Touched by an Angel



By Sadie Spinner


The young man sat on a rock in the middle of a clearing hidden deep inside a thicket of briars. He had a sorrowful look on his face as he desperately tried to pull the burrs from what appeared to be a long white robe; dejectedly he plucked at the pulls, and snares.


“Oh, this is hopeless!” He muttered in dismay.


This was to be his big chance, he had finally gotten the councilor to give him the opportunity to become an apprentice Guardian Angle, and here he was, it was not only his very first assignment, but the first day of it to boot, how could things have gone so wrong so fast? I mean how hard was it to watch over one boy, one small boy at that!


“Harrumph,” he sighed, putting his elbow on his knee and resting his head in his hand he thought very hard about what he was going to do.


The Heavenly Father was sure to be very upset with him. He absently twirled his halo in his free hand as he mulled over his predicament. He was so very sure he was going to make a big impression on the other Guardian Angles, after all he had heard them often enough talking among themselves in the great hall right before the Gloria and Alleluia choir every night. Again he looked down at the robe he wore, shaking his head sadly, it was a mess.


He had better find his charge and fast; for it wasn't often an Angel was sent to earth to keep watch over a soul!


This little fellow must be something special, as he was summoned by the Father himself and dispatched to earth post haste to find this lost child. Truth be told there were so many implores to find him coming from earth the communication Angel complained all lines were jammed up and something needed to be done, NOW!  For the Heavenly Father was needed in so many places this bottleneck was causing great consternation among Heavens work forces.




The man fought his way through the seemingly impenetrable bramble and brush, he was at his wits end, he had been searching high and low since right after breakfast, this was the last place left to look, it was absolutely impossible that he could have wondered this far. Yet he had no choice, he would leave no stone unturned, no patch of earth unchecked, it was with heavy heart and weighted steps that he forced himself to check this spot, he was nearing exhaustion, he raised his eyes to heaven and uttered one last silent plea. As he lowered his eyes he thought he caught sight of motion just ahead in what appeared to be a small clearing.


Blindly, he crashed forward; he was sure he heard a sound, like the voice of a child, as he was near the breaking point it did not take much to convince himself, it

just had to be true. It could be nothing else it was a sweet melodic voice, like that

of a small child talking to some imaginary friend or playing a game out loud. As he burst through the brush, his heart sank, all hope dashed. What he did find was almost too much for him.


So deeply rapt in his puzzlement the young man never heard the commotion coming his way. When a man exploded through the brush, it startled the young man so he jumped to his feet causing his wings to unintentionally unfurl. They were tattered, had many missing feathers, and woefully covered with dust, flapping wildly as they sent bits of Downey white feathers scattering everywhere in the air about him.


The look on the man's face panicked him, he was sure no one except who he was sent to find could actually see him, he quickly folded his wings clearing his throat.


“Yy-you probably find this hard to t believe,” he began in an obvious rather uncomfortable voice.


“But I'm an Angel, a Guardian Angel... well actually an Apprentice Guardian Angel, I-um I was sent down here to find a child.”


He spoke quickly, the words gushing out in his frantic attempt to explain himself; he waved his hands around and ran one repeatedly through his hair. He held a wide gold ring in the other; he had to think of something fast! This was getting him nowhere besides the fact the man's face was very pale, he had slumped against a tree, eyes wide, his heart in his throat.


“I - I - my name is Josiah,” he offered in an effort to calm the frightened man, he was a rather big man, and at first glance did not seem the kind to frighten easily.


“What did you say?” The man whispered, regaining some of his color, looking around.


“You see, as I said. Josiah hurried on I am here to help find a little boy,” the very words struck icy cold terror in the man's heart, and he staggered into the tree again, closing his eyes.


Josiah wrung his hands in a worried manor; this was completely out of his league, as he had no training in handling frightened adults.


“I- I am supposed to find this boy. I mean how hard is it to keep an eye on one boy?”


He asked out loud, as he paced restlessly around the clearing.


