choked on the new drink. ‘She just called him a pile of dirt, how appropriate!’ He thought. “The…pile of trail dust.” He choked out through gritted teeth.

The girl sighed wistfully as she answered him. “That’s Adam Cartwright. He just got back into town about a month ago after graduating from college in Boston where at the top of his class.” She sighed again as she continued to stare dreamily at Adam and Joe.

“And the little one beside him?” he prompted when she stopped talking.

The girl snapped back to reality. “I think he’s Adam’s little brother.”

It all came back to him in a rush. “So that’s what happened to that snot nosed brat!” he thought in disdain. There was something in this kid he hated from the first second he’d laid eyes on him. Now, almost twenty years later and he hated him even worse! He was the reason she’d fallen for Cartwright! HE was the reason she’d left him! HE had to be removed from the picture!

A sudden realization hit him. “Did you say his brother?”

“Yep. I’ve only met him once. I think his name is…Horse…or Joe…one or the other.” Rose had only been in the area for a short time and only knew OF the Cartwright’s, she didn’t know which one was which except for Adam.

‘I’d almost bet his real name is Erik.’ he thought. ‘So Inger had a child. Funny, I always thought if she had kids, they would be bigger, like Gunner.’

He suddenly realized the girl remained by his table, waiting patiently. He fished a five dollar gold piece from his pocket and handed it to her.

“Thank you my dear, you’ve been very helpful.” He said, with a small smile as he handed her the coin. “This is for you if you’ll forget you ever saw me.”

“Saw who?” She asked as she slipped the coin into her cleavage and wondered away from the table.

“Good girl.”

Almost as soon as she’d wondered away, he’d forgotten all about her. He’d have to do some fast recruiting while the brothers were in the diner. He only had an hour at most before they left town.


On the road out of town, Joe continued his long winded “reporting” of all that had happened in Virginia City since Adam’s departure…four years earlier.

A thought struck Adam as he was only half listening.

“Wait a minute” he interrupted when Joe stopped to take a breath.

“Why don’t you tell me about these ah…incidents pa brought up about you needing a lesson in physics?”

Joe fell suddenly silent. “OK” he sighed dramatically for effect. “Remember, these weren’t ALL my fault.”

‘Oh Boy.’ thought Adam, ‘this ought to be good.’

Joe took a deep breath and started talking, his words tumbling out. “I almost killed the head of the school board with a snow ball, I rigged the girl’s outhouse on sled runners and attached it to the back of a stranger’s wagon while Miss Jones was in it, I flattened out a piece of candle wax and stuck splinters in it and put it in Miss Jones seat…should I go on?”

Adam sat quietly behind his brother trying his best to keep from laughing. He didn’t want to encourage his behavior too much.

“Well Joe,” he said, deciding changing the subject would be prudent. “another mile or so and we’ll be home.”

“Don’t think Pa’s expecting us or at least you before morning.” said Joe looking up at his brother’s face hopefully. “We could swing down by the lake and camp out tonight. You could take me to school in the morning.”

Three horses appeared before them, blocking their passage. Adam’s arms wrapped more securely around Joe as he assessed his chances. They weren’t good.

“good” said the older of the three. “Then he won’t come looking for you until we’re long gone.”

“You’re on private property you creep!” shouted Joe as he tried to wriggle out of Adam’s grasp.

“Young man, is that any way to speak to your betters?” He snarled, looking down his nose at the insignificant bug before him. “Did your father not teach you any manners?”

“You’re not better than us, just older…a LOT older!”

Adam laid his hand gently across Joe’s mouth. There was a nugget of a memory in the back of Adam’s mind that he couldn’t seem to force to the front concerning this strange man. He knew he’d known him before, but when?”

“What’s the matter Adam?” smiled the old man. “You look as if you’ve seen a ghost!”

Adam scowled, the voice seeping slowly into his memory.

“I don’t know who you are, nor do I care!”

“Ned McWorter at your service.” He stated, bowing at the waist.

Recognition flashed across Adam’s face for an instant before he stared blankly at the man. Unfortunately, McWorter saw it.

“Ah so you do remember me!”

“I remember you were mad because mama wouldn’t marry you, I remember you tried to kill Uncle Gunner, and I remember you tried to frame pa for it!”

Joe stared dumbfounded up at his big brother. He would have to get the rest of this story when they got home. He had no doubt they would be fine because Adam could fix anything.

McWorter dismissed his rant. “That’s nether here nor there any longer you insignificant twit!” he snarled down his nose at Adam. “I’ve come to find Inger and prove to her that I’m a better man than that saddle tramp Cartwright!”

My pa’s not a saddle tramp!!!” screamed Joe before Adam could stop him.

“McWorter was taken aback for a moment.

“your pa?” He looked to Adam for conformation. Adam nodded slightly, scowling at the top of Joe’s head.

“so Inger had a son! Funny, I always figured he would b e a lot bigger, like Gunner.”

“Well MR. McWorter,” started Adam, trying to retain some sort of composure and hoping Joe followed his lead. “Not that I think you deserve any sort of explanation but,” He took a deep breath. In his mind’s eye, he relived the day his mama was shot in the back by an Indian’s arrow and lay dying as he huddled in the corner clutching tightly to his baby brother.

“Mama died in an Indian attack while we were still with the wagon train. Pa remarried several years ago. Marie died as well, but this is her son…pa’s third son. There are actually three of us now.”

Adam finally stopped talking as he ran out of breath. It didn’t matter because McWorter hadn’t heard anything after ‘mama died in an Indian attack.’

“He killed my Inger.” He said softly to no one in particular.

“She’s been dead for almost twenty years now.” Adam said gently.

“HE KILLED MY INGER!!!” McWorter’s voice echoed through the mountains, the sound making it all the way back to the ranch house.

(The horses in the corral danced away from Hoss as he tried to add feed to their bin.

“Easy little fella.” He said, scratching a small colt between the eyes. “It’s just some poor critter in the hills in pain, he won’t get ya.” He looked to the hills, wondering what kind of animal could make that strange sound.)

Back with the “animal” Adam was attempting to explain, but knew he was wasting his time. Somewhere along the line over the years, the man had obviously lost his mind.

McWorter stopped ranting as a small smile crept across his face.

“Originally Adam, I intended to take you as a bargaining chip to get Inger t meet with me. Since that saddle tramp got her killed, I think I know a better way to get back at Cartwright.”

To the men positioned on either side of Adam’s horse, “Take Inger’s son. If I can’t have her, I’ll raise her son as my own.”

As one of the cowboys laid a hand on Joe’s shoulder, Adam dove from his horse, taking the man with him. Driven by a need to protect his little brother, he delivered blow after blow to the man’s face.

McWorter watched for a moment, impressed that this young man that he thought so little of was getting the better of his much larger opponent.

He soon grew tired of the skeptical.

“Enough of this. He said turning to the one still on his horse. “Daniel, shoot him in the leg.”

Daniel hesitated. “You sure you want to do that? As close as we are to the house, old man Cartwright would most likely hear the shot.”

“Excellent point Daniel.” With that, McWorter removed a hunting knife from his belt and threw it with great force toward the pair. The blade embedded itself in Adam’s shoulder, almost to the hilt. The force of the blow knocked Adam forward, over his opponent. The man, finally getting an opening, tossed Adam off of him and rammed the knife the rest of the way into his shoulder. The eight inch blade penetrated the skin and protruded from the front of his shoulder.

Joe, having had to watch the whole thing from his perch on Beauty’s back, clamored to the ground while his guard was distracted and reached his fallen brother’s side.

“Adam!” He cried as he started to remove the knife.

“Stop Joe.” said Adam weakly, his hand covering Joe’s smaller one.

“Adam you’re alive!!!” shrieked Joe as he threw his arms around Adam’s neck.

“Darn” gripped McWorter, “I missed.”

“Now Erik allow me to fill in the blanks of the story your brother apparently had neglected to tell you.”

Realizing the brothers were still free, he turned to his companions. “First, why don’t you restrain these two so you won’t have to watch them so closely.”

Once they were tied to trees on opposite sides of the clearing, McWorter continued, looking from one brother to the other.

“Comfy boys?” He asked patronizingly. He began his speech in the style of the great story tellers of old, walking between the two trees as he spoke.

“Some twenty odd years ago, I was in love with a Swedish beauty in my town. She and her brother owned the only mercantile in town. She worked sun up to sun down in the store while he drank and gambled away the profits.”

He sat on a nearby stump, obviously tired from moving between the brothers. When he looked to Joe, he had an almost kindly expression on his face; to Adam there was nothing but hate and loathing.

“I almost had her convinced to marry me so I could take over running the store and maybe get a firm hand on Gunnar when YOU happened!” he spat. He lobbed the rock that he’d been playing with in Adam’s direction, hitting him almost between the eyes. As the blood slowly began to run down his nose and on to his cheek, McWorter grinned a small, self satisfying smile…Adam never flinched. McWorter was momentarily unnerved but soon reverted to story. At least he tried to.

“You Bastard!” shrieked Joe, trying to break free.

“Someone gag him please!” he shouted, waving his hand at Joe.

Once he was properly subdued, McWorter continued his tale.

“As I was saying when I was so rudely interrupted.” His eyes shot daggers at Joe. “One quiet day, a ratty old wagon rolled into town with this pathetic looking, half starved, raggedy drifter. Inger gave him what he asked for and was about to send him on his way without a second thought when his sickly little boy walked in.” He poked Adam in the chest with his fist. Adam still didn’t flinch, only continued to stare into the man’s face, silently, the dark look on his face getting darker by the moment.

McWorter backed up a step and picked up a small tree branch. He swung at Adam’s head, connecting with his left temple, causing a large rip in his hairline, and the blood to run down the side of his face.” Adam turned back to face the man, still silent. Joe was another story. He struggled against the ropes, trying to break free. The gag in his mouth kept him from being understood, but he continued to scream at the man.

“If you’d stayed out of sight she wouldn’t have fallen for you, and she wouldn’t have Given Cartwright a second thought!”

Having finally gotten it all out, McWorter returned to his tree stump, his breathing sounding as if he’d run a marathon.

Once he regained a little composure, he continued. “Now my dear Adam, here’s the plan. I heard your father isn’t expecting you until morning, so I’m going to leave him a message with you.”

Adam finally spoke, his deep baritone growing deeper. “do you honestly think I’m going to help you? Or deliver anything for you?”

The man laughed. “It’ll be attached to your shirt because you my dear thorn in my side will be quiet dead.” He looked at Adam’s face expecting to see fear and maybe just a little bit of begging. He got neither. Adam continued to stare silently, his steely glaze almost unnerving the man.

He turned from Adam and made his way back to Joe, his hand gently caressing Joe’s cheek. Joe jerked away as he continued to scream at the man.

“Quiet the little fireball isn’t he?” Laughed McWorter, addressing Adam. “Takes after his Uncle Gunnar doesn’t he?”

“McWorter.” sighed Adam. “I Know I’m wasting my breath by telling you this…again but, mama died in an Indian attack about twenty years ago. Pa married again,” indicating Joe. “he isn’t Hoss, he’s the son of pa’s third wife, Marie.”

McWorter’s glare shot back to Joe. “Is this true?”

Joe could only nod. “HE KILLED MY INGER?!?”

“Mama died in an Indian attack.” Adam explained gently…again. The memory of the day was still extremely painful even after all these years. He could still see her lying in his father’s arms with as arrow protruding from her back as he clung tightly to his baby brother.

By now McWorter had stalked back to Adam. “HE KILLED MY INGER!!!” He screamed in Adam’s face so close that Adam had to close his eyes to keep the spittle out of them.