“And he's just a little boy at that, about so high,” he gestured with his hand. “He has big hazel eyes and curly brown hair, Oh I know that probably fits lots of kids, but this one he- he's hard to keep up with!” 


Josiah did not know why he felt compelled to tell all this to the man, but he did any way. He sat back on his rock, deep in thought, absently chewing his fingernails, plainly distraught, and fretting, over this dilemma.


It was with great trepidation the man spoke up, “This-this boy,” he began, “The one you are looking for, how old is he?” He really did not want to know but had to ask. There was a huge lump in his throat, the knot in his stomach made him queasy.


“Um, I think he's- Oh! Wait a minute.... I have it right here in my golden book, he   fished nervously fumbling in the pocket of his robe.


“Ah, yes, here it is,” he drew a small gold book from deep within the pocket carefully opening it. A burst of dazzling gold light sprang outward as he did so, the man shied back. Josiah never noticed he was busy paging through the book, finger flying as he sought the information


“Let me see, yes, yes here it is, Utah territory, October 31, 1848 now where is the rest of it? Oh, ok, here it is, humm... has lots of notes, yes this is it,” he looked up a beautiful smile beamed across his face; he was not more than a youngster himself.


 “The boys name is Joseph Francis Cartwright, says here he is 5 and a half I think?” Josiah announced pleased with himself.


However the effect it had on the man was not what he expected, he grabbed his chest, as his heart began to race, then beat wildly with tremendous irregularity.


He squeezed his eyes shut.


“Tt-tell me... please,” he asked his voice barely audible, wrought with pain. “Is. is      he dead?” the words came out with such anguish, his mouth dry, his chest so tight he could hardly draw a breath.


Josiah jumped up again.


“Oh, mercy, nooo...  no he isn't...I'm so sorry, I never meant to frighten you! Do you know him?” He asked hopefully. A quizzical expression crossed the man's face as he answered.


“Know him? He.... he's my youngest son! I have been looking all over for him since early this morning!” Suddenly this being became less intimidating in fact his presence was soothing and reassuring.


“Well then, with the two of us, we are sure to find one small boy.” The young Angel announced with much more confidence than he had had a few moments before. The man cocked his head as he looked at him, realizing for the first time how very ragged this (angel) looked, he had longish very un kept light brown hair, a smudge on his cheek, and his robe was a mess. He felt the man’s eyes, prompting Josiah in an attempted to smooth out his robe and appear at least somewhat presentable; after all he was a messenger from Heaven.  


“A-ha-aha-” He let out a small apologetic laugh.


“You can't imagine were I have looked for that boy!”


The man drew himself up. “Oh yes most assuredly I can.” He replied.


“Then lets get on with it,” Josiah pounded his fist eagerly in the palm of his other hand. Plopping the gold ring on the top of his head, it shimmered and rose a few inches into the air; Josiah stuffed the book back into his pocket things were finally looking up for the first time. Now positive he could handle this situation he nodded in satisfaction. It was at that point Ben Cartwright realized this just might be a real honest to god angel. Swallowing loudly he nodded in agreement.




The tall young man slumped slightly in his saddle, his dark eyes cloudy,


“No!” he thought.


He looked into the distance across the big meadow, despite the fact it was an extremely bright sunny day his mood was somber. Adam Cartwright, had just begun to feel again. It had been a few months now since his vivacious stepmother had died in a tragic riding fall that resulted in plummeting his father in to a downward spiral him into in to a pit of inconsolable despair. Adam shouldered the burden of this horrific loss; once more it had been his duty to pull things back together. Leaving him drained and sapping his strength yet again, he was after all only a man-child barely 17. He raised his weary face to the sun; his father had just begun to recover-to draw back from the deep despair he had slipped into. The spring and now coming summer with its sweet smells, welcoming warm days had begun healing his heart from loss of his beloved Marie. Adam’s own sorrow had been put on hold; he did not have time for it, and now look.


“Its my fault!” He shook his head.


“All my fault.”