McWorter’s personality changed almost instantly as he looked kindly toward Adam.

“Just to show you I’m not totally heartless, I’ll make sure you’re unconscious before my men kill you so you won’t feel anything.” He caressed Adam’s cheek. “Adam don’t worry about your little brother. Erik and I will be quiet alright once we’re away from here. Since I can no longer have Inger, I’ll still have her son!”

Joe was livid, his chest heaving as he struggled against his bonds. He had quiet considerably, but at the mention of killing Adam, he redoubled his efforts.

McWorter addressed his men. “I need one of you to take Erik on the front of your horse while the other deals with Adam.”

The one named Daniel stepped forward. “Let Jasper deal with the little one.” he said, wiping the blood from his busted lip. “I’ve got a score to settle with that one!”

McWorter seemed to consider it for a moment, then agreed. “Alright, but help your companion with Erik before you deal with Adam, I don’t want him injured.”

True to his nature, once Joe’s bonds were loosened, he tried to make a break toward Adam, but he was no match for his much larger guard. Before he made three steps, he was once again subdued and, after much struggling, was mounted in front of Jasper with his hands tied to the pummel. As an added precaution, his feet were tied to the stirrups.

Unable to move or utter a sound, he was made to watch helplessly as his brother was released from the tree and all but marched to stand in front of McWroter.

“Well Adam,” began McWorter amicably to the man half before him. “Any last words?”

With a quick look toward Joe and a slight smile meant only for his little brother, he turned to McWorter. “I’ll be coming for my brother McWorter no matter how far you go.”

The man smirked. “That should be interesting considering you’ll be quiet dead.” He directed his men to toss Adam onto his saddle while he rode between Joe and Adam. Adam was now seated on Beauty, a noose loosely hanging around his neck. The sight chilled Joe to the bone, but he could no longer do anything about it.

“Now Adam” spoke McWorter jovially “it’s time to say goodbye.” He pulled the note he’d previously written from his saddle bag. “Now to leave a message for your father.” He hung the paper from the knife still protruding from Adam’s shoulder. The blood seeping from the wound making the paper stick to his shirt.

“I wasn’t lying old man.” he said, his voice so chilling it even scared Joe, (who knew better)! “I’ll be coming for my brother even if I have to bring the hounds of hell with me!”

“Good luck with that!” said McWorter as he slapped a cloth over Adam’s mouth and nose.

Joe watched in horror as Adam succumbed to the chloroform.

“Don’t worry so Erik.” Smiled McWorter. “Your father should be along in time to keep him from being eaten by predators…” he laughed “maybe.”

With that he reached forward and smacked Beauty on the rump, sending him running for the hills. Joe watched in horror as Adam was jerked from the saddle, his body swinging at the end of the rope. He wanted to scream to the heavens! He wanted to choke the life out of the crazy old man that had just murdered his big brother!

Most of all, he wanted to cut him down and take him home.

“Now.” laughed McWorter gleefully as he watched Adam’s body swing back and forth. “That preverbal thorn in my side has finally been removed! It’s time you and I got better acquainted Erik!”

Joe’s eyes never left Adam as he continued to swing back and forth. He refused to even acknowledge the old man as tears continued to make tracks down his face. McWorter picked up his reins and began to lead the little band from the area. Joe never moved . Except for the tears, he could have been a statue.

“Hey old man!” Called Daniel. “You need us for anything else? If you don’t, I’d kind of like to hang out here and see old man Cartwright’s reaction when he sees what you left him.”

McWorter thought on it for a moment. “An excellent suggestion Daniel. You remain here while Jasper accompanies us into Carson city. I’ll most likely need help with Erik once he’s over the shock. We’ll remain there until I hear from you concerning Cartwright.”

The group went their separate ways with Joe,McWorter, and Jasper heading for Carson City and Daniel moving to a copious of trees to the left of Adam’s body. Jasper rode behind Joe, obscuring his vies of Adam’s body. Even if he’d just help commit murder, he felt the kid had suffered enough.

“Good bye Adam.” thought Joe as f fresh stream of tears made their way down his cheeks. “I love you big brother. I’ll find a way to get you home.” His eyes remained steadfastly forward, but his thoughts remained on the body swinging in the tree behind him.



“Hey Pa.” called Hoss as he rode up beside his father. “Don’t ya think Adam’s goina be suspicious when he sees us riding into town? He’s goin a think you don’t think he can handle one ten year old all by his self.”

Ben laughed at the impending confrontation.

“Probably Hoss but I really do just need to pick up the mail and some nails to finish repairs of the barn.”

“Uh huh. Then why am I here?”

“Beee cause? I’m expecting more mail than I can carry? That sounds believable doesn’t it?”


“It’s my story and I’m sticking to it! But remember, we’re talking about your little brother here.”

“True.” Laughed Hoss.

The two rode on in companionable silence, just enjoying the scenery when Hoss pulled up short.

“Hey pa, what do you make of that?” There was a horse running flat out in their direction. From a distance they couldn’t see that it was saddled, only that he resembled Beauty. The light of an idea hit Hoss’ face.

“Think I’ll catch him! Won’t old Adam be surprised when I bring him a wild one that looks just like his?!?”

Ben was in a jovial mood. “Have fun son. It should be interesting watching your brother trying to handle two Beauty’s! That animal gives new meaning to the words high spirited!?

The laughter left Ben’s face as the horse got closer.

“Hoss catch him! That IS Beauty!”

Without a second’s hesitation, Hoss and his newly trained horse, Chubb sprung into action, paralleling the stallion’s course. When he was within reach, Hoss made a grab for Beauty’s harness. When Beauty recognized his stable mate and his human, he made an abrupt stop, almost unseating Hoss in the process.

Beauty tried to break free. He had to get back to Adam now that he had help.

Hoss retained his hold with some difficulty. “Hey pa there’s blood on Adam’s saddle!” he called to his father.

“How bad is it?”

“There ain’t a lot but it’s there.” A stray thought suddenly hit Hoss. “Remember that time when Adam was reading while he was riding and rode into a tree branch and knocked himself out? The only reason we found him was because this dang horse led us back to him. How much you want t bet he’s tryin’ to do it again?”

Ben sprinted back to his horse with the agility of a teenager. “well don’t just sit there, turn him loose!”

Once he was released, the leggy animal wheeled and headed back over the path they had just taken. When he topped the rise, he halted just long enough to make sure his stable mates and their humans were behind him. He called loudly before heading down into the valley floor.

The group had been running almost flat out for only about a half hour when Beauty dashed into a stand of trees.

As Beauty cleared the trees, he stopped abruptly, staring toward the far side of the clearing.

“What’s up with you ya crazy varmint?” yelled Hoss as he and Chubb almost collided with the rear of the animal. “You’re about more trouble then you’re worth some times!!!” Hoss’ voice trailed away as he saw for the first time what Beauty saw.



Beauty stood between Hoss and the clearing. With agility that rivaled his little brother, Hoss dove across Beauty’s flank and landed on his feet on the other side.

“What on earth?” queried Ben having just witnessed the feat.

“Pa help me!!” screamed Hoss, not looking to see if his father heard, his total focus on his big brother’s body, swinging at the end of a rope. Hoss’ hands were shaking so badly has he tried to work the knots loose around Adam’s neck that he was having trouble holding onto the rope and Adam at the same time.

Ben stood as if in a state of shock, seeing his beloved first born swinging from a tree.

“PA!” screamed Hoss again as he worked diligently to release Adam’s body.

Ben sprung into action, sawing on the rope just above Hoss’ hands as Hoss held up Adam’s body to take the weight off the rope.

“Hoss is he…?” Ben couldn’t finish the sentence as he cut the last of the strands of the rope.

To their surprise, instead of falling forward when the final strands fell away, Adam remained where he was?!?


“I don’t know son. Help me get him down from there.”

“How?!?” Hoss asked, now totally perplexed. He’d loosened his hold on Adam, but he remained suspended in mid air!

“Far be it from me to question a miracle but; why ain’t he dead? And why is he floatin’ ? This some kind of magic goin’ on here?”

“Perhaps I can answer that for you.” Came a voice from the trees behind them.

As one, Ben and Hoss formed a barrier between Adam and the new voice, guns drawn.

“Who are you and what have you done to my son?” demanded Ben moving closer to the man but still positioned between him and Adam.

Daniel laughed in spite of the guns leveled at his chest. “I know it’s hard to believe at the moment but, I actually saved his life.”

“BY HANGING HIM?” Ben yelled. “Looks to me like you failed!”

During Ben’s triad, Hoss had moved to a position behind them where he could get a closer look at his brother and still keep an eye on the stranger. Upon diverting his full attention to Adam for a second, he found something really strange.

Adam was wearing a harness the exact same shade of black as his clothing. It was such a perfect match it was all but invisible. The harness was attached to triple braded wire running down the remains of the hanging rope.

“Uh pa,” interrupted Hoss. “Maybe you’d better come over here and take a look at this thing.”

Not taking his eyes off Daniel he backed to where Hoss stood, searching his brother.

“What is it son?”

“Pa, this joker wasn’t lying. The rope around Adam’s neck ain’t even tight enough for him to feel it, much less kill him, he’s just unconscious.”

After a brief examination, Ben returned to Daniel.

“Not that I’m not grateful beyond all reason for what you did but, would you please explain to me who tried to kill him and where the other one is?”

Daniel took a tentative step in Adam’s direction. “If you’ll help me get your son down, I’ll explain everything, or at least my part of it, while you read that piece of paper attached to his shirt.”

Ben looked at Daniel skeptically for a moment before deciding. “Hoss, help him.” he directed. “Hold on to Adam so he doesn’t fall.” to Daniel. “you get him down from there but be careful. I can still blow a hole in you the size of Texas.”

“Fair enough.” said Daniel as he moved behind Adam.

Within a moment, Hoss and Daniel had Adam released and Hoss laid him as gently as a newborn baby on the ground on his side so Ben could assess the damage done by the knife running all the way through his shoulder.

Hoss had taken the paper from Adam’s shirt and stood reading it while his father was occupied with washing the blood from Adam’s face.

“Hey pa.” he asked, “Who’s New McWorter and why’s he calling you a filthy saddle tramp?”

Ben’s head shot up, noticing for the first time the paper in Hoss’ hand.

Ben’s face grew darker and darker the more he read. The man who had tried to kill his brother-in-law and frame him for it had now tried to kill one son and had taken another! Even with his strong religious convictions, he honestly felt he would have no second thoughts about killing the man with his bare hands! He crumpled the paper in his hand and tossed it toward the fire.

“That’s a story for another day son.” he said finally. “Right now we have to get Adam to a dr. and start out after Joe.”

“You can’t.” Interrupted Daniel before Ben could continue.

“Why not?” Demanded Ben. No one was going to keep him from getting medical attention for his son!

Danny looked to Hoss and laughed. “He honestly thinks Joe is you. Boy was he wrong! Joe’ll be alright cause he thinks he’s Erik. He would never do anything to the child he felt should have been his.

As for getting Adam to a dr., McWorter has spies in Carson City and is waiting for me to report back to him.”

“How about Reno?” Asked Hoss.

Danny shook his head. “Spies there too in case you went that way.”

“Virginia City?”


Ben was getting aggravated. “Back to the house?”


Hoss thought for a moment before he spoke again. “Pa if he’s not too bad off…” he looked to Danny for confirmation. “We could stay here and take care of him ourselves.”

“Son, Adam needs a lot more medical attention than we can give him.”