As usual he immediately assumed this next round of trouble was directly related to his lack of attention.


“I should have know--- It was Way to Quiet---- never let him out of my sight, never let him hear me last night, should have known he would have been all ears!”


Adam had been relating a tale from one of his beloved books about a boy and his exciting adventures in the mountain country. His chin sank to his chest, handsome young face drawn, he pinched the bridge of his nose, then rubbed the back of his neck, gritting his teeth with steely resolve. Adam straightened up turning back in his saddle to survey the land behind him. His eyes scanned the area but no sign of his father. He looked at his brother next to him. Hoss Cartwright was having the same misgivings. The big young man sat there his head down a glum expression on his young face.


“Its all my fault- Dad-gum I shuda never yelled at him.”


Earlier that morning Hoss was trying to work on a project in the great room, even as patient as he was, had limits.                                                                                                                                                            


Hoss was a mere 11 but the size of some adults, his big gentle blue eyes squinting in an attempt to make it seem it was just the bright sun that made them water, however the slight quiver of his lip betrayed him. (Hoss had lost his composure after chasing Joe out of the middle of what he was doing for the third time, stopping to clean up the mess, delightfully created by his baby brother. Hoss had yelled.


“ Lit’l Joe you get outta here right now! Will you JUST go away! Quit messing things up.”(Hoss threatened waving his big hands in the air in a shooing manor)  Big hazel eyes danced with mischief, sufficiently pleased with provoking his brother enough he turned and skipped outside humming in a merry little voice.


Once outside he paused, grinning he looked around the yard never one to be bothered by his brothers yelling at him for long, his irrepressible zest for life made him take a few hops and jumps. He looked up into the sky it was a deep blue, just perfect for an adventure; that's what he decided he wanted today, an adventure...yes just like he heard Adam telling Hoss about. His oldest brother Adam was busy in the barn, Hoss was inside, Hop Sing was in the kitchen with the breakfast dishes and Pa, hummm, Pa was in the bunk house, he was seeing to one of the ranch hands who had gotten hurt on the range yesterday, he didn’t hear Hoss yell because he hadn't come out. So off he went, skipping towards his adventure, never giving much thought to his actions was one of Little Joe Cartwrights' problems. He skipped from the yard into the trees and what ever he might find on this fine day!




 As Adam closed his eyes for another minute he drew in his breath urging his horse forward. “Common Hoss, m-maybe Pa has had better luck?” What he spoke was not what he really believed though.


Hoss nodded clearing his throat he shifted in his saddle.


“Yeah maybe...”


He stole a glance at his older brother wishing he could ease the strain on his face.


“Bet he’s back home probably pesting Hop Sing fer a cookie. It would be just like him.”


He clicked to his horse to pick up the pace. Adam nodded but said nothing. He had failed, he was supposed to watch out for him, protect him, keep him safe.... he had promised...


Both boys were filled with concern weighed dawn by pangs of guilt as they looked    towards the spot they were to meet their father.




 Just as Josiah and Ben stepped forward there was a rustle in the brush in front of them, it parted to show-


“Hi - ya! Pa! Look what I finded--- Puppies, an I'm keepen um.” The small child stood there 4 maybe 5 feet from his father, a triumphant grin on his little face. Ben did not know weather to laugh or cry, he might have done both if he hadn't noticed the ‘Puppies’ Joe held, along with the shadows slowly creeping closer to him.


Something attracted Ben’s attention so he chanced a glanced to the side catching a glimpse of Josiah as his image began to waver then melt into nothing.

As unnerving, as it was Ben swung his attention back to the boy. His voice leaving no room for question, very quietly, yet very sternly commanded his son.


“Joseph, put them down. Now! And walk to me!”


“Nuh-Uh, nooway I'm keepin them,” he declared, turning slightly as to shield them from his fathers view.


“Do as I say Joseph, Now!”


Ben's voice was sterner and deeper, he held his sons eyes with his, willing him to obey, Joe's lip quivered, he nuzzled his armful of puppies.