Hoss laughed in spite of himself. “Not necessarily pa.” he said as he retrieved a small package from both Chubb’s and Beauty’s saddle bags.

“Hop Sing has been making Adam and me carry these with us since Joe learned to ride a horse! He said sooner or later he would have an accident to far away from help and one of us would have to take care of him!”

Ben marveled as he unrolled more bandages and medicinal herbs than he would ever need. “Remind me to give that man a raise when we get home!”

As Hoss worked to set up camp for the night and make a bed for Adam, Ben worked on cleaning and bandaging his shoulder and forehead.

He decided that once they’d settled it would be time enough to get some straight answers from Adam’s “guardian angel”.



The night progressed with Ben seldom leaving Adam’s side. He knew both Danny and Hoss said he was merely unconscious at this point but his fatherly instincts wouldn’t let him relax fully.

“OK Daniel.” said Ben as he checked Adam’s bandages yet again. “It’s time you started explaining yourself.”

Daniel took a sip of his coffee and set staring into his cup for a moment before he began.

“My name is Daniel Wilcox. I know you don’t remember me but we’ve met before.” Ben looked totally confused.

“I was at Ash Hollow the day of the attack. The day Inger Cartwright died.” Ben’s face fell as he relived that horror once again.

“I wasn’t much older than him.” indicating Adam, “but I never forgot what happened that day.” Danny chuckled mirthlessly. “I even helped dig Mrs. Cartwright’s grave.”

The three sat in silence for a few moments before Danny spoke again.

“I swore to myself as I watched the three of you ride past Mrs. Cartwright’s grave and saw Adam’s face as he stared at it until he couldn’t see it any longer that if that little boy and that baby ever needed me, I would be there. I wasn’t sure how, but I intended to keep that promise.”

“The three of you had pretty much drifted into a distant memory until about a year ago when I came across McWorter mouthing off about some saddle tramp named Cartwright and his kid and what he was going to do to them. Figured it had to be you two; guess I was right.”

Ben and Hoss sat in amazement just staring.

“How did you learn how to make that contraption you hung him with?” asked Hoss finally.

Danny chuckled. “While working with a really bad magician in St. Louis named The Amazing Fredwardo!”

“The who?”

“Yea, he was really strange, but he was a mechanical genius! Originally the harness is supposed to go under the clothes. Lucky for me Adam was wearing black.”

“The only time he ain’t wearin’ black is when he’s asleep, then he ain’t wearin’ nothing’!”

The night progressed with Ben continuing his vigil over Adam. When they bedded down for the night, Ben placed his bedroll beside of Adam and went to sleep with his hand laying on Adam’s heart. It was a strong heartbeat, but he still worried.



When the morning came, Ben left to answer a “call of nature.” Hoss sat at Adam’s bedside just watching him sleep.

When Adam moaned, Hoss was immediately at his side, wiping his face with a cool cloth, hoping to revive him.

“come on big brother, show me them big purty eyes.” Coxed Hoss gently. Adam opened his eyes slowly and looked into Hoss’ concerned face. He chuckled weakly as his eyes sled closed once again.

“What’s so funny?” queried Hoss as he wiped his face again.

“The grim reaper looks like my little brother!” Adam answered weakly.

“How do you know I ain’t one of them angels?”

“Because it would take six sets of angel wings just to get you off the ground!”

Ben returned to find his boys laughing together with Adam still lying on the ground, too weak to get up.

“Well,” started Ben as he approached the pair. “Nice to see you’re finally awake young man!”

“Pa he don’t believe I could pass for an angel!” laughed Hoss.

“Of course you could son.” he said, patting Hoss on the shoulder. “It wouldn’t take more than six sets of wings to get you off the ground.”

“Now don’t you start!”

Adam covered his eyes with his hands turning serious. “Pa I had the strangest dream. Ned McWorter from back in Illinois had me hung.” Ben glanced toward Danny, who had yet to make his presence known.

“He planned to take me alive and exchange me for mama, but when he found out she was dead, he lost it and had his men hang me instead.” Adam stopped for a moment to catch his breath. “The dream was so vivid! He thought Little Joe was Hoss of all things!”

Adam suddenly noticed who was missing from the group. When he finally found Danny the rest of it came rushing back to him.

“Pa where’s Joe?!?” He made a failed attempt to lunge toward Danny. “Where’s my little brother you ba…!” His strength left him as he collapsed back into Ben’s arms.

“It’s all right son.” soothed Ben as he laid Adam back on his camp bed. “He’s on our side apparently.”

Adam looked from Ben to Hoss, totally confused. When he looked to Danny, fire shot from his eyes.

“Hoss, I want you to go back to the house and get a wagon. I think I know how to get Adam past the spies.”

To Adam, “I’ll, rather we’ll,” indicating Danny as well “explain while he’s gone.”

Back to Hoss, “You have to make it appear we’re transporting a dead body.”

A smile crept across Hoss’ face as he caught up to what Ben had in mind. “That’s one of the things I love about you pa…you’re sneaky!”



While Hoss was gone to retrieve a wagon, Ben and Danny related the story once again to Adam, Danny supplying the details concerning Ash Hollow. Adam stared in amazement.

“I think I kind of remember you.” said Adam after a few moments. “I wanted to say hi and introduce you to my new baby brother, but it all happened so fast, I never got the chance.”


While they waited for Hoss to return, Ben revealed his plan for getting Adam home. After “loading” Adam’s body into the wagon, Danny would report back to McWroter and find out what his next move was.

As he finished, he saw Hoss topping the rise and heading down into the valley.

Adam spoke finally from his position, still on the ground. “Pa if Beauty’s alright, I could just ride home, I’m not that bad.”

“Son” started Ben gently, “you’re dead remember?”

Ben, Danny, and Hoss positioned themselves to transfer Adam’s body t the back of the wagon, Ben playing the grieving father to the hilt. Hoss had reported locating at least two men watching him from the trees as he got closer to the house. He also reported that there were only three of the hands at the house at the moment. Two had been with the family for years, and the one Ben had hired only a few days ago. He’d explained to Charlie, the foreman, what was going on and asked for his help once they returned to the ranch in maintaining the façade.

Danny stood by respectfully, hat over his heart as the grieving family returned their fallen family member. As the wagon rolled out of sight over the ridge, he made his way toward Carson City and his scheduled appointment. He was determined to find out McWorter’s plans and make sure Joe was OK. After that, he planned to dissolve his partnership with McWorter and head back to the Ponderosa.


At the Smith House in Carson City, Danny located McWorter’s suite with no trouble. Joe remained pretty much as before. Except for the fact that he was no longer on a horse, he hadn’t moved.

“Daniel!” exclaimed McWorter as he walked into the room. “So good to see you. Well, has our esteemed friend received his package yet?” Looking to see if Joe had any sort of reaction. There wasn’t any.

“Yep.” Danny laughed. I even helped him load the body on the wagon.”

McWorter chuckled. “Serves you right Cartwright! Syou should have left my Inger alone when you had the chance!”

McWorter stood for a moment in silence, chuckling to himself as his mind wondered back to the fair haired beauty of his dreams.

“Now Daniel.” he finally snapped back to the present. “Since we have accomplished our task, the choice is now yours.”

Danny looked confused. “What do you mean sir?”

“Erik and I will be on our way to Oregon in the near future. You are more than welcome to join us, or you can go your own way.”

‘This is going to be easy!’ thought Danny. Aloud he said “I think I’m going to continue on to California. I’ve always wanted to see the ocean.”

“That’s a wonderful plan! Once Erik and I slip out the Ponderosa and watch the grieving father plant that very large pain in my rear end, we, will be on our way north.”

‘Uh oh.’ thought Danny. “You may see me there then.” he said aloud, thinking on his feet. McWorter looked suspicious. “I promised Ben I would return after I picked up some supplies to help him build a special coffin for Adam.” The old man was appeased.

“Very well then Daniel. Thank you for your service and your friendship in the past.”

“OK if I say good bye to the kid?”

“If you wish.”

Danny got down to Joe’s level and spoke so only Joe could hear. “Take heart kid, this ain’t over yet…Joe.” in his ear he whispered “Adam says hi.”

For a brief instant Danny saw the fire return to Joe’s eyes before it flickered out again.


Danny picked up a wagon and the supplies he would need and, after tying his horse to the back of the wagon, headed back to the Ponderosa. He rode past the planted spies without acknowledging their presence.

As he pulled into the yard, Hoss greeted him from the door.

“What’s all this?” he asked, uncovering the contents of the wagon.

As he jumped out of the seat, Danny placed a hand on Hoss’ back and steered him toward the house.

“I’ll explain it all to you and Ben and Adam inside.”

Hoss followed him quietly inside. Once inside Danny found Ben in his chair by the fireplace reading the paper and Adam, fit as ever, sitting in his favorite chair, book in hand.

“Daniel!” Ben exclaimed. “How was Joe? I wasn’t expecting you back for at least another day. How was Joe? Did McWorter tell you where they were going? How was Joe?”

Danny laughed. The man obviously wanted to know about is son. “He’s fine. He’s still in shock but he’s fine.”

He turned serious. “That’s what brings me back here so soon.” He turned toward Adam. “McWorter wants to sneak back onto the Ponderosa and watch them bury you!”

Adam slapped the arm of his chair. “OK pa, now what?”

Ben thought for a moment. “I suppose we could bury a box of rocks and make it look like Adam. We just couldn’t open the coffin.” He didn’t sound very convinced.

Danny shook his head. “It won’t work. He’ll be hiding close enough to actually watch you put the body in the coffin in the first place, AND put it in the ground and bury it.”

“Well that’s out.” piped in Hoss. “Now what?”

Danny grinned. “We’re actually going to bury you.”

“I say again…excuse me?”

Danny picked up his saddle bags and moved to the coffee table, the three gathering around to watch what he was doing. Adam moved to the hearth beside of him as he unrolled his plans on the table.

The Amazing Fredwardo!”



Adam marveled at the engineering genius of the plans before him. “Pa I don’t know who Fredwardo is, but these plans are incredible!”

Hoss studied the plans from the other side of the table. “I don’t get it. It’s obviously just a coffin?”

Ben studied the plans until he saw what Adam saw. “Look at the lid son.” He explained to Hoss, pointing to the hinged area along the top.


“Look along the bottom of the wall the hinges are attached to. Once the top hinges are latched into place and the lid closed, there are a set of latches running along the bottom of the wall on the inside.” Hoss was beginning to get the picture.

“We load Adam’s body in the coffin in plain sight of the outside world, load him on the back of the wagon and make sure it’s covered out of respect for the dead.”

Danny picked up from ther. “Once the wagon is moving, Adam unlatches the bottom hinges, slips out the side door, and waits for the service to be over.”

“That should make the old crazy one happy and off guard until we can catch up to him and get Joe back.”

“What’s the matte big brother?” laughed Hoss when he slapped Adam on the back, breaking him out of his pensive mood. “Not everyone gets to see their own funeral!”

“No I love it.” said Adam finally looking away from the plans. “I was just formulating a plan to get Joe back once we’re done with the other one.”

“This should be good ‘old sneaky one’! What’ch go so far?”

“I’ll tell you once I have all the kinks’ worked.” he said, slapping his knees as he stoop up. “We have time. Remember, you still have to dig my grave, build my coffin and,” he chuckled, “you’ll have to do it alone.”

Hoss looked to his father. “He can’t help, he’s a grieving father.” Toward Adam, “I’m the corpse remember?”

“One of the hands?”

“They’re all on the drive except Charlie, and he’s too old for that sort of thing.”