“But Paaaaa?”


“Now-- Joseph!” Ben growled, clenching and unclenching his fist yet not daring to make a single move in the boy’s direction.


Joe s arms were by now to tired to hold them up anymore, so they slid down his overalls to plop softly onto the grass.


“Gee whiz!” He sniffled, the puppies hearing the soft woofs coming from behind Joe, scampered and waddled happily off to their mother waiting just out of view in the brush. What happened next was hard to explain, but to the best of Ben's recalling, with great effort he held the boys attention along with his own breath. At this point she stepped out into the clearing behind the boy, who stood arms folded across his chest defiantly pouting at his father. Then she sat for a minute, raising one front paw, she seemed to smile. With out so much as a sound she disappeared leading her missing brood, her now reunited children and the rest of the entire pack into the undergrowth. Once sure she was gone Ben fell on the boy; he hugged him then sternly looked the boy in the eye.


“Well young man! What have you got to say for yourself this time? Do you know how long I have been looking for you? Or how far this is from the house?”


Joe knew instantly now how deep in trouble he was. In true Little Joe fashion at times like this he looked up under his thick lashes and put on his most repentant face, hoping against hope it was enough to ward off the inevitable consequence to this adventure, after all he was Little Joe.


“Sniff... but p-p- pa? They was my puppies! I saveded them from the big hole they falled in.” He explained.


“No! You stop right there! Not good enough! Young man.” His father shook his head.


“You know very well that you can not leave the yard by your self! Do you not? And you most certainly are not ever allowed to come this far! Am I right?”


Joe had yet to offer up any defense for his actions. Shrugging his shoulders, Joe put his free hand behind him as his father sighing heavily, took his other hand and led him to a fallen log


“You know what has to happen now don't you?” He firmly asked, as they reached the log.


“Joseph I am very angry with you, and you know why?”


Joe nodded.


“I-I didn’t tell ya I was goin on my adventure?” His big hazel eyes filled and shimmered as he bit his lower lip.


Ben put on his sternest face and gave a grave nod.


“Yes, this is not the first time we had to have this “Necessary talk about wandering off is it?”


“No sir.” It was accompanied by a soft sniffle.


His father hated this, really hated to do this, but his words seemed to make little or no impression on this boy most of the time, so he was forced to back up those words with action.


“Very well then.”


He lifted Joe and put him across his knees, raising his hand he went to give the boy a good hard spank but he was unable to bring down his arm, he tried again, it was as if some unseen force was holding his wrist, he looked up and around surprised to see Josiah, who seemed to be floating just above the ground, the glow around him, warm and sweet, his majestic wings spread wide above him, not a mark on them, they fluttered silently holding him aloft. He was shaking his head no, he did not speak but Ben heard his words.


“No Ben not this time, there will be plenty of others but not this time, after all...I...lost him.” With that in an almost blinding light he turned and appeared to head up a wide staircase.


For another moment Ben sat, spellbound that was broken by the little whimpering sound. Knowingly he let a big grin spread over his face, the little faker, and instead of a good hard spanking he lifted the boy into his lap, taking his chin and making him look up.


“Ok, this time only, you little scamp, but you ever do anything like this again, and believe you me, Joseph, you will not sit down for a week! Do you understand me little boy?”


He gave his little boy a big warm loving father hug. In turn Joe wiggled to his knees in response to wrap his arms around his father’s neck tight as he could at the same time planting a very wet juicy kiss on his cheek.


“I—LOVE,” he cooed the word love in a long and heartfelt tone... You Papa!” the Papa was added for good measure, he finished with.


“An I pwamiss I will be a good boy, and not go on no advent-u-res with out you r’ Adam r’ Hoss Okay? Ever!” He solemnly vowed making sure the ‘ever!’ was most convincing, to seal the promise he hugged even tighter.