Danny let it go on for several minutes before he said “don’t worry Hoss, I’ll help you.”

Hoss beamed. “Pa can you adopt him?”



Three days later a solemn group carried Adam’s body out of the ice house beside the kitchen where it had been “stored” since he was brought home. Adam had built a doorway into the kitchen for Hop Sing, so he had no trouble slipping inside unnoticed.

Adam was dressed in his best suit, white shirt, and string tie. Ben, Hoss, and Sheriff Coffee, (who had been brought up to speed on what was happening) each mounted their horses and fell into line behind the canvas draped coffin. Beauty was saddled and tied to the back of the wagon.

Danny drove the wagon, face forward, but eyes constantly scanning the surrounding countryside in search of their audience.

Not a word was spoken as the four of them arrived at the grave site by the lake, beside Marie.

As they pulled the now empty coffin from the wagon, Danny, eyes still on the task at hand, spoke so only the assembled could hear.

“McWorter is on the rise behind us. He has Joe with him.” Ben almost turned in that direction so he could at least see his son.

“Ben no!” said Roy, laying a hand on Ben’s shoulder as if comforting him. “You gatta keep up the act remember?”

Ben ran the back of his hand over his eyes to “wipe away his tears” before getting a firm grip on the coffin handles.

Danny continued his reporting as he gripped his portion of the box. “There were two with McWorter at the house, and I saw at least two more on the way here. There’s no way we can take Joe from here.”

“Don’t worry pa, Adam and me will get him back.”

“Stay within the law son.” said Roy as they lowered the coffin into the grave. Ben prepared for some of the best acting he’d ever done as he gave a short eulogy over the open grave.


The “funeral” continued as planned with Danny watching the observers above them. At the end of the service, Beauty’s saddle was removed and the horse was set free. All in attendance knew the well trained animal would make it’s way back to the corral behind the barn.

All said their final “goodbyes” at the grave and made their way back to the ranch, Roy back to town.

On the rise, from his observation point, Joe spoke for the first time in days. “goodbye Adam. I love you.”

On the ride back to the house, Danny noted that all of the spies that McWorter had planted along the route to the lake were gone.

“Guess he’s satisfied that you’re out of the picture for good.” he said to the slightly raised canvas behind him.

“good” said Adam, “cause I’m about to get right back in it!”


“I’ll explain once we get back to the house.”




True to Danny’s reports, all posts had been vacated. As they entered the yard, the hands were returning from the cattle drive, so there were hands pretty much everywhere.

Adam slipped from under the canvas and back into the house while the trail boss was reporting to Ben and handing over the bank draft.

“Where’s Joshua?” asked Ben looking over the returning hands. When the boss looked confused he continued. “The new guy I hired just before you left.”

“Funny thing.” laughed Benny, the boss. “About two miles back, he just pulled up short, said ‘I’ve had it with this chicken outfit!’ and lit out for the hills. Wouldn’t even come all the way back to the house to get paid.”

“OK” he said, slapping the man on the back. “Hoss will be out with your pay before the end of the day plus an added bonus.”

Benny smiled at the mention of a bonus.

“You’ve all earned it.” he said as he turned to enter the house with the rest of the party.


Inside, Adam sat at his father’s desk, working on the payroll for the drive.

“Thought I’d get this started while you were outside so we could get them paid and on their way.”

To Danny, Ben said, “You were right, McWorther had a spy planted here as well. The new hand I hired just before the drive quit just after they passed the lake and the new grave.”

“That’s the last of them then.”

“Now” exclaimed Adam, slapping the desk as he stood. “On to getting Joe back!”

“Don’t get too far out of hand son.”

I won’t pa but, I owe him. He tried to take my father away from me when I was only five, he’s taken my little brother, and he tried to kill my. It’s my turn!!!”



While Adam, Hoss, and Danny changed back into their work clothes, Ben finished the payroll and sent the men on their way. With their regular pay and a generous bonus for a successful drive, he knew there was little chance of any of them sticking around to see what was going on.

“OK Adam,” said Hoss once everybody was seated around the kitchen table, “let’s hear what’s up that sneaky black sleeve of yours besides your elbow!”

“It’s simple.” Adam laughed. “First off, pa do you still have the clothes I was wearing when you found me?”

“Yea, we’ve been so busy, Hop Sin hasn’t had time to repair them, or throw them out. Why?”

“While I was hiding in the wagon, I remembered something I said to McWorter just before he knocked me out.”

All but Danny looked puzzled.

“I told him I would be coming for my little brother even if I had to bring the hounds of hell with me.”

Danny laughed as he remembered the incident. “If you could have heard his voice. I half expected the dogs to appear behind him right there!!”

“Did McWorter believe you?”

“Nah, he thought I was crazy.”

“OK, I give; what’s your plan.”

“Well, I think it’s high time I paid him another visit. All I’m going to need are the clothes I was wearing when you found me, a little stage makeup I can replicate right here in the kitchen, the knife he stabbed me with, and Beauty.” To Hoss, “He made it home alright didn’t he?”

Hoss nodded.

Ben interrupted. “I can see how this plays out but do you honestly thing I’m going to run that thing back through your shoulder?”

Danny spoke up. “Fredwardo again. I can rig up a harness that fits over Adam’s shoulder to look like he’s been impaled again.”

Ben stared at Adam for a moment. “Just be careful. I don’t want to trade one son for another.”

“I know I’m wasting my breath telling you not to worry but…”

“Don’t worry pa.” interjected Hoss. “I’m going with him.”

Adam sounded concerned as he spoke. “Hoss I can’t risk you too, I’ll do it myself.”

“that varmint thinks Joe is me. I think it’s high time I introduced myself!” Hoss smacked his fist.

Danny flinched. ‘I’d hate to be on the wrong side of these two.’ He thought as he looked from Adam to Hoss. ‘And I thought I had to protect these two?!?’

Aloud he said, “We’ll have to leave before sun up. I don’t think McWorter’s going to stay in Carson long. He’ll book him and Joe on the first stage out of there.”



The next morning found Adam, Hoss, and Danny leaving the yard well before sun up. It was a clear, moonlit night so they had no trouble seeing.

Adam had mixed what he needed the night before to create the deathly pale skin and fake blood while Danny built a shoulder harness to make the dismantled knife appear to be impaled through Adam’s shoulder once again.

Ben, in the meantime made his way to Virginia City to pick up Roy and continue on to the first stage stop on the way to the ‘show down’.

“OK the stage left an hour ago.” relayed Hoss as he rejoined his party inside the livery stable. They wanted to wait inside the saloon, but were afraid McWorter still had friends in the area.

“I got a map of the route so’s we can get ahead of him.”

“How man people were on the stage?”

“Just Joe and some guy he called Jasper I think.”


The trio rode hard along the route mapped out by the stage attendant, only slowing when they saw the back of the stage in the distance. From there they ducked into the trees and worked to get ahead of them.

Adam had already downed his “ghostly” outfit with the knife harness in place. He stood just inside the tree line where the driver, concentrating on the road, wouldn’t notice him, but the passengers inside would.

The first person to notice him was Jasper who turned white as a sheet as the stage passed. He poked his head out the window as they passed to get another look. When his eyes connected with Adam’s, Adam pointed at him. Jasper ducked back inside the coach.

McWorter was dozing and didn’t notice the exchange.

Joe continued to star straight ahead.

“How’d it go?” asked Danny as he and Hoss rode out of the trees, leading Beauty.

“Great” he said as he hopped on Beauty. “Looked Jasper in the eye. Next stop?”

Hoss consulted his map. “They pass through a little valley about three miles from here.”

“Let’s go. McWorter is on the other side of the coach anyway.”

The trio rode hard to the next stop. When they heard the stage approaching, Adam rode to the top of the small rise and waited.

McWorter, who had awoke from his nap was watching the scenery roll by. He saw the rider seated at the top of the rise but paid him no mind until they moved closer. He thought his mind was playing tricks on him. ‘That looks like Adam. Can’t be, he’s dead and buried.’

“McWorter saw me but I don’t thing he was too convinced.”

“Now what?”

Adam smiled. “We add a few sound effects.”


“Danny, remember when I promised to bring the hounds of hell with me if I had to?”

Danny nodded.

Adam patted Hoss on the shoulder. “Meet the chief Hell Hound!”

Hoss grinned. “this is goin’ a be fun!!”

“We’ve only got one more location before they stop for the night, so let’s get at it.

On their way to the next “ambush” site, Hoss gave Danny a quick lesson in “hell hound”.

As the stage cleared the forest, the sounds of wolves howling could be heard. ‘Awful early for wolves.’ Thought the driver but continued anyway.

Both McWorter and Jasper were looking in the direction the sounds were coming from as Adam rode out of the trees.

He pointed toward the stage and mouthed the words ‘My Brother’ at McWorter.

“did you see him?” demanded an obviously spooked Jasper as he ducked back inside. “I knew we shouldn’t outa kill that guy! I jus knew it!!!”

“Calm down Jasper!” Demanded McWorter. “There has to be a logical explanation.” He grabbed Joe’s shoulders, shaking him. “Erik, does your brother have a twin I don’t know about?”

Joe turned to him for the first time since he watched Adam hand, his eyes red rimmed and watery. “No he doesn’t. He never breaks a promise. He said he’d be back for me didn’t he?”

“Enough of this!” exclaimed McWorter. “We’ll be stopping for the night soon, we’ll end it with whoever’s following us there!!”


When the stage pulled into the stop for the night, the first one off the coach was Jasper, followed by Joe, followed by McWorter.

Adam stood, leaning on the barn door, knife protruding from his shoulder, blood running from his hairline down the side of his face. He said not a word, just continued staring at the pair.

Jasper cracked. “I’m sorry we killed you!” he stammered. “I didn’t want to but he made us do it!”

“You idiot shut up!!!” hissed McWroter.

Adam leaned back just enough to see behind the door.

“Heard enough?”

Roy, B en, and the Sheriff of Carson City poured out of the barn.

“Ned McWroter you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Adam Cartwright and kidnapping.”

Roy cuffed McWorter as Sheriff Wilson read him his rights.

“Oh MR McWorter?” interrupted Adam as the law was in the process of arresting them. “Remember me telling you there are three of us now?”

McWorter nodded.

“Well if I’m Adam.” he said, pointing to himself, “and that’s Erik.” he pointed to Joe.

Jasper felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to look eye to chin with a very mad mountain.

“That makes me Little Joe.” said Hoss as his fist connected with Jasper’s chin.

Roy picked him up out of the corral after his head broke the top rail on the way through.



After deciding to stay at the station for the night and head back in the morning, Ben and company sat around the table, talking.

“Well Danny, now that it’s all over, what do you plan to do?”

“Well, it’s obvious these two can take care of themselves.” Hoss and Adam laughed. “And they can take care of this one until he gets old enough to take care of himself.”

Joe cringed. “Think I may head on to California and see what’s there.”

“You know there’s always a job for you on the Ponderosa if you want it.”

Danny thought about it for a moment. “I may take you up on that on the way back.”

Joe sat absently playing with the knife harness, his mind obviously a long way away.

Adam watched him for a while. “First off, no you can’t have that thing.” Joe glanced at his brother, then pushed the harness away. “Second, Joe I’m really sorry I couldn’t get word to you that I was alive.”

“That’s OK.” he said. “I knew you were OK when Danny was there in Carson City. Before he left us he said ‘Adam says hi’ so I knew something was up.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

“Adam when you were pretending to be a ghost on the way here.”


“Who was that angry sea captain and those three women standing around you? One of them kind of looked like mama.”