”Umm- Humm sure—”


His father agreed giving him a few parental pats on the bottom. Standing up holding tight to his errant son, he retraced his path through the underbrush. Joe nestled down into his fathers embrace a happy secure sigh escaped his lips to be carried aloft on sun beams dancing and dappling through the tall pines and other trees that surrounded the briar patch then stretched outward to the wide green meadow. Some how it seemed far less difficult on the way out then it had been on the way in.


When he finally reached the meadow where he was to meet his older sons and the two ranch hands that had come to help search, Joe was sleeping peacefully on his shoulder.


As soon as Adam and Hoss realized their father was carrying their little brother they raced up to him and jumped off.


“Pa?” Adam gasped, the fear clear in his dark eyes.


“He's, ok, boys, just asleep.”


 “Fewwww. Hoss let out a big breath, where in tarnation was he?”


“Up in that thicket at the far end of Larks meadow, you know the one behind the big bramble patch, beyond that stand of trees.”


“How on earth did he manage to get all the way out there? What ever was he thinking?” asked Adam in amazement, “Okay never mind this is Little Joe he wasn’t thinking.”


At that point the ranch hands rode up, smiling widely.


“Well boss, seems the maverick's back with the herd huh?” Jake remarked.


“Yes and I don't mind telling you I hope I never find myself in that position ever again.”


“Why, what could he have found to get into?”


“Well - it seems Joseph found himself an arm load of puppies, actually wolf puppies.”


“Sooo that's it!”  Charlie drawled interrupting.


“Been seeing them critters all day, was getting mighty nerve wracking, it was.” He shook his head.


“That's not the half of it, when I finally got him to put them down, that old she wolf came right out bold as you please, now I swear this is true! And if I find out one of you makes fun of me, I will skin them alive!”


Ben scowled threateningly.

                                                                                                                                                           “She sat there and raised one front paw to me, as sure as I'm standing here,” he paused to shift Joe in his arms then continued. ”She Smiled at me!” His expression daring any one to question what he had just said.


“Daw-gone!” Hoss almost chuckled, and then remembered but his big blue eyes misted over and shown with admiration.


Adam raised his brow, drawing in a sharp breath, and shook his head to say he had no intention of ever questioning or mentioning this to any one ever.


“I tell ya what.”  Charlie smirked taking off his hat then put it back to resettle it.


“That there boy needs to have his self a Guardian Angel.”


“Ha!” Scoffed Jake.


“What that boy needs is a whole Passel, of Guardian Angels!” and he slapped his leg with his hand.


(No not really) Ben thought (Just one, and a very good one at that! Thank You Josiah, very much, oh, and I hope your next assignment is a little less stressful! It is time we got this little rascal home.)


Turning Ben began to walk towards his waiting mount shifting Joe to his other shoulder. As he took the reins in his free hand he handed the sleeping boy to his older brother. Adam took his little brother and hugging him, softly murmured in his ear.


“You do this to us one more time you little imp and I will personally feed you to that pack of wolves.”


However there were unseen tears in the young man's eyes. Joe's nose wrinkled, he twitched as his big brother gave him a last warm squeeze before handing him back to their father. Ben cradled Joe in his arms, Hoss and Adam mounted and riding on either side of their father the family set out for home.


Before they had gone very far the three riders instinctively closed ranks until the legs of the riders all touched at the same time. Adam and Hoss leaned back ever so slightly and looked at each other behind their father’s back silently exchanging thanks. Ben glanced from side to side at his two oldest sons as a deep satisfied smile formed on his face.


Charlie and Jake had hung back just a bit and watched the three riders move off into the distance shielding their eyes to the glare of the sun, amidst a few fluffy white clouds. Quite unexplainably there appeared to be one big beam of sunlight that fell directly on the small trio as they road towards home. Neither man spoke just stared finally shrugging they too started home.


Ben Cartwright rode along deep in thought, he had always felt there really were angles to guide one during life, but now he knew they existed and would defend with his very last breath the fact that they were real. Angles hovered all around them. He could attest to that fact. For on this very day he himself and one of his son's' had indeed been Touched by an Angel.




*(No infringement intended upon the title used in this story